91 Asbestos Notification Form 2003 (3) 1377;5--y Description 1. Current or prior use of facility: gsf of 2. Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? Si Yes C No 3. Facility Owner: }7Fh11� Name apt-Li NS 1;.3ot Ftgr +jan mPc ainnom 4. Facility's Owners On-She Manager: 0)A Marne Cmnani 5. General Contractor: Ace..AShestas.....R.emoval_6._Insulation 716-.P.ine..-Meadow Rd - Nme 01360 413 498-0201 Northfield MA reb3 LlGr a ZiP[eCS3C$�} -G u 09/01/04 Granite State Ins . Co. Exp,pate Contractors Workers Comp.Insurer. Porky/ 6. What is the size of the facility? St%(s4 ft) a- (0 of floors) 9 ( Nom+ Address ploCoo %to0- 930 - Ea-9z tip We Rleplron Address lip wde Telephone ElAsbestos Transportation and Disposal 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from site to temporary storage site(if necessary)to final disposal site: Ace Asbestos Removal & Insulation 716 Pine Meadow Rd . Name Address 01360 413-498-0201 013 Northfield, MA rNwepnu Cif/IOW1 zi:code 2. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from removal/temporary storage site to final disposal site: waste Management of CT, Inc. 203 Pickering St . AM z Portland Amrresx CT 06480 _ 860---342-0667 TaWWW Csh Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form — ANF•001 Asbestos Abatement Description 1. Facility location: ,l -(10 Niels Name A.torcHsc iTh c) ILO nsenien L IX STRIJ CT IC All senors of IhI Ng must be completed ow to comply with e Department al mironmenlel roleetian notification guiremeras of 310 CMR IS (ten workmq days 'ior notification is puffed of any abatement oleo):and the eparlment of Labor nd Industries alifkalion requirements 953 CMR 6.12 (ten ays prof nolilicaNm is gored of ANY farement gOleo!91 ealer an here Sear of pare Ire) SWDmi1 Original Pam ommomaaalth of lassachuselts sbestos Program AS.120087 ostoo,MA 02112- 087 This tom may be sad for notifpng the S.EnvironmentaI roteaon Agency Region of asbestos demolition/ ration operations ubjed to NESHAPS(40 FR Subpart Ml. City/form IN)al IS IntMlhne ft4nl9,uiltlg name I wing,fluor room 2. Is the facility occupied? X Yes 11 No 91 /k2�ki Address 0/06 0 Ip 3. Asbestos Contractor: Ace Asbestos Removal Insulation 716 P Name 8160-930 -EYB Telephone ne Meadow Pd . Address tier.thf i.e_lc MA._ 0.1150 Zip rode ON/lom A0000006 IXILimse/ 4. On-Site Project Supervisor/Foreman Ed ShearerfTom Shearer Name 5. Project Monitor. Ray=nd_..7• Bresnahan Name Jri Court Type(wmeurntll) oL 41x-<4P-PLQ1 Telephone j .t i SEP 17 2003 ;570245/AS7006 �,_�_—_ I cvliliGAW/ N"-"HAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH AM31604 aI CemnauaiI 6. Asbestos Analytical Lab: Environmental Sampling S Testing AA000132 Name 00 RMIairno/ 7. Project startdatel°/0/03end bate 13/ai/D3 spec(ic workhours(Mon-Fri.) 8, What type of project is this? (circle one): demotilion 835 V (satSun.) , update e'er e,pra.,r .eat Sv Stet Cre'pYNwn�J Note: Transfer Stations must comply with the Solid Waste Division regula- tions 310 CMR 18.00 Note:Contractor must sign this form for DLI notification purposes up/A46 3. Refuse transfer station and owner(if applicable): N/A .. Name curator 4. Final Disposal Site: Turnkey Recycling & Envir . Enterprises, Waste Mgmt of NH, Inc. Lalm Nine Owners Mn 97 Rochester Neck Rd . Address tip ule releltone Adorns Gonic CirAtm NH- 03839 603-33.0-0217 Zit axle Telephone D Certification The undersigned hereby stales,under the penattles of perjury,that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regulatio for the-Removal,Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15.and that the information contained this notification is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. f=dulard >.Sbearcr Pm(Nang SS tIa£hE voweamte 716 Pi-he Meadow Rdzi arse A6fms wow Fee exempt(City,Town.district,municipal housing authority,owner-occupied residential of four units or less)?P6 yes ❑ n tycrupo 9/i6/03 Auarot&Shgeleee On Ace Asbestos Removal & Insulation 413-498-0201 Repesenfln4 Telephone Northfield , MA 01360 Sticker i(from front of form): 71713 a, >aimmy o"y Moms, esicme emdicomesiMpoi mscn Lae Rev.692 9. Describe the asbestos abatement procedures to be used (circle)'. grove w enclosure Oil coma"V mew set—up variable air pressure , enrapseufUf dispomIpmy omer(expoint poly work area , HEPA vac HEPA , filter respirator,wet asbestos 10. Is the job being conducted X indoors E outdoors? 11. Total amount of each type of Asbestos Containing b e removed,Materials or (ACM)te handled on ntpippes or ducts(linear ft.) / 70 or other surfaces(square ft.) 30 linear/square feet FIrEaThu7 ¢�N thermal,sold rare pipeirsulation _S_ Dotkr,brew ug.layered k pipe insulation corrugated or layered per pipe insulation /r%47/ insulating cement_ —� spraran brem°fog_ - UW818 troveYspiayer bcfl coatings _l cloths,,woken fabrics. Mile bawd,wall board _J of a(please describe)..... 12. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used'. 3 chamber decon unit wi t,in warm water shower, tyve'. suits , FEPk vac for clean—up. 13. Describe the containerization/disposal methods to comply with 310 CMR 7.15 and 453 CMR 6.14(2)(g). Rewet asbestos & pack in labelled double sealed poly 'h before removal from site . 14. For Emergency Asbestos Abatement Operations,the DEP and DU officials Who evaluated the erne'gency NOS ems/Onkut mteenerteuxo, Nene co I Ott Mow rive rarer rime 15. Do prevailing wage rates apply as per M.G.L.c. 149,§26, 27,or 27A-F to this project? II Yes No