16 Complaint 1995-2010 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SERVICES, INC. April 3, 1995 File No. 12343.00 Document No. 9468 Mr. Patrick Donahue The Honor Court 16 Meadow Street Florence, Massachusetts 01060 RE: The Honor Court Paint Chip Removal Project Dear Mr. Donahue: Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. (ECS) is pleased to present this final report regarding the removal of paint chips and soil deposited at property occupied by the Honor Court on Middle Street in Florence, Massachusetts. ECS was contracted by the Honor Court to oversee the removal of buried paint chips, dirt and mulch from the property. This material was apparently deposited during or following a house painting project completed by residents of the Honor Court. The paint chips, mulch and soil were allegedly raked up from around the scraped and painted house and brought to the Honor Court property, where they were stockpiled and eventually buried. The area where the material was located is at the end of a paved driveway on the Honor Court property, between the end of the driveway and a fence separating the property from the abutting lot. The Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) allows for the excavation and off-site disposal of up to 20 cubic yards of soil contaminated by a release of hazardous materials. The mechanism for this type of clean-up is called a Limited Removal Action (LRA). An LRA can be undertaken at a site where a 120 day MCP notification requirement is applicable. The LRA must be completed in the notification period, which ends 120 days after the point when the notification requirement is realized. If the LRA successfully remediates the condition which triggered the 120 notification requirement, then notification to the DEP is no longer required under the MCP. Based on the historical information regarding the deposition of the paint chips, soil and mulch, ECS determined that the volume of contaminated media present should be well below 20 cubic yards and that the material could be cleaned-up through an LRA. 588 Silver Street • Agawam, MA 01001 • 473-789-3530 • 203-291-9229 • FAX 413-789-2776 C ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SERVICES, INC Mr. Patrick Donahue The Honor Court April 3, 1995 Page 2 The LRA was initiated on February 15, 1995. Kestrel Drilling and Remediation personnel, under the supervision of Kevin Sheehan, Licensed Site Professional (LSP), of ECS, utilized a jackhammer to break up the frost in the area where the material was believed to have been buried. The paint chips were encountered at a depth of approximately 6 inches below the ground surface between the end of an on-site driveway and a fence separating the site from the abutting property. Soil above the chips, which was not in contact with the chips, was segregated into two drums labeled Soil-1 and Soil-2. This soil was later replaced at the site of the excavation. Paint chips were observed to be present in a distinct layer ranging from less than an inch to several inches thick, in many places underlain by a fabric drop-cloth. The layer of chips, soil and mulch was excavated and placed in drums. Five drums were filled with a mixture of paint chips, soil and mulch (labeled Paint 1-5 and samples P-1 to P-5). The material excavated consisted primarily of soil, with some paint chips, mulch and parts of the drop cloth. Approximately six inches of apparently unaffected soil was removed from below the layer of paint chips. One drum was filled with soil from above and below the chips, which was in contact with the chips layer (labeled Soil-3 and sample 5-3). Two post excavation soil samples were collected from the bottom of the excavation for analysis for total lead (Bottom-1 and Bottom-2). Samples were also collected from each drum which was filled for analysis for TCLP lead (S-3, P-1 to P-5). The results for the analysis of drum samples indicated that four drums of excavated paint chips/soil mixture had TCLP lead concentrations above 5 milligrams per liter(mg/L). The remaining drum of paint chips/soil and the drum of soil had TCLP lead concentrations below 5 mg/L. The two post excavation soil samples had concentrations of total lead of 589 milligrams per kilogram (mg/Kg) and 607 mg/Kg. The applicable Reportable Concentration for the site, which was the remedial goal for the LRA, is 300 mg/Kg. Based