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67-69 Complaints 1998-2003
BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date: 9// / 7`Time: I Map: 3 a,S (Parcel: 7(Q` Name of CO pllainant: -eaLvt Address: Tel: NATURE OF COMPLAINT:"" " ��"" ,^, �� //� jLe , ' / y-vra. O`er Location:/i 97 (p 7 ♦ S. P/o �2 Owner. C \ / r CCb O rSEL0 f-! I Tel: Address - i 1-ay -o 3 - Taken by: / (Date of Inspection: tilf P/11 Time: I ( - LriS INSPECTOR'S REPORT: , /n 1 I 6nom U/�y w r Action Taken: 3 4 cO ..., 1-ce Inspector Signature I. BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS JOHN T.JOYCE,Chairman ANNE BURES,M.D. CYNTHIA DOURMASHKIN,R.N. 'ETER J.McERLAIN,Health Agent (413)587-1213 FAX(413)587-1264 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCE DATE: April 16, 1998 ADDRESS MAP: 228 )avid & Bertina Richardson 124 Spruce Corner Rd. 3oshen, MA 01032 PARCEL: 70 As owners of 67-69 Spring Street, Florence you are hereby notified to take action to remedy the conditions named below within hree (3) days of the service of this notice, according to Massachusetts General Laws, hapter 111, Sections 122- 125: large accumulation of refuse has been dumped at the edge of the cornfield at the right side F the dwelling and an old mattress and Christmas free are thrown against the left side of the welling. lean up and properly dispose of this material. at the expiration of time allowed these conditions have not been remedied, or are not in the rocess of being remedied, such further action will be taken as the law requires and a fine of 20.00 per day may be charged. By order of the Northampton Board of Health :ERTIFIED MAIL# P 082 852 910 his abatement order is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. Peter J. McErlain Health Agent Northampton Board of Health BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS JOHN T.JOYCE,Chairman ANNE BURES,M.D. VNTHIA DOURMASHKIN,R.N. TR J.McERLAIN,Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)587-1214 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER 1I OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: 1 67 Spring Street, Florence DATE: March 5, 1999 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: David & Bertina Richardson 124 Spruce, Corner Rd. Goshen, MA 01032 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Zoradi Berrios 67 Spring Street Florence, MA 01062 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto 6 um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradcao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccibn de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac Uumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 587-1214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 67 Spring St..Florence, MA (assessor's map 22B parcel 70 .), for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code,you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within twenty-four (24 ) hours of the receipt of this order. ;ULATION VIOLATION REMEDY .500 Flooded cellar: approximately six (6) inches of water have seeped into the cellar and have damaged furniture and other belongings stored there. 1. Remove the water, provide additional pumps to augment the sump pump which can not handle the volume of water present. 2. Dry up the area and sanitize all flooded surfaces to prevent mold growth. 3. Clean up and properly dispose of any furniture and/or belongings damaged by the flood. If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours,-` Peter J. McErlain Health Agent Agent Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL#Z 537 532 181 cc: Building Inspector Anthony Patillo Date: 3-3-, I Time: I Map: Parcel- Name of Complainant zen2 adz /3,6-az/ S Address: L7 3}'3rr tt �- no mute Tel:6fG 41940 NATURE OF COMPLAINT: r/ alder % 6b6O/Sf COPY Location: nn Owner: J2wid k dila fre/czoi . Address: /c241 ,$/'r� eAC an-no r TeI:R R.334S" Cade* 0Ld32 Taken by:g99 ''// I Date of Inspection: ,5/51,7 I Time: ..7171..71714/4%yS , INSPECTOR'S REPORT:/ Action Taken: of ,'" \ Inspector Signature 0 5 iy �� Date: 7-/7-C! �'^ �, � � h Name of Complainant: 62zL BOARD OF HE -. CITY HALL n, COMPLAINT RECORD Address: (a% Map:7Zl' 4 1�1v'.-Gf✓J 0/09 Parcel: 70 NATURE OF COMPLAINT: U- 2CiiL v r.,h ` f L--zizQf1i me • - ink_ C'z(?1-24't. f'�Ge,�r�CirY7 .