292 Complaints 2002-2008 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD ` COPY Date: is 1_s-ozj Time: r%,SO A61 IMap: Parcel: Name of Complainant: sr/9If y 2rmoN Address: 2 y 56cT1f sr,, e57Fa'c • r - F/14414Y. Tel:_•17•Ckyi NATURE OF COMPLAINT: UPS ra.fE rift rom,-47-c. H6 C1S- 1-04 c 6L (14.. . .-Ce,n 5 _ ,lV4Co'tt' lit nr. - - - 54; er^mcre< Location: Owner: C,/415 zx �'5t/ Address: Tel: ,1/477- r,0 tat -vsve Taken by: eee I Date of Inspection: Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: "`•= f*r e / .P o- 3 .r '' He ci -�« / Dignai PhoIoia Take^ asm.XVES Action Taken: /' Inspector Signafu • BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS OFFICE OF THE I P.BRUNSWICK,M.D.,MPH,CHAIR SEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF st 3.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Director of Public Health Mectywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector a Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Madeline Heon,Clerk BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1264 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE I "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: LOCATION: 292 South Street- 1st Floor DATE: December 29,2003 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: David Duseau,Owner 54 Bridge Street Hatfield,MA 01038 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Stacy Zemon, Tenant 292 South Street- 1st Floor Northampton,MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir tuna tradpao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei puo ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccidn de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny document. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: orthampton Board of Health has Inspected the premises at 292 South Street, 1st Floor, ampton,MA(assessor s map 38D. parcel 30 .), for compliance with Chapter II of the State ry Code. mer will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as anger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. GULATION MR 410.000 VIOLATION CORRECTION ORDER EXTERIOR FRONT ENTRANCE _432 i\-‘ Ice and snow on sidewalk and stain. Remove ice and snow (Immediately-24 hrs.) .500 &. 501 Door does not close properly and is Adjust door to close properly and make not weather tight. door weather tight. INTERIOR FRONT ENTRANCE .500 &. 501 oor does not close properly and is Adjust door to close properly and make not weather tight door weather tight. .480 `'P I Entrance door does not lock. Provide lock on door. .254 VO ,` Ha way light does not work. Restore hallway light. WI .500 ' 01ein wqlls. Lwrx, ¢ ) Repair holes. .450 allway rock, 6 structed w..ioaaod). by clutter (sheet Remove clutter. .481 Owners�name, address, and telephone Owners name, address,and telephone number not posted in entrance hallway, number must be posted and maintained on dwelling adjacent to the mailboxes for such dwelling or elsewhere in the interior of such dwelling in a location visible to the residents. It must be constructed on notice of durable material,not less than 20 square inches in size,bearing his name, address and telephone number. 9ULAHON WR 410.000 VIOLATION CORRECTION ORDER .201 OFFICE ROOM Ambient room temperature must at least 68°F(20°C) between 7:00 A.M. and 11:00P.M. and at least 64°F(17°C) Ambient room temperature degrees Fahrenheit was 62 j 6 � 0 if between 11:01 P.M. and 6:59 A.M. every Or� l 10 day other than during the period from 7 i 1 • June 15th to September 156,both Iinclusive, in each year except and to the extent the occupant is required to provide the fuel under a written letting agreement The temperature shall at no time exceed 78°F(25°C) during the heating season. (CORRECT IN 24 HOURS). LIVING ROOM .201 Ambient room temperature was 62 Ambient room temperature must be at degrees Fahrenheit i least 68°F (20°C)between 7:00 A.M. and 2/ 4 11:00P.M. and at least 64°F (17°C) / 2 Z / between 11:01 P.M. and 6:59 A.M. every the from � f/ // ' r .. • jtayn other than during period une 15th to September 15th,both inclusive, io each year the / -- required d to pto rovide extent the occupant is required to provide ent the fuel under a written letting agreement The temperature shall at no time exceed 78°F (25°C) during the heating season. (CORRECT IN 24 HOURS). KITCHEN .201 NOTE: Ambient room temperature See temperature violations noted in other was 68 degrees Fahrenheit-OK rooms for corrective action. ,ULATION IR 410.000 .201 VIOLATION CORRECTION ORDER BEDROOM temperature was 66 Ambient room temperature must be at least Fahrenheit. 