Swaz Farm Pesticide Complaint 1986 1645_ hrs,_ 6/13/86 Received a call from Mrs. Pease of 1812 Autotody-oon Spring street in Florence in regards to herself and neighbors being sick to their stomachs and headaches. She stated that Szawloski potatoe farms were. spraying, earlier this day. _ . _i_glledaigmloaki 1n uat_field and he _stated that they sprayed ThiodanlGuthion-521 and Pydrin. He was very co- _ _I notified Peter Itirlain at come wad advised- him of the situation. I then looked up these pesticides in my reference books and brought a copy to C.D.A. in case any of the affected people desired treatment and also a cony will be given to the _ Board of Health on i;ond y at their reiuest. � .__. . I____L l-I __ I--- \__... � SP2i/11G i 1 t 1 f) LA A \ , c\€Cb‘ S x R.b\C Its) 1)31 0-9 CIL\r ) X oa / / 3 � „f___. -. x � paw ( ) .., - , \13 ----■ kik \C .N ‘D CD J Thiceycrmirydregenos&. (coat) base N,N-0imethyl-I,2,3•trithian-5-amine. OTHER NAMES:Evince*,Eviseet•S•,Eoisekt,SAN 1551. ACTION:Selective stomach poison with contact action.Capable of aoropetal translocation Effe Live against lepidopterous and°oleop- terous pests. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: It is a colorless, odorless crystalline solid which melts with decomposition at 126 to 128°C.Its solubility in water at 25 C is 8.4%,in acetone,ethanol, less than I%and it is practically insoluble in kerosene,diethyl ether, chloroform,xylene.It is gable upon storage at room temperature: the half-life at 26'C in buffered aqueous solutions containing 40 ppm at pH 5 is about 181 days,at pH 7 and 9 about 6 days.It Is very sensitive to light. TOXICITY:The acute LDes for male rats is810 mg/kg,for male mice 273 mg/kg:the acute dermal LD.for male rats is 1000 mgfkg,Over a three-month period,the"no-effect"level for rats is at about 100 Fpm,for dogs 75 ppm,for the diet.The MTL(IM hours)for tarp is LOS mg Rt./liter. • SIGNAL WORD:WARNING. ANTIDOTE:In all cases of suspected poisoning,•physician should he mns.dt,.d. APPLICATION:Effective in potatoes against Colorado potato bee- tle.In rape against coleopterous and lepidopterous post complexes, In Irrigated rice against•tembonn but as• me other pests.In maize against corn borer and t•nymeette,in sugar beet against sugar beet weevil and other eoleopterous pets,In sugarcane against sugar. some other ,lepidopterous pests.In vegetables against snme1lepidop- tero and roleapterous pests. FORMULATIONS:Soluble powder,granular. ellok BP: Sandoz Ltd., Thiodan•—see Endos COOH 5/ CUGH ocyclam-Hydrogenoxalate gro Division(Switzerland) any. ulfoton. see farvina. Thlodlplerryiaml ne—see Phen oth lazine. Thiofanox—see Daramox•. Thlonempe CHEMICAL NAME:Hexamethylphosphorothioic triamide;sulfur analog of hempa. ACTION:Experimental insect ehemoeterilant. TMoknock•—see Thiramy. Thiolux'—see Sulfur. TMometan-—see Meta•ystox'-S Thlomet0n CHEMICAL NAME: S-{2-(ethylthlo)ethyl } 00-dimethyl phos- phorodithioate. COMMON NAMES:thiometon(BSI,ISO);dithiomethon(France): M-81(USSR). OTHER NAMES:Ekatin',Ekatin•ULV,Luretelm(discontinued by Sandoz Ltd.). ACTION:Systemic insecticide. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: It is a colorless oil with a characteristic odor,b.p.110°C at 0.tort,v.p.2 x 10-•Torr at 20°C,d•°1.209,n2°01.6515.Its solubility in water at 26°C is 200 mgt liter,it is slightly soluble in light petroleum but soluble in most or- ganic solvents.It is unstable in its pure form,but stable in non-polar II is easily hydrolyzed in solution. TOXICITY:Acute oral LD•o(ra t),120-130 mkg;dermal LDse(rat) >1000 mg/kg. SIGNAL WORD:WARNING. ANTIDOTE:Atropine with PAM or chlo- ride. In all cases of suspected poisoning, with physician should be g, e p ysod e consulted. APPLICATION:Against aphids,psyllids,woolly aphids,zawflies, jassids,[hips,and mites. FORMULATIONS:Ekmin',emulsifiable concentrate,Ekatin•ULV. COMBINATIONS:Ekadmml',Ekadein'Ekatin•WF,Ekatin•WF ULV,Serk',Trinket'. CH30\I1 /P—S—C112—CHg—S—C2Ho CH30 Thiometon HP: Sandoz Ltd.,Agro Division(Switzerland) Thbn sO—see Sulfur. Ttlon 96—see Sulfur. Thbnam•--see EndosulfanY. Thlonadn—see Zinophos'. TRkmeb•—see Metiram ions—see Endosulfan. TMopiV'—see Folpetw. Thlopilrrbw CHEMICAL NAME: 1,2-Hie(3-ethoxycarbonyl-2-thiour- eido)benzene, or diethyl {1,2-phenylenebis(iminocarbono- thioyD}bis{carbamate),active Ingredient of Topein•E. COMMON NAME:tkiophonate(BSI,ISO). OTHER NAMES:3538-P6,Cncobin•,7bpein•E. ACTION:Systemic fungicide having broad spectrum of plant dig' ease control.Shows curative effect. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Unique thioallophanate structure. Colorless plate-like crynds,melting point 196•C with decomposition. SIGNAL WORD:CAUTION. ANTIDOTE:(3338-F and Br masan-F)—Ifawdlowedinducevom- iting with•mixture of salt,soap in wane water.Call phyalcian Im- ediately.(Somephyeldanamay dlemuraftheuseofWine omens.) TOXICITY:Acute oral LDsa(rat),>16,000 mglkg.. HANDLING AND STORAGE CAUTIONS:(3536-F and Bromosam F)Avoid contact with eyes,skin,or clothing.Avoid breathing spray mist.In ease of contact,wake('akin or eyes Immediately with plenty of water. before after exposure to this product.Contact mmaY apse allergic ractions APPLICATION:Control of numerous diseases of turf,vegetables, fruit,and FORMULATIONS: Wettable powder AO%/Cewobn•, Topsln . tsar).Plowable es-FL COMB INATIONS:With mram (eromesan-F•),with Dyrene• Bveae+a•/. 