177 Asbestos Notification Form 2001 Note: Transfer Facility Description Current or prior use of facility: 2 Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? p Yes ❑ No 3 Facility Owner: Lis 4 rE, f EE / 77, Crescent St Name Address N � PMti M + 0/060 543 SF6 ,357V Clry/low„ Ancule Telephone 4 Facility s Owner s On-Site Manager. �tenowls Dn urle Teleliaie 5. Genera!Cantractor: Shearer & Snide Inc dba/Ace Asbestos 716 Pine Meadow Rd . Name Address Northfield MA . 01360 413 498-0201 Ciypow ZIP code relephone Granite State Ins . Co . wc8540584 09/01/01 Contractor's Workers Comp.insurer Polity/ 6. What is the size of the facility?3&K7L(so ft) :9. (I of floors) Exp Dare 13 Asbestos Transportation and Disposal 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from site to temporary storage site(if necessary)to final disposal site Shearer & Snide Inc . dba/Ace Asbestos 716 Pine Meadow Rd . came Annnsa Northfield MA 01360 413 498-0201 city/Toll Lip rode Telephone 2. Transposer of asbestos-containing waste material from removal/temporary storage site to final disposal site. Logano Trucking-Waste Mgmt 209 Pickering Street Name maps, Portland CT 06480 860-342-0667 Cory/Town Zip axle Ttlelione IN ST RU CIlO KS All sections ol this Ira must be completed order to comply with e Department of nvironmental roteclion notileation !quvemen6 ol 310 CMR 15 (lenwnrkiag days nos nalkkdliw is anuned of any abatement role[) and The lepartm enl of Labor nd Industries otitcation requv ements I453CMR612 (len Lays oar nab/ration 5 eguired of ANY basement po)xf yeater tan three lava or nude lee) Submit Cc iginal Form fommpnweallh of Aassachucalts Isbsslos Program .0.1.120087 last n,MA 02112- toe/ 1. This loan may be !sod Ior norilpng the S.Envvalmemal >rotedlon Agency Region ol asbestos demolition/ encvMim operations ;ubied to NESRAPS 140 :FR Saipan M}. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form — ANF-001 13 Asbestos Abatement Description 1 Facility location: /scree Frc/t) JCG /77 Crescent 1= Address Name Lily/To Ala R rvP764) HA 6/060 71/3 5f6- _z 57 . bct_:ern.ecit_ bp rule Ielephone WWI is the eabile nation?WOO):amt./.wing, lax awn 2. Is the facility occupied? k Yes E No 3. Asbestos Contractor: Shearer & Snide Inc dba/Ace Asbestos 716 Pine Meadow Rd . Nary Northfield MA . llWfown A0000006 IXILtense/ Address 01360 Zipa t r(-P(1 cImtusJ lyre(imam/vernal) 4. On-Site Project Supervisor/Foreman. Ed Shearer/Tom Shearer AS70245 , AS7 VLl Cendia&W/ Nall. 5. Project Monhor: Nan 6. Asbestos Analytical Lab: 1Y16ejlic 4U',/ E V, O6J 1t/fili s4M Ua16 R� / 000 / Name srmiG OtiC kayo/ O 7. Proleetstad date 666iend date 017/eisPecificwarkhaurs(Mon.-Fri.) ise -VJ(Sat.Sun.) rIV ii update a heat 6. What type of project is this? (circle one): ems .y.:.r 'J smsderg system 413 498-0201 lelegpne NO RT itAMPTON BOAR OF HEALTH Stations must comply with the Solid Waste Division regula- tions 310 CMR 18.00 Note:Contractor must sign this form for DU notification purposes 3. Refuse transfer station and owner Of applicable)'. N/A Mane Adding ihrytche 4 Final Disposal Site: Valley Landfill In-vau Ham Pleasant Valley Rd . Address Irwin Lprate lehnepne waste Management/ Logano Truc Owners Nam PA 15642 724 744-7446 n■nhnm D Certification The undersigned hereby states.under the penalties of penury,that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts R for the Removal.Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 ana 310 CMR 7.15,and That the iniorrnalion cc this notification is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. &/ulard Shearer Pet rime Positron/Tyre Au Amin!Srynaure Dale Shearer & Snide Inc. dba/ Ace Asbestos Removal 413 49 716 Pine Meadow Rd . Add,en Renreunnno Telephone Northfield , MA. 01360 Gb/Tuvoe Ln rule Fee exempt(City,Town,district municipal housing authority, owner-occupied residential of four units or le Sticker(front front of form): 75072 / 7>�Y fro mnm 92 9. Describe the asbestos abatement procedures to be used (circle): gave nag encasure lul[MIY�J [maw set—up variable air pressure, poly work area ,HEPA vac , HEPA filter respirator, wet asbestos encazublion msrusat omr mmer/erryain) 10. Is the lob being conducted lmdoors D.outdoors? a 11. Total amount of each type of Asbestos Containing Materials(ACM)to he handled on pipes or ducts(linear f.) 90 °rather surfaces(square ft.) .Sw to be removed,enclosed or encapsulated: linear/square Ieef boiler,breaching,dud,tank surface coamnps.. L.5-fp corrugated or layered pave pipe insulation.... 947 I_ spray-on fireproofing °toils,woven fabrics._ _...... _.... _� ober(please describe) 12. Describe the decontamination systems)to be used: 3 chamber de con shower , tyvekc suits , HEPA vac for clean-up. thermal solid core pipe insulation ursulatirg cement vowel/sprayer coatings Iraaite board,wall board unit w/warm water 13. Describe the container¢ation/disposal methods to comply with 310 CMR 7.15 and 453 CMR 6.14(2)(8). Rewet asbestos & pack in labeled double sealed poly bags before removal from site . 14. For Emergency Asbestos Abatement Operations,the DEP and DLI officials who evaluated the emergency. Mane or MP Onkial Na Dark o Authoaralion Wale" apt Ulnae (o• NM CIAJiKYfkn 15. Do prevailing wage rates apply as per M.G.L c. 149, §26.27,or 27A-F to this project? ❑ Yes No Tine Wei wr