20+ Acre Lot Site Suitabilities Lo+ I r� Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection :ylvesi-kr I`oc ck Vor--�ti��kar p, Bureau of Resource Protection —Wastewater Permitting Program sue Address or Mapnm Number Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewge Dsposal C. On-Site Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed disposal area) Deep Observation Hole: Date. /- /2°407 Time: 9 : 20 Weather: C /o..Jy 7O 1. Deep Hole Number I)A Location (Identify on Plan): 2. Land Use: yy/oods Surface Stones 3-4% Slope �-I°� Vegetation. M�x eX W4,Ai (e-g woodland, agricultural field, vacant lot, etc Landform: Position on landscape. 3. Distances from: Open Water Body 740+ ft. Drainage Way too+ ft. Possible Wet Area IOO+ ft. Property Line Iwo ft. Drinking Water Well ISo+ ft. Other ft ft. 4 Parent Material: OA-4-d—� Unsuitable Materials Present: Yes ❑ No Ly If Yes: Disturbed Soil❑ Fill Ma_terriial❑ Impervious Layer(s) ❑ Weathered/Fractured Rock ❑ Bedrock ❑ 5. Groundwater Observed. Yes LJ No ❑ If Yes: Depth Weeping from Pit 66'' Depth Standing Water in Hole /o_" Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: -5-b r Redoximorphic Features Coarse Fragments De (h Soil Soil Matrix' (mottles) k by Volume (I p) Horizon/ Soil Texture Color-Moist Depth Color Percent Gravel Cobbles Soil Structure Soil Consistence Layer (USDA) (Munsell) & Stones (Moist) Other 0-7r' A SL 101k312_ c ( v✓w.yp I vobq 7- I S" Z3 w 5 L ion, 4/4 N�¢SSN� �r�..L� /8-WI CI S in z.4167 lo% Zo% sr Wiley-.* /o-� r zsItS6. na" C SL a_SYS/3 561 y4/G 54 c% IG% t-v)ass;V'. G;461 • Additional Notes HILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING I Lo+ I ({0.4-9 Acre-5) Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Eyl ves+¢r 2oo4 IJ or-I-1cirip4o,., Bureau of Resource Protection —Wastewater Permitting Program Site Address or Map4ot Number Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal A. Facility Information Owner Name. �aer_r <crvck HILL TOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING P.O. BOX 314 Street Address: 173 We-S4- Fr„�5 Rm.d Map/Lot', CHESTERFIELD, MA 01012 (413) 296 -4499 city: PJortL,st-.p{,,., State. MA Zip Code. otOGO B. Site Information / 1. (Check one) New Construction L� Upgrade❑ Repair ❑ 2. Published Soil Survey available? Yes d No ❑ If yes: 1981 I ' I Se - Gx$ G Ioucc5+er /` Year Published Publication Scale Soil Map Unit Soil Name Sal limitations poor - 3. Surficial GeologicalReport available? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes. Year Published Publication Scale Map Unit Geologic Material Lane orm 4. Rood Rate Insurance Map: ,�/ Above the 500 year flood boundary? Yes d No El Within the 100 year flood boundary? Yes El No Lr Within the 500 year flood boundary? Yes ❑ No ❑ Within a Velocity Zone? Yes ❑ No ❑ 5. Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map Map Unit Name Wetlands Conservancy Program Map Map Unit Name 6. Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS) S167 Range: Above Normal d Normal ❑ Below Normal ❑ Month/Year 7. Other references reviewed: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Sy (V I� a K r-� ke 1 R- Bureau of Resource Protection —Wastewater Permitting Program �� o ���� Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal s Or Map/Lot Number C. On-Site Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed disposal area) Deep Observation Hole: Date. X4,167 Time: 9 So Weather: CIolod7 705 1. Deep Hole Number IC Location (Identify on Plan): 2. Land Use: Woo LIS Surface Stones: 24, Slope / : 7-8% t4 d Weois (eg woodland, agricultural field vacant lot,etc p (n ) Vegela50R. 1 � Xe Landform. Position on landscape 3 Distances from: Open Water Body 2004 ft. Drainage Way l onr ft. Possible Wet Area 113 ft. Property Line GO ft. Drinking Water Well I boo ft. Other ft. 4 Parent Material_ O 4u.05L Unsuitable Materials Present: Yes 1:1 No 12 If Yes' Disturbed Soil❑ Fill Material❑ Impervious Layer(s)❑ Weathered/Fractured Rock ❑ Bedrock ❑ 5. Groundwater Observed: Yes U/No ❑ If Yes. Depth Weeping from Pit 70' Depth Standing Water in Hole /08" Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: 70 Redoximorphic Features Coarse Fragments Depth Soil Soil Matrix: , On.)p Horizon/ Soil Texture Color-Moist Depth (mottles) %,by Volume Gob Layer P Color Percent Gravel Cobbles Soil Structure Soil Consistence (USDA) (Mu-Moo 8 Stones (Moist) Other 0-7 " A SL inYga/z --- G.,....6 lease , 7- 18" w.i SL Joy 4/4 ss;ie_ -Cr961a 18 -7o" Ct S /o VIZ S/3 ItJ% /0 °/> s;nyl yite,i. /4,65z 70 -I261' Cz S( 1 2 .s 53 70" 2 rY 7/1 - I 7.c Yk476 ✓ % SVG /0- mass/oz –14-roC4 Additional Notes HILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING I • Lo+ I Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Sy VtS1-t Roar4 ) Ni or-i-Lncv p--oe. i Bureau of Resource Protection -Wastewater Permitting Program Site Address or Map/Lot Number (t Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed disposal area) Deep Observation Hole: Date: 6/2o/07 Time: 9:30 Weather: C/o<,dy 7os 1. Deep Hole Number l B Location (Identify on Plan ): 2. Land Use: ,Aiood 5 Surface Stones. 