on this data, ECS recommended that additional soil removal be performed. An additional 6 inches of soil were removed on March 2, 1995. This soil was placed into two drums (labeled Soil-4 and Soil-5) and samples were collected from the drums (Soil-4 and Soil- 5) and from the bottom of the excavation (S-1 and 5-2) for analysis. The post excavation soil samples had total lead concentrations 784 mg/Kg and 120 mg/Kg, respectively. Neither of the drums had TCLP lead concentrations in excess of 5 mg/L. Based on this data, ECS recommended additional excavation of the affected area. Additional excavation was completed on March 15, 1994. An additional six inches of soil were removed from the excavated area and drummed. Two drums were filled with soil (labeled Soil-6 and Soil-7). Samples were collected from the two new drums (Soil-6 and Soil- 7) and from the bottom of the excavation (S-2 and S-2A) for analysis. The post excavation soil samples had total lead concentrations 17.9 mg/Kg and 18.5 mg/Kg, respectively. These ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SERVICES, INC Mr. Patrick Donahue The Honor Court April 3, 1995 Page 3 concentrations are considered to represent background concentrations for the area of the site. Neither of the drums had TCLP lead concentrations in excess of 5 mg/L. All analytical data is included as Attachment 1. This data indicates that the LRA has been satisfactorily completed. A total of 10 drums of material were generated as part of the LRA. This is an approximate volume of 3 cubic yards of material removed. ECS recommends that the five drums of soil and paint chips be disposed of as Hazardous Waste since samples from four of the five exhibited TCLP lead concentrations in excess of 5 mg/Kg and the fifth sample had an elevated concentration, slightly below the 5 mg/Kg concentration. Based on the analytical data, the 5 drums of soil had TCLP lead concentrations significantly lower than the 5 mg/Kg limit. ECS therefore recommends that these soils be disposed of in a lined landfill. Following disposition of this material,there is no further action necessary with regard to this issue. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. KCS/Im cc: Mr. Peter S. McErlain Si rely, E IRONMEL - I • . • ANC SERVICES, INC. awes_ h Kevin C. Shee Principal • Senior P oject Manager ECS, Inc. 588 Silver Street Agawam, MA 01001 Attn: Kevin Sheehan SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL,INC. Massachusetts Certification M-MA 138 Connecticut Approval # PH 0777 Rhode Island it 98&Maine#n/a New Hampshire ID#253893 New York ID#11393 March 27, 1995 Client Project No.: Location: Northampton, MA Lab ID No Client ID Analysis Requested AA27896 S-3 TCLP Lead AA27897 P-1 TCLP Lead AA27898 P-2 TCLP Lead AA27899 P-3 TCLP Lead AA27900 P-9 TCLP Lead AA27901 P-5 TCLP Lead AA27902 BOTTOM-1 TCLP Lead Total Lead AA27903 BOTTOM-2 Total Lead TCLP Lead ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES 588 Silver Street • Agawam,Massachusetts 01001 •413-789-9018 •EAX 413-7894076 SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: S-3 Lab ID No: AA27896 Matrix: Soil Collected: 02/15/95 by K.S./ECS Received on 02/15/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Northampton,MA Client Job No.: Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 • SW6010 Parameter Result (mg/L) MDL TCLP Lead 0.764 Extracted Analyzed Analyst 0.03 02/23/95 02/24/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report(Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: P-1 Lab ID No AA27897 Matrix: Soil Collected: 02/b,95 by K.SJECS Received on 02/15/95 by LD QC and Data Review by'HT Location: Northampton,MA Client Job No.: Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Parameter TCLP Lead TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 -SW6010 Result (mg/L) 9.29 MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 0.03 02/23/95 02/24/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: P-2 Lab ID No: AA27898 Matrix: Soil Collected: 02/15/95 by K.S./ECS Received on 02/15/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Northampton,MA Client Job No.: Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Parameter TCLP Lead TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 - SW6010 Result (mg/L) MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 17.6 0.03 02/23/95 