23 (Fitzwilly's) Salmonella - Gary Houle 1989 r MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CONTROL 305 SOUTH STREET, JAMAICA PLAIN 02130 BACTERIAL/PARASITIC GASTROENTERITIS CASE REPORT FORM :RSONAL INFORMATION of ewe: Nn,.le. Gary ess- tai Dunphy Dnoe - gicrencr ; N/i . 01e(.20 of Birth: -5- ;d a.15/ Age 2ff Sex -M ® 1' 9 Occupation. Piant Pana°er Telephone*: (4ta) 5a7 - 29y s Telephone': (413) 586 - iCian- Dr.T enero,,:,r :ese hospitalised' 112 N ❑ If yes, name of hospital. (co i c -hie Kin Date admitted: 9 rJz/_ Date discharged: 3r,n ,n hosg.+aI - 7-conr(rred P IIOLOGIC AGENT Leese check all th•,t apply) pyiobacten' 0 E.eoli ❑ Gierdia ,tosporidium ❑ En'amoeba(emebiasis) 0 'aim, em llaj ❑ Shigella ❑ S.aureus ❑ r (specify) ❑ Yersinia ❑ ies and/or serotye (ifkrown)-T.1 peal cis 5 En+ e r t fd,s o n `I(aslay SYMPTOM HISTORY of onset of symptom— /-2 ' % Duration of symptoms: specify s days sent received : None ❑ Prescription '] ft prescription,name of medi•°atioa• " Many a+ I{a,�, 1-a ( " cc?, +a/ La Met Clinic 9/26/r/ ±-iw l per„s+ :IPOSURE HISTORY only about items consumed/ activities/ exposures within one incubation period prior iset of symptoms . Use the reference on the back page for incubation periods tifterent etiologic agents. act food or drink (sp eiify item,place,date and time where food and/or beverage w[s consumed) : 1 tone b,,.bl e- Sc-sees �Pl - 4/ e 4 SC n rci c„ia,i at 4, fz u. , Ily'S n ti1cu n '(on - an Set+urcte1 euen,rtr P5 - 4+ c Chicl n 1;,n,iers a+ eh( nes e K.+cV,e„ o,. K.nq S.•,i'iton on Men Board of Health in town where suspect meals)was consumed notified ? ae notified • _i1 /S'/ foreign/out-of-state traryl ? ls,p1ewe specifiy date(s)and place(^ 1- outdoor aCtiyitie>^ !e°. .camping) ? es,please specify dates)and ptace(s). contact with animals/pets ? yes, please c•pp•-ify 741n I4 -3oy YQN ❑ Y ❑N Y ❑N ses of drinking;.aver at home: sec of drinking-c=ater at work/school : -_ ther people share any of these exposures ? any of them iii with symptoms similar to yours? it„nprpeeinP nrrn,l„e bit;< fleets her husba■-•$ Tr F rll.. 15 on 5c:t eaen"r.y 9/tin Y ® N ❑ town y well/spring ❑ bottled ❑ town p n5 well/spring ❑s, bottled ❑ n? •Y '6M N ❑ people V4/9/s5-2-a 9/ rf Y ❑ N W "people ill Inecat., e 1 e.ni-i nci +he"Sco CocA Sctad” (OMER) Contacts (household and other close contacts) Age Occupation Relationship Symptoms Lab test results m a° J 4t u„ 1eaa4tae C1/41./FT Lyle �oule 35 `sad er • So., ldJ -2+ilk (fin&;nci Floulc Sr • J1- ratud<n!yt olt,K .n . dealt s.....< .< s., 5,,, .Y au r4 N k go„It Amths S.on 10w-Se .`i;si<.- „ -�4 .4".... Tlesa*' ” y/zs/,9 ■(n lKo+K9 3.'14,5 and 41>cl �y r Care Information Y N ese enrolled in or employed at a day care center? es,name and location of center: Y N uehold •:ontact of case enrolled in/employed at a day care center es, name and location of center: y of the staff/children at this center ill with similar symptoms ? Y 0 N 0 Les,how many ? 'staff _ *children — ayof these staf fichildren been diagnosed as having gastroenteritis? Y 0 N ❑ oodhandler Information y N :ase a foodhendier ? 7 0 N ❑ ueholdiclose :contact of case afoodhandler? ea( -Kann Kul Ke?Kc -nurse 7 ass l<�r'`-. name of foodhandler(s) : I(atken he 11F:te -4-6.3s4 M nurse;elp Kh name of foodhendhng facility:A,.;rte. kk.r4 and Ml e.,", 1,:c^ery's d'%P .^ Sy.. Address:Rot l. � ` � Sr1 - City/State`'n ,er$ 4-, b4 Pi- ' was the tcard cf heelth of that person's place of employment notified ? K. n was the foodhandler removed from work ?m,s. No-.te+t,c„s:,n 5 e prei.Le zn foodhandier is back at work,when were the back to work criteria met ? n„s nn„d —/— f er to State Isolation and Quarantine Regulations, 105 CIl+IR 305.000 17:1“,.me ill cuts : P/ienf' co Alie G/ -/o h..f.. /./ -Dt.e -{e be Fran/erred -i La A,-c, (ling" < Pae-Foe, .e 6.,e l-ro •• as s +ed 4M A! -jean Ovo!ir4+e rvc);c.. ec„+`J nurse nI- Ffe4sr to *b, S refer f- .