34% Slope (%): -516°4 Vegetation:M ore J woods (e g woodland,agricultural field,vacant lot.etc Landform. L'a me Position on landscape. 3. Distances from: Open Water Body '2PO4- ft. Drainage Way loos ft. Possible Wet Area 100 ft. Property Line 70 ft. Drinking Water Well loot ft. Other/ ft. ,h 4. Parent Material: D, ,.,us� Unsuitable Materials Present: Yes ❑ No I3" If Yes: Disturbed Soil❑ Fill Material❑ Impervious Layer(s) ❑ Weathered/Fractured Rock ❑ Bedrock ❑ 5. Groundwater Observed: Yes Eli/No ❑ II If Yes. Depth Weeping from Pit 6/1-11 Depth Standing Water in Hole 96 ' Estimated Depth to High Groundwater'. G9- Redoximorphic Features Coarse Fragments r J Soil Soil Matrix: (mottles) %by Volume (In Depth Horizon/ Soil Texture Color-Moist Depth Color Percent Gravel Cobbles Soil Structure Soil Consistence • Layer (USDA) (Munsell) 8 Stones (Moist) Other d -9 " A SL to VR 3/1 C•..vrb oo)e. 9-18 0 Bo 5(r Io vg.414 massive - v4aLlt. 18-4n C ( S Id 4R$/3 I lo X, IV% Siny�.5ra�ti (roK SY6i1 (04IIZ Ci SL z.SY5/3 ,¢' 7,5•02416 0/ 5/ to/ MpSSiVe- cgl 1 Additional Notes Lot • Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection — Sy vcs}cr Roq� or�- 1avh �� Wastewater Permitting Program Site Address or Map/Lot Number :\ Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal D. Determination of High Groundwater Elevation 1. Method used: ❑ Depth observed standing water in observation hole A. B. C. D. ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole A. B. C L°J Depth to soil redoximorphic features (mottles) A. 58' B. 6+" C. 70I` D. 82" ❑ Groundwater adjustment(USGS methodology) A. B C. D. 2. Index Well Number Reading Date Index Well Level Adjustment Factor Adjusted Groundwater Level E. Depth of Pervious Material 1. Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material a. Does at least four feet of naturally pccurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? Yes 2 Non b. If yes, at what depth was it observed? Upper boundary: Lower boundary: F. Certification I certify that I have passed the soil evaluator examination`approved by the Department of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. .June_. 20 zdp7 HILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING Sign tore of Soil Evaluator P.O. BOX 314 Date CHESTERFIELD, MA 01012 Mark Thompson April 29, 1997 (413)296-4499 Typed or Printed Name of/S/o/ul Evaluator 'Date of Soil Evaluator Exam Ern -1— MaT—ry '<c1 Name of Board of Health Witness Board d of Health Note: This form must be submitted to the approving authority with Percolation Test Form 12 Lo+ I R...4 L----: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Sy wesker ) INor+�v,-v.pko� Bureau of Resource Protection —Wastewater Permitting Program site Address or Map/Lot Number Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed disposal area) Deep Observation Hole: Date. Li 2‘10.7 Time: 940 Weather: Ctoudy70s 1. Deep Hole Number ID Location (Identify on Plan ): 2. Land Use: wOOdS Surface Stones: Z% Slope (%): 5-6% Vegetation. Mrxcof W0oo(s (e.g woodland, agricultural field,vacant lot,etc Landform Ka m=— Position on landscape. 3 Distances from Open Water Body 2004- ft. Drainage Way I>o+ ft. Possible Wet Area -Mb ft. Property Line 40 ft. Drinking Water Well ISO 4- ft. Other ft. 4. Parent Material: Otis was)^ Unsuitable Materials Present: Yes El No IJ If Yes: Disturbed SoilF Fill Material0 Impervious Layer(s)❑ Weathered/Fractured Rock ❑ Bedrock D 5. Groundwater Observed: Yes Q/ No ❑ If Yes: Depth Weeping from Pit 82 Depth Standing Water in Hole /06" Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: 5Z- I F Redoximorphic Features Coarse Fragments i Soil I Soil Matrix: (mottles) I %by Volume Soil Structure Soil Consistence Depth Horizon/ Soil Texture Color-Moist Depth Color Percent Gravel Cobbles (In.) Layer (USDA) I (Mansell) & Stones (Moist) Other 0-6," A SL ' IoYR3/7_ cr ,,.6 i0-re �'�9 � B _ S L I cc/ wnssoZ -( ;al X9- °02'1 Cl S lovR513 /o/ to/ 5<y1,5,..ct,_ Goes-2 82 -126" Cti 5L 2.51513 1 Br -? pt 6 IO%O 5% iO% 03514f- �;al�(� � � I I I LoT 1 015, ° '' — S o' -75' Lo,- 1 Sylve4+er Road , Ner3-1. 0-0,., Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection site Address or Map/Lot Number Bureau of Resource Protection —Wastewater Permitting Program I \ Form 12 — Percolation Test HILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING P.O. BOX 314 A. Facility Information CHESTERFIELD, MA 01012 (413) 296-4499 1. Facility Information <area 1<'o r Ek Owner Name I 173 Wes} Fw.+ti5 . 