76 Asbestos Notification Forms 2002 Current or prior use of ham' Residential 2. Is the facility owner-occupled residential with 4 units or less? 0 Yes KJ No 3. Facility Owner. Massachusetts Highway Department •North King street- Nam Mass Northampton MA 01060 (800) 826 6202 Cliylam Zpm& • !Wow • 4. Facility's Owners On-Site Manager. 74lin Joey • M r • IS 4111 Same ac ahpvn 6. Fenn tgttmctor. servo KMli i, Corp. Nola:nensle! Stall=most Tpm& Telephone Neme .Address - - Stow MA - 0177s ..,(978) 897-43: ellyllam - ZIP Cade TelepAiix American •Znrirh AwMwtOh WUrken Camp.lnsumr - Patyi etyaite 6. What Is the the of the facility?1,800 (sq ft) 2 (e of floors) WC-3780489-02_ 11/0A/02 ® Asbestos Tianspndafion and Olspesal 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from site to temporary storage site(if necessary)to final disposal sift AccuTech Insulation & Contracting, Inc.- Depot Street, Delta Park Man Address Chicopee, MA 01013 - (413) 592-5326 cIN/Taea ' Eno* leeplan 2. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from removaV temporary storage site to Sinai disposal site: Logan Trucking Company, Inc. 25.Silver Street Nave AMrar Portland, CT . - - 06480 (866) 342-0667 Wean l+cS - - (*home 3. nafii n tranefar ctannn and mmmnr(if annlienhlol• d nm Apia; Ion/ s '(40 6. .Whal lypeiotproject is this? (circleone): rest imwiekm °perkalq Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form— ANF-001 Asbestos Abatement Description 1. Facility WON: Abandon House • Dine Northampton, MA 76 Chanel Street Adim 01060 Zip code RaspmPnr and 1 st £1 oar KHatkO,e natal e kaftan?bwkrg ram/,*Nu Aw,roan 2. Is the lacilit •occupied7 0 Yes t4 No 3. Asbestos Contractor: AccuTech Insulation & Contracting athm MA - 01013 Aetna Written Chicopee. OTyYloan A0000005 automat None g " a CG Li DtrrrMN� ISM N Inc. Depot Street, Delta Park (413)592-5326 Telephone ' 4. On-Site Project Suporvisor/Foreman: Anthony Roy Nara 5. Project Monitor. To be determined'. Coda(rra(nanwl adl AS71233 W Creation/ lira 6. Asbestos Analytical Lab: To be determined -- Name alcakaa"" 7:30AM 7. Projactstartdate5-A03/92enddate°5(0E02 specificworkhours(Mon:Frl.) 4:;00P14 (SaLSun.) • alaakalenf muswit n ,, n Solid Waste Division regula- tions 310CMR 7Q00 N/A • nma Cgirow, 4. Final Disposal Site: Tatplicas Southern Alle hanie Land LaYlmr,�ry lrSA W t S f . Owss,ypa T 843 na Davidsville, PA Remo • Nolen Contracta must sip this. form for a[/ notification Purposes • Ce#/1/caNao The undersigned hereby states,under the penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts R for the Removal,Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15,and that the Information cc Ibis notlflgtlon Is true and correct to the hest of his/her knowledge and bellet. 15928 Ib ma .(814) 479-2537 r A alia St 'Ge r e DaMNxrc Administrative Assistant AdevTech Insulation d ire Depot Street, Delta Park Adtius One" = code Contractine Inc rev Chico ee 4/19/02 (419) 592-53' wave 01013 Fee exempt(City,Town,district,municipal housing authority,owner-occupied residential of four units or less)=Ryes Slicker 1(from front of form): 7S py�_ 9. Describe the asbestos abatement procedures used (circle): mgPsulglon dvaloeh Lin6um and window caulking 10. Is the job tieing conducted 0 Indoors ❑outdoors 7 3 or other 11. To union of each type of Asbestos C,obenremoveria(s(ACM)to be handled onpiipes or ducts(linear lt.) surfaces(square ft.) ^ !!near/squaro feet . Mermal,solid arepiieinsulalim......