34 Complaint 20091--2-o-CAU7 1Z:27 AM Z .2 -1- Aroma,, Kayos te;_. None. c Po. 34 frit 557 - 12-21 Fran►; PA A fa P.01 / 'Svorl Wl Csw✓lcv t g71 Plc to atria, `b 2 .o o llXme.S cn 7'30/0$ , 1111"010`64 rr,Tf c cA Vi ols hon 61 ILAN rec...c64 w( % �3 - SP o e cree p€1C',) L mecab? III; - 5- - T S—c Ap ■d wsb Qu SptbQ fo P¢f- Do Of _ 10:°416.-;)‘ lur.7 a/u5 04 Pon Colashance oCt 040 g4 pA t e o Guto,e, ,,,,1 co.,2 Pcni m CpCw -1/eibo n j Ll° ft dad' Sh �G ✓ 50-1- - ..-cony 12:27 AM VALLEYMILLBANK, LLC QV HOME CITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. .5 NORTHAMPTON AVENUE SPRINGFIELD,AMA 01109 (413) 785.5312 Ms.Aimee Parody,Health Inspector 212 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 Dear Ms.Petroskey: On July 17,Valley Community Development Corp.,the owner of the building at 34 Miehelman Avaab was cited for three violations of the State Sanitary Code. Since that time we have taken the following action: 1. Repaired the lock on the front door to prevent unlawful entry. 2. Scheduled replacement of the died apriulder had,which will be aeremplbhed either today,July 29,or tomorrow,July 30. 3. Instituted contact with Robert Hall,Controlling Engineers,who specified and subcontracted the buntling's intercom system. The electrical engineer was on vacatlon last week,but we are attempting to resolve this lea ea quickly as possible. We would like to make note that a CertHfnte of Occupancy for 34 Mirhebman Avenue was received from the Northampton Raildiag Department on March 31, 2004. We would rube like to note that there has been a lack of cooperation from the tenant in effecting the repairs,which has resulted in some delay. If you have nay further questions,please feel free to call me. Sincerely, rill lr h O'B -Goodreau Senior Property Manager BOGlafd P.02 -cnnn 12 :20 AN P.03 VALLLX COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 301Mloa ghat 14*3spm,MA (413)Mall Ea t? (413)5164321 Ou FISIBOaltaa July 27,2009 Tam Regan l Home City Haadmg S Northampton,Ave. Springfield,MA 01109 RE:MillbmkApartmecte 34 hGdmelmsa Ave.,Apt A 4 Northampton Dar Tom: I have contacted the architect far time Milbank Apartments,Charlie Schmitt ofCarlson- Seb1oitt Architect's of Agawam.teed to the July 17,2009 b:lta from the Hatanaka Health Department about the'tract door Warr not working"r 34 Micheline Avenue. As yon know,the building wee built and completed in March 2004.A Catifiate of Mammy(arteched)for 34 Mien=Ave.was received by theNaalhempton Budding Dapsnmmt on Match 31,2004. Let week,Charlie Schalk contacted Idpm)ect's engineer,Robert 1W!Coanldng Engineers of Agawem,who spread and mtiocntncS the imnlladon of the building's intercom qeu m Ha has abed for their deflation of tabard MswrLwebs Building sad Electrical Bodes a they Ste to the intercom system instead at 34I'tcbdmen Avenue. Unfammately,the elechial engineer at Rotted Hall was on vacation IS week me is da to fawn today—July 27,2009.Cad a Schmitt will all Robert Hail again tomorrow to foUowuponto program of Hall's rework Ism hoping we can finda quick' 1mion toerr questions.I hope to have am aim tar you within the nee ample of days. Patrick McCarthy Palest Meager CC:loam Campbell,Psoamtive Director 711+ t 9la4 said PR tflJ.IV CPC . •••••'" •v: inociamat ' t_ 9u WLIt� . nom t.--.11aZgadan ama.�xm tang r/aaia� - --- SRO®SIEBS*BON INC r --174 4139•rli7i YO 1$773333919 P,ava+ BAP-2? 33•D435 O W i�O�CBU 1I •T' aTY Or BUILDING PERMIT - M MAMA 70 amen lean DESROSIERS 8 SON INC_._O1I1 Dem a• ropWINGWq lSTRUCf NEW'TEN(tO)UNIT BUILDING• sUCnWN''41! • • avnz liagratm metal rkttitsaftess Noel abef Wiest .,' d"Per SkrArA • ' Out aaN09f,'tti,�' .6 Nib to raw esitl¢rwtaIs wain airman o!xowErBM mo noIaf1ONOB ANY OP!TS 1Da AND a '1'1e• ISBN lopinfor y . ._ ! wu meek N. ioekts oom i e fi t i t rag ; t:cis• 1!m ENNA at Mt a.