24 Complaint 2016 a NIP 443/4 c'.1, .( fa& - ndocte d spee 'I�ti� /7/6//!P - re(eivec ■ 1eS5ce fC'am lo_AA (o2( S64,-- I�' S M��e ato n"l i 1\st-cited e C 1'12 & i ui\s\a\�c if° A W.-M_ OCYQ _± Pf/t6 - Spoke s lm,.c(LFJ abo Cott`ctenocders cP/26 -!o /� - Conde (� e—?wsPeG 'ns (c/( 7/2c)( tit (c Cer40qc, Ire, e eT-2017-000014 Entered By )Trackm€ `" . .�........._. NAIL SALONS FOOD_ FOOD ILLNESS HOUSING C PESTS POOLS_ SEPTIC iE _ ODOR OTHER ATER/SEWER_... HOARDING .__._.._.___.._..____ .. 0 63 Date Entered: IY / TPL.4INTA.NT'SU FORMATION: inapt's Name: nt's Name: aint Location RE OF ?LR.LNT: • _.r Ala • J iAa tf 3 ��x L..h4��, i R'S INFORiiA&ro er's Name: erty Mgr./ l Lord: _ section :doled on: aplaint 'ounded: iditions md: CI Au Animals: Y Ufl ddress: Call Taker IniteaFS: Date of Complaint: ice--ice Telephone k (413 51a- o t Telephone#( ) S Child Under 6: Y s Ala a \ srw\<<t.s a co '-` Address: Telephone#( )_ Alternate n ( ) • _TION T_."iKEr / Date/Time of Inspect on .anature�c Officer CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT Public Health Director—Merridith O'Leary Municipal Building—212 Main Street--Northampton, MA 01060 Phone (413)587-1215_Fax (413)587-1221 http://www.northamptonma.gov/245/Health CORRECTION ORDER Issued under the Provisions of The State Sanitary Code,Chapter II,Minimum mm Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation 105 u 410.00 2016 nkowski is Avenue npton MA 01060 r. Hankowski, wrized inspection was made by a designee of the Northampton Health Department of your property I at 24 Crafts Ave,Unit 2 Northampton, MA on September 15,2016. e hereby ORDERED to correct these violations within the noted time limit. Failure to comply within the d time period may result in a criminal complaint against you we a right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. This request must be made by you,in writing, ed within 7 days after the violation has been corrected. If you request a hearing,all affected parties will )rmed of the date,time and place of the hearing,and of their right to inspect and copy all records rning the matter to be heard. The petitioner has the right to be represented at the hearing. .ely, top her Bishop,RREH-S h Inspector if Northampton Health Department irgan Doyle 105 CMR 410 State Sanitary Code Regulation# 410.842: Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms 410.500: Owner's Responsibility To Maintain Structural Elements 410. 0 : Owner's Responsibility To Maintain Structural Elements Description There is no smoke detector in the unit. X I Compliance Conditions may endanger or impair health safety or wen being Date Days from inspection date Walls and/or ceiling paint is chipping in living room,bedroom,and bathroom. There are two holes in the floor along the wall in the living room. 24 Hours 30 Days 30 Days Re- Inspection Violation Corrected Yes/No Yes- 9/16/2016 410.10 Kitchen Facilities 410.351: Owner's Installation and Maintenance Responsibilities The refrigerator has a temporary temperature control unit with exposed wiring.* *Spoke with electrical inspector, Roger Malo. Two electrical outlets in the kitchen appear to be unprotected by a ground fault circuit interrupter. 30 Days 30 Days 410.3 1: Owner's Installation and Maintenance Responsibilities There are exposed wires on the wall in the hallway.* *Spoke with electrical inspector,Roger Malo. 30 Days r ess 410.50 Owner's Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements The floor of the outdoor roof egress hallway is disintegrating. 30 Days Northampton Health Department 212 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 (413)597-1214 Inspection Form State Sanitary Code 105 CMR 410.000: Chapter ii,Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation Children<fi Years M1c.7 #Occupants 2 Time « came n,( 7 U erefs /+ve 'Z me1 tat are .)