7 Asbestos Notification Form 2001 6. What is the size of the facility755Xqs2 ft) a (rot floors) Asbestos Transportation and Disposal Facility Descoption Current or prior use of facility' Enic€ 2. Is the facilily owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? >I Yes 0 No 3 Facility Owner: NJme 0.,01.22-e-r) Cal nal-- 7 r chard St z Cilynoen k774 Pr11 P xi Ad if O��o bp cove 537- 9'7175 teleplhene 4 Facility's Owners On-Site Manager: /4 Name GeWroep 5 Genera!Contractor: Apleees Denule relephOne Shearer & Snide Inc dba/Ace Asbestos 716 Pine Meadow Rd . Nme Address Northfield MA. 01360 413 498-0201 COrner OpCode Granite State Ins . Co. wc8540584 nlepame 'Cowmen Workers Cmp Mauler 09/01/01 Pak yee hp Date Transpo of asbestos.containjng waste material from sjte to tempora storage site(II neessa )to fnal disposal site: Shearer & Snide Inc. dba/Ace Asbestos 716 Pine Meadow Rd . Name Address Northfield MA 01360 413 498-0201 liji Wow', ac4e reeephOne 2 Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from removal/temporary storage site to final disposal site: Logano Trucking—Waste Mgmt 209 Pickering Street Nape Adoeee Portland CT 06480 860-342-0667 Ci /Town bp rude Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form — ANF•001 Asbestos Abatement Description UCTIOMS or of toe be completed comply wits tment al instal n nalthcason n6 of 310 CMR working days rY2lion rs Many abatement MI the tent of Libor !SHIN leave,omens MR612 (len nwdirallm is of AMY ni poled 4'e31& e hrear or rep. nn plc final Farm awnith of chusatts ton Program .12004/ n.MA 02112- s lorm may be of notii 1ng the nvume Fit it lion Agency Region peslm dmnolinonl soon eperauons et to NESHAPS(40 1 Facility loc lo; Connor" %/e5f�e u _ I 0KcwAgb Adorar Name Oe..gni wro � M A C 7/fowr, briers eint 41 l ie the Kab Ie:GC M)aunmuo name e wow.floor.Wee Is the facility occupied? Yes EL No Zip rule S JUL 2 nib" 2. NQ1:�:tMAPfON BOARD OFHFALTN 3. Asbestos Contractor: 716 Pillne ea Ow ° ' _ _. Shearer & Snide Inc dba/Ace odres.Asbestos 413 see Nam 0201 MA . 01360 _.. Northfield N wig rNeplloe ._.._.._ .__ ciry/rowr AC000006 alfiense, c ZJf/ft if en 4. On-Site Project Supervisor/Foreman: pS70245 , A570056 Teln Shearer _.._.._. .............. 0.. Ed Shearer/Tom -- - -�- N❑cmJnuunr Now 5. Project Monitor: Name 6 IX16eni cato/ Asbestos Analytical Lab'. y( �p / � SA TI-IPok% / l A- �/IUIKOPIM (--. 5"no3e pufemramw,, 30 a Q Y o 8 /15/°)end date 8/fib/°Specific workhours(Mon.-Fn.)✓ 0. (Sat-Sung ate update 7. Project statldale--- heat Name R What type of proleat is this? (circle one). demoltoo relief relloealtln, onurlam,nlr Stations must comply with the Solid Waste Division regula- tions 310 CMR 1800 Note:Contractor must sign this form for OLl notification purposes 1 Refuse transfer station and owner(if applicable): N/A Name 4 Final Disposal Site: Valley Landfill waste Management/ Lugano Trucking D Aeoress lip rate Telephone IVXgO Name (toners Natne Pleasant Valley Rd . Address Irwin PA 15642 724 744-7446 Certification ri,w,pne The undersigned hereby states,under the penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regulatic for the Removal.Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos.453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15.and that the information contained this notification is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. FaiWa rd D. ShearercaGp J... 00101__ . Pons Name Authorized Signauee R �/� ��-i Shearer & Snide Inc. dba/ CS/del-it Ace Asbestos Removal 413 498-02 Represenlino Telephone 716 Pine Meadow Rd . Northfield , MA. 01360 ArWren Ciry/lVwi - Lnrule Fee exempt(City,Town,district.municipal housing authority,owner-occupied residential of four units or less) 7 yes ❑ no Sticker I(from front of form): 7 S/ 77.5 v 592. 9. Describe the asbestos abatement procedures to be used (circle):set—up saws variables air pressure, e wa:a CRry521010 omerluryaml poly work area , HEPA vac ,HEPA filter respirator , wet asbestos 10. Is the job being conducted 14,1 indoors ❑outdoors? 11. Total amount of each type at Asbestos Containing Materials(ACM)to be handled on pipes or ducts(linear f.) oreNer surfaces(square ft.) (1to be removed.enclosed or encapsulated: linear/souare feel Nermal solid core pipe imulalion__ �- cor,ugaedoor yeredpper bps insulation /00 Insulating cement sprmgalMeprooT Qpapupipe insulation 7✓ � bowel/sprayer coatings cloths,woven tablmp. transits board,wallboard _J- dolhs.wortn hD/Ia one/(please describe) 12. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used 3 chamber decon unit w/warm water shower , tyve' . suits ,HEPA vac for clean—up. ack in labeled double sealed poly bags 13. Describe the containersationldisp0sal methods to comply with 310 CMR 7.15 and 453 CMR 614(2)(9 escr asbestos S p -- before removal from site . 14. For Emergency Asbestos Abatement Operations,the DEP and DLI officials who evaluated the emergency. • Name 0101Pelgelf f , , Ohs d Avinaniabon Mae or XI wear nne nee Oates w tsocann 15. Do prevailing wage rates apply as per M.G.L.c. 149, §26. 27.or 27A F to this project? ❑ Yes X No