14 Complaints 1976-2009 iirr.r ccnude- .- 5i...5.;n lot tcr2 nanifionyn cur cnnvonnoit=-.on of 9tao'ber 20, 1976, '0:1 ,:::1:!??.:,. 7:Pe. ry7.-7-.7.::,:l •,:c, ..:0:. t.::.... 1:1.-,r loose of t1;.“-; LI lird ricon.,- of rfilh. ion: 2.-for ti-J.<.). nn-vocrinr. n n.-. lonso :•• r...:: nomin.ln ot full force and efzoyir ,foryor.i. ,. 7.. or L LiTsc:2:, '.-ci. i..-?,;7;71:; T -/TT:7 tr.) -CU:C.1101H ILILO!W the *Ili\tlAcaSt r, s7“:(TT-' T 'T :11W1 ; "L tcC., .. riTh, ,-T2111 Co TrroCIT id3re0i" : FT t.:„., ,„,, :,..,77 ti.,..,.. c.:::1.: -enti, k).L ..:...-k:-:'r! Tn.: .C1: to .:.'.e oorrtvonm;:., from Irn Cki:IS Ce. a !.-a.n heater COL....=ff).1, aprrp:DIrT,...„..-i-c:L7 ,, 2 :,;...,. . yrt.j. T.11 .L1 Tr(CT.;::C - _11{= a 1::::• t12 1T41."T 7Clii.:`/"7_.-T.; '11'1.2 ,,Y72.20.7"2S f.'. c lih.±. cl:::0:::.7.-■..ic.e .”.■.-..;_i :Lnstat1 a t;0,11 ‘11/(1 rii17. na— 5.:-2 r:onL. Lo,roonLt.i.o. ..o7., OL: no.11 7.-„rcorso dor On. Iirct. ,..1.1-.- c: aorr. :-..ond:o. .i...iod .Loc. LlypUTC1:ITYsTL:d 72.T.TTL W4- V.1"--tt Dlor2'17:7. oF P...Ltii.C.0 :AIH tt.P..1 Hck.,:ti_hT.T.:-.1•T T/C r■OC-t. tornotrindnr •;:b...2:4: the E- Lana r rrn_oLIL %....7. ::L....:: r:.1).-.1 •:: )J. c. t.•Ar T.,:jic .C..."7.,LiC.ni :1:1% 'a ..z.70 ..e.r.;:ni-r517,nod Lo T. FORD :r AT LAW -!, 17:.3 1'0 Lkr.. 7::'.;(1h; ::': i.-TjE rii....:6■:i.i: c`)',..i:i.e.. ni f.c.:: L.au.';.t........7.i.c11 StIdT: l'WJ:1•1.-CS CC: •?.:.1T ;AT.:TCLC;,.?:T.: ..iPc7. n ,.i'- C: 2 r .s.n, on nl-noll bo nencon use es your a boy -en o - may 1 wandet to Lite sLtconr Gets-Tee on Cie of the n,: ld nh in the rc ! l I hnrC:oy a_; ".... Ir.d you vgree to you shall have oe :.qt .unauthorized 7loor. The !^GLa1 stai":CCSe_ r shall be used by you LC Li.c_ to any other person.II O FF]C! OF f. FORD '.r a* Law "ASS o002 T. mould 8D^reCiate It t.0 52:6. • '.S D. s,a„ R CITY 017 N ORTH A...tPTON V] ;SSACHCSEi'I'S OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 2]0 MAIN STREET Er 01160 TEL- (4]3) 5°-4.9071 _=_,T VIOLATIONS OF ARTICLE II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE " MINB.;u;9 STANDARDS 14 Masonic Street 'OR JJYAN HABITATION" AT 'E';;D TO: Mr. Fobert_=_cCm ern .__ ._ .._ DATE December_lc. 19777 14 ":esonic Street -- Northampton, Ma. 01060 NSr EG ION REPORTS ISSUE.) O: Trudy Hooks 14 Masonic Street Northampton, Be. 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your riohts. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto e um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. PPodem adquirir uma trdugao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document 1=cal. 11 pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obt nir une traduction de cette formal: Ousts e un documento legate importante. Potrebbe ev ee a: Este sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di q' Este a un document° legal irnportante. Puede que afecte sus der rhos. Lid Puede adquirir una traduccion de esta forma en: -, AUTO ELVau Eva O, javttxo �a cc S EL Va 1 ETrUpECDEL TO. VOA Ly,a pas 5LHaLc_:aTa. ITUCpELTE VC. a J %apETE uETa">PaGil CV T OI .7 OU EyYp'^CoU ono To _ --- 4 )/J • 1 ' i /1 a 1 �c . .f 111• ps .':D ^,_rd of Fe; ,tn ?fort ,-n,t:,r,r ,._=s. 210 P?'