50 Letters 1991-2003 DANIEL S.GREENBAUM Comm icnlan.r JOHN J.HIGGINS Regional Dim-Aar Auk Sae/ 7Wornnw uvea ISIZZekale& elecaee &Ace 67/6"noentvecz -Dt/enegironaten4LL9r Mr. Mike Pascetta, Controller Callahan Oil Company 261 Ledyard Street New London, CT 06388 Dear Mr. Pascetta: x (.4/3J ,W0//46 October 30, 1991 Re: Northampton 1-0944 Grampy's Corner Store 60 King Street M.G.L. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40 . 000 LOCATION TO BE INVESTIGATED The Department of Environmental Protection (the `Department") has determined that the property at Grampy's Corner Store, 60 King Street, Northampton, MA (the "Location") is a Location To Be Investigated ("LTBI") as a possible disposal site as defined in M.G.L. c. 21E and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, ("MCP") , 310 CMR 40.000. The Department has reviewed a report entitled "Environmental Explorations - Hotel Northampton" (GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. , July 1991) which identifies the presence of gasoline constituents in groundwater on abutting hotel property southeast of Grampy's Corner Store. An ..interpretation of_ hydrologic data results in the likelihood that contaminated groundwater has migrated in an east/southeast direction from Grampy' s property to the hotel driveway where the contaminated groundwater was identified at total BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) up to 10.9 mg/1 using EPA Method 8240. There is no known source on the hotel property to account for gasoline contaminants at their detected locations, GZ-11 and GZ-14 in the referenced report site plan. Based upon this information, the Department considers this location reasonably likely to be a disposal site. Because this location has been identified as an LTBI, it will be inpluded on the list of "Locations and Disposal Sites" published by! the Department. The information currently available its insufficient to allow the Department to confirm the location asa disposal site. M.G.L. c. to Printed on Recycled Papir 21E and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan require that the following be completed and submitted to the Department: 1. Preliminary Assessment ("PA") , as designated in 310 CMR 40.535 and 40. 541. 2. Phase I - Limited Site Investigation, as designated in 310 CMR 40.535 and 40. 543 . 3. Interim Disposal Site Classification Form. These documents will provide the information needed to determine if the LTBI is a disposal site and to decide if further remedial response actions are necessary. The Department requires you to submit the documents by no later than 90 (ninety) days from the date of this letter. The tasks that should be completed for a Phase I report are outlined in 310 CMR 40. 543 . PA forms and Site Classification forms may be obtained as indicated on the attached form. If you perform the activities noted above, the Department will not seek to recover the costs it incurs in reviewing the Preliminary Assessment report, the Phase I Limited Site Investigation report, and the Disposal Site Classification form that you submit to the Department. If the Preliminary Assessment and Phase I Limited Site Investigation indicate that the location is a non-priority disposal site, you may apply for a waiver of Department- approvals. If a waiver application is approved by the Department, response actions may be completed at the site without Department approvals. Waiver applications can be obtained by writing to the Waiver Unit, Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, One Winter-Street, 5th-Floor, Boston, MA 02108. If at any time an "imminent hazard" , as defined in 310 CMR 40. 542 , is discovered at the location, you must immediately notify the Department, and submit a proposal for a short term measure. No short term measure may be commenced without prior Department approval. If the short term measure is not performed in a timely manner, the Department is authorized to perform the short term measure and recover the costs for performing this work. You should be aware that if the Department performs the required assessment activities, you may be held liable for all response action costs incurred by the Department. If the LTBI is confirmed as a disposal site, you may be named as a potentially responsible party ("PRP") with liability for up to three (3) times all response action ', costs incurred by the Department. Response action costs include the cost of direct hours spent by Department employees arranging for response actions or overseeing work performed by PRPs or their contractors, expenses (i Printed on Recytld Pper incurred by the Department in support of those direct hours, and )ayments to the Department's contractors. (For more detail on cost Liability, see 310 CMR 40. 