0 NH—t—NH—C OC,H5 • NH—C—NH—C OC2 Hs g I n T na w HP W.A.Cleary Coop.(tbPIit E Nippon Sod a Co.,Ltd.,1]apn)(T opstn E•) CHEMICAL AM E E: Dimethyl{(typhenylene)Mediminocarbono thloyD)bis(earbamate),also known at 4,4co-phenylenebis(3- thloallopbenste).Tech.(B'leaet 94%Y.1. COMMON NAME:NP 44:t6iop tstate,4etfyl(LIST,ISO). OTHER NAMES:CercoMxM•,IS.I.Y.CAM.,Itelr STONE Methyl, Fram(dor,Lab lite',Sipebptdnt,Sipeeeeit,Sipeavit),Mifdothane• (May @ Baker Ltd.),Topsin M•. ACTION:Systemic fungicide: ' CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Uti gist thioaIlophanete structure; colorless crystalline solid;meltlngpdnt 1OWC.with decomposition. It is sparingly soluble in most craw&eolnhti;slightly in water. TOXICITY:Acute oral LIT..(rat),7600 mgfkg. SIGNAL WORD:CAUTION. HANDLING AND STORAGE CAUTIONW:Stare In stool,dryplace, away from feed and foodstuffs.Avoid contact with mouth,eyes,and skin.Keep out of reach of children. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING:Robber'totes,respirator,rubber boots, long-sleeved shirt/jacket and longpintt. APPLICATION:Has broad epeetruinofpMntdlseaee control inveg- etablee,fruit,turf,soybeans,peanuts,almonds,celery.Also shows curative effect • FORMULATIONS:Wettable powder10%;paste a%,(towable 5094, Stowable 4.6 paundelgallon,dud 5%,ULV 50%. COMBINATIONS:LaMlite•(a mixture df 20%M)rein M•and 60% numb). Sigma ie an oil suspension concentrate detaining 40% w tinophanute-methyl;Sigma SOF, *water-soluble concentrate containing 50%w/w thioplanaie-metAyL Kornai•(a mixture of 50% Topsin-M•and 3o%thimm);Mvpibort•(a minim of20%Topein-M• and 50%mancoseb).Deeeo Salt No.n(mixture of 48.8%DCNA and 24.4%diophanate+nethyO(Decco Tlltbllt Div.,Pennwalt Corp.) Topsin-M ULV for aerial application on banana,wheat,rice,sugar beet. NIT—C—NH—C UCH3 NH—II—NH—000113 II S 0 Thiophsnate-Methyl BP: Equitable Trading Co.,Ltd.(Taiwan) Forward International Ltd.(Taiwan) Nippon Soda Co.,Ltd.,(Japsn)(HOmai•,Labiife•,MvpiIon•, Topein-M•) Pennwalt Corp.(Topin-M•) Sun Ko Chemical Co.,Ltd.(Taiwan) Information herein is presented for Preliminary planning only. Exchnive reliance C 230 must be placed an information/directions supplied by manufacturer. mloo' A g TDlop' TMOo Thloc, Thim• TMoV Thlov nl.p. AI Cfl fi4 Sh. ❑A Thlr (.C. 1985 Fenn Chemicals Handbook PT' fldoN Ilene(Cat) Hildan•MSC,Hiles Endoeutjon.35%E.G.,4%dust. COMBINATIONS:With Amitras,Mnennevy!,BPMC,detra nethrin. dim.tAsaN,haptenophoe,malatMon methomyl,rmrtil parathion, aaneoratoPAwh Brim eavb,hiatophoe. ' Also see CI CI fly CH2-O S=0 H CH2-0/ CI Endoeulfan• BP: Bhar etPulverisingM lusPvt.Ltd.(India)(Endomejan•TUA) EExcelIndustrieslLtd.(India)(Endooerl')de,/ FMC Agricultural Chemical Group(TAiodan•, a registered trademark of Canadian Hoechst;HOE 2671) Hindustan lmectinide.Ld.(India)(Hildan•,Hildan•SSEC) Haed tAG(WeetGermany)(SopTAiodan•.Malia•,Thiodan') I.PLf.,S.p.A.(Italy)' MaM,mehim-Agar(Israel)(Thionue/ V—see Cllamiallw. .(Tovst ) S leds-eaT—.ee EndathalW. ern CHEMICAL NAME:potassium, 12,$1)heptane-2ydicerbozylic acid(used as sodium,potassium,or amine salts). COMMON NAMES:e:edp haR(North America);er,dotlml(Europe SI—Itslyl OTHER NAMES:Accelerate*,Aquatho/•, Aquathot Granular, AryWNB.Da+eok Herbicide by Hopkins 1,Hy rothol£n- d,i2lot 7WJHnbkids,Herbicide 175,Hydrothot In,HydroNgl 191 GronatItth(Auathd S l Weed Killer,,Hydwt.HYdrothol,Hy- 4Siho147,a nted.by Pennwalt). FORMER NAME:Maratha('(FMC Corp.). ACTON:Herbicide,pre and pmtemetgence;defoliant;desiccant; sas���£Mie1gktds end herbicide;growth regulator. CA54,49P Tl£f}Melting point 144T.Soluble in water TOXICITY:Ant '-IIONALW ED oral ER.(rat),51 mgdtg. HAN LINGAN:DANGRR. -*her Opal AND STORAGE mAGE CAUTIONS:Avoid a contact i deft- -4NSc certain a er:see may result.When used as an aquatic from psrfW weyyeeeeytdetione are necessary.Keep from frees- ':APPLICATION:Many formulations of endothal are being used on ,sqg rbeets,and turf;as aquatic herbicides and algicidee:as alfalfa ad sieverdsaicear a;and acotton harvest aids,and as potato vine 'TOM OBHVtATIONS: Water-miscible and granular in various H —COOH —COON H Endothall• BP: Pennwalt Corp. fledLE urf N..JJgt—see Endothalle. E MW W IE�d Kw—see Endothally. I. -. n(Product discontinued) CHEMICAL NAME:S.(5-Methoxy-4-(pyron-2-ylmethyl) methyl phoephorothloate. COMMON NAME:.ndotAion(BSI,ISO). OTHER NAMES:AC-18727(American Cyanamid),Exothione,NM 5717,Pho.phoPytone. ACTION:Systemic insecticide,acaricide. TOXICITY:Acute oral LDss(rat),8050 mgd:g. CH� /O CHs S- CHs—CA ►H u HQ C—OCH' 0 O Endothion Information herein Is presented for Prel Ewan CHEMICAL NAME:2(ble(2chloroethyUamim oxazophosphorine-2-oxide. OTHER NAME:Cyclophoaphamide. Endret—see Endrin. Enddn CHEMICAL NAME:(IR,43,5R,88)-1,2,8,4 IAAprinci alconstauent). ,Vepoxy- di ene constituent). COMMON NAME:edrin,except India and Soul OTHER NAMES:Endres',Hezudrin. ACTION:Insecticide. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES:Stable to alkali but ence of acids to•less insecticidal derivative.M. benzene and acetone.Cream to light tan color 1 TOXICITY:Acute oral LD••(rats),Ito 15 mg/kg (female rats),15 mghg. SIGNAL WORD:DANGER. .ANTIDOTE:Endrin is•central nervous swat hepatotoxin and for which there is no antidounts o. glucose and B vitamins,and large amounts o! and saline laxatives help to control convulsion and limit GI absorption,respectively.Oxygen n PROTECTIVE CLOTHING REQUIRED:When miring,or applying product,wear clothing proteetive ru and rubber boots.Wear clean clothing daily.W, tide respirator jointly approved by MESA/1410: requirements apply to females.) APPLICATION:Used for control of insects on cot and for control of grasshoppers in noncroplan. orchards. FORMULATION:Emulsifiable concentrate,ad and dust concentrate.