-re air.t� , ..0 la ti Ideate- pa#r ent} 4.,ie. of Investigator (e-+-ta-at"` i .•- eV, telephone' : (-fr3).6-1_-6956 - en-F.2/G t o -f{un,f i-nn HA. Date Report Completed •.I_J -if-a/ Y Average Incubation Period. Etiologic Agent Campyiobacter sip. Cryptosporidium spp. Entamoebe(amebiasis) E. toll Giardia almonela*PT- spp. 5 a•:rus Yers iaspp.- 3-5 days 10 days 2-4 weeks 12-72 hours 7-10 days L-36 ho - days 2-4 days 3-7 days Name G " IC ∎ 'b' jOd " ∎1- Address 04 �un i e_nce School 0o 1 )/�� : H,D, Date of Onset Signed is�r' r.mi gyp' ( ) Ciardiasis ( ) Plague ( ) Animals Bs ' ( ) Animal Bite (complete below) ( ) ( ) Poliomyelitis Systemicl In Influenza ( ) Psittacosis Systemic Infection Viral ( ) Rabies (Human ( ) Anthrax Hepatitis, Viral: Animal) ( ) Brucellosi ( ) Type A ( ) Reye's Syndral) ( ) Campylobais Type B R ye's Synl Disease: ( ) Cholera ctei Enteritis ( ) Non-A rmine ( ) Rickettaialpox ( ) Chicken Pox ( ) Undetermined ( ) Typhus ( ) Cholera ( ) kawaski Disease ( ) Rocky Mountain ( ) Diphtheria ( ) Legionnaires' Disease Spotted Fever ( ) Encephalitis tys ( ) Leprosy ( ) Other(specify type yI known) ( ) Leptospirosis Rubella:( ) ( ) Infection Sof Newborn ( ) Listeriosis ( ) Congenital ital Infection In oxicatn Lyme Disease ( ) Non-congenital f DOtlb) Be ulioxicaFions: ( ) Malaria (� Sa( ) Nllosis ( ) Mushroom Measles ( j Saimanellis ( ) Poisonous and Anima ( ) Meningitis: ( ) Tetanus Poisonous and Animal ( ) Bacterial ( ) Toxic Shock Syndrome Products ( ) Viral ( ) Toxic lShockis ( ) Mineral or Inorganic ( ) Other Poisons ( ) Mcnin 1 Infection ( ) Trichinosis ( ) Staphylococcal outn Meningitis) ( ) Tuberculosis (without Meningitis) ( ) Tularemia ( ) paralytic Shellfish ( ) Mumps Yersiniosis Poisoning ( ) perkussis (Whooping Cough) ( ) Other ANIMAL BITE Type of Animal Date of Bite Location of Bite N.D. Bigned Address Animal Owner Name Please return this report to Northampton Board of Health. • • • • • ' MA CHUSETT£ _ .. ' OF PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER FOR DISEASE C:':NIP:OL Diagnostic Microbiology Laboratory, Harvey George,_ G i f i ^ 305 Sout` Street, Jaraie P' _+ . MA 02170 ( 17r 527-3700 Ext. 111 or 11 sion ajElOGS ived: 09i19/8c rtcd: 09/1_018'? COO LEY DICY.INSON HCEPiTAL FACT LAB 30 LOCUST ST. NORTHAMPTON, MA. 01060 Nam- HO:.—LE, GARY nu c_=, 103 DUNPHY DRIVE NO'RHAMPTON, MA Ane: Sou STOOL The Salmonella reported on 09/20/S9 has been typed as S.ENTERIT:DIS on 09/23/89. COMMUNICABLE DISEASE REPORT gait,/ � Date /' -ca -fl �#orc/ E l94K✓ DOB: i 9.1 - r/ Sex /a ? u,vp17J aiver/14.0Yvcln ,K, /1 XO/OLO ne Number 51/1- .,frS -O/ p'7 is Disease or Animal Bite SAL./47 et %/O r; Dnset' ! '2S ri irtinent Information: Thysician Trh F r 7O4 eporting MD Phone ?? - C//TD S/RN Phone 7 ? - y 2SF Lahey Clinic Medical Center,41 Mall Road, Burlington, MA 01805 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL Diagnostic Microbiology Laboratory, Harvey George, PhD. , Lab Director 5 South Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 (617) 522-3700 Ext. 114 or 115 No. :90L1233 1: 09/2 OF/28/89 ]ARD OF EAL.T H ORIAL HALL MAIN ST ]RTHAMPTON, MA 01060 Name: HOULE, KATHERINEE Address: 107 EtN Y DR NORTHAMcTON, 'A AciP: 35 Sour_e, STOOL Salmonella _... NOT found. MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL. ^ Y , Diagnostic Microbiology Laboratory, Harvey George, PhD. Lab Director 505 South Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 (617, 522-3700 Ext. 114 or 115 on NC. :90.1272 09/75/89 tad: OF/TEI/S9 BOARD OF HEALTH MEMORIAL HALL 240 MAIN S- i NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 Name: Address: KALKOTKA, KAREN 103 DUNPHY DR NORTHAMPTON, MA AgE: 32 Source: STOOL Salmonella sp. NOT ,o_.und. MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL Diagnostic Microbiology Laboratory, Harvey George, PhD. , Lab Director 305 South Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 (617 522-3700 Ext. 114 or 115 ion No. :90L1105 ved: 09/21/99 ted: 09/25/89 CONSTANCE WHALEN PHN MEMORIAL HALL 240 MAIN ST. NORTHAMPTON, MA. 01060 Name: KAL KOT Ka, KAREN Address: 103 DUNPHY DRIVE NORTHAMPTON, MA Age: 32 Source: STOOL Salmonella, Shigella and Y_rsinia spp. NOT found. IEALTH Chairman Y.M.D. RSONS NN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CONSENT TO DISCLOSURE OF PRIVILEGED INFORMATION , give permission Gary Houle, Sr. 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)5866950 Ent.213 Alinr4 (3o4i F /186r-C/ elease to he Law Offices of S Georee Br eII.- • • :ever information the doctor deems pertinent about my medical history, treat- t and care. 7 Date) 9 s See_FMa Illness or Injury S. !_iii i / ••A ft hereby release Im all legal responsibility or liability that may arise from the act I have :horized above. 1 nature: tness: te: i =r9a abs. Pa -r- 4✓ • L.Nortf amptorn°FOr- t ax 1DW2 mw�7 4 gTabwR+..6:3.A:j. ' �b U�9'°T°�" U sT2ffaiar`d. of Health. 'igFO,O1DttESTABCISHMENT5 11,SP C ONTORt, 9f9. ► CATE 9oa4„/ IDE Pin: Routine Folow-up Chplatnt t"on Imeetiga Other NT;; Fr�zr,Z/ %/ &a/llvil/f/// a09291re Itlig rhSr,yy'/��W��eenrti' 070°0 tEf dP[Tu v.57 D}J7/09' t1.:9442 2NNT61161 7.110141E.rfiffErrgeMet'd," 4P-1 nn inspection today, the 'tern checked below indicate the violated provisina of 105 CM 590.000. Each tem is followed by column and r tical Iulderecoluen "t". Descriptions s ofeacht/te appear rn the violations thisrform.tEachtiviolatin chetdced wares aanpempine- het narrative area below: This report serves s as official notice of violated provisions and official noti a to correct said a. failure ten comply with-any time-limits for correction asy result in suspension or revocation of the cod Establishment st tl cessation of food Establishment operations. The permit holder is hereby notified of his right to he ring Heal N h' n must be requested. in itino. within 10 days or this J notice. - • 'TYPE OF ESTABLISHMENT:. Food Service- Retail Food Residential Kitchen dbbile.Ibatt. Temporary Food Service en. N t ,. 3 Facilitie mnea sria4 N C •m N C °'�we�, Oo2 r //naiad-tits 4 a�e,Ceilings 1■ p1N Ogz 20. Vo rep a Cntact Surfaces Clean - . t - - 21 '-R'pin9 Clotho Facilities -013 40. Ventilation .020■ r9 '22.+ 0 R areed,sOak _ -011 45_ Dressing Rooms .025 II ies,tt_�<seatOraOe ._ •23_ Pre-Serayed,atet_., 'd • s 1011 avice a 091d.5torage.,,� ."a •24. Wash/Rinse.Rater_. .013 Other 25. -Theimaneten/]rat Kits .013 06.Teaks /Damaged Footle -e .003 ..26.- Eguiaent/Utnail Storage .013 46. Premises etectet .••..ca: 3;d1,, ,.004 .T 28. Single ingle Service Articles lernnsnsei . .004 28. Service Re-Use .OU 4q_ Linen Areas Living h.• weans'Ci d &ral .005 50.. Pets ha ed caked &coaled .005 Sanitary facilities .035 sl_ Rink.Goode edL+^74-ypr aian 7,0055 29ti1W[ec`M'rc .016 5Z_. Salad Ran iO4 Utensils.• bdtaf a SILfiel•s 3LIRSCeo Q_ebnecttroni .Ol] 7TOLeR ' P.D4 L$ 01 8178,18 32iNTEof ets1I itlwehing .018 a .019 e e Hygiene. :.009 _. . boa/°a • isnP Liam rOGL90eat 008 35a)Insects/ROdnteLOntp66 nza;l. e Cr Thy 5 YS el. . .6,010 35 Stcalet R om .017 4144 L n2P'G a a0L9bwR 3O 76 Hand+ashitg Areas .019 .Om Ut via )r Tutbp /Refuse - 020 us;Clean)tr„SnrtiaeE.0 8 .w eDi?P?TaloOU24t reFec' .Ra ahLxYSOrfacms nRla Peaffride/ROtlnticitle Applicati T .021 o � ,;LG. 01 en cTSaL2a.2 NRf▪-TmM -One3•.:- iai s:62 "470, th -scat -belmmdestrlbe lrvloTattws: hmYed b JCO- ` e<2 rrr4N' Ott eAim In]F:lc Rr_ec /MAG!1UATLe': , - -,.DlxroP.y VVEfle OF:Nr'CW?