68°F(20°C)between 7:00 A.M. and 1 .0 P.M. and at least 64°F(17°C) between 1:01 P.M. and 6:59 A.M. every day other 6 1r✓ than during the period from June 151h to ^ I \ September 15th,both inclusive,in each year / \1 \ el/ except and to the extent the occupant is required to provide the fuel under a written letting agreement. The temperature shall at no time exceed 78°F (25°C) during the heating season (CORRECT IN 24 HOURS). Ambient room degrees Fah .280 .201 BATHROOM No mechanical ventilation to outside provided. Ambient room temperature was 62 degrees Fahrenheit. D� ilk ,�� \ .254 .500 CELLAR Outside lighting is not on separate Don— meter. Tenant states that cellar wall leaks during rainstorms and basement floods. Boxes in cellar were observed to have water damage. Install mechanical ventilation. Ambient room temperature must beat least 68°F(20°C)between 7:00 A.M. and 11:00P.M. and at least 64°F(17°C) between 11:01 P.M. and 6:59 A.M.every day other than during the period from June 15th to September 15th,both inclusive,in each year except and to the extent the occupant is required to provide the fuel under a written letting agreement. The temperature shall at no time exceed 78°F (25°C)during the heating season (CORRECT IN 24 HOURS). Install owner,s meter to service all lighting for exterior and common areas and passageways or create a written agreement that states tenant is responsible for paying for lighting for these areas. Repair leak. .503 SIDE ENTRANCE (EAST SIDE) No handrail on steps. I -' Install handrail. OUTDOOR AMBIENT AIR TEMPURATURE WAS FOUND TO BE 48 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT AT 11:00AM. you be aggrieved by this order, you have the right to request a hearing before the Board of Health.A must be received in writing to the office of the Board of Health within seven(7)days of receipt of this .t said hearing,you will be given an opportunity to be heard and to present witnesses and documentary e as to why this order should be modified or withdrawn. You have the right to be represented by an i. You may contact this office to inspect and obtain copies of all relevant inspection or investigation reports, notices and other documentary information relative to this property. If these premises are occupied as rental ;,the occupants are entitled to there statutory rights and remedies. A copy of these rights and remedies has ovided to them in the enclosed document which is entitled"LEGAL REMIDIES FOR TENANTS". authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the anitary Code,you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following xis by January 9, 2003 or unless otherwise indicated next to the correction order. feel free to contact the Board of Health office,at 587-1215,if you have any questions concerning this Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. spection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. ely, J.Mathieu,R.S., or of Public Health icy Zemon, Tenant CIFIED MAIL if 7003 0500 0005 2476 5608 7ULATION fR 410.000 VIOLATION CORRECTION ORDER .503 .500 SIDE ENTRANCE (WEST SIDE) Install balusters on handrail as required by code. Replace rotted wood. No balusters on handrail for steps. Wood casing on entrance door is rotted. OUTDOOR AMBIENT AIR TEMPURATURE WAS FOUND TO BE 48 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT AT 11:00AM. you be aggrieved by this order, you have the right to request a hearing before the Board of Health.A must be received in writing to the office of the Board of Health within seven(7)days of receipt of this .t said hearing,you will be given an opportunity to be heard and to present witnesses and documentary e as to why this order should be modified or withdrawn. You have the right to be represented by an i. You may contact this office to inspect and obtain copies of all relevant inspection or investigation reports, notices and other documentary information relative to this property. If these premises are occupied as rental ;,the occupants are entitled to there statutory rights and remedies. A copy of these rights and remedies has ovided to them in the enclosed document which is entitled"LEGAL REMIDIES FOR TENANTS". authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the anitary Code,you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following xis by January 9, 2003 or unless otherwise indicated next to the correction order. feel free to contact the Board of Health office,at 587-1215,if you have any questions concerning this Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. spection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. ely, J.Mathieu,R.S., or of Public Health icy Zemon, Tenant CIFIED MAIL if 7003 0500 0005 2476 5608 HEARING ersons have the right to seek a modification of an order. To accomplish a odification, a person must file in writing a petition for a hearing before the Board of ealth. Petitions must be filed on time in accordance with the regulations below: Any person or persons upon whom any order has been served pursuant to any regulation of this code (except for an order issued after the requirements of Regulation 33.2 have been satisfied); provided, such petition must be filed within seven days after the day the ordered was served; Any person aggrieved by the failure of any inspector(s) or other personnel of the Board of Health: 1. to inspect upon request any premises as required under this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after