0a4 Map/Lot Street Address • A 61060 Ho(i—t".a r..p}or M Zip Code City State Percolation Test Date: :"Aril zo , 2007 D Observation Hole# 1A 1 1 Depth Of Perc I 39 " Start Pre-soak 1111° k; a7 1 sowk End Pre-soak If 31 U nab le- Time at 12" I :3I 12k9allens H 0 Minvi Time at 9" 1133 Time at 6" I : 35 It Time (9"-6") 2. MIN) Mrs - • S� Rate — Min/Inch < 2- M MJIM Z Minimum of 1 Percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed ® Site Failed ❑ Performed By. " `ar�---1--kniM' $°es Witnessed By. Er v \ i es+ -"AD� P°A' -l-: Comments: ,_ j Massachusetts Department of Environmental protection LG+ a II 1 T, Burc+au of Resource Protection — Wastewater Permitting Program S jvrsa-e r Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal ROOlG or�w 4-,;,..Site Address or Map/Lot Number C. On-Site Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed disposal area) Deep Observation Hole: Date _€Z24/27 Time 1O 30 , I I Weather. w�=— Clru 7t Deep Hole Number Location (Identify on Plan )• 2 Land Use: WoOdS (e.g. wooslantl, agncullural heltl.vacenl lot,etc Surface Stones: Slope (%): 34% Vegetation, / X_ e��wrf,. Landform g j` Position on landscape. 3. Distances from Open Water Body :Dr ft Drainage Way l o_+ ft Possible Wet Area /^r-l- ft Property Line ft Drinking Water Well loo=ft Other 4 Parent Material: Oti4„,q 3 ft. Unsuitable Materials Present. Yes ❑ No DV If Yes. Disturbed SoilDI Fill Material(] Impervious Layer(s) C Weathered/Fractured Rock C Bedrock ❑ 5. Groundwater Observed: Yes Ey/No ❑ If Yes. Depth Weeping from Pit p" .7 Depth Standing Water in Hole Ls: Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: Depth I Soil Soil Matrix: Retloxim(mottles)Features Horizon/ Coarse Fra T (In.) Layer 1 Soil Texture Color-Moist �- (mottles) umenis — De jh by Volume (USDA) 1 (Munsell) p Color Percent a (7 n -7----r Gravel Cobbles Soil Structure Soil Consistence YI S� 8, Stones C�� �u YR 3/L 1 (Moist) Other 8 3 LS ��.SyR 3/4 —� Cr��.e , looms � i � 7o C , I rs,� 5 SOY s�3 — I �, a � o - T —_ I I �o/s 1 1 �I 7 I,. Cz 5 �S� --�2,5 Y s�� 1 70" F/I 9.,r.. 0os� —�_ I-1 Ya 4/6 .54/c s �o S/o V AS Additional Notes t HILLTOWm Fnn.,,,,....�- I Lv'f 2 ( 5,,5�332z As) S. IVe_s-Fz K r oa Ni Iv K or-I-i+wm, =e. Site Address or MaplLet Number Mshsertment of Environmental Bureau asac oh Resource tts Depa Protection -Wastewater Permitting Protection ogram Pr \ Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal A. Facility Information HILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL X314 CONSULTING Owner Name. <a+<r �or�ck- CHESTERFIELD, MA 01012 2 d Map/La �---- (413) 296 -4499 Street Atldress. 1�3 W�s+ .w. I °� stale. MA Zip Code: Ca -_.._...---- City: PJ +�---- B. Site Information / Repair ❑ New Construction L7 Upgrade❑ t (Check cked Soil � . 15e4o G G l ouc No ❑ If yes 1981 Soil Name 2. Published Soil Suryey available? Yes d Year Published Publication Scale Soil Map Unit Soil limitations P (+ If yes: - _. - - _ Map Unit 3. Surficial GeologicaPReport available? Yes D No Year Published Publication Scala andform Geologic Material ,�/ 4. Flood Rate Insurance Map: v Yes ❑ No I� d No 0 Within the 100 year flood boundary. Above the 500 year flood boundary? Yes Yes ❑ No ❑ Within the 500 year flood boundary? Yes ❑ No D Within a Velocity Zone? • 5, Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map Map Map unit Name Wetlands Conservancy Program Map Map Unit Name 6. Current Water Resource Conditions(USGS) JILL Range: Above Normal Se Normal ❑ Below Normal ❑ Month/Year 7. Other references reviewed: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection LD+ a I �_ Bureau of Resource Protection — S ivy ' Form 11 Wastewater Permitting Program z+e °a°( Soil Suitability Assess �° �� ° +°� frtent for On-Site Sewage Site Address or Map/Lot Number C. On-Site ge Disposal Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed disposal area) Deep Observation Hole: Date:G/z/z, Time: II'-3o 1. Deep Hole Number 2 C Weather: Cle„d 70S Location (Identify on Plan ): 2. Land Use: Woods (e.g.woodland,agricultural field, vacant lot,etc Surface Stones: Slope (%): 8-)0 Vegetation N;X_ e��t -(S Lantlform: iC N,z � _ Position on landscape. 3. Distances from: Open Water Body Zm+ft Drainage Way rm= ft. Possible Wet Area /co=N Property Line .S�ft. Drinking Water Well loo+ft. Other ft. C. Parent Material: Qti__ ^?__ Unsuitable Materials Present: Yes ❑ No[7 If Yes: Disturbed Soil(] Fill Materialo Impervious Layer($)❑ Weathered/Fractured Rock ❑ Bedrock 5. Groundwater Observed: Yes L7 No If Yes: Depth Weeping from Pit ❑ ❑ -�.� Depth Standing Water in Hole U 6n -L Estimated Depth to High Groundwater soli�--- �4r, Depth Soil Matrix: Redoximorphic Features (In.) Horizon/ (mottles) Coarse Fragments Layer Soil(USDA) (MUnS Color-Moist _ r (USDA) (Munsell) Dept Color Percent %hy Volume ---� 9 I — __-_i_______T Gravel Cobbles Soil Structure O' SL --- & Stones Soil Consistence ® /o YR 3/Z — T�1—__ __ __ (Moist) I T� w L S /O I I ) Other U 6 D 9 -64" �-- — Ct S /o Y2 S�3� �--�_� ..,4ui�r ,.LL �I6�� Cz SL � z5Y5�3 �¢° SYe ) 1 RD./ 1SX, s,it, Jf4,. 