Lot 17A & 18 Application & Permit & Deep Soil Logs 1991 729- r 1//3/57 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH y_�/ CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Fee. ...,� La ^ t:3}tll$c�l or *9 TAIIStY� Prmit i> lie,cby granted l� I >n.tnia OC) or Repair ( I all 111616.111a -ge Di po ystent NO :./IuWil tin the applicathal for U_p u.,al Works: lutruction Permit 7 . )ate r A,4,_ ATE _.. PM P255 fr--v— ! 31_( 5 V_ _.. .._ ,ard or Flat, THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH , 1 �—1{M OF NPr.TC14W]~7..-i4"1. Appliratinn/ fur Elisposal Harks Cnunstrurtinn Finn Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (tel or Repair ( ) an Individu%.SeWOge Disposal stmt at. Y}lq�lt ktc1,1c 4/ Locpt�pn'Address ds41-!1.1ecn E. (ter/Son Ownc. or Lot No t .LO;oCea..-N'..k..Ctl.VI3 222 Pc:y?.Isu-. .t.._Addrzt ... Address Installcr /� Address I f ye � me of Building Size Lot t..7..Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms .! Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder (e/r} Other—Type of Building 6..IllijitantityNo. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures sign Flow 5.5 _:X.._ti S gallons per person per day. Total daily flow to LC: gallons. fpticTank—Liquid capacity.d.aCQ:.gallons , Length_(C.e .... Width-CIC Diameter — DepthS..3' isposal Trench—No. q Width 2 Total Length..3.l.2..' Total leaching area /hJ.0 LI sq. ft.SdetutzU Diameter Depth below inlet 2-•25..! Total leaching area sq. ft. Dosing tank ( ) Performed by E-//IC' tIl(167)/(se 141/: Date.C{'oiha I.24..iftiI minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit I O ' Depth to ground water go/Is minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit / ZE rr Depth to ground water /1/41"le =epage Pit No ther Distribution box (V/) zrcolation Test Results Test Pit No. 1 21 Test Pit No. 2 escription.of Soil ature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable greement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with Ie provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Environmental Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the 'stem in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed .pplication Approved By .pplication Disapproved for the following reasons: Permit No. Issued In THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Certificate of Compliance THIS IS TO CERTIFY. That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) or Repaired l as been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of The State Environmental Code as described in he application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No. dated THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE ;YSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. "nn I.,r,.orr,.- Deep Soil Logs Filios Enterprises, Inc. 69 Pelham Rd., Amherst MA 01002, (413) 256-8008 wner: Dcation: H. 0 - 5 Sn- 23" 23"- 48° Ka %hlcgn E._Carlson Lot # lS ma plc Rd9e Rd_ Nor '-hair)pitan, MA Topsoi 1 subsoil Loose. 40 5i9 }ly rrn Ti II, Sa y Cornpath sandy -I- II 48'- log -Few Si-on tS lolls• 12$' Firm Very sandy --ill No 5#0nel round Water Ua^� 2. 0 - 5 „ 5°- 21 &4"- fog Topsoil Su6so' l 119hfly -irm sanely 1 . 11, some s-fonts, -Po., y ravel Campac+ sav ly -1- l\ Some 3 rave I Con-40,c} snndy -��II lenses O4 Santel Date• /B Oc+ober 1991 B. of H Pc+cr Mt.Erlain H3 10' o _ y „ 2/ „ 21 "-- IO' Topsoil (ornpac-4 sandy rill -Fe.W cobbles occas ioAa1 Stine Ground Water None round Water Ground Water rcolation Rate at: Lien ZI min./inch