such inspection was requested; or 2. to issue a report on an inspection as required by this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after the inspection; or 3. upon an inspection to find violations of this Article where such violations are claimed to exist or to certify that a violation or combination of violations may endanger or materially impair the health or safety and well- being of the occupant(s) of the premises; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report; or to issue an order as required by Regulation 33.1; provided, that such • petition must be filed within thirty days after the receipt of the inspection report y person upon whom this order has been served, or any person aggrieved by the ure of the inspector to perform as enumerated above, has the - right to be presented at a hearing and any adverse party has a right to appear at said hearing. BLIC DOCUMENTS relevant inspection or investigation reports, orders, notices, and other ;umentary information in the possession of the Board of Health are open for oection and may be copied for a fee. VIEDIES AND PENALTIES t of the Inspection Report contains a brief summary of some legal remedies tenants y use in order to get Housing Code violations corrected. Failure to comply with this er also subjects the person ordered to a criminal fine of not less than ten ($10.00) ars, nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars for each day's failure to comply 1 this order. THE FOLLOWING IS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF SOME OF THE LEGAL :EMEDIES TENANTS MAY USE TO GET HOUSING CODE VIOLATIONS CORRECTED: RENT WITHHOLDING(GENERAL LAWS, CHAPTER 239,SECTION 8A) If Code Violations are not being corrected you may be-entitled to hold back your rent payments. You can do this without being evicted if: A. You can prove that your dwelling unit or common areas contain code violations which are serious enough to endanger or materially impair your health or safety and that your landlord knew about the violations before you were behind in rent B. You did not cause the violations and they can be repaired while you continue to live in the building or apartment C. You are prepared to pay any portion of the rent into court if a judge orders you to pay it (For this it is best to put rent money aside in a safe place.) REPAIR AND DEDUCT(GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 111,SECTION 127L) The law sometimes allows you to use your rent money to make the repairs yourself. If your local code enforcement agency certifies that there are code violations which seriously endanger or materially impair your health,safety or well-being and your landlord has received written notice of the violations,you may be able to use this remedy. If the owner fails to begin necessary repairs (or to enter into a written contract to have them made) within five days after notice or to complete repairs within fourteen days after the notice you can use up to four months'rent in any one year to make the repairs. - RETALIATORY RENT INCREASES OR EVICTIONS PROHIBITED (GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 186,SECTION 18 AND CHAPTER 239,SECTION 2A) The owner may not increase your rent or evict you in retaliation for making a complaint to the local enforcement agency about code violations. If the owner raises your rent or tries to evict within six months after you have made the complaint he or she will have to show a good reason for the increase or eviction which is unrelated to your complaint You may be able to sue the landlord for damages if he or she tried this. RENT RECEIVERSHIP(GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 111,SECTIONS C-H) The occupants and/or the Board of Health may petition the District or Superior Court to allow rent to be paid into court rather than to the owner. The court may appoint a"receiver who may spend as much of the rent money as is needed to correct the violation(s)- The receiver is not subject to a spending limitation of four months'rent BREACH OF WARRANTY OR HABITABILITY You may be entitled to sue your landlord to have all or some of your rent returned if your dwelling unit does not meet minimum standards of human habitability. UNFAIR AND DECEPTIVE PRACTICES(GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 93A) Renting an apartment with code violations is a violation of the Consumer Protection Regulations for which you may sue an owner. E INFORMATION PRESENTED ABOVE IS JUST A SUMMARY OF THE LAW. BEFORE YOU DECIDE I WITHHOLD YOUR RENT OR TAKE OTHER LEGAL ACTION, R IS ADVISABLE THAT YOU CONSULT ATTORNEY. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD AT ATTORNEY, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE NEAREST GAL SERVICES OFFICE WHICH IS WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS LEGAL SERVICES 584 -4034 20 HAMPTON AVENUE, SUITE 100, NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 2002 by and benreen made this _ °a- o` � 2 02 b Massachusetts be veer THIS eaU ereLR Lessor), of 54 Bridge Street, t Ms where the ter + e:' inc called the �„ aartinistrators and ass S. Dusaan ('ae.einz>' —Le Ntc " which expressia;: shit include his hears. eaecu,,.ts, -- ,.i c g,. of the Ctat part. a%.