1 loco f■efr(e� --I--- - 5'IRq� /D l D / 5 0� �` �J mras5 vc t•r.Ll Additional ----L_______ II Notes —__i-- ---k_—___--J HILLTOWN Fmvr.,,.....�—�_ I Lam+ 2 1 IV eS�er �oart V''or-�Naw� koi.. I Program site Address or Map/Lot Number _ Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection a Disposal I Bureau of Resource Protection —Wastewater Permitting 9 4 I '. !I Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewag p C. On-Site Review (minimum of Iwo holes required at every proposed disposal area) C� �(y 70s_ 6 20 07 Time: I�� Weather. �'" -,—� Deep Observation Hole: Date �� I Location (Identify on Plan )- i °e I< 1. Land Use: Number Z� < 1 % Slope (%): 3 -4°/ Vegetation'. r,;Xe ` 2. Land Use: WOOS Surface Stones. (e.g.woodland, agricultural field,vacant lot.etc ,,,e Position on landscape. Imo, n L Distances loot ft. Possible Wet Area 3 Distances from: Open Water Body �°` H. Drainage Way Property Line 30 ft. Drinking Water Well loo_a- ft. Otheer—ft. 4. Parent Material. (� -lwush Unsuitable Materials Present Yes D No L✓ Fill MaterialD Impervious Layer(s)0 Weathered/Fractured Rock D Bedrock 0 If Yes'. Disturbed BoilD �? � 5. Groundwater Observed. Yes Q No Estimated Depth to High Groundwater. If Yes: Depth Weeping from Pit Z Depth Standing Water in Hole Coarse Fragments Redoximorphic Features %byVolume CT I (mottles) Soil Structure Sail Consistence Other I Soil I Soil Matrix ® Gravel Cobbles (Moist) DeptM1 i Horizon( I Soil Texture Color-Moist Depth &Stones (In') Layer (USDA) (Munselp ® 5L. i wiv3f2 r 14 d =5 SYR 3/4 II INIMMOSI $ V = 13 itio C7- a- r2.51 s H �3 S 6 5-../ % 1 �� \rte-- Massachusetts Department of L°f 2 Bureau of Resource Protection _Environmental Protection I` Form 11 - Wastewater Permitting Program s v`s�e' �ea�( Nom Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal +t1a +ah Site Address or MaplLot Number D. Determination of Hi ' High Groundwater Elevation 1. Method used: ❑ Depth observed standing water in observation hole A. ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole B.A. 2"Depth to soil redoximorphic features (mottles) A 7o B. a 73 " ❑ Groundwater adjustment US C. �¢r� (USGS methodology) A D. 67 " 2. Index Well Number B. �� Reading Date Adjustment Factor �--� Index Well Level E. Depth of P -- Adjusted Groundwater Level �__ Pervious Material �_ 1 Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material a. Does least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed soil absorption system?? Yee 0 s co b. If yes, at what depth was it observed? throughout the area proposed for the Upper boundary: Lower Boundary: F. Certification I certify that I have passed the soil evaluator examination'a I above analysis have passed the soil me consistent evaluator amin the *required p td by t approved by the Department of eerie Environmental described Pret in 310 and R 1 the g, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. pieW r fSoil Evaluator 3 tine 20 ZOD Mark photo son Date NILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL Typed or Prinletl Name of CONSULTING Soil Evaluator A ril 29 1997 P.O. BOX 314 L ,1 -Date o/Soil Evaluator Exam CHESTERFIELD, MA 01012 L r"n<Jf /"/9�� (413)296 Name of Board or Nap r. 1eN Al . 1_°+ 2 aNe Atldress or Mspllot Number. 6 1st es. I Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Disposal Bureau of Resource Protection —Wastewater Permitting Program p 1 1� Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage C. On-Site Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed disposal area) Glee CDs Deep Observation Hole: Date: 6 20 07 Time. 1 120 Weather. Location (Identify on Plan): 1. Deep Hole Number 5 c (% Slope (%): 6S°q°y' Vegetation. M'x`� I _ J5 Surface Stones. 2. Land Use: (e.g.woodland, agricultural field,vacant lot,etc Landform: hPosition on landscape. �w+ ft 3. Distances from: Open Water Body 240 G ft. Drainage Way I0' ft. Possible Wet Area Property Line 65 ft. Drinking Water Well lo_�4 ft. Other—ft. 4. Parent Material: OmawA Unsuitable Materials Present Yes❑ No l'J' Bedrock ❑ If Yes: Disturbed Soil0 Fill Material0 Impervious Layer(s)0 Weathered/Fractured Rock ❑ �7 ii 5. Groundwater Observed: Yes ld No 0 If Yes: Depth Weeping from Pit 5 Depth Standing Water in Hole I Da Estimated Depth to High Groundwate[ �� Coarse Fragments Redoxlmorphlc Features b�,Volume Other (mottles) ® Cobbles Soil Structure Soil Consistence Soil Matrix: ®® (Moist) Soil Color-Moist Depth &Stones Depth Horizon( Soil Texture (MUnselq (In.) I Layer (USDA) D -`j'' A ® /0„31„..- , 5 ,iel 10 y 2 614' _i ®® oy2573 1e-626 � - —I 546 1 10V. MOS G7-126 Ca 2.5 Y5/3 G7 5' R4 J Loj a A \z6' 35. Jo% eu /35' 9z, of 2 Roo. Nerk6o 0 5 iV eS'Site Address Site Address or MaplLol Number ant of Environmental Protect'P ogram —�, Massachusetts of so rce prim P O. BOX 314 Percolation Test HILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING -.`-_ I�� Bureau of Resource Protection—Wastewater Permitting �� � �� Form �2 CHESTERFIELD,413) 296-4499 1012 1 A. Facility information 1. Facility Information Karen. Vor vek Mapll-rt-_" Owner Name eSk Fai mS Z°'a 0160 73 M A Sir`eeIl Address ,„ State 7.9 Code IV°r j-V�AM fly Percolation Test Date'. tin a -20 ) 2007 Observation Hole# ZD De. O 30 .2. 03 \ sou® _ 24 G1\o„s )� linfri i7 Ni -� • ®oN Ibe�e AND reserve area.primary •Mlnlmum of I Percolation test must be performed' Site Passed 0 Site Failed ❑ TLoy. -son Performed By. Ma k Ncsk v\�k\ co. %mm�essed By. LI Massachus Bureau of Rests Department of Form 11 Durce Environmental Protection — Wastenm Protection °+ 3 C ' SOII SUItablllty ASS atesperrnitting Program _S- r��es+e oq � 1 1 Deep Observation tte Review (minimum OfANOnOlaSr es ment for On'Site Sewage Di SiteAdureas�Map/Lot N Number +o or Ma Hole: Date equoedatevery Pro SpOSaI 6 20 07 Posed disposal area - Deep Hole Number_ Time 3 co I Weather 2. Land Use �e�q Location .Su"� 7UJ (Identify on Plan !e9. woodland, agricultural field ) Landform vacant lot.etc Surface Stones < e mace Slope(%): 1-� 3, Distances Position on landscape. ces from: Open Water B ° vegetation, Ce S Body z�tt Property Line 7$ Drainage Way looms f 4. Parent Material Ok{ Drinking ft Possible Wet ‘,,,,s1... 9 Water Well loo+ Area l�h if Yes: _ Unsuitable Materials P ft Other ft - Disturbed Soil resent: 5 ❑ Fill Maferi Yes❑ No[� Groundwater Observed: Yes r.r-N❑❑Impervious Layer(s)❑ yyeathered/FracWred Rock If Yes: _� Weeping from Pit $2h ❑ Betlrock � Depth Standing Water in Mote /�g" ❑ Depth Sol' I — �— Estimated Depth to Hi h Layer SoII Tenure atriz 1 xlmorphic Features g Groundwater: (USDA) Color-Moist D (mottles) Coarse F 3= d-fp" /I - (Munse>� Depth %h Fragments— rl SL percent e Frag u Gravel ib-Z(Ir I /O YR 4-�D I I & Stones S■ J �� Soil Connce Z�_�3 ��C — 10.3e l 19-12L" 2s�3 38 " I zsY f5L s YR4 al 10/O Joy, �•,',h �e °.SYS 3 r S ° –I- � / ' rjl.5 1 nu .ddr�^�i Notes — j I -_ Iri %`. ��S�r '�- ;e,( Lo+ 3 ( 1,53SAcres) S` �deI :so:: IJork l,4.�. �.. ST°-r Ma0'LOI NUmbe� sit0 or artment of Environmental Protecti ogram pisp 1 L Massachusetts Department Wastewater Permitting Site SOWag ---- Soil Suitability Assessment tor On- Bureau of Resource Protection— Form �� - HILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING P.O. BOX 314 01012 A. Facility Information CHESTERFIELD,4 3) 296 4499 J Owner Name: � d MaplLot'. ��� _ _---� _ . 17 3 HI c5L F zip Code: O� Street Address. o�tl"w.� M., Stale: M�� Repair ❑ � �1ouc�Sler B. Site Information Upgrade❑ se4n 1. Soil Name New Construction �/ It yes q nS 1115S-L°, ubl'icat� soil Map unit 2. (Check one) v Yes IJ No ❑ e available Year Published g. Published Soil Surd • Ike✓ —--- o�r ` Mae Unit Soil limitations If yes: - - — - - publication Scale 3. Surflcial Geological`Repod available? Yes ❑ No ❑ vear poo,sha 1.anatorm No lJ year flood boundary? Yes ❑ Geologic Material No No ❑ Within the 100 Y Yes 4. Flood Rate Insurance Magi Yes d Within a Velocity Zone Above the 500 year Flood boundary? No ❑ Within the 500 year flood boundary? Yes ❑ -- Nem=- M__ Name 5. Wetland Area: National W etland Inventory 9 am Map Map Unit ❑ Below Normal ❑gi' Wetlands Conservancy Above Normal USGS) S o7 Range Mont flear — g, Current Water Resource Conditions _. Massachusetts Vii. Bureau 1f1 Resource Protection of Wastenmental Protection } 0 Soil Suitability l^es Permittin r C. bility qSS 9 Program Ives{a r On-Site essment for Sit oaf +�5� .+o, Review On-Site site Address or Ma /Lot Number Deep -S Hole: (minimum of v„o ho/es required at ry pro o Wage Disposal ° Observation H eve 1. Dee Date: 6_,IL /077_ Time:_Id z_ proposed disposal area) Deep Hole Number 3C =-! e:—" w p Weather: -Sit Land Use: ;e (� Location (Identify Og (e-9 woodland, a y On Plan ): agricultural field, Landform vacant lot.etc Surface Stones: </ ��-a c.� -_ Slope(%): /_7`/> 3, Distances from. Position on landscape. 2 Vegetation eer�S Open Water Body 2°‘,4 Drainage Way /„� (t Possible 4. Parent M Property Line ft. Drinking Water Wet Area /eft. Well /wP If Yes: Unsuitable Materials ft Other ft. Disturbed Soil❑ Fill Present: Yes Q No 5, Groundwater Material❑ Impervious CJ ndwater Observe - pervious Layer(s)❑ N Yes: d Yes dNo Weathered/Fractur Depth ed Rock ❑ Bedrock p Weeping from Pit qq ZZ ❑ L Depth Standing Water in Hole 9J Depth Soil Estimated De I (In_) Horizon/ Soil Matrix: I Redoxlmor Depth to High Groundwater: 4 " Layer Soil Texture Ptle Features Water I, (USDA) Color-Moist F— (mottles) Coarse Fragments —r— a _9 � (Munsell) Depth a Percent "bS'Volume /p r24/Z Gravel , Cobbles Soil Structure I Soil 9 to �W L S & Stones I Consistence ZO 58u 74 5,4 6�� (Moist) Other C I I Cn�..,h fosse _.J 5 °Y i 8_�.�4 �� 2S�j �f2rr YR4�6 S° rnntsive f______________ I p X64 Additional Nor.._ —� I/ /S� I_r,1._/_ Lo+ d for-41,. � .