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319 Wood Smoke Inspection 1987
HOARD OF HEALTH DHN T.10YCE.Chairman PETER C.KENNY.M.D. 01CHAE1.R.PARSONS 7ETER 1.McERLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTRAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH AhIPTON BOARD OF HEALTH )RDER TO CORRECT VIOLATION OF THE NORTH AT 319 South Street ORDER ADDRESSED Donald Fournier 319 South Street Northampton, MA 01060 210 MNN STREET 01060 1413)586-6950 Ext.219 "lOOD SMOKE" REGULATIONS DATE January 21, 1987 Dear pec Fournier: _190 7 by a representative of the Northampton January 21, a opacity, was being emitted from your ecH an at revealed a.m. on (report emitted your An insp of 40m 24 minutes (TeP Emissions for a period of Board of Health South ledreett smoke, "Regulations Governic9 went into S ton Board of Health Regulations"chimney at 319 violates the Nos" , the "Wood Smoke Reg This condition Devices" , the so-called From Solid a 1987 . General Laws you effect on January d F 1 Burning are hereby J ary l2 . 9 Chapter 111 of the Massachusetts fuel burning device at Lot 28 ) in violation of the vi eeatlations. Under authority of Section 31C of Chap operation of your wood stove 38C other solid in excess of the 40% ordered to cease the op Assessor Map our chimney 319 South Street future smoke emissionfrom ibed penalities• op Please be advised 11 be subject {{ n request right to a heating regarding f Health Office within a hearing is filed in of our notice. complying with the regulations we have enclosed a cop noted that following ie ldin s be a more efficient use oduced. reducing wood smoke as less creosote is p or the guidelines for concerning this notice,B and of Health Office. dvised that any bect to the prescribed limit will e st far such opacity (density) provided that a wr9 of this h seven (7) days of the receipt al this notice p You have a 9 the Board o In an effort to assist you in but will for Reducing 41ood Smoke Pollution. reduce air pollution, Guidelines from less e feel and,pollution,it but is it safer the guidelines will not only g more heat It should be of your stove y If you have any questions co cooperation in our efforts to reduce wood smoke pollution, please do not hesitate to contact the Thank you, in advance, for your anticipated coop pollution. Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain P525 163 090 ;}- Health Agent Certified Mail )� n " A-1'�"' Q (" lam? e''AO?IL"- 4 r.,.� �,wt� BOARD OF HEALTH HN T.JOYCE.Claim= TER C.KENNY MD. ICHAEL A PARSONS TER J.McERLAIN.Health Agent a CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH IVISIBLE EMISSION OBSERVATION FORM 00.vpr,: AME OF OWNER: N'/-A 00,4/4 p fOVRNig DDRESS: 3/9 Soar/1 ,>jfQFej 210 MAIN STREET 01080 (4131 586-6950 Ext.213 OBSERVER DAI//Q i5 AiYA/AN YPE OF BURNING FACILITY: Minutes DATE: 0;0/04C/ Z/,/9F 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 ■■■■■■■■■•arms•■ ■.�u■■ ■■■■■•11■u■■■a■l ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. ■■■■■■,■■II■■■■■■111 UN ■■111■■■■■■ ■■11■®©!!M!!!!!!1!e■■■■■■■■■■n .111 nMinMEInMNii1111 n•linn ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I■■■■•■■■■■■ ■■u■■u1111111111111111111I11,11111■111■ 1111111111_ )BSERVER LOCATION: /)f/[G $ S;REPT OPPr ,IE 8)9 Son/-/ ST,tcE7 BIND SPEED. /c-/S mpy DIRECTION: 'LUKE COLOR: WHitE SKY CONDITION• CLOG' AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE: toes° )BSERVATION BEGAN; 1:2411 4M1 )BSERVATION ENDED: 1: 41$ R/✓1' 3THER INFORMATION: ,P4C17Y AVERAGE OF 754 TOTAL MINUTES OBSERVATION 24 TOTAL MINUTES IN VIOLATION Z✓/ BOARD ()WEALTH City of Northampton MAP MASSACHUSETTS - /Wee' BURNING EMISSIONS COMPLAINT RECORD 31C z8 Date //21/47 Time Name of complainant &24f0 OF f8M2TN Rie ZVSPECr/ON Address Tel. Nature of Complaint Location of Premises an .SO97-1/ 577"EE% Owner /..41. - Occupant(s) DONn2o FomeiY(FR 58c-63?9) Opacity Avg. GS- Date of Inspection !/0//87 Time of Day r 2q-9?4,B4 M Opacity Avg. Date of Re-Inspection Time of Day Opacity Avg cam Date of Re-Inspection Z/2d/Q7 Time of Day /ciss.Im OBSERVATIONS &/�Jr/ry/N orals of yo /'tIr ACTION TAKEN 4ypj/eff cc.A/T- %O OONAL.D /-ovedof,C f