671 Septic Inspection 2016 Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Title 5 Official Inspection Form
Sends Disposal System Ponn-Not for Voluntary Assessments..
671 North Farms Road..
Patrick Goggins
a have y Florence
MA - 01062 12/2/2016.
Stilts ZIP cods Deb of(mpedian.
tapectan MPS must be su opted an this foam Inmemdan aims may and be altered In any
May.flesse see completeness checklist the end dtheta -
1ie. A. General Information
N Co t 9. lnsPeator.
move your
-Snot Thomas S. Leue .
Brehm . WmsofyMpedor.. .
Homestead Engineering Inc.
1664 Cape St.
B. Cer}Ificadon'
I certtly that hews personally inspected the sewage disposal system at this address and that the
information reported below m N e,accurate and complete as of the time of the.inspection.The
inspection was performed based on my trainee;and experience in the Proper function and man emce
ci on site Sewage deposal systems. t am a CO approved systemtnpector pursuant to Swam
15.340 otTIW 6(3sa CNN 15.000).The system:
® Passes ❑ Conditionally Passes 0 Fails
0 Needs further Evaluation by the Local ApPmverg'.Augmn*..
S December. 2, 2016
The system inspector ehad submit a copy of this inspection report to the Approving Authority(Roard,
of Health or DEP)within 30 days of completing this inspection. If the system*a shred system dr
has a design flow of 10,000gpd or greater,the inspeolaraid the system owner and suture the
report to the appropriate regional drys of the DEP.The anginal should be sent to Its system owner
and copies sent to the buyer,if appdeffib,and the approving author ty.
*••"This report only desafbss conditions at the Imo of inspecdon and under the conditions of use
at Matting.tide inspection ft**not address how the system will perform In the Mite under
the saw*-ordained undldons of use.
MS eandtl td..Foam:oeensm Eeeoe COWS Mine'Peen I d.]
Commonweatttt ti4:1! Form
attic tt In Forth Subsurface •Disposal NNot�"' for Vokintary Assessments
671 North Farms.Road
Papeete Aides
Patrick Go ins i2/2�2oi_6_
stic NA 01062:
Plot-once a 7lc Code laspadioll
B▪Car on (Mit.)
Soundless Summary Check A,B,C,D or E 1 always comply all af
SYM.n Passes:
® I have not found any infonmatio n that indicates that aM of are failure alteria desatei
in 310 CMR 15.303 or in 310 CtAR 15.304 exist Any failure erase not
Section D
B) System Conaway Passes:
❑ O ed oa f rrsspYpalaieS .kromponanas as desoriarl in T4 etarah
The System,upon p n oita r or repair. approved by
taBdot.MeathwhtWss aced'EY�N. )fatafotlkrvrn9atalemerts' If'rwt
Chat to box fdr'yes',-no"or'trot determinate
{ fpt>@rymetal or not)is
'The static tank is metal and over 20 years old"or structurally avow*sans substantial alltIngilon or a failure
laude is imminent t the
wig pass inspeobon t tla a dslm0 tank a replaced alts a�! 'o
Boat of Meath.
•A metal septic latiwit pass inspection if it M skticturala sound,not legating
nkB and it a Centf&ad
Compfancs indicating tad the tank is Mss than is astale.
0 p N 0 ND(Explain below).
p Pump Chmberpatios/alarms West
not not operataal.System t with'Board of MealStepproval
P a
TM5toes InspalloriFeing&twlsa3M3M Most •Rioe 2 at1
671: No
Flores enceT
B. (oont)
a break out a tdph Nt
or due Nt.f ,!
of Board of fiselity
(e)are feasted ❑Y. ON
Nretnoved L7Y ON ONO( �
fifar'isl6veded a
replaced dY 'ON C3 WOOS
••D ❑ N O ND(F n tx
Ci Y; p N O ND(E>9.si^S IW
g) RrrMM:EV Is Re�Fdr�by tks,tilartep Publt
goforpth'y• within 50 feet a8amacar• ..ertmeisft:elates(a
Cesspool or--YNbw�m50 feet ofebotded�acetate' nu.3an
.ommonwes +of "!"' Ei FQ
rites forV
6/1 North Farina:Road ..