-n Stret -- Tel. `;o. 58 -9071 1_ton hoard of Filth has insp cted the pres ses at _ �npton (assessor' s map al-D 14 ':- c Street _ — � 242 ,) , for compliance with Article II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter +rill certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed shich are serious enauEh as to raterially endan er or materially impair the safety, and -Tell-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Pass. General Laws, rticle II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good ent -four (2!t) hours from effort to correct the following violations 'within 'L`s y ate of receipt of this order. Vi olation ion �� - Vater supply has been disconnected due to frozen pipes lack of heating facilities 1 & 6.2 dwelling -n tlt of minimum tee eratvre of c_ unit to a ninimum 68° F 1 evidence of water leaks around sky light If you have qny questions, please contact me. Thank you for your cooperation. rTh _',.,ass e3oY—. / Fe medy repair pipes and restore water supply provide heating `acuities which will heat dwelling unit to a minimum temperature of 68° F repair leaks Very truly yours. Peter J . McErlain Health Agent Date ! !5-- 7/ Date_ /) - i? modification n an prior. To parson ,st file in -r _n° a , etition arsons h a have the r to a _ism a modification,oe , �-d of Aealtr. petitions must be filed on �accog before the he,. regulations below: • accordance with the peg served pursuant 9 person or persons upon whom any order has been this code (except for an order issued requirements uregulation e s of egul 33 .2 have been satisfied) ; provided,ove e re quire!nents of Regulation hi • seven days after the day ch ,,evil i.on must be filed within der was served ; or other Y person aggrieved by the failure of any I spector (s) „net of the bard of health: L) to ;respect upon renuest any premises as recuired under this ; code; provided, such ,tenon nr. t be ed within thirty days- after such inspection was requested ; or 2 ) to issue a rep ort on an inspection as required by this code; Provided , such petition must be filed within thirty days after the inspection; or - this Article where violations of this that a ,3 ) latio are claimed find certify aatc- upon an are claimed to exist or to - cn dander or violation o violation r of vi illations may of the - - mate- rially m ai c the health safety, and well-being Provided, such petition must be really impair the health or Y' of the `rs^eCtion occupants of the Premises;a fter receipt filed within thirty Y report ; or Droved ed, (4) to issue an order as recuired by Regulation 33 .1; s ovir that such netition must be filed within thirty 1 receipt of the inspection rep person zny person p„�, person upon whom this order has been served or an dented at a hearing and any adverse e has by the failure o of the- inspector to arifg"° d° y has the right to be rc ate said 'nearing. - Y has a right to appear at Public Documents notices investigation reports, orders, information in the possession of the Board of All relevant inspection or be copied for a fee. other documentary pe or i loth are open for inspection and may o.,;,.edides__ and Penalties Inspection Report contains a brief ua art of some in order to get Housing Code violations Part of the Sps subjects the person ;al to red, cs tenants on '-e - order also - dollars, rsr �o c�:npof r not less lr sss than ten ($10. 00) nor -r-z c..ed. 1'ailu re s failure to Y ierth to a criminal re fine($500) :ot -.e than five hundred (55CD) dollars for each day' th this order. AT.TH • FMUn v(1 . Ileolth Agent CITY of NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITATION ha m• •, M, • gee with the order of the Board of Health regarding the property at ou are hereby cited for failure to comply ' of Northampton dated December 1 • • which you received on Maso 'c S fiance alleged is as follows: Fai The non and restore water supply. Failure to repair pipes Failure to provide adequate heating facilities. Failure to repair leaking roof, A criminal complaint shall be issued by the District Court of Hampshire County f the t of this citation you request three days from receipt to show cause at Northampton unless within number 584"7400) a hearing ;L°rk o of the said District Court (telephone nnm that each day' s failure to omplaint should not be issued.order s of Health wants to repeat its prior warning punishable by a fine of not less than ten The Board i a separate violation pun fired by Massachusetts with its ($500.00) as requ s ($10.00) or more than five hundred dollars ($$ 1 Laws Chapter 111 section 1271. Date: December 22. 