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20+ Acre Lot Applications & Permits
THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS A 1 BOARD OF H EALTIH .. G,JIv_ OF......I. O)riLCSAIND T°i'�. Application for 3Jispooal III nrks Tonntructinn iiIrrnat Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (V) or Repair ( ) an Individual ��w C<➢jsporaT 'stem at: //�x P t,,, s ieirpepsssss Location•Address 1.e .� 3 Owner 5.e. size r Es t' Ara Installer ia�..N4 pe of Building Address Dwelling-No. of Bedrooms Size Lot .gq%.1SS7......Sq. feet Expansion Attic ( ) Garba e Grinder Other—Type of Building No. of persons Showers g ( ) Other fixtures ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) sign Flow ,SS gallons per person per day. Total daily Aow._ 4'i X f.S =64-ans. . _ Y Me Tank—Liquid capacity...? Mons Len_gth..(.Q.S.._ Width .67.°' Diameter posal Trench— No llep[h_4!.sq Y.._.... W'idth....2.[� Total Length3..2.02__ Total leaching area. E-yam sq. ft. 9i pa e Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area 6C fLBil} ty ier Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) sq. o colation Test Results ��// Performed by.a9lrnt.t....is,..e„�':�*Assoc- Date Si Heap te(� Test Pit No. %f_.._minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit /0 ° Depth to ep ground water wt,_.„_ Test Pit No. minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit `(° Depth to ground water_.I1iJr'.{+ 6 c _r;%ps_f arise rvs cription of Soil `% 4 L' if%t.X.4e At lr. -ice ure of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Bement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with provisions of TITLE 5 of the Stare Environmental Code— The undersigned further agrees not to place the im in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed lication Approved By licarion Disapproved for the following reasonr: Permit No Issued THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Ni_ 4 ClWAwMid a vl... _.... _.. Ctlertifirntr of (Compliance THIS IS TO CERTIFY That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed I ✓ r or Repaired ,e+-_3 S. )vas} Tek. ten installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of The Stare Environmental Code as described in iplication for Disposal Works Construction Permit No. dared HE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE EM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. Inspector .... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH City OF Northampton ppliratiun fur £lispusal lllurks CIuttstrtutiutt 1lermit \pplication is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal m at: Sylvester Road Luaran•Address Sus alkand...Gaurenne..Godard or Lot an 314 Orange ie 1 d t/}.KL ys .ales /NG • ..1.7 R1rL,& tin P. HA.D44 y' ,a Instal e of Building Size Lot 2• 937 a. sza_tn )welling—No. of Bedrooms 3 Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder (X) )ther—Type of Building No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures a Flow 55 gallons per person per day. Total daily How..330x12.5=4.4.0 gallons. Tank Bejdiquid capacity 150�allons Length Width Diameter Depth sal Ten —No. 1 Width 20' Total Length 3Q' Total leaching area ge Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area Distribution box (x) Dosing tank ( ) [ation Test Results Performed by DJT Huntley., Assoc Date 3-26=E1 'est Pit No. 1 2. 0 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.0 ' 6" Depth to ground water None 'est Pit No. 2 2• 0 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit_7' 0" Depth to ground water....6.13" 60-0 sq. ft. sq. ft. ption of Soil 12" OTS 6" silt w/grave_i_.__7!.0" coarse sand/gravel e of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable went: he undersigned agrees to install the aforedescrihed Individual Sewage Disposal System )visions of:ITC. 5 of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to ion until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Sig:d. ...J ri4..�.{e..,.. ation Disapproved for the following reasons- ation Approved By in accordance with placee�hhee system in L te Permit N jS> P1 - Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF _rrtifirntr of (dnntplianre 'HIS IS TO 'TI�x, ThY the Individual/ ewage Disposal System constructed ( or Repaired ( ) [en insta led in accordance with the provisions of TITLE de tas d scribed in the ation for Disposal Works Construction Permit No ��— dated % rHE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUEO-A. I GUARAN 1- TH 17 HE of The State Sanitary IF?--- EM WILL FUN/TIO* SMKSFACTORY. f' 7/3 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH L) - %a-- 7 of 16.... X^ r�n.:te 3ispnaall �Niinky Otnnntt- inn Permit Permission is hereby granted KO-Alit - nstruct ( Repair (4)_an Inr}ytjdval Sewaget,l�ispysal Syast ) street /y /f.i con on the application for Disposal Works Construction Perm' N ..�J-.� ... Date .J.7 f GG FEE..^3...>� 7 17)— 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS Board of Health h I / No..Y'..I...?.GG_..._ FEE /J' i THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS OARD OF HEALTH OF fvplirtttton -for + is}tosttl Mirka nunstrurtiun l3rrutit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Di! System at: ' t 1 -"'.' er Lat sa , W -9 H Address Address C1 trsa � Size Lot Si d Type of Building v. Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder •'I W Other—Type of Building . No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria W Other fixtures Design Flow gallons per person per clay. Total daily flow g W P4 Septic "Cud:—Liquid capacitiaSQgallons Length Width Uiamete- Depth crsl T. Disposal Trench— No. Width Total Length Total leaching am—Jail d 5 Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching are' Z. Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by Date .W] Test Pit No. 1 minutes per inch Depth of "hest Pit Depth to ground water i, Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water c4 O Description of Soil U - al W VNature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable - Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordanc the provisions of Article NI of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the sys operation until a Certificate of Compliance has�beeelji issued by�ttie ho d off7T h�'h��`ea�aaltth.��' �-j I Si ned ip.. [1!!'[y . .` - Wd 1' I I. aayy ] U PPi Application Approved By — - -../L.—c� 1 - -` , Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons' - pp Date Permit No._. / h s Issued_- .-J oat J.973 Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF.. _... Trrtiflratr Df @lnmpliat rr Repaired HS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) or 1 _._.___....._......_._.. Installer n installed in accordance with the provisions of Article XI of The State Sanitary Code as described in the lion for Disposal Works Construction Permit No__—___._. HE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE iM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. Inspector THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH' OF :F`# C UIMIUUUI iinrko O_nitFtrurtiUlt Jrrmit q_. :.k__...�' : instruct fs ereRyair (._ s oral S, em or Repav (- ,) an Individual^Sew. P, Instruct ( ) o ,� l/ Dated own on the application for Disposal Works onstruction Permit No—'—J FEE JJ 1255 ROBES 6 WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS M ASS AC H THE COM MONWEA H tH F HEALTH'TS BOARD OF H OF .. . . .... _... Applittttiun for Diupu,ttl Turku Tun5trttrtiun 'jrruttt P �� Disposal lication is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ✓) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sc�3e __L_. Ad so, Buildm_ p Size wt l- -- S,q . feet yelling e e No. of Bedroom, ._ Expansion Attic ( ) rb c Grinder er -T - Vo t p - o — Shover- l ) C relcna Other fixtures - pp Flow. /! gallon- per l c per da Total l ic to gallon r Liquid c ,ac't b e gallons Length — Dcl r al Trench 1 r Vs kith _ Total Length_ - Total . ,e 1 ri So____ . Diametet _ D e p t h belo)31det Total Distribution box ) Dosing tank ( ) _ Date O fu Vest Pit No. 1 i °inute;per inch Depth of TEL Depth to ground o' lotion Test Results P by __\0. 2 ninutev per inch Depth et f 1it � a/ Depth to mound �,r lest Pit ____ _ — _._ .. ription of Soil_ '_ ________ _ ___ ___ Answer when applicable -- _- r of ('ep_irsm Alterations _. - -_ e e cibct Individual Sewage Disposal stem in ecc 1 n ce with r c provisions coed further agrees not to place t system in The undersigned agrees to install l e Code—il indtr a 1.tion until of Certificate V I of the an Sanitary i by t% fealth board r ty ration until a Cei pficate of Compliance has c — e d s / 7 -pL cn - D... ro ed u> — f< iplcatin Approved _ for the jalloaunp reasons: _- _ n spb n,n Disapproved coved f — Issued eV, - Permit No._...____._____.__.__.__..._._..._. n,i, THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Trrtifiratr of Qinmplianre IS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) or Repaired ( ) Inemnm installed in accordance with the provisions of Article XI of The State Sanitary Code as described in the on for Disposal Works Construction Permit No dated IE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE A WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. Inspector THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD . OF HEALTH OF UinpnnttlInrkS,_Tnn trurtinn 1rrmit rmisston ss rebv granted I .truct ( ) or Repair ( —)-an IN/dlvidual Sewage Disposal System d F n on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No z y Dated Board of health 253 HOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS Fex L: D-V�- THE COMMONWEALTH C FHEALT MASSACHUSETTS SOARD ,qF OF _.