76 Asbestos Notification Form 2001 faeliiiOBS .ion 1. . Current or prior use of facility: Residential 2. Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? ❑Yes tic No 3. Facility Owner: Northampton, MA Winn 4. Facility's Owner's On-Site Manager. John Joey Mine aly/Tomi r Nn th Ri c Address 01060 (800)826-6202 tp rode Telephone Same as above 5. General Contractor. ET&L Corp, - 837 Great Road P 0 9nx 295 Name Address Stow, MA 01775 (978) 897-4353 Crlyil en Bp code ekphone Anders Zurich Polley/ .Date Conrrzstors Workers Comp.Insurer Pokcyf Frp.Dah 6. What Is the size of the facility?1800 (sq 8) 2 (#of floors) ElAsbestos Transportation and Disposal 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from site to temporary storage site(if necessary)to final disposal site Az affe h Insulation&Gntra;tir�. T„- sit S t ibl+ Name AA4a a'racopre, (.q a1013 gdY7Tpm zap 141"jl 5g2_SYIS; Telephone 2 Transporter of asbestos-containln0 waste material from removal/temporary storage site to final disposal site: Waste f4ainnoini N.E.&t,Ttc. 25 Silver Street .. Name Aru IUCTIOUS Ran oi 0Ns be completed . ■comply Munn(of mnlal • m no:icallan nls 0310 CUM baking dap ?ninon is rlagalalemelf nd uw '1a 7x>`sulaticn&CrnRxtirp, Tic.. Depot Street,-Delta Park enrol Labor A2rre Abbess shies n requhements Chincee M4 M16.12 (lei norm rnalikrationis t.4N' PC 000005 Written ' Orono' UUlkwue/ Contract bye(n nimemay rfin�rur 4. On-Site Project Supervisor/Foreman: I Original Fmm Randv Daum AS70530 Nsx - . . OUCetilialren/ :wealth of lusetb ' 5. Project Monitor. s Program 80007 To he determined MA02112- x re Cotn no S alth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form- ANT-001 Asbastos Abatement Description 11/28/01 07 1. Facility location: Abahion House Nemb 76 Chapel Street Northampton, MA airflow -Basement and 1st floor 01060 ra,eon None review Kalb tenIYRvkkeWieni bu)Mrpmnn/,nog noa.man 2, Is the facility occupied? 0 Yes&1 No 3. Asbestos Contractor: 01013 (413) 992-5326 road ranax NM may be nptlymg the mnmenlal n Agency Region An demolition/ n ape:aMons INESHAPS(4o pall Wcwktabalf 6. Asbestos Analytical Lab: Cr•11afi 12/27/01 '12/2000162 name 141-1-4 01. enrarra,/ • 7:30 AM 7. Projectslartdate ?ddale - specilicwmkhaurs(Mon:Fri.)4:00 PM (Sat Sun) 8. What type of project Is Otis? (circle one): l Nolo:Transfer Stations most compywith the So//pWasla Division regula- tions 310CMR MOO Note;Contmclor most sign this form for D(/ noggration purposes LIZP..l., Whin rAYN1r 7Nmk 3. Refuse transfer station and owner(ifapplicable):. WA tore i ki "in9-p{�_ cfiiTaxn zmwle 4. Final Disposal Site: . loatoottine Scutt-tat Allevhani29 IarlDill 1841 arts faivire) Tm WmsNam 843 Miller Picldrg Rose D novidsVille, PA 1592 /weal? 10 code 814 rerwne Certification The undersigned hereby states,under the penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Rut for the Removal,Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15,and(hat the information can this notification is true and correct to the best of hlsmer knowledge and belief: Mafia St.' '10- /� ,,,....(ff arxanoe C .ge 1 1G.,- --�� 7 ,- 11/14/01 aumrs tc ldruitistrative Assistant 7cctf ed-I 7xn jJatikn& ParNavfue fib, Trr (473) `Il"1_5?Jf. Iekptw,a .. ikrot Stnmt, fblta Park Chicolx AdSecr Gm/fwn ace* . Fee exempt(City,Town,district,municipal housing authority,owner-occupied residential of four units or less)?