-�r J Ives-4er R°° Site Matteis or MaplLot Number of Environmental Protection gram $swage Disposal Wastewater Permitting On-Site��� Massachusetts Department ent for On- Bureau of Resource Suitability Assessor Form 11 Soil Suitability disposal area) at every proposed Sa) C O s Review (minimum of two holes required Weather. C.Deep Site R 92 Time. t_ Deep Observation Hole: Date. G Location (Identify on Plan 1: vegetation W Hole Number Surface Stones :Ca-. Slope(°/0)) fro 1. Deep �.ef� 2. Land Use'. (y 0 woodland, a9ricuRU4 field.vacant lot,etc possible Wet Area i�_ft' Tei raO° Position on landscape m� fl Lantance ��r Zm+ft Drainage Way 3. Distances from) Open Water LieodY � Water Well I�it. Other __ft. Property Line 6�ft. Drinking ❑ No Lv] Unsuitable Materials Present'. Yes Weathered/Fractured Rock ❑ Bedrock ❑ q. parent Material: �`il Impervious Layer(s)❑ Zn It Yes: Disturbed Soil❑ Fill Material❑ ImP �,/ ❑ )�2� Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: � 5. Groundwater Observed: Yes Ltl NO Depth Standing V`later'°Hole It Yes: Depth Weeping from Pit 102 Coarse Fragments hic Features 5�,Volume Soil Consistence Other Redoximorp Soil Structure (Moist) (moflles�® Cobbles Soil Matrix: Soil I Color-Moist Depth Depth Horizon) Soil Texture � (Munselp (In.) Leyer (USDA) 691 I ® �� Z 254246 /Dq 5/ 005 a_5 /oiR5�3 4 21 % � ' I I U Massachusetts D Bureau of Resource PP nment of Environ ntal FOrfn 11 - $OII SUltction - Wastewater Permlotection r S.4 3s ✓ ability gssessment for pnm J Nary D. Determination Sit Sews Site Address ooNw I45 ter a ge is n of High posa °e' 9 Groundwater Elevation 1 Method used: ❑ Depth observed standing water in observation hole A. ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole B ❑ h to soil redoximorphic features (mottles) A. — B.�— ndwater adjustment(USGS methodology)) A B 2, Index Well Number q C. Grow S •D, Adjustment Factor Reading Date E. Depth of Pervious —�— Adjusted Groundwater Level ndex Well level us Material _-� 1. Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material a Does at least four feet of natura�l)Y� b If soil absorption system? yes L7 N urring pervious material exist Yes, at what depth Was it obse ved? U❑er p arY in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the ound Lower boundary F. Certification mination above certify that performed soil evaluator oonsstenf with the re approved by the Department analysis required of Environmental Protection and that Soil Evaluator experience described i t the Art Mark Thom son _r nom_ 20 n 3lO OMR 15.017, Typed or Printed Name Dale 2�7 me of Soil Evaluator Aril y9 1997 N/LLTOtyN ENVIRONMENTAL Name- 41,1M rl . 'Dale of Soil Evaluar,..�• rut- P.O.BOX 214 CONSULTING a te..of L.o4 �o(-�"Inti� koV. I��ske� Goad Site Address or Map/Lot Number Department of Environmental Protection P nogram Site r R al Wastewater Permitting On-Site Sewage Massachusetts 11etso Dce Suitability Assessment for * Bureau of R Form 11 - Soil Suitability wired at every proposed disposal area) �D s (minimum of two holes required area)C. On-Site Review 4'3o Weather. 6 ,� 07 Time. _� Deep Observation Hole'. Date: 1. Deep Location(Identify on Plan p. Z Vegetation. W o if Y°-Hole Number il Surface Stones: Slope (�/). 2. Land Use. (e.g.woodland,agricultural field,vacant IN,etc look ft. �erfa� Position on landscape Lastance ��� z�. ft Drainage Way Imo'" ft Possible Wet Area S. Distances from: OPope y Line y � I�.y. H Other _eft. Property Line 30 ft. Drinking Water Well _� Yes No �. Unsuitable Materials Present. Rock ❑ Bedrock ❑ `il0 uS Weathered/Fractured 4. parent Material: �- Impervious Layers)❑ It Yes: Disturbed Soils Fill Mater1e10 [� No ❑ Estimated Depth to High Groundwater y 5. Groundwater Observed: Yes 93�� Depth Standing Water in Hole 93 It Yes: Depth Weeping horn Pit Fragments Coarse Other hic Features �o by Volume Soil Structure Soil Consistence Redoximmp Cobbles (Moist) (mottles) Soil Matrix: Color Percent ® &Stones Sal Color-Moist Depth Depth HLayer SOU(USDA)a (Munsell) (In.) Layer /ov24/y i S V oYR b�� �� SY4/I $/n 3� —\ �� /ovR 5�3 4'S I 7,5y a.4 WA' /s% ,- J Lo7�� 3 ' 0 `,s' Poi( so' MFco 30' Z,. Sylve { `T Roq I ��_ Loi' 3 Norkt^A� k� 5 ��es}e. Slte Address or Mapl�ot Number ant of Environmental Protection gram CONSULTING Massachusetts Department Wastewater Permitting P.O. BOX 314 Test HILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING Bureau o12 — perCOIatIDrf CHESTERFIELD. MA Form (413) 296-4499 A. Facility Information 1. Faci lity Information <ace-, VoNe A4 McDILot�- Owner Name (zo>cl A p 06� ('73 Vulesk F�.�..