•Sest ApplirattflU-f&' Oi pu5Ft1 utkg rtt151iutftDlt Permit lication is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (14 or Repair ( ) an ;min idual setJag( t: or Lot No_ A. Nthlress . >'ie-.. _ ____ ._ _ t d "_ .Sq. feet Size Lot_ Garbage Grinder ( ) nosal tiling--No. or Bedrooms-. Expansion Attic tt i.c Building aer— Type of Building No of prmole Flow � gallons per person per day. Total doily ii( Ot er fixtures T l ignid < p at L eons 1 e tl idili -e Trench No. - --- --- -- -- Width Total Length Depth below inlet Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) _..gallon-. J ter- Crtil leaching o — i..sit Total leaching arcr - del to c-- ?( m ._ Diameter -- p e Pit No--- Dosing tank ( ) Dac - etion Test box ( ) . ._- tton Test Results 1 of let Pit.s Performed by - -""- Depth to ground wate- est Pit No. I_ .--nanutes per inch Depth o .._- Depth to ground oa cr .. No. ..__minutes per inch Depth of "Celt Pit . . _ est Pit No. �- ..... _ iptionof ----- ----------------- --------------------------------- ----- r e . re of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable.. - - -- - Them the undersigned further agrees not to place the system in The undersigned agrees to install the aforcdescrbed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with rovisions of Article SI of the State Sanitary Code — health. ation until a Certifiatte of Compliance has been tssty�d by the boa o�_ (rj /7 ___ /�................ Stgne .__. �/L4�� te Date lication Approved By _ --- r6emon Disapproved for the following reasons:._ Dat ___._ rssu Date • Permit No / �--- 111t UOMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF . . . .. ... . . Terfifirate of ( nmpliattre Repaired IS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual r ReI ual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) ( ) Installer installed in accordance with the provisions of Article XI of The State Sanitary Code as described in the ion for Disposal Works Construction Permit No IE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE N WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. Inspector THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF r,..- :. . .. . . £disposal 'Marko QInnstrurtiun Permit emission is 1}erebv granted : f. struct (i4 or Repair ( ). an Individual Dkwage'Disposal System t Streetr Dated vn on the Application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No Board of Health 1255 MOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS .....w-• • THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH r OF .k4(. ltfr Ap}tlinttinu for Dinpn ial ae nrks (rouotrurtinu jrrmtt FEB._�i cA ication is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal t: k or Lot No. Address Address feet Size Lot Sq Building Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Bering of Bedrooms Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) ier—Type Type of Building No. of persons Other fixtures Flow Tank—Liquid capacity I Trench—No. gallons. gallons per person per day. Total daily now Depth gallons Length Width Diameter P Width Total Length Total leaching area sq. ft. Depth below inlet Total leaching area sq. ft. Pit No Diameter P )istribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) tion Test Results Performed by st Pit No. 1 minutes per inch !st Pit No. 2 minutes per inch stion of Soil Date Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water arns4li a c e of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable..:,. onza -4_XA ment: he undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with ovisions of Article XI of the State Sanitary Code- The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in ion until a Certificate of Compliance h peen issued by the bo i .f health. Signedy- ,w+�' .b11‘ ' cation Approved By ication Disapproved for the following reasons M !Da . `L.l7i Dad Date Permit No-5a G Issued.._ X Drt THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF O rrtifitatC Af OI nnplianaa IS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) or Repaired Installer installed in accordance with the provisions of Article XI of The State Sanitary Code as described in the ion for Disposal Works Construction Permit No da if ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE M WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. Inspector THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ( OF 1;144-2Xd.+yyr4i.. FES,Ij.::_fl& nifiPaS4, nrks @innstrnrtinn Prrmit ermission is hereby granted...y4}.... :-fF6 "'1'f"".4-- nstruct ( )_or Repair (jam an fns Sew a sal System ..�:.. Street Iwn on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No...:/ Dated- t..�-I I G ..J.y..1 rd #de, w E 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS . No._9.7._{_....... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Application for 1iApnsnl ii nrks Q t nntrnrtinn lrrmit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage L System at: a L mto�xo. .___.............._.... ,'L:n:to:..!._, .. .... ..... n. ....s Aaa,e,: ...._.........._y:. 0"104................................. ..._....._._.__..._............_.. peep._._..._._._... :g.1= tk .. Addres o .......................... _..____ .Dept W Installer Size ._. .1 Garbage Grin 0.a Type of Building _ . . ._._Expansion Attic ( ) Carin U Dwelling Type of Bedrooms........................................... of persons_._._____._.___— . Showers ( ) — ar Other—Type of Building .. - _... - - - - PA p, Other ....fixtures __ Dtametcr-- -D $ d _-- gallons per person per day Total daily flow Design Flow-- - __ Width................ allons Length................ Total leaching area...... ( afrs capacity ._Total Length-- -- Septic Tank—Lk-paid `[el Disposal Trench—No._._.__._._.. Width_._.__._... Dept__ Seepage Pit No ___.__._. Diameter Depth tank )below inlet_..__.._.__. Total leaching Date 2 Other Distribution box Performed by-..___._. - . Depth to ground water..... '.. Percolation Test Results Depth to ground water.... aTest Pit No. 1____.__ininutes per inch Depth of Test Prt.__..--- .. W Test Pit No. 2----.._minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit_ ...__._--�� W' .. - - - - - .._. _._ O Description of Sin.- - - - - .... - - - x -- - Answer when applicable.- O Nature of Repairs or Alterattons- Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedeserrbed Individual Sewage Disposal System in aces the provisions of Article NI of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place t operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed. i.G zt ... �ZL7.:. �_/_ K03 - f � li�. Application Approved By- -- - ' " - _ - - - -' __. Application Disapproved for the following reasons: -- _...__._.__..__..___.---_.___._._.. __cl<':_Lam;L �. Issued._. uDate Permit No...... .. .. ..........._.......................... ... ............................... THE COMMONWEALTH OFMEAASSA HUSETTS BOARD OF .{ ....._.........._.._..........._........_ OF . . Tpiificttte of IIi } ltttlCP THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ns m ted ( ) or Repaired by -- __ -- - —. -- dated - described has application for Disposal Works Construction provisions No Article -- of The State Sanitary Cock as THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE TN/ SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. Inspector.__................______...___..__. .. .................... ...... . ...... DATE.._..___......._..........._._..........___................ ......................... •....•......•...THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH �� ",l , i kZ ... FEEL. ji// _...1...1` y OF .. / . _ Lfr..njl No._=7�� �}......... .. . . . ........ ._ U IIrks C�IInIItrinn 3 �ty}IIISttI �;c_ Permission is reby granted...-. Individual Sewage Disposal System............_....... ...___.... or Repair ) Sewage D....— to Construct � ) . - -.-._,_�,,T,a�,p..:.. 5t:`rt o � - at No Works Construction .f `. u:yly�.:t.r.L. application for Disposaly_ _-:CYW.tta-(th as shown on the app� .,...- DATE FORM iZ65 HOBBE & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS NO..-1. '. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD /! ,,HIE> C Wit„1 of Permit Npplirtttian for 3dtspnsttl % prks �i IInwtrurtinn Application is hereby trade for a permt to Construct 14for Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage D System at: [ !'7 ( ....._.. ___. -fit,5!U'.`:_:._._LQ..._.:.....y./____. Address ill .............................. . �!4.._.— _.. -- -"-' Address _.. Size Lot-----------------------Grin Garbage G ,,,} -Expansion Attic 'A Type of Building ersons._ .. .. Showers- ( ) -Cafet 6 No. of Bedrooms...- - No ofp U�..1 Dwelling of Building ._ - _ - -- . .............. . ...... ......... .. .__. ___ W Total daily flow Dgpt W Other fixtures gallons per person per day.Width Dilmeter-.- ._ -- area.- —' d Design Flow -- ' - - 64� 11Dns Length...............