&n i 1 (1.6 lbe./ga COMBINATION:Endrin wit h meth yl p andhi° H 2 . Endrin BP: Shell International Chemical Co.Ltd.1 Velsicol Chemical Corp. fldyy—see Trithion•. ankles—see Diphenamid?. O dds Pita E.C.•(Discontinued by TUOG,Div. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION:Mixture of 2 pot 1%pounds triethanolamine salt of diwseb P sifMable concentrate(liquid). ACTION:Selective preemergence and postem RIME Y.Oryl—tee Thiophanate-MethyL fl1ntl0 s,0 Mau—see Zineb. Deer—see Kinoprenew. &Sun(Endosulfanv—Diecontinued 1994 by 4. ENT Islee—see Parathion•. ENT 17510—sse Allethrin. ENT We—see Dees. BIT 2876—see Aniaylacetone. BIT 111662—see Butonatew. SIT 20671—see Seeamex. SIT 21010—see Methyl Eugenol. BO 21170—see Dimethrinw. B IT 21IN—see Siglure. BIT 27112—see B rom ophosw. BO 27117—see Carbofuranw. BIT 21229—see Omite*. ENT 27210—see B romophos-Ethyl?. ENT 27310—see Carbamult'. BIT 275W—see Chlarpyrifos-methyle. ENT 97017—see Canal'. BR 27567—see Chlordimeform. ENT2710s—see Chlorthiophosw. E NT 279967—see Amitraz. ENT 31510—see Trimdlure. E NT 31ea—see Cue-lure?. BH3Yi1—tee Gyplure. ENT 10e62—see Hemel. ENT 11012—sea Hempa. anew—see Baytex . A▪ CTION:Feeding stimulant for/epidoptem, stomach insecticide. SIGNAL WORD:CAUTION. FORMULATION:Wettable powder. BP. Custom Chemicidee E nvart•DT—see 2.4-1);2,4,5-T. !nary planning only. Exclusive reliance sr—see Sulfur. )te; n•—see Phenthoate. • eon—see Euparene. -923—see Genitee. —see Dusts:Fuller's Earth. abed('—see Mefuidide•. a•Iwn•(Discontinued by MallhekrodL Inc.) CHEMICAL NAME:N-Butyli Netby14.8-trifluorp2,8-dinitro-p- toluidine. ACTION:Herbicide. TOXICITY:Oral LDse(rat),10,005 mghg. • Debates*—see 2,4-DB. E,Wbt E—see2,4-DR. -. Emlwter Plus—see 2,4-DB. BIC—see Ethylme cnry Chloride. Emerald Green—see Paris Goan. Emergent* Emergence,in connection with herbicide usage,refers to the time when the firat leaves of plant appear above the soil surface.The expression"at emergence"refers to tMtment applied during the visible emerging phase of the specified mop or weed. Emergency M Call from anywhere in the US.in ease emegency information is required:Drug and Poison-S S-01 yopAenter,80084E9892 except for South Carolina call 800 98$0198, • Emerged Plant A rooted or anchored aquatic plant adapted to grow with most of its leaf-stem tissue above the water surface and not lowering or rising with the water level bustle physicians An menagent se of saline solutions as an emetic.Check the label and seek emergency treatment. Cold CHEMICAL NAME:2,4-Dichlorophenoayaeetamide. ACTION:Herbicide. Em4el•I—see MEMC. Emenbs—see Malathiony • Enmities Extra'—see Malathione. Emory CHEMICAL NAME:N-Ethylmercuri-1,2,3,6-tetrabydro3,een- domethano3,4,6,8,7,7-hexachlorophthelimide. ACTION:Fungicide for seed treatment.Produced by Velsicol Chem- ical Corp.Federal registrations canceled. Empar—see MCPA Enpentltin—see Vaporthin. Empirical Rennie—see Formula. • CMIS—see Ethylmercury p-Tolueoe Su)fenaNhde. Emits(Discontinued by Shell Chemical Co.) ACTION:A surface-active substance for use as an emulsifier. Emllyhagrs•FrmgeMara. , CHEMICAL NAME:Tridecyloxpoly(ethyleneoxy)ethanol. ACTION:Nonionic emulsifier and wetting agent PROPERTIES:Series ranging fronton towabrvsoluble surfactants. APPLICATION:Wetting agent.dispersant and emulsifier for•wide variety of pesticides. FORMULATION:Liquid or paste. BP: GAF Corp.,Chemical Products Enwli hoc Sunsotwde CHEMICAL NAME:Polyoxyethylated vegetable oil. OTHER NAMES:EL-no.EL-719. ACTION:Nonionic emulsifier,dispersant,wetting agent CHEMICAL PROPERTIES:Clear amber lmmd. TOXICITY:Acute oral Line(white rat),70 grdg. APPLICATION:Emelphor'EL-620(liquid),EL-719(liquid),and ON 870(wax)are emulsifiers for pesticide concentrates and spray oils. BP: GAF Corp.,Chemical Products(EL-120,EL-710) Imulaa ns'BX—see 2,4-D;2,4,a-T. - Emulsarnhs•2A.ST—see 2,4,5-t Emaintai W'ES CHEMICAL COMPOSITION:Mixture of dadecyemine and tetra- decylamine salts of 24-D. - - CHEMICAL PROPERTIES:Low volatility said oil-soluble TOXICITY:See 44-D. SIGNAL WORD:CAUTION. APPLICATION:For broadleaf weed control in crop* rye,sorg field corn, p .acn Florida,for aquatic,di4Lbankwedand brush control.Espe- cially u al in areBao an mmcrtempenesras y n volatility might be a hazard to susceptible crops.Mixes easily in wate for high low volume aying. FORMULATION: Emulsifiable concentrate containing 8 pounds winon rival allon. HP: Union Crtide AgncWtuN Produce Co..Inc. EinuMMabha Concentrate Produced by dissolving the toxicant and n emu agent in an organic solvent.A solvent sbstanally insoluble water is usu- ally selected since water-miscible so vha ve oxt in general proved feasible.Strength usually stated in pounds toxicant per gallon of concentrate. EmulMMr A surface-active substance whim:stabilises(reduces the tendency to separate)s suspension of droplets of one liquid in another liquid which otherwise would not mix with the first one.(Cekafier',dis- continued by Cequisa;Sterols,Sardesai Brothers Ltd.India.) HP: Alcolac Inc.