1 210 MAIN STREET 01060 TEL-(413)6S4-9071 77 Sincerely, Health of Delivered in Hand By: District Court e Ramp CITY/TOWN _____—_--_—_ ----- DEPARTMENT —__— ADDRESS _____ -------_—_ .. TELEPHONE — This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: importante que podera afectar os seus Isto e urn documento legal muito direitos. Podem adquirir uma traducao deste documento de: Le suivantoel est un imponant t Deduction document de legal.ette forme pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous p Questo e un documento legate importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sul suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questa odulo a.ws derechos. Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccion de este forma en: y o o AUTO ELVaEva antavt Lx to EYYP aDO t1nE L va 1 H R E1LTIPEOAEL T0. VOLLLH0. oa SLOWUO.Ta. f LTE V6 - , ' t0.PETE 16T0.1DPa� 0.UTOU TOU EYYP a(pOU &TO TO - t>t rD `o � S%+ .1..L y :f� y '-Cf 2 T 4d r!] 3L, y a ii ell i . g,, 1ii!3 ro, I• 9 4 A_ i T (WRITE IN BOARD OF HEALTH ADDRESS ANO TELEPHONE NUMBER ABOVEI ARTICLE II STATE SANITARY CODE �� -- l NO. OCCUPANTS_ /-- - ADDRESS:_ OCCUPANT: ___L — FLOOR: _5 .i—APT. NO.: NO.DWELLING UNITS: __--_ /-- ....NO. ROOMING UNITS: ____________ BASEMENT: - __---- NO.ST STRUC _-_--3 ---- — DETAGHED:_—_---- SEMIDETACHED:___— FRAME:_--BRICK - —_ PE STRUCTURE: -- -Np, OF SLEEPING ROOMS: _ .. _ — NO. OF HABITABLE ROOMS: --i OWNER: /yc�_Wt/Wt�/_'f/ ADDRESS' --- 3 lb et ION 6(a) BUD 18(c) 49.21 9.21 3 13. A 13.6 13.6 'a 6.18 X a VIOLATION YES NO BATHROOM Is toilet with seat available? altiallil • Impervious and sanitary condition? a Is shower or bathtub available? Are the fatertfor in i clean,smooth, - Is cold water for facilities available )with sufficient 1pb quantity)? Is hot water for facilities y available to drain line? Are the facilities prop repair? Is there at least one light fixtureooa good epai r at washbasin Is there an electrical outlet rep good the windows in good repair weathefhgnt and fit for the use intended. Are the doors in good repair and fit for the use Intended? Are the walls in good ood repair rpaiI' and tit o t for the use intended? Are the floors in 9 Is there proper ventilation? Are the floors and walls of nonaby sateen a?eria Are the exterior openings IU CATION KITCHEN Is the room suitable? 3 Is sink available and of sufficient size and capacity &9.2) for the sink available (with sufficient quantity and pressure)? (9 Is cold water . 140 R? 19 1 &9.2) Is hot water for sink available (120 Is sink properly connected to drain lines? (b9.2 I - stove and oven? Is there a working connected and vented? (b) oven I Are t stove facilities and o smooth, impervious, nonabsorbent? 1 Are the facilities clean, 2 Is there one light fixture in good repair? 2(a) good repair? floor area?ft.) equal to at teat 10%of the . qre there two electrical outlets in 9 21b1 I Are the windows (if kitchen exceeds 70 sq. 21c1 repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? Are the windows in good screened? 4. &13.1A Are the exterior openings progeny 1 3.1 Are the doors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended 13.1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit far the use intended? 13.1 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Is the floor impervious and easily cleanable? 