61 Letters 1987-1995 JSSELL SYLVA ,ommlssioner IN J. HIGGINS rnveronmentar Engineer YXt lc^ &rte ethe, e ��ethed, Ass 9uee,/rL.9°4ree4 ,�kth1 h aum. 09903 (°/3)7S5-5327 October 26, 1987 New England Telephone 185 Franklin Street Boston, MA 02107 Attn: Phillip J. Boire Re: Northampton - ERB-W87-590-SA Release of diesel fuel at 61 Masonic Street - M.G.L. ch. 21E NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY Dear Mr. Boire: This letter concerns the release of diesel fuel from a leaking underground fuel storage system located at 61 Masonic Street in Northampton, MA. This constitutes a release and or threat of release of oil or hazardous materials from the site. The prevention and/or mitigation of such a release or threat of release is governed by M.G.L. ch. 21E, the "Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release, Prevention and Response Act." Chapter 21E identifies as responsible parties the current owner or operator of a site at which there has been a release or threat of release of oil or hazardous material; the past owner or operator of such a site; any person who directly or indirectly arranged for the transport, disposal, storage or treatment of hazardous materials to, or at such a site; any person who transported hazardous materials to such a site; and any person who caused or is legally responsible for a release or a threat of release at such a site. Such parties are liable without regard to fault; the nature of this liability is joint and several . M.G.L. ch. 21E, section 5(a) . This letter is to inform you in writing that: 1 ) Information available to the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering indicates that you may be a liable party pursuant to section 5(a) as described above. 2) The Department can arrange for or can take actions which it deems to be necessary to respond to the release/threat of release; and 3) You may take the prescribed response actions in lieu of the Department. Your liability noted in 1 ) above may include up to three times the cost of: a. all response costs incurred by the Department due to the release/threat of release, including all contract, administrative, and personnel costs; and b. all damages for any injury to, destruction, or lass of natural resources due to the release/threat of release. By accepting responsibility for conducting the required response actions now, you can avoid: Interest charges on the total liability at the statutory rate of 12% compounded annually; and admininstrative costs incurred by the Department in handling this matter (in simple spill cases, admininistrative costs incurred by the Department prior to formal legal actions are at least ti ,000.00) . This liability constitutes a debt to the Commonwealth. The debt, together with interest, constitutes a lien on all of your property in the Commonwealth. In addition to the foreclosure remedy provided by the lien, the Attorney General of the Commonwealth may recover that debt or any part of it in an action against you. You may be liable for additional penalties or damages pursuant to other statutes or common law. If you intend to take the necessary actions in lieu of the Department, you must notify the Department in writing of your intent no later than November 5, 1987 and contract within 5 days with a cleanup contractor and/or professional engineer who is acceptable to the Department. The contractor or professional engineer must be able to submit to the Department a scope of work incorporating an acceptable sequence of actions and timetable by December 1 , 1987. This scope of work should include a soil and groundwater exploration and monitoring program, capable of delineating the vertical and horizontal extent of contamination. It should also address proper treatment and/or disposal of any stockpiled contaminated soil remaining on site. If the Department does not hear from you within the time specified above, or if you or the persons acting on your behalf fail to act within the prescribed time, the Department will commence response actions, and will expect to recover to the extent of the liability set forth above. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Robert Terenzi or Kevin Sheehan of this office. Very truly yours, Stephen F. Joyce Deputy Regional Environmental Engineer Air, Solid & Hazardous Materials Western Region DS:bmz HW:ERI 1:net Certified Mail *P524677970, return receipt requested cc: Ed Benoit, DEQE Boston Frank Sciannameo, DEQE Boston Northampton Public Health Department Northampton Hazardous Waste Coordinator Kevin Sheehan Northampton Fire Department Northampton Police Department ELL SYLVA Issloner . HIGGINS mmental Engineer /�j� / �/�/r7 / U xiecatAPe t/h R�`%i"woeant/ten a 4 o eaknv 456 z JGred. .Yfrwieie , S. 04103 (4/9 785-5527 MAY 1 8 1988 New England Telephone 185 Franklin Street Boston, MA 02107 Attn: Phillip Boire Re: Northampton S.A.1-476-98211 Release of Diesel Fuel at 61 Masonic Street M.G.L. ch. 21E REVIEW OF REPORT Dear Mr. Boire: The Department of Environmental Quality Engineering has received a report entitled, "Phase I-Site Investigation at New England Telephone Company 61 Masonic Street Northampton, Massachusetts" dated April 1988. This report was submitted in your behalf by CHI Environmental Engineering Corporation of Braintree, Massachusetts. This report describes an environmental site assessment for the purposes of determining the impact of a diesel fuel release on the soils and groundwater at the above referenced site. As part of this assessment available data was gathered on the history and geographical setting of this site, and a history of underground tank storage use. A subsurface investigation was also undertaken as part of this assessment. The source of this release is a 10,000 gallon underground diesel fuel storage tank that was located adjacent to the north corner of the only building on this site. This underground storage tank was found to be leaking during the course of a tank test performed on October 15, 1987. This tank was excavated and removed in late October of 1987. Soils collected from the bottom of the tank excavation revealed total volatile organic compound (VOC's1 levels of approximately 100 ppm when screened with an HNu photoionizer. This resulted in the removal of about 24 cubic yards of contaminated soil which was removed from the site and disposed of in accordance with 310 CMR 30.000. Three soil borings were installed on this site on December 18, 1987. One boring ( 3-3/MW-3) is located on the north corner of the site in the immediate area of the release, a second boring (2-2/MW-2) is located on the south side of the site, and a third boring (B-1/MW-1) is located on the extreme easterly portion of this site. These borings were advanced to depths ranging from 17 to 20 feet. ag the course of soil baring operations for the boring located in the presence of ected with an HNu ntervalsi with eme easterly portion, soil samples were collected at regular intervals with lit spoon, and screened for the P samples were not collected from the other two sail borings because to freeze, becoming .rime frigid weather conditions. of VOC' the equipment odor was noted during lerous to handle" . No traces of VDUs were detected in the samples lected from this boring. The presence of a petroleum 1 borin of the boring in the �oundwatervmonitor ing wellsicinity of the All three 1 borings gs were developed into g g January 19, 1988 groundwater samples were from allsmonitoringPR l Is on site, delivered to a laboratory and 625 parameters, dissolved total petroleum hydrocarbon dd ectedn+ and of the monitoring wells on this MH) No floating product was s detected in any te. m and 1.5 e results and the groundwater ly. Total concentrations of of base/eutral and organics (EPA 625) were 92 ppb in MW-1 and 59 ppb in MW-3. m in MW-1 and MW-3 respectively• - extractable ore parameters with total concentrations 4-3 was the only well to reveal EPA 624 ' 8.6 ppb. 11 groundwater monitoring wells were