(Sipa%805•) BASF Aktiengesellschaft(Federal Republic of Germany) (WettoD• BASF Wyandotte Corp., Performance Chemicals Business 'ca- meos*, Pluraeol',uabor.e',Quodrol•;Surfactants:Ico x•,lconol•,fMwtrol•.XW tjac•,Xupiur',Plu.gfac•, Ponb') Diamond Shamrock Chemicals Co., Process Chemical Div. (AFrimu!•) OAF Corp..Chemical Products(Aliynl•,Blnneol',Enmlpho- Fame',EmvlISpecialty ICI Americas Inc.,a.,Specialty Chemicals Die(Aebz•,Afylw•, Ate Anvers) Agricultural Agricultural Chemicals,Inc.(Corsages) Mahhteshim-Aganl)(Eze,n') Rohm and Haas Co.(Triton!) Sellers,Div.of Coto,Inc.(FIo-Ma•) Stepan Chemical Co.(Pmfeoirt,ybximu!•)' Texaco Chemical Co.Chemical c)' Thompson-Hayward Chemic Co.(T-Nuke) United es A Nonionic, Ltd.(lodes) ul ,(ea Westvaco Corp.,Polp.,Organics Dept(POly(ae•) Witco Chemical Corp.,Organic.Dev.(Sponto•) bA di ion of fine particles of oily material in water(OW type)or, less commonly in pesticide usage,a dispersion of water droplets in oil(WO type).The one liquid does not dissolve in the other although when a suitable emulsifier is added a stable mixture can be made. EncipallWd PSsdeMas Pesticides enclosed in tiny capsules(or beads)of thin polyvinyl or other plastic material to control release of the chemical and extend the period of diffusion,thus providing increased safety to applica- tors as well as to the environment.Products presently available un- der experimental label are Encapsulated Mirex Baits and Penncapthdn•(Pennwalt).Psnneap.M•Insecticide is commercially available. Endocar—see Endosulrane. Endcart•—see Moracide•;Endosulfanw. EndowlM, CHEMICAL NAME:6,7,8,9,10,10-Hexachloro-1,5,5a,6,9,9a- hexahydro-8,9-methane-2,4,3-benzodioxathiepin-3-oxide. COMMON NAMES:benzoepin(JMAF),endoeuV n(ANSI,BSI,GSA, ESA,ISO),thiodan(Iran,USSR). OTHER NAMES: Beosit•, Chlorthiepin•, CriauUana. Cycladane, Devitu&phan,Endocela,Endosan•(Hoechst AG).Endow!,EnSure (discontinued by Velsicol),FMC 5482,Hilan',Hoe£6TI,Insecto !, wu (Rasayan)..Th(for•, Time! Thiodn ,Th jor,Tkx•, Thine ate',Dieseu(J n(discontinued),Tiora!•. ACTION:Insecticide,aceicide. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES:Technical endoeuVan is a mixture of two isomers with melting points of 11/9.2°C and 2132°C.Density is 1.745 at 20°C.Technical endemU n is insoluble in water. TOXICITY:Acute oral LDw(rat),30 mglkg in alcohol suspension; 70 mg/kg in aqueous suspension;130 mg/kg in oil.Dermal Lib..(rah- bit),359 mg/kg.Toxic to fish. SIGNAL WORD:DANGER(Tech);WARNING(most formulations). ANTIDOTE:Endov4U n is a central nervous system stimulant for which no specific antidote is available.A short acting barbiturate men of be for convulsions.ions.If ingested,induce re erie,thenead- minister magnesium rvU to and observe. HANDLING AND STORAGE CAUTIONS:Do not breathe dust or spray mist.Do not get in eyes,on skin,-or on clothing.Wash hands immediately after handling.Do not store Thiodan Miscible at tem- peratures below 20°F.Provide general ventilation plus local ex- haust at point of potential fume emission.Protect E.C.from freezing. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING:During commercial or prolonged expo- sure,wear clean clothing fastened at neck and wish for dust pro- tection,change clothing daily;wear clean synthetic rubber gloves and a mask or respirator of a type passed by MESAMIOSH for en- dow86n protection.Protective clothing also required for workers entering treated fields within 24 hours of application. APPLICATION:Controls aphids,thrips,beetles.foliar feeding lar- vae,mites,borers,cutworms,bollworm%bugs,whitedees,leafhop- pers,and slugs on deciduous,citrus,and small fruits,vegetables, forage crops,oil crape,fiber crops,grains.tobacco,coffee,tea,forest, ornamentals.Controls setae fly. OUTSIDE U.S.A.:For control of green leathoppersatem borers and whorl maggot in lowland rice,shootfy in sorghum,pod borers in legumes,etc. FORMULATIONS:Wettable powders(36%,50%),emulsifiable con- centrates(17.5%,35%,50%,and 2 pounds and 3 poundN/galion),U LV (25%),granules(2,3,4,5%),dusts 0,2,9,4,6,8%j.Endox is 35% EC; '—Trade Name.BP—Basic Producer.F—Formulator. ♦—Common Name. SLN—Special Local Need. •Kong ,plenty of water.Eye contact,flush with plenty ofialser radical attention. NG AND STORAGE CAUTIONS:Wash thoroughly with water after handling before eating or smoking.Do not treat nless there is thorough ventilation Avoid contamination rd foodstuffs.Do not use treated sad for food.Gnome and id away from fire cause Irritation of and spark,.Store Iv•dryyplµy.Do not ceaway This may bring on come wet or will l impair in dal effectiveness of changes produce f Impair a Plus Fiow- and may temperature is 1V F. vipore.G ty is Mitered wing tampemng of is od c Sttidd stt. wing and mixing of Produetsbrad at tamp?Ytntw Mlow TIVE CI.OPHING:Wear a weak ever the mouth and nose ndling.Flowable:rubber gloves are recommended.- ATION:Prot ectiveseedtr eatment for wheat,tesinst!eed- seases such as bunt,smuts,seed decay andseeddling blight' LATIONS: Flowable liquid or drill or plater box seed nt. hipman Chemicals,Inc. ,,...._• o an i;annulate t due[in Nat the dissolved chemical ie to an impregnan rdlffem Tinto or mixed with aeanier such delay:Thecle rrirdiffers lust generally having larger part! I se,ge meaning lly len than 10 cubic millimeters.A common tangs ening at least linear i by weight will p t than 5gh a screen 5 openings per linear inch,atria more than 5%will pass b a 30 mesh screen.d sugarddles in the 16180 range ere slightly Ili mono enough to pass SO- !creep then are considered to be dust l treatments nts in vegetation e t :sb Grefgranules can fall di r rolrffthepla t to the ndsurfW.Chemicolenor- injurious in or roll off plants can be Used ground de not stick to d crop residues are minor zed.