`r CAfr'tS A re Title dress 2- Phone 13 Sf2- Rol City/Town ,vo C t(+a m� Phone# City/Town p t LO Type of Violation Possible Code sections) lit violation Observed pt# Z- ip Code 1 Description er mechanism(4 or more units) ing,10,Exit signs/emergency lights drails,steps,doors,windows,roof-maintenance ,ther tight elements bi orage and collection 481 483,484 500,503 d maintenance trash,debris,vegetation an enance of area ors,lights,windo ress—means,ohs eather tight,maintenance 501,500 ed,safe 450,451,452 mdrails—provided,maintenance oor,walls,ceiling-maintenance ailings,staff 503,500 503,500 Boon,windows—weather tight,maintenance 501,500 .ocation(circle): Front Rear Middle refrigerator,sink,stove,oven-good repair, Ind smooth oor,walls,ceiling-maintenance Outlets,ligh Floor Level of Unit pervious 100 Windows,screens provided Non-absorbent floo eather tight,lock,maintenance, 501,480,500, 551 504 Floor,walls,ceilings Outlets,lights Windows,screens-lock,weather provided maintenance, 501,480,500, Type of Violation Possible Code 5ectionlsl /If Violation Observed gh ceiling screens—weather tight,locks,maintenance, ails,ceiling ligh 501,480, 500, 551 500 screens—weather tight,locks,maintenance, valls,ceiling light tl 10 e 11-weather tight,locks,maintenance, .tub—Impervious,maintenance outlets lion—natural,mechanical alls,ceiling—maintenance 501,480, 500, 551 150,500 enance,weathertight ng Type(circle» Public Private ble,quantity,pressure sensible for paying MGL oh 186 s 22,metering 500,501 I Type(circle): Natural Gas Oil Electric Other� np.: f Location taken: 0°f min pe(circle): Forced Hot Water Forced Hot Air mm Electric portable un 130 max f 200,201 abitable room and every roo b" • oh toilet,showe Min 68°f 7:00am-10:59pm Min 64°f 11:00-6:59am 78 F max in heating season/measure 5 feet wall,5 feet floor Cooper TM99A-UL Digital Thermometer used to take temperature readings Type(circle): 110 220 4mperage,tempera Required&operational Note:CO detector not needed for all electric! Free of pests/harborage Bedbugs/cockroaches/rodents-evidence Amp: ng,metering 250,255,258 354 Pa Smoke N Or\of- me e A f•- a ess y I Northampton Health Department 212 Main Northampton,MA 01060 (413)5974214 Inspection Form Code 105 CMR 410.000: Chapter II, Time q i o_ State Sanitary Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation EW do ., 2 ImK.t,_1K` �tts Abre Title ko • of Ywlati striker mechanism(4 or more units) Exit signs/emergency lights ,steps,doors,windows,roof-maintenance g,ID, ails her tight elements oh-storage and collection maintenance-trash,debris,vegetation tenance of area maintenance rs lights,windows-weather tight, ess-means,obstructed,safe ndrails-provided,maintenance hts )or, II ceiling-maintenance eilings,stal oar ndows-weather tight maintenance Phone City/Town ij0 r +-Loin Phone# City/Town .It Ls-CA 13-s12-gol 1- n r • pt ®_ 00 1_-= 503,SOD SWIM Level of Unit Refrigerator,sink, Fron Rear gr Middle ®-■- andsmooth sink,stove,oven-gootl repair,Impervious Vic&smooth 5D0 _-= Outlets,s lights ceiling maintenance outlets,lights 501,®_-_- s-weather tight,lock,maintenance, 551 Windows,r screen provided _- Non-absorbent floe 01 480,500, _-- 551 r k reSS 10 r"irk ore u res e� o G� 0of- j\ear senK? 4s Pm.r9 CiacCs1 C, v Sc :PP 5 o r eS h Type of Vlulanon ceiling :reens—weather tight,locks,maintenance s,ceiling hts screen ,ceiling gh ether tight lock aintenance IabnTvedn NOM liggal 250 111111111S . 501.4&1, S . _-- 551 _- 500 - 00,501,480, 5�_- 551 00 50 551,480. 