48 Asbestos Notification Form 2003 isk Commonwealth r Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 Sos A. Asbestos Abatement Description 1. Facility Location. Residential Name of Facility Northam ton, Citylrown Worksite Location: MA State Basement, 15'and 2nd floor Building name, m' 2. Is the facility occupied? 0 Yes ®No 3. Asbestos Contractor. AccuTech Insulation &Contractn Name AS Ludlow, MA city/Town be AC000005 vder DOS License IS on of on 'al Please Enter Decal# 48 Old South Street Street Address 01060 none Zip Code Telephone 01056 Zip Code Keith Jenkins Facility Contact Person Anthony Roy 4. Name of On-Site Supervisor/Foreman To be determined Name of Project Monitor of Scilab 2 6. Name of Asbestos Analytical Lab iginal filth of Us 7. ogram 087 07/08/03 Project Start Date 7AM-4PM Work hours Mon-Fri. 8. What type of project is this? 0 Demolition ® Renovation • Repair 0 Other, please specify: 9. Check abatement procedures: • Encapsulation O Disposal only • Other, specify: Glove bag O Enclosure 0 Cleanup ® Full containment 10. Is the job being conducted: ® Indoors? 0 Outdoors? ECEIVEPI JUN242003 IL 100 StateStreet''P°0°6$x F HEALTP Address (413)583-5500 Telephone Contract Type: Written O Verbal President Contact person's title AS71233 DOS Certification# DOS Certification# M000162 DOS Certification# 07/11/03 End Date N/A_ Work hours Sat-Sun. Ion.doc-9/02 Asbestos Notification Form•Page 1 of 4 Commonwealtf f Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 go(300 Please Enter Decal A. Asbestos Abatement Description (cont.) 11. Total amount of each type of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)to be removed, enclosed, or encapsulated: 15 pipes or ducts(linear ft) Boiler,breaching,duct,tank surface coatings Corrugated or layered paper pipe insulation Spray-on fireproofing Cloths,woven fabrics Thermal,solid core pipe insulation 60 lin.ft sq.ft lin.ft sq.ft lin.ft sq.ft lint ft sq.ft 15/ lin.ft sq.ft 68 other surfaces(square ft) Insulating cement Trowel/Sprayer coatings Transite board,wall board Other,please specify: VAT lin.ft sq.ft lin.ft sq.ft lin.ft sq.ft /8 lin.ft sq.ft 12. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used: Basement-seal the criticals with 6 mil poly set up negative air remove the metal jacket from the boiler and remove the air cell board,will need to clean and bag up misc. items. 13. Describe the containerization/disposal methods to comply with 310 CMR 7.15 and 453 CMR 6.14(2) (g): ACM to be double bagged or wrapped in 6 mil poly and delivered in a sealed company vehicle to dumb C itn 14. For Emergency Asbestos Operations, the DEP and DOS officials who evaluated the emergency: N/A Title Name of DEP official Date of Authorization Waiver N/A Name of DOS official Date of Authorization 15. Do prevailing wage rates as per M.G.L. c. 149, § 26, 27 or 27A—F apply to this project? ❑Yes E No Waiver# B. Facility Description 1. Current or prior use of facility: 2. Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? ❑Yes E No Cameron Coe 63 Prospect Hill Road Address Facility Facni Owner Name 03741 1603) 523-4390 Caoa an, NH Zip Code Telephone City/Town Same as above Address 4' Name of Facility Owner's On-Site Manager Residential City/Town ion.doc•9/02 Zip Code Telephone Asbestos Notification Form•Page 2 of 4 oe 310 Commonwealth _f Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 _.;0/ 3 od Please Enter Decal 44 B. Facility Description (cont.) N/A 5. Name of General Contractor City/Town Zip Code Granite State Insurance Company _ Contractor's Worker's Comp. Insurer 6. What is the size of this facility? Address Telephone 7252577 11/04/03 Policy Exp. Date 2000 2 Square Feet #of floors C. Asbestos Transportation and Disposal 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing material from site to temporary storage site Of necessary) to final disposal site: AccuTech Insulation &Contracting, Inc. 100 State Street, P.O. Box 376 Name of transporter Address Ludlow, MA 01056 (413)583-5500 City/Town Zip Code Telephone 2. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from removal/temporary site to final disposal site: 25 Silver Street Waste Management N.E.E.T., Inc. Name of transporter 06480 1860)342-0667 Portland, CT _ City/Town Zip Code Telephone 3. NIA Address Refuse transfer station and owner Address City/Town Zip Code Telephone 4. Turnkey Recycling &environmental Enterprises Turnkey Recycling &environmental Final Disposal Site location name Enterprises 97 Rochesterneck Road Gonic Address City/Town NH 03839 (603)330-0217 State Zip Code Telephone actor his form itification D. Certification The undersigned hereby states, under the penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulations for the Removal,Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15, and that the information contained in this notification is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Fee exempt(city,Town,district,municipal housing ondoc•9/02 Analia St. George Name Administrative Assistant Position/Title (413)583-5500 Telephone Ludlow, MA City/Town authority,owner-occupied residential 6-do -03 Authorized Signature and Date AccuTech Insulation & Contracting, Inc. 100 State St., Bldg#119 Address 01056 Zip Code of four units or less?) ❑Yes ®No Asbestos Notification Form•Page 3 of 4