(i yes. Sticker i(from front of form): 75_5_3y4 9. Describe the asbestos abatement procedures to be used (circle- u/omzw ?atom chew a*,myuan Aspudony d/arr.,,am inoleum and window caulking 10. is the job being conducted ki indoors f outdoors 7 11. Total amountol each type of Asbestos Containing Materials(ACM)to be handled on pipes or ducts(linear lt.) 3 .or other surfaces(square it.) 21 (1 to be removed,enclosed or encapsulated: 4, lineal/square fed boiler,breaching dug laakmbar. tll c cwfinis...J lend,solid carepip ebsulzlion / mnWaMiaGl paperPNainsulation.... / iae/kkbgawed --/- SpM)'-a+Bupmohnd _/ —/—ddh wow ghunts Jambe wall board other ooze ArstabeA..1,1,4Alemp.... 12 window caulking. . . . 10 12. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used: Two la ers of 6 mil .ol on the all and f. saminatinnnniT remove inanlation vain 13. Describe the containerization/disposal methods to comply with 310 CMR 7:15 and 453 CMR 0.14(2)(g): .AG1 to be daiile 1 or wrappEd in 6 nil only ail delivered in a sealed cc:spry - vehicle to chip site. .. . 14. For Emergency Asbestos Abatement Operations,the DEP and DLI officials who evaluated the emergency: et hod. Name dDLF&Tn nle Cble waww,vnon • N/A &two, Mel rd4 Dare cMvtwiaton Kira/ . 15. Do prevailing wage rates apply as per M.G.L c.149,§26,27,or27A-F to this project? Lt3 Yes 17 No • c. V fae//IlyDes _,jl • 1. Current or prior use of facility: Residential •2. Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? ❑yes IN No 3. Facility Owner: Northampton, MA W 01060 (800)826-6202 6202 4. Facility's Owner's On-Site Manager telephone telephone r. John Joey Jim Same as above 5. General Contractor: e r. ET&L Coro Name Stow, MA CpWrown Cnn�r IerxrL3l ph y � Zurith 'newer Polity/ 6. What is the size of the facility? 1800 (sq ft) 2_(#of floors) Asbestos Transportation and Disposal 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from site to temporary storage site(if necessary)to final disposal site: Name 3a rrmtlatirn nb &Qatj 7 Name Q 1lLQpe fill/ Minis Wain jp— —__ (473) SR7 Srac Telephone a Transporter of ashestos-coniaininp waste material from removal/temporary storage site to final disposal site: lhste Mai garad N.EET.,7xc. 25 Silver Shit rr✓,r» 837 Ademse 01775 anvils (978) 897-4353 Telephone Erp Gale Name Ilatlznrt, CC Cornatraltb of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form-= ANF-001 NCTIOtI ions d UNs be completed ice ply with Anson DI nenlal • m nolicaUon nds 01310 CAUL wwAiegdays teen is alanya/ulmxnt and the ue nenl'aitahor .shies im r :MB6.12 a1n 6.12 ((MS rot°IANY 2t/Qf 73 fo/AN eat nDjan'DRaW' 2niinMrm TO: mit OriQinai Fort LOnwealUt of acbusetts nus PnBmin AMMO m,MA02112- Is ion may ea la nplllyIfl Un :nvlmnmenlal Wan Agency Beithe sreslos demolition/ ration opeatlons xtilaFESIWPS(40 Su pail Ml. Asbestos Abatement Description REVISED 11/28/01 #7 1. Facility location: babden Hou h Basement and 1st floor 1-171fl le pee s&e baker/&nag name t wing flu t man 2. Is the facility occupied? 0 Yes IS)No 3. Asbestos Contractor: Myna 76 Chapel Street Wen • 01060106— None 4 node TNaphaw w&Cantrx Tac. Divot t Sit, T11 to Pack Address 01013 MTh p(/ymuer 4. On-Site Project Supervisor/Foreman: Da Project Monitor: WCittel Contra We61 m14wie0 AS70530 Of!Creamier"I (413) 4322-5326 T 6. Asbestos Analytical Lath ¢ i t, fare 2/13/01 cetWoln/ 7:30 AM 7. ProjectslarfdaWlli2_2101 enddateJ30/01 specilicworkhours(Moo.Frl) ( ) nµ, teovnfkn a(Wrb60 -8. What type at project Is Ws? (circle one): foie:Tinier gations must omp/ywith the to&M Waste Walston copula- ions 310CMR WOO Note:Contractor most sign mis loan for DL/ notification purposes • Cien•om 3. Refuse transfer station and owner(it applicable): WA Telephone Theno Warn 4. Final Disposal Site: Southern Anspheaie, iarrifi 7l taaloasne 843 14f 7Tar Picldrg load Tpwd Sc,virc. Tm Umaskos Aim Dauir%villet PA 15928 - (814) 479-2537 C?