� toe Lessee;, which a ales. : so iecDC;eg or ad.::.t-• pan \-,��=ac'ausetts ihereu_a=z': ,.a ,. ti d r!'c,.``>1�a - the sae hors and assigns.path' of n suall include s,.c:.:+ CS i5 1iJ �D"k ciree;i {ire, L/e,: r. ANIT\ESSETH: Leased Premises Tea dRenee-al Rent , r`t the covenants and a r ec. en; act : contained on the pan 1.1 TI'a .ons!de. io lease and demise ur�o the the Lesser woes hereby the premises it '.e Lessee e and performed, front to Lessee goes ',ereSy take. `:ease and hire o n the Less,.r t:. and hi " known a7d described as follows'. house at 292 ice the , ass:cam usetts iu;a t_harupto;h Hampshire Co.mty- �assachusetts C 060. nS 1-� ;um of dtcreCa+ the tree?,votthampton, . , _ - c *,ire term of and told onto the t Lessee, is SUCCCSSOTS and assigns, for _ and ending 1.2 To have at: -.e� "mti n �t'-""'_ ,y��4n • 1e t each monthly LA v,e:cii..4'C ;�ai,d "fTDol a a- _y, per r..orth. Dollars tS-c! ! ,, the terra. the dC_mo,ltn 'a^ o Q y C. Z�x do.�aoc .. rvr.:ertto'ced a y53(oo Artie 1 tf acee' bts The Lessee for itself, ;i` successors and assi,rrs, d.:es hereby, co:eaant with the Lessor, its ;uccesots and asstps, as fotloy"s. Lessee sh_a;i r,ay Y:e rem at the times and'm 2.1 Rent That the L e 2 I'ser e Lessee co\-rants that at ail li :es DS) ♦a i1 sing.e family residence. ,a er, gas,' allow. The Lessee agrees to hu. . sh and promptly pay for its o is hlfas,� ' roludin b : not 1i. . tc sewer use charges. The and i' other a ,� S pay any decoy for the utilities- eteeties shall telephone,be i o the ns:. - = the 'were and the Lessee shall p �' utilities ;hall be `-'�t he manlier aforesaid. w.:l rye the premises as a h Uil'tc 1 s ce. Lessee shall - e responsible ror rualotainin,a an appropriate and liability coverage ,ascirance po icy for the oreppem a n ,. a. cos13 ;or sai n i a'ke. article 3 tents and nd M i ttenance Uvemen is :'o the leased premises shall e made b pr Mlif .13— er r 3y No altzta?ions. add..,_c../,r ,m Ate m).1 !^ see, L FJi{ 2 , , ru.f n Gytrv.rki ¢'r:. ➢�% nlin5,� n Lessee see shall and tear and z z 4lainte'O, Lessee shall keep the ir:eaor and' tenor of the premises ir, as :rood of this . ease. reasonable wear ----�— at the commencement n. :e for t:as'.1 pickup. mowing casualty excepted. Lessor shall he responsible and condition as l' is d for keeping a.l sidewalks !es by d plowinbie .as ee , ee siul'i be responsible for all shoveling" rF�mbin and ; snow and ice Lessee p - lass and da:;,age to the 6 ,f ,;?ow' zn^_' i.z The Lessee she;t le .ail all ''^rcken glass caused'by the carelessness or negligence of the essee. Article 4 *s a tnent or Snbiettine tia covenants not to assist. this lease no To 'underlet the premises or any .The Lessee , acetic:, o- use the same without the prior of, nor license. s ffer of petnpt any person.i- ien there the` w:i;ing. net. consent of the L essC"• i'' Article S E4 i ation or Other'1'er ' 'on to rr;ns e Tne Lessee covenants, at the expiration or noth r :the aeon of and to yield up to the 5.1 '.eased premises not the pr all respects,e e effects from the e air. order nd coedit o, it I goods and= , keys. lcr�s !t good p only axce^red. son gland uses ete o tsar �d` all k } . anavoinarle casualty o casing and use authorizes and damage by sole in a. p or o n c abide warehouse or elsewhere and in the name ray net so :tmoved,or to sell at public nd the Lessee authorizes rho Lessor Lessee e an c! any P h the net of Les=_ee am personal property nd at :n risk a :d thoth e i of said property not so removed and to app.. u. pirate sale, tale to Hence. any or all fl due hereunder. or to destroy such property without soreeds of such sale to the payment a an i' `.:�. or any obligation on the pan of the Lessor. r: n cue saaa be a default of the tents of this lease. 5� The noa-pa}stye:-.t of the rent. he Art cle 6 Eminent Domai a a e by Fire Etc. 6.1 I •. If the premises are damaged by fire or other ab Dama a by ge the Other G this . y which the premiums are uninhabitable.tell,; of thi_ Lease. ^. n days or within Lessor's op casualty said during he within finee which the proption ate premises rot paid abate any rent Paid by the Lessee for any period for shall restore setd ate this Lease and mitrhabitaLle. property ;°the Lessee 6.2 Lessor shall not he Bali e to the Lessee for any injury to the pr . d by water,dampness or the elements. Arty 7 }r ga t ons e t ?s No foroearance or extension in time for performance of any obligation of the Lessee II conns'.'