600: Cost Recovery. ) the Department may also assess interest on costs incurred at the rate of twelve percent (12%) , compounded annually. You may also be liable for damages to natural resources and liable under M.G.L. c. 21E, section 11 and other laws for each violation of c. 21E or other laws, or under M.G.L. c. 21A, section 16, for violations of c. 21E and other statutes, regulations, orders or approvals. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this communication, please contact Lisa Jones at the letterhead address. Please reference the number at the top of this document in any correspondence with the Department. Very truly yours, en F. . ce Regi•nal Eng neer Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup LEJ/lej WSC042\grampys.LTB Certified Mail #P524 674 205, Return Receipt Requested Enclosure cc without enclosure: Northampton Fire Department Northampton Board of Health _.--Northampton Mayor`s- Office -- ._.-. Mr. Steven Rostoff, Hotel Northampton Operating Corp. , 36 King Street, Northampton, MA 10160 Co panel on Recycled la per iIS. GREENBAUM comets.loner IHN J. HIGGINS Regionm Director a TeamInCiii rva164/ 0/76-14-d°"`lam eaot o ay/ 1736 2'i & Off03 (17>3} 781/ff00 allahan oil Company 61 Ledyard street ew London, Connecticut 06388 Attn: Mike Pascetta Re: March 2, 1992 Northampton 1-0944 Grampy' s corner Store 60 King Street M.G.L. Ch. 21E Dear Mr. Pascetta: you a letter (the Department) sent uyouaa the The Department of Env Thenpppoft t hat letter was to inform y on 30 mentbcr s e. The purpose Department consi dered the above referenced location reasonably likely to be a disposal site. a Phase I and an Interim Site Classification ac Phase Iorm be The tedaSitent required that art, andnany Assessment Report, Clas , submitted Site Investigation( 0iedayt 8 yi 1992 ninety ( ) days of the date of the letter. As of 28 February 1992, the Department had not received any of the required documents. you and your cos Department has been advised in recent the DIncepartment with y consultant ( (corporate Environmental Advisors, completed and submitted to Callahan Oil Company. The Department requires that the above reports be submitted within 14 days of the date of this letter. questions regarding this Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any 4 matter, please contact Stephen Ball of this office. Very truly yours Joyc Regional Engine Bureau of Waste Site cleanup SFJ:SSB WSC-031-s grampy.ltr Mayor's office cc:Northampton, Mayor of Health corporate Environmental Advisors, Inc. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DEPARTMENT OF Grl•a+�" WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE sty' s Market, Inc . :hristy Drive ckton, MA 02401 ention: Ned Stanton December 11, 1996 TRUDY COXE SecretarY DAVID B.STRUIiS Commissioner Re: Northampton Gasoline Station 50 O King C King Street RTN: 1-11617 RELEASE NOTIFICATION and NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L. C . 21E and 310 CMR 40 . 0000 aar Mr. Stanton: the Northampton Fire Department Department of a release and/or Department n December 1996 at 3 :40 PM, the Dep dispenser hose too he rovided notification gallons of gasoline from In addition completed If release of 15 g area. a comp asphalt/concrete requires that Department surrounding 310 CMR Form ( 3 further e req to the Iotification, gorm (RNF) be submitted Release Notification s of the date of the oral notification. within 60 calendar day that the release/threat n� has reason to believe disposal site a- "MCP" ) . The Department reported is or may be3 a0disp sal s 0 (the inithee you have rep enc Plan, you (00 used M in this reason to believe that y are a potentially in the Massachusetts Coating s Market, 5A to of tiall The Department also has to Christy' under Section responsible"you" refers(PRP) with liability not based y "strict" , meaning that it is not based M.G.L. on fa l , past ( operator, generator, c 21E. This liability our status as owner, pin said Section 5A. but solely