gauged for water table elevation for the groundwater flow direction.s southeasterly lhidirection.dicattes hatothe of determining the 9 the flow art of this report with an arrow indicating the hat the groundwater flow direction is in a lire plan is included as p which is required of all is essm n. A groundwater contour map, indicates that MW-1 is in a assessment reports submitted to this office was not included in this report. data obtained from relative to the source of the release. downer adiant p groundwater parameters found in the g and also previous use of this site by Draper Garage, This report concludes that the EPA 625 P also concludes samples were due to the induced contamination. This report removal of the tank and possible labor sampling that the source of this release was eliminated by contaminated soils. re-s to the remedial actions already A sample prog ested program is for all monitoring wells ram is recommended as a fallow u bedampled in the springhandufall of 1988. be re-samp rove of the methods, Department personnel have reviewed this report and app resented therein. The Department he equines performed during the month of May sing conclusions and recommendations presented The second same that the first smoffic be P later than July 15, from submitted to a this erformed during the month of November with scofromr round shall be performed 1989• A groundwater sampling this sampling submitted no later than January map with flow direction clearly shown must be submitted with all results. The Department will determine the necessity for further investigation, remediation or monitoring after receiving the final results of this monitoring program. iu have any questions regarding this matter please contact Paul 3gna of this office. Very truly yours ePhQ1i K.`�Ioyce Deputy Regional En Air. Solid and Haza Western Region :PRC:prc :review4B ,Northampton Board of Health Clean Harbors Inc. Environmental Enginee onmental Engineer dous Materials ng Corp. L9/211L9 NO 9103031 St 331911 19113 A11tld 312190159 :Ai 910I19 •!s 9lIN 0SZ S.211323111 XIQNt" Id 39403531 103131033 N331 St% NOI1311 1/11:3611 tl 19111/15 L12/91191 NO 111031G 9d 031511 19113 AiWid 31E9403531 :Afl 94C119 d0`� air 0 13303 33101`+31 •19 H1f1[S ;L£ ;�b� N340 StlA NO113'3 1d10303N tl :SNtl1S 23110=3 !9NI201IN0 3 !1N3N1& 110:$3Q N391)d5-3 !9113N3i/91ddM-S rtIWN31 391-CSs '53303 39Od532 EN 09■1303 9311995111 3119 99/S1/19 NO Ifll St 031911 15113 110 63113 31tl1S :3311'05 Intl 40.11`i. 2 3Sgy :9lltl1s (2303134133 9011503510 3115 99/51/19 NO 191 Stl 03l511 15113 •15 4011 9b3 9! 5311i 31tl1S :331109 2 39{X3 191.919 031313400 901/99910 3119 L9/S1/L9 NO IS]. 91 03.LSI1 19813 93113 31tl1S :331003 '15 911N 2L 0 39}1d :SI11tlu 03a1903 I C1129S13 1 1 99/SI/29 IC III Sd C31511 1913 •15 L4C5tlrid 39A 93113 31tl1s 1332110S 3Stl! !i :snitlls Altltld 313I910d59 :A8 940119 902 3'33X3'3 11: 2 3911c1 1911.1319 9313tl i 140111191/324 NI 5393132 30 31:3091 P RT10iMPTO: CONIINLED ON 380 KING SI. RING ST. STA. 54 EASTHAMPTON RD. WEST SI. 1 BREWSTER COURT WEST',SATED DIAL ACTION`- lTES MAV OR MAY NOT REQUIRE RE$E NOT USER THAT A HAZARD EXISTS AT THESE LOCATIONS: SOKONE 61 MASONIC ST, STATUS: FEIEDIAL FIRST LISTED AS TBI ON 01/15/00 SITE DISPOSTION: FEIEDIAL STATUS: REMEDIAL FIRST LISTED AS TB1 ON 04/15/67 SITE DISPOSTION: 14BEDIAL STATUS: MEDIAL FIRST LISTED AS TBI ON 81/15!08 SITE DISPCSTION: FEIEDIAL STATUS: REIEDI- TBI 04!15/07 FIRST LISTED AS SITE DISPOSTION: fJEDIAL STATL5: RECTAL FIRST LISTED AS TB1 ON 07115/87 SITE DISPOSTION: MEDIAL STATUS: LOCATION TO BE MQESTIGATED SOURCE: STATE FILES FIRST LISTED AS TBI ON 07!15/66 F Yb THAT INFORMATION EXISTS WHICH INDICATES NO FURTIER INVESTIGATION IS WARRANTED STATUS: DELETED ��, S SOURCE: STATE FILES �LAIh° FIRST LISTED AS TB1 ON 07/15/B7 SITE DISPOSTICN: DELETED PAC 2 Telesector Resources Group MEMO TO FILE PRIL 26,1991 i. J. KUKLP >TTERY SPILL- Northampton Ma. 4-25-91 , six (6) KS-15544 LSOB batteries slipped basement at 61 Masonic St. The lifting