-rate a waiver of that default. A tle e Remedies in the Eve o Default H of this lease by the Lessee. which shall noromaveibs been notice, then the Lessor, besides- other rights _ e of remedies 8_1 In the zvzn�. of any breach a within ten je days following eue such orders have the right .emises; such property may he removed and lad hay r remove e subject to the requirements of law, may after to may a p public w] p warehouse and property t from 'he pi elsewhere at the cost of, and for the account of,the Lessee. stored in a public you d th ee e' reenter as herein.provided. o: :e old he take possession 8t Should pro Lessor rlbct to arts lease r h ma term and at provided for by law,he may either terminate this lease or he may, from time to Fr' the hereof in fot s own discretion and pursuant to any notice Fr�O ' i,ls 'ease, t�elet said premises or any P lied' first, to spine, without rentals terminating t• such rental. or isa and upon such other terms and conditions from su s as l Rentals ., the Lessor ;nom suc'' reiattpn�Sh f lreer�due and unpaid and second, to the p . vment oa future rent �,y deem advisah:e. °f suehtee e^,ng� and applied in Pa- Ihe Lessor and app• din pa payment such =u Mute rent the payment same of any c mt Should rentals re hereunder; and the balance,if anY+ shall be held by a become due to payable to be paid the month by the Lessee hereunder,ere t the agreed to be paid durin3 as the same m )' The Lessee shall also pay to during any month he less than rhaoaQ the Lessor monthly. pay arch deficiency t by the Lessor in such reletting- Lessee shall pa.� " � the cost and expenses neUre'. soon as ascertained. Article 9 [nde mnifc do d by lace. the Lessee agrees to inuemrufy and deend 'he Lessor liability- on account of or in 91 To the imles frome liabi:ng on account to have ,t harmless from, any and. all `soils, dzmands, loss or t., , on hold l to any person or pr°per"•` Lessee, as servants, agents, or visitors d with any se of the or leased pre ; the thereof]s, or resulting visitors d from the rue o. ire leased it ti n, both areas inside and outside om the Lessee's omission,fault.negligence,or other misconduct. Sing, and without any implied 'imitation, both due mad to have resulted from Article 0 Lessors Access to Premises upon notice to the Lessee, during the s or to i make the Ls sthereto or to the 10 The Lessor may, at any the iensele re.time. e5 ],but the Lessor or Colt be .ding,or to occupancy, enter ere pl ce a nyw the eear ed premises, therein other any fisn.t o ether c to, or to do ding,ort° .ton to or kerea .. introduce or replacete_cft� resremovo or being stno ton in or o. make repairs remises�except as herein. pr the leased aliable therefor,01 to,tacards. s gns, awnings, and the like, not expressly consented to in writing, or d ow lesed p show the leased premises to others`luring the six-month period prior to the expiration of the term this lease. Article 11 Q tan nEfl'0 melt The Lessor covenants and ild performing drat he t essee. sdhtect to he terms of conditions erionring tied other tam's. and enjoy the leased monthly rental and p possess and 7 7 and upon naying'�e basic m peaceably and quietly have. hold, occupy, P'� of tins lease, shall and may p premises during the term of this lease. Art •1 1 Suborn any new fist of wheel en of teased pease to are a pan, it t 2 The Lessee hereby agrees to subordinate the lien. of this lease to an;buildings.owned 1�•1 and ether lands pr and tulreia p iy- _d on the land and bi ndings lands, nni, the recording of mortgage that may be! •cytacad on such land and buildings, upon demand,a are if any, p'mist company, insurance company, or other le. blanket mortgage, by the Lessor by a bank. tin effectuate such subordinxipn. mortgage shah deemed prior in hen to this lease. and the Lessee will, t execute the such new expense instrument necessary to fails to or Brien,(7) date any of such instrument, but at the expense ofte seven iyy its after submission and if the Lessee within same,the Lesser is hereby authetyed to execute the same of attorney-in-fact for the Lessee, is a e .et 8t ' � 11 , )0 ,CO e a-,-r 4. b paid to the Le scr as ad4an_e rent the sum of 3.l n t s ey. he Lessee has l Said advance r.at sitar be zsed as l performance ii„�-- the Lessee. Such m. without interest for the fait and faithful perfetmance by the ;.es-see of all i,f the covenants and conditions of h e required p e b'Kept performed L Lessor or fulfilled n by s: month of the tei t : hereof or later ,nation t be reof, provided v ed Lesser to the rent fanthe r:; performed and fulfilled ail nation :hereof, nditided the Lessee has fatly and right intermingle P +s and conditiart<• Lessor sits;`.have the right to !nterm:ngie suer s.cn with his own n enan. for suet .mposes as the 3` may dett e. �' and to use s.�cF sum . h the sum of .t'r`� •�'�Lessee has deposited th Lessor. s t for e 4..1 :ii-Till performance? ' Dolts s 15 �y— .