91 Asbestos Notification Form 2003 fl Facility Description 1. Current or prior use of facility: 1Q, S1 EktE, 2. Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? Yes 0 No 3 Facility Owner. cr(4-inco,A,Oion m( 0 lc(so stpo- 9 30 — "D-9 Z . ..... .. .. ... . .. . cdwro., to code lelephon e 4 Facility's Owner s On-Site Manager: N))A Mdrese Lw wde Selerftne crioram, 5. General Contractor: kce Asbestos ..Removal & Insulation 716 Fine MeadOw Rd . Naf. Ade(.s.. Northfield MA 01360 413 498-0201 Ci Peiro An Ir a Cc a/a3 7a ce relsphone Granite State Ins . Co. WE--9-5-40-5-84- 09/01/0 —_—_---- commartyworwscrynryonw AOACyl avast. 6. What is the size of the facility?&CC*(sq ft) ft of floors) Asbestos Transportation and Disposal 1 Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from site to temporary storage site Of necessary)to final disposal site: Ace ASbestOs Removal & Insulation 716 Pine Meadow Rd . Name Address Northfield, MA 01360 413-498-0201 Cl /1 ' a,...4, wow, 2. Transporter ol asbestos-containing waste material from removal/temporary storage site to final disposal site: Waste Management of CT, Inc . 203 Pickering St . AMees -DA-) nA F.7 pat Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form — ANF-001 13 Asbestos Abatement Description Facility location Co_II((IS esicien Nana l_coz r-1PZ MR INSTRUCT la 1 All senors oILhs form must be completed m aoer to comply wan Ihe Department of Ern imnmenl al Protection notilication requlrments 01310 CMR 7.15 (tern working dap brier nn✓icanon rs /egWree at any abatement Ord/ear.and We Department of Labor and Industries notification equir amens ol453CMR612 (ten dap perm notification a required al ANY abatement Woteet y®ler than dace kited or spume led) 2. Slmme Or iQlnaI Form To. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Program P.D.B.120087 Boston,MA 02112- 0087 This lolm maY De used E ne C Se n mncaI Agency Region or asoeslos demoltw peno.our operations NESHAPS CFA Subpar(M1 City/town 73/senn4,1 t Wlw tutee WWI/ bona t aldi ai mire.I.«mp.god rmn 2. Is the facility occupied? ;4 Yes Eli No 3 Asbestos Contractor'. Ace Asbestos Removal a Tn NMe Nor.thf i.e1c._MA.. nomad AC000006 DTI(anesI 4. On-She Project Supervisor/Foreman' Ed Shearer/Tom _Shearer Name 5. Project Monitor'. RayxQnd...?.....Presnahan None 6 Asbestos Analytical Lab'. Environmental Sampling Nan( 1117 03, yµ1/) 7. Protect start date___/ end datE Ts q/ ko(zni Address O/oa0 a(00 -13c, c2 r2 Lm a x l e r e l e po n e NOV 19 2003 Nr--HAMPTON EOARD OF HEALTH lotion 716 Pine Meadow AddeaT 0.1.1360 Zip rode uJr Corm ryre lwnNMeroaf) 41 ?— it? - Telephone A S70245/A S 70066 Oil Cenilicalu'r/ Pik'B1604 Ott CenuloliOI/ a Testing AA000132 8/o3 Oki cmniaaw/ 3g- U pacific work hours(Mon Fri.) a rISat.Sur. . /r-< heat B. What type of protean is this? (circle one)'. Dymond( Note: Transfer Stations must comply with the Solid Waste Division regula- tions 310 CMR 18.00 Note:Contractor must sign this form for DPI iiotiication purposes Nene Portland CT wnnn»n 3. Refuse transfer station and owner Of applicable): N/A NaM 06480 do rub Riede/if Addtt11 LM1Ymmn by rale Telephone 4. Final Disposal Site: Turnkey Recycling & Envir . Enterprises , Waste Mgmt of NH, Inc. LOCI=Mn. Owners Name 97 Rochester Neck Rd . conic China NH— 03839 603-33.0-0217 now. Telephone D Certification . The undersigned hereby states.under the pena`les r.t ocriury.that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regulations for the Removak-Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15.and that the information contained in this notification is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Revised_ l o�l q'03 �} rdu ard..._J e red m asro .._a Pere 9 (603 ._ Ace Asbestos Removal cPRESID£ASE & Insulation 413-498-0201 ............._... hreseming (PIPpTNrc IMO Nam PoNid✓llne 716 Pine Meadow Rd Address nfwIc m Zip rule Fee exempt(City:Town.district.municipal housing authority,owner-occupied residential of tour units or less)?X yes O no Northfield , MA 01360 Sticker I(from front of form): 717 SSG as.m Lwle Po'La WI:nor-We Rev 6732 it con 9 Describe the asbestos abatement procedures to be used (circle)'. rayesu ec ure ivabl`F�'-i ' .Jts ercdGdulaboo bispual onry o,ne,(upon') poly work area = filter respire ^ t - 10. Is the lob being conducted X indoors X outdoors? O or amer 11. Total amount of each type of Asbestos Conttain�ing Materials eenACM)to or eeandld on pipes or ducts(Iineat0 'i / 7 surfaces(square ft)____,123--to Imeausquare feel FIRtefl9 ev 3o Iherma{soda rompipe imulalion J Dorkr.al&o,nq.OW.Iper surface coatings —�— insuplmq arrenl. sorruganll al layered paper pipe also/aeon /7J— ptrweij$ Yvcoalirgs _�= clogs. fireproofing.. — tramile Dowd.wall Doa+d. clots.woven Fabrics. _1— Odle(plena descrlbe)- �— Itobeused o cla amber d e con unit ` - 12. Describe the decontamination,lio ystemis, tuts PFPA vac for clean-uy water shower, yve'� ?doh dr, labelled l 31 MB able sealed poi -` 13. Describe the containerization/disposal asbestos isposalmelhoi to l opened Cdou le sealed pci Remet asbestos a r - - '_-- tram before removal ye 14. For Emergency Asoestos Abatement Operations,the PEP and DLI officials who evaluated the erne e Name d Oft Owed .....o_.._f._ noe ._........... Anrrt d Ott Ulznl. -- - 02k rlaU' 15. Do prevailing wage rates apply as per M.G.L.c. 149. §2R.27.or nA-F to this project? � Yes X Nc