7 APT#7 Housing Inspection 1983 BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T. JOYCE,Chairman PETER C. KENNY, M.D. KATHLEEN O'CONNELL. R N. PETER J. McERLAIN, Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF 7HE BOARD OF HEALTH HEALTH INSPECTION REPORT _ SANITARY CODE "'[AFTER _I CERTIFICATION _ 110 MAIN STREET 01060 14131 Mb6950 Eat. 1'1 This is to certify thatRmt ar..7(r :' 5- *vt':ryq:r<E/e ,. ;,,n) name of facility located at Y c2A2 Sih/TH Sr Mitt//. inerON/ , g 0/061 address city zip was inspected on A/r0C, 7, /9$3 by .11,9riD S �.",' !y date inspector inspecting board, agency, or department LE4S=c HdVs/,yt$ Housing inspection requested by t'%4' > A1/4:5 - A40 eX”:77c 7427 A'aAij The above facility complies with Article II regulations, including but not limited to the following' Water Supply yes %( no Sewage System yes X no Disposal of Garbage and Refuse (fw%- yes X no Lighting and Ventilation yes J( no Laundry (NONE) yes • ■ Kitchen Facilities and Food Storage t ,.i yes X Bathroom Facilities eK"v. e 5a0 rinser/srvA yes X no ro no Heating Facilities yes X Exits and Security yes X Insects and Other Vermin ves X Space and Use Requirements yes X Maintenance of Facilities yes X no no no no no Other Article II areas of concern: Recommendations: NON£ ?Fgi1,4 rL) Approved: YEE X NO CONDITIONALLY — Sigra'ure of inspen{ir or repreeenta Live of inepe°t_°.. authority