500, _-- 551 250 500 _=- r 250 t 280 _:= ®_ SS ®_ ,screens—weather tight,locks,maintenance, wer,tub—impervious,maintenance et ion—natural,mechanical alls,ceiling—maintenance nance,weathertight g ype(circle): Public Private le,quan pressure onsible for paying MGL ch 186 s 22,metering Type(circle): Natural Gas Oil Electric Other --_ 200,201 MSS S ii peyxintion Q ce 500,501 p.: Location taken d°f min-130 max°f le(circle): Forced Hot Water am Electric portable units abitable room and every room wi b" Forced Hot Air oilet shower Min 68°i 7100am-10:59pm Min 64°f 11:006:59am • 78 F max in heating season/measure 5 feet wall, feet floor Cooper TM99A"UL Digital Thermometer used to tape temperature readings -- type(circle!: pons 220 Amp: Amperage operationwiring,metering Note:c&operational Note:CO detector not needed for all electric! ralla Free of pests/harborege SOS ekt-lpQ■1 oA u.432As 1' 7 above o.» r Th Smoke nJnd a CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT Public Health Director Merridith O'Leary 01060 Municipal Phone(413)5871215 Sweet Fax(413)587-1221 hitp://www.northamptonmagov/245/Health CORRECTION ORDER Issued under the Provisions of The State Sanitary Code,Chapter II,Minimum Cum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation L6 rwski venue ton MA 01060 Jankowski, rized inspection was made by a designee of on the Northampton HHealth Department of your property t 24 Crafts Ave,Unit 2 Northampton, 1 within the iereby ORDERED to correct a these violations cortplsnt against yno e a right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. This request must be mated time limit. Failure to comply y time period may you,in writing, all affected parties will de y Y place of the hearing,and of their right to inspect and copy all records A within 7 days after the violation has been corrected. If you request a hearing, med of the date,time,and p ring the matter to be heard. The petitioner has the right to be represented at the hearing. -?k6);2) - her Bishop,REHS Inspector i Northampton Health Department rgan Doyle (tlp e¢! 02,et � alSoGqd oaa131ta‘c(C)9 OS CMR 410 tate Sanitary Code Regulation p 410.842: Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms 410.500: Owner's Responsibility To Maintain Structural Elements Description X Compliance Re- Inspection Conditions may endanger or impair health, safety or well- being Date nays from inspection date Violation Corrected Yes/No Yes- 9/16/2016 /26/201 There is no smoke detector in the unit. Walls and/or ceiling paint is chipping in living room,bedroom,and bathroom. Owner's Responsibility To Maintain Structural Elements There are two holes in the floor along the wall in the living room. The refrigerator has a temporary temperature control unit with exposed wiring.* *Spoke with electrical inspector,Roger Malo. Owner's Installation and Maintenance Responsibilities rr ess ry 41p 51 Owner's Installation and Maintenance Responsibilities Two electrical outlets in the kitchen appear to be unprotected by a ground fault circuit interrupter. As There are exposed wires on the wall in the hallway.* *Spoke with electrical inspector,Roger Malo. 410,5_01. Owner's Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements The floor of the outdoor roof egress hallway is disintegrating. !016 nwkowski :s Avenue npton, MA 01060 CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT Public Health Director—Merridith O'Leary Municipal Building- 212 Main Street—Northampton, MA 01060 Phone (413)587-1215—Fax (413)587-1221 http://www.northamptonmagov/245,14ealth )m It May Concern: consider this a letter of compliance for a violation sent to MA oyou da d September Health ment for property located at 24 Crafts Avenue, Unit 2, Northampton, L6. e the owner/manager of record and are therefore responsible for maintaining the property in accordance tte wined and does not represent any nn office ensure local law. This t y public health and safety threat. You aremandated to do the cleaned, same. :you for your cooperation. rely, topher Bishop,REHS :h Inspector of Northampton Health Department Horgan Doyle U /q16 `f°, gales eJ AL D: _ 76'(ecfobo&)ol (462407, A- 0,- '73l6.dacO O( (4023949 Note: This is an important legal document that might affect your rights. Este es un documento legal importante que podria afectar sus derechos..