28 Asbestos Notification Form 2000 H frdrmomeeah7D el Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form— ANF•001 nrnuctuu I swims elms bin no te tomnio n.:,is teeth.e, n Oa es.w al Iaei*nmbt Drennan MAeapn sorest et3WCMR I.IS lenewtpprn pmmputnn ere yd VMeemn w ra.adm pen.e.w.l Lem N Mnhla M4, L nenene U o14$3111111.17 o14$3111111.17 C1A10 Ir gap rs mound 41114 Nana oars ones Wert mot awn eel 2 Les Qgni twin le Cessnaelth el leseseellstts 1NMa Inpm IuU4✓A 17111' NR 1 Dawn es be Ndb moons one US.fnaenwm Press Arty Regan I.lebse census/ sent=seer earn SJnes wMMWSlm CPRSipMIMi. re ca rwo-e Asbestos Abasement Description I fseeny!Guinn 41-:k c277—E/ini 95‹ ew1 MO �7wr zn wi J- Z_ :U fyew nww, ! •e .o Ralf 2. Is the Denny occupied, ki4.ss C No S. Asbestos Soigne! Building Renovation Services Owe AMC. Springfield Ma 01101 tees mien. AC000299 4. On-See Prefect Supnnornoreman: Michael Moore S. Pmjeci Monitor. Nina Inchardi. 17.20 Proe • `ci5k (3cg Po Box 5942 (41 3) fcti-S2 cz, ors. test.Irr.rwnbM1 Written pl4auwr/ DIOn.u.ml 6. AIbeslot AnaMicallab . Norwich Labs AA000060 Nat mumw.nr Plole<1Nddney��ndnle lff‘LDee6ic work hours(Mon-Fri tit Sun) 1. What type of rimiest is this/ (circle one): (emw1o') lier /��.n�m,e\u 9 Describe the She slot abatement procedures m be used (circle). gents//rtAM IM,mn+n.m *no me.p w.meol mmu Coq a er(ww.m) 10. Is the job being conducted Vedoars Oeetdeort7 11. ivubmount of each type oe Asbestos Conleieing MNerials(ACM)to be handled on pion or ducts(liner tiI a Other mdres(satire II) / ,Th0 Is bl umov.d,enclosed or ens apaulat.d: Surhenre feel awe..e.nn'Y As/.eat.fan commis...J arms le m+ pp.flints, cote •ala.dpNn M NUYar,..._J mute:,rot Morn nn en/ J Itwin nor tpwep, We..inn amm / em*MI no seed xr(Met Motel • -1-11;C° r(_rl'y -r(LE 12. Describe the decmhminstion systems)to be used: Three Stage 11 Describe the containeriztiNdiapoul methods to amply%Ma 310 CMR 1.15 and 153 CMR 6.11(21(01: Amended Water; 2 6mil bags; Covered Vehicle; -Licensed Landfill II. pet Emerging Asbestos Abatement Opdnuane.1k.DEP and DU clIkka who mYUled the mmergers: In el III Me De a eemmbi in Yal Rl set ka a• 15. Do r ono mars tilts apply at per M.GA.c.149.5 26.21.or 21A P le Ms Dm1W7 CTn Ix Mo e Mile Transfer SPeima mum campy with me $OAd Wua lWieion apuis• pone 110 CAM 11.00 Ur Contacts men/see Amt kaki mvOsattain • %rtT Oetcri{Rw 2 IS the facility owner-o:eurnee respemLal anal onus or kit, 4n _ No 3 Sanity Owner See Al net a. hmnys Ow nets On 5ne Mamoa Amur huw Auer lots 5. General Conlrador. Building Renovation Services NAM Springfield Ma 01101 za•ann peen. Cogan,S women Cain..,uwr tests PO Box....59.42....._..- ( 41 3 ) 788-095..5__..,_ 6. What is the site of the facility?(11nOete M)1(I 01 lbws) Asbestos Transportation and Disposal Is On I. Transporter of as kilos-containing waste muaul fmm site to temporary swage site(it necessary)to liMI dmosai Mc Building Renovation Services Mn ..m. - __._ PO Box. .5942......_ Springfield Ma 01101 (413 ) 788-0955_ cwt.-, ne.e ome 2 Lamponer of as benm.conlaining wale material from removal/Iempoary sloppetite lolinal Oifooul silt: Building Renovation Services cow Mew .. P0. .Box....59.42..__._ a Springfield MA )gp7707 (13 ) 788-0955. . . J. Reline lanna nation and owner(ilappbeabfa): new hes 4. Final Disposal Silt: _Conn Valley ..Sanitary United Waste M Ins i Mw Perak.. D New Lombard Rd Anus Chicopee wit... Ma n® 785-1581 move Certification The undersigned hereby slices underthe nmAhs d per uiy the hNM Ms rod the Commonwudh of Mauehvent,RpuSfom to.the Remem,Cominmml w FnunuIliea WASbeao.451 CMR 6.00 and 5 CM' .IS,sad lhume MmmaliommfdWntl le this MsnotdithaoisUmandmmdwmebtsidWwwWWW.�./ c 0 L J4 Building Renovation Services Michael Moore awes asimom PD t5o1c 5942 Springfield Ma 01101 —v I- wmwm bet F*—(Ckhmkettt nlrveit rr uSWtD',0byn.ulpmd rmids1 dlmr cam,a M)70 Tm Q' shSn r N%+ ._,