_1- Pal a;brexhioA duct lankawkcecoaebtu... red sal,q ..............ppes on... sammareealal Pa...... insulation.....J fineeVspcaPSroahe9s.............. .-1 spay-on hr 'ng....................._-J budge board,wallboard........... —.J 10 r......wewnlabrrcs"..linoleum,.,--1—±22-D window caulking.. .. • afher(Please dzsres........... the walls and floor with an attached ethod3, stage 12. Describe the layers of system(s)pl used: the with tloa at Two ntyers tf 6 mil poly decontamination unit. remove insulation usin_•13. Describe the containerization/disposal methods .to.caomPly with 310 CMD 7.15 and and 453 MB 6.14(2)(0): ed in 6 mil and delivered in P v. . .e d.u. - bared . . . h• 1 tnji4 + m� m 14. For Emergency Asbestos Abatement Operations,the DEP and Oil officials who evaluated the emergency: Nam La reobluthafnlion Ma*ofeuafwfaf farcdromolm+e+ 15. Do prevailing wage rates apply as per M.G.L c.149,526,27,or 27A-F to this project? ?Yes No Waiver/ nr Mins I i. 'Current oradoruseoL._..,Iy ' ' Residential ' 2. • Is the faculty owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? ❑Yes D No < 3- Facility Owner - Massachu setts Ai hwa De art n abw. dNneth Ri A61eu CpmNoithampton_ Ma rf l fl50 4. Facilitys Owners On-Site Manager. Joe Ga�naas 'Srhactoc •::,lFap..• ET&L Corp Naar Stow MA MMus Ibmts _doles s 7 r a.r x p--^-- —29 m17s. . {978) 897-435` Teaphbne _Am i 7i h WC-3780489-02 Cmd2uMh Worleis Comp.Insurer _ 11l0&T02 syt 6. What Is the size of the facility?' o lours e ' . --� p�1,800 (sq ft) 2 (t&doors) Asbestos-Tanspadation and Disppsai 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from site to temporary AccuTech Insulation & Cent ractinc Inc.- ➢e.ot Street Delta Park Saw Chicopee MA CW?on 2. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from removal/temporary storage site tolinal disposal site: ` Logano'Trucking Cnmpa v 7 25. Silver Street Aaben Portland. CT 0§4 (n ) A4 67 Trans for gan 80 yfe 7allensmost - 'ale: rvmea rears; nnii c 1 S t o d • df licablel: - 01013 ate (4131 9 2—s3s 6 rya frk Gommoawealtu ofMassacltusetts AsbeStUSNOtlfICafhil Form— ANF-DDF �1 Asbestos Abatement Description 1. Facility location: im C- Region Illioni r = • !AIM ... . • nrne Northampton, MA ucrre»n REVISED 5/02/02 #7 Wet bNenmrk*lelamrMN bur Megla f, lle ;mon 2. Is Um facility occupied? ❑Yes Ed No 3. Asbestos Contractor: . . AecuTech Insulation & Contrac Name h co eel awrow AC000005 NULkaue/ 4. On-Slte Protect SUpeNisorfforeman: 5. Protect Monitor. To be determined 6 Cha Address 01060 4 ran rd � I V t ) NOHtfAMPIONNOMO OF HEA!"- nc. Deiot Street, Delta,Park 01013 ado Written Colacf Type AS7 233 IXICertikalian/ MI Cato& (413) 26 rdrenare We 6. Asbestos Analytical Lab: Tomned _ — OIICion! 7;30AM 5/07/02 7:30PM (Sat Sun.) we 5/06/02 specUlcworkhours(Mon-fd.) 021 enddale:�" =2- 7. ProJeclsiattdate��3� - -_,i.m9 Iclrcls ono): ,—*nt ^ '` gMfwLir ark (WOO ompry min me w///Waste 1Hlslon reptile- Ions 310CMR r&00 Nolo:• Contactor ad sign ibis. Man forDf/ no00catlon purposes • N/A Adtau my/taa mmM Tdm!lane 4. Rural Disposal Site: Southern Alleghenies Landfill - - NSA Weave Service- Tur. /oral aflame d mmiAm 843 !filler Picki r- Road Adage Davideville, PA , 15928 - ; x(814) 479-2537 /hms rdepdar D Cerflflcaflcn The undersignedhereby states,tinderthe penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts He for the Remould,Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15,and that the information car gds na0flcation Is true and correct to the best olhismer knowledge and ballet. Amalie St. .Ceorge NbOMA. Administrative Assistant asahvrib ammmfsanra AccuTech Insulation Contracting Inc ,magma ' Depot Street, Delta Park- Chicopee, `MA Adhcs 470ffonr Fee exempt(City,Town,dlstdct,municipal housing authority,owner-occupied residential of Mw-units or less)TRXyes 4/19/02 (413) 592-532 rtrmaa 01013 /brae Slicker I(from front of forme .Zr k9 g. Describe the asbestos abatement procedures to be used (circle): glow bay enclosure la p, al only ' Lindleum and window caulking enapsWaliort 10. Is the lob being conducted El Indoors 12(ouldoors't 11. Total amount of each type of ASbesloS C,onbenrgMatadalIS MGM)to on ppipes or ducts(linear lt.) 3 or other Surfaces(square ff.) 2'° linear/square feet - MeiIS solid core pipe Insulation ____L___, wool fled paper pUiekBuINfVE-... Insulainq .................. "_J__ cormeeledala)ero9...... i......al...._l coatings.............. ____./ fioaefkPrale+ sprayowovenmbrics ................... keno lehued,,well Gurd........... —_1 ate woven fabrics Lino}.,eum,,, �UU window caulking. ...... 10 • aner(PleasadesarLeJ.......... . —/ 12. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used: Two layers of 6 mil poly on the walls and flour with an attached 3, stage decontamination unit. remove .insulation usin: the 1oveba: ethod. 13. Describe the contalnedzaliuoldispasal methods to.camply wllh 310 CMR 7.16 and 453 dM 6.1lvea)ed in a dou 1 bated •t wra• .ed in 6 mil 14. For MuerUency Asbestos Abatement Operations,the DEP and 01.1 officials who evaluated the emergency: ewes n M.. Nolo:Transfer Stations must 'Current:or prior use of,^Nr. Residential 2 • Is the facility owner-occupled residential with 4 units or less? ❑Yes ID No . 9. facility Owner. • Massachusetts Highway Department North Wing_Stract Atmo Adam Northampton MA 01060 CtyJTc. Zb m[8 n 4. Facility's Owner's On-Site Manager. John Joey 5. General Contractor ET&L Corp. Manor Stow, MA Wien (800) 826 6202 SamP ae ahn.m- Ameri ran •Znrirh CvnmNaia WWWIY, Cnnrp.fnsnmr 6. what", • o'dthelacillty?1,800 (sq 11)?(e of floors) 01775 ' rode A {978) 897-43 WC-3780489-02 11/04/02 Pears Wee • flbestos Transpnrtkon and Disposal 1. TionWiter of aspestos-contalnIng waste material from site to temporary storage site(N nesessary)to final disposal el AccuTech Insulation & Contracting, Inc.- Depot Street, Delta Park Amax Adds, Chicopee, MA - 01013 (413) 592-5326 CW/ram ' Loco* raws,' • • 2. Transporter of asbestos-containing Waste material from removal/temporary storage site toAlnal disposal site: ` Logano Trucking Company, Inc. 25.Silver Street Aaos Portland, CT 06480 (R6n) 342-0667 IpmrM TdgMne Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos s fot!icallon Form— ANF001 Asbestos Abatemont Description 1. Facilitylucbhun: REVISED 5/02/02 #7 REVISED 5/07/02 117 Abandon House 76 Chanel Street' Pone Northampton, MA Agars 01060 None an? • 4inant Telephone RacemQ t and 1 fi INmtkMeecrks,e NNW Nanny ew,M/.nah AOU;rtan 2. Is the today-occupied? 