` 9rt'PH'Fs t'fw .. LIN-BE fEFNIRCG - Q'.✓//ITi/LVita Pr/v.V ede% $RR.s/ MAR 15 1Fn1). ///cA' }.e Mr+ARKVNTEheflktafiE iaaael"'OPOSa tVKE/F NKr SThoRyl.- OMAb6RkLN9k NsYibllri* ••.•- .. .027 .02] .027 .03 10.-of Critical Items Violated segite.e rep r!imsediatetatintin .ti hen:sN 'OO. primaef fad:.'E l Nl r.�-,r�ecro��owtetet _ � / Q.sc arby,MDE,t J 7NOb1il I-!m n LO Simi maw/Fi' 115 r ?7F 4/r 431= (A1ilsni y are T nt'N Ft 0 64)'Altile7NpncS :peiq.17ar rum'/6AFtR�'c j �Ql /li3 b>a . r Ji 2tr ” 2 10°Q.4. 1H6 "'SW, • L THt`}+'�2rLrW,CId'L%6Htf R'3nkniaTa/✓C.91'F.`raAt NNYIfe. ok Ossossr rex Ofte W*tk-/w /Mean- keen) 443? ado-/a.wrafe^e Strati ARr19 A'b' FMesnMF Ct)Kffc#ety N*'A' [2DOa.ER 'darn- (act Oowas'*n Oiiele-IL'costar 44/&3 -- 1K ... -cc; medics` ell-L;R" •ier:Wei AGM aeRk-ewFRr-r/-4 °c HfrP knfhfrA2 PRn4N-- 38 fh¢rc etch/tM btoFieen-C 39? Law Offices S. George Bromberg, P.C. E CENTER • SUITE 220 • CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02140 • TEL. 617-354-8200 S. George Bromberg Bartholomew V. Earle Richard S. McLaughlin November 6, 1989 Board of Health City of Northampton City Hall 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Food Poisoning Date of Accident: 9/9/89 Victim: Gary Houle, Sr. 103 Dunphy Drive, Northampton, MA 01060 Place of Occurrence: Fitzwilly's 23 Main Street, Northampton, MA Dear Sirs: Please be advised that this office has been consulted and retained by Gary Houle Sr. , of 103 Dunphy Drive, Northampton, Massachusetts, in connection with his claim for personal injuries sustained as a result of food poisoning which is alleged to of occurred at Fitzwilly's Restaurant, 23 Main Street, Northampton, Massachusetts, on or about September 9, 1989. It is my understanding that your office conducted a investigation of this incident and three other cases which occurred at the same place and approximately the same time. Please forward to my office copies of the results of your investigation in to Mr. Houle's food poisoning and the three other similar incident's. If there is a fee for copies of these materials, please advise me and I will pay it. If you have any questions, or if there is any difficulty with your complying to this request, please advise me immediately. Enclosed please find a stamped, self-addressed envelope which you may use in replying to this letter. Very truly yours, Law Offices of S. GEORGE BROMBERG, P.C. By: 5. 5,e- S. George Bromb rg, Esquire BVE/kab EALTH Chotrmav '.M.D. 'SONS UN.Health Ayml • Bromberg, P.C. • Center 0 • MA 02140 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH November 9 , 1989 210 MAIN STREET 01060 1413)586-6950 Ext.213 ) - . RE: Investigation Report form for Gary Houle, Sr. Bromberg: regard to your letter dated, November 6, 1989 please be that the follow-up investigation in regard to Gary Houle' s la infection, cannot be forwarded to you without his signature nclosed release consent form. ice received, follow up report will be forwarded to you. 7ause of confidentiality of patient' s records, the Board .h cannot release records of other patient' s investigations their written consent. vever, we will summarize our findings about the other investigation itzwilly' s was mentioned. Wednesday, September 6 , 1989 , two college students ate ferent silly' s at approximately 9 p.m. . Each achi orderededifferento rom the menu. One