#10C Housing Inspection 1982 BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T. JOYCE,Chairman PETER C. KENNY, M.D. KATHLEEN O'CONNELL, R.N. PETER J. McERLAIN, Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH HEALTH INSPECTION REPORT SANITARY CODE T ApPD:a II CERTIFICATION 210 MAIN 8TPLET 01060 14131 566 t950 E . Il. This is to certify that JrlRi Y O2A t R0 - 7/0C M////1/ /tr f/E/6//rc name of facility (V 06 NOAO17/1cAow Sr)fty !VOnginPr>N mP• 0/06o address unity zip was inspected on I)R,tcil (0, �9$L by/�'.✓/Q F / L,+6/Y located at date inspector Mo°'-ii"rroProNBUARoof/JrgLT// 2/0 ,'/2S'NSrEF 07Y//,9Xt inspects g board, agency, or department Housing inspection requested by /}mfy m4efey'p The above facility complies with Article II regulations, including but not limited to the following: Water Supply Sewage System Disposal of Garbage and Refuse Lighting and Ventilation Laundry Kitchen Facilities and Food Storage Bathroom Facilities Heating Facilities Exits and Security Insects and Other Vermin race and Use Requirements Maintenance of Facilities 5 accooBMr ZADacry yes ro no no nc no no no no ro r.: no .Horny TWO scat°o7/s /NTrs NG/ift r,veyy Other Article II areas of concern: S/OC A'Mz w/RENa,f- neVa'REhirn�pT�s FOR YNE 5 L!lCVPfl//%s • 9 9iPf% / Recommendation C/0110 is th Approved: C9 NO Or €a %f Ec c fo0 .oimnrENr CONDITI i RECO/YJU/£/YD ?.Iris/SF A'PRDY/OED ?/s TOy X12/N///JY RFE eLcZ rco,n ,g, -w'//t// OfrrALLY AECE' GOGE RE00 e mgrs PDA' ✓//_E Ado 4 97 trtr 7av(2) Ate - A mom-nvm of /vo / - !N 51ZE Signature of inse r or representa - _iv- of inspe-tty, athothy