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68 Wood Smoke Inspection 1985
IEALTH .Chairman 1Y.MD. 1HSONS LAM.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH NOTICE OF WOOD SMOKE INSPECTION Date dressed to: Gar & .i 68 Hillcrest Drive Northampton, HA 01060 210 MAIN STREET 01060 14101 586-6950 Ext.213 1985. These so-called "wood smoke" regulations :hoop ton Board of Health "Regulations Governing Emissions from Solid Fuel Burning ' went into effect on November 29, (or density) of smoke to 60%. ttached) limit the opacity December 27 198 5a representative fmtheeNofthamptor Board 2:45 a. m. on an opacity level of 0.5 th observed smoke with P •. . n .e your stove or go was being operated in compliance with the regulation at the • f inspection the Board of Health wishes to call y our attention to the enclosed guide- for reducing wood smoke p ollution. We urge you to follow these recommendations when ing your wood stove or furnace. ling the guidelines will not only reduce wood smoke pollution but will be a more effi- use yielding more heat from less wood and, it will, also, use of your stove or furnace,roduced. rer as less creosote will be p ould be noted that because the Board of Health expects to reduce the opacity limit to r even 40% in the near future. Efficient wood burning practices must be employed in lu have any questions concerning this notice, please contact the Board of Health Office to be in compliance. -6950 extension 213) . ram to reduce wood smoke k you, in advance, for your efforts to cooperate with our p ro 9 ution. truly yours, ci-- er T. McErlain lth Agent Ic:mr :s. HEALTH .Chairman IT.M.D. IRSONS LAIN.Health Agent )WNER: (f 6 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH VISIBLE EMISSION OBSERVATION FORM OBSERVER £4V/D FoCWAN I +JUDY DILL iLLCRES' 0 "IV Go,E CE BURNING FACILITY: 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)5866950 Ext.213 DATE: /Z 2 rs Minutes 1 © 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 r 1 r °aaaaaaia'a'ii'iiiiMMfh �i MIMOMui uuiiuiInMIMIR .11111M11111111111111 MN 111111111111111111111111111 NB III NI MI iiiiiiiiiiiii MI III 111111111111111111 IN MI la OM MIMI MN NM In SE MI WI 111111111111 In NI 11111 1111 MI WI MI RN 11111 VI IR ISM RI 1111 MI III IN 0 NI III VER LOCATION: IU Peon 0P Hallse Pi Ea ED Fes BAt/-0000wP SPEED: DIRECTION: c COLOR: WI-117 AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE: ZG NATION BEGAN• Z. 5 PA• TOTAL MINUTES OBSERVATION �S TOTAL MINUTES IN VIOLATION 0 SKY CONDITION: C 0 1VATION ENDED: R INFORMATION: d) Ar-r rssrm BOARD ^ HEALTH City of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS BURNING EMISSIONS COMPLAINT RECORD Name of Complainant Address 691:0 Date /z z7 85 Time HA7 Ito Tel Seq"5624/ Nature of Complaint //r F✓a%/No,Fkbo7 G aw'it tes7-Qe/ite FIO/e 'Ver Location of Premises Owner Occupant(s) ft- - 3/g Opacity Avg. <s/ uenReneosINO Date of Inspection 7Z729LS5 Time of Day em -3ooP?1- -nmr7 T— Opacity Avg. /ec eevms Date of Re-Inspection / 3 86 Time of Day 9'as- 7'St A`.L.0 Opacity Avg. t/ /orpt) Date of Re-Inspection / /, $6 Time of Day 2:5V-3-e o Pm OBSERVATIONS ACTION TAKEN _ 85 -No 1/is ■A4 & g / 86 -NC /I6PAL Em,sbw'1 into cruiva tank 6ceAWe cc EA