�4�n-GCS Owner: Address: 7z� Taken by: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: Rc 60/dy � ;) 5 V/''2 ' 57NK GEAC:N& PPa'USt�' DA'A PIPES D/pL k oM F9/JSNOi 0Or/ur P'a' A �7i�OC-»3 T / Apf ovod P7/L`/J SAS£ME4 6F2K9n:' 7/1\16Or/0 :o raIC/1/ 0/A57f SrA)""" 92 c2 5-9WT- 2EFi aid /0f. Action Taken: 57d-v/zc Olallal Phut O sl Ta GMd Box RYES 22//o://° 45-zirer4r a(fol SENT 7-/6-a I f RD OF HEALTH MEMBERS OURMASHKIN,R.N.,Chair 0 P.BRUNSWICK,M.D. IARIE KARPARIS,R.N. McERtAIN,Health Agent (413)587-1214 1,8(413)587-1221 R TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE MUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: CODE 67 Spring Street, Florence, MA 01062 DATE: July 16, 2001 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: r p" COPY OF REPORT James Marchetti 34 Wood Road Westfield, MA 01085 Zoraida Berrios 67 Spring Street Florence, MA 01062 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: lsto urn documento legal d re tos. Podem adquirir l umat adcao deste documento de:c r os seus Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pie ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccien de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyW na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 7 -1 01060 Tel#: (413) lou have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board Health office. )avid E. Kochan ianitaryInspector gorthampton Board of Health pains and penalties This inspection report is signed and certified under the p of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# 7099 3400 0003 5609 7211 ton Board of Health has inspected the premises at Northampton MA(assessor's map 228 parcel 70 .), S ri pl atreet, Florence, ( Code. compliance with Chapter II of the State Sam that the inspections revealed violatio listed below, is h letter are serious certify enough as to endanger or materially impair rich are serioand Well-being of the occupants. inder;alth,safety, Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Code,you are hereby ordered to .aws, and Chapter to of Chap violations .Sake and good f II of the c rrectthe of following wahe a good faith effort t of this order. within TWENTY FOUR HOURS of the receipt [ION :(D) VIOLATION (1) Bathroom wash basin leaks profusely from drain pipes below. (2) Bathroom exhaust fan is n means operational.exchange the bathroom. of air with a slow (3) Basement-Waste( eps pipe being leak. (Seepage presently cau•htin •ot Owner-owned defective t stove with an has been replaced by operational unit. Defectde along thive stove unit is presently sitting ri•ht side of the dwellin• . REMEDY (1) Repair bathroom wash basin leak in an approved manner (2) Repairlreplace exhaust fan in an approved manner. (3) Repair waste line seepage leak in an approved manner. Remove and properly dispose of defective stove in an approved manner. Inspection of the premises was made on July 13, 2001 at approximately 11:10 am. Zr" R.N.,Chai OK,M.D. IS,R.N. Nth Agent 14 1221 RRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE NUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: 67 Spring Street, Florence, MA 01062 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 February 25, 2002 IR ADDRESSED OPYOFPYREPORT James Marchetti 34 Wood Road Westfield, MA 01085 Zoraida BerriOs 67 Spring Street Florence, MA 01062 Q COPY is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may Sin n a translation of this form at: era afedar os seus e urn documento legal muito importante que pod altos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao dent document°entaitdeffectar vos droits. suivante est un important document leg lus pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: tti.o Lei pub ottenere una tradupzionCn avere effectto sui suoi di gUesto modulo a ste es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos.forma en: Id. Puede adquirir una tradccion de esta na >,,voje uprawnienia. Fa jest wazne legalnY dokument. To moze miec wplyw Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main 01060 Street Northampton, Tel St: (413) 587 - 1214 premises atarce170), ton Board of Health 01062 (assesdsor's map 226 P vamp Code. Street Florence, MA �Iiance with of the State Sanitary inspections revealed violations listed below, which that the insp impair the :er will certify er or materially ous enough as to endanger safety, and well-being of the occupants. on 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, of Chapter III, Sect you are hereby ordered to make a good authority Code, Y napter II of the State Sanitary violations :ffort to correct the following 1 14 of the receipt of this order. VIOLATION