•nee tb0i... an see Neburonv. a—see Phorate. Phen•GBM• rd•—see Pherncon•EGVM; roco —see Sethoxydim. see Alloxydim-Sodium. n—see Alloxydim-Sodium. —see Tebuthiuron. ' see Alloxydim.Sodium. , super AlmdC—see Noses Lacunae Canning:' super Spare—see Nesemi Locusts!finning': ed WeedgYM(—see Bensiolinv.. —see Picloram. 'PC—see Picloram. •PhD—see P'icloram. A[zaoa[ef an'—see Chromated Copper vitriol e see Ferrous Sulfate. ▪ see Atrazine. Super Cu—see Copper Sulfate.Buie. , tulvin :M I CAL NAME:7L hlorod,8dimethoaycopmar?n-Sene-8apim- .methoxy g-methylcyelohex-r-endLone). IMON NAME:p.... 41 dn(BSI,CBA.ISO). 'ION:Fungicide(antibiotic). [ER NAME:Gnadin•. CH30 CH3O CI CH3 Gripe fulvin around Corncobs—see Grit O'Cobee;Lite-R-Cobe•;Mix-O'Cobe•. Grand Onmslwm—see Calcium Carbonat^tprfue Treated. Onus Non-Woody Rug—see Lite-R-Cobs Ground Woody Ring—see Growth Grit-O'CObse. Gro Rsguutar—see Plant Growth Regulator. Groat(Saps For Cereal Crops 1. Tiller orTiWrinp.When additional shoots are developing from the crown. 2.Joint or Jointing.When stem inter bbweREtin elongating. 3. Boot or Booting.When the upper leaf sheath to the growth of developing spike or panicle. from the 4. Heod or Heading.When the seed head is emerging sheath. GS-13006—see Supracide. 05-18332—see Dimetilane. G611624—see Gardoprime. 041421A—see Sumltol• GS-14211—see Caragarde. GS1428U—see Ivan•. OS180M—see Santap.* GB WW1—see Acarol•. GS-92665—see Erbotan•. Gowan Dodinew. Gustavus—see Panoctine•. OueegSon A'—see Azinphos-Ethyl. OuwildCI AY—see Azinphoe-Ethyl+AtinPhos-Methyl. him alon Y'—see Guthion•. GussiMon NW—see Guthlon+Metasystox(O. OaNysln 42S—see Thiran,. OumNeal Apron'FL—see Metalaxyl. a sideen soym•pC—see DCNA. %aeon 41sdlexydllor 300—see Methoxychlorw. GIr4Yle00 llrhm 30(Th ramv)—Discontinued,1984 by Gusia•an, Inc Gat OTHER NAME:SAN Peu. ACTION:Adjuvant for use with biological insecticides.Gustatory stimulant for lepidopterous larvae.' APPLICATION:1.0 pound per acre in spray mixture. FORMULATION:Soluble powder. BP: Eoecon Corp.,A Sandoz Co.,Crop Protection Div. 0u o'Cobs' IIEMICAL NAME:C 0.46 H 1.000 039. UM MON NAME:corncobs. Ground Woody Ring,Woody THER NAMES:Ground Corncobs, rig, onGnt-0'Cde (TION:Carrier for pestiddes.Peetfddeeform°4ted red to roll off leaves and fall to the ground. 'BEMICAL PROPERTIES:Inert toward almost al pesticides.Is .table substrate for carbamates and phosphates. IGNAL WORD:Nontoxic. tANDLING AND STORAGE CAUTIONS:Grit-O'Cobae are com- m,stible and should be handled and stored as such. (PPLICATION:Carrier for pesticides.Over 100 other uses. .3RMULATIONS:A wide variety d pesticides have been formu- s[ed on Grit-O'Cobe. JOMBINATIONS: Combinations of pesticides have been corium ,died on Grit-O'Cobs•. BP: The Anderson,Cob Division ocer--see Gibberellic Acid. ..chrida DlctionaiY CHEMICAL NAME: 0,0-Dfinethyl S-t(4oxo-1RSbenzotdazm- 2(4H}yUmethyl]Phosphcradithioate. COMMON NAMES: azinphos-methyl (BSI, ISO),metiltriazotion (USSR). FORMER NAME:R 1582. Co e„• Comion-MatAy!•,CNeNyon OTHER NAMES:Boy 17149, rf thCrysth PP(discontinued by Cumberland Chemical Co.),Gwa ACTION:Insecticide. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES:Brown waxy solid,melting at about 73° C.Soluble in water to about 29 ppm at 26°C;soluble el- evated solvents except aliphatics.Subject to hydrolysia vated temperatures with gas evolution. TOXICITY:Technical:Acute oral LD,(nt),620mg kg;dermal Llls°, 220 mg/kg. ANTI DOTE:Administer atropine sulfate in large therapeutic doses. Repeat as necessary to the point of tolerance.2-PAM and Toxo- genie(Merck)are also antidotal and may be administered in con- junction with atropine. APPLICATION Registered feld crops u well u ornamentals,ferestand stade,re sm OUTSIDE trees,.SA.:Control ol many many insect pests in lowland rice.pests. FORUL aoe powders,owdi 1 i ble liquids. FORMULATIONS:IN IONS: Wettable ethyl P emu n • dd lion COMBINATIONS:Cruthion-MeNYl Parathion 0.768 pwn ea spray concentrate. Crueathion MS'(with demeton-S-meetthyl-eulfon). 6 C1430 S /P—S—('lit N CIh;hO N Azinphes-methyl BP: Bayer AG(Federal Republic of Germany)(Gusathion M•, Guesthion MS*,Guthion•) ical Corp., B Mobay Chem Agricultural Chemicals Div.(Guth- ions) ACTION:Insecticide. moth control. APPLICATION:Gypsy GYPS* NAME:12-Acetoxy-9octadecen-lol. ACTION:Gypsy moth attractant. APPLICATION:Reported in 1982 to be attractive in Federal and •—Trade Common Need.Formulator. •—No reply for 1985 C 121 it )(Cont.) ring equipment.Containers must be stacked in such a way rmit a free circulation of air also at the bottom and inside piles. Storage areas must be located at a suitable distance ,habited buildings,animal shelters.and food stores;more- icy must be inaccessible to unauthorized persons,children, mastic animals. -LIFE: Biological activity of the product remains practi- ried for 2 years under environmental conditions,pro- he product is stored in its unopened and undamaged original nye in shaded,well-aired places. "' CATION:Acts systemically by application to either foliage :.For control ofmites,aphids and certain pests of fruit trees. ULATIONS:Emulsifiable coneentretek20%and 40%,watt- weer 40%,duet a%,granaba 5%. uc SuPer . _. .. S _ LaHaO)2P--S—CHa—CO—,- NHCH (CHa). Prothoate F'armoplant S.p.A.,Montedison Group(Italy)(Fuo•1 n Chloride—see 2-PAM(Protepam Chloride)) ,. ❑scontinued by Velsicol Chemical('.grey . iICAL NAME:dioamba+IA'P. , CATION:For use on eetabl I ed lawn.add GuF(,. II CAL NAME: N(1.ethylpropylS4-0imetbyl-2.6-dlnitro- ION NAME:pendimetalin(ANSI,BSI,WSSA). H NAMES:AC 92553,Accatabe,Go-Go-Son'.Berbodoz•,Si- ,stomp*.Wax UP'. )N Selective herbicide. (CAL PROPERTIES:Orange-yellow crystalline,solid;m.p. C.Solubility in water less than 0.6 ppm at 2P C,soluble in ,rganic solvents such as acetone and ohms. :ITV:Acute oral LDw(male albino rat),1260 mg/kg;dermal rabbit),>5000 melee;nonirritant to gcbbit eldu and ay,0.Data gists with technical material. 