/rmm nerd - - reMmm 0 Certification The undersigned hereby stales,under the penalties al perjury,that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regul for the Removal,Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15,and that the information contai This notification Is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. AMER St.'t2rage PrceNmm • 11 14 01 Accti'H'1l Irsulaf7[xt& Adnixistl-niive anh.w„.�.u.��r Trc lro,arovnd Ryrseokay Depot Strut, Alta Pack Chicopee, Mk CfY/rmm (413) 592-5316 Sig Q1013 rmrnd Fee exempt(City,Town,district,municipal housing authority,owner-occupied residential of four units or less)7[ yes E Sticker I(from front of form): 75 3 3 77 9. Describe the asbestos abatement pmcuuwua wco coo•• r•••�•-. � - ---- ----- eansAaaai &Vont ey epie(a an inoleum and window caulking 10. Is the job being conducted (tl indoors jp outdoors 7 11. Total amount of each type of Asbestos Containing Materials(ACM)to be handled on pipes at duels(linear ft.) 3 .or other surfaces(square ft.) 210 to be removed,enclosed or encapsulated: _ 4; lineat/square feat bal er,tbeaaShg duct tank slulaamaIInes —1 eternal.solWave pipe kutdalicw .__J caaopelalalayzr&MeiPiPe/amlafrcw -3/ insuatagamed syray-aafllgmling _I Dvnel/sordieraWings —/— .. adht no easeda ifr —/ baa&bren{aallbrard _/_' •: odre((p/ease )..ljnpj,eule,,,, /3bQ- . window caulking. ., 10 12. Describe the decontamination system(s)to he used: Two la ers of 6 mil 1 on the wall and f •• - •.. - - • e dacontaminatinnvnit_ remnve invulntion vain - 13. Describe the containetization/dlsposal methods to comply with 310 CMR 7:15 and 453 CMR 0.14(2)(g): CM to be daiile 1$gs or w awal in 6 Nil voly an delivered in a sealed CQ1Eary vehicle to(imp site. 14. For Emergency Asbestos Abatement Operations,the DEP and OL1 officials who evaluated the emergency: method. N/ Male orPaP®'Rda lak L4tec-4,11W llal N/A Wahl/ lkkdAelkoriID6on Waive/ 15. Do prevailing wage rates apply as per M.G.L.c.149,§26,27,or 27A-F to this prbjectl Kd Yes l7 No s V Faciiity0esl^iion 1. Current or prior use of facility: Residential 2. Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? ❑Yes al No 3. Facility Owner: • _Mac anh him H'gh 3 jlemitraRn t— Nnr h K' C AdAes Northampton, MA 01060 (800)826-6202 £blexn 4. Facility's Owner's On-Site Manager. John Joey awrom 5. General Contractor. ET&L Corp. Name Stow, MA Arerrcm 7&n±b Contractors Workers Comp.Insurer •'a& Same as above 7— telephone 837 Great R d p (1 P 295 ACJ ss 01775 - (978) 897-4353 Zip code Telephone l'&-37 Poky/ 6. What is the size of the facility? 1800 (sq ft)2 (#of floors) Asbestos Transpoita/ion and Disposal te/02 fay.Nah 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from site to temporary storage site(if necessary)to final disposal site Accrllah Hn-ulatial&Cattra flint tem Strpat, fblra zna chic— , MA 0101,3 (4141 50? 57X, cbiran - raeae Tacgnwa 2. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from removal/temporary storage site to final disposal site: Waste PervgerEnt N.E.E.T ,lc 25 Silver Street Name Adams B rthd. Cr AUCTIONS liens d this be completed comply with rtment of nenlal n notification sits of 3I0 CAM 'wanting Pays lkalien is eyanyadafs:ma Ind the lent of Labor tattles et requirements M116.12 (fan rnotification is MANI' I project greater Ill Original FORD Commoraftb of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form- ANF 001 n 1. Asbestos Abatement Description Facility location: Ababdon House Nan Northampton MA WOW- -Basement and 1st floor HMIs the wttatelttASm2 bulldl,&in aJ,mnl.Awr,mmn 2. Is the Iaciiily occupied? ❑Yes&1 No 3. Asbestos Contractor, 4 nwealth of :Roselle 5 )s Program 120087 ,MA 02112- lain maybe nplifying Are riremrenlal 3n Agency Region ,s os demolition/ on woollens to NESNAPS 00 bead MI. 76 Chapel Street 01060 None /Moak NOV 1 6 2091 [jB L latial&CantCStugL_Icc. 1)epot Stmt, 1k1ta Park. Name Address Qtiaa . 141 -01013 • (413) 592-5Th c,&VTmm - Z{naW Rtrplae IXIlkauet On-Site Project Supervisor/Foreman: Randy Daum Name Project Monitor. To he detprmi rued Name Conkat rape amrlkM th4 A570530 01WGatToalim1 IXlC,efartariwf 6. Asbestos Analytical Lab: - S ell ab A4000162 Name DUlcearkw/ 7:30 AM 7. Project start dalelly 29/Olenddalel1/30/01 specific workhouts(Mon:Fri.)4:00 PM 8. What type at project Is this? (circle one): eWi a neerrihe tho nchaerne nh Met rienaliaa (Sat.Sun.) Note:Thins!or Stations must campy with the So/id Waste Division regula- tions310CUR 18.00 Note:Contractor must sign Mrs norm for DC/ notification purposes - uRCx, Cxy/rowr Ipa4 3. Refuse transfer station and owner(if applicable):. WA (414-3r2-3557 Telephone Noe ciriromr 4. Final Disposal Site: Southern Allegbandas Iarclfi'll. LoaNw,Shre 843 Millar Picking&ni apwx lEtt Waste canrire, Trr omrouNam Address Dayirksri71 , PA 15928 (814) 479-9577 Cie/rom, iemk Teleetoe Certification The undersigned hereby states,under the penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Reg for the Removal,Containment or Encapsulation'of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15,and that the information cons this notification is true-and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. - AruB,a St.•George '4s. Rini Name Nremr&IS:relve .knflb± Htsralatiat& hhumstrative Assistant Praha-tom„ T*"- (413) 592-5333 doseteadak /kpeseaaro Tekphmx ,AeI1/14/01 Oft Street, Celia Park Qnrapee, 194 01013 Ackhess G709rwn hpsak Fee exempt(city,Town,district,municipal housing authodly,owner-occupled residential of four units or less)?R yes Sticker/(from front of form): 753 3 77 42 endowilim oupualaay arre/wbm inoleum and window caulking 10. Is the job being conducted ({I indoors f3 outdoors 7 11. Total amount ot each type of Asbestos Containing Materials(ACM)to be handled an pipes or ducts(linear ft.) 3 or other surfaces(square 11.) 210 to be removed,enclosed or encapsulated: . lineal/square feet` built',&radii,*deel Mak.nntasewrings... / beam/,solb/tom ppcinsulation _/ corrupted w layered paper pie insulation...._3_1 inmkh'rgmmnt spray-on&proofing fmut/sprayerctwgs _J cla wove nkbnis Gauge boar0,nail board ogsa-(p/eaudpayg0.,lj .1pAgmw 1566 . window caulking. . . . . 10 12. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used: Two layers of 6 mil poly on the walls and floor with an ate ar d 3 'stage darnntaminatiommit remove incnlation acing the negotiate procmme glnvahag 13. Describe the containerization/disposal methods to comply with 310 CMG 7:15 and 453 CMR 6.14(2)(g): method. ,ACM to to ale or rn..,y.e in 6 «d1 a.ly ail delivered in a sealed cotF�' 14. For Emergency Asbestos Abatement Operations,the DEP and DLI article's who evaluated the emergency: Airs dDEPaLrd Tab wredaromenm N/A Abi dauaacal Waive/ LakdAUhpfrabm Mew/ 15. Do prevailing wage rates apply as per M.G.L G.149,§26,27,or 27A-F to this project? K7 Yes ❑No r