on your person specified de in sa that you SA. This fault, disposer or other p transporter, is also "Joint and several" , disposal site even if are Thar eiforlaly response costs incurred at a tiebee are other liable parties.all there 1 Dwight street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)7641149 • TDD(413)7446620 • Telephone(413)764=100 Ponied on Recycled Paper(20%Post Consumer) Tat S6arket,Inc. Responsibility 11617 Department encourages PRPS to take prompt and appropriate and threats of release of oil response response to releases By taking the necessary cleanup ons in materials- your assessment and or hazardous lower y the Department s a, you avoid significantly incurred by certain for costs or reduce r ai . s and/or avoid liabilitYou may also avoid 310 CMR such actions . fees payable under Rion 0 . eyeing compliance r. for a complete description tit or annual a summary of liability ant refer to M.G.L. c. 21E ential liability. For your convenience, attached. parties er M.G.L. C. 21E that s have claims against third p you may or reimbursement for should be aware claims for contribution indefinitely but damages, including Such claims do not exist bringing costs of cleanup. you to take for bringing : governed by laws which establish the time allowed or encouragesou may have against third Ligation. The Department ny uch claims y cessary to protect any rties . Department, the Department response actions De rt Immediate Department the time of oral notification mat ions a contain the Response so gasoline :proved the following ,t ions (IRA) : spread absorbent =_lease . from the Department for the is required the exception of assessment pecific tion of IRA with posting of ssment of an a fence and/or p to this mplementatiothe construction of with regard to an IRA tctivitieso submittals are necessary the filing (RIR additional but not limited tO1 the Outcome Statement and/or Response that a fee of $750 .00 be submitted to 7otif ication including, greater than 120 days Completion epaon requires statement. The MCP req the Department when an RAO Statement is filed g from the date of initial notification dispose of any Remediation you must disp with 310 CMR that y in accordance soil and/or It is important to note pct location contaminated the Waste generated at the without limitation, must bear including, without such waste LSP) • You the seal 0 Any Bill of Lading accompanying debris . signature of a Licensed Site Professional 556 1145 to obtain the may seal and dig Registration at 617/ contact the LSP Board of Reg current LSP list . 2 Market,Inc. Responsibility 41617 relative to this notice, you should by telephone at you have any questions this at Fish at the above letterhead communications regarding act Ben Number (RTN) contained Ise must eft 205 . All Tracking ase must reference the Release letter. :he subject block of this truly rs, Ver 7® 4 lip 'ick e ' .d A. Section Chie` Emergency Response /bf Amil :nhamp617 .rnf opy: Northampton Board of Health Fire Department Mayor' s Office SSE, Karl Kuehner Certified Mail P 237 892 733 , Return Receipt Attachments: Release Notification Form; BWSC Summary of Liability under M.G Requested -003 and Instructions .L. c . 21E 3 CORPORATE ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORS,INC. 13, 1997 Northampton Health t Street 01060 ,pton,MA Notice of Avlability of RAG Christy's Market 60 King Street Northampton,MA MA-DEP RTN: 1-11617 CEA Ref.File ft 1721-93-2 Sir/Madam: Contingency Plan(MCP),this letter serves u acedion within 310 a ponce Action of utc me Statement G for the above-referenced location has been nmulg nse Action Outcome Statement(RA ) DEP). Department of Environmental Protection(MA- of said document,please do not ial notification that a Response the y questions r �u have any questions regarding this submittal or would like to obtain a copy tate to contact the undersigned at(508)835-8822. cerely, A,Inc. d arc E.Brochu taff Geologist iv( 4EB:meb tc: Christy's Markets,Inc. Mr.Tom Wilburn 22 Christy Drive Brockton,MA 02401 Glenn S.Goral CEA,Inc. ORATE HEA000AR1ER5-. HARTWELL BUSINESS PARR, 127 HARTWEll STREET,WEST B011SION, MA 01583 • PHONE. 508.8358822 FAX'. 