24 Housing Inspection 1986 BOARD OF HEALTH T. JOYCE.Chairman R C. DENNY, M.D. ILEEN O'CONNELL. R.N. R J. McERLAIN, Health A¢e tt AdlkTY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH took HEALTH "-:SPEC-PION REPORT SANITARY CODS Ca_PT:2 L uzz2 :It,.ui0:T 210 MAIN STREET 01060 µ13I H6.6950 Ext. 213 This is to certify that 2nd floor apartment name of facili't'y locat=_d at 24 South Street , Northampton , MA address city was insnected On December 22 , 1986 by date 01060 David E . Kochan inspector Northampton Board of Health , City Hall , 210 Main St . , Northampton , MA- 01060 inspecting board, agency, or department Housing inspection requested by Carol Kincaid (N . H . A . ) The above facili`y complies with Article II regulations, including but not limited to the follows Water Su,nly Sewage System Discos=_l of Garbage and Refuse Lt htinz and Ventilation Laundry Kitchen Facilities and Food Storaze Bathroom Facilities He=_ti^_ c,ril sties yes X vet X yes X yes X yes Vie yes X yes X no no no nc no no no Exits and Security Insects and Other Vermin Scace atd Use Recuirements Maintenance of Facilities Other Article II areas of concern: N/A Recommendations: Approved: YES yes X yes X yes X yes X yes X* P-o no no no no NO CONDITIONALLY * *Conditional approval subject to the completion of renovation work which includes installation of window sash cords , electrical outlets and switch plates , and new wiring where required . Signature of ins: or or representa- tive of inspe g authority David E . Kochan