59 Complaints 1979-1990 BOARD OF HEALTH an HALL COMPLAINT RECORD �� Date.__1/4. 7 Tim Name of �.N ---" 0�9 Ali Complainant --� Tel Address ✓ / � ,.2 .3 _ Nature of Complaint �— { I � I L LI.C.R I C?LY f'^1M1'IS j i�Z�� I Y Location of Premises*Ai — -°'—L-1'�/J4 Owner Address —_ --- Occupant ..-------=�' ,S ;}' Referred to Taken by_----� _.__ Tim Date of inspection -- INSPECTOR'S REPORT .._-L ad • z f A-.)SS iv i/r-�i`3'lYCJ77 e Action Taken rye -n7 ° ya 6 ,:i7-y),,wii;_x;c(cy//A- r :� � 7 r�f //.� 1 1 L799/ Tfr17- velceti 4s e- // -r y_2 are � � -9 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date 77‘.– Time Name of L'"`' Complainant _.-5� �G � --_-_-___—_- Tel Address . Z._._. ----- Nature of Complaint Location of Premises ----'-- � -- Owner ...._-- Address — Occupant _ Taken b9—I— Referred to_---- Time_------ Date of inspection --- - i INSPECTOR'S REPORT .2�-- / /L erd ‘-.? nCr<b .‘ ^ � � v Action Taken Inspector a /6 S-81(-2 9�'/ ° `e, r.e aDeli • a,M D. rl .RN. t ., li,olih P._cnt FITS OF NON i3?.'t:1) 11.]'" MASSACNUSF,S'J'S OFFICE OF THE POAHD OF fi EAI;r11 asss]T V-OL'kPZONS OF ARTICLE lI OF THE STATE SAIDef4HY FOR Ru N FiBfTAT101■" AT 59 SSED TO: 'aple street, (-7 2]0 MAIN 0]060 Tr!. (4)3) .S4 901) CODE " "R;IiCJN S .=_ND&OS Margaret Laraia ___.-- DATE_ anuarY-Z2._l929 59 11• Ple Street. Florence ?least._ 01060 SFFCT ICN R:;.-CRTS ISSUED T0: This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: --- - Isto ; urn documento legal rnuito importante que podera afectar os seus d'reitos. Podem adquirir uma tradu§so deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento lecale important=_. Potrebbe avere effetio sui svoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di quest° modulo a: Este es un document° legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. lid. Puede adquirir una traducdon de esta forma en: • 1 v AvTO ELVaL E cT):! (VTLHO V0111.)4.0 Eyypatpo. [Interact Ara. r I EIIP JEOOEL I VO}LZa 6Latw00.ra• MI:OPELTE 'Va. _, sopEte )!ETaLpPa°q eviou .OU Eyypatpou area TO .-z 1 1 vy_ :/, 7. ,a ,, ; ,.)0 ' •%% Al j � 5� ' ' i " ; % 9 • Board of rez!thr ?:o:th�.7p„nn, _55" Q 210 Vain Street -- Tel. No. 5o1:-9Dil • The Northampton Poard of Health has inspected the premises at 69 Maple Arcat_.. ma___ :orthampton (assessor's map __.239__ — -- -_ for conplia_nce with Article II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed which are serious enough as to ;materially endanger or materially i?.pair the safety, and ;:ell-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Mass. General Laws, cle II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good (fort to correct the following violations within Twenty-four (2t) hours from e of receipt of this order. bion Violation Inadenuate heat in several rooms on )rd. , floor. Exposed heating unit in Jim Cox's room. floor X 13.6 Second floor common bathroo: is rot and broken and warped. IL—P1 Cracked toilet seat in second floor inadequate second third floor, (V Inadequate second second floor. Temporary wiring used in hallway for wall light. Inadequate lighting throughout interior hallway. means. of egress p In Remedy Minimum temperature is 63° luring the day and 64° at night. Each tenant has to b. able to have these minimum temperatures. Enclose the heating equip- ment and vent his room properly. en Install new flooring. & bath.( Install new seat. means of egress on0X. Gas stove leaking in kitchen, 0116-, Bring into compliance with Building Code, * Bring into compliance with State Building Code. * Remove temporary wiring. Install better lighting throughout the interior hallway. Eliminate leak. • on_ Viola ion Shower base in common bath is leaking. Some rooms do not have at least two electrial wall outlets or one outlet and one light fixture. Seal the base so it stops leaking, (or install new base if necessary.) Each room rust have at least one light fixture or two wall outlets. se confer with Cecil Clark, Inspector of Buildings, or myself before beginning e repairs. 