Water leak under kitchen sink. Hot water faucet on kitchen sink does not shut off. and nosily bubbles Toilet spontaneously u . Closet door missing in fo er. Casing on front storm door needs to be repaired. n upstairs laundry Closet door missing room. Broken door in towel stlairs lavato sink. REMEDY Repair leak. Repair or replace faucet. Repair toilet. Broken fu stirs toilet leaks onto the floor. Guide of n closet Guide g also no knobs on the door room missing Mold on both bath bathroom ceilings and mold on outside wall in small bedroom. Replace closet door. Repair casing. Replace door. Repair door. Repair or replace faucets. Repair closet doors and replace door knobs Remove mold. Inspection of the premises was made on February 20, 2002 at approximately 10:00 am. iye any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Ffice. ly yours, ^,j nit I J. MeczyW y Inspector mpton Board of Health Rs ispection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of Y IFIED MAC 7001 2510 0004 8173 4993 DEp. OOMPLETE Tand 3.Ws complete •EN ern 4 de esmct d D address ess a to you. e. •• ttach your return the each tthe ma)1G4ec �1Le so� Pttacnthe tont�eac p 5 PdstalSeMQ11- oYOCeAddreuydto. 11.S. .c stalS Nom' naLCb-Cat oe RTic Man On N;- Ja��ood Boat ld ,it1' i4 acfield, tie pye m raM1,n`af� Feu+m Re0.e9�aa) em` ,� y o )fn �� 2. 81� JuN 999 O 1eSPostage 3 fe eCCi - - PS FOrtn 1s�^'ame a- n 010 -- - f` D.'1-+cam J ,�I� ■ 1 —a°_ wo> r__ -r - ey 1 .-- r. - • 31 • . ( 1 i \ lI) ' ,P , 1,-. I I i —il- - .. \:..-='. 7■4 0 1 ti .‘''' i jci • ..... ..? ii.. ' . , \- .. , _. ,,. .... . , i,, f-r. , ■ ,., , , A I 1 F ? i ' ,-• !.I ; ' ‘‘,..,.. r t I 4 it . I 14 iti''..r /I cckc.'' 1 i I I 1 1 1 I , , Parcel Owner: Addr=_s: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ✓ ) 4 y„yrx Eni Pn*-,x� Cnn qz1 w, /i1n /Lon 01 l y�C vi C C i Inspector Signature _ALTH S ',IN,R.N.,Chair ;WICK, ,ARTS,R.N. ,Health Agent -1214 7 1221 M STANDARDS NO© 4IM NESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: iMU 69 Spring Street, Florence, MA CITY Of NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 TE: April 8, 2002 ;DER ADDRESSED COPY OF REPO James Marchetti 34 Wood Road Westfield, MA 01085 Susan Goulet 69 Spring Street Florence, MA 01062 important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obis in an obtain a translation of this farm at: odera afectar os seus Isto e urn documento legal muito importante q ue P direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento deffectar vos droits. Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait a 'Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento legate importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suot Here una traduzione di questo modulo a: diritti. Lei pub Ott e importante. Puede que afecte sum lid. Puede na twoje uprawnienia. k ment To moze miec wpy Este es un adquirir una legal uirir u tradccibn de esta forma en: To jest uzysk c tlum do u z Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokurnentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON ity Hall, Man Street HEALTH Northampton,ton, MA 01060 Tel (413) 1214 Tel #: {413) 587 - irthampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 22g parcel 70), ran Street Florence,r i of the Sttate Sanitary tary Code. npllance with Chapter the inspections revealed violations listed below, which =tter will certify endanger or materially impair the 1, safety,ty, and as well-being of the occupants. �, safety, C authority of the III, Code, of the e Massachusetts General Laws, hereby ordered to make a good Chapter II of the State Sanitary violations effort to correct the following yin fourte3 s of the receipt of this order. N VIOLATION Severe moisture problem in basement and evidence of flooding. Mold on master bedroom corner facing exterior of the building mold Spring ld on corner walls in bedroom facing p g Street. Severe moisture problem from unknown source on windowsills In master bedroom. RGrI Dry conditions must be maintained at all times. Take corrective action to prevent water infiltration. Remove molds and prevent its reoccurrence. Prevent moisture accumulation on windowsill. mises was made on April 2, 2002 at approximately 11:00 am. .nspection of the pre If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours, Ll: ' h RS Richard J. MeczywO, Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health pains and penalties of This inspection report is signed and certified under the p