508.8358811 BRANCH OFFICE, P.0.BOX 1246,WHITE RIVER JUNCI R T05001ul• PHONE: 802-295-5222 FAX, 802-2955225 CORPORATE ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORS,INC. r, 1997 f Northampton )f Health tin Street mpton, MA 01060 Notice of Availability of Phase I - Site Investigation Report Christy's Market 60-64 King Street Northampton, MA MA-DEP RTN: 1-0944 CEA Ref. File# 1721-93-3 : Sir / Madam: (MCP), ads Tier of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan this letter serves as sal notification c within a CMR - Site Investigation,0 Numerical Ranks g System Department of ssi caon or the at a e-ree I- Site location been for the above-referenced location has lien filed with the Massachusetts rironmental Protection(MA-DEP). mu have any questions regarding this submittal or would like to obtain a copy of said document, please do not Mate to contact the undersigned at(508)835-8822. ncerely, Inc. ,rporate Environmental Advisors, idward F. Giordano geologist II EFG:efg pc: Christy's Markets, Inc. 22 Christy Drive Brockton,MA 02401 Town of Northampton Chief Municipal Officer Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site pup Western Regional ORATE HEADQUARTERS: HARTWELL BUSINESS PARK, 127 HARTWELL STREET,WEST BOYLSTON, MA 01583 • PHONE: 508-8354821 FAX: 508.8358812 BRANCH OFFICE: P.O.BOX 1244 MUTE RIVER JUNCTION,VI 05001 • PHONE: 802.2955222 FAX: B02495-5225 E-MAIL ADDRESS: Sea®ma.ullrnnetmm COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE ice' ooth Txaco Street rpton,MA 01060 December 11, 1997 Re: Northampton; 1-0274 72 King Street Additional Sampling. TRUDY COXE Secretary DAVID B.SWIMS Commissioner Ir. Booth: Department of Environmental rofi the Property Status(DPS) submittal for the property : on in the Bureau of Waste of Cleanup adthe Massachusetts of d at initiated a random audit Northampton.Do The groundwater contaminationidentified e of the audit,DPSfiles of 5 'it at 79 King Street gt In inn chlorinated ilea consisted of gasoline,chinriStree solvents,and shush During Response Action two nearby diti located along re u Street were U reviewed.and one locationehas filed Da Respon a Ac ;,two RAO) Statement ment currently ome(RAO)Statement. The Department has concluded that insufficient analytical information s at this time to determine the source or sources of the contamination identified any,of the Tier II tifi might be PS location tified at the DPS locations. -ently, the ll of the contaminations identified d along King Street. Irder to assist in identifying the source(s)of the groundwater contamination in this area,the partment is requesting that you take the following actions: Collect groundwater samples from all accessible and serviceable monitoring wells on property, Organic Compounds nV o r p, n your for analysis of Volatile Org Compounds ( O the lee to a laboratory petroleum hydrocarbons and submit the samples b EPA Method 8260,p including ethylene and dissolved ved metals,by Vu Survey all method,and dissolved metals, including lead and silver', Survey all monitoring wells(elevation and location) in reference to mean sea level; water table elevations and a surveyed site plan to the Submit lad r record water table sheets,elevation meab lee l e elevations and Submit laboratory analytical sheets, Department by March 20, 1998. The Department is requesting that the field activities be conducted between January 15th and 31st, 1998. st, This request is being sent to the contacts Northampton, following sites: #1-0832, 36 King Street, Hotel Y's 41-0944, 60 King Street, 41-0274, 72 King Street, Ernie's Texaco #1-11318, 71 King Street, Whalen Insurance Street, BankBoston ronlp37 r6suo3o • r4lepnoRe+<+31 tea-too• #1-0600i 79 King • fPX(413) -1149 Springfield,Massachusetts 01103 (20%Post eonsnme0 443636 Dwight �PnritaEm Recycled paper iv and eamal yr epons le p will expedite the ment suggests that, if possible,all the involved potentially responsible parties(PRPs ) reduce costs to individual property owners. to work with one consultant for the survey es interpretation of the results and may your intentions in this matter. If you have any questions or need additional i for your anticipated cooperation. Please respond to the Department the letterhead d days ys of is the or is letter s please y 413 7841100,ext.242, >a,please comact Ms.Gail Eckert at(413) Sincerely, Gail S. Eckert Environmental Analyst 4. Catherine G. Wanat Section Chief Audits/Site Management Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup TFIED MAIL#P 153 687 972 JRN RECEIPT REQUESTED Northampton Chief Municipal Officer Northampton Board of Health Northampton Fire Department Manager,36 King Street,Northampton 02401 Star Northampton, Inc., attn:Mansour Ghalibaf,Man 2 e ,3 6 King g St Drive,Brockton,Nra J.W.Inc.Markets,Whalen,en,71 King Street Manager, Patrick ck G Joan Goggins,226 King Street,Northampton,01060 Patrick Gogg COMMONWEALTH-OF:MASSACHUSETTS . . EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 'LEGAL MATTER ED MAIL REQUESTED RECEIPT REQ y Blair,Environmental Manager One.