02/24/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report(Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: P-3 Lab ID No: AA27899 Matrix: Soil Collected: 02/15/95 by K.S./ECS Received on 02/15/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Northampton,MA Client Job No.: Preservative: Refrigeration Container : I Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Parameter TCLP Lead TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 - SW6010 Result (mg/L) MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 17.7 0.03 02/23/95 02/24/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: P-4 Lab ID No: AA27900 Matrix: Soil Collected: 02/15/95 by K.SJECS Received on 02/15/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Northampton, MA Client Job No.: Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Parameter TCLP Lead TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 - SW6010 Result (mg/L) MDL 14.7 Extracted Analyzed Analyst 0.03 02/23/95 02/24/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: P-5 Lab ID No: AA27901 Matrix: Soil Collected: 02/15/95 by K.S./ECS Received on 02/15/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Northampton,MA Client Job No.: Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Parameter TCLP Lead TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 - SW6010 Result (mg/L) 3.32 MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 0.03 0223/95 02/24/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: BOTTOM-1 Lab ID No: AA27902 Matrix: Soil Collected: 02/15/95 by K.S./ECS Received on 02/15/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Northampton,MA Client Job No.: Preservative: Refrigeration Container : I Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Parameter TCLP Lead TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 - SW6010 Result (mg/L) 0.244 MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 0.03 0223/95 0224/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report(Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: BOTTOM-2 Lab ID No: AA27903 Matrix: Soil Collected: 02/15/95 by K.S./ECS Received on 02/15/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Northampton,MA Client Job No.: Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Parameter ICLP Lead TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 - SW6010 Result (mg/14 0.416 MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 0.03 02/23/95 02/24/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: BOTTOM-1 Lab ID No: AA27902 Matrix: Soil Collected: 02/15/95 by K.S./ECS Received on 02/15/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Northampton, MA Client Job No.: Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by. Client Total Lead/EPA Method 6010/200.7 Parameter Result (mg/Kg) MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst total Lead 589 2.0 02/24/95 0224/95 SW SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: BOTTOM-2 Lab ID No: AA27903 Matrix: Soil Collected: 02/15/95 by ICS./ECS Received on 02/15/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Northampton, MA Client Job No.: Preservative: Refrigeration - Container • I Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Total Lead/EPA Method 6010/200.7 Parameter Result (mg/Kg) MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst Total Lead 607 2.0 02/24/95 02/24/95 SMI Spectrum Analytical, Inc Laboratory Report Supplement References Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water. EPA-600/4-88/039. EMSL 1988. Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes.EPA 600/4-79-020. EMSL 1983. Methods for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater. EPA 600/4-82-057. EMSL 1982. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste Physical/Chemical Methods. EPA SW-846. 1986. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastes.APHA-AWWA-WPCF. 16th Edition. 1985. Standard Methods for Comparison of Waterborne Petroleum Oils by Gas Chromatography. ASTM D 3328. 1982. Oil Spill Identification System.U.S. Coast Guard CG-D-52-77. 