85 Complaints 1990-2003 BOARD OF HEALTH /✓7 zl CITY HALL Pf;/1?.' COMPLAINT RECORD Name of Complainant / 4 /97,2/! Address .: ft:/> -: ."`) Tel Tel Ste-„5'$.S� Date ili/7 Tinsel '')/'r'V/ p Nature of Complaint FArL -/l> h”>'.6 i>t _ n Location of Premises Owner - '/l!•F 527�-�: e� k // Ea. A Address .curl' �-:-i- '"� !� Occupant rl — Taken by Y_ • Referred to Date of inspection i./i Time ✓D: INSPECTOR'S REPORT Q)5'ha- SFpPOe/bIR) - LATH F?WA ' OUTLET IN A'P Of CEPFI< .. (-00 SP_ Wi RES/WIRE/ SVAetS (gm-3,n) 9 fl ovni o*ks Te> /Ropier, Cis! OVtj*. ROD-5'n Action Taken iv `rI Ly peon pI6y L[y U./MJ f% /o r,i /,br ✓Izn StY F,T)---n /Y/o. si+say ) (�gr Igsplvor, rt!rltr c..tc S,N00ii3(Tf ti P""") / Jo O• Ait $E✓r `a3/90 Inspe Feel&fi Sep —Printed on Recycled Paper— Name of Complainant BOARD OF HEALTH %.12.!2-t- lt( CITY HALL 0,fi ' 4' COMPLAINT RECORD Date 9/2/ Time" Address �- -cr"A/6 77;c7 7 F/o Tel .Sr�b-S.SSg; Nature of Complaint fA [ry1//?%G t t/.'!]..IA, _cz.et Si-. .v Location of Premises re/ 17,-7 - Owner /ice' `•-r'± C Address Occupant Taken by to Date of inspection 9/"1Yo Time /4) ' -sea an, INSPECTOR'S REPORT N/9—(Clair 8rpeou//Rj - wry,' � �'NACt OUTLEr f* A/flO of espn,R c• LOO (✓ttas/ovn r S-9 QKS (Y/O.3.n) cp /40 o✓sla eAOks 70, /poetee• 64.14 (dfro•tri 0eoncm/n tffr rMNOO.mi LeRreN1 Action Taken � mar Purse,' Ft r1Th /H/c.r:it ts3e l 'gfflaai .ti&tbt• t.,1c r✓,NNW sce t~.ti (w*+) (4i, s/ DAY/9 seA/r 4/(s/90 Inspect• `f1 —Printed on Recycled Paper— SF,, MOP BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T.JOYCE.Chairman PETER C.KENNY.M.D. MICHAEL R.PARSONS PETER J.McERLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (4I21 566-550 Ext.212 ! RDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CIIA r S _I OF THE STATE SaNLTAItI CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION Al : i 85 Sprin° Street, Florence , MA Glue.: DATE: September IJ , ISde ORDER ADDRESSED [V: uarbara Darczek. 11 Elliott Street Easthampton, MA 01027 COPIES OF REPORT TO Ruth Amator 85 Sprin= Street Florence MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights . You may obtain a translation of this form at : Isto e um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradcao deste documento de : Le suivante est un important document legal . I1 pourrait affecter vos droits . Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme A: Questo e un documento legale importante . Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti . Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questa modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante . Puede que afecte sus direchos . Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccidn de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument . To maze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie : Northampton Board of Health _i 'Jail , 210 )Lair: S . ___ Northampton , `!A. 0106e Lei ( 413 ) 586-4050 n_14 The Northampton Board of Health has Inspected the premises at 35 Spring Street , Northampton ( assessor' s map 223 parcel 69 . , for compliance with Chapter it s , The State Sanitary Code . This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below , which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health , safety , ano well-being of the occupants . Under authority of Chapter __ General Laws , and Chapter If o her hereir ordered do make following ,ioiat ens '.. . Chin _. of this order: Sectio the _te San FOUR 1L`, the Massachusetts } ;de , you are ueipt HEGIFLATICE 410 . ;5_ A 410 . 553 • . IOL.A_ _.. Front _ _ .._ upstairs bed- room has a fault:. _ leftside Rail ; wtri locms and outlet sparks when usage is attempted. ( 2 ) Kitchen stove oven lacks oven rack , effectively render- ing it useless for cooking . Both upstair bedrooms have windows which have ill-fitted screens which are not designed for the windows. RLMELY Repair elect. i al cu . an approved manner . install a property fitted oven rack in oven , or otherwise , replace with an approved appliance . Install approved , tight - fitting window screens for both bedroom windows . ** **Note : The owner must provide and install screens so that they shall be in place during the period Between April first to October thirtieth, both inclusive , in each year. If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours , David E. Kochan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspe €ion report is signed and certified under the pains and penaltie - f perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL = P 898 359 342 1) ;44.1' et.4 OPY Date: /O-/d_Ai Time: IMap: tt5 Parcel: 6Q Name of Complainant: -77 • Address* `jjs -,c9 / es"..-7 Tel Val .0 W) SYRUis3T NATURE OF COMPLAINT: 4l ,/„. c1,4- v-off' / l (lk/ 3i*-,' , . G� Location: 40/Cf(AFe- ,• aR PIA 5 I SmdAs »,sc v,f-p‘0,1 Owner: - -i-1f •-dii , .2tij Address: /p / NNI✓ rrriec— Tel:Szr_n? I-.'.,4sTbmeriH 0)00407 Taken by jD Date of Inspection: /o - Ly-2cc» Time://.4Sn4 INSPECTOR'S REPORT: Cokry',YJtiD --- a HPP<(ON/se 04,7- ,,, s-).75:, ,vflO r/€8/4' - r/:/09Mj CALaO OXivEt., /6/ciaeL &WAS /Yc°4°A5 Na "Am/At C /T - "mow TAAs czar- of /7"- .17a.ne; ,weA covP>C z F DDYS - /o -3n -no(1/:/oinn) NO ch''N=f 01-6-eoe.. (11,3e, ..-) Cnecbn ng 6FN1S Di&m rnmr(spaken 1 '. Or;4. EI Action Taken: // BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HA J/� P I COMPLAINT R OP.y a� Date: <f-n-c3 Time:/),Tel Map' Parcel: Name of Complainant: 19 NON7,io1S Address: __ Tel: — NATURE OF COMPLAINT: 4r(6102. O>-.JoA x>0'8sr5 OUT!✓�,9f ce4e5.-ND //x Cr i d5U-'P/S Fd/C C c✓P 2 641,c;e5 Location: 6 G i St 57 An'p k, 5P,e/4'c Owner: Address: Tel: Taken by- L' /C Date of Inspection: a-c* 2 Time:.') _es. ,-., INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ..- .- ..- c ¢c, -vet,' c),:-- z i.-.. _ _ ,u-<y -.. :, 7/c nom+J v;/ -n. /-c;-rc e- enb t -.. ._ 01911a10tW,l ma, awn a N YES i Action Taken: _ _ -:/7/t r - 2(17. );'4/7-r. Inspector Signature