perjury, CERTIFIES O 7001 2510 0004 8173 519,MAIL # IH Rudnik,Charles(DPH) Monday,April 22,2002 12:25 PM W ensley.Howard(DPH) RE: Electricity bill ,Howard(DPH) 'I 22 2002 12:10 PM (DPH) April Jennifer Murph y, Charles(DPH);Murphy,Hollis,Joel(DPH) i,Charlie(DPH); — catty bin ;5t given the pumps and dehumidifier need to be violation/order- at the owner is pews.The for the electric costs g 9bcoaLnpness.The 8OH should issue across-metering ik Charles(DPH) icy,April 22,2002 11:50 AM ;IeY,Howard(DPH);Murphy, J(DPH)r(DPH) :bkt Charlie(DPH);Hollis, deity bill lain. The tenant vho rents one half of a duplex called and stated that cellar on both sides of the duplex floods duplex has separate auras continually crate cellars. The dwelling is located in a flood p td rains.werg dap pumps to remove the water. One pump There o a a' t the owner gave her 2 sump P when the ,lsodmg increases. rag water- the second one is tuned on ifier running- for electricity.The nt is pay The tenant believes that the owner should install paying for the pumps_ Her lease states that she is responsible for paying ,fuses to pay for the electricity,-for the pumps' ;is meter and pay for the electricity for the pumps. wner required to pay for the electricity to operate the pumps? s also mold in the 2 bedrooms on first floor. orthampton BOH issued correction orders to the owner to maintain a dry p lace. The boh referred us on the payment of electricity issue. S!,y r d � t s 3s 1 30,2002 ;$Marchetti good Road ,tfteld,MA 01085 u lames'. or from the Department of with Richard Meczyw he Court mouse, April in a conversation ith thH Advocate at the Northampton ftr the Court were informed t is with the Housing responsibility to pay hole for ;alth,who had consulted• the landlord's resp units. There is no loop were smp pumps aid the de run all sump pumps and the dehumidifiers in rental plains. state meter. It cannot 'Ms situ on flood P and is,therefore, be remedied by Putting these dots on a such an off-set is considered selling 'Ms situation can only >e taken off of the rent as Begat separate meter as soon as possible. We would like to have these pumps put on a see Sincerely, Susan M. Goulet Brian P. Snape Housing Court Western Division 37 Elm Street 01103 Springfield, Massachusetts 4 (413) L. Shaird Magistrate Northampton Board of Healt James Marchetti 02_pC-00460 William H. Abrashkin First Justice Date : May 21, 2002 SHOW CAUSE HEARING NOTICE OF oiy as the def endlaint Taint naming y osed comp fan criminal complaint copy of the prop A request Court, and been filed in this the Court enclosed. issues, the Clerk of is sufficient process there alleged. Before any show p to determine hit t offense i se a require cause hearing charged 11 hold Tequire that you be proceedings idence to whether criminal P of be held at the Courtroom ton, MA A be come hearing ns determine will Northampton,against you will 15 Gothic Street, .11 be commenced Northampton, at 2002 . Court Monday, June 03 , ie Housing o' clock, the matter, bring 1060 at 10 : 00 your side of ff you at choose. At men present y be represented by an attorney, the hearing you itnesses, and e ., Curtis Magistrate Clerk ELMS : SCR-SCAUSE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT HOUSING- COURT DEPARTMENT WESTERN ONISION 37 ELM STREET - P.O. SOX 559 SPRINGFIELD. MA 01102-0559 TELEPHONE (413) 146-7338 FAX (4131732-4607 ABRASHKIN E. FEIN ATE JUSTICE Date LANDLORD/PLAINTIFF CURTIS L. SHAIRO a ROBERT G ` FIELDS anre KAREN-ANN HUNTOON G TENANTIDEFENDANT AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES DARTIES AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING AS A RESOLUTION OF THIS CAeE s-70 7iU2z.'- G,•-9 i0c2.„ r 0 VER U o'clock for ate n earforto'crckiew appear in afire m ,. , AILURE of the Plaintiff to appear appear for this s are the app reeks e E IUUA RE of the Defer to compliance with this agreement. '�� �It in the Dismissal of throf an Eviction Order. aY Result in the Issuance conditions es that the other party has failed to comply With the terms and hearing after serving a seven business d written day Re ARTY alleges court.The Jude, day geement, s'he may schedule a court a copy of that notice with the immediately filing .roved B the other party and imm all Required To Follow It. If other side receives notice. OnceLe9 Y Have a Ri•ht to regins when the court Order And Berth Parties A rent Becomes to the mediator. l Understand eThnat 1 H ms arise, please butclnst ad I Choose to Sian this