26 Housing Inspection 1986 3OARD OF HEALTH T. JOYCE, Chairman C. KENNY, M.D. LEEN O'CONNELL, R.N. J. McE RLAIN, Health Agent .TY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH R75__°i _. SPECTION R17°O9T SANITARY COD! C1 :-P:.R I! CERTIFICATION his is to certify that 2nd floor apartment coated at 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (4131 5866950 Ext. 213 26 South Street , name of facility, Northampton , MA 01060 gas inspected on address December 22 , 1986 by date city zip David E. Kochan inspector lorthampton Board of Health , City Hall , 210 Main St . , Northampton , MA- 01060 inspecting board, agency, or department iousi.ng inspection requested by Carol Kincaid (N .H . A . ) Cne above facility complies with Article II regulations, including but not limited to the folio' ing: lat Er Sunnly yes X x Sewage System Disrosal of Garbage and Refuse LInthtinw and Ventilation Laundry Kitchen Facilities_ and Food Storage Bathroom "=ri'i'ies He=_tin- Fncilit4es Exits and Security Insects and Other Vermin Space and Use Recuire-ents Maintenance of Facilities Other Article II areas of concern: Recommendations: Approved: YES NO Yes yes X yes X Yes N/A Yes X yes X yes X yes X yes X yes X yes X* to no no no no no no no no no no no N/A CONDITIONALLY * *Conditional approval subject to the completion of renovation work which includes installation of window sash cords , electrical outlets and switch plates , and new wiring where required . Signature of ins- -c'or or representa tive of inspec .g authority David E . Kochan