20+ Acre Lot Water Analysis Reports Amherst Water Laboratory 180 Pine Street, Amherst, MA 01002 (413) 549-0009 mA#139 wn Northampton Sanple Date 12/16/92 7e Off Sylvester Road Date zeceived 12/16/92 !ctor: Lynde Date analyzed 12/16/92 ta?port# 721-165 ?ter(s) Conc(mg/1) Counts/loo ml Limit )rm bacteria 0 0/100 ml 1 0-15 nd 0-3 ant city 1.0 7.9 neg or pos 0-5 N1U 6.5-8.5 nity(Ca003) 67 .de(C1) 18.5 ss(CAC03) 50.9 .e(SO4) 110 tivity(unhos/cm) 145 ved solids 97 m(Ca) 17.3 ium(Vg) 1.8 dNa) ium(K) 10.6 1.3 e) 0. 1 none 250 none 250 none 0-500 none none 20.0( none 0.3 ese(M ) 0.02 (Cu) nd e-N(NO-1-N) 0.6 e(NO7-N) 0.2 a-N(NH3-N) 1.2 nt 0.05 xkx0 1.3 10.0 1.0 none QxQS( 0.015 ot detected ot tested en- 3 1943 .v/TOwn_karthamptnn„Mass__ 4eli owner Ms_Jo. Ann_aesse_tte.. Address 5fie_ Butts Pitts Road Northampton Mass. 01060_ ._ Onard of I lealtlr penuh: yes ® no 1] WELL USE IA Domestic Ly Public ❑ Industrial Monitoring Olhei Method ii llred_Air_]ammer Date drilled_17/15/q7 CASING Type 17 lb steel Length 40-N. DialI.D.I fi" in Length Into bedrock_ I5 r Ii Protective well seal: Grout Outer seal STATIC WATER LEVEL Static water level below land stir race J J _It F.Lr,+ NL W of / freed/ WELL DATA Toad well depth_ 4551 _It Depth In befit(Irk_25__ft. Valet bearing r t/k/uouim solldaled material' Description.(]' 4 Wudet-bearing zones. Il From To VI) 21 From To 3) Finns To Gravel pack well: dia. Screen: dia. Slot" length_from to WELL TEST Drewdown,l/J IL alter Unwiring Now measured Air l i ftnecovery.il LOG of FORMATIONS COMMENTS Driller_' ens f h ' Mass. Registration f ARp Firm lynrlp Well 0Ri11iR0 ) --- Address9nx 799 R F n_$q city/Tr�wr&rdtlle boat 05311 Pieria.on ern pr; !. d lWnr DRILLER COPY HOWARD LABORATORIES RATORIES OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. 750 Notth Pleasant Street Phone: (413) Amherst,0MA 01002 MA Lab License: (413) 549-]850 M-0008551 WATER ANALYSIS REPORT Analyzed For: Jim Harrity Address: c/o Henshaw Well Drilling 130 Cwmnington Rd. West Chesterfield, MA 01084 Tele.hone PARAMETER Sample Location: 315 Sylvester Rd. Sampled By: 13WD Date Sampled: 1/11/02 Date Received: 1/11/02 Total Coliform Bacteria LIMITS COMMENTS 0 Colonies/100ml 8.02 pH Units 0.079 mg/I 0.05 me/I Chloride 0.16 mS/cm 250 mgr] 03 mgil Nitrate 0.012 mg/I Color Recommendations: his sample meets acceptable standards of with an asterisk.potability for the parameters tested, except for those parameters arked with an asterisk (*). aalyst: BA ecked By: Jonathan S. Be 1�. Date: 1/14/02 Laboratory Supervisor See enclosed MA DEP lute .relations sheet for .az ameters marked