- - - __ Total leaching/ ___Total leaching e . -.... W ScepaTank—Liquidr,paary---- ' ..________\Vidth.._—______ blown let_ ill Disposal Trend+— NO' - Diameter......__Eta Depth) __ _ Dosing ____. Date-. Seepage sir No......... ....... ____. .... .__ - Depth to ground water _.._ z Other Distribution box (✓s performed by...__..—. to ground water- .+ percolation Test Results Depth per inch Depth of Test Pit_..._.. ... _ ____-____ � Test Pit No. 1......... .minutes per inch Depth of Test- it - - minukesV _- -- ---' ., Test Pit No. --"' _ .._-�- - - 1 O Description So il. ._____.-... ._...._..................._..__.._... ._....._.. ..._. .. ..__". ___...._.-_...___....___.__.. applicable ""- W Answer when app --._— Z Nature of Repairs or Alterations -- _ _. _ .'- U -- --'"" Sewage Disposal System in ac Individual Sewag agrees not m to in ac Agreement: yeas to install the aforeC deh The undersigned further ag The undersigned agrees de— y the board of heart . the provisions t of Certificate to of the State Sanitary has b t, Certifitate o{ Come �� ✓i' ♦ .GC/�......... ....................... >.. operation until a .. ,.., tLu Sfgn�d * _t� �. ,_ ltc'.-_.� 1r Application Disapproved Ry-- --- roved for the following yeas -- Application DisaV4 ._____....._ ................................ ........... .____._....__.__...._ Issued-._.____....__e .. . ._.__._ . Dale permit No �3_ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MA55AGHUSEI BOARD OF HEALTFyn _. . . tr f I OF "r ,� 1t�11tCQ Y) or Repaired atalifitatt Rf QDUyop System constructed ( . __. I TOh1t the 1 :--nalewage P ryi._..._. - Co`'e"- 1 .,1 J...' E RTII'1 t„s n THIS ---rs Al.. .. _ Sanitary, t ; �The State S dated I asgn descr by 1 of Article N; - - -.__ - " +THAT t _:�_ provisions I ,,__ ._ GUARANTEE at - with the P No - SE CONSTRUED- ED AS A accordance F T has been installed in . TE SHALL NOT / Y ._ . __. Works Construction Permit y� rJ IS CERTIFICATE � iv�� //�_:-.�-.---� application for D--4 O-- TH . THE ISSUANCE CTORY. ' - �- FU FUNCTION SA715FA Inspector_. __._-- SYSTEM ° f if WILL 4• .r+.____.._ MASSACHUSETTS DATY°.- COMMONWEALTH OF THE cOMMOA OF HEALTH BOARD / I rVbkit t se l t, .y of__ (tDl '� i tittl ��� y�g irur J I DDaY�"IIllt� g}tD No graD}t �+ n.,t_ N k! �-Disposal System _. . - reR air granted c __ ndn+ ual Sewage"Disposal (u ! ��' Permission is„). Repair ) �t .. street 7 D,ited_ No .. a Construct t 1 pl Rep . .....:tit / .- r,%r..- Construction Perna * --t,__ f 'at No sal Works ,ra s Health application for Dispo _ ..__--C1,51:-.!--.,.:t. 1 ' asshownon4eapP PUBLISHERS DATE__ Inc.. FORM 1259 HOB85 B WARREN. EY JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. vis Engineering Co. Established 1870 tnd Surveyors & Civil Engineers r 30 CRAVES AVE., NORTHAMPTON, MASS. TEL. (413) 584-7444 EI . REC ...._.. . .__ CI t" WARD of �i; 1480a No......................... _ . - THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EAINTHTa BOAR lOF �t y1 r. Npplirtttinn r Dievosal Watts un5trntiiun ertnd or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage D� A...... on is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (_ ............ $ stem at: ,-�rJ,� 1 S� 1� rd .. L _Coca -adjmss^ .. 1 ` .. d�dmsa cadetso -?Cy`_��'�. ....__ ._ - Size Lot-.................... . ._. .__-. -----""_ ��� e Grin '"'"��_��- Garbag i,,.0\'« Cafe. ill Expansion Attic Showers ( ) • Type of Building '_�No of persons c No. of Bedrooms.. ^� .-_. .. 0 U llwelling— . `- Other—Tthe of Building _ Total daily °w' Dept Ul n. Other hxtures —�-- per person per Diameter.. Y gallons P Length Width --.- -'PTiamlete. g ea -._ leaching a `� Design Flow - .t� -gallons - - 1 leaching area. - eat ...Total Length ..- o -- e Septic e Pk—Liquid capacity._ Width- Depth below inlet _-_-_- ac it.. -.. Disposal Trench— r° Diameter ate -- Seepage sir Nti Dosing-t I, _ �„ epth to ground water- s-, by-- - +H' 'r Depth to ground water_. Other Test Pi No.box ( Depth of Test Pit�a- ` --. z Results .+ Percolation Test minute per men Depth of Test Pit a7 Test Pit No. 1 ' -"- - _ Ca h minutes per inch P -_. W Test Pit No. 2 -- - _ - _ — . O Description o it - ft ._ applicable -. W a Alterations Answer when apt U Nature of Repairs or _._._ System in a s _ Code—The undersigned further agrees not to plea Agreement: the board of health. The undersigned agrees to install the afomdescnbed Individual Sewage Disposal the provisions of Article NI of the State Sanitary operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by Signed..........—" Application Approved oved 12Y-- __ _.............._ Application Disapproved for the following reasons .......... ... . Issued......... ..... -_._ Date No.................... .................................... __. ...____... Permit N ••••••••millismises.11.1".......".........smsosor Ntr.--...................... FEE................... THE COMMONWEA LTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF trIEAL7TH Applitatiat for 13iovntial, Illorko Tottotruttiott Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct A or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Di Systexn at: , - i , ,..'4. , f' ;ea/ ..el....cm..................................,....._, .1................,................................. ................ ..... ...—'''......7. 1,,,eatio A d-ras ..-- / or Lot O. ..................... .■■.• .......•.c.....A:—.•.....•... '' ............... ............ ......................... .................. „., , O'ner: •); & Address 41 . .................................,..tr........t......o.........:........................... ..................... .... 1—) Installer Address (11 --d e of Building Size Lot................... .... 2 1--i Dwelling—No of Bedrooms.....................................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grind M. Other—Type of Builcling .......... .............. No. of persons...................... .. Showers ( ) — Cafetet MIOther fixtures-. N ................................. ........................ ... .. ...... . ..... . . .... .........r, j..T...... eC 1.4 Design Flow.........................2.. . . allons per person per day. Total daily flow. ......... .... .......)..----- • Pi". c4 Septic Tank—Liquid capacity.......Y..gallons Length..............Width............ Diameter........ . . ..Djepth iLlDisposal Trench No.....................Width..... . . ...... .Total Length.... . .. ......Total g area..w:...... t-- Seepage Pit No.. . ... Diameter. . ............... Depth below inlet... . .... ..... Total leaching area..... .. --- ..s Other DISHiblITiOS box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Resit 1100TMe by...... .. . . ................. ......................... Date. ....... ... ii Test Pit No. 1. minutes per in Depth of Test Pit. ........... ... Depth to ground water.. ... itTest Pit No. 2. .........minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit ........ . Depth to ground water...... P4 ........... ................ ........ .... .................... ........................ 0 Description Of SOil..... . .......................................... ..... ....... .......... ................ U ..... ........ . .... ...... ... ......... .................................... ........................................ S.1' ' ................. ... ... . ................. .. . ........... . ........ .. . . .......... ........................... Z t..) Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable .. ... ... ..... ..... ... .......... .. .. ..... .... . . ........ ...... . ........ . ......... ...... ... .... . ....... ... .. . ............... Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedeseribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in acc the provisions of Article XI of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issned by the board of hthi../ , . Application Approved By. .... .it- .+.. ............e.'......,..{:-...........,. .:..:................. ...t..,.... Application DiSappTO‘ed for the to/lowing reasons:. ........... .................................... ........... .................. ............. ...... . ............................. ............................. I ?! ' I Permit No........................................................ Issued.....i.C................2......?...e Date THE COMMON`N EALTH OF HEALTH SSA SETTS BOARD OF 4 _ 7 1 YF�/ r �L GO di tta 1 ttre eri System constructed '( L tt Of uJIIm t ttt or Repaired ( ) t t Individual Sewage Disposal S) e SIS T'Q GT�IZTIFX 743t �i - - - g hed in the of The State Sam Weiss 1 / provisions ofAr�`-1, dated - _ installed p in accordance Works ce ens the p OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE on for Disposal Works Construction Permit No. / IS SUANCE SFACTORY. `---../1-4-so,G .tf A, 0 IJtl -4. i A ,�n,FUt{tCilO�l+"71 Inspector ._________. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH �lat"'.. of F vnas trarks Wo tretiatt Permit 'ermissioys/hereby granted o Repair:h o 'own on the application for Dis c:r. . an Individual SLwagtPisposfl System 1 /Ira t .. .. y.. posal Works Construction Pecmtt No+_1 N 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS rEE._._ .............. l tit %V €Hea r. `h Board o Hnl tF THE COMMONWEALTH F MASSACHUSETTS BOARD HEALTH NORIHOPTOfJ _ of udiDn 'hermit ton rioal Drt U TonDtr e Disposal tor �mg� Repair ) an Individual Sewage io M�7 hereby m made or R pa •1on is hereby made for a Perna to Construct o. r iH tdPTOf _._._........._.