50 Asbestos Notification Form 2002 fatldtyDessdption 1. Current or prior use of facility: 2 Is the facility'owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? AI Yes 0 No 3 Facility Owner: same ICh ?.uc hats ki ALUMS so Si d 0 hoc r rex,c_q_ ma 0.1 .o 6.0 c/a/Tom 4 Facility's Owners On-Site Manager N/n Nene Cia/Toae 5. General Cbntiador: Shearer & Snide Inc dba/Ace Asbestos Name laude rdMaSee . . a3- 93s- 093g Zip ate Northfield MA . Croenoan Granite State Ins . Co. comxtors worms coop.Nsux pony, Melon 01350 rehMrve 716 Pine Meadow Rd. Zip coca WO8540594 6. What is the size of the facility/SOX-56(sg h) a (t of floors) Asbestos Transportation and Disposal 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing Shearer & Snide Inc. Name.... .._........ Northfield covroym 413 498-0201 reopia e 09/01/01 E p.Date waste material from site to temporary storage site(if necessary)to final disposal site: dba/Ace Asbestos 716 Pine Meadow Rd . Adares5 __......_.._...._. MA 01360 413 498-0201 lm arrt INpoop 2. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from removal/temporary storage site to final disposal site: Logano Trucking-Waste Mgmt 209 Pickering Street Nome amre» Portland CT 06480 Note: Transfer cgnnm 860-342-0667 lip We rw.mN. 01C110116 tons ol this be completed I comply with rtment ot venial on notification en ts ol 310 OMR WJrking day; Mahon is I of any abatement and the ment ot(Abu patties yon imuirements 1MII 6 12 (Mn Jar noldication Is of ANY en!prole greater wee‚wear or led) )n1 Original Form oorno.alth at ;salmons stag Program 1.1200V on,MA02112. CommonwealthoilWassachusetts Asbestos Notification Form — ANF-001 Asbestos Abatement Description -Rich&ski les tn S+ra,(a) int I. Facility location: ri re ) k, A-4 A 010 g Cily/Foo lip rade !A b his Ion may be for ncrMing the Environmental action Agency Region asbestos demolition/ ovation operations iirm to NESHAPS(40 Warne Wen iD CA-5-e-rne,nt 11 WW1 5 Ihe ov431M ovum?Iwildiag mat i.wing.!bor.scam I , . MAR 44002, .. 2. Is the tacility occupied? AlYes 0 No 3. Asbestos Conttactor: Shearer S. Snide Inc dba/Ace ,Asbestos 716 Pine Meadow Rd . Name ea ill9VAL 6 IPS titt41746A) &4,m' Northfield MA. 01360 Telepnone 413 498-020 City/Iv" Isp wit - AC000006 OLI License I CM(X)To e(ivritteafterbar) 4. On-She Project Supervisor/Foreman: Ed Shearer/Tom Shearer OtiCeraricalime/ AS70245, AS70066 7591.11 0 9 3 F 11 '1 Name 5, Project Monitor; lelq1M0A)1) 3gESA)41-141‘.) Name 6. Asbestos Analytical Lab: (A) . ..NWrilt .5AmFG006 & 0 132_ Nan. -TE S-1)r‘DG Warticalion I 7. Project start datelji_t/44nddatel/i2/122specif ic work hours(Mon.-Fri.) 341_.L3c1(Sat.Sun.) 0 update out(expo) heat system 144 31661 Old Cellthcaoll/ What type of project is this? (circle one). aemomon AM/ .i.awanwsi campy with the Solid Waste Division regula- tions 310 CMR 18.00 Nola:Contractor must sign this form for 0(I notification purposes 3. Refuse transfer station and owner if applicable: N/A Mme Address wow/ 4 Final Disposal Site: valley Landfill Waste Management/ Logano Trucking Lot*m One amens Name Pleasant Valley Rd . D PA 15642 724 744-7446 Certification: The undersigned hereby states,under the penalties of penury,!hal hNShe has read the Commonwealth'of Massachusetts Regulations for the Removal,Containment or.Encapsulation of Asbestos 453 CMR 6.00 and 310CMR 7.15.and that the information contained in this notification is true and correct to the best of hismer knowledge ayd_yelief. al.ulard Shearer ' .a /a7/oa Pm,!Name AuffNed&wMU2 Shearer S Snide Inc. dba/ -Prtsidfune Ace Asbestos Removal 413 498-020] Rottem 716 Pine Meadow Rd. Add/13% lap"SenlMM- TNepae Northfield , MA. 01360 CiryAUrm &mm Fee exempt(City,Town,district,municipal housing authority, owner-occupied residential of four units or less)? {yes ❑ no Sticker#(from front of form): 75 9 4/ 7 Rev.6192. 9. Describe the asbestos abatement procedures to be used (circle): glove eaa encwrwe ( ull[un19nlmnl ) ukwau set—up variable 3rr pressure, ezysulylm disposal oily wner(wpam) poly work area ,HEPA vac ,HEPA filter respirator ,wet asbestos 10. Is the job being conducted $l indoors O outdoors? •� 11. Total amount of each type of Asbestos Containing Materials to oreaandldolntpiippes or ducts(linear It)iQ_or other ♦70 to be removed, surfaces(square ft.) linear/square feet _ IMrma(solid core pipe insulation. .. . boiler.rugated oor la edpapv pwlace ulano9f_./D / insWatinp anwnL__...._, �- corannfirr6ofing .pw p'ce —J— eowelhpaYerCoerirge...... .... .. spray-on fireproofing -- varsile bond,wall board__. cloths,woven tabrla —— .... . one/(please desnbe) 12. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used: 3 chamber de con unit w/n'a rm water shower ,tyve'< .suits , HEPA vac for clean—up. _...._ 13. Describe the containerization/disposal methods to comply with 3W CMR 7.15 and 453 CMR 5.14(2)(g) Re wet._asbestos & pack in labeled double sealed poly bags before removal from site . 14. For Emergency Asbestos Abatement Operations,the DEP and DLI officials who evaluated the emergency'. nee Win deer OAitial --. .._.._.._.._ ..._.._.._....._.._. .._.._.._.._...._...._. .._.__........._. no. new ysuaawl ..._....... Oil OI4iiIIWYwaal 15. Do prevailing wage rates apply as per M .L.c. 149.§26,27.or 27A-F tothis project? O Yes S,No