1977. Handbook for Analytical Quality Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories. EPA 600/4-79-019.EMSL 1979. Choosing Cost-Effective QA/QC(Quality Assurance/Quality Control)Programs for Chemical Analyses. EPA 600/4-85/056. EMSL 1985. Not Detected, Not Det, ND or nd NC VOA BEE p-DFB CLB-d5 BCP TIT Decachlorobiphenyl Report Notations The compound was not detected at a concentration equal to or above the established method detection limit. Not Calculated Volatile Organic Analysis 4-Eromofluorobenzene (an EPA 624 Surrogate) 1,4-Di fluorobenzene (an EPA 629 Surrogate) Cnlorobenzene-d5 (an EPA 624 Surrogate) 2-Bromo-l-chloroprOPane (an EPA 601 Surrogate) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (an EPA 602 Surrogate) (An EPA 608/8080 Surrogate) Definitions Surrogate Recovery = The recovery(expressed as a percent)of a non method analyte(see surrogates listed above) added to the sample for the purpose of monitoring system performance. Matrix Spike Recovery = The recovery(expressed as a percent)of method analytes added to the sample for the purpose of determining any effect of sample composition on analyte recovery. Laboratory Replicate = Two sample aliquots taken in the analytical laboratory and analyzed separately with identical procedures. Analyses of laboratory duplicates give a measure of the precision associated with laboratory procedures,but not with sample collection,preservation,or storage procedures. Field Duplicate = Two separate samples collected at the same time and place under identical circumstances and treated exactly the same throughout field and laboratory procedures.Analysis of Field duplicates give a measure of the precision associated with sample collection,preservation and storage,as well as with laboratory procedures. Relative Percent Difference(%RPD) =Tne precision measurement obtained on duplicate/replicate analyses. %RPD is calculated as: %RPD=Ivaluel -value21 ' 100% ave.value aample Lonmmertsl O oAOaia ncwo CHAIN OF CUSTODY ORGANICS METALS OTHERS ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SERNC£S INC RECORD v R 0 0 , 588 SEer Street • Agawam. MA 01 001 (413) 7e9-3530 FAX (413) 7e9-2776 d .• 0 0 0 O Q ' r / c 0 0 Y Project Name:40nor l �OU�� Project Number: H ' C m m s m is O o d s 0 I- Site Location: 06r.{�,,,,,,_n�,pA Sampler Name: (,ems ,ti 5 0 ' 0 0 —__ vv ¢ u N d o 0 0 0 Project Manager: s�, Laboratory: Oj 'o nF - a z c o r m O a I K^ID te Collection q ` Sample ct. Location Sample E a d o o ' i i a < i 6 i 1 0 0 (8 Charact.) r, Time Matrix Type Preservative P _ -. ti (`i °W w °rf k Pi rc fi - 1i 5•' ��■■. ■■.■■.■.�1.■■■■■.■ ,as �__�■■ 11I.■11■■■■■11■.■ ■■■(:, raga rc Mt tol!AMMin r�■■■11■■■IA■■■■■1�■■l�■■■■■ ", .� Spa:° Ini lltjN1111411. 11■■■EI■■■.■■■■■N/■■■■■■■■ _ Date Time SPECIAL HANDLING iir■EMI I //'/� NMI EXPEDITE Aebs 0 Bus. Dop:O Relinquished Received By. VI- ( OTHER: SPECIAL DETECTION LIMITS Relinquished =$ Received By: REMARKS: ?tvi,d3f2, r'Ci'Ti-tn 6 cam'"-(,(A-5 / acin-∎' LW\ -1\ 5x-5 / t-F- ITL 55c.,re). ECS, Inc. 588 Silver Street Agawam, MA 01001 9111IL SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL,INC. Massachusetts Certification M-MA 138 Connecticut Approval # PH 0777 Rhode Island#98&Maine#Na Ncw Hampshire ID#253893 Ncw York ID#11393 March 27, 1995 Attn: K. Sheehan Client Project No.: 12343 Location: Honor Court i ah ID No Client TT) AA28430 5—I AA28431 5-2 AA28432 SOLL4 AA28433 SOLL5 Analysis Requested TCLP Lead Total Lead TCLP Lead Total Lead Total Lead TCLP Lead Total Lead TCLP Lead T$yeh General Manager ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES 588 Silver Street• Agawam,Massachusetts 01001 •413-789-9018 *FAX 413-789-1076 SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: S-1 Lab ID No: AA28430 Matrix: Soil Collected: 03/02/95 by B.DOUGLAS/ECS Received on 03/02/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Honor Court Client Job No.: 12343 Preservative: Refrigeration Container : I Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Parameter TCLP Lead TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 - SW6010 Result (mg/L) 0.259 MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 0.03 03/07/95 03/07/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report(Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: S-2 Lab ID No: AA28431 Matrix: Soil Collected: 03/02/95 by B.DOUGLAS/ECS Received on 03/02/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Honor Court Client Job No.: 12343 Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Parameter FCLP Lead TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 - SW6010 Result (mg(L) 0.106 MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 0.03 