13.6 2.11d fn Is there adequate space and facilities for Instating o 2.1(c) 8 181a1 Is there sufficient venulau°'alnces properly Installed? 9 3(a Are all owner installed app i installed 9.3(al 9.316) appliances properly Are all occupant installed app ( N TON 1RIel LIVING ROOM Are there vo separate electrical here one outlet and one light there proper ventilation ? in good epai utlets in good repair fixture in good repair? or the use intended? eaihertight and Are the walls in good rep a r and fit for the use intended? ood repair and fit for the use intended? Are the ceilings in 9 Are the floors in good repair and fit fo r the use Are all exterior openings screened? SLEEPING ROOM 4P 1 (Identify) Is there sufficient natural l ight? good repa Are there two separate electrical outlet in good repair s there one outlet and one tight fixture in g ntended here proper ve the wind() Are Are the Are the windows ation? n good rePa¢. ails in good repair and fi Are the ceilings in good repa eathertigh t for the use intended? and fit for the use intended? fit for the use intended? and YES NO NON NIS insta n� 1 NIS or the use intended? Are the floors in good repair and Are all exterior openings screened? I Is there adequate space tor the n umber of occupants? U CATION SLEEPING ROOM 2 (Identify) good repair? Is there sufficient natural light? d separate electrical outlets in good repair? Are there two outlet P one Iignt fixture ;n 9 bl Is there one outlet and A, I ht and fit for the use intended Is there proper ventilation? A, 8.1 Blel weatherti9 �� Are the windows in good repair,to Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended. .1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? 1'1 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? i 1 openings screened? Are air exterior a for tne number of occupants? 4.5 Is there adequate space 1 • � 3 IldentlN) REGULATION SLEEPING ROOM Is there sufficient natural light? good repair? 7.1(b Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair? 7,11(b Is there one outlet and one light fixture in 9 81 A, fit for the use intended? 19(el Is there proper ventilation? weathertight and 8.1 A, 8. Are the windows in good repair,13.1 A Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are all exterior openings screened? Is there adequate space for the numbe r of occupants? ■ 3.1 14.5 11 ■ DNS COMMON AREA AND EXITS Ruminated at all mes? X es VIOLATIONS yi Are fficient and properly located light swtches and fixtures? Are there operational and su fit f interior common areas proper) Are the Are the doors in good Greened indows in good repair, ape% Are doors s as required? the the ceilings in goad repair and fit for the use intended? Are the wells in good repair andrlt for the use intended? Are the floors in good repair and `.it for the use intended? .9 Are all common areas clean? Are the s tairways in good repair and fit ror-.he use intended? e athertight and or the use intended e hertignt and it for the use intended. 3.4 ( 12.2 Are handrails in good repair and fit for the use intended Are all required balusters or other devices in place? Is every y door of a dwelling unit fitted with a proper lock? Does the main entry door of a dwelling close and lock automatically. Is the building properly posted with the name of owner? Are the common bathroom facilities clean? Are there sufficient and properly maintained exits? YES I NO ( 3ULATIONS EXTERIOR Are light fixtures and switches properly located? la ... �nnd•epair? 