'ou have any questions, please call this office. ik you, in advance, for your cooperation. :TIF18D FAIL 294449 Very truly yours, Richard J. Puncochar Housing Inspector. cv - c `,i s of n ntrr, a ve the ri,ri, L-, .n ` rile in - et he 'Naar: an ,Gifiec t.l ins Petitions . . petThpn the ���" `-° 01 �,ce l r•r;s^below : ..,ce math the ragu -a°'- _ served our sva nt der ras been - - urter �inom any `2r an order issv?ddzd � .s v_non ( except for sue provided , d on most be vL Litnc of eg,nl tion 3 . 2 have been satisfied ) ;day oi;e = file seven days after the Eents of "_ filed within �- of any ir;spect or ( s) or other s.�rvec ; n aggrieved by the failure f the board o-f health: ttspect r r eonies premises as re cnTred u„der this • provided, petition must filed within thirty s ays or such in ?ecoon -was re anent e° j. .ore ouiT” by cone ; d y this inspection as thirty days after opt on an inspe ' within issue a rep must be filed aided , such petition or _ - s. Article where inspection; - - of this violations certify that a coon to find exist or to mate' violations may endanger or ,n an ins_r are claimed to of the ,h. viol atitn and well-being be or combination of safety, petition most elation the health or rovided , such Ally impair ,nremi Ses; nt of the ins�e ci,ion Thirty days after receipt cu*?a nts of the Jed within Provided / ulation 33 • 1; pro port;- or ne after an titer as rtcbe filed by `aithin thirty days � issue Lion must be filed such petition report. hat of the inspection rzP or any ?erson .• . 3. y:as been served enumerated an whim of this tide to perform as adverse of the -inspector and any rson upon lure at a hearing >y the failure represented _e,nrese nt ed - - sire right to saki -hearing. 3 right .to appear at Public Docunents - reports, orders, notices t inspection or investigation r oS the Board of _zl evan information in tlnbe1 °opi ed1�tr a fee. d ocume ntari - ction and may z open for' inspz Remedies_a=nd Penalties nary of some brief seer violations contal, s a ;loosing Code Feet subjects the ations of the Inspection tc Re pinto this to also -'o tenants ray use - this order 00 dollars, tz4ies comply with ($10. )l doe ar , nor Failure to of ,ntt less than ten , s fai- n fine s for each 6aY to a criminal $50,x) dollar n five hvntrzd �s order. - - - --� CITYITOWN _________________ ----- DEPARTMENT ADDRESS _ ____ TELEPHONE This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: odere afectar os seus Inc e um documento legal muito importante q ue P direitos. Podem adquirir uma traducao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legate importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo oulo .sus derechos. Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que d Ud. Puede adquirir une traduction de esta forma en: „ a. o. E$OOEL v1 AUTO ELV6L coo otlRap Lxo voµLx1 Mt :x=0. PSTCOPELTE va. ETCrlPE0.QE6 / VOLLLX0. cog I , • RdPETE } ET0.NP � 0.UTOU 'CCU EYYPWPOU ono to . j i zi rJ a i?2,1 %i s1 2:34, a >ar'i 3L J o l %] i fJ i m� , %11:4 tL T f-y"r • (WRITE IN BOARD OF HEALTH ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER ABOVE( ARTICLE 11 STATE SANITARY CODE `-a _NO. OCCUPANTS__ 1d DDRESS:_ ��------` APT.NO.: ____-�----- �?tae FLOOR: __ :CUPANT: _ O. DWELLING UNITS: 10.STORIES: FRAME:_—_ WE STRUCTURE: _ BASEMENT: BRICK 1_, SEMIDETACHED:__._DETACHED:________ NO. OF SLEEPING ROOMS: — --- JO. OF HABITABLE ROOMS: a)J654±it f E-any« _ ADDER: __` //� ADDRESS: _—_ '("Yi{%"—��-•— X61 ION Bla) 1 B(bl B(c) 9 2 9.21 3.1A 3.6 13.6 8.18 I LATION X=VIOLATION YES NO t BATHROOM 11111CSIMIIMOISIMI1111111111 • smooth, impervious and sanitary condition? Are the facilities In a clean, Is cold water for facilities availaole twah sufficient t)qg quantity)? Is hot water for facilities available (120 Are the facilities properly connected