*.Bar(4LOSS7•04(Fac c4t))sem= seakacupposan-^ rusk ma.LLC1 oilk e TD Vel tleti t7.▪ rI Y t,od B• ^ Dr 1 MD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MEMBERS BAN,M.D.,ACTING CHAIR 'ANNE SMITH,M.D. iNNA C.SALLOOM :RIMGEOUR,MHEd,CHES, OR OF PUBLIC HEALTH (413)587-1214 U((413)587-1221 MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 4t Cot 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01080 fiDER TO CORRECT MINIMUM STANDARDS FT FOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT: 229 ELM ST UNIT 2RRY CODE This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights You may obtain a translation of this form at: 229Elm o • St, Northampton Ma. Isto a um documento legal muito importance que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: 229 Elm St, Northampton Ma Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: 229 Elm St, Northampton Ma Questo a un documento legale importance. Potrebbe avere effectto 11 duzione di 229 Elm St Northampton Ma questo a: Este es un documento legal importance. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccion de esta forma en: 229 Elm St, Northampton Ma To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twpp uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teq dokumentu w ofisie: 229 Elm St, Northampton Ma NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel 4: (413) 587-1214 17, 2009 ie City Housing wthampton Ave ngfeld Ma, 01109 34 Michelman Avenue Apt#4 ccordance with, MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code rpter II: Minimum Standards for Human i n. ection was cod ct at Michelman :nue Northampton Ma, a property uand by you, Aim on Ju 2009. t Following Violations were noted: ;ode Number ).35 Violation Sprinkler head secured by tape. Date of Correction July 27, 2009 Comments Secure sprinkler head in kitchen and remove tape. 0.480 0.500 Front door does not keep dwelling secure from intrusion. Immediately Repair lock on front door to prevent unlawful enrty. Front door buzzer not working. July 27, 2009 repair the Intercom/buzzer The Northampton Board of Health is acting under the authority of iASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code Chapter II: linimum Standards for Human tort to comply with the formal order issued to you above wit ordered the time frame faith to make a good sted. Failure to do so could result in legal action taken against you to pursue compliance rith this order. A l 9 If you would like contact the Health Department to schedule a time0 be present please Failure to comply with any order issued pursuant to the provisions of 105 CMR 410.000-shall ipon conviction be fined not less than$10 or more than$500. Each days failure to comply shall :onstitute separate violations. Please be advised that if you are aggrieved with this order you have the right to request a hearing.You must submit a written petition requesting a hearing within seven(7)days from the day the order was served cerely, s inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury lee Petrosky alth Inspector 2 Main St rthampton Ma,01060 3-587-1214 Nathan Jones Valley CDC Millbak 7003 0500 0005 2476 Mail Numbern7003 0500 0005 2476 4052 4069 !riffled BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL , COMPLAINT RECORD Date. 1-io-oi ITime: Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant Dprn 'yrcy 40- cfbl - Address nr h °_-_-. 1 -^ r-. K}VC 3LI Tel: 62 1.4%•" Atau 0cc! %c f ,10 #ondta/IS Sa.x�v�c S.LLu NATURE OF COMPLAINT: fLUS. or fec...'c Location: 'C.H tin,an Gar eL3 mine C. "7 /iuur nq Snttm&&4ol,>n Aar Owner. I!allty C.tc vw:ll6anL ( fl t) ' M P Address: 3 a MMZLLy Tel: Nbthnrf)on Mt 610‘.6 Taken by: kr° I Date of Inspection: Time: pa leer, la 5 ktt Ion nod u r,c. Prsrl dole U ■l ec'co.6,C K Sort usi Lac,) ;r• e.