4L WORD:WARNING. .LING AND STORAGE CAUTIONS:Do not store below 40' .nded storage at temperatures below 4P F.can result in the non of crystals on the bottom of the container.If cryetalii- does occur,store the container On it.aide at room tempera- JO°F)and rock occasionally until crystals redissolve.Do not :ear food or feed products. ICATION: For preemergence or ppstetpergence use In field in eemergence or pretmergence incorporated use in potatoes: ricatemergence postemer{ence Incorporated use ;hum and p le Incorporated use in cotton,soybeans,to- nuts,and eunhowen.Controls most annual passes and ,! broadleaf weeds. Outside U.S.A.,uses also Include pre- -,n.c.in eetabl irked turf and winter corsala;pmr,9erpnce or ,rat incorporated in transplanted vegetables C.H5 H—N—CH—(:else NO3 CH CHs Fendimethalin IULATIONS: Emulsifiable concentrate; wettable powder le U.S.A.only). GNAT IONS:Can be tank mixed withatratine,cya,mzine,and Inn for use in field corn.Can be tank mixed with metribuzin, o,ber,and linuron for use in soybeans.Can be tank mixed with •or Caparol•for use in cotton.Can be tank mixed with me- in for use in potatoes.Can be tank mixed with atm. or use in sorghum.Can be tank mixed withpropanil for use in American Cyanamid Co.(Acosta/•,Co-Go-Sans,II attach', Prowl",Sipaxol•,Stomp.,Wax WI see IPX. see Triehlarfon w. —see Propazine V. Aci--see Hydrocyanic Add. lul 1 11.11.NOM k.UhloruA 414n,Lhyb*-propynybacetthIIlde. JON NAME:prynachlor. Ilt NAMES:BAS 2903-H,Basamaize•(discontinued by BASF la Oinfinnnn ACTION:Selective preemergence herbic^ PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTES: White crystalline. map.40.4rc.Solubility(20'C,wlw),in water.0.05%;ethanol,29.9%; benzene,15.7%. TOXICITY:Acute oral LDw(rat),tech.1117 mg/kg;4 EC formula- tion 2.0 mince;acute dermal Lou.(rabbit),tech.1926 mg/kg. CICH2—C� / N HC C—CH—CHs Prynachior PTF—see Palyram•. TB—see Danifos'. IN he resting stage of those insects in which a larva(or feeding stage) follows the egg stage.During the pupal period the creature develops wings and other adult parts. fentites7 agricultural Spray—see Phenylmercury Methanol Am- monium Lactate. Pival .d'Apple Spay—see Phenylmercury Monoethanol Ammo- nium Acetate. P reetheg'14—see Mercuric Lactate Putturr sly(Former product of Guard Chemical Co.) •CHEMICAL COMPOSITION:Organo-cadmium compounds. ' ACTION:Fungicides. APPLICATIONS:As turf fungicides. Purser—see Metoxuron. Putmecont Whole Egg Solids—see MGR'Big Game Repellent. P utty Powder—see Calcium Carbonate,Surface Treated. PypIMM'(Product discontinued by Cooper,McDougall&Robertson Ltd., Great Britain) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION:Formulation of paraffin=extract and viperous/butozide. OTHER NAMES:Naziism Super*,Pyrenoa'. ACTION:Insecticide. Pyrethria,Piperonyt Bute ride. P yddn•— eFenvalerate. e e Allethrin V. CHEMICAL NAME: (RS)a.allyl-2-methyl-4-oxocyclopent-2-enyl (IR)cis/trans chrysanthemate. WMMON NAME:d.agethrin. OTHER NAMES:dcis,trans aUethnn. ACTION:Insecticide. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES:Pale yellow oily liquid.Soluble in such as alcohols,aromatic hydrocarbons,ketones,chloroform,and ker- osene.Insoluble in water.Specific gravity.doe 1.006-1.015. TOXICITY:Acute oral LDw,1520 mg/kg(male rat);510 manse(fo- b rat).Acute dermal LD.,>2500 mg/kg(male rat);>2500 mg' kg(female rat). SIGNAL WORD:CAUTION. HANDLING AND STORAGE CAUTIONS: Ordinary good manu- facturing practices and sanitation.Ventilate well.Store In closed drum In•cool.dry place. APPLICATION:Household use for controlling insect pests for san- itary importance such as mosquitoes,houseflies and cockroaches. FORMULATIONS:Mosquito coils,electric fumigator,oil liquid,oil based or water based aerosol. 0 0 CH3 CHz - CH—CHa —C—CH—CH—CH -C /C\ CH3 CH3 CHa d-Allethrin BP: Sumitomo Chemical Co.,Ltd.(Japan) P ynoeem—see Resmethrin. • P yracarbolid—see Sica ro r. Py Pyrs L—seen a Py amine. Pyrsbt(Discontinued by BASF Aktiengesellschaft) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION:Contains chioridason and didtat.. ACTION:Herbicide. APPLICATION:Control of annual broadleaf and grass weeds in- cluding blackgrass and wild oats in sugar and fodder beet. TOXICITY:Acute oral LDw(rat),5000 mg/kg p.o. FORMULATION;66%wettable powder. M.elan Pyrurnina, Polar P1-was lyranihl.. Pyr.d. IF(Discontinued by BASF Aktiengesellschaft) - CHEMICAL COMPOSITION:Contains chloridazon and triatiate. ACTION:Herbicide. CH3 —Trade Name.BP—Basic Producer.F—Formulator. V—Common Name. SLN—Sped&Local Need. 1_rdn,eNu fr,to15 r 187 Fentrangs•(Cent) tra low volume.FnJ 9i•,80%emulsifiable concentrate. COMBINATIONS:Semi-oldie(6%)with fenitrothion(26%)in emulsifiable concentrate(Sumicombi•):Sumiddin•(6%)with di- me nte(18%)in ULV See also PyrefAreids. BP: Invents Corp.