A• Before a Jud / dlordldate ecz Pa}µ{ NAME ( of p=RTAUM Pt°N Telephone 'nth's Attorney ediator . Abrashkin, First Justice William H 5/22101 (c1s Tenan date r e-i A 14�f PRINT NAME I Telephone Defendant's Defendant's Attorney Asst. Clerk-Magistrate Gter!c Magistrate 1 Dina E Fein, ,Associate Justice ( ) CoP1eS were given to the parties LTV. OF MASSACSETTS OUT WESTEFN DIVISION PTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff cRCHET=I Defendant No 02-CR-00236 CRIMINAL in the name of the Commonwealth of Court Western Division hereby pummoned criminal business ,u are appear before the Hing 15 al bus Street , jrttO is for Court transaction orha pion, at 2002 . a session Gourt Northamp August 05 , will hold of the Housing o' clock, Monday, artroom 10 :00 this Court, ampton, MA O10E0 at this day before that a Taint made on oath be advised in a Come this Summons . Please to appear o answer to issue es arrest if you fail >y cf which accompanies your tit Warrant will ipluc Western c at the time and place above mentioned. the Housing Court WITNESS, William H. Abrashkin, Judge of sion, on July 26 ' 2002 . e /IQ Cur 7u6 LIshadc6h&A1`d Clerk Magistrate 'IER (NILE PARE LAS ESTE PERSONAS DE ° LEGAL HISPANA: SI USTED PUEDE SEER INGLES, TENGA ESTE DOCUMENTO LEGAL TRA SERVING SUMMONS NOTICE TO OFFICER recess in to serve criminal P Greeting :Officers of this Court, To any Officer who is authorized 1e Commonwealth, and to the Court the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and accompanying Complaint , in hand in the name of or by We command you this eummons the address listed above, or usual orthwith to serve herein at the Defendant' s dwelling then person listed hereof at and discretion to the o the F copy of suitable age hours prior caving an therein,attested some case least twenty-four � . Please abode case MRCrP Rule this Summons . return of rr. any this Summons . c therein, the reverse of residin_ specified pursuant to return Your P service p make your return of ECMS : SUMMONS-CR -- on CommonwTaltTr al court achusetts of SUMMARY PROCESS SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT Department Division Docket No. Entry Date A TRUE ATTe r I2� -_, ss THIS IS A COURT NOTICE OF A PROCEEDING TO EVICT YOU, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY IMPORT RESPECTO A PROCEDIENTES PARAODE II CORTE.DE UNA A OJARLE 1C n_Idla CITY: .-iorrt, 9 ZIP: 0 L— nT place listed c Street,'�-r a c Gothic Street lmmoned to appear before a Justice of the Court at the time an P7 10:00 a.m•COURT LOCATION' ' �,I/ r /,`-t-,� ,,,� i5^ TIME: ��� ��. DATE: complaint of LANDLORD/OWNER- �O, to answer the comp / r ZIP: 99 CITY: r c."- judicial r% BIOo<"_being within the 1 7 Cr nit- r the premises at against the fight o aid LanblolydlOwner ours,unlawfullyand, tr QSf oral"' �^ �, T� r'����; account: no to the following �jd0 s=4< < Y' in2 ent is owed according ACCOUNT ANNEXED atS Lt- CI— (� `V . e li;' i3- 5? Address al Plamtilf s Attorney w �%0^u"mAmma G% 6�✓ Telephone must appear in , you (or your attorney) pis 4re O a PeCU m NTT: 7 A n 0= taint(Answer form a must also file a written answer to this complaint. (deliver or r ) received by the court clerk in OCCUPANTS: .) the m hearing ter attorney r or present your defense.You (or your or mail) the answer with the court clerk and se entry office.)You must file ( alter the Monday in the clerk's at the mey) no later then the first Monday must The answer he landlord(or landlords attomeY) REQUESTED IN THIS iDO by the landlord AND(or the SERVE AN ANSWER FILE ENT ENTERED AAA ANSWOU FOR IF YOU DO POSSESSION TAND THE RENT THE TIME OF THE HEARING, I DO NOT TENGA ESTE ENT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU ICATI HABLA HISPANA: SI USTED NO PUEDE LEER INGLES Alta LAS PERSONAS O�ANTES. ME? ONLEGALTRADUCIDOOUANT MENTO or any Constable of any City or Town within said ordered. mo, wealth. r several you toes, or monit Deputies, ant to appear bmmand you to summon the within named tenant/occupant Entry Cate OFFICERS RETURN Date ss: City/Town Writ, I this day served the within-named tenant or occupant. and summoned him/her as herein directed, nd to al place of abode.A copy of this summons was mailed first class to the tenant/occupant at the address Signature of Officer Punted Name of Officer NOTICE TO LANDLORD/OWNER: ,f car -- fete and return above. Have the Officer comp Mailing �— Service must be made on the defendant no later than the seventh day and not earlier than the