03/07/95 03/07/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses) Client ID: SOIL4 Lab ID No: AA28432 Matrix: Soil Collected: 03/02/95 by B.DOUGLAS/ECS Received on 03/02/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Honor Court Client Job No.: 12343 Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Parameter TCLP Lead TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 - SW6010 Result (mg/L) 0.206 MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 0.03 03/07/95 03/07/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report(Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: SOIL5 Lab ID No: AA28433 Matrix: Soil Collected: 03/02/95 by B.DOUGLAS/ECS Received on 03/02/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Honor Court Client Job No.: 12343 Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by Client Parameter CLP Lead TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 • SW6010 Result (mg/L) 0.607 MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 0.03 03/07/95 03/07/95 SM1 SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report(Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: S-1 Lab ID No: AA28430 Matrix: Soil Collected: 03/02/95 by B.DOUGLAS/ECS Received on 03/02/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Honor Court Client Job No.: 12343 Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client 'arameter nal Lead Total Lead/EPA Method 6010/200.7 Result (mg/Kg) 784 MDL 1.70 Extracted Analyzed Analyst 03/09/95 03/09/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: S-2 Lab ID No: AA28431 Matrix: Soil Collected: 03/02/95 by B.DOUGLAS/ECS Received on 03/02/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Honor Court Client Job No.: 12343 Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Parameter )tal Lead Total Lead/EPA Method 6010/200.7 Result (mg/Kg) 120 MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 1.64 03/09/95 03/09/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses) Client ID: SOIL4 Lab ID No: AA28432 Matrix: Soil Collected: 03/02/95 by B.DOUGLAS/ECS Received on 03/02/95 by LD QC and Data Review by HT Location: Honor Court Client Job No.: 12343 Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client ?ammeter )tal Lead Total Lead/EPA Method 6010/200.7 Result (mg/Kg) 381 MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 1.90 03/09/95 03/09/95 SMI SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report(Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: SOILS Lab ID No: AA28433 Matrix: Soil Collected: 03/02/95 by B.DOUGLAS/ECS Received and Data to Review byyHT Location: Honor Court Client Job No.: 12343 Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client 'arameter )tal Lead Total Lead/EPA Method 6010/200.7 Result (mg/Kg) 818 MDL 1.70 Extracted Analyzed Analyst 03/09/95 03/09/95 SMI Spectrum Analytical, Inc. Laboratory Report Supplement Rzferenczs :thods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water. EPA-600/4-88/039.EMSL 1988. rthods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes.EPA 600/4-79-020. EMSL 1983. ethods for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater. EPA 600/4-82-057. EMSL 1982. • t Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste. Physical/Chemical Methods. EPA SW-846. 1986. andard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastes.APHA-AW WA-WPCF. 16th Edition. 1985. .andard Methods for Comparison of Waterborne Petroleum Oils by Gas Chromatography. ASTM D 3328. 1981 ail Spill Identification System.U.S. Coast Guard CG-D-52-77. 1977. landbook for Analytical Quality Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories. EPA 600/4-79-019,EMSL 1979. loosing Cost-Effective QA/QC(Quality Assurance/Quality Control)Programs for Chemical Analyses EPA 00/4-85/056.EMSL 1985. Eel=Notations Not Detected, The compound was not detected at a concentration Not Det, ND or nd equal to or above the established method detecti on limit. NC = Not Calculated VOA = Volatile Organic Analysis BEE 4-Eromcfluorobenzene (an EPA 624 Surrogate) p-DFB = 1,4-Difluorobenzene (an EPA 624 Surrogate) CLB-d5 = ehlorobenzene-d5 (an EPA 624 Surrogate) BC? 2-Promo-l-chloropropane (an EPA 601 Surrogate) TFT a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (an EPA 602 Surrogate) Decachlorobiphenyl (An EPA 608/8080 Surrogate) Definitions Surrogate Recovery = The