to dram line? Is there at least one Light nxture in good repair? Is there an electrical outlet in good repair at washbasin? Are the windows in good r_pair weatnertight and fit for the use intended? Are the doors In good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the floors in goon repair and fit for the use intended? Are the floors and walls of nonabsorbent material? Are the exterior openings properly screened? KITCHEN Is the room suitable? Is sink available and of sufficient size and capacity? and pressure) Is cold water for the sink available Iwi th sufficient quantity Is hat water for sink available (120 l Is sink properly connected ro drain Is there a working stove and oven? Is the stove and oven oroperly connected an vet orb n Are the facilities clean, smooth, impervious, n it Is there one light fixture In good repair? b) Are there two electrical outlets in good repair? cl Are the windows lif kitchen exceeds 70 sq. ft.) equal to at teat 10% of the floor area? I & 13.1A Are the windows in good repair,weathertight and fit for the use intended? Are the exterior openings property screened? 5 fit for the use intended? Are the doors m good repair and t Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? L6 Is the floor impervious and easily cleanable? of Refrigerator? l lcl Is there adequate space and facilities tor Insta g .1A. 8.16(a) Is there sufficient ventilation? property installed? Are all owner installed appliances prop Y Are all occupant installed appliances properly installed? O w MIS 1 .1 .1 3(a) 9.31b) 1.4 X 21 VIOLATION YES NO ON I LIVING ROOM is Are there two separate electrical outlets good repair? -- ture in good repair? le) ,TION 1Blel LATION 3.1 3.1 3.1 14 11 5 Is there one outlet and one Ilght tix Is there proper ventilation ? Are the windows in good repair, Are the walls in good repair and fit Are the ceilings in good repair and f n good repair and fit Greened? weathertight and fit for the use intended? for the use intended? Are he floor Are all ex erior openings SLEEPING ROOM 1 (Identify) Is her sufficient natural Sigh or the use intended? or the use intended? _Ma MIN Are m t e s A there two separate electrical outlets good rep Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good rep air? Is there proper ventilation? Are the windows in good regal Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are all exterior openings screened? Is there adequate space for the number of occupants? eathertighr and fit for the use intended? SLEEPING BOOM 2 (Identify) Is there sufficient natural light? Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair? Is there one outlet and one lignt fixture in good repair? re Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the ceilings in good repair and Are the floors in good repair and fi Are the win PM am, Is there proper ventilation in good pair,weathertight and fit for the use intended. or the use intended? for the use intended? Are all exterior openings ace screened. for umper of occupants? Is there adequate space SLEEPING ROOM ' 3 (Identify) Is there sufficient natural light? good repair? Are there two separate electrical outlets in g Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good repair? YW Biel I Is there proper ventilation? Are the windows in good repair,weathertight and fit for the use intended? Are the walls in good reoair and fit for the use intended? Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are all exterior openings screened? ace forthe n adeqquate sp mber of occupants? Is there a INS (: if 11 VL. (--X a VIOLATIONS VES I NO COMMON AREA AND EXITS Are interior common areas properly illuminated at all times? Are there operational and sufficient and properly located light switcnes and fixtures? f the use intended? Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fit or Are the doors in good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended. Are ail doors scree _�Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the walls in good repair and f''.t for the use intended? Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are all common areas clean? Are the stairways in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are handrails in good repair and fit for the use intended? v ices In place? 22 Are all required balusters or other de entry door of a dwelling unit fitted with a proper lock? rcallys Is every Does the main entry door of a dwelling close and lockauto�' Is the building properly posted won the name of owned? Are the common bathroom facilities clean! Are there sufficient and properly maintained exits? �m,�fr✓I/ Ond- • ICJ �Jr-f( :4 fe":IC I- EXTERIOR LATIONS 13.4& 13 10 5 Are light fixtures and switches properly located? and balusters in place and in good repair? Are all required hand railings an Is the storage of rubbish and garbage proper (occupants)? S c-r-r) ! ' Are there sufficient and properly located.receptacles? Are the private passageways or rignts of way clean and sanitary? .mended? Are the gutters and down spouts in good repair and fit for the use 'e„ ry X•VIOLATIONS YES NO )NS GENERAL Are all required services are available and working? Are the heating facilities in good repair? Is heat being supplied at proper terperaturw.68 Are all required facilities properly inst lied and vented? ' WI��rements? All space heaters in use meet the proper reg �= Is there no temporary wiring in use? Is the electrical service safe and adequate? w • in a clean and sanitary condition by 4.3 Is the dwelling unit maintained the occupants? ,. . 4 TION ONE OR MORE OF THE VIOLATIONS CHECKED ABOVE IS A CONDITION OCCUPANT AS WHICH MAY t1ALLY IMPAIR THE HEALTH OR SAFETY AND WELL—BEING OF THE (MINED BY REGULATION 29.2 OF THE CODE OR THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR. ------- ----- A.M. P.M. cTOa- NEXT SCHEDULED REINSPECTION IS TITLE TIME DATE A.M. --P.M. TIME EIT HOUSINGIEF SUMMARY OF CORRECTED.E THE LEGAL REMEDIES TENANTS MAY USE IN NG IS A tlithholding (General Laws Chapter 239 Section 8A) your rent payments.You can do Violations Are Not Being Corrected you may be entitled to hold back yo being evicted if: u can prove that y health or safety and that your landlord knew about the violations our dwelling unit or common areas contain code violations which are serious enough endanger or materially impair your fore you were behind in your rent. ,u did not cause the violations and they can be repaired while you continue to live in the building. ou are prepared to pay any portion of the rent into court if a judge orders you to pay it. (For this it is ist to put the rentmoney aside in a safe place.) air and Deduct (General Laws Chapter 111 Section 127L. ourself. If your local code rent money to make the repairs yourself. your your local safety endanger or materially impair y law sometimes allows you to use your you may be able to use this remedy. If lint and yo r certifies that there are code en notice which iotio :ing and your nn dews has received written enter notice of written violations,contra c to four them ma' rent t any year to r fails to begin necessary repairs (or to enter into a wriou can use upo have:hem made) within five days ice or to comPleterepairs within 14 days after notice Y repairs. tallatory Rent Increases or Evictions Prohibited (General Laws Chapter 186,Section 18 and Chapter 2 39 ection 2A). taint to your local code 1 owner may not increase your rent or evict you in retaliation for making a comp a made agency good reason for the increase or eviction which is aboutc de violations.a If the owner s raises ais ay9 your rent or tries to evict within six months after ed made the complaint You may be able to sue the landlord for damages if he or she tries this. lid to your complaint. Rent Receivership (General Laws Chapter 1111 Sections 127C.H1. petition the