Property Ate:.
merit torts
01062 12f2120i6 no Com Darts alwersue
2. union ;1D011WMW Ina
qty and (SAS)�d 1he SAS is
p 100featcatws0 O(absaptionto septic tank and SAS and me SAS*w `a Zone 1 of apttilio'sa�.
d The system taut°
has a septic tenet and SAS and the SAS is within 60 feet of a plat°The system❑ s tYw t is less then 100 feet but 60feetn'
❑ systa„ORS a septic�*and and Me SAS
more from a private water supply
Method usedtO min'distance:
' p ~ n1B tte sWPaT�caAified leb�a 'e
eM'k'•t aDEP ur must
orien ten other
be aatadmd to
3. 'Other.
0) System PaNure Criteria Applicable10 Alf SYst onsf *Inspections:
You mkt hrdGW"Yes'or"NO"to each of the fcIOWlrq
YesxNO teeny or system eanponsns�°� � .Sadwp of sewage
❑ -a doggedM eRNerrttotheeurlsooc(theAroundors Wf °
❑ the distribution ywenoue w+box*bore
❑ 5� or � volume loss noitioos
'^ depth W.cessPea is less than 6'below imrortor available® than% flow . nreaaa:a.ww'Pmrm°°raMPaRer ^'•ws4an
Oglt�h... .....-�T"'.�,-�-Fa...Mt tor Voluntary
theocrats Sew102*
i7 1 North Farms Road
wires redrew
B. Certification (cont)
Yea No
Required cted pumping Number of times pumped: (WTdh»to elevation.
Any portion tio pipe(s). :re below high ground water of cesspool or privy within 100 feet of a surface water supply°r
Any portion tributary t0 a mutate water supply.
Any portion of acesspool or privy is wi hin a Zone 1 of a public welt.
Any portion of a cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a private water simply well. ..
is lees Bran 100 feet taut 9r than 50
Any portion of ie or wWtno acceptable water gq l analysis.
MIS feet from a as mates absent passes If the
certified laboratory,fw nryrogsn and a ci than
no other presence g provided Aoof
mist be attached to this forra•1...
The system is a cesspool serving a facility with a design flow of 2000 9pd"
10,000 gird
TheraraWaasd I have in n�h CMR the system fad.The
s owr�ree should contact the Board of Health to determine whet wNI be
}necessary to correct the failure.
large Systems: Tobecarrefperedala0esri01a
the system must save a facility with o
design flow cif 10,00010 to 15,000 YPd•
FOI gyAems must indkmtaeitaryee'or and.m each of the billowing,in addition
Yes No drYturm water suppN
❑ the system is within 400 feet of a sudsua
0 ® she system is within 200 feet of a tributary 10 a surface drinking wm
aonedlv.area(Inteim WelRfld ProteGicm a
Are A) appa of a public vra supply threat
#you have 'seam sYnn.0 above the f under Q ,A B contact system answered aid insadkfr SectIonEorfSd thmal pgtsea--L-a-011 threat Under
a CMR 15304.7the system owner ho acairdence
. set
ommonwealth of Massachusetts
itle 5 Official Inspection Form
Not for Voluntary Assessments
ubsurface Sewage Disposal Sy s
;7 1 North F�--- ---
4opedyAdress ---
?atrick Goggins --- _ 12/2/2016
)mets Name 01062
Florence — state Zip
Code Date 2Inspection
C. Checklist
Check if the following
have been done.You must indicate"yes" or"no" as to each of the following:
Yes No occupant, or Board of Health
pumping information was provided by the owner,
® t
Were any of the system components pumped out in the previous two weeks?
❑ Has the system received normal flows in the previous two-week period?
❑ ®
® ❑ Have large volumes of water been introduced to the system recently or as part of this
inspection? were not available
Were as-built plans of the system obtained and examined?Of they
® ❑ note as NIA'
® ❑ Was the facility or dwelling inspected for signs of sewage back up?
® ❑ Was the site inspected for signs of break out? boated on site?
Were all system components, excluding the SAS,
® ❑ Were the septic tank manholes uncovered, opened, and the interior of the tank
® ❑ inspected for the condition of the baffles or tees,material of construction,
dimensions, depth of liquid, depth of sludge and depth of scum?
nts if different from owner)provided with
sewage disposal systems?
® ❑ Was the facility on he pro(and r maintenance System(SAS)disposal os site has been
Thes size and d the proper maintenance of subsurface n S m SA
The size and location of the Soil Absorption Sy
determined based on:
Existing information. For example, a plan at the Board of Health.