(Former Christy's Market,Inc.) er Road 23462 Beach,V A November 20, 2000 BOB DURAND Secretary LAUREN A LISS Commissioner NOV 2 I Ll w ixc dJUPTON ECAnD PHc:.'- Re:Northampton,RTN l-0944 60-64 King Street NON-WE-00-3159 NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE REHENSIVE RESPONSE ACTIONS FAILURE TO COMPLETE COMP This is an important notice. Promptly respond to any requests contained herein. Failure to respond to any such requests could result in serious legal consequences. •Mr.Blair. personnel demonstrates that you by Department of Environmental Protection P compliance with one demonstrates more laws, ;view refers records 7-E even,I'c.(Forme by the Dopartmnce th advised om that the er Christy's Market,Inc.) are not in comp performance of the ula ions, r 7-Eleven, permits, or approvals enforced b, Depat ent the p ulations, orders, traps se fe requirements, timelines and procedures e pe o Contingence Subpart E and H of the Massachusetts ulations that generally set forth the in(MCP),310 Response CMR 40.0500 and 40.0800. in Subp in(MCP),310 CMR Department has included with and specifically incorporated into this writing a NOTICE tie CO CE SUMMARY which includes: . your Tier Classification ONCO ) The previously outlined in y (1) The requirements applicable to the Site as p Submittal. (2)The elements and occurrence(s)of the noncompliance necessitating the issuance of this Notice, (3)The deadline(s)within which compliance must be achieved. our ADA Coordinator at(617)574-6872. (413)784-1149•TDD(413)746-6620•Telephone(413)184-1100 available in alternate format by calling This information is a rAlusetts OCA3Pi nted on Recycled Paper dJ6 Dwight Street•Spnn9l1e1Q Massa ,mphance, 1-0944 . . ;omplY with this Notice an administrative p enalty of 51,000 may be assessed for every day requirements described in this Notice off the Department reserves the rig nain out of compliance with each o the fiance, with all es the applicable tor. its legal this Notice of der to obtain Nance ice. Notwithstanding al authority in order to obtain full compliance allies,the commencement full but its leg prosecution ncem commencement tent jurisdiction,or the commencement of a criminal including but not limited to the assessment of civil ion in the court(s) of competent in )f competent jurisdiction you have any tact Michael Scherer at 4131755-2278 or Balfour Kyei at 4131755-2158 if y rnceming this Notice. Sincerely, Alan Weinberg Deputy Regional Director $trreau of Waste Site Cleanup nmary Memo Mail#'.7000 0600 0026 8857 6009 Noahborough,MA 01532 BK e M.CWaERO(2 Copes 155 Otis Street, is Pinaud,C&E,Boston brcement Files,BW SC,WERO Files,BWSC,WERO ,rthampton Chief Municipal Officer ,rthampton Board of Health npliance, 1-0944 NONCOMPLIANCE SUMMARY NON-WE-003159 ,NTITY IN NONCOMPLIANCE: ;ven,Inc.(Former Christy's Market,Inc.) WHERE NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED: i4 King Street,Northampton,MA YHEN NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED: '07199 &08/07/00 OF THE REQUMENTS NOT COMPLIED 'TION OF NONCOMPLIANCE AND 'ITH: 40.0e60(2)(6), m 08107197,the Department received a Tier II Classification submittal for the Site.The iea m the a Phase III Inc.;Fortner inracc r accordance with Inc.)had MCP 3 years from.05 effective lassification became effective on 08107197. 