+cl.... ---g4'04 INSPECTOR'S REPORT: o K LP. _ � SP itALL o,<rmFhomi.rca„ check.,...t. Action Taken: Inspector Signature O F In&Schmitt Architects,Inc. August 7, 2009 nee Petrosky ialth Inspector ty of Northampton 2 Main Street xthampton, MA 01060 e: Millbank Entry Door—34 Michelman year Aimee: 'er our conversation, both the owner and I have spoken to Larry Bouley at M.L. Schmitt Electric.Tuesday. Insesponse to our request to toelectrician xpedite returns vacation Tueenay. will send Valley week's end. Pat ;lectrician intends to review conditions at the site and Larry tells community Development Corporation a work proposal by approval. McCarthy should be able to review that proposal within two days and Larry me that the work can be accomplished within two weeks of app to the entry door device. I'm confident that The installation is made a little more difficult by the fact that the intercom wiring is work c n the basement and then up services of a carpenter todmake attendant emodifications at the modifications strike. If you within this have any questions you can call me. f V truly yours, Charles Schmitt cc: Patrick McCarthy Stan Russin Larry Bouley 1 South End Bridge Circle Agawam,Massachusetts 01001 (413)7865556 telephone (413)786-6130 fax www.carlsanaohmlttrom 9 2:41PM VALLEY CDC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Meat Street �I'1 No tOa,MA (413)5865855 Est.12 istAl(413)5867521 fax valleinincom FAX rOE FROM: t i k Rc FAX#: 587-1221 DATE:A °'-8t 18 2009 NEMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 2 MESSAGE: See attached letter regarding 34 Miehelraan Avenue front door The n wahine('in this comment O1I is tesi1W privileged b and/or eccMI�l one, which is only Suse of the individual or mitt owed above. e.You are etgrsby notified HAVE of this communication A QUESTIOONS,ORPROBLMIA THIS AEON,PLEASE CALL 413-586-5055, EXTENSION 12. L:41YM V L'LtT bUb VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Street 10 Market N536-5W�t.1 (413)5865855 Ext.13 (413)58(.7521 pm®veIlmcdocom ugust 19,2009 Northampton Health Department 12 Main Street Jotthampton,MA 01060 )ear Ms.Petrosky: L the writing to at M cbe on an our progress on the installation Avenue.I met with the electrician,the electric.Sc wiring crane M.L.Schmitt. the from door at 34 Micbe intercom system components hems wiring the yesterday.llce in order to install the front from front a onlyt intercom to the be nut electric Ogre and the wires authoriz M.L.Schmitt to order the front door went in the basement I have I have met with a carpenter to ord who system's relay�P° TekTone.AddidomallY- M.L.part front the manufacturer•Schmitt to make the necessary modification to manufacturer. � the will contact electric strike installation o�the At that time, the strike to be delivered iwi oey�iweeks..If there The work expects sc ed�comp the end 4l will contact If 3 the week wict be ached or in scheduling any ediat delays in delivery work is completed for your inspection.I el I will also let you ltom when the 1 will be back in the office on the 27*.In immediately. Joanne 19 in my away ce vfc you have any7ggq tomorrow oil Campbell at extension mY abseneee if� our office. Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation. Sincerely, Patric McCarthy project Manager ■.f.,! ,,,,t,:4„ '+ '4 S m } err fx F ',P'e e t T �Vk� lK , Vy yP A } ion&Schminfachitecfs,Inc. August 7, 2009 imee Petrosky lealth Inspector city of Northampton 12 Main Street iodhampton, MA 01060 Re: Millbank Entry Door—34 Michetman Dear Aimee. spoken to Larry B°uleY at M.L. Per our conversation, both the owner and 1 have sp electrician e to Larry ry B returns Mom the lob to a�to e this work, the Schmitt Tuesday.. In assigned to our request and Larry will send Valley vacation Tueedds. Ir rasp itions at the Pat to review conditions I by week's end. tells Community intends t Corporation a work proposal and Larry Community that proposal within two days me the should work be able c review within two weeks of approval, me that the work can be accomplished ft by the fact that the intercom wiring is up to the entry yh f ct device. intercom corn confident that The installation the is amen a little then dtffrcu Y Schmitt can retain the chased can tee basement and then P schedule since M.L. Sch se work ran of accomplished rpen e within this scored services of a carpenter to make attendant modifications at the door strike- If you have any Questions you can call me- - truly You fit / ledes 7. Schmitt cc: Patrick McCarthy • Stan Ruskin Larry BouieY mro ,d.� �� 11o„�1...a.01001 Nn) -sass�'l N13) 0fa` '..'° 15a d`Fi.d H,de•�'d` 'fit '3DV OEjq_9 / WHYS 40r0 J3 Wdlt It RMZ ) I I '.U4AM VALItY CUC VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Northampton,MA (413)5865655 Ext.12 (413)5867521 fax infoevalleycdceam FAX Attnee - G LOM:Patrick McQart Y #X#: S ATE:° M1+st 9 ZQ92 [UMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 2 4ESSAGE: See attached letter regarding 34 MiebeII In Avenue front door The information conained mt this com•aimWtlon is legally privileged confidetniel nod informed= ado individual m eavtyna a6is ctly forbidden.17 YOU RAVE which is isommled only for use thane QUESTIONS,O PROBLEduFl WITH THIS C71ON,PLEASE CALL 413.51165855.or ANY(YUPSTIONS,ORPROBLEM11 EXTENSION 12. II '.U4818 VALLtY CDC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION VALLEY COMMUNITY 30 Market Nachampta4 MA (413)586-5855 9m 12 (413)586-7521 fax rnm amber 9,2009 lee Petrosky,Health Inspector thamptonHealth eDepamnent Main Street on,MA 01060 ar Ms.Petrosky: strike for m writing to update you on our progress on t to installation local independent l tr stri carpenter rot door.at h ittiElecman of Springfield I have electric strike. d M.L.Schmitt Electric of Spaingfie[d nave been in communication with L.Schmitt on a weekly basis since the part was rdered from the manufacturer in mid-AFL As of today—M-L.Schmitt bas not ceived the electtz strike from the msnulWC. Schmitt daynow.I an confident the pad should be received and installed by M.L. rill continue to keep you informed as to our progress. [bank you for your ccntinued patience and cooperation. Sincerely, panick McCarthy Project Manager Cc:Larry Bouley,M.L.Schmitt Joanne Campbell,Valley CDC Betty Obrien-0oodreau,Home City Housing rarVdM / ‘4 Vim. * +. RD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MEMBERS FLEITMAN,M.D. ANNE SMITH,M.D. ■NA C.SALLOOM 1IMGEOUR MHEd,CHES, )R OF PUBUC HEALTH 413)587-1214 K(413)587-1221 MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE Ves CDC rt of T}.Q4v,.p1T1(l MA OID•D 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01080 e: COMPLIANCE WITH ORDERS ear PDI+r•1.1c Mc. P.A.ai )n ly tripe? , an initial Housing Inspection es made ht the property located at 'Si] M,*ay) r,1• n.^ rA-vt wned or operated by you. Violations were observed and an enforcement letter with t o orrection orders was mailed to you on >,.1, final re-inspection was conducted on S °�C JI violations noted in the e,;10\ 11- , zoo 9 nforcement letter were found to bh corrected and therefore, please note that you have omolied with all of the correction orders issued in the inspection report. his letter was signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. If you have any questions agarding this matter, please contact me at my office. • C. VQll#y fAc1 60nV- ) LLC