® ❑ Determined in the field(if any of the failure criteria related to Part C is at issue
❑ ® approximation of distance is unacceptable)pi CMR 15.302(5)1
D. System ormation
Residential Flow Conditions: 4 Number of bedrooms
Number of bedrooms(design): (actual)-.
DESIGN flow based on 310 CMR 1E203(for example: 110 gpd x#of
660 Qpd
Me 5gficse Impea^n Forte'Subsurface Sewage Deposal System•Page 8 M t]
ommonwealth of Massachusetts
Election Form
ubsu a 5 Official Inspection
ubsurface Sewage Disposal System --
171 North Farms Road __---
toperty Address
?atrick Goggins — 12/2/2016
Tuners Name NA _ 01062
Florence State _ cti
Zip Code Date of Inspeon
C rrtow
D. System Information
Descriptionl i e s atone
Nominal 1500-gallon septic tanks a distribution box and Ql?
1 ----
Number of current residents: ® Yes ❑ No
Does residence have a garbage grinder? ® No
Is laundry on a separate sewage system?(Include laundry system 0 0 Yes Yes � No
inspection information in this report)
Laundry system inspected? 0 Yes ® No
Seasonal use? __N/A -
Water meter readings, if available(last 2 years usage(gpd))»
private well ----
Dnmetered p --
0 Yes ® No
Sump pump? Continuous.---
Last date of occupancy:
Commercialllndustrial Flow Conditions:
Type of Establishment:
Gallons per day(gpd)
Design flow (based on 310 CMR 15203): _ — —---- --- ----
Basis of design flow (seatslpersonslsq.ft, etc.):
Yes ❑ No 0
Grease trap present? 0 Yes ❑ No
Industrial waste holding tank present? 0 Yes ❑ No
Non-sanitary waste discharged to the Title 5 system?
Water meter readings, if available: _
1lb 5q 1 acsn Form;su u c Sewage Disposal System Page 7 n tr
Immonweatth of Massachusetts
Inspection Form
itle 5 Official nS o Not for Voluntary Assessments
Ibsurface Sewage Dispo Sys --
71 North Farms Road ——
operty Address
atrick Goggins — _ 01062 12/2/2016
tuners Name MA Date of Inspection
'lllown E: —_ State Zip Code ityRown
3, System Information (cont.)
Last date of occupancyluse.
Other(describe below).
General Information
Pumping Records: Not pumped since new tank installed about
2 ears d O_
Source of information'. Oyes ® No
Was system pumped as part of the inspection?
If yes, volume pumped:
How was quantity pumped determined?
Recommend pumping on 3 to 5 year - -
____ al_ --
Reason for pumping:
Type of System. absorption system
Septic tank, distribution box, soil absory
❑ Single cesspool
❑ Overflow cesspool
❑ Privy ion record
s, rf any)
Shared system (yes or no) (if yes, attach previous inspeui
❑ Mach a copy of the current operation of latest
maintenance Innovative/Alternative tto be obtained from system owner) and a copy
msintcnonce contrAcs(to by system operator under contract
inspection of the I/A system
tank. Attach a copy of the DEP approval.
❑ Other(describe).
The 5Otis!InsTdiol Fdm:SuWUNU Sewage OsWraI System•PIP eM 17
>mmonvlrealth of Massachusetts
'itle 5 Official Inspection uFormemente
rbsurface Sewage Disposal System Form- — —
71 North Farms
aperty Address
'atrick Go ins 12/2/2016
miner's Name 01062 pate of ln speon°^
Florence state Zip Code Wows
D. System Information (cont.)
Approximate age of all components, date installed(if known)and source of information:
Suit am 5/10/1977 deal n date_ Oyes No
Were sewage odors detected when arriving at the site?
Building Sewer(locate on site plan):
Depth below grade:
Material of construction: Ass pipe
0 cast iron ®40 PVC ®other (explain)'.
Distance from private water supply
Well or suction line: feet
Comments(on condition of joints,venting, evidence of leakage, etc.):
No problems seen. Mostly
below floor slab.
2 average
Septic Tank(locate on site plan):
Depth below grade:
Material of construction: Polyethylene 0 other(explain)
concrete ❑metal
Standard concrete se tic tank, about 1500-Gallons nominal.