student, never (as chicken wings are called on the menu) sampled some from er student' s plate. The next day, Thursday, September 7, bout mid-morning, both became ill. Suspicion of it the easource ction seemed to be the "Buffalo Wings" , because item both girls ate. follow-up investigation ate one and od idered one or two cases, to food, at the same time from one plate. here were no other cases of Salmonella reported where Fitzwilly' s solved. you have any further questions in this regard, please do _tate to call us at 413-586-6950 extension 213 . fly yours , s'17 ce Whalen Health Nurse SALTS :ha4maa MD. SONS UN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF TIE BOARD OF HEALTH . S . George Brombery ewife Center, Suite 220 ridge, MA 02140 Atty. Bromberg: osed please nary Houle, S ou have any act me. November 17 , 1989 find case reports r. further questions 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)586-6950 Ext.213 on the alleged food poisoning concerning this matter please Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent TpipV Law Offices S. George Bromberg, P.C. 1 CENTER • SUITE 220 • CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02140 • TEL 617-354-8200 S. George Bromberg Bartholomew V. Earle Richard S. McLaughlin ovember 21, 1989 ff ice of the Board of Health 10 Main Street orthampton, MA 01060 e: Gary Houle, Sr. vs. Fitzwilly's Restaurant ear Sir or Madam: nclosed please find a Consent to Disclosure of Privileged nformation relating to the above-entitled matter. Please send 11 findings from your investigation of the alleged food poisoning of Gary Houle, Sr. to my office at the above Cambridge Lddress. 'hank you for your cooperation in this matter. Tery truly yours, ;aw Offices of ;. GEORGE BROMBERG, P.C. 3y: S. George B omberg, Esquire Enclosure /cbw What Are the Symptoms_s f Salmonellosis? '1 Symptoms of salmonellosis can appear from 6 to 72 hours after swallowing the bacteria,but usua obvious within 24 hours. The most common symptoms are abdominal pain,diarrhea,nausea,von fever, headache, and weakness. Do All Infected People Get Sick? No. Some people who are infected with salmonella may only have minor symptoms and some p may not have any symptoms. However, these people may excrete the organism in their stor become a source of infection for others. How Can Salmonellosis Be Prevented? Salmonellosis can be prevented by practicing good hygiene before eating and when preparing fo addition, it is important to cook food items thoroughly. Follow extra precautions when using ar derived food products such as eggs, poultry, meats, and dairy products. Some general guidelines are: 1. Always thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water before meals, before pre; foods, after using the bathroom, after changing diapers, and after playing with your ; 2. When using animal-derived food products, make sure all food is thoroughly co especially poultry and eggs. 3. Do not eat raw or cracked eggs, unpasteurized milk,cheese made with unpasteurized n any other unpasteurized dairy product 4. Avoid contaminating any food which will not be cooked,such as raw vegetables,with ai derived food products. For example, wash your hands and all utensils and surfaces have been in contact with raw.poultry before you make a salad. 5. If you are taking care of a person with salmonellosis or diarrhea, use special precaution: contact with the person's stool(for example, after changing diapers). Promptly and cai dispose of any material which has been contaminated with stool and always wash your after such contact. 