1 1 1.1 3.1 & 13.5 3.4 5.4 15.3 15.10 13 1 Are the structural elements in good repair Are all required hand railings and balusters in place and in good repair? Are there walls or protective railings as required? Is the storage of rubbish and garbage proper (occupants)? Are there sufficient and properly located.receptacles> Are the private passageways or rignts of way clean and sanitary? intended? spouts in good repair and fit for the use Are the gutters and down sP INS GENERAL Are all required services are available and working? Are the heating facilities in goad repair? A? Is heat being supplied at proper terperatures. 68 F -78 Are hot water heating facilities in good repair? Are all required facilities properly installed and vented? roper requuements? Location? X.VIOLATIONS YES NO All space heaters in use meet the proper there no temporary wiring in use? service safe and adequate? g 14.3 Is the electrical unit maintained in a clean and sanitary condition by The dwelling is free of insect/ adept presence? Is the dwelling the occupants? ATION CHECKED ABOVE IS A CONDITION OC IC T AS OR SAFETY AND WELL—BEING OF THE ONE OR MORE OF THE VIOLATIONS INSPECTOR. ERMINED IMPAIR THE HEALTH THE CODE OR THE AUTHORIZED ERMINED BY REGULATION 29.10E a TITLE PECTOR TIME 7E IE NEXT SCHEDULED REINSPECTION IS: DATE ----- A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. TIME 3OARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date./1.:/j..:..%J... Time............... ...._ CC,d%._ 006,7............................._. 3cr3 % / et9f/t. C/olieeE J.lif/see '�eo�%/ea„�5 . .......... ? ... .. ck..al..!w..Akek.................................... Premises b CD-rte.-Yu ..................................... ......... IC0 e�S Rnferred t0 ... yl Time.............. /.v nsp ction ..... TOWS REPORT .. .. .::::.. .. .::. d yLC.:^.�. Taken ...,..,� ° � ...,...... Inspector '' '� �� ' I 777,41 n1 r.rnn'tnny:2 dG -SC FORM 494 - SUMMONS WITH OFFICERS RETURN HOBBS & WARREN. INC PUBLISHERS DUCES TECUMREVISED DEC. 1971 HAMPSHIRE BOSTON, MASS. (�I�P Qtmmtt Dtunnl(tli of 1:: asstttl7usrtta 53. ZE1 Peter J. McErlain Health Agent i.ty...Of..NOZth. MPtOn Northamptoa,...MA 010E0 greeting. Von are fi reby remmanbeb, in the name of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to appear before the Hampshire District Court /olden at._.Northampton within and for the county of Hampshire on the 23 day of October, 1978 at 11.:.00 o'clock in the.......£OFeroon, and from day to day thereafter, until the action hereinafter named is heard by said Court, /o give evidence of what you know relating to an action xje then and there to be heard and tried between Qprtrude E, Hooks Plaintiff , and Rob Lor, Inc. , Dennis Mullins, Lorraine Curtis and Defendant , and Robert MacGovern d/b/a Packards )ou are further required to bring nith.vou any and. all documents, memorandums. or...correspondence..xelating. to_.the_prOperty at 14 Masonic Street, Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts in relation to anv violations of the State Sanitary Code or Regulations._O£___the..Northampton..Board..Of Health berenf fall tint as you will answer your default under the pains and penalties in the law in that behalf made and provided. Data of A. D. 1978 Northampton the 20 day of Octob Notary Public—;»XXXXxxxx My comm. expires February 23, 1979 4 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date: I is i)05 I Time: Map: Name of Complainant: ey- C' Address: 1� yyi ns r , S d„cc�- IParcel: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: 611tik F'acLt4s , T sh S titur 01.11/%.F MVhtt , .G, 5 li4Sh 4nct no Cq e, S- ,cep Tel:cj /3 - «c- yro7 Location: Owner: Address: Taken by: 1Tel: !Date of Inspection: I Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: k 1 :.al pac „-€ls t "ran z�ks $ cl kmajk lakc,v Action Taken: nspector Signat oo,n,ohOlON ,AP BOI O