10 Letters 1971-1988 p __1is LM-1 c 7CJIi1, I ..,altn of environmental Ncalth 09 Washington Street t3oston, Massachusetts 02111 (`2202 Re: Nor chn-nt.;a CU:.pter 220, Filc tin. Te-1'S7 Pr.,,ner..I for Pro';nsc; Ccmvol :Lts oil Tuncey ::111 goad iten1th, in resperi O to itre rc,,,i....:c dr November 23, 1771, h.=3 had oc:a u ate t it t`.r ^uhtert Bite and O. revicw n1 t i.c. prep.;: revenled that the nub;cet prajzct iv r-n1, t-:'acct puollc water supply. - .'i 71 llmtiaa Ceatrol ?f=ic,, ort.;-r nail. s. 016?2 truly yro ,ichn C. Collins Di[- eta: Divinion of ti,:✓1:.0 1..:_ntal ;:::a1Lh r • ;;vz ;,enc-r[z o,rrr Nu Massachusetts Department of Publinayealth Division of Environmental Health 500 Washington Street Boston, Massachusetts 02111 0pertseut of Mturd Menses DuBois of CbYeresties Mrviees 100 Caabridgs street Boston, hasatwkassi e OrtOt Bptlenat The Division of mpyrssnn1a1 health, sostaised is year somerms0re dated pup U. patseers wesiMre the abject site. CoesideefW it ton nkJsot site and son drains. alterations revealed that the adversely attest public Bator suppir. Very truly yours, Jame 12. 1010 net 3101211ispt02 Chapter 1120. • W. paler P repaaed tiattnel - Brook Mtpsatioa is response to the ragaMt 1012, hos had is of its a revise et ton proposed tilling subject project viii sot Johr C. Collies otrector Walla of tresb stn Beata Sae. (Maas) C-faunae Mstern Oesthesfios Mad Mnihssptea, Ohms. C-Board of loath Borthespion. Baps. 01000 C-Bepnrteent of 7aklis aerks MrtYwStoa. saes. 01000 • 3/0 1.64.91$ Wiese DIVISION or NVIRON MENTAL HEALTH •''frnetineizt,,2 Sag dIetz/ 02/1/ Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Trans. and Const. Departnent of Public Health 100 ,'Nashua Street Boston, Massachusetts 02114 Attn: Robert T. Tierney, P.F. Chief Engineer Gentlemen: Decenter 10, 1973 Re: Proposed Highway and Bridge Construction Projects Anherst - Route 9 Beichertown - Route 9 Conway - Route 116 Northhampton - Route 66 The Department of Public Health is in receipt of your letter of November 16, 1973, concerning the above-noted proposed highway and bridge projects. An examination of the proposed sites of these projects reveals that the construction involved should not affect any public water supply. Very truly yours, George C. Coogan Director Bureau of Water Supply and Water Quality GCC/Eh C-Boards of Health Anherst Belchertown Conway Northampton NEWS ELS SE MICHAEL S. DUKAKIS GOVERNOR JAMES S. HOYTE SECRETARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS ANTHONY D. CORTESE, Sc. D. COMMISSIONER CONTACT: Richard Sullivan (517) 292-5513 Ann Marie Reis (617) 292-5515 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 23, 1984 MEDIA ADVISORY The western regional office of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering (DEQE) is now located at State House West, Fourth Floor, 436 Dwight St. , Springfield, MA 01103. Telephone: (413) 785-5327. DEQE activities relating to hazardous waste, water supply, air quality, wetlands and water pollution control will be handled under one roof, rather than from three separate locations as in the past. "This consolidation enables us to improve our own communica- tions on multidisciplinary issues while better serving the needs of over 100 communities in our region," said John Higgins, Regional Environmental Engineer. DEQE is the state's environmental regulatory agency responsible for developing, administering and enforcing programs which regulate air, surface water and ground water, wetlands and solid and hazardous waste. No. 157 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ENGINEERING ONE WINTER MASSACHUSETTS 02108 55 5 S. RUSSELL SYLVA Commissioner JOHN J. HIGGINS uonal Envnonmemal Engineer Elite -• tr goad.'n76iz�aikarrmerelaL 9l"."". ' enreethr °Kiln ° n 436 g aet, Sj'r`izy% diaaA.. 0»03 (.4/3)785-5327 JUL 2 1 1988 John Chaka Los 52 Overlook Drive Windsor, Conn. Gentlemen: Re: Northampton Nanor Nursing Home Proposed Well Site Approval Project #122-231 On July 7, 1988 representatives of this Department met with Walter Schwarz of C.T. :Tale to conduct an inspection of a proposed well site for the proposed Northampton Manor Nursing Hone facility. The well site is Located as shown on the June 30, 1988 plans from C.T. ?ale, approximately 1100 feet northeast of Route 9 and behind the nursing home. The tell site and the protective radius aroud :_e r-ell site is not presently under the control of the nursing home, however a purchase agreement will be signed for this land in the near future. Bane: on a pump rate of 9 gallons per minute a 200 foot protective radius will be required, however the site is large enough to expand if more radius is required. Based on the June 30, 1988 site proposal submitted' on your behalf by C.T. `tale Associates and the site inspection of July 7, 1988 the Department hereby issues an approval of the site with the following condition: 1 . ) That the nursing home provide legal documentation of its ownership of the well site and of the required protective radius around the well site within 60 days of the date of this letter. At this time, complete pump test proposal should be submitted to the Department in accordance with the requirements of the Department's Guidelines for Public Water System-. Upon approval of the proposal, a pump test must be performed with all results submitted to this office for review and final approval . Included with the pump test results should be a plan layout of the new well site, location of property boundaries, layout of the proposed nursing home, and plans for the proposed water system. John Chakalos qu a, stions please contact Mr. William Prendergast of my staff. Very truly yours, ilygt Roland J. cupuis, P.E. Deputy Regional Environmental Engineer Water Programs BPP/gm WS 27/NM cc: DEQE-DWS-Boston Board of Health-Northampton