District or Superior Court to allow rent to be paid then appoint a"receiver" who may spend as much of the rent to occupants and/or the board of health may P spending limitation of four months' ou as rather than to to the owner. The court The may as is needed to cortect the violation. The receiver is not subject to a Breach of Warranty of Habitability. You may be entitled to sue your landlord to have all or some of your rent returned if your dwelling unit does nest minimum standards of habitability. Unfair and Deceptive Practices (General Laws Chapter 93A). Renting an apartment with code violations is a violation of the consumer protection act and regulations for IT IS ADVISABLE E YOU DECIDE SHOULD TO lE THHOLDMYOURN RENT EORETAKE ANY OTHER SLEGALRAOION,E IT IS SEYOU THAT T )NTACT THE NEAREST LEGAL SERVICES OFFICE WHICHTIS CONSULT AN ATTORNEY, )NSULT AN ATTORNEY. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD ch you may sue an owner. (NAME) (ADDRESS) (TELEPHONE NUMBER) ne of tress are of Complaint 1c- i0 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date /Z lC 90 Time L 5rY/f7 „Lei e ation of Premises ter ress (pant en by z3A 6.0 Tel. — CLMVIt`G ele4^b yr ick"~;f7 Rent/ U,,v,e-EV/Y,' , ,w v Sq.:rvf‘E rig ,..nv,t .+Y2 r of inspection i tit= fF1 gE'EP 7/13=d /n'`'` L PECTOR'sREPORT �FV -4-7-7z c; 4, NA▪P OT/%'O/fiir' /YO ,// ▪ z5 1P (O//;1469, Referred to /ye Time 3 ' =_` —Printed on Reacted Paper- FILTH batsman MD. iON5 NI.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)586-6950 Ext.212 .,j0 _IORME STANDARDS OFS FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION ATI SANITARY OF aple Street Florence MA 01060 Dec tuber 10 . 1990 . . . Margaret L_a_I_aia . _.----�- ADDRESSED TO: _.- 59 Maple Street_. ----- ' ! Florenc 1_MA 01060 ES OF REPORT TO —— s is an important legal document. It may affect your rights . may obtain a translation of this form at: o e um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradSao deste documento e: � Il pourrait odocz obtenir eg i . traduction de cette ecter vos edr un important document legate • Feder vos droits . Vous p rme a: Qale importante . Potrebbe avere effectto i suoi e,• e un documento Le pub ottenere una traduzione di questo oi diritti . dulo a: legal importante .importante . Puede que afecte sus Lreho un dd. Puede eo lee es esta forma en: Lrechos . Ud. P adquirir una traduction de • jest wazne ozesz a document . To moze miec wplyw na twoje Mlozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu=isle° prawnienia. of Health Northampton 10aM City Hail , 210 `fain Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel ( 413 ) 086-6950 n214 orthampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 39a a le Street Florence Northampton ( assessor' s map II of The State 1 60 ) , for compliance with Chapter ary Code. letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations !d below, which are serious enough as to endanger or 'tally impair the health , safety , and well-being of the pants . Chapter III , Section 1^_ 1 of the Massachusetts authority of Chap the Code , i and Chapter iI oI e State Sanitary the byl Laws , correct receipt by ordered to make a good faith effort to coofethe _ owing violations within TWENTY FOUR HOURS his order : N . VIOLATION Illegal deposition/storage of eposition/storagf refuse along back of property including , but not limited to: Charred paper , cans , bottles , cigarette butts and an old couch. No visible evidence of approved trash receptacles or dumpster around dwelling. REMEDY_ • Cleanup and proper':' dispose of accumulated trash noted . Provide suitable containers for refuse storage p ' collection or removal from premises . ave any questions regarding this abatement order contact h office . il) yours , Kochan Inspector )ton Board of Health aspection report is signed and es operjury. ED ORDER = P 890 359 807 the Board certified under the pains and