1n accordance with the MCP 310 'red on 08107199 late refers TiII Ca-Eleven, Rem of the Tier n Classification to submit Tedeadlin Phase II submittals and, applicable, the Department has not received the Phase II Report or Phase III Plan. Remedial Action Plan to the Department.The deadline for such submitta s exp ears of the To date, were also required within three years lementatioonne Plan has the In accordance with 310 CMR 40.0560(2xc)you the Department D effective date of the Tier epartment.The deadline for such submittal expired on 08107/00..To date,p received the Phase IV Plan. ONS TO BE TAKEN,AND THE DEADLINE FOR TAKING SUCH ACTION:- - _ a Phase ti P'la4,if applicable and a phase lV Ylan as.' CMR a Phase if Report, Response Action Outcome Statement, ` Sub into rte Dap date of if Notice. ou, submit a Resp 310 CMR request, in writing,an extension of this required by grant an extension.Please indicate in deadline,n e h owes however the date of ent Nance.You may q au intend to.undertake l s indicate the required er the Department t the date o this Notice obligation wethe to g complete the heq no request, if needed, for extension of the deadline to come writing wittt�of the date of this Notice wh or no required actions and any 9 actions. For the Department of Environmental Protection: Date: November 20, 2000 Alan Weinberg Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup imphance, 1-0944 MEMORANDUIVI iampton,RTN 1-0944 . 4 King Street - S-WE-00-3159 Tint shop. The site has also place on the hoe for about 70 years. ;r auto being repair.utilized tr a gasoline dispensing taken and a p x automobile repair Petroleum dispensing activity has taken p Vetions positive for Volatile Organic at the site. Groundwater undwat and Total elm &monitoring Aldrich, Inc. st performed to an Envitive for V Assessment is the site.Compounds (V Cs) Total t Be Department was notified and the site was listed as a Location monitoring wells installed tested p Hydrocarbons ('fPH)� The ed(LTBI)in October 1991. art in April 1994, confirming the e submitted a Phase I rep Hotel and suggesting that groundwater flows northwesterly.Environmental Advisors, Inc. (C to report was filed by the southerly abutting if Oil and Hazardous Material (OHM) (DPS) P filed by the southerly this site was abutting Hotel 1995, a Dowtedahesi Property report was:ston,e Action cited the site R the was submitted A surface release . An rep rt w s sub from one by O was submitted on 2113/97. Another Phase I rep dtent of the Angus Aft 199 ,t this time e th ) red the of 1997, led The boring was located adjacent ie soil di n of CS-C8 this time the site was Tier Classified as Tier-2. Soils samples and tun existing wells were also sampled.samples were analyzed for EPIVUP Both soil and water ramp was C9-C10 to gasoline tanks. groundwater levels for CS-C9 and C9-CI�aliphatics and C9-CI M exceeded meth standards 1 GW-2 3/S- gr Report on 4/15/98,udico which confirmed the report described above was audited in 11/97. The Audit confirmed the DPS. In Ms exceeded method I GW-2&31S-2 standards. Groundwater Rep direction in this study ,theto The DPS EA fire to the Audit ubmrtted a Groundwater Sampling September 1998.The :rly flow of groundwater. RAT,I)Plan in Sep the 3 gasoline sur tanks and excavating in 6b1 71 tons e tie for aisposal samples from the limits i took over die site and submitted by removingatement Measure . was executed in Jas taken Brick Co. in Chicopee ohe limits its .e excavation sa .The wit was alyze to Ted On H and compared with GW-2&3d r3 s red aack The leve s re d wer were than analyzed for 3 standards artds and backgr from you wall The last document the Den reports would u fined were lower than GW-2&3/S-3 standazds but were higher than that Phase II & III rep test tier one 8/3/00 remained on Cequesti g an extension, d hat has Phase I received the reports. a letter on 8D/pa. This letter, requesting To date the Department miffed to the Department by November 1, 0undwater Classification rode. -2 & drinking water source area less s than A of ft.below A sgrfde.or oundwater should be categorized as GW-2 & 3. Groundwater is located less than 15 ft.be ow fie site is not located within current or potential ater body. io ncomPllance ?base II,III&IV reports have not been submitted. ngineer mediation 2002 2 Technology Park Drive Westford, MA 01886 (978)589-3000 Fax(978)689-3100 http llw++w_ensr.corn File 6230-385 ton Board of Health don Town Hall Street Dton, Massachusetts 01060 ase N— Remedy Implementation Plan Eleven /6.