0 Yes N7 No 3. Asbestos Conbactur: ' ,r AccuTech Insulation & Contracting, Inc. Depot Street, Delta.Park . . r Chicopee, MA Wow AC000005 IX/[Fmmf Mtn 01013 r®ma (413) 592-5326 Written 4. On-Site Project Supervisor/Foreman: Anthony Rny Mans 5. Project Monitor. To he determined Cim& Dpe ihZkviaM'/ AS71 CLIC ¢l/mf 3 fi 0di fl CC YRD rF HEAL Wm 6. Asbestos Analytical Lab:. • IXlamaotlm/ To be determined 0 oucea',�ltnnr 7:30AM Nina 5/06/02 HOLD 7. Pto(actstartdate4 19aenddalea-. +..:A::+=speci6cworkhours(Moa-FtIJ 4::00PM (Sat Sun.) e a wr.nt hromnr nrnl rr k thin? (circle one): ) nW _ tande l aNni PNIN "wninflamlIM SolM Waste DIvlslon rep la- tlons370CMR 18.00 • Noir•Conhactar most sip this. loan TOM/ noM0ca0an purposes N/A Name Address awro m ryme idaim t 4. Rnal Disposal Site: Southern Alleghenies Landfill USA Wantr Seroire Tnr [ealooMme araxaa9m 843 Miller Pir king Road A Davidsville, PA , 15928 .(814) 479-2537 +6 am Telpbx D Cth!I/cMNOU The undersigned hereby states,under the penalties of perjury,that he/she hes read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts R for the Removal,Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15,!and that the Information cc this nohfleatIon Is true and correct to the best of.his/her knowledge and belief. - • Analia St. George &Whim AJirvimf AccuTach Insulation. & Administrative Assistant Contracting, Inc (413) 592-53: naewyaa epereK4g raw„ 4/19/02 Depot' Street, Delta Park. Chicopee, 'NA khan Fee exempt(City,Town,dlstdct,municipal housing authority,owner-occupied residential of four units or less)78Xyw Sticker 1(from front of form): .7,5—? «43 01013 avrwe 9. Describe the asbestos abatement procedures to (circle): grow kw Wow, Ad I C miee . ew enaysuleton asPosal WY ° a Linoleum and window caulking 10. Is the job Ibeiug conducted ID Indoors Vroutdoers 7 - 11. Total amount of each type of Asbestos Containing oba Materials(ACM)t or handled dled on pipes pr ducts(bear IQ 3 or other surfaces(square ilj 2'° //near/square feet anima(sold c reppel�tion _J can canoe /8,dux,perpo cvwaion.... 3 lcerrlah'ng�at..............:. � camigandorlalzredpapalPWe insulation. lmn Oprayercoa!mgs _� "1x -4r rmn:�ieemrd,inward dalhs'wove"7aMks Linoleum —JU window caulking 10 Wha'(pleasedescnbe) 12. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used: Two layers of 6 mil poly on the walls and floor with an attached 3 stage decontamination unit. remove .insulat ion usin: the :loveba: ethod. 13. Describe the containedzatlon/disposal methods to comply with 310 CMR 7.15 and 453 CMR 6.14(2)(0): ACM t4 be double boned or wrapped in 6 mil poly and delivered in a _seal.ed_dompilny v hi i t "T p nit P. ' . . 14. For Emergency Asbestos Abatement Operations;the DEP and DU officials who evaluated the emergency: Atm [ a i»ofAuthorAgicn N/A I6me alSU6 kip IIbw/ an r 4..0.r....ein.n TT Van n M.. Nate:Transfer SWIMS most cbmp4'WIM the .i. bummtorprtor use of,,�. Residential 2. ' Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 wills or less? ❑Yes Lcl No 9• Facility Owner Maasachu"setts Aiehwa9 Depart sous .Un rh ei e Adieu Wottham tep C.DvTnae ._D1&am r npn O) 82 620 z 4. Facility's Owner's On-Site Manager. I. John Joe c LIP: Corrector Stow MA ,—(1172.5j_____-____ canon (978p 897-43 . 4'7w* Tebphbn C;;aGAmn i r d WC-3780489-02 i ---.�_ termfrtocomp.MUmr mar/ __ 6. What Is the size of the facility?!>800 Eaaia N (sq if) 2 (f afllaors) Asbesla Transpeallan s and Disposal 1. Transporter of asbestos-contelnIng waste material from site to temporary storage site'(If necessary)to"final disposal site AccuTech Insulation & Contracting, Inc.- Depot Street,Delta Park !&ea 4t Chicopee MA 01013 Carrara Ietma T 13) 75 2 2. