7 APT#8 Complaint 1983 BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T. JOYCE,Chairman PETER C. KENNY, M.D. EXESanSITS OON0EIXESUIEMI PETER J. MCERLAIN, Health Aemt June 23, 1983 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH TO: The Massachusetts Dept. of Social Service Re: The Angel Ferrer Family 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)5866950 Hat.213 On this date, an inspection of the apartment of the Angel Ferrer family , Apartment #8, 7 Old South Street, Northampton, revealed that the apartment was not in compliance with the requirements of Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code as follows: Regulation Violation 410.400 Inadequate space for living and sleeping. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at the Board of Health office, telephone 586-6950, extension 213. Sincerely, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent PJMC/ec BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date- 77SL Tim Name of --!--21-e-Ar- Complainant Address ___7 4ett cr-taet ‘5-4 Tel Nature of Complaint ne-4- e.-4--61-(41‘a.C. go • Location of Premises Owner Address ......._ Occupant ii14< Taken Referred to. Date of inspection sirs Time±: INSPECTOR'S REPORT frim- 4j Alt/L. /02-g-laikc eita.trvi Zattfaia--.1a. ---CneSblesdarseci—__Jrc-c-c- Action Taken 44t.c.itet _ „eette2c.:( spector