(India)(Feakill 9 Rallis India Ltd. Shell Chemical Co.(Pydrin•) Shell International Chemical Co.,Ltd.(London)(Beimark9 Sumitomo Chemical Co.,Ltd.(Japan)(Sumicidin9 F HEM CHEMON WAD/Et/wham Ferric d SI,!C dithiocarbamate. COMMON NAMES:C (BSI,!CPC,FSO),feebame(France). OTHER NAMES:erko,Hcte•,Perham',Fermate'(discontinued by DuPont Co.),Fsrbnk•, by Rhone-Poulenc Poulenc te'.Sup nFb Perham Plowable (discontinued by Rhone-Paule r Inc.),Tnjanppl•.Vory aid.•FE-95.(discontinued Fungicide. by R.T.Vanderbilt). ACTION:Fungicide. TOXICITY:Acute oral approx.lethal dose(AUDI(rat), 19,000 mg/ kg. SIGNAL WORD:CAUTION. HANDLING AND STORAGE CAUTION:Although ferbom is com- patible with most pesticides,mppercod mercury compounds or lime may seduce efficiency.It is somewhat unstable to heat and moisture be and should b.kept any from Ignition sources because the decom- position prodN : an flammable. :des APPLICATION:Principal user are in the control of apple scab and cedar/wale rust,lied asleaf curl,tobacco blueto other crops against Also app ied-a pRtective fungicide many fungus diseases; FORMULATIONS:Wettable powders containing 76%and 96% fneam. {ICHsigNC$ Fe Ferbamw DF; FMCAg$ouItunl Chemical Group(Ferbam•,Garb:mate') Pennwalt Henan (Netherlands)(Trifurool9 FerbeM Dust BS O-0%—sea Dit{rmnrbamates. TWOM%•--see Yer4amv. Permit—w terbamw. WSW F.D—see TMnm. Fermimilt WThinm. Fernerq'-see P.A.D. Fine—ws see 2,4D•. Firnlnil--see 2,4Di Tstrouve M•, Fumble*—w Pitimirarb, Ferneemm•-see 244-D• CH PROPEETIES:Contains mires plus a small amount of longehaa alkyl amine.and ferrous chloride(metal salt).Half-life off rvinmitide is 14-16 days compared with 640 years for previous formulation deities. TOXICITY:Nontoxic to crawfish.Mire:,in the new formulation. he been decblorinated to lower toxicity. APPLICATION:Replacement for mire:.Developed by the Missie- •ippi Agriculture and Commerce Department to control fire ant in- festation.Mississippi and eight other Southern states have applied to EPA for SLN registration of ferriamicide for use on 14 million acres. Fe see Selhosydim. Ferrous Sale - •vruUblvi e. CHEMICAL FORMULA:Fe S0e OTHER NAMES:copperas,green ACTION: e,wood preservative. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES:Grayish white to buff colored te - consisting primarily of FeBa:dHsO Dissolves slowly in w ater.In- soluble alcohol. HANDLING AND STORAGE CAUTIONS:Store in tight containers. APPLIKING ON: eeve against b rodledwmde.Cleared r use on ember/es between April and July.Corrects chlorosis from iron deficiency. Carrlbelrllss These mainly made by special order for application at Planting. Fidb (Discontinued by Sandoz Ltd.) CHEMICAL NAME:Ethoryethylmereury-methylmercury citrate. ACTION:Seed S Fonda'' see sydlm• od fungicide.:— Panne—see 2,4D. Far DOT M EC—see DDTV. Faxedln—see Diazinon. PRIM'—see Rendiocarrbw. Pium'D—see Bendiocarb•. Ram Plus'—see Bendioarbv. awn*ULY—see BendiecarbV. ovast Flee, —see BendiocarbIN Fleld been Wind r d- l'T CHEMICAL NAME: COMMON NAME:/My OTHER NAME:1455. ACTION:Plant growth CHEMICAL PROPER 78.1•C. TOXICITY:Acute oral L APPLICATION:It shows acid) by foliar appll ' regulation effect in fruit solid forcitrus,gnpe, potato,eta. FORMULATION:Emu CI H Active BP: Nissan Chemical I Planar—see Bromopho r FIAION:Antibiotic. APPLICATION: Controls Metz from some disaster Pala—see Methamid Film Wander—se S Final—see Prone'. Femmes•—see Avenge*. PIM asstt end Poll—se Walden*—see Fenuronv. FNML—see Antimycin. Fle[M Formerly utilised as an plied to forest and eh soap as a spray sire Repellent to buffalo dients used its spot screwworm. Flemming—see Carbyge. FWoa 477'(Disoontinu CHEMICAL NAME: phorylacetic acid. COMMON NAME: ACTION:Insecticide TOXICITY:Acute oral CI-120 P CH3 O Flame Cultivation Weed control with heat to kill weeds in and Cotton,corn,soybean, vatted.See LP.Gar, Fl moseblti coveting Regulations ons covee ring partment of Tran January 1,1976.They Grids material e class of materials idea ordinances modify the flammable clam,and de that are covered by the Flammable liquids are 10( F(89%C). A combustible liquids OILS C)and below 200'F A pyrophoric liquid is or moist st sir air at or below Approved flashpoint seaflosh dosed tester. Flammable liquids ha subject to specification pacity of 110 gallons or or an indication that its on the outside of the p Combustible liquids f4 Informapon herein is presorted for Prr!',minary planning only, Exclusive reliance a 1 love AMJtlm—aee Trtpbeny1Hn Aerate. pbophmh—see Agritoxe. • prop—see Silvexv. kin lee Pyrethroids. - sepropgTyl—see Furore*. rycam EMICAL NAME:Ethyl(90/-phones71 ethyR earkallin MMON NAME:fenoxyc2rb. HER NAMES:Roth sea. TION:Insectgrowth ES:White actives bread range of insects. EMICAL PROPERTIES:White crystalline solid,m.P.63Le C ter solubility 6 ppm;soluble In organic solvente.Vapor pressure 'CI1.3x 10-7 Ton. 000 XICITY:Acute oral L ee(rat,16,30r eye.acute dermal LDKnt) :000 mglkg.Non-irritating to skin or eye. ;NAL WORD:CAUTION. PLICATION:As a bait to control fin ants and other ants.In wa- affects mosquito larvae and prevents adult emergence.In stored ducts prevents development of nimpts ro and lepidopteus sets.Controls roaches and fleas In households and carpets.Ef- tive on certain fepidopten,peygids and sale insect*on cotton, it crops and ornamentals RMU LATION 6:Logic!196 granular ball for control of the ants. t yt'emulsifiable concentrate,granular,and wettable powder for nrol of mosquito larvae. NH` /0 F•noxyearb BP: Dr.It Mang Ltd.