If tank is metal, list age: ea certificate) Yes ❑ No
a Certificate of Compliance? (attach a copy 126" long, 58"
Is age confirmed by 59 ' wide, __
he�high --
Dimensions: Z
Sludge depth:
TNe 5Official In,V^m"'Form.SwhuMp Se'✓:9a Ofxpavl SY510m•Pa9°9111 17
mmonwealth of Massachusett�s►ectlOn Form
itle 5 Official Inspection tiforVolunlaryASSessments
bsurface Sewage Disposal System
�1 NorteFps Road —
amity Address
atrick Gog ins 12�y/2016 —
loreame NA 01062
orence —� State Zip
Code Date MInspection
) System Information (Cont.)
Septic Tank(cont.)
30" —
Distance from top of sludge to bottom of outlet tee or baffle
Scum thickness 6"
Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle
Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outlet tee or calculate�-
Cowmered(on p determined?
structural integrity,
recommendations,inlet and outlet tee or baffle condition,
Comments(on pumping evidence of leakage, ):
liquid levels as related to outlet Invert,
1500-•allon se•tic tank in •ood structural condiion. Tank installed in
2014 Liguid level at height of outlet. Outlet filter not si nif_cantl
loaded. Risers to surface located over inlet and outlet.
Grease Trap(locate on site plan):
Depth below grade:
Material of construction: other(explain):
❑fiberglass ❑polyethylene ❑
Scum thickness
Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle
Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outlet tee or
Date of last pumping:
rS somawi!ao amForMSUMidx•ameope COY1 s'h••rt'.Par to A I1
mnmonyyealth of Massachusetts
Official Inspection Form
ubsuebsufa 5 Off• stem Form•Not for Voluntary Assessments
rface Sewage Disposal System
h Farms Road
roperly Address
ratrick 9219ins --- 1P/2/2016_——
»sersName NA 01062
Florence State Zip Lode
12 of Inspection
D. System Information (cont.) structural Integrity,
Comments(on pumping recommendations, inlet and outlet tetecor baffle condition, — —ri
liquid levels as related to outlet Invert, evidence of leakage, ):
Tight or Holding Tank(tank must be pumped at time of inspection) (locate on site plan): —
Depth below grade:
Material of construction. other(explain).
❑fiberglass ❑polyethylene ❑
gallons per day
Design Flaw: Yes ❑ No
Alarm present ❑ Yes❑ No
_ r:
Alarm level: Alarm in working order
Date of last pumping:
Comments(condition of alarm and float swathes, etc.):
_ _— — ' ❑ Yes ❑ No
•Attach copy of current pumping contract(required). Is copy attached
ride 5Official ImpeCW^Form:SUSaulace SeWtOe CKEeel System•Pepe 11 c117
immonweaith of Massachusetts Form 5 Official Inspection FO1Y1
bsurface Sewage Disposal System Form •Not for Voluntary Assessments
11 North Farms
werty Address
atrick Goggins_
avers Name
). System
Information (cont.)
Distribution Box(if present must be opened)(locate on site plan):
Depth of liquid level outlet invert
Comments(n ote if box ilevel and dis
to outlets equal, any
evidence of solids carryover, any
evidence of leakage into or out of box,
but this is not a significant
Box in fait condition 3 pines out withi es d levelers. One�ears -�
be acCe tin9_less an other two p�-'=
problem in a leachfield configuration.
01062 12/2/2016 ——----
Zip Code pate of Inspection
Pump Chamber(locate on site plan): Yes ❑ No
Pumps in working order. Yes No
Alarms in working order. No.
Comments(note condition of pump chamber, condition of pumps and appurtenances, etc.):
If pumps or alarms are not in working order,
Soil Absorption System (SAS) (locate on site
if SAS not located,explain why:
system is a conditional pass.
plan, excavation not required):
The 5 Offieyl I,yeNOn Fo,m:eubsodM eawNe
Disposal system.Faye 12 of 17
mmonwealth of Massachusetts
ale 5 Official
SyInspection Form
System o
-Not for Voluntary Assessments
bsurface Sewage Disposal
11 North Farms Road
*city Address
atrick Gins ——-- 12/2/2016
,veers Name MA 01062
12e 2I/2016
niTovM e _ State Zip bode
). System Information (cont.)