-.5 M Street Address �„ St �o(}�.arr City Date.. 6 so 07 Observation Hole# 3 4 3 De.th Of Perc oD toZ . lirgl=arshrIllisissOn 3 5e) t'' 01111111012261311•Minimum or etl in both the primary area AND reserve area. Percolation test must be perform Site Failed ❑ Site Passed T1 aw- .Son Mark ` 4A Performed By. I - ,.1t-C..i cu. .u.t..oesPd BY. \, Location Address or Lot No. T4SOr\ `/ 444222 eS4e r Pe FORM 11 - SOIL EVAI On-site Review Deep Hole Number YP-j Location (identify ate: April Zaop Land U yon site plan) Time: 7:00 Use adye o{• woods Landfo Vegetation (7r ve , 04, Ciapie Slope (%) 3-$ Surface Stones Position nd .MPr4/nt on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Body /00 it Possible Wet Area /20 feet Drainage way no feet Drinking Water Well /S)+ feet Property Line /25 feet Other Weather S, ^y 8Pu/de• (Structure. Stones, Other Boulders, Conan Gravel) Parent - •a ' s tMaterial(geologic) D thtoGroundwater. ) f}��o Standing Water in the Hole: Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water; S6 ' DEP APPROVED FOnAI-12/07/95 72 " DepthtoBedrock: 4 Weeping Porn Pit Face: HILLTOWNE AL 0019501 NORTH P.°o 16 HATFIELD MA 01066 f9 297-5464 VVIRONMENTAL SULTING . BOX 226 4 01066 I2 5464 1247- it uitabilli Mkilos-fa" a V"F �t os led By ._ ah.' _/ ' c E✓lad . ._... sed By: FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR e lot 3 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts N° ��a� Pent or On-site Sewa A sessm Date: Dis r osal 30 2 /2. Date: -AP" Zo-Acre- 1-0-1- SY lvesker Roved ® Repair construction Cr E ee R� Yes Soil Map Unit Available: No Q Scale 1 I58`� - ished Soil Survey A deP+h t° rsap U 1981 __ Publication Published d_._ Soil Limitations -Siore.7• boundary N Pu t Well game....._.. Q Inge Class Yes Geologic Report Available:No 0 Scale ficial G Publication ar Published Unit) magic Material (MaP. .................__..... ardfotm ate Map: ,00d Insurance Rate ,bove 500 year flood boundary No ✓es Q 0 {food o Q Nithin 500 year Yes Within 100 Year flood boundary No Wetland Area: Map (map unit) _. Nation Wetland Inventory unit) National Cons Program Map (map Wetlands Conservancy A9 r 11 2002 Current Water Resource Conditions(USGS)' Month QNormal QBelow Noun al Range :Above Normal Other References Reviewed: DEP APPROVED FOR?1.1100195 HILLTOWN ENVIROONME 226 CONSULTING P.NORTH HATFIELD, MA 01066 (413) 247- 5464 Location Address or Lot No. a M4 fSC es, e FORM 11 _ SOIL LVA; Yop=„47, Determinatio Meth Used. Index Reading Date Depth observed standing in observation Depth weeping from side of observation ❑ 0 Depth to soil mottles Ground water adjustment- inches Well Number Adjustment factor Adjusted ground water level m De th of Natural/ Occurr Pervious Material Does at least four feet of observed throughout the for naturally occurring what is the depth of naturally occurring Certification Water Tabt, hole inches hole 1,-! 3-4" inches TP-2 S2" Index well level e area proposed the not, wh the pervious material exist in soil absorption system? pervious material? certify ertify that on 4-2y_ c approved by the Department of Environmental t ) I he passed the soil evaluator exa ws performed rmed bb me 15.077.consistent with the required training,and that sh above in 310 Protection ex a abov ar expertise and expe Signature DEP APPROVED FOR\I-1]/07195 Date Q HILLTOWNENFVIOOA,MENTAL CONSHLyh, NORTH HATFIELD,MA (413)247- MA 01066 5464 ress or Lot No Lumber '(P Z %entity on site plan) S SICPe l% n19e ( Y"Of01 fl - SOIL F,V ALU AT pge 2of 3 Va is esse- °5° e5 c Renck r a` On-site 0�Review to 00 gpril3p,7tl Time. Date'. 3_5 Surface Stones Maria I the back) Landscape (sketch tee,. feet feet grnin G,avno� .M c on tram: r Boy D { %pen Water jO 00 >ossible Wet Area '�f Drinking Water Well Drainage way Property Line Other 120 25 teet tees 4os Weather S nny ` Lade ny -ao, tde-s Oa. ath)tomes) cc(Inches) II t3 la t Materlal(geologld WatellntheHOle- Paten 5landm9 oondwatec Water. e mte h (ground Estimated Seasonal High Area0VcD FOtUt'1Le995 ti DeomtoBedrocie Weeping llom 52" RILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL NVIROl MZ CONSULTING U BOX P. NORTH 4 3' 546 ddress or Lot No. s COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS , Massachusetts 20 a FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TEST Nord a"'pi'°r‘ :Nation Hole di of Perc .t ?re-soak i Pre-soak ne at 12" me at 9" ime at 6 rime 19"-6„1 Rate Min./Inch rimarY area AND = Minimum of 1 Percolation test must be performed in both the p reserve area. ❑ Site Failed rte Passed 'erformed By: I CGnkr SA .S. OVC✓ G ?