(Switzerland) Meat Agrochemical.,Inc.(Logic*,Pi4hl•) senor—see Fenasaflor. ropana —see Pyrethroids. ropathrin—see DanitoL topknot*, IEMICAL NAME: 4-(3i441,1dimethyl ethyl)Phenyl)-2-meth- topyl).2,6 kiskdimethylmorpholle. „ .._ . .. MMON NAMES:Corbel*, - - HER NAMES:CoMal•,if ispgl•May Rakpe Ltd.), TION:Fungicide. T IEMICAL PROPERTIES:('limb.ad.):Liquid,yellowish,b.p.180' 6.101 Ton). XICITY:Acute oral LDrro sI4066eykg(form.prod.). Tin cereals.ON:For thec control el powdery mildew,leaf blotch.and it in cere • iRMULATION: Emulsifiable concentrate containing 760 en propimorph. H.:C HnC CH, —CHc—CH—CHs—N 0 CH' Fenpropimorph P BASF Aktiengesellschaft(Peden!Republic of Germany) (Corbel') Dr.R.Meng Ltd.(Switzerland) Ni(Discontinued by Farmoplant S.pS,Montedison Group) EMICAL NAME:p-ChlorophNryl bnzeuesuNmute. MMON NAMES:feuon(BSI,ISO),fnisea(FADS*/ HER NAMES:CPBS,Fmpn•,Ustwso.•(Murphy Chemical), PBS,Tri(enen*(discontinued by Pennwalt Boijaod .Vd• TION:Acaricide. XICITY:Acute oral LDr(rat),14110-4740 myllg. ;NAL WORD:CAUTION. CI n 0—S 0 Yemen uflotMon—w Daesnit•. llaprop ihyl—w Jokers. don!—see Baytex•. assn—see Celdion•. n Meting—see Triphenyltin Acetate. n Chloride—see Triphenyltin Chloride. ns AGSMs—see Triphenyltin n Hydroxide—see Triphenyltin Hydroxide!. Ion—see Fenuronv. Fe HEne C CHEMICAL AME:3-PhnIimethylurea. COMMON NAM (HS I,(HSI,ISO,W SSALfenub n(So.Africa), fenidin(USSR). OTHER NAMES:Beet-X/ese(Shell Chemicals U.K.),Dybar•(dis- continued by DuPont Co.),PDU. ACTION:Herbicide(weed brush killer). CHEMICAL PROPERTIES:Of the phenylurea herbicidesfenumn has the highest water solubility(3860 ppm at SF C)and lowest ad- sorption on soils.Melting point 133.134°C. TOXICITY:Acute oral LDr(rat),6400 mg/kg. APPLICATION:To control certain undesirable woody plants and deepdooted perennial weeds. COMBINATION:Amason with propkam and ckbrprpham(Bset Sena).With TCA(Dozer.). See Dozers. O II HCN(CII3)2 Fenurone BP: Hopkins Agricultural Chemical Co.(Dare) Fen m•TCA—see Dozer'. Femme TrMtel.saeoelsY—see Dozer;Urab•. Fsnvalralev CHEMICAL NAME:(Re)-2-Cyano-8-phenoxybenzyl(Rs)-2-(4.Chlo- rophenyl)3-methylbutyrate or eyano(8-phenoxyphenygmethyl 4- ehloro.alpha(1-methylethyl)benzeneacetate or a cyano 3-phenox- ybensyl 244ehlorophenyD4-methylbutyrate. COMMON NAME:fenvalerate(BSI,ISO). OTHER NAME S:Bebnark',Pydrine,S-IMOt,Sanmarton,SD4Sr75 (Shell Chemical),SemiMin e.Sumifhr.Semi POW?. ACTION:Broad spectrum insecticide. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES:Molecular weight,419.9;physical form at y8'C,a clear viscous liquid;yellow in color mild chemical odor; density at PS'C,L17 ghml;vapor pressure at 26'C,1.1x10-•mmHg. More stable in acidic solution than in alkaline solution.Moderately soluble in a range of organic solvents.High thermal stability.Rel- atively non-volatile.Stable to heat,moisture and In most organic solvents except alcohols.Soluble in acetone,alcohol,ether,mien. and kerosene.Insoluble in water. TOXICITY:Acute oral LNG(rat),451 mg/kg(DMS0),>3200 mglkg (aqueous suspension);acute dermal LDr(rabbit)2500 mykg,(rat), >6000 mglkg.Highly toxic to fish. SIGNAL WORD:WARNING;CAUTION(Shell Intonational). ANTIDOTE:No specific antidote ie known.In caw of ingestion carty out gastric lavage with care to prevent aspiration.Treat sympto- matically.In case of skin contact,refer to the label. HANDLING AND STORAGE CAUTIONS: Avoid contact with mouth,eyes,and skin.While handling,wear protective glows and goggles or full face shield.Store in original containers away from foodstuffs and animal feed.The transportation emergency re- sponse identification number for Pydrin SA EC is NA 1998. APPLICATION:Pydsin•was conditionally registered by EPA In early 1979 for use on cotton,and in late 1960 for use on peanuts, potatw,endyears(donnant).Tolerances have been established for cotton,peanuts,potatoes,pears,apples,Peaches,pecans,Albert., cabbage, melons,pumpkins,winter squash, summer squash,to. matoes,cucumber,field corn,seed corn,sweet corn,noncom,dry beans,dry peas,green peas,broccoli,nWidwer,soybeans,arti- chokes,eggplant,peppers,fat of milk,and meat and meat byprod- ucts.Liquid formulation for livestock/Premise Spray in 82 states 24- (c).Belmark•is used for control ofinsectsn cotton and&wide range of other crops.Sumicidin•has a broad spectrum of activity,chiefly effective against Lepidopten,Dieters,Orthoptere,Hemipten,and Coleoptesu,and is widely used for pest control in other fields. CH, Clio CH I H C—C—O—C H II I O C • N Fenvalerats• FORMULATION:Pydrin•in 2.4 pounds sl per gallon emulsible concentrate.Presently packaged in 1.quart alma,1-gallon plastic, and 5,3%and 66gallon metal containers.Pydrin 4 fnwotioide ULV Concentrate is a 4 pound per gallon formulation for cotton and is currently registered under Section 24(c) In Alabama,Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi. New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas Nettine in 10%liquid formulation in 1 quart container.Bel- mark*available in a wide range as emulsifiable conbntrate,and ultra low volume concentrates.Sumiaidin•in 3%,6%,10%,20%, 8096 emulsifiable concentrate,dust,granules,wettable powder,ul- Cl '—Trade Name.BP—Basic Producer.F—Formulator. V—Common Name. SLN—Special Local Need.