- LANE A"" RDPR NFLINDA Address Sties Lotion N K Addaass SLt. t o wner ..__.__. Size Lot_..4.2 t}52.__.. _il ding P.t1ETd-..SIY.MA._S._I_._._._..._.__-._.__ Garbage Grinder (e t mai•oo Expansion Attic ( i . Cafeteria ( .. . . � 3 _.. Fxpa 6 _-__ Shower ( i . u;iding — CtN° of persons. '- - }00 ' No.o, of Bedrooms �d RBn . ........ ....... ......................................... . ._g on.) on y flow Depth_ 1 `1O Type o{ Budding mt� - person par day, Total daily Diameter D l Other fixt gallons per �n \gidth- _....... q ' Length o - ._.Total ,-.50 'IOW................511................... gallons .... .............. - uid capacity.1500 g _ Total Length - t�^..Totalrl�e:��'j OF M g aPi Li4 ._..__ Width__ .__ Depth below inlet S- , , 1476{Nerved Trench—N° ---- tank ( ) EVBINEERING.GORP.;$ .- e s x Pit No....-bo -iD �y{�t q J?ank ( )-. 10e __.. Del Vic gV7YL'LI- et _ C 7fir^ Qasmg )istribut;on box f ) performed by De G t. gro1, - [h of Test Pit._ mt_ r Inch Depth Y;t_ , o PH?-k!:t(..:A— ...... .............G! cion Test Results minutes I Depth of Test _,_54nO �wORAVEL-. >st Pit No. 1_i her inch - _ o .._ per i i . SAND 8_GRAVEL......-- a Union n f S 2........................... Z4n FINE all -'hi` �' a........ ........... n �e0---- _ .... gmon of Soil-. 12 -__` - _ Answer when applicable. ......... . ..- ¢ordance with Repairs or Alterations _ ............................... — is osa] System in accordance in re of Rap __ .......... place the system Individual Sewage p reel not to P cement: Sanitary Code—The undersigned oflheal[ber ed agrees to install the aforedesaiie the board ____..-----'"' The undersign issued by n.+� Hance has been _ . .. - ._ provisions of Article XI of the State Date ,ration until a Certificate of Compliance Signed Approved BY-._... _ __.. pplioarion Dis reasons -_ _ Di aPP roved for Elie following ... ipphcation Issued................................... —" min Iss elsoloo•"""..."1"...........■••"................m..........--- No......................... F .....W..Ref -ctAJ C THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS cry.W1( BOAROFit:EALTH . . Npvtiratio tor Dispoottl inrit;tittartution Paniii ‘ Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (1 or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage 1.3. System at: Le . zzzzi()) ..........S5-LAZ-.............. At" z.ferS4....... .....Sorojl:.' Q.44- ............. nuation Aylares%r mi2o-v-43".L. ............. . e.k. . - . o„.„ Aadress 41 ...1 .................................................................... .......... ............... .................. . ...... „chess ........................... -4 Type of Building Size Lot...... .................. :3 iDwelling— No. of Bedrooms................................... ...Expansiofl Attic ( ) Garbage Grin Os Other—Type of Building ........................ No. of persons . . ........ Showers ( ) P-■ Other fixtures ...................... .... ................. . ......... --2, .. .......... ...._>._...f) ,4:1 Design Flow...................................gallons per person per day. Total daily flow. ......0 ri..... ......... Septic Tank—Liquid capacity............gallons I ength................ Width ........... Diameter. ........ ....Depe lel Disposal Trench--No. ...................Width.................Total Length................. Total leaching area_.......... ::- Seepage Pit No........ ..__....... Diameter.......... ......... Depth below inlet._... ..............Total leaching area........ .-4 Other Distribution box ( ) Dosingr'.11: ( Percolation Test Results, Performed by....LA:. 1 .. . .............. Date../C2S2..... Test Pit No. 1. . / minutes per inch Depth of Test Pititkf .. ... Depth to ground water.. 5.) Test Pit No. 2 C...z.minutes pet inch Depth of Test Pit. L........ . De tit to ground water. . g ... . .. ... .. .a.... O Description of Soil.....LOrela : ..... ' 5-6c......Seoe.x.S_...7 ...(..... g0 ..... ............... ......... ........................ ......... .......................................... ......................... Oa 'Z ............... . . _ . . . ... ................. .................. .. ... ............ ........................ U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable .............. . . ................... ..........___ ................ . ... . . ........__................ . ............... ............ .......... ........... ............. Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescrilsed Individual Sewage Disposal System in m the provisions of Article NI of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to piaci operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed. ......................................................... ........._ ..... Application Approved Ily .......... ........ ............................................. .... ..... ...... Application Disapproved for the following reasons:... . ................................... ................... .. ...................... . .......... .. ........................................... ... ........ . . _____....... ..... Date PermitNo.................................... .................... Issued............................ . Nea._...._..__.. ri- ` % _ NO THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ,BOARD OF( !, OF �YInCT far iliiipuoal ur•,ark9, (>Laaatrurtian ���1jeFittatl or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Di ,„.,� for a Permit to Construct ( ) Application is hereby System at: t ?Pali .. ... Y z 1 i, _r- .. o Aot No or -- r ga3r VS, C-1 « yi,r4 X Size Lot_ ._. W mn.m, O a to Address Expanvon Attic ( )Showers ( a)Garbage C fe Type of Building - .__-- _ No of persons _. J llwelhng—No. of Bedrooms .la Other—T Other of Burldmg .__. Total daily flow _ . DA m -gallons per person per day. o - w Other fixtures _. Width Dtameter - D-t- C --((� Length Toammeter- area e 1 gallons - Desfgn Flow - -' Total leaching area '.' Septic e it No-r9uid . .capacity __. _ Wtdtb .__ Total Length - -- _ . . Depth below inlet - - -_ Ul Disposal Trench— N°---- --- ---- Diameter Dosing ( ) _. _ Date.. e str No b round water... p Seepage _... .._.._ Depth to g Other Distribution box ( ) Performed by_.-_ . ground water_. 2 per inch Depth of Test Pit.---- Depth to g ., Percolation No.. 2s... ....................._ // Depth Depth of Test YiL_.-.-----� .1 Test Pit No. 1 minutes p _.__.._._____ .. ..nunutes per inch Test Pit No. 2. -- __._. _ ._.- ........................w -- ' tion of Soil_.- .......................... ._. ._- ......... O Description __ . __- __- - 4 - applicable ___._- U - -- -- Answer when apP . .. - W - Repairs or Alterations .._. V Nature of Rey _ - ----- System in ae --- Sewage Disposal Sy Agreement: e_The undersigned further agrees not to place The undersigned agrees to install the Lary ode—The un era ew been i ued by the,board of health. the provisions of Article SI of the State ahas i /.-� operation until a Certificate of Compliance C.T� t 'Y6'-7 �4 l . Approved By ._ Application APP - r Disapproved for the follorvEn9 reasons: Dfsapp _ _ _..._.- _.____ _ __.____________.____.__ Issued._.:__- nate ,3 g Permit No ....___.._________._........ T Of Mp J L THE LpMMONW D OF HgA °-n _.. / R Paned C w BOARD i kt-. it '''' tlt 1 . on ecncted l/ or��6 i 0f Disposal Sl�en ��Ladtt� Sewage ..1. `abate rs Code as desa��F vn t rr' - The Saa\t. _ ?9" R F% „ /2,,A) !L t �y ?l�Y rattb” �radF �._ - pps p6UARAHTEE THAT IS THIS - s o4 a__ T , A CEO :. with the CERTIFICATE ,7 Ru by pecmiSH° A�`NOISE L CONSTRUED NS %/ installed in acc°No ks C°LEaction ATE r . F HGE OF THIS Tl FAGTORT. at__- ' insta osal In �{Or.: .• has Ueen Disposal application is citr SA INS FUNCTION _---- MASSACHUSETTS E lssu SYSTEM ) \ ..," ).... THE c°MMpHW EpF.OF cNEP �dti.- C�- i BOAFZq ,t I Y11tC� �` nian A of R 3 em tB�D�I'> 4osa sY �,f re f Te` et ,�c a''3 at" ! tio_. ^ he Uv granted(�l art }b{` on is � n �,�/� GOnst\UCL1 Cl'� t Fit's' Pero Works Coast -7 9isposal to Con at No._ tion for tiea on{ne a4P as shown -� �- IIBNERB DATEtz69 NoBRS & W PVB P0.REN. FVRN THE COMMONWEALTH /`. �.a' a BOARD OF HEALTH +r i .__..__ a,J F OF _���.'. I ermtt nrks C�nnsirncttnn nowt an IndsiPrl Sewage PisPosa �pplre y made {r a �tnp or Repair ( ion is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (r ) I1 .. ...... Y —"' � Add i....... ._ Address ..�%,yl �ti/..... feet n_di-...1.. - Winer Size Lot. e r /j .__... _t--.__._._...__ Garbage Grinder Gi ) to,roo — Cafeteria / _. _ _ Expanson Attic ( ) showers ( ) iilding _ No of persons_- gallons. ing—No. of Bedrooms. - - _ '" daily flow - ype of Building _ .- Total da Y , Uepth .Y _T -- -" person per day; Diameter- ... f - 9....... it 'y Pit Other fixtures - gallons per Width - ./......- ,� . _ �, ft. . ( ::........................ - .. Length i ___._. - .. Total leaching area Mons low - d ca..... C /mete ga r Total leaching area -. !: "__ Total Length / Ink—Lrq Width .. Depth below Inlet- 1) Trench—'-So .... Diameter tank ( ) T.cs Data L M .f.-- -. - -�-( Dosing ` ...... -- ground water . ion yo____- -- __H_ . r�: _ Depth to gr st Pit No,box (✓1 performed in h�"= Depth to ground water .