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste Material from removal/temporary storage site to!8na1 disposal site: Lugano'',Trucking Company, Inc. Nara 25.Silver Street kites: . PortlAnd., CT 06480 (Ann) 342-0667 rdm Nark 3. Refuse transfer station and owner of applicable): Cominenweatio of Massachusetts AsbestonYclfffcatfon Farm— ANF4101 AsbestosApafemenl Deser/pnen 1. Facilitylochtion: ._..X,_. r ,. Aare Northampton, MA REVISED 5/02/02 117 REVISED. 5/07/02 li7 /. 4ttrafbmexuxnren�M. 2. Is the tasty uccupled? 0 Yes F1 No 3. Asbestos Contractor: Arcot di. Insulation & Contract Minx sow QUYIwn AC000005 g avtkaw/ 4. On-Sete Protect supetvisorfforeman: Moe 6. Project Monitor. To be determined• . aeon ton/ is REVISED 5/10/02 117 76 Chanel_.treet Adder 01060 gym& n nc. De 010 113--- quote Written tten tamar1 rn NOIITSSS **W OF HEMS of Street, Delta Park (413)592-5326 Nein tint 0. Asbestos Analytical Lab: To a determined Name { trttl'Q N HOLD � � j•3GAM 1 /02 $2 5/14/02 • 7, Projeclstartdate enddae Imelecworkhourstmoa HL) 4;OOPM (SaLSun) Haan Waste meek- Nona 310CMR 1800 Molt Conlractgr Allis!s/gn mfr. Iona for D[! notifies/lee peryasas • • N/A Caprnm • .. lhuffi 7Jyd'a@ 4. Real Clap. lsposal Site: Soathern Alleghenies Land£111 NSA Wonte Spavi re_ Tnr • ItNeas eta OwmNya, 843 Hiller Picking Road Atka Davideville, PA _ 15928 : x(814) 479-2537 h1• • thmos rok2ma • D Certification The undersigned hereby states,under the parmltles of perfuty,that he/she has mad the Commonwealth of Massachusetts He for the RamovM,Centalnment or Encapsulation of Ashestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15,1nd that the Information con • INe notification h ime and correct to the best of.hlsrher knowledge and belief. Analia St, 'Ceorge Administrative Assistant aaanyna Depot Street, Delta Park. Mks KZ, . A. Y/ A nizalSigaem AienTech Insulation. & Contracting Inc eawfeer/ 4/19/02 (419) 592-532 wade Chicopee, 'MA 01013 RAM lipcoas Foe exempt(Cny,Town,dlsiricf,municipal housing authority,owner-occupied residential at four units or lass)7flyas Slicker 1(from front of form). .7,s--Si Vs 6. •wnat typalm pi uJOUus u lib ruiiwa un•p 9. Describe the asbestos abatement procedures to be used (circle): ykwtea enclosure MI coitub1R1r ' "O"p emapsvlAW d se* �"/"^ r Linoleum and window caulking 10. Is the job being conducted 141 Indoors alouldoors 7 • - . 11. Total amount of each type of Asbestos Containing Materials(ACM)to be handled on pipes prdeels Pear IL) 3 or other surfaces{equate(L) 210 to be removed,enclosed or encepsurated: linear/square feet vita,Arminq,dud henk soda coalings / thrinel,selidompipaluofaticw _J_.. ceaugatedaffir 'pa0erpdxinsulatiaa....IJ lnsdengreent �— spray-on Iapumpiq _./ Gmw(kpayer (nraa dalhz eowpyadks _ / Raman bo :�Alr>a d .1 - r .(p/eaJ.a ttrPos/ Linoleum / 200 window caulking 10 12. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used: Two layers of 6 mil poly on the walls and floor with an attached 3_ stage decontamination unit. remove,insulat ion us log the glovebag method. 13. Describe the containedzalleddisposal methods to.comply with 310 CMR 7.15 and 453 CMR 6.14(2)(8): ACM t be double bagged or Wrapped in 6 mil_poly and delivered In is 14. For EmetOpncy Asbestos Abatement Operations,the DEP and DU°Metals who evaluated the emergency; tars tflUOTMd C§h AAWAaOaaal N/A AbdofDiIOW I Wafts/ Cal eorAUmwtaon - Met