97 Permit & Application & Certificate of Compliance Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Application for Disposal System $ Construction Permit Fee Form 1A dots- I). Number 50,00 Y-)1-IC DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health if they choose to do so. Before using the form, check with your local Board of Health to make sure that they will accept it. A. Facility Information Application is hereby made for a permit to: uoarade On-site Sewage Disposal System. 1. Location of Facility: Address. 97 Mountain Street City/Town: Northampton, MA 01062 2. Owner Information Name: Jim Pratt Address: PO Box 451 City/Town: Leeds, MA 01053 Telephone: 268-0316 3. Installer Information Name: Address: City/Town: Telephone: Culver Enterprises Designer Information Name: Thomas S. Leue R.S. Name of Company: Homestead Engineering Inc. Address: 1664 Cane City/Town: Williamsburg. MA 01096 Telephone: 413 628-4533 5. Type of Building: Garbage Grinder(check if present) Other: Type of Building Dwelling Number of Persons Served Showers Number of showers Cafeteria Other fixtures Specify other fixtures: t5formsla doc•O6/03 Application for Disposal System Construction Permit• Page 1 of 4 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Application for Disposal System Construction Permit A. Facility Information (continued) 6. Design Flow: 440 Gallons per Day Calculated Daily Flow: 440 Gallons 7. Plan: 8/16/15 Date of Original Number of Sheets 14 Revision Date Title of Plan Plan to Upgrade Septic System D.VISrI) 8. Description of Soil: lo. y sand 9. Nature of Repairs or Alterations Of applicable): New septic tank and infiltration chamber style leachfield 10. Date last inspected: 7/21/15 B. Agreement The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the aforedescribed on- site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by this Board of Health. Signature Name 0 r cation Approved By: Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons Date fZo— (5 � f5 15formsla doc•06/03 Application for Disposal System Construction Permit•Page 2 014 No a?/St la\ Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Application for Disposal System Construction Permit Fee FORM 2A - DSCP Number $ Ih0.°0 zit-0 Fee 4 I Jgo eo COM4.014W291LatfOT MASSAC fusePTS Board of Health, Northampton, MA DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to: Uparade an individual sewage disposal system at 97 Mountains Street, Northampton as described in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No. O/D"I dated £720b 5 Provided: Construction shall be completed within three years of the date of this permit. All local conditions must be met. Date gloZ7'i5 Board of Healt AMIE t5formsla doc•06/03 Application for Disposal System Construction Permit•Page 3 of 4 halfift Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Application for Disposal System Construction Permit FORM 3A - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE scrlption of Work: e undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System: oacrade Culver Enterprises Number Fee Fee CO1vtivtQRf'WOf U1' T op m ssq '`USfE'fT'S Board of Health, Northampton, MA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ( X ) Complete System ( ) Individual Components 7 Mount-i S -et N•rt, • . rto is been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved :sign plans/as built plans relating to application No. ated ° /' 6 '15 Approved Design Flow 440 (gpd) Date: Istallec )esigner: $ Leue Homestead Inc• Date: Date: nspector: The Issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. Application for Disposal System Construction Permit•Page 4 of 4 t5formst a tloc•06703 OARD OF HEALTH JNA C.SALLOOM,CHAIR 'SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. JOANNE LEVIN,M.D. ljamin Wood MPH,Director del Wasiuk,Health Inspector nund Smith,Health Inspector Abbott,RN,Public Health Nurse Heather McBride,Clerk CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS oio60 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 nsite Se .tic S stem Construction Permit: Conservation Commission Review TE: As of 1 /11, Sepic System I we receive/1 th s form t signed by the Northalmpton Conservation Commission oStaff Member. Conservation Commission Conservation,Preservation and Land Sara Use Planner o Sarah LaValley, SLaValle v a.gov 587-1263 Office of Planning&Development 210 Main Street,Rm. 11,City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 roperty Owner: tz ngineer.�ze— ,o ,P on Conservation, Pre erva Date: Address: Act (FAD rqui'd ion and Land Use PlarUier Closeout Notes: 1. Septic tank is equipped with an outlet filter. This is a maintenance item. Filter must be cleaned whenever septic tank is pumped, or every 3 years, whichever is sooner. Failure to maintain filter may lead to septic system backup and failure. 2. Recommend pumping septic tank on a 3 to 5 year schedule, depending on house occupancy. 3. A copy of this document attached in the basement/utility area will keep this information available in future years for maintenance. 1 — --- — ---iii ) 4- Orig.Su .Ele..- 35.3 I I PL Inspection Port and Vent i I rig.Surf Elev.: 96.3 PL 1 Cleanout to surface at mid-point of pipe run. SDR-35 pipe. TBM: nail at base of 24" maple tree. Elevation: 100.00' Schedule 40 se PL New 1500 gal.septic tank with outlet filter. Riser to near surface over all three access covers E t .LL FORM 3A - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE iS? Fee /50 as /t/G)�/.h= COIvtT1.07f1VELL` OF RvtASS9t0-PUSETYS Board of Health, Northampton, MA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE acription of Work: ( Y. ) Complete System ( ) Individual Components undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System: uDQrade F teIprlSeS Imestead Inc. Project#: 66=0 s been i installed in accordance With the provisions or 310 41VIR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved sign plans/as built plans relating to application No.,?pZILl dated / 6_ 1�-5 --= Approved :sign Flow 4.40 (gpd). ate of sub-grade inspection: 9/15/15 staller resigner: Date: t— Date: 9/28/15 96 T Date: This certification represents no warranty, expressed or implied as to the functioning or longevity a the all applicable licable subsurface iand regulations ons inn effect the at the time of installation are in submittal. compliance with all app cc: Jim Pratt, PO Box 451, Leeds, MA 01053 FILE COPY DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96