- A r Depth of Lest Pit _ Dep ion it No.Results per inch --„ Depth ./ Test Pit minutes P _..._._.... st Pit No. �r-- per inch .:.--- ptPitfS 9' - - I µ ,� peon of Sod-- - ..�.................... -.................. - __ _ ... ............ . . .................. s htable_ _ -........................ - ._ - Answer when app _ with Provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Repairs or Alterations .. - System in accordance re of Rep - - Disposal SY the em in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been-- - d Individual Sewage p rees not to place Proem'._ .- .,,,,mental Code—The undersigned ourther health.by 6. .a ,.�.ees ro install the aforedescnbe , tl_/ism 9� The plication Approved By >plicationDisapp -....-- Disapproved fur the follouing reatonr --- Issued THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF ._.. :y 7 eertificute of Compliance HIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ✓ ) or Repaired ( ) -- Ins Eler Fa ht t en installed in accordance ce with the provisions of TITLE 5 of The State Environmental Code as described in plication for Disposal Works Construction Permit No dated H E ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE Inspector EM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. "y THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUS FEE._ST5 �.t./... BOARD OF HEALTH OF W N. 1tgposat GP IIrho Qtattstrttltkin 'rrtnit Permission is hereby g :Construct (✓) or Rep?. Lo -- _ __` r.. shown on the application ranted it ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System- - - - , , .... t___-- -._� Dated _ _ - ... for Disposal Works Construction Permit No Board of Health iTE__._. .._._._._.__._._._.. IN 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PtJ LI5HE0.5 No THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD p�OFHEALTH CA al- OF Application tor 3lispn rni Mocks Cn mo unfion Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (x) or Repair ( ) an Individual w Di5 a ' posar System at: 1Tp /` 1 LA c a *1.U:e*. �° Location-Add , / I ov top , AJ.uSmG1.i:SL. QG.r,..5te.item . ..:SSaP h.-A-L... : �Fi AiGl 1-4 E Cfnetli7kter In,talkt AddreSS Type of Bt ilding Size Lotgj5LU4�1s7 Sq. feet U Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms f Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder (Yg) Other—Type of Building No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures .b �6 Ions. Design Flow Sr gallons per person per day. Total daily flow._..W6 K l Septic Tank—Liquid capacity.--?4*allons Length./O S.. Width SW' Diameter Depths ` Disposal Trench--No. Y_._.. N'idth....2.4� ^ Total Length_3.2-Q Total leaching area ..y sq. ft. S/.y Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area. '10..sq. ft Moen Other Distribution box ( ) Dosin$$ tank ( ) Percolation Test Results [/ Performed by.At, t...t .�.nk1 4 A s Date .%.!- Ha. _F teri Test Pit No. ' ..minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit /0 Depth to ground water Wat^< Test Pit No. minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit 7 Depth to ground water ti 4''i. 6 ..CB*_F:; ias_ n ett $ Jas` Alone Description of Soil "it 44444 Anton LK /K/dt..r/- Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Environmental Code —The undersigned further agrees system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed Application Approved By Application Disapproved for the following rearms: Permit No. Issued accordance with not to place the h/.)575 >r THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH _.. t_. OF N' ?l I Certificate of Compliance tT,azq-'rp — d ual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( / ) or Repaired ( ) at by > _B K u- L &� THIS I T C Y. Tha the Ixd�,vl the application for Disposal Works Construct ion t . I has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5A f The State Environmental Codyas des ibe PP p on Pecmi[ Na. 2°%"�! - 17P-S-0 l� THE WILL FUNCTION I THIS A CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED GUARANTEE THAT THE NOTION SATISFACTORY. `/�7"/�`J SYSTEM W ILL�U/3/� DATE OO __.._ Inspector No -34- 92- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF.J Btspnsttl new /tT xtntrnrtinn lrrntit G ^1 ''A 'Je �� Y Permission is hereby granted to Construct 4) or Repair ( . ) an laditlidual Sewage Disposal System �ica((��ee.dd� �� at No _ ^ ga ��A9� %a--"�„'�/�7 as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction m N /14 /nil& V-- FEE A DATE / 4 `''- f FORM 125 5 HOBBS REN. INC.. PUBLISHERS Board of Health THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON G„,L Application for fliopnsal OR arks Cnonstrurtinn Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (X ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: SYLVESTER ROAD LOT-..3 Location Address PROGR(ESSIV STRUCTURES st Type of Building 3 Attic Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms fro of persons Other—Type of Building oP Other fixtures - .. ”"'-" - - Design Flow 55. gallons per person per day. Total daily flow33Ax-1,�5–as--.p-&t N' tone r eg Septic Tauk—Liquid capacity IS OQenllons Length Width Diameter Depth=Disposal Trench--No Width Total Length Total leaching area sq. ft. Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inletZ T -0" Total leaching area..capac it y 854 GP Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) 3–�5-8 Z Percolation Test Results Performed by A B Jr • Huntley Assoc, Date Test Pit No. 1 2 • 0 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit 10 ' –O" Depth to ground wafer.N.on.e Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water SEE ATTACHED PLAN _ . .- --- -- - - or Lot No. 68 WINTERDET(RX._.LMt- Address Address 1 .20 AC Size Lot Garbage Grinder ( x) Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Description of Soil Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with Agreement: the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the hoard of health. gn e Application Approved By /4/ a Application Disapproved for the following reasons' Permit No Issued Date Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH on of AiairAifigitint THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Inu:v:dual Sewage Disposal S)ste[It constructed or Repaired ( ) ice, Lot rf3__SISE,stre ROAD _____._.TITLE an-nitrate of atomplianre 1 by...... __...-_.____._.__.______..___.- - deyrji d in the 5 of The State Sanitary C eA�. ( � 7 _ 2g -_87 ._. dated - -- appli been installed in accordance ons the i n Permit of U A 7A. AEA E application SS ANCEl Works Construction ATE S SHALL - SsS %OF THIS THE ISSUANCECTI NfstT Sp6vrT. SAL NOT BE CON / SYSTEM WILL RAM SLC IlaG /B DAT�--:...--_.._-`._'_'`.._...._._..__._.__.._......._............ Inspector....._._.__..__._._.__.___.__._ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH / Disposal lurks Toneltrurhoa Devoid Permission is hereby granted...._.__. ... .. . . an Individual Sewage Disposal System . . . ............... . or Repav ( ) to Nonstnut ( ) at shown o.._.- . - t.._lli_. Dated... as s on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit o - -�-- ---- Board of Health FEE.-: _'............... DATE. ------ --- ------:-------_.r__._:4._ FORM 1255 HOSES &WARREN. INO.. PUBLISHERS i•' "•"""" (1 ',,(/ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS �' d r BOARD OF HEALTH rrmii pplicatiun far Diopnottl Works Tunor �ndipdna Sewage Disposal or Repair ( ) Per it to Construct (K) � � Application is hereby made system at: tosiail Type of Building Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms -Other—Type of Building ----------------- Other fixtures Design Flow gall - - allo 7 -quid capacity/VC g Septic Tank •.. - -ddrese Address Size Lot_.._._.__............Sq. Garbage Grinder _Expansion Attic ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) _ showers No. of persons - ...._ .-. oteI - �s D ons per person per day Total daily liow3 7 y- r Width Diameter — - _...._ Width Disposal Trench-- No-- "__-Diameter.__. Seepage Pit No.----(- D Other Distribution box ( ) Performed Percolation Test Results Test Pit No.19, Test Pit No.q _ _'4---- minutes per ,,,,,///___._ _ minutes per -_ - -_- SD ns Length /Q _ Total leaching area- ____ ___..Total Length.___...... Depth below inlet.... .............Total leaching area--.—...--..-s4. osing tank �f ,1 ___. Date 5fri-0r-' by . . _......_'_.. ground water. ...... ...... '-"' _ Depth to gr P inch Depth of Test Pit._-.__._.. ground water__ ..................... inch Depth of est Pit................ Depth tog ._......_..___...._............... Description ..... . of Soil._.___._.__ . ___.-_._.. .._._._ .. _._._.___.__._.__.___..___.__.............. Nature of Repairs or Alterations - Ansver when applicable. -.--- .- .___ - - . .............. 5 of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by th= .oasl f he th. - - y Application App roved By - ' - - it a- - ?ae Application Disapproved f or the f ollowing reason .---' ........._.. _ ________________ Date Permit No........................................................ Issued_._........_..._.Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OFN 0.41 $- t• c- 1 .. n Trditiratt of Clomp Uttar THIS IS IFY Thatual Sewage Disposal Systern constructed (X) Or Repaired ( ) s been installed in accordance with the ovisions of TITLE 5 of The State Sanitary Code S in the ....ta................ ........... plication for Disposal Works Construction Permit g-::::7........ dated. ../.1. ..,...... _.. ........... THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SFIALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GU RANTEE AT THE ITSTEM WILL 77CTI N A FACTORY. 7 3ATE............ . ..................._.......... Inspector........... ......... . ........ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ..... ....... . . . .. . . ... . .......... ........ ............ FEE.... orNoRTKA.Nin* Diopnal clyrits Taluitaistion Verna ........... Permission is hereby granted. ....... ....................................................... ............... strt at No .......... . ..' .... .............. ... .... ...... . ................. .. ................... ............ to Construct ( X)9 Revak r an an Individual Sewage-Disposali5gstern as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit . ......_.... Dated__......... ..... ....... ......... issra units .. . ...... ... ....—........_ DATE............................................................................... I255 P. M. SULK14. INC, BOSTON ,....car..-.f..i THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF TH g CO F_ {V Application for Dispooal itiorko (nonstrnrtion Permit r Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( , 1 .� -1/,^.'_._, .... o V (f�`'r^ System at: j ...._....._ .._ lor w< 4P .._...._.__-...ca Address ........_.. ..gall _ ....- Size L .. ........ Building 1_ to,t,na g' at.Address Type of Budging ; anion Attic ( )Showers Garbage ender e Grinder ) .._.._._.__...... .... Cafeteria ( ) g Type of Bedrooms.......-- _ . .._.__—Dwelling Type of Building _.__.___ __gall_._._ ___..._._._.._._..._..._. ..._..........._... Other—Tth -____._._____..._..__... Other fixtures _._____gall_... Total daily flow....._..___.._.._....._..__._.gal gallons. Design anw.......................................... .__.______capacity------gallons per person per day. . gallons Length................ Width................ Diameter..........Depth.____.__ Septic l Trench nch N capanty__._._ id Disposal Trench—No. _-_.__._..._Width..... ........Total Length....................Total leaching area_................... ft. Seepage Pit No..................... Diameter............ Depth below inlet....................Total leaching are .................sq. ft. Dosing tank ( ) _ ...... Date....................................... ..__.....__... .._....... Other Distribution box ... . .-.. �� ground water..........gall_. Percolation Pit N Results Performed inch Depth - ..n d..w.t_......................... Test Pit No. ]._...__._._minutes per mch Depth of Test Pit..---.---- Depth ................_._._..._._...._...................................... ._._................ ........._....... Test Pit No. 2_.___.__.minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit....___._.. Depth to ground water...____. .. Description of Soil.................................._.___.__._.......................................................................... . .......................................... ._...__..._...._......._. Nature of Repairs or Alterations Answer when applicable - . - - - __. _.- . ... The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with Agreement: the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. ..._.Date_......_... Signed..._..._._.___.__.__...... ............................._.._..... Date Application Approved dfor --.-olio roved f or the following reasons:._.____.__._.____._...___._._.___.__.._. D. Application Disapproved ____._.____._.__._____.__._._.._._._.___..D _.._.._._.._...__..__.. ._.._....___.__.____..___... . ............................. Issued_ _t. eat Permit No..._..._..._.__ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALT--I City OR Northampton......___ Qpplizntinn fry Illaru0flt 110eri.r, enrintivrtiR•r x, Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (X ) or Repair ( ) an I. dividu System at: I: .t 1 __.._........._....__.._.....__ Sy_l_v__e_s_ter Road .31 Campus P'_a L�;" �i'adlc';•, MA 0103 • Douglas AC... oily.....-."....._._...._"_.._............."' �( min ..._.. Owmr 2..�SiQ. �1.tTT -i 1/s�f,((.SU:.Ma17u: ...-. _....".."."..._.--- �:.,, � MA9 o fog //'� ,,1' " Ck,.li-flrN...."......._.........."..--- l 024 act�K _4_^t- ype of Building ' '"' m,ulkr .l Size LoC:Garbage Grinder ( ) Type of Building Five "___,,.._Expansion Attic (- ) . — Cafeteria ( ) Owelring Type of Bedrooms_..._._._..:.._..__. .....___.______....— No of persons hoovers Other—Type of Building - - - 550 - - Other fixtures - daily_ flow itm Diameter _ 55 gallons per person per day Total Depth n 1 Design ank— uid ' 1500.gallons Lengtl1-0 -6 ,Pith _ Tom:metehiug area 9_.. .-" L. Septic Tank—Liquid capacity.. ga � - � To:a leaching area_._.__.__ 1 it. Seepage Pit No Ho. _...Dam,Width _.=0" e Total Length 1993 __ Diameter - __.. Depth below inlet - -_ . SeepagePr uti . '- Dosing tanl. ( ) s R.S . Date Max 19 ,Y . Performed by_..T:.11ROthy .P.,...M a912G?_..t __. Other Distribution box (X ) Depth to ground water. _,.r�, 1 Percolation Test Results 132° Depth to ground water.._....___........ 1 Test Pit No. 1._8 ._6.-minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit_. .. . a._... 1 fine sandy Test Pit No. 2.".........._..minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit with LI 0 topsoil &subsoil comp __. ._.. .__._.... s; 24-132" fine_._san�lY J Description of SoQ-2,4"...to-soil'1b toPbsoil......._.._._ __r ...._..._...-.. Q-24.':.._.....P._.........._..._._"_.___._.._r._.._..___...._.. comp. • .........S.Lo.425_........................."..............._........._._"...__.......:-......__.__....... U x Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when appl icabl^_ '-""' "".... ..............._............................._......._._....._. ._._" ""............"_...._.............._."._. Agreement .g agrees place the The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has -een issued b the rs d of health.l Tees no[ to 1 Signed oz d of 2i I y the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Environmental Code The tin o.. Approved By _, _.. _..._..... Application PP ._ .... - _. Application Disapproved for the following reasons: ._. ti ii Issued -- y. .._._..._... Permit No. ................................. . ...................... _....__........ FEW THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH .......... . OF i . ......................................... THIS IS TO CERTIFY,That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed (/) or Repaired by ............................................................... Install ....................... . . at..................................... ................... .................... ........ has been installed in accordance with the provision; of TIT application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No.. . THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL Trrtificate uf Tompliaurt .............. . -•-• LE 5 of The State Sanitary Code as described in the . ................... . . dated is/ . . NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE Ai 1/ 7. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NO r OF_j .OLAAA9 1, BOARD OF HEA H Etopuo urkti (flo iou'Verutit Inspector................................ .. Permission h hereby granted......... .. ......... ........ at No.................. Z..................t........... . ........... ..... ................................ . . e a to Construct ()(C pai4 ( ) a viduel ESagtspispo as shown on the application for Disposal Wols Construction Permit DATE ID FORM I255 A. M. SULK%N. BOSTON em BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS 11A DOURMASHKIN,R.N.,Chair EMARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH 4R1)P.BRUNSWICK,M.D.,MPH ER J.MCERLAIN,Health Agent (413)587-1214 FA((413)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH To: Building Inspector Tony Patillo From: Peter McErlain, Health Agent Date: January 2, 2002 Re: Septic System Const. Permit—Sylvester Rd.for Equity Builders This memo will confirm that the septic system plans for the dwelling proposed by Equity Builders for parcel B on Sylvester Rd. have been reviewed and approved. The septic system construction permit will be issued upon receipt of the well test report for the well to be installed at the construction site. the issuance of a b In e mean time, the to allow the commencemennt of construction prior to the to receipt of the well estdrleport and the issuance of the septic system construction permit. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 210 MAIN STREET,Roam 8 NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060-3167 Thank you. cc: James Harriity, Equity Builders, 77 Maple St., Florence FORM 3A - cNttcsLC Fee No. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MA. Board of Health, Nioelluo. or, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: ❑ Individual Component(s) [/Complete System The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System; 0 ) Constructed (Repaired 0,), Upgraded O, by: CoAo.n —Tree Sera It at: 3 is 5 lves-cer- Road has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to application No. 10 - 17 of Approved Design Flow CI/O (gpd) Installer Designer: Date Martin 15 200b The issuance of this permit shall not he construed as a guarantee that the system will cEN function as designed. B v Ames coAel, �; Te Scab ceVFA Inspector A 15oo GAL• 2 conFAR-Thotrr sEptIc'Mo.Nc 0[P APPROVtO FORM 5/96 2_ c£91£11 Ac<F55 cwER 13�x 38;(2.' &ALtCti A5 Butts D■STAsas A- I 24' B- 1 15 ' A-2 47,6„ B -Z 43 � 01-0)- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD ,OF HEALTH OF NO „,.-ID APPLICATION FOR lbandan f ) - i+?<ompcle System a Individual Components mponents DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Application tore Permit to Construct (�J/Repair ( ) Upgrade ( ) � Y> / ivt qer vi o...� frrt � eMCe/�'l/4 585-8oz i -47 wn Yis'bkpha llMeN o✓ PO. ox zzro N. Pt r�an�oiv./ Sq.feet Lot Sae Type of Building: Sr� _ Garbage Grinder ( ) Cafeteria ( ) g' Showers ( ) Other Type of Be roams _ _No.of persons— Other—Type of Building . --� _ --- S�b d Other fixtures 495 d Design flow provided gpd design flow Revision Date Design Flow(min. required) 33� grid Number of sheets Plan: Date ©C{ �7 2001 Title - a ►- .e - in �i .soi at_ rm Soil Evaluator of Solrm) Name of Soil Evaluator Soil Evaluator Form No. DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS_ System in accordance with the Provisions of TITLE 5 and fu er agrees not to pl e system in opercttion until a Certificate Individual Sewage Disposal SY Y t h � r�th. Compliance has been i sued bb eal 77Signed Inspections_ Date/° iK4 a. trOMA suransan o.1160 ED SA ` FORM t - APPLICATION FOR DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 /- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS O. 140tBOARD OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Complete System Individual Component(s) Abandoned( ) )he undersigned of Work: ❑ Repaired ).Upgraded( ). [the undersigned hyreby certify that the Sewage Disposal System construct - p FEE �-- at d in S/it (guil) Approved Design Floe' has been installed m accordance with the I��ateds o/310? MR I51f0 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plansrelating to application No._L-±_C22-r- -/-f( .�i �l/SFr _+--a— - D'aic .:7(5.7"/ Designe : ace s certificate shall not hied as a ' Designer: � be construed as°guarantee tfat the system will function as designed. The issuance- CERTIFICATE FI DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 -- y__ FORM 3 - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE _-__ __ ___ _____ 1 / / Na. / _` r THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS FEE d r411qN, /DO BOARD OF HEALTH DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT individual sewage U• r ( as described Permission is he Y granted to Constru ) �s�er, ) g � dated disposal system at a Permit No �� C in the application for Disposal System Constmctibn cant f this per t All local condm �ust be met. provided: Cf�nstructian s hall he completed within three years of the date of a- �� Date - FORM 2 k SCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 \1'1 Hoa9sa WARREN TM PUBLISHERS BOSTON CHEW)FORM 1255 REV 5/961 / 7)-4'K! )-f..K' i Board of Health FORM 3-CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Commonwealth of Massachusetts NORTHAMPTON, Massachusetts Certificate of Compliance This is to Certify, that the On-site Sewage Disposal System installed (X) O or repaired/replaced 0° for DOUGLAS KOHL at SYLVESTER ROAD-LOT2 has been constructed in accordance with the provisions of Title tlet5 and the for Disposal System Construction Use of this system is conditioned ndi on ned on compliance with the provisions set forth below. The issuance of this certificate shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. The Certificate expires on Inspector Date FORM 2-DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Commonwealth of Massachusetts NORTHAMPTON, Massachusetts Disposal System Construction Permit No Q Permission is hereby granted to DOUGLAS KOHL to construct (X) or repair( ) an On-site Sewage System located at SYLVESTER ROAD-LOT2 and as described in the above Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. The applicant recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions. All construction must be com.leted within two ears of the date below Date Approved by FORM 1-APPLICATION FOR DSCP Fee No Commonwealth of Massachusetts NORTHAMPTON, Massachusetts 4 licatiion or Dis osal S stem Construction Permit or Re air() an On-site Sewage Disposal Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct(X) P system at Location Address or Lot No. SYLVESTER ROAD-LOT2 Installers Name- Address. and Tel.# ".12 ofB ldine- Dwelling Other Owner's Name. Address and Tel. DOUGLAS KOHL 31 CAMPUS PLAZA ROAD HADLEY.MA Designers Name- Address and Tel# MacLea7 Associates. Inc. 102 Bridge Street Shelburne Falls.MA 01370 (413) 625-9773 No.of Bedrooms FOUR Garbage Grinder '.YES Type of Building No-of Persons Showers_Cafeteria_ Other Fixtures Des n Flow 6611 gallons per day. Calculated daily flow 672 gallons Plan Date 612 Number of Sheets ONE Revision Date NONE SUBSURFACE SUBSURFACE SEWWAGE DISPOSAL PLAN IN NORTHAMPTON.MASS FOR DOUGLAS KOHL. SYLVESTER ROAD-LOT2 Descrt lion of Soil SANDY LOAM SEE PLAN FOR DETAILED TEST PIT DESCRIPTIONS SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER AT 28" PERC RATE 15 MIN/INCH. . WITNESSED BY PETER McERLAIN Nature of Re airs or Alterations(Answer when applicable)INSTALL 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK.. AND LEACH FIELD. Date last inspected- The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the aforedescribed on-site Aprg emenr. sewage disposal system rat on until na CertScatepof Compliancetli s been riss issued by this Board of Health. Date I Dale %5' Date 7 , C. place Signed Application Approved by Application Disapproved for the following reasons Permit No. Date Issued CHECK OR FILL IN WHERE APPLICABLE THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSE1—rS BOARD OF HEALTH H City pF Northamoton Appliratian far flinpnnal l l irtan (if untrltr nn Fan Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (X) or Rcpzir ( ) an Individ6. System at: Sylvester Road To 2 _ Douglas A. rroni'Adda., ✓ cliFF clln2k EyeA3731c l IiDeeooRA stud 1=171.9 own Installer d Ad:.:ss Type of Building S'ze Lot 3, Q3 acre 5cf t Dwelling-No. of Bedrooms five Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Other—Type of Building No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow 55 gallons per person per day. Total daily flow 550 gr.11oes Septic Tank—Liquid-capacity.15.0.Ogallons Length..1D ' -6'1Vidth...5 ' –a'! Diameter D th_5 ' -4" Disposal Trench—No. two Width 2 ' -0' Total Length 132 ' Total leaching area 792 sq. ft. Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area sq. ft. Other Distribution box (X ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by.L,..wy,@.._.y...Cppk....$uryeyors, InDete May 24 t 1994 Test Pit No. 1 8 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit 112" Depth to ground water dry Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit .120" Depth to ground water dry DOUGLASJ. IslACLEAV m4 y12C3 cJ nt `. 0i3rt0 O 31 Campus P'_a"LJt 1.1-!'a PA 01035 Description of Soil TP#1: 0-28" topsoil & OTS1 28"-112" dense sandy till with stones and cobbles. TP#2: 0-28" topsoil & OTSt 28-120" dense sandy till with stones and cobbles. Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Environmental Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has n issued by the a d of health. Signed Cr 2/3 / )I'l 0." Application Approved By .. on. Application Disapproved for the following reasons: Permit No. Dare Issued Dote i cy�_b Fes_....]u._ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HE Application for Disposal OF LTH arks &instruction Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( V) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: • 1,01 sr Att. Add Ins r Il.r Address Type of Building /� Size Lot Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms i Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Other—Type of Buildil g No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow lions per p Septic Tank—Liquid capacity L Disposal Trench— No. Seepage Pit No Other Distribution box ( ) Percolation Test Results Test Pit No. I Test Pit No. 2 .tai •,il joY" h .I . a. Idth Total Length Diameter Depth below inlet Dosing tank ( ) gallons. ameter Depth Total leaching are_ sq. ft. Total leaching area sq. ft. Performed by Date minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water Description of Soil Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed Date Application Approved By Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons Permit No Issued. by THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF hCrrtifiratr of Qtnmpliana THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) or Repaired ( ) Installer at has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No dated THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE Inspector THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HESLTH Oinpusttl nrh.o din Permission is hereby granted .L`"-^"! to Construct ( ) Qr Rep}ir i "!. ia wa , n Ind . D' 4 at No 'f trrtu tt 1rrmit Stan as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No DATE "-t 7 '261 FORM 1255 A. M. SULKIN. BOSTON CHECK OR FILL IN WHERE A Fas,.l,"urus,,, THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 4+:0 _ BOARD OF HEALTH '4%, O W yt OF N..t.rt...rh i• Pie 1A o FR Applirutiun fur 313ispnzat rr;urks Qlunstruritun ' U Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (x) or Repair System at: t� �ttou.Address ......._iS-LY.isa_SL o....