+e termination of this Lease. Se tt the p'atncsesb4� e_ eF and Lessor shall return. d Les least and for da .ages � r reps s � deductions and accounting of less any permitted ed, Statement of Cond':ian, completed and srgneG c:irit} deposit to Lessee.. within thirty days. deductions as is permitter: ander Massachusetts law. Artletc 14 Generate°rttt All of the covenants of the Lessee shal be In force without person or i em a 4L � h hold the leased premises. and or Hence during the term heron`std for such farther throe as the Lessee or any sons claiming undo:the Lessee s..al!h. 14. nY 've . Waive` of any breach or default hereof or indulgence sas te the payment and shall not be installment of rent at any :me, or nom tune to time• due and payable, astrued to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default or imply any fattue indulgence, given the i.esso: '.'he Lessee shall be sent aired to he that the Lessee 1 a vo iil addressee.l te`' 'e ."e sse at the !eased premises, or to sus;place th he Lesver to the Lessee :nand to Lessee,. registered hV T1 mail designate Lessor, or shall be delivered it the ' registered mad addressed to are taic. is all be re designate ro tvetto the Lesser. it shall be sent regi .rice shad be address to be `• by the Lessor to the Lessee, the MAd!035 ssor at such address as shad have been last designated in w1''ting .essofs present address being designated as 54 Bridge Street. Hatfield, MA of the alrespective extend parties 14 c All of the cot enants and conditions �-, ` within lease shall > end to and oe binding upon the heirs, erecutos, administrators. successors s and assigns 11 they were neaen case named and wp sad a� the same shall be construed aso hereto,covenants same as rMti the land. and Whenever in this lease reference is made to tanning with and to the heirs. czecvtors. either her of is and c parties here 6 be held to include and apply. either of the panics herein. it shat: 6 <he rams a: it 'at each and even case so !l0_5. 91;40 esici5 Y-+ :SS „r:,rr In reienl >_to the ••Npressions "Lesser' -Lessee'', , as the y± Lessee.see.in s Lessor Lessee the time heir) The . r. �� ,.-:n ., 'seemed<o refer U the semen �' the and the s.,,.. .. -I e of whether such Less, or ;,z and ?be carte,;, hereof mal e:.i:mt or re:,uire. .;-espec:::e a ja,cral persor o1 persons, corpora ,en. or other astir) ..r., part nr t1 s �s ! he dln ;n argthat hewing' co sine.: herein are inserted ae r. part. a.i ,.ln ;e it to s lease. r v r .• « .; reset and ?re/i5 c.t -ovi5ion.which shall a i va r rtv shall only affect the part of sus P other ti such rta .dsia n . of Beer trade, and h th at aL othz: spars shall e\t t as such.n`at� , pro ;s;o ;rd no ether pardon or to the exre . and o^.':1 to the elite; of such ir.,z Ion of r':`:> ie:. c shell 'Pe Inva .dated. 'mf ue ' or at ec d thereby t g gntixe fi ... �lT s tease c ai _e entire the brioserl parties and zobe mo'�e except br Lisitainarn, in citing. oNeol.ned h the cane, er cccor9arse +,I(n ti:e to■°s Of re<I+ective ',It interest. :.is a eeme;r shall be ucn-tried i a aonticab`e L a`v" B '---�" ' la segos s. :ornmonaee�dr rf",.aa9-� tt; i1TTNF.Ss \.iIEREOF. t;:e parties 'he*etc =as::a`ru,e tc t'..en. rV �k/t�F LASSO�t .,. t!te.t 4a;ds i.+e 9a'. rid ,: rte:eurto :�. .fc �rC.r, r .i kts c. r �:K ;� '1(1 It) d / rutty' is `� I U ) i i� �Wrn1h!m /4 / t ti„fit Ifk s f�4[F vat,- "!m�<N (y 1A Sr dC! GSItf..� i Ltsta�- c L � y, he 14 �,, � �• � F r< k � nfJ . lu .. d LXyyaT° pricy- . �f 17\40 e4- 7 2r^94 p0 t r lrrml tta .;' 4 ; ✓ IGtt,a t ylu sure- Hi r.. i- tr' e leads . Iy 11 ✓, . :ft re cell re �, 11bee,rj lv +` y( r(, ,r ,1 ijts �h:if .:. . a t.t E>'CI ptIrKg'11, " , p ii � p �1 LESSEE, u,. s poses¢ � u - Cl t - 2 t 1 I)P r, h (F 1� y T,/''k I Y AGREEMENT W04 at 292 South Street to connected to my meter. Owmer agree to allow the outside timer a004 b connected to my meter. AGREEMENT at 292 South Street to Chimer agree to allow the outside timer 00[9c NEIGHBORHOOD ID: 12 uu C PARCEL O 30D-030-001 ZONING: URB - ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - CNT CURRENT CURRENT OWNER/ADDRESS LAND SITE LAND VALUE PRIOR 89,800 ENT SIZE INFLUENCE FACTORS 99,700 89,B00 157. 00 DUSEAU MARY B TYPE 10700 BLDG 25,300 156,500 257,400 PRIME SITE LANG 125,300 246,300 24 BRIDGE ST MA 01038 TOTAL 174,600 HATFIELD SALES INFORMATION 89,800 TYPE PRICE VALIDITY DEED BOOK: 2000 TOTAL ACREAGE: 0.246 TOTAL LAND VALUE: DATE DEED PAGE: 171 DEED DATE: 20021113 LAST UPDATE/COST: 20030530 ADDITION DATA Third Floor Area LAST UPDATE/COST: 20030530 First Floor Second Floor 378 DATE: Lower Level 1/2s Frame 24 is Frame 1s Frame 84 % A Bsmnt Unfsh is Frame L Bsmnt Unfsh Frame Bay 48 INTO COLLECTION INFORMATION C Bsmnt Unfsh Fra erB y is Frame EXTRY & SIGN 0 ENTRANCE CODE: E INFORMATION SOURCE: IS F Fri Utlt Bld DATA COLLECTOR: 20030530 H DATE: DWELLING INFORMATION CVNTL STAR :HIIG: 1900 STOR E B 2.00 STORY HEIGHT: FULL FIN.WH ATTIC: FULL FULL Basement: 10 ADDITIONAL DWELLING INFORMATION TOTAL ROOMS: 4 TOTAL BEDROOMS: 3 ADDITIONAL FIXTURES: E TL BATHS: BRICK TRIM: X 1 Half Baths: ASBESTOS STONE TRIM: BASEMENT GARRGE:AGARS) EXTERIOR WALLS, 756 REMODELING DATA UNFINISHED AREA: 2725 GROUND FLOOR AREA: YEAR REMODELED: TOTAL LIVING RENT: X FINISHED BASEMENT RECREATION AREA:AREA:AREA. X YEAR RE RDELED(: YES BATH REMODEL lY/N5 YES va,�Rae 1 METAL FY FIREPLACE STACKS/OPENINGS: / METAL FIREPLACES: STEAM HHEAT/CENTRAL ATING SYSTEM:C. STS FUEL TYPE: PHYSICAL CONDITION AVERAGE 4 CON/DESIRABILITY/UTILITY SD INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PERMIT DATA PURPOSE PRICE OUTBUILDINGS & YARD ITEMS DATE 6 28 TYPE QTY YR SIZE1 SIZE2 GRD COND NOTES: 114 24 W OF HEALTH MEMBERS INSWIO6 M.D.