75 Burning Emissions Complaint 1987 BOARD OF HEALTH IONN T.JOYCE Chairman PETER C.KENNY,M.D. MICHAEL R PARSONS PETER 1.McERLAH7,Health Agent Mr. John Bart 75 Columbus Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Mr. Bart: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH December 17, 1987 ene 210 MAIN STREET 01060 1413)506-6950 Ext.213 The Northampton Board of Health has received complaints about excessive smoke be- ing emitted during late evenings (10 - 11:30p.m.) from the chium<ey of your dwelling at 75 Columbus Avenue. Some of that smoke allegedly results from the burning of trash. The Northampton Board of Health has adapted a regulation governing smoke emission. (A copy of that regulation is enclosed) Smoke with a density in excess of 40%-gpAcity violates this regulation. In addition the burning of trash in any stove, furna& or fire place violates state and federal Air Pollution Laws. The enclosed guidelines suggest wood burning practices which, if followed, will enable you to comply with the regulation, while allowing a more efficient use of your wood stove. Please note that a follow-up inspection will be made within 14 days of the receipt of this notice to determine compliance with the regulation. If you have any questions concerning this notice or about wood stove operation, please do not hesitate to contact the Board of Health office. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation with our efforts to reduce wood smoke pollution in Northampton. Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent PJMcE/np Enclosure Certified Mail P 694 762 933 u . x • e . „p i7'aL i,.S ..: •.. � disc; _> ov....s.x.., . _ . ,� - i. L --.cv..J c .moo c.�t ..va LL `.-'• c_C_ • L.. i.. . •. Jac _ , . w �i Dro_» L1 e - ..✓, ju. L L Jam:. i♦ - L .. ,v.�. � L BOARD ()WEALTH City of Noi champton MASSACHUSETTS BURNING EMISSIONS COMPLAINT RECORD Date Name of / ll eQ,.� , 4 Complainant �1C�C cw u"�^,X-�A Address Nature of Complaint l/W.GG[? % cv /1 //0 —13 Location of Premises �� ` �- Owner M "` L—t Time Tel. Occupant(s) ,/ Opacity Avg. /Y/ v 2 Date of Inspection /9%/p7 Time of Day 401 D49pti! �,/I Opacity Avg. �'//C° Date of Re-Inspection ,/J/.i s7P7 Time of Day s �/ Opacity Avg. /t/j...- I° Date of Re-Inspection /�/U�Y? Time of Day revs M.1 OBSERVATIONS �D'Y"1'4-"K"" 4-'9^^ ACTION TAKEN ---'" C.k/ Ca Icfspector