Site Reviews iI( fos--7. rzi _ if ;,= a PERCOLATION TEST(S) Observation Observation Hole Depth of Pero ® Depth of Perc t ariaapjamanall® - SITE FAIL 4 %■ SIT • . PASSE4. �. : FAILEn E` ."31TE' : .;,.:.. Performed b PASSED b f .FAI�.EF14 Witnessed b - Performed b Witnessed b - NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH— Title 5—Site Review le A: OM ch t DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* IIT:1flUil OF Ti'.O HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED❑ISFOSEL ARE ISpUSDA re A® u / 4 1afedat(9eabgic) '- a groundwater.Standing Water in the Aunated Seasonal High Ground Water Hole S: th torn e Inchhhes) - v . DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* *MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPO� So l TexWre USDA �® Location Address or Lot,#` Date more clam.= PERCOLATION TESTIS) Observation ® Observation Hole Depth of Perc ® Depth of Perc ®®� ®®® SITE .. _ . . . . . _ . PASSED �i SITE. ■ SITE PASSED ■ SITE ED PASSED • �- SITE FAILED Performed b Witnessed Witnessed b b - i tneetlb - NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH- Title 5- Site Review e#: DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 9d1NIL.Ur1 OF WiO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED Q15PCSAL 1,USDA Texture �® _•. ,_ Depth to Bedrock weeping from pit Face AREA Aateriai(geologic) 'groundwater. S Sated Sea Hole#: th from e(Inches) a D rdleg S nt Mate (geol°g'c), to grourdwa ter n$. Estmated:Seauraat w el DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* IN IMUId OF MO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA OMer USDA Soil Color Structure.5tones,BouOthe,Consistent ,%Gavel Soil Munsell USDA [>epNto, , lrerk .. Weep ebn Pit Face On-Site Review idress or Lot# �A '2: •—f-- —, 7,. ..l 1 { C/ Date _I raring Firm 1-1-g,o r�'6rM- on Slte Plan nd Use gelation rndform n Landscape Ownera c Eng' or Sanitarian c— Time Slope% Address Weathe T Surface Stones Distances from: Water Body ole Wet Area Drainage Way tole from iche DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Soil Horizon Soil Texture 'USDA) Material(geologic) 1 to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole? Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water Soil Color (MUnselp - 11 crI3'y 2S7 �� '� f /ootayd ,. Soil Mottling Other Stones. Boulders C ns sencY '- Grassi, �II '1s r I p Hole# gtn from nchesl__ I � ert C /71 -rte !, I Depth to Bedrock Weeping from Pit Face n DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Other Soil Color Soil Mottling (Monselll _ _ ' (Structure.Stones Boulders Consistent %Gravo) Sail H Soil Texture (USDA)_ � c5 L dent Material(geologic) apih to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water i err 57 V( 1 y(-) >YyL i Y. Depth to Bedrock Weeping from Pit Face -r _ 7,71/1/ On-Site Review Owner \ -- - Address Locat ooA Date or LOt# 3,- �-y 1- --— W afher / f Dale Time �Q f. ', --el'e. •, -+ Engineer or$antanan Engineering Firm �6W.,, 11 IU('. r -- - - Identity on Site Plan C. - - -- - - - - --- - 1 t Slope% I rSudace Stones l Land Use Vegetation Landform —_— ___ - __ -_ -- [PostonOnLandscape Distances from ___ _ I feel Property Line I Open WaterBrea fl feet I Drinking Water Way - feel Other 1i Possible Wet Area I feet I Drainage Way DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* -I Deep Hole #: 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA • Morning Ogler - J'011Irom Soil'legion Soil Tenure Soil Color Sod IS, ciuleSIOnn 13 Id.rs r.onSe ' ^-' Inc ur U Unit,:SDAI ueu r d - .) R L 1 O 3/3 : , ^ — Y ef-- 2 - 0 0• i L , 1 Li/••v / SJ _— -! � ' I Li 1 It Parent Material(geologic) Depth to fieoch,__ I Weeping from Pit Face I, Depth to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole I I �-� _ - 9... l%� Estimated Seasonal Hi h Ground Water, � DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* Deep Hole#: MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Sod Horizon Soil Texture Colo. Soil Mottling other n (USDA} (Mug 'ill (Structure. Stones Boulders.COnsslevr, \ I ` DePlli toBWeeP 91 our PS Face —_ gig later In the Bole standing ( —_- .r51!tgh Gmund V2atc . -