strap. The lifting and six batteries fell approximately four roximately 3p.m. on pallet being lifted from the N.E.T. was attributed to a 'kink' in the cranes caused the load to shift, into the contained well. battery contained 6 gallons of diluted sulfuric acid. We estimate half 3 gallons may have entered the sanitary sewer which was flushed and dilu- y the Fire Department. The other half was immediately neutralized with ash. following personnel:were notified: Deputy Fire Chief Passe Dave Slowik Sam Brindais Peter McErlain Phil Boire Charles Niedziecski George Pdduci, 3r. John Lampron Lesector Resources ckaging contractor - Northampton Fire Department - MA. DEP - Dir. of Public Works - Board of Health - NET Real Estate - NET E.I. Manager - NET E.I. Manager, Staff - NET Environmental Group was represented by P. McCarthy- was Worcester Truck Trans. ,Harold crane/garage krrier provided by Tonolli of Canada, battery recycler. Leted by 5:50 pm. field consultant, service and The cleanup was com- GREENBAUM nmsioner NIGGINS Im Director ezec&eate o eentat r u3 ' Jim t4eee, ,l 01/03 ( 7/.3} 7d4F//OD England Telephone Sigh Street 106 on, MA 02110 ntion: Mr. Mark Landin December 15, 1993 Re: Northampton Masonic Street RTN q1-10084 RELEASE NOTIFICATION NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY MGL Ch. 21E- 310 CMR 40.0000 r Mr. Landin: oral 1993 at 9:00 AM, the Department received oral notification On November a4, that a completed tol oral a release/threat of release of further requires oil/hazardous matthat In if ication, 310 CMR 40.) be ubmitte o the Department within 60 calendar '.if ication Form (attached) be submitted to the Dep ,s of the date of the oral notification.a roved an Immediate Response Action the Department verbally pP roved IRA included the removal oil the same date, CMR 40.0411. The app RA) in accordance with 310 on-site stockpiling of the soil and o conttaminnated soil from the excavation, approved IRA. aBdsadvised o the appt additional submittals st excavation soil sampling/analyses.swith re9 the Department nt are necessary The Department has reason to believe that the release/ threat of release ru have reported is or may be a disposal site The Department the Massachusetts ssachusetts alieve tha Plan, 31 use in this(the "rC"y al ieve that you (as used in this letter "you" refers to New England Telephone potentially responsible party ("PRP") with liability under Section 5A of that it is not based on fault but re a p is "strict" meaning transporter, "joint and owner, operator, generator, also 7 GL Ch. 21E. This liability ter person your status as on erson ni specified you are liable for all response costs incurred at a ecif led in said Section SA. This liability is ether p meaning that y parties. several" , even if there are other liable p osal Sites. ii sp os T site for costs es PRPS to take response avoid actions liability The Department encourages you may sanctions which may be the necessary response actions,such act actions and any compliance By taking taking 16 or other laws for non comp incurred by P. Department in G.L. the 2n § response actions, or fail to imposed them M.G.L. i n not take the necessary P MGL Ch. with the MCP. Icom of lance with the MCP, the Department three times authorized post. perform them in compliance and recover up 21E to perform the necessary responsible parties have up to one year from the initial date of release/threat Notice of Responsibility, cation of a threat of release to the Department pursuant to 310 CMR from the date the Department issues a completed Tier Classification p or to submit either a the Department. You must tal occurs earlier, Statement to ver LSP") since submission of these tal or a Response Action Outcome . or engage a Licensed Site actProfessional vities rat the site require specific actions by sits and actual response you have any questions relative to this matter, you should contact the the letterhead address or call John regarding ier Response/Notification iEication