thirtieth day before the Monday entry day. This form must be filed in court no later the close of business on the scheduled Monday Entry day. In appropriate cases, proper this evidence of notice to this complaint See court upon the filing Process Rules. Rule According to the le 2( ), huheari g date is the secordig ur d y(or Friday in some second Thursday(or Fdday or Monday' courts) after the entry day. effective February 1,1982;July 1, 1986, February 1,2000, March 1,2001 CommonwThetTr al C achusetts ourt SUMMARY PROCESS SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT 't Department ;ion Division Docket No. Entry Date taL as THIS IS A COURT NOTICE OF A PROCEEDING EVICT YOU PLEASE READ IT CARE FULLY TO IMPORTARNES ECTO APROCEDI NTES PARAODESI CORTE. DESALOJARLE (In >YI�O�' CITY: O(Y'--PCP I' r� L <� �y place listed below. �,�'rccYr Norlrl�(n,F ITT vmmone to aPfyear before a Justice 00 the Court at the time and p COURT LOCATION: k_DATE: 7 TIME to answer the complaint of LANDLORD/OWNER: CITY. ( 1b- 7,T cT -Fitt,'11 c, y the premises at against the nigh of said Landlord/Owner :oun, unlawfully and ag a _�,l,,,��E r l I a t cc( UOUi .. ��C;^� at$ J O rent is owed accordin g to the following ANNEXED L ;jt ■ I.n r:/ ZIP: 7I0 being within the judicial /a3 ,moof =Am Telephone Number nt or Attorney �•-. 2_7 • n .. mey)must appear in ore oI Plaintiff or Atl• , - ,you (or your a o pis I . faint. (Answer tom a deliver or mail) �p OCCUPANTS:At the hearing on attom y) must also file a written answer to this com the court clerk present your defense.You(or your or mail) the answer with the court clerk and serve (deriver You must file ( s shown above.The answer a e�1herMonday entry in the clerk's .s attorney) later then the � PING, ived by the landlord (or the YOU FOR POSSESSION AND THE RENT AS REQUESTED I FILE AND SERVE AN ANSWER, OR IF YOU DO NOT DEFEND A u1ENTO LEGALTRADUC d( r land) ) t the address nret Monday he landlord(or landlord a landlords attorney) no THE TIME OF THE HEARING,DO NOT ESTE ENT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST HISPANA: SI USTED NO PUEDE LEER INGLES TENGA CATION PARA LAS PERSONAS DE HABLA IDOCUANTO ANTES' everal Counties,or their Deputies,or any Constable of any City or Tows within ordered.Commonwealth.thin said imand you to summon the within named tenant/occupant to appear a Entry Date OFFICER'S RETURN Date City/Town rit, 1 this day served the within-named tenant or occupant. and summoned him/her as herein directed, to at the address place of abode.A copy of this summons was mailed first class to the tenant/occupant car Bailing S Signature of Officer PrnteE Name of Otfwar NOTICE TO LANDLORD/OWNER: Have the Officer complete and return above. Service must be made on the defendant no later than the seventh day and not earlier than the thirtieth day before the Monday entry day. This form must be filed in court no later than the close of business on the proper Monday Entry day.In app p• cided this evidence of notice to quit must be mo evid court upon the filing of this comp Process Rules.Summary Rule According of the Rule 2(c),the hearing date is the second T Thursday Rae(or Friday or Monday in some second Thursday courts)after the entry day. effective February 1, 1982;July 1, 1986, February 1,2000,March 1,2001 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS . THE TRIAL COURT HOUSING COURT VISION DEPARTM WESTERN 37 ELM STREET - P - BOX 559 SPRINGFIELD, MA 01 102-0559 TELEPHONE (413I 7487338 FAX (413)732-4607 APR ASHKIN E. FEIN 1.32.21 hi Plaintiff(s) vs. MOTION 1 to action, the Plaintiff I Defendant request the court, by above-listed - r, - "' '" CURTIS L. SHARD CLERK ROBERT G. FIEL D qwr_ KAREN-AND HUNTOON 41 Defendant(s) ,( flowing reason(s) t tII :-EC/ cn • R (. �dl J 2.:02 S tt . = Yy Signed IT » at 9:30 a.m. at 15 rin On On Motion ` *W - A ill Be Held On Monda G. '0 ring requires an Interpreter, please check box and list their native langua ton either party Street, Northamp , MA. Motion, to «««'«««,.. ««««..._ "" ««* CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE « « in the following manner: )py of this Motion has been served on the Other Party I handed it to usual address which is: 1 left it at their last and n art If the I mailed it to them on: service of notice to the other party.e hearing MUST be held bAt y Least t Days After the an Attorney, service Mery C be of made on the other p her party is represented Date Signature Date Served= s: 6-19-01 :WEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DIVISION NG COURT WESTERN :HAMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff LS MARCHETTI Defendant No 02_PC-00460 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE for review at Courtroom 2 ton, called Street, Northampton, will m at 15 Gothic 2002 The above case ton, Court Northampton, Monday, July 22 , e Housing i0 : CIO6G at Date : July 18 , 2002 ECMS CH-REVIEW o�p omu t. $patra c10., Curtis L. Shaird Clerk Magistrate THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WESTERN DIVISION URT DEPARTMENT � 7 b vs Plaintiff(s) ION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Defendant(s) ION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: TION TO DISMISS NT FOR )TION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT AT "° THER:�� the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be calf of the Plaintiff(s), reason(s): in this case for the following ignature city I ALLOWED S: 10-5-00 ( ) DENIED Title Title or Cap' ClerklAsst. Clerk-Magistrate 7-23-2002 Richard J. Meczywor Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health On August 23,the installation was made to 69 Spring street . Sump pumps are now connected to 67 Sping Streets power supply. an inspection done on 67 Sping st. I have decided to pumping capacity by 30°/and adjust all pumps After having in stations,and increase the pump hts covering up pumping to proper in to the osg external drain tile cheching in to the possibility of installing an for the future. 67-69 Sping stand o premises at 67- premises I All tenant have vacated the in these p only,the owners will l be occupying Please contact me with an anwser thank you, 413-572-9126 7-23-2002 Richard J. Meczywor Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health On July 22,2002 in the afternoon I visited your office ,hut you were that there is another way to shive this It . So a 1 had a nice n other electricianter at hri there i who when to y Spring St.. ter .alnd that at an the sump pump' t. ring sue,and that is for me to in hook up when the tenants move out ,tentatively that will be on Sept. .,2002 Until then I will a portion or all of there electric bill till the installation This solution is I here a commonly used in a home were the owner s completed . resides in the same complex with rental unit. And I must say that Mr.McErlain said it is reasonable request. Sincere v, Mar e ti Please contact me with an anwser thank you,413-221-3504 Yin-Built atrial Services, �W�gamp a1Mag la systems data;la 26,2002 insane ACM en HMkt mdlad 69 Spring St. Florence MA, DdNaN6 iN, Evaluate pumping system PamdiadlSSIN lad teaatillina CaadIMaa;Dry 160 Degrees(cellar) It 2:45pm aaryadit Sung)n pumps were unplugged from electrical receptacle. Sump pun'Ps are approx.4 inches too low float switch is full-on with water level well below pumping level . No cover on sump pap ad Drainage is adequate;prunes are compliant with the size of base- - meat and water flo. information inspection and volunteered the inform (Mate tenant present at time both h p pumps from there 120v receptacle slated that he disconnected pump For reasons unknown Meaty mad'Raise pumps approx.4 inches RON Hard wire pumps Cover pump pit MNpiaaai Cammaatt Check to see if an external drain tile connected to city storm system is an option. W.Sp fld.MA 01089 Tel: 413-5319146 Yin-Built ustrial services, halo SWIMS at11100tat Moat Came (Re-insPecl) Meal date;August 23,2002 Made dC Spring St.Florence MA, ea a asset 6 leg; 67 -69 Sp g i.Florence System nradplge Evaluate pump padpiap Design lad tea saran CeaditltlS;Dry/60 Degrees(cellar) le; 2 45Pm 1 from the unit 51111011n;Sump pumps are now connected to the power supply 67 spring St.. adequate and the same conditions Tema n All other pumps conditions are Sump Pumps are approx. 