❑ leaching pits
❑ leaching chambers
❑ leaching galleries
number, length:
leaching trenches 60� x 2 0__– —
❑ number,
leaching fields dimension
❑ overflow cesspool
❑ innovative/alternative system
Typelname of technology -- soil, condition of
Comments(note condition of soil,signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, damp
vegetation, etc.):
No surface_p
zoblems seen.
Cesspools(cesspool must be pumped as part of inspection)(locate on site plan):
Number and configuration
Depth–top of liquid to inlet invert
Depth of solids layer
Depth of scum layer
Dimensions of cesspool _ _
Materials of construction
Indication of groundwater inflow 0 Yes CI No
TO 5GM1 I inspection Fools Subs4atase sewage L®p058A System Page lad IT
mmonwealth of Massachusetts
official Inspection Form
itle 5 Offi stem Form•Not for Voluntary Assessments
osurface Sewage Disposal Sy
1 North Farms Road ---
perky Address
itrick Go _ 12/2/2016__
mete Name put 01062 LoretlC@ _-- State LP
Code 12 2I/2
I. System Information (cont.) etacion,
Comments(note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, condition of veg
Privy (locate on site plan).
Materials of construction-.
Dimensions —�
Depth of solids
condition of vegetation,
Comments(note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of p ondin
etc.): —_—
The 5 0S'S erPKS^n Form:sutsdxe Sewage Disposal sags^•Page 14 J 17
mmonwealth of Massachusetts
itle 5 Official Inspection Form
bsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments
'1 North Farm= Road— —
)pty Address
strick Goers---- __ 01062 12/2/2016 __--
rner's Name MA — Date of Inspection 1rrowri � State tp Code
System Information (cont.) y including ties to
Sketch Of Sewage Disposal System: Provide a view of the sewage disposal system,
at least two permanent reference landmar s or benchmark
Check one s the Locate
e all
below within 100 within Locate
where public water supply enters
0 hand-sketch in the area below
® drawing attached separately
Ttle 5 o1dS lrepeaee r '.sea.urace SawNr Deposal Systee'-Page 15 d 17
rmmonwealth of Massachusetts Inspection Form
5 Official
1 LIp1 stem Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments
Ibsurface Sewage Disposal Sy
71 North Farms Road
operty Address
atrick Goggins
woes Menlo
D. System Information (font.)
Site Exam:
• Check Slope
® Surface water
® Check cellar
O Shallow wells
Estimated depth to high ground water:
Please indicate all methods used to determine the high ground water elevation:
® Obtained from system design plans on record
5/10/197 a
If checked, date of design plan reviewed:
El Observed site(abutting property/observation hole within 150 feet of SAS)
0 Checked with local Board of Health-explain --
01062 12/2/2016
Cede of Inspection
Zip Code
Checked with local excavators, installers-(attach documentation)
Accessed USGS database-explain You must describe how you established the high ground water elevation:
Perc test dates_ar1-9r
soils shallow leaching ystem.
Before filing this Inspection Repoli,pl ease see Report Completeness Checklist on next page.
Form'.Subsurface Sewage Disposal Srtem•Me 18 0111
Toe som�wl"+o°'^°"
mmonwealth of Massachusetts
itle 5 Official Inspection Form
Form Not for Voluntary Assessments
bsurface Sewage Disposal System
rl North Farms Road__
,perty Address
atrick Go�lns 12/2/2016
al/ State
veers Name MA 01062
lflown stare
Zip Code Date of Inspection
E. Report. Completeness Checklist
® Inspection Summary. A, B,C, D, or E checked
® Inspection Summary D (System Failure Criteria Applicable to All Systems)completed
® System Information—Estimated depth to high groundwater
® Sketch of Sewage Disposal System either drawn on page 15 or attached in separate file
The 5 pan Fam:SuMSace
ISya•m•F.GB+T a 17
\ 413
from House MECo pole 75-2
9 k slope 1500 gallon Title 5 septic tank
to leachfield, approximately 300 feet lope with outlet filter NORTH
v i 1 Distribution Box
♦ 0 s
i Leachfield, approximate layout
Driveway 4 / //-
/ 40117 ..I
20" diameter pine
As-Built Sep Septic Patrick Goggins : �- ,sue
Existing Sept c Syste 12/2/2016 ,', ' 1664 Cape st.
671 North Farms Ro• .� Williamsburg,MA 01096
Scale: 1 : 20' Revision Date: / msb bz&MA
Florence, MA 01062 E,t� `
Except as Noted