¢ Nitnessed By: Z Comments: a DEP APPROVED POMP.12191195 HILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING P. 0.130X 226 01066 NORTH HATFIELD,MA (433 247 Deep Hole Number: 1 Location(identify Date: 06/24/098 On-Site UseN on site plan): egetation: Clearing Time: 8:4SAM Surface Stones: g to Wooded Area Position of Landscape: Slope(%): Distance from: Open Water Body Possible Wet Area Drinking Water Well Landfomr Weather: Partly I Feet Feet Drainageway Feet Property,Line Ft Other Fe Fe Other(Structure, Boulders, Consistency, M Parent � atenal(geologic) e Standing Water in the Hole: Q 92, Estimated Seasonal High Ground Watery 92' Note: System should be designed as a leach field. Gravel, Cobbles,Stones g (Many) Medium to Coarse Sand Loose Gravel,Cobble,Stones&Rot (Many) Medium to Fine Sandy Loam Friable Some Gravel Depth to Bedrock: None Weeping from Pit Face: @ 92" cenificathn I certify that in I ceironrthat in Protection I passed the soil evaluator examination that the described analysis perforapproved by the Department g, expertise and experience desc Ysis w performed in 310 Y me consistent Signature: CMR 15.017, with the required Mark P. Reed Date: HERITAGE SURVEYS,INC. HERITAGE SURVEYS, N GHY:AY p.0.BOX ON—•COSACRUSEITS 01073 so413) 527- COPIER(413)527-8250 TELEPHONE(413) 527or On-Site Sewa•e Dis•osal Site Suitabilit {72_980612 :ark P.Reed Peter McErlain e res Sylvester Road Northampton,MA 50ec ' — Date: June 24,1998 ui an Kolodziej) E ment Operator Whiteley Excavating(D 4 p t Nane dr Ste phen Szymanski 361 Sylvester Road Northampton,MA 01060 Repair 0 New Construction 'X Office Review Yes ❑ Drainage Class Soil Limitations No 0 Soil Map Unit Survey Available: Yes 0 ished Publication Scale No 0 ( Unit) Landtann she Report Available: Geologic Material(Map sbed Publication Scale Within 100 year flood boundary 0 ice Rate Map: Within 500 year flood boundary (Map Unit) i0 year d Inve ory Map 0 Wetlands Conservacy Program Map( P a: Map(hfap Unit) Month Wetland I e Cory U5GS): Below Normal 0 er Resource Conditions( Normal O Above Normal O ences Reviewed: Percolation Test 'ration anon vleasuremen Measurement Time ion Rate 3 min/inch of Percolation Test Hole: @ 35" Percolation Rate'. Bottom of Percolation Test Hole: h hole 4l-inches K Depth weeping horn side of observation inches water adjustment inches. e 0 Ground epth observed standing on observation hole�2 . eWe to soil mottles$�inches Index well level— Reading Date— Well Number— Adjusted ground water level stment factor— a n. oug flout the area proposed for the soil t • a '' sat least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed orption system? .1e8—___, material? �— rot what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious m Deep Hole Number I-1 On-Site R Location(identify Date: OS/12/9-rXetu Land Use/Vegetation:O°site plan): Time: 9:49AM Clearing in woods Weather:Sunny Surface Stones: Slope Position of Landsca P (%): Distance from: e: Between ehveep Sylvester Road and Landform: brook,35'northerly of Test Pit#1 and percolation test. Open Water Body Possible Wet Area Feet Drinking Water Well Feet Feet Drainageway Property Line Feet Other Feet Feet SOW ettiire (`<)SD4) Other(Structure,Stoi Boulders, Consistency, e/a Parent Material(geologic) Os➢Sh t (` L Standing Water in the Hole: None @ 10' Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: @ 93" Cobbles,Stones and Boulders(many) Medium to Coarse Sand Loose Gravel,Cobbles,Stone and Boulders(many) Medium to Fine Sand,Loam Friable Some Stones and Boulders Depth to Bedrock: None @10' Weeping from Pit Face: None @ 10' entricatta I certify that in Juno I passed the soil evaluator exa Environmental Protection and that the above En urination approved n by the Department the f training, expertise and experience described i analysis was performed b in 310 CMR 15.017. by me consistent with therrequired Signature Mark P. Reed Date: s$' /Z/9 HERITAGE SURVEYS, INC. Sheet 1 of 2 HERITAGE SURVEYS,INC. P.O.BOX 1 —COLLEGE HIGHWAY SOUTHAMPTON,MASSACHUSETTS 01073 TELEPHONE('+l S)527-3600 TELECOPIER(413)527-6260 Site Suitabilit or On-Site Sewa•e Dis•osal Date: May 12,1999 Equipment Operator: Tom Whiteley her 3872-990427 7. Mark P.Reed :tor, Peter McElain coo Address Sylvester Road Northampton,MA New Construction Oftic_,a Review Yes Soil Map Unit Yes Landform Geologic Material(Map Unit) Within 100 year flood boundary No Soil Survey Available: Publication Scale eologid No hibli he Report Available: 'ublished Publication Scale urance Rate Map: Within 500 year flood boundary e W0 year flood boundary Ma Unit) Area: Wetlands Conservacy Program Map(Map Are Wetland Invetory Map(Map Unit) Hater Resource Conditions(USGS): Normal e_ Above Normal ;ferences Reviewed: teo It & ddress Stephen Szymanski 361 Sylvester Road Northampton,MA Repair Drainage Class Soil Limitations Month Below Normal szmaPercolatiottasTest Results Time la u ation turadon ii Measurement easuremen ,d Time S' lation Rate m of Percolation Test Hole: Percolation Rate: Bottom of Percolation Test Hole: e inches Depth observed standing on observation hole NA— Depth to soil mottles 112.inches ;x Well Number ustment factor_ Depth weeping from side of observation hole_IILA inches O Ground water adjustment inches. Index well level Reading Date Adjusted ground water level b , �+.s. ■ e '.. es at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed forte soil ;orption system? not,what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material?_.