recovery(expressed as a percent)of a non method analyte(see surrogates listed above) added to the sample for the purpose of monitoring system performance. Matrix Spike Recovery = The recovery(expressed as a percent)of method analytes added to the sample for the purpose of determining any effect of sample composition on analyte recovery. Laboratory Replicate = Two sample aliquots taken in the analytical laboratory and analyzed separately with identical procedures. Analyses of laboratory duplicates give a measure of the precision associated with laboratory procedures,but not with sample collection,preservation,or storage procedures. Field Duplicate = Two separate samples collected at the soame time Analplac of Field duplicates ent cal rca a measure and of the treated exactly the same throughout field and laboratory procedures. rove a es. precision associated with sample collection,preservation and storage,as well as with laboratory p Relative Percent Difference (%RPD) =The precision measurement obtained on duplicate/replicate analyses. %RPD is calculated as: %RPD=Ill te21' 100% ave.value a I ANALYTICAL !TS TO: ECT No: ECT Mgr: LOCATION: t ■ NICS ET ALS 'LE TYPE & MATRIX CODES CONTAINERS ORGA : U, I 0SOLUBLE' a N � ' OTOTPL ;°C 2=HCI 3=H2504 4=HNO3 5= OTHER < O QF o W W 3 71 G a 1 } 4 a N n 0 0 0H U DD Eat wC+SOILEOUS 4 _ SEDII ENT S = OTHER - e iio rIal W o a USE a a ,. c ol0 0 0 0 01 � Y DATE TIME 2 co a S___MUM nowasanarma ralltallanalltillIMMINIKEINNOMMOINMI _ III 111111111111111 MI INNIMINIMISMIMM I mNI . . . . ...iii��� �ii�mu MI 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 TIME 061 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Tel. (413) 789-9018 FAX (413) 789-4076 588 Silver Street Agawam, MA 01001 P.O. No: Egsztrarnmal COMPOSITE G = GRAB SAMPLE I.D. RELINQUISHED BY: PECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: SPECIAL HANDLING o STANDARD O 7 BUS. DAYS dC RUSH 24 HOURS /DATE RESULTS NEEDED: SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL,INC. Massachusetts Certification -M 138 Connecticut Appr oval # Rhode Island#98&Maine#Na New Hampshire ID#253893 Ncw York ID#11393 ECS, Inc. 588 Silver Street Agawam, MA 01001 Attn: Kevin Sheehan Client Project No.: 12343 April3, 1995 Location- Honor Court I b ID No client ID AnalX.S1 AA29070 S-2 Total Lead AA29071 5-2A Total Lead AA29072 SOILDR#6 TOLE,' Lead AA29073 SOILDR#7 TOLP Lead anibal T G ra Manager ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES ?SS Silver Street • Agawam,)1ass3chusetts 01001 •413-759-9018 •FAX 413-7894076 SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: S-2 Lab ID No: AA29070 Matrix: Soil y Collected: ecl b Received on byBLDOUGLAS QC and Data Review by HT trameter al Lead Location: Honor Court Client Job No.: 12343 Preservative: Refrigeration Container • 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Total Lead/EPA Method 6010/200.7 Result (mg/Kg) 17.9 MDL 1.63 Extracted Analyzed Analyst 0320/95 03/20/95 SM SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses ) Client ID: S-2A Lab ID No: AA29071 Matrix: Soil by Received ved o 03/15/95 byBLDOUGLAS QC and Data Review by HT arameter [al Lead Location: Honor Court Client Job No.: 12343 Preservative: Refrigeration Container • 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client Total Lead/EPA Method 6010/200.7 Result (mg/Kg) 18.5 MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 1.54 03/20/95 03/20/95 SM SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses) Client ID: SOILDR#6 Lab ID No: AA29072 Matrix: Soil B.DGUGLAS Collected: 03/15/95 QC and Data Review by HT rameter P Lead Location: Honor Court Client Job No.: 12343 Preservative: Refrigeration Container : IGlass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: Client TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 • SW6010 Result (mg/L) 0.085 MDL 0.01 Extracted Analyzed Analyst 03/15/95 03/16/95 SM SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report( Subcontracted Analyses ) Location: Honor Court Client Job No.: 12343 Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition Sample as Received Satisfactory Client ID: SOILDR#7 Lab ID No: AA29073 Matrix: Soil Collected: 03/15/95 by B.DOUGLAS d RQeC c Data Review byyHLT D 'meter 'Lead TCLP Lead/EPA 1311 - SW6010 Result (mg/L) MDL 0.055 0.01 Extracted Analyzed Analyst 03/15/95 03/16/95 SM Spectrum Analytical, Inc. Laboratory Report Supplement References ,ds for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Wa ter. EPA-600/4-88/039. EMSL 1988. ads for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes.EPA 600/4-79-020. EMSL 1983. ods for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater. EPA 600/4-82-057. EMSL 1982. Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste. PhysicallCemical Methods. EPA SW-846. 1986. Bard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastes. APHA-AWWA-WPCF. 16th Edition. 1985. dard Methods for Comparison of Waterborne Petroleum Oils by Gas Chromate zraphy. ASTM D 3328. 1982. ipill Identification System.U.S. Coast Guard CG-D-52-77. 1977. idbook for Analytical Quality Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories. EPA 600/4-79-019.EMSL 1979. nosing Cost-Effective QA/QC(Quality AssurancJQuality Control)Pro_rarrs for Chemical Analyses. EPA /4-85/056.EMSL 1985. Not Detected, _ Not Det, ND or nd NC = VOA = BYE = p-DFB CLB-d5 = BCP - T:T = Decachlorobiphenyl Repo.g Notations The compound was not detected at a concentration equal to or above the established method detect-on limit. Not Calculated Volatile Organic Analysis 4-Bromcfluorobenzene (an EPA 624 Surrogate) 1, 4-Difluorobenzene (an EPA 624 Surrogate) Chlorobenzene-d5 (an EPA 624 Surrogate) 2-Bromo-l-chloropropane (an EPA 601 Surrogate) a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (an EPA 602 Surrogate) (An EPA 608/8080 Surrogate) Definitions Surrogate Recovery = The recovery, (expressed as a percent)of a non method analyte(see surrogates listed above) added to the sample for the purpose of mono:!::°system performance. Matrix Spike Recovery = The recovery(expressed as a percent)of method analytes added to[:e sample for the purpose of determining any effect of sample composition on analyte recovery. Laboratory Replicate = Two sample aliquots taken in the analytical laboratory and analyzed separately with identical procedures. Analyses lef laboratory n p duplicates ulte give storage measure of the e precision associated with laboratory procedures,but not with sample . Field Duplicate = Two separate samples collected at the same ti AnaplacouFieldduplicates en l circumstances and of the treated n exactly o shed with sample collection,ecti and p laboratory procedures. a m precision associated with sample collection,preservation and storage,as well as with laboratory procedures. Relative Percent Difference (%RPD) =The precision measurement obtained on duplicate/replicate analyses. %RPD is calculated as: %RPD=1y.al el-!a' 100% ave.value TO: S T No: CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Tel. (413) 789-9018 588 Silver Street FAX (413) 789-4076 Agawam, MA 01001 INVOICE TO: C S 3v3 T Mg r. y h )CATION: vlc ri r< � CONTAINERS I ORGANICS I METALS n I O SOIUBLEI n TYPE & MATRIX CODES: p III QIo lr � I II¢roru H2SO4 4=HNO3 5= OTHER E o o to iorctP z o 2=HCI 3= w I'-`� F',OMPOSITE G = GRAB < ° I I I �II� = SLUDGE 5 = OTHER x j w o �o o l W l w ° IN 0 UEOUS 3 = SEDIMENT C a w 8127 y(y' 4( 0 0 0 �$ lo lO O101ol ol.yl.00 O SE Snigillil LDI DATE TIME ° anti - 1__'=�■ ®® 0 ijaillirir .71.-- " IM_____ann. . . ...��.__1n �.., W DATE 1 TIME r . =is"S ` //= l P.O. No: RELINQUISHED BY: tit ECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: SPECIAL o STANDARD 0 7 BUS. DA:fS y. RUSH 24 HOURS DATE RESULTS NEEDED: C w Inspector Signature. I e:t,, YO 1 Time: ne o Complainant: Areas: Parcel: LA) . 1S NATURE OF COMPLAINT: -�% Set, — ‘;elv uZ ( U ' S ccAne v prAkA ,\ �ip \ dla;n .ocation: )inner: IL• AL Address:8s ( ( s (CFLACCli a nA Tel: Taken by: Date of Inspection: - 11p1ei INSPECTOR'S REPORT: S \* --lam n SolA4/N Action Taken: BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS DONNA C.SALLOOM CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. JOANNE LEVIN,M.D. BENJAMIN WOOD,MPH DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 STREET,ORDER NORTHAMPTON CORRECT VIOLATIONS A 0 IONS OF MGL Chapter 111, Section 122 AT: 16 MEADOW This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: 212 Main St, Northampton Ma. Isto 6 urn documento legal muito importante que podera do umento de:tradgao deste 212 Main St, Northampton Ma Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait cetteffecter orme a:r traduction de 212 Main S, Northampton Ma Questo a un documento legate importante. Potrebbe