134 Notification of Deleading Work 2005 14:57 FAX a, '._ t of Labor&Workforce Development Departs._ 4 ofPdblidBCSl kf Deput�oi NOWICA11ON OF DELGD1NG WORK AD steams of ha form mat W completed a minx to amply MW the ueifatioo requirements of i-C.111* main 454 COL/22.00 mod 105 Chia 44.10).ma Abide,Inc. (F.Ti11ijme a DC001619Esp_Ds 8/30/05 fosadwr Prelmf -�y�s� pd ! ' „ Dueeflrotediee II { 1'1)ctj Littnmd 1121EsmrmfelSt_ Latgra ` Wernher ( 51 fi Z-- AS ter n 1 . er 4 Amrem4n NcxtnS1 1 oc "1 rA P el M ft of()Go umber ya�-58�-G,9► ° ethaa:CwamDseraeiys� Dem.litiea axed et=eweam lost Remce. oesmeat CaaNas Other FEB 2 5 au: 11M``Urfsis :7-Bmiy_� Sivglo{eovY. __ Other _ I :;*^a� .N1D O,=ii'r�ALTh. 45¢. ! t7s t5 Cempieden Dato ..x.- - 7:00 5:0 tuna ea eve) Werho.dot nO worltbe dew AbfT_ YM Randle td.DS00377(4 Daa 0 pee.iar Warne Seery Gray - Commando.Policy Number AWC f 3 : f 11 el Ceedee ATM -- Frank Ti11i, Abide,Incfa d_ 413 525-0644 'weereeme ewes( we'sRteeseetsdeW tn*ae hereby ta,under Me palm sad Wal'iesof pejury,that bdehe Ms reed and understood the Conmeuweelh of 454 21.10,sod ten LW Poaoaa[Pro*aS �Control HWdadom,105 Oat 460101,and iimad atelotaadam, te the bat.1am rhawiSst aid butt information manned is Ind saiGeadau Is teat and to �rank Ti101i, Abide, Inc. w,N Abide, Inc. P.O. Box 886 (483 Shaker Rd. ) , East Lon eadow MA 01028 osc$smb f al 3 OVER• 15 FRI 14:57 FAX C oNente with MevaLesas Centred Laws C.1114137.454 CMII 12.9 red 195 CMR 469AN,adtce of date sad asdhod(s)of at or aariag of paid.Waster erether aaecnibk materials v 0II sh.g dogaea levels of tad bt.be provided sap oust be received following agencies,at dent Thli(IS)days prier to the bcgionlad ofdeladiag. IFICATIONS MAY BE FAXED. Page 2 of 2 Department of labor and Workforce DweMpmeay Division of Occupational Safi y 399 Washington&reel,5°Door,Beaten,MA 62198 FAX(617)727-7565 Director,C W dhocd Lead Poisoning Prevention Pagnm Depot/seat of Public Hankie,56Hand Street,Sib 1W,Boston,MA 02129 FAX'(61i df' 3 yM--rn—(010° Occupants of dweliiog unit AU ether eanpats of the residential premises,Hay Leal Bad MDahNCde F.leramat Agency (c1+,1 (E`AW rf (rip ) x(-)3)587-1211 (if premises an listed ea the Sete Register of Historic Plana,this.atiRestia m be made era receipt era Order,Correa VMLdn stud least 39 days pier* initiating pnva4ee&ladies) Massachusetts Sbtorial Commission 220 Mortis.?Blvd. Barra,MA 02202 FAX(617)727.512S PITICATIONS SHALL BE C Mlw®IN THFIRENIIBEIY,DA=AND SIGNED-INCOMPLETENOTwICATIONS WELL NOT 1CCEPfID AND WILL lit REIDRNPII BY THEDEPAFneif OFLIBOR&WORM=DEVELOPMENT. REM( DWI (If owner a udicenscd owner's spot will be perfuming bw-ita dolmans wak.®platelire following). peaty Own - AgengC71. Densmore - Abide. Inc. bees P.O. Box 886 (483 Shaker Rd. ) , E.Longmeadow, MA 01028 .peodiNnmbtr (413). 525-0644 stif7 that I bare complied with dos eddied regdternae of ex Commaxvkh of Mamrbasds Lad Poisoning Prevention sod Codrot Regulations,105 IR 460.175,for owner/agent bw.clsk abstemat and..-J —t. I Mar ratify that I cow spat will be pahu*ig tbs 6DoxmB bwovk activities Lave circled JR Art°pep& applying liquid uap.aMnt copping baseboards removing denm algae(don,BMWs applying exterior vinyl siding averlag settees eni t that attic information anted in des notification is true and camel to the best of my kmwdedge end belief. In Stool 102 Jo Denamor Abide, Inc. Authorizatio ► 04488-AL T.a i as a r7 is a as - - Abide. Inc. Envimnmanroi rani-pi..~;.,,, 1.JYRii �vti'i ill it •A.i•1TTN 11 AVrnvrDen vrm . nJ•nn 1I.__ I A 1TLr1Y'J'IUN t l•'J Njreetore Lean PROGRAM Bostanl 144 T.......in:w:_r A .n_y. _t I J Jnassacbusetts Historical Commission a aara:ui iaad.uriUUij flNL. RFC A RT1TN'r. r x e NJ ..ay..a.a.A all//a L`JI.RAJAIj� I I REVISEDNOTWIrATrnx r 1 I 1 ...a1 n NTTMRFR ()F P erre ys Laid Tina). COMMENTS: T• IL> a's_ s R• IcY/1�— ,VY 617-727_7462 Y1S ^tia5 /"t4lrl 617-727A77S• ii you experience problems is receiyin2 this transmiaeimnne4saaa eon a 1»cgc.nGge. wivcuH rr iALG Y NOTICE: 31etocemrge ayin e this 4 may mesas sal ene Imes>emmaiw - s um uit gad ofd allian ,.mt E __e L trugulg re&Pe� &m6gcp copyist cea bc r eeeoriyaep,pyorthh bpr aithis mnagssieoe mu ,piL01Enotify°M Nkgbooe(413-52506e4)umeAaey- flaSca P.O. Box 886 East Longmeadow.MA 01028 Phone 413-525-00644 • Fax 413-525-0678 • vnvw.abidNnccom In Gamlen,TEfMS AEG CoNWTbNS require payment ter rentpee upon preeendaoea invoice Invoices I CE nvoicee gaps ebb OATS ere due end entjs to computed eet a monthly mte m 1/2%!ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 18Y)or u maximum percentage elbeeuMy the hr. Client Is mr legal mpe aoa if necssry to collect Won de amounts.