108 APT#C4 Deleading Notification 2003 ABIDE, INC. PROJECT # CJ 3CIZCo COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 'Department of Labor r Industries and Department of Public Health NOTIFICATION OF DELEADING WORK All sections of this Lots nest be completed ka order to comply •Lth the notification tegultvrnts of H.O.L. <All 5 197, 4S4 ChM 22.00 sad 105 ad. 460.000 as most recently amended FILE nmaaEa• Contractorperfonuing project ABIDE, INC. (Frank Tilli) license Lead Paint Inspector /lie; 1 iii cc.r41141k Exp.date <AGEHCI USE) DC001619 1/11/03 License w 3I o Date of Inspection (q)/oO If low-risk deleading work is being performed, complete the Property owner Agent(s) Address of Project Building Name (if any) Street Address city s0 .7.11 ST • AleRTn At.tP(ON Deleading Method: Liquid Encapsulant If "Other" selected, please explain t fry Scraping Heat Gun Demolition following line: Floor Apt. No Zip Caustics R placemenc � Ocher c -4 dI%n Check One: Start date dwelling is mulct-family 1/ e19103 When will work be done: Single family Completion date —7 :00— P-M. 7'00 81 )S103 Project Supervisorc`s name Robert P. LaMountain Properly Owner �yyt,-lit Cau.sr A- S$rf4� Address Weekends? 5./e.5 License A DS3605 Cily nI10r1Y14m OrN State 11.4A__ Zip CJl()( Telephone — 585_ -Y� In case of emergency contact Frank Tillt , President phone: day 413-525-0644 evening 413- lover) - 1 2003 ) aVpto\cc�.ao Vial ZVVO JUL 10:00 rAA 410 ana vela ADIUL I.W WJVVU VVl a^ In accordance With Ml. .clv5etta General Laws c. 111 S 190 c`e 22. ono 105 CM 460.000 notice or the date and methods(%) of removal or covering of paint, plaster or other occessible materials u containing dangerous levels of lead is to be provided and must be received by thn following persons, at least ten (10) day. prior to beginnln0 of deleading. Occupants of the dwelling unit All other occupants of the residential premises, if any Director, Childhood Leading Poisoning Prevention PCOOram Fat (617) 284.'8410 Department of Public Health, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02110 Director, Asbestos k Lead Program Department of Labor a Industries Room 11006, IDD Cambridge Street Boston, MA 02202 Fax (617) 727-7562 Local Board or Health/Coda enforcement Agency( C X1'1 't���a,�� COK lyf.�" 587-1221 Massachusetts Historical Commission 220 Morrissey Blvd. Boston, !m 02125 Deleading Contractor (If premises is listed on the State Registe, of Historic Places, this notification must be made upon receipt of an Order to Correct Violations Or at least 30 days prior to initiating preventive deleedLm) F (611) 127-5129 The undersigned hereby states, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that he/she has read and understood the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Deleading Regulations, 454 CMR 22.00 and Leading Poisoning Prevention and Control Regulations, 105 CMR 460.000, and that the information contained in this notification is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Date �2S le -�1 Signed: I �4t'F/r ( f Frank Ti lii Tale: President Company: ABIDE INC. Property Puler (if owner or unlicensed owner's agent will be performing law-risk delved lnu Wilt I certify that I have complied with the training requirements of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Lead Poising Prevention and Control Regulations, 105 CMR 460.175, for owner/agent low-risk abatement and containment. I further certify that I or my agent will be performing the following low-risk activities (I have circled all that apply) : applying liquid encapsulant applying exterior vinyl siding removing doors, cabinet doors, snorters capping baseboards covering stn face l certify that all the information contained in this notification is true and eurrert u. the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: REV 10/12/95 Signed: ABIDE, INC. PROJECT # X13 1 2C, lob 0 m sc., APT C - y