^t S )rthampton, Massachusetts TN 1-00944 Concern. ency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR ern it May ,$ ) 310 C R Inc. (7-Eleven), � (Phase requirements of the on Massachusetts of 7-Eleven, n),is submitting ton the a pubic notification r e you that eENSRDEP) a Phase N Remedy Implementation None Street, Northampton, Massachusetts. )0, this letter is to inform Y obtain a copy of the Phase N at apartment of activities ironmehav been 61oOnduct You may 436 Dwight Western Regional office in Springfield. DEP, �r the 7-Eleven facility located epartment of Environmental Protection, to date d, Springfield, MA 01103. u have any questions regarding this matter contact the undersigned at(978) 559-3000. .erely, SR awrence M. Hogan, LSP ,enior Geologist cc: DEP Western Regional Office COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS FAIRS DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DEPA OF ENVIRONMENTAL WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 'LEGAL MATTER t Blair Inc. :r Road 23462 Beach,VA July 11, 2002 RE'. Northampton RTh 1-0944 60 King Street BOB DUR4NI> Secretary LAUREN A.LISS Commissioner TIER D EXTENSION APPROVAL AND ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERIM DEADLINE AT. even, Inc. and the cto Blair: Report and Phase III The Consent Order also and required s tII Ic[obei 2, 2001, der included the submittal of the Phase IL Rep reports were an Administrative Consent Order became effective between s of that Consent by December 15, 2001. Th 2002 Those .rtmeno The tern by February 15, or a Response Action Outcome by nittal of the Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan Y supporting documentation, ived by the specified deadlines. Response ent received a Tier II Extension Submittal 003forpp submittal of a Resp ENSR ubmiti l of a and your se 2002, the Department August 7, 2002 to August - negotiations lone 4, your behalf by in volved :ensed a Tier Professional extension of timeefr W e u mitten icy Bement m a The ieQ an,indicated that you have been involved rn neg Lawrence Hog ability to reach an access agr went lion Outcome toad) and that due tors have not been submitted to the eem ,eased ante r,thness necessary investigations igations ;aiding access to a downgr investigations and related rep rely manner,the necessary qp 0162,is establishing a time. extension pursuant to 310 CMA Built Construction Report, February Department 3, as an giants me requested for r you and p you to submit the Phase N- 1 with the above 7e po03, as en ion Report and Phase IV — Completion Report If this Deadline for submittal of Phase N —Final Inspection Rep initiate enforcement actions for failure to comply above reports is not met the Department may by calling ou�LOPCOOrJioator at l6l])5"IALe]2. Interim Deadlines. 7sn_+1a6 413)704-1149•TOD(413)]46-6620•Telephone(413) This information is available in alternate Corms,4 f Itl Massachusetts 01103•FAx( Recycled Pape, 436 pµ19h15tree1•SP�In9 e �� Printed on -0944 ro ess in the clean up at this site. The sins continued actions can in be the unavoidable. at Department eroding importance in this matter is response actions i at this site. nd thanks you sometimes delays thanks You for your continued efforts in the clean up any questions,please contact Michael Scherer at 413/755-2278 or Kathleen Foumiet at 413 755- Sincerel ._ichald M.Gr Section Chief Site Management/Permits Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup are: summary memo ed Mail#: 7000 0600 0026 4624 7750 4 id KP Drive,Westford,MA 01886,Lawrence Hogan,LSP ENSR International,2 Technology Park Maria Pinaud,C&E,Boston Northampton Chief Municipal Officer Northampton Board of Health Site files,BWSC,WERO 1 MEMORANDUM. Tier II effective 817197 64 King Street 1-0944 64 King eet 1N-WE-00-3159 repair. The site has also activity has taken place on the site for about 70 years. ry utilized station�convenient store and a pn nt s currently being uze as a for automobile repr. Petroleum dispensing ental Assessment at the site. Groundwater samples Volatile Organic Compounds site. r undwat and Total Actions oring h Inc. stalled teed positive Hy wells installed tested Positive foc Hydrocarbons TpEn, The Department was notified and the site was listed as a Location To Be 3 monitoring n d(LTBI)in t confirming the rated(LTBI)in October 1991. report in April 1994, that groundwater flows nordswestecly. in Inc. (CEA) submitted a Phase I rep abutting Hotel eaYal Advisors, and suggesting the southerly ediated .ce 995,rarun dons Material y Star (DPS) report was filed by of Oil and Hazardous Status (D RTN 1-11617)at thus site was rem r 1995, a Dowted the ent Property nit was submitted by RAO)was submitted on 2/13/97. Mother Phase I rep samples were taken from one rnpton,which cited th site as the source. A surface release adient of