Section at contained in the subject (413) 784-1100 at extension Release 312 . All future Number communications contai contained ions ier ( reference the Release Tracking . release must of this letter. sb /mr 34.RNF Chris Bauer, Con-Test Northampton Board of Health ely ction Chie Emergency Response Commonwealth of Massachusetts ExecutNe Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office F. Weld (nor Coxe ECEA B. Powers ccesseoe :gland Telephone .gh Street 1 MA 02110 :ion: Mark Landin July 29, 1994 RE: Northampton 61 Masonic Street RTN # 1-10084 Approval IRA Plan ApP APpROVAL OF PROPOSAL of Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, received a proposal on February 16, Department Environmental Protection, at 61 Masonic gefor Response Section nthe Department") for the implementation of an Immediate Response Action (IRA) et in Northampton, Massachusetts. IRAP) was prepared and submitted in y Air Eng our Action Plan ineering of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Immediate Response our transport to a soil elf by Con-test Water and contaminated soil and the excavat Department approves of the IRAP as proposed. consists of The Dep posal facility. that additional Mr. Landin advised ards to t you have 1rcier of 1-1100 at he approved IRA. submittals to the Department are necessary with any questions regarding this approval lette the Regional Emergency Response Section at t extension 312. please contact John ve address or 413- ;E/jsb /kml RA.084 ertified Mail P 887 905 963 ,c: Northampton Fire Department Health Department sir Engineering Northampton - Con-test Water and Kurt V. Kuehnel Jim m Spencer - C.T. Male Associates FAX(413)7841149 436 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • • Telephone (413)784-1100 Street,Room 1040,Boston,MA 02110 37 0084 NYNEXi ber 15, 1994 [onorable Mayor Mary Ford iampton City Hall lain Street 01060 iampton, MA Nynex Facility 61 Masonic Street DEP RTN#1-10084 Honorable Mayor Ford: ;uant to 310 CMR CMR 40.1403 (f) , this letter tatement form you is to t a Class A-2 Response Action Outcome (RAO) Environmental bee- tion ( to P the Massachusetts Department information are seon (cum) on behalf well as other background aforementioned tion ar. se documents as weie as Springfield, Massachu- .i lable for your review at the DEP in p ts. Test was retained by Nynex to provide Licensed Site Profes- 3nal (LSP) 40.0900. The services and complete the RAO Statement and Method 3k Characterization as nclusions of the Risk Characterization were: CMR - A level of No Significant Risk exists at the site; and, - No additional remedial actions are required. >on acceptance of this RAO, the site will be eligible for clo- ire in accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) LO CMR 40.0000. Lark Landin ?ro7 t Manager cc: Northampton Board of Health Tim O'Brien, Con Test ® NFNEX Rcc lc. O *index ember 22, 1995 Peter McEdaine ctor of the Board of Health thampton City Hall Main Street thampton, MA 01060 RE: Response Action eOutcome Statement NYNEX Facility 61 Masonic Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 DEP Case # 1-0476 ar Mr. McEdaine: 1 behalf of NYNEX,and In accordance with the oMassachusetts etter Contingency ncy Plan n of(MCP)310 CMR 4 Availability 3 of R, Handex of cNew England,(RAO) Completion provides Action Outcome (RAO) Completion Statement relative to the above location. A photocopy of e Response Action Outcome Completion Statement and Supporting Documentation has been submitted the Massachusetts Department pringfield, Massachusetts, 01103.of Environmental Protection,Western You should inqui a atthe DEPat this address s if you 3wisDhvto viewrth this ocument. incerely, landex f New England, Inc. &/4 William J. Brochu -tydrogeologst Michael P. Bingham, LSP Project Manager/Senior Hydrogeologist cc: Mr. Mark Landin, NYNEX, Boston, MA Massachusetts DEP, Western Regional Office, Springfield, MA 398 Cedar Hill Street, Marlborough, MA.01752 • (508) 481-5750 • FAX (508) 481-5159