avere effectto modulo a: i di uzlone di 2 2 Main St, Northampton Ma quest Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte forma en: 12 Main St, Northampton Maadcci6n de esta To jest wazne legalny dokument. To mote miec wplyw na twoje l dokumentu w ofisie: 212 Main St, Northampton Ma teo NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH Street City Hall, 0 A 01060 Northampton, Tel#: (413) 587-1214 BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS DONNA C.SALLOOM,CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. JOANNE LEVIN,M.D. STAFF Benjamin Wood,MPH Director of Public Health atricia Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Aimee Petroaky,Health Inspector Heather Mcbride,Clerk 8-02-10 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 The Timothy E. Shea Trust 84 Maple St. Florence,MA 01062 Re:Public Nuisance originating from 16 Meadow Street,Florence,MA Based upon the findings of the City of Northampton,Department of Public Works a property owned by you(16 Meadow St.)has created a public nuisance in violation of MGL Chapter 111, Section 122. Corrective action as described by the Department of Public Works in the attached Notice of Violation must be completed by September 30, 2010. Per MGL Chapter 111, Section 123 failure to comply may result in a fine up to $1,000 per day. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. Sincerely, Ben Wood Director,Northampton Health Department end:Notice of Violation • Failure to address this violation in a timely manner can result in civil, criminal, or monetary penalties in accordance with the enforcement authorized under the Stormwater Ordinance. Penalties/fines of$100.00,$200.00 or$300.00 may be assessed. Each day or part thereof that such violation(s) occurs or continues to occur shall constitute a separate offence. • A written notice of appeal of this Violation Notice may be submitted to the Board of Public Works within fifteen(15) days of the date of service of notice of violation. Violation Served by: Douglas McDonald Northampton DPW cc. Northampton Board of Health Date of service of violation notice CITY OF NORTHAMPTON,MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 125 LOCUST STREET,NORTHAMPTON,MA 111060-2066 Phone:413-587-1570 FAX 413-587-1576 Edward S. Huntley,P E. Director of Public N)rls NOTICE OF VIOLATION The Department of Public Works has determined that the below cited activity is in violation with the requirements of City Ordinances Chapter 278,the Northampton Stormwater Management Ordinance for Illicit Connections and Discharges to the Municipal Storm Drain System. Name/Address Owner: The Timothy E. Shea Trust, 84 Maple Street, Florence,MA 01062 Address/Description where violation is occurring: 16 Meadow Street,Florence, MA Nature of Violation: The Northampton Department of Public Works(DPW)has confirmed through dye testing and drain line video inspection that the sanitary sewage service line from 16 Meadow Street in Florence is incorrectly connected to the municipal drain system in Meadow Street. On July 27, 2010 the DPW conducted dye testing that confirmed that the interior plumbing inside the first floor business at 16 Meadow Street is connected to the municipal storm drain in Meadow Street which discharges directly to the Mill River near Meadow Street. Based on this information, the DPW has concluded that the property located at 16 Meadow Street is in violation of the above referenced City Ordinance due to an Illicit Connection,which has resulted in the Illegal Discharge of sanitary wastewater to the Municipal storm drain system. Measures needed to bring activity into compliance: The owner shall remove any direct or indirect connection from the sanitary facilities at the above mentioned property to the Municipal Drain System on Meadow Street within sixty(60)days of the issuance of this notice or risk penalty for non- compliance. The Owner shall work with the Northampton Board of Health and the DPW to find a solution to the problem,which shall be implemented within sixty(60)days of this notice. Date work must be completed by: September 30,2010 Penalty that may be assessed for non-compliance: $1004300 per day • The issuance of this Violation Notice constitutes a written order to cease all unlawful discharges,practices,or operations resulting in pollution entering the Northampton Municipal Storm Drain System.