the n August of Action 9Outcome ( site Classified as Tier-2.located adjacent s me e but eta n and the of sting wells time the sits was ed The boring g The soil levels tCf the wells soil a also sampled. were analyzed for EPII/VP . Tel soil liv and C5-CS and the edid Si Both soil and water ramp was stated to ds while groundwater levels for C5-C9 and C9- T is gasoline xc tanks. ey was DPS. In Sl/S2 standards standards. Groundwater flow direction in this sou Y Rica exceeded The Audit confnrn ed the Steil iin1 Report e 4/15/98,u Audit which confirmed D s apes exceeded method I R describe above was audited in 11/97. )nseeto The DPS repo arise to the Audit CEA submitted a Groundwater groundwater. (RAM)Plan in September 1998.The SRlt flow of g< Measure ( 621.11 tons e the 3 gasoline tanks and excavating the limits of Chicopee for disposal. Soil samples from The levels January 1999 by removing lords. TE 8R took over the site and submitted a Release Abatement M was executed m ck and in compared with GW-2&3/S-3 standards. oand The for EPIINPH acrd comp g-1 standards and background.meted soil.The soil was taken to Tad Ondri but were higher than backed from you the excavation were analyzed&n he standards The last document the Department tr coed would u Y si a l were lower than indicated that Phase an extension,ghest concentrations remained letter,regeuesgngwall. as a letter on 813/00. This November 1,2000. Phase 171 Plan rbmitice o No Department e of`Pork for failure to submit the Phase Phas oB'Scop Hance ne o issued on was given to make those submittals.A The Phase Scope o and k tas sue itNo on 8/0 swan g< A deadline of 120 day Administrative Consent Order ( 12/15/01. The Phase N Plan and phase e Plan. and hair 10102101, were to be submitted by in was submitted on 8102101. �Phase II and Phase III submitted on time. accordance s with the ACO, reports were submi was to be submitted by 2/15/02. Those cep Request was submitted on The Tier II Classification was due to expire on 8/07/02. A Tier II Extension Req June 4,2002. pile. Groundwater should categorized as GW-2 & 3. Groundwater is located less than a A of ft. Class A sumac.or be i in potential drinking Groundwater should current or p The site is not located within water body. ENSR International 2 Technology Park Drive Westford,MA 01386-3140 (978)589-3000 FO(978)589-3100 v vnv.ensccom File #: 6230-385 r 27, 2002 Health II St#8 pton, MA 01060 4otification of the Implementation Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan Addendum 7-Eleven Store #32490 60 King Street Northampton, MA Release Tracking Number 1-00944 Concern, implementation tom it behalf this letter as notification of the imp Is submitting 2002 above one ;, on behalf of 7-Eleven Inc., Im lementation Plan Addendum activities for the Tonal October . Th Phase IV Remedy p of ely rchert Is ato start at the 2, Rog cted to site. The field two activities eks. A copy of report is to available at December e Northeast e od the last ar to two nod at ) hof ave the Dep artmeni of Environmental Protection. lease contact the undersigned have any questions or require additional information p 3) 6g9-3000. cerely, ISR ,regory Montgomery Environmental Scientist cc: Garry Blair —7-Eleven Inc. ® Over 30 Yeers of Excellence in Environmental Services !Piling.Engineering•Remediation e 23, 2003 thampton Board of Health thampton Town Hall 1 Main Street rthampton, Massachusetts 01060 Response Action Outcome Statement Report 7-Eleven Inc. 60 Main Street Northampton, Massachusetts ATM 1-00944 2 Technology Park Drive Westford,MA 01886 (978)589-3000 Fax(978)589-3100 http://www.ensr.com File : 6230-385 Whom it May Concern: sr the public notification requirements of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 MR 40.0000, this letter is to inform you that ENSR, on behalf of 7-Eleven, Inc. (7-Eleven), is tbmitting to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) a Response Action Outcome 1A0) Statement for the 7-Eleven facility located at 60 King Street, Northampton, lassachusetts. You may obtain a copy of the RAO Statement at the Department of nvironmental Protection, Western Regional office in Springfield: DEP, 436 Dwight Street, .pringfield, MA 01103. f you have any questions regarding this matter contact the undersigned at (978) 589-3000. 3incerely, ENSR Lawrence M. Hogan, LSP Senior Geologist cc: DEP Western Regional Office