__.._.... Owner Installer an IndividuakSe 4,, ua moLlits.—N.A1 1.e '_S.— et No. .i....C%Lt.Y tA1SS Address Address Type of Building Size Lot21i1,2.13.....Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms $ Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Other—Type of Building No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow G.S gallons per person per day. Total daily flow S5O ( I.ttc if 15 gallons. Septic Tank—Liquid capacityJ.$QOgallons Length...1.Q..S... Width....S Diameter Depth..S' Disposal Trench—No. 3......... Width....$ ' Total Length TS Total leaching area_._Y..$O sq. ft. Tfelty Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area..:YS.Q sq. ft. 6o1-lo tH Other Distribution box (x ) Dosing tank ( ) / Percolation Test Results Performed by E. .Dx er 1=•.sin st:glee Date /0 ! 30/97 Test Pit No. 1 $ minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit 7 Depth to ground water $.Q N Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water Description of Soil....5st Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the Stare Environmental Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed . Application Approved By Application Disapproved for the following reasons: by Date Date Dare Permit No. Issued as THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH G... OF Ner-tln0,,,A,t '.o._v, .. Certificate of @IIImpliannn THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( x ) or Repaired at has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of The State Environmental Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No. dated THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE . Inspector 4 q FEE it No C'S I.-1 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS OARD MF H4EALTH (1 of �zt>vyy °'h AppLiratthtt fur Eisprwat ThIIrks &rut trttttiftt VIrrttlit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (' ) or Repair ((� ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: �': �� �' - '" . �ilLl'-`:;: liwi ��?C'2/4 kq[ i L'LG or Lot No. / I\ LMy \dL ic/'j tl (�• Address A.O,w�mr WAddress a Installer Address Lot Sq. feet M Type of Building / Fxpansion tic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) al Other n No. of Bedrooms. P — Cafeteria ( ) Dwelling /-'tyt41—a No. of persons e Showers ( ) Other—'type of Building 4. Other fjstures d 9-0 0 gallons. Design Flow •. 0 -gallons per person per day. Total daily flow Septic Tank—Liquid capacity /61/- gallons Length Width Diameter Dept,GO sq. ft Width Total Len Total leaching area.__ Disposal Trench-No. Total leaching area sq. ft. Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet 5 in • Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Date Percolation Test Results Performed by Depth to ground water a Test Pit No. 1 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit eP W Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water ai O Description of Soil x U O Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance wit the provisions of Article XI of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system i operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. riL,r Signed.? �. Dam - t.. r Q r /SC Application Approved By '' Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons Dam 1,r) Issued Permit No °‘ Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF ii/Gr--4t . Erv), TPrtifitlltt at l'YLltttplillritt THIS IS TO CERTIFY That,thg Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed (' ) or Repaired r ,., , r ,_,(a td .._. --11m1z!!er t as been installed in accordance with the provisions of'Article XI of The State Sanitary Code as described in the tpplication for Disposal Works Construction Permit No._-.-- THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. Inspector DATE - � - . THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ' ' [ G a __ of tl"'rt No ;0-5- �t8}1D5�1t yr nll$trltrtion i rrutit it,t.r�r,t Permission i creby granted to Nonstru53 or N1c Lr� .'co' RM ( ) an In{}ividgaI Sgwag>r�typo at No -... . .. Street N as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction it,I_ ... ---..'....^ Hoard of Health C s System FEE DATE FORM 1255 HOBBS & WARREN INC.. PUBLISHERS . HUNTLEY, JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. sets to Davis Engineering Co. Established 1870 gistered Land Surveyors & Civil Engineers 30 CRAFTS AV (dNORTHAMPTON,., MASS. September 21, 1965 Board of Health City Hall Northampton, Mass. Gentlemen: I have made a percolation test on land belonging to Roy Mielke, located on the Northerly side of Ryan Road just East of Lone Town Brook in the West Farms area. This house site is approximately 500' North of Ryan Road in the wooded area. I have found the following conditions: Very coarse sand, stones, pebbles , Type of Soil: boulders. A good, coarse gravel. Very little silt . percolation Rate: 1" = 5 minutes . There was no ground water or ledge encountered at this location. es Mielke cc - Mr. Roy 1015 Ryan Road Northampton, Mass. y3 y <- ? . Very truly yours , Almer Huntley, Jr. i Registered Sanitariany 1 ' y o a ,d a dn.l. {L,.._ VS J1 .F.4 s FEE . . No ' THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF .. _.. . d I_ Pppliration for Etiopanttl d'p arks Olnnstrurtian '1trmit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ('') or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: -.. or Lot No. London--Addles ' � �� Owner Address ril _ ..N a c Ivstalles Address Size Lot Sq. feel 6 Type of Building Garbage Grinder ,U., Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms.... ... . Expansion Attic ( ) a% a Other—Type of Building No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ; WOther fixtures anon: WC Design Flow gallons per person per day. Total daily flow g Septic Tank—Liquid capacity"' gallons Length Width Diameter Depth Disposal Trench—No Width Total Length Total leaching area sq. £ 5 j Seepage Pit No Diameter '- Depth below inlet Total leaching area sq. f z Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) .7 Percolation Test Results informed by Date a Test Pit No. 1 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water IT. Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water a 0 Description of Soil U U U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance wi the provisions of Article XI of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system operation until a Certificate of Compliance has beenjssued by the board of health. Signed 1 Date / Application Approved By Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons- Date Issued t - Permit No Date by THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Qlrrtifirate of Qlnwplianre THIS IS TO.CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed (" ) or Repaired ( ) ya.taeer at has been installed in accordance with the provisions of Articlr XI of The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No dated a 1. THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE Inspector :LC F THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF i ,- - No ce.. f I -....�,f .., FEE flis}Tnsttl rr;ark!' lttunstrurtinn jrrmit Permission isfiereby granted to Construct (✓) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at No Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No Dated DATE FORM 1253 HOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS F t.« Board Of Health CHECK OR FILL IN WHERE APPLICABLE No THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Fax //� t,�/ ,/ BOARD,��Q{QFn-rHEALTH ...l..�r. / "/ OF A.-6e -/!lii'1. T;7 A) .Appl ration/fur flispnsttl Works (nnnstrurttnn Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct tvror Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: S� LL!ES kr �� ,u 44MP. E7}ST S f n DdoC Gt 3 zR • ioe 74 ZirdU E7 /S/ S L Ur S L �� R i Owner Address Installer Type of Building Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms Other—Type of Building Other fixtures Address Size Lot 7 — Sq. feet Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Design Flow 7.0 llons per person per day. Total Septic Tank—Liquid capacity lions Length Width Disposal Trench—No. Width Total Length. Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Other Distribution box ( ) Dosin ( ) Percolation Test Results /Performed by_ 9f4.f... Test Pit No. 1 1? minutes per inch Depth of Test Pi daily flow gallons. Diameter Depth Total leaching areas-100 sq. ft Total leaching area sq. ft. Date)270/. /94.7 Depth to ground water , zt-• Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water Description of SoilS.,,aP..0-a--4i `dlt.l.S?i:.?G....q.:.. .. & �P Nature of Repairs o ons—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of Article XI of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed Application Approved By Application Disapproved for the following reasons' Permit No Date Date Date Issued Date