4 inches tongl low float switch is fu - with water level well below pumping with the size of base' No cover sump pit Dr is pumps are compliant is adequate; mein and water flo. and volunteered the information present at bo h pump from there 120v recept (Male tenant P Stated that he disconnected use.) For reasons unknown m .)inches MOWS MOWS ReiRequested;Raise pumps approx. Hard wire pumps Cover pump pit connected to city storm Maiden;Ceddeet5;Check to see if an external drain tile cone system is an option. alit s lit MA 01089 Tel: 4134319146 Yin-Bunt ustrial Services,Ylaceeteasa 1811�a9 is SYa1a data;August 23,2002 Deal �®aria Nalie 67 Spring St.Florence MA, indyaamit fir' Evaluate pumping system aM MINIM (cellar) 6aadiliaaa:Damp/ 60 Degrees IC; 2:45pm l from the unit servant Sump prm ps am now connected to the power supply all of the houses pumping 67 spring St.. iu capacities. in adequate)pr in this ca low pumping All conditions are problems aze caused by (Including both unit)P Sump pumps'one of the pumps makes a lot of noise and is not pumping At Mft.Pumping capacity (re-place this pump) Could be increase capacity by at lease 10%. No cover on sump pit e_ pumps are not compliant with the size of base- Drainage is inadequa ment and water flu. Malls Ba4aasted,Both pumps should be replaced with up graded Pumps. Hard wire pumps Cover pump pit Mdryladal OIIMMIl ls.Check to see if an external drain tile connected to city storm system is an option. W. p S fid.MA 01089 Tel: 413-5319146 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT WESTERN DIVISION 559 37 ELM STREET - P.O. SOX SPRINGFIELD. MA 01102-0559 TELEPHONE 0413) 742,7836 FAX (413) 732-1607 PBRASHKIN J wcE E. FEIN TE JUSTICE 03 _P L ANDLORDIPLA TIFF Date CURTIS L• SHAIRO r,a ROBERT G. FIELDS v>:E ASARSTAAN KAREN-ANN HUNTOON ASSISTANT CEPA MAGISTRATE e. TENANT/DEFENDANT AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES IARTIES AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING AS A RESOLUTION OF THIS CASE 0 VER o'clock for at o'clock review appear in court on E of the Plato appear for appear for this are tto he app t th'& ' PAID of the Defer to app inthnce with this agreement case. 'FAI i l the Dismissal of this Eviction Order. R in the Issuance of an has failed to comply with the terms and conditions alleges that the other party after serving a seven business and seven ten day PARTY he schedule a court hearing of that notice with the court.he Jud e This gins when s/he may immediately filing a copy roved B and imm all Required To Follow H. s n other party a Legally ht to gins w, pl the ire direct them And the me i a—r�e Teemt I n;Becomes A�—;o the mediator. I Understand That I Have a Ri If but Instead I Choose to Sian this A• s arise, please direct them efore a dude enantldate L-ndlord/date �, z izd pigC.2.y Qr a , 0.1L PRINT NAME Telephone Plaintiffs Attorney Mediator William H. A brashkin, First Justice ee.5 5122/01 (cis) PRINT NAME Telephone Defendant's Attorney Clerk-Magistrate / Asst. Clerk-Magistrate Dina E. Fein, Associate Justice ( ) Copies were given to the parties COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT HOUSING CO WILLIAM H. ABRASHICIN JUSTICE DINAiE. FEIN S A OCIATE JUSTICE Case No. 00 ha- I LANDLORD/PLAINTIFF 9 WESTERN EPARTMENT N DIVISION 37 ELM STREET - P.O. BOX 559 SPRINGFIELD, MA 01102-0559 TELEPHONE(413) 748-7838 FAX (413) 732-4607 Date CURTIS L CLERK MACH 'gsROBERTG. EI KAREN-ANN H ASSISTANT CLERK TENANT/DEFENDANT FNT AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES THE PARTIES AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING AS A RESOLUTION OF THIS Ci OVER ear in court on rp is f this cas in the Dismiss Result in the Iss o'clock for 6 �c1.. at 1°this review Al=of the the Defendant appear for this "FAIL of the Defendant to app al of an Eviction order. uance has failed to comply with the terms and conditions alleges that the other part/ after serving a seven business da written seven day PARTY arty This e other pa may schedule a court hearing of that notice with the court. e seven e, filing roved B e other party and her set re alt Required To Follow It. s ;ins when she other side er And Berth Pam Are Legally at Becomes cement. arise,please direct�teaaoltChooseator SiUn Understand p d That 1 Have a Ri ht o :fore a Jud•e r are to app I nce with this agreement. e i*AJ iu¢cY,.,oli FC? • e .L rha.n+P °N s. PRINT NAME Telephone Plaintiffs Attorney- Mediator William H. Abrashkin, First Justice 5/22101 (cls) eM PRINT NAME Telephone Defendant's Attorney istrate Clerk-Magistrate I Asst. Clerk-Ma9 Dina E Fein, Associate Justice (1) Copies were given to the parties BOARD OF HEAL CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECO _ COPY NATURE OF COMPLAINT: icravm. or--�atir,creels oar N,e,or «,e9.9^'L //L CJCI UPGUnIS Fo'tt (Meer z c f,cks Location: 6?--G9 sVR/NC 57 4AD k'.✓ Si',/4/c; INSPECTOR'S REPORT: 1.17 eir Pp/n(442-0 [PST 'NC 7114n 77 �opPpe SeW6si __ cemr£cc,r. • (”16 OFiffw-V rIVE—.._i U.> vv 4c Fi'd4,r 4F■9tit'P orPdto,rs a•ar/OEN O' • NO bas PLEDC o L- re=7crrf 037X-:JSnn 3 IV;%>`mg'N /KA-rf; A- BSJ// tvre-a'Ns v0 =A%�/vf9K