50 Burning Emissions Complaint 1992-1993 F HEALTH Z.Chairman PARSONS RUIN.Health Agent nuary 9, 1992 ristopher L. Frank L. Frank, Inc. I Cooke Avenue irthampton, MA 01060 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH sis 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)586.6950 Eat.213 oar Mr. Frank: he Northampton Board of Health has received complaints about excessive smoke Bing emitted from the chimney of your building at 50 Cooke Avenue. An nspection at 11:30 - 11:55 a.m. on January 9, 1992, revealed that smoke with pacity of 40% - 80% was being emitted from your chimney. he i Nionham(A Board f that regulation dist enclosed.) Smokeowithlagdensity in mission. 0% copy :xcess of 30% o acit violates this regulation. (Note: The opacity limit for :ommercial smoke emissions is 20%, as set by state law and enforced by the State )epartment of Environmental Protection, Division of Air Pollution Control. ) the enclosed guidelines regulations,Lwhileaallowinghacmorefe fficient use wed,enable you u to comply of your wood stove. Please note that a follow-up inspection will be made within 7 days of the receipt of this notice to determine compliance with the regulation. If you have any questions concerning this notice or about wood stove operation, please do not hesitate to contact the Board of Health office. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with our efforts to reduce smoke pollution in Northampton. Very truly yours, a_ Peter J. McErlain Health Agent PJ?AcE/cdh Enc. CERTIFIED MAIL # P 890 360 522 Name of Complainant A BOARD OF HEALTA City of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS BURNING EMISSIONS COMPLAINT RECORD Date __/17 Time Address Nature of Complaint Arm. CL Location of Premises Tel . Owner Occupant(a) Date of Date of Re-Inspection Date of Re-Inspection C Opacity Avg. Inspection / 1 Time of Day // / 3 c: Opacity Avg. 11 . C OBSERVATIONS Y Time of Day _. Opacity ty vg . Time of Day ACTION TAKEN In spector :ALTA haIrman M.D. SONS 1N,H661112 Agent March 9, 1993 Christopher L.Frank C.L.Frank,Inc. 50 Cooke Avenue Northampton,MA 01060 Dear Mr.Frank CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSET[S 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 IU51 5146950 Ext.213 The Northampton Board of Health is again in receipt of a number of complaints about excessive wood smoke being emitted from the chimney of the C.L.Frank betiding at 50 Cooke Avenue. As was indicated in the notice issued to C.L.Frank Inc.last year,(dated 1/9/92), the Northampton Board of Health has adopted a regulation which limits the opacity of smoke emitted from residential sources to 30%.Under state law the opacity of smoke emissions from commercial facilities is limited to 20%. While a recent inspection by the Board of Health did not reveal any smoke emissions in excess of these limits,the enclosed information is being sent to you as a reminder of the requirements to burn wood in compliance with the local and state regulations. Also enclosed is a copy of guidelines which will help in reducing wood smoke pollution. Please be advised that the Board of Health will continue to monitor your facility for smoke emissions compliance.Emissions in excess of the limit will result in a violation notice being issued. If you have any questions concerning this notice please contact the Board of Health office. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Very Truly yours, O Peter J.McErlain Health Agent Certified Mail It P 749 251 159 Name of Complainant BOARD OF HEALTH City of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS BURNING EMISSIONS COMPLAINT RECORD Date / Time Address Nature of Complaint L Tel. Location of Premises r Y Owner Occupant(s) Opacity Avg Z 3D j j( Time of Day / 3�1, _Q Date of Inspection Opacity Avg. Time of Day _. Date of Re-Inspection Opacity Avg. Date of Re-Inspection Time of Day v OBSERVATIONS k ACTION TAKEN