6. Seek medical help from your physician whenever you experience prolonged diarrhea Are There Any Health Regulations for People with Salmonellosis? Yes. In order to protect the public,all employees of food-related business(restaurants,food pros plants, etc.) who have salmonellosis are required by law to be absent from work until they ha■ consecutive negative stools taken at least 48 hours apart This law also applies to foodhandlers w household contacts of a person with salmonellosis. Where Can I Get Further Information? Massachusetts Department of Public Health Division of Communicable Disease Control (617) 727-2686 Office of Public Information and Health Education (617) 727-0049 Your Local Board of Health In the phone book under local government. Jun( JBLIC HEALTH LCT SHEET Salmonella eats Department of Public Health, 150 Tremont Street. Boston, MA 02111,(617)727-0049. Dr. Bailin Walker Jr.. Commissioner Is Salmonella? nella is a bacterium which causes an infection, called salmonellosis, of the gastrointestinal (the stomach and intestines) in humans and animals. It is one of the major causes of intestinal infections in the U.S.today. Although the disease is usually limited to the gastrointestinal n and most infected people do not experience any serious medical complications,the salmonella sm can spread to other systems of the body such as the blood and bone. This may cause serious ications in very young,very old,or debilitated individuals. About two thousand different strains of nella have been identified. Is Salmonellosis Spread? nonella infection is usually acquired by eating food which has been contaminated by the lum and has not been properly prepared or cooked. The infection may also be spread person-to- n when hands, inadvertently contaminated with an infected person's stool, are brought into )t with the mouth. Person-to-person transmission occurs commonly in day-care centers and institutions where personal hygiene may be poor due to age (infancy, elderly) or disability. Inellosis can also be transferred in this manner among household members. t Types of Food Are MostCommonly Associated with Salmonellosis? nella organisms are commonly found in raw animal-derived food products such as eggs, egg cts, meat, meat products, poultry, unpasteurized milk, and other unpasteurized dairy products. ver, thorough cooking and processing will kill the bacterium. Salmonella can be present in any if food if it is contaminated at any stage between processing,cooking,and eating. For example,a andler may contiminate any food item if his/her hands are not washed thoroughly before ring food. t Are the Non-Food Sources of Salmonella? )nella organisms have been found in the stools of both sick and apparently healthy people and lls. Most domestic animals including poultry,cattle,swine,dogs,cats,pet turtles and chicks have found to carry the organism. Salmonella has also been found in a variety of wild animals. fore, thorough hand-washing after contact with animals is recommended to prevent the nission of salmonella. Is Salmonellosis Diagnosed? )nellosis is usually diagnosed through a laboratory examination of a stool specimen. Your cian- will forward the specimen to a laboratory which will grow and identify the salmonella rium if it is present. The laboratory work usually takes several days to complete. Is Salmonellosis Treated? 'era!, most people who are otherwise healthy recover on their own and do not require treatment. iotics are only given to those people(such as infants,the elderly,and the debilitated)who are not to fight off the infection by themselves. This is because antibiotics may prolong the time that )nella can be found in the stool. You should always consult your physician before you take any ration.