•MPH,CHAIR :E KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH FL STAFF lathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. ;tor of Public Health rwor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector ,tt,R.N.•Publiiic a lth Nurse ideline Heon• OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 212 MAIN&MEET NORTHAMPTON,MA (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1264 CODE DE"MINI TO STANDARDS CORRECT VIOLATIONS FITNESS FOR CHAPTER HUMRN HABITATION THE STATE ION AT•.SANITARY CODE"MINIMUM STANDARD LOCATION: 292 South Street- 1st Floor DATE: January 9,2004 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: COPIES OF REPORT TO: David Duseau,Owner 54 Bridge Street Hatfield,MA 01038 Stacy Lemon,Tenant 292 South Street-1 t Flo Northampton,MA .Duseau, late Ms. Zemon contacted me to inform me that that heat and furnace has not been checked.On January 5, m assured me that this would be looked in immediately as the letter indicated.Please inform me of the f your arrangements to look into this matter. 5,2004,you requested a 30-day extension to comply with the other violations cited in the letter January grated an extension to February 4,2004. ecember 29,2003.You are hereby Bra uestions concerning this feel free to contact the Board of Health office,at 587-1215, if you have any q Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. ispection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. :ely, a J.Mathieu,R.S., M.S.,C.H.O. ;tor of Public Health racy Lemon,Tenant [EST FOR A PROBABLE CAUSE HEARING RE: State Sanitary Code Ace or Clerk Magistrate of the Western Division Housing Court IGF1ELn HOUSING COURT M STREET IGFIELD,MA 01101 I.KATHY OF HEALTH NORTHAMPTON BOARD Name of Health Department J.MATHIEU DI R. OF PUBLIC HEALTHEALT Name of Inspector MA 01060 212 MAIN STREET City/Town Street NTH COMPLAINS THAT: DAVID DI$EAU Who's official is: 54 Bridge Street,Hatfield,MA 01038. Was N and Northampton,said d,owner 01060 residential premises located at: 292 South Street, in the following violations of the State Sanitary Code exists (Please also see attached report). orcement letter attached dated December 29, 2004 and which a re-inspection was 2004 and no violations (Heat) were found corrected. ****** December 9, i ***** **************************************************************** 2/29/03 ,a representative of the South Hadley Board of Health Inspected the premises and rmined that the above-noted code violations exits. the above-noted property 12/29/03,pursuant to the requirements of the State Sanitary Code, ier was served with a written order to remedy these violations. owner has willfully, A 01/09/04, and from day to day thereafter,the above-noted property :ntiionally,recklessly,or repeatedly failed to comply with said order. such,I respectfully request that a Probable Cause Hearing be scheduled at the Court's earliest ivenience ri ve to this ma r. Kindly find a copy of the Inspector report attached to this request. /� Id Complainant's Signature Date Housing Court Western Division 37 Elm Street Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 4131 748-7838 William H. Abrashhin Firs Justice :rt G. Fields k Magistrate Date : January 12 , 2004 id Dreeau r4 -PC-00905 NOTICE. OF SHOW CAUSE HEARING ninai complaint naming you uU rsP° eddefendair_=nt of I A request for hr and a cony 3s been filed in this Court , Detore Cr' process ss n° 'l erg of e Court s enhold a show cause hearing to determine i Here a s ..i3Oi e nt ,vidence to requ ire o t you be charges _th the offense a�-e .al proceedings i. td aina, to y you 'ril will held at the Courtroom 2 f MA .; clerk ' s ou wig -c Street, Northampton, will be commenced Court Nortthat yon, at 15 Gothic 2004 . r 11 Court Nock, Monday, February 23 , One Housing bring 01060 at 10 : 00 o' clock, side of the matter, may present your side f doe so moose .you At the and eepresented by an attorney,witnesses , Robert fields Clerk Magistrate ECMS : SOH-SCAUSE Ernie Mathieu Wednesday. February 04, 2004 1'.12 PM 'duseau @e ilnk.com Housing code Duseau Trucking (Dave) lest. Call if any questions. Natural and Mechanical Ventilation ventilation to the The owner shall provide for each habitable room,and room containing a toilet,bathtub or shower, :doors consisting of. of 4%of a toilet,bathtub can shower,provided,that a skylight winch if windows,skylights,doors ab transoms in the exterior walls or roofs that can h we easily,p opened to a minimum or the floor area the interior riortofte room dwelling or room containing rinf of this requirement;or open exposes the interior of the dwelling to doer[rainfall shall not satisfy (B) Mechanical ventilation capable of exhausting air at the following rates: _ - --- --- Required Air Changes Per our r Classification et o rooms other than bath,toilet or shower rooms 5 Ior shower rooms ----- --- - - - - - - -- - Ventilation Shut-off ed with an readily accessible 105 CMR 410.280(B)shall be equipped with a readily accessible Each mechanical ventilation system required by means for shut-off.u(See 105 CMR 4 0351)'and any other ventilation system shall be equipped means for either " OF HEALTH MBERS WICK,M.D.,MPH,CHAIR ARPARIS,R.N.,MPH EITMAN M.O. STAFF ciao,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. of PublHealth Sanitary Inspector iR R.S., R.N., Clerk Health Nurse One Henn,eon, OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 010E (413)FAX(413)59721221 NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND H CF THE STATE SANITARY CODE"MINIMUM ND CORRECTION ORDER 'O CORRECT STANDARDS VIOLATIONS OF TNESS FOR HDMAN HABITATION AT: STANDARD February 5,2004 February 5,2004 292 South Street- 1st Floor David Duseau,Owner 54 Bridge Street Hatfield,MA 01038 Stacy lemon,Tenant 292 South Street- 01060 Floor Northampton, REASON FOR RE 1NSPECTION. Follow Up by Board of Health at 11:15 A.M. )ASE: iNSPECTION DATE: LOCH ORDER ADDRESSED TO: COPIES OF REPORT TO: This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto e urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. Il pourrait affectar vos obtenir one Production de cotta forme a: droits. Vous pouvez Questo e un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui su ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: diritti. Lei pub Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccibn de esta forma en: To jest wazne legality dokument. To moze mice wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: ;presentative from the 292 Northampton Board of Health conducted daan]Re-Inspection et at operated by You, for compliance with Chapter II of the State map premises located at owned or South Street-1st Floor Northam parcel 30 J, iitary Code. as which are serious enough and well-being of the occupants. certify that the inspections health, safety, violations listed below, materially impair CORRECTION ORDER ION 7.000 0 31 .201 VIOLATION INTERIOR ENTRANCE [WSW] Entrance door does not lock. Hallway light does not work. Holes in walls. Hallway obstructed by clutter (sheet rock,wood). Owners name, address, and telephone number not posted in entrance hallway. OFFICE Ambient room temperature was'71 degrees Fahrenheit. provide lock on door. Restore hallway light. Repair holes. Remove clutter. (Remove by Feb. 17, 2004) Owners name,address,and telephone number must be posted and maintained on dwelling adjacent to the mailboxes for such dwelling or elsewhere in the interior of such dwelling in a location visible to the residents.It must be constructed on notice of durable material,not less his 20 square inches in size,bearing name, address and tele.hone number. NOTE. Ambient room temperature must at least 68°F (20°C)between 7:00 A.M. and 11:00P.M. and at least 64°F(17°C) between 11:01 P.M. and 6 period from day other than during both June 15th to September 15th, inclusive,in each year except and to the extent the occupant is required to provide the fuel under a written agreement. The temperature shall at no time exceed 78°F (25°C) during the heating season. ITION 0.000 201 .201 .254 .500 VIOLATION LIVING Ambient room temperature was 71 degrees Fahrenheit. KITS Ambient room temperature was 71 degrees Fahrenheit. BEDS Ambient room temperature was 71 de•rees Fahrenheit. Ambient room temperature was 70 degrees Fahrenheit. CELLAR Outside lighting is not on separate owner's meter. Tenant states that cellar wall leaks during rainstorms and basement floods. Foundation wall along stairway is water stained. Cardboard storage boxes in cellar were observed to have water dama:e. CORRECTION ORDER NOTE: Electric baseboard heater was on. NOTE: Electric baseboard heater was not on. Owner states that exterior lights for common areas is on the tenants second floor who is aware of this'and in agreement to it. Repair leak. (Repair by March 30,2004 or earlier if weather permitting) Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the ;ode,you are hereby ordered make of Chapter III, of good faith effort to correct the following ebrua 27 2003 or unless otherwise indicated next to the correction order. you have the right to request a hearing before the Board f T Heal of this aggrieved by this ng to y . opportunity to be heard and to present witnesses and documentary e received in writing to the office of the Board of Health within seven(7) represented by an hearing,you order should o given an opp t to be rep copies of all relevant inspection or investigation reports, why this order should be modified or withdrawn.You have the n may contact this office to inspect and obtain cop s and other documentary information relative to this property. rights and remedies. ises are occupied as rental housing,the occupants are entitled to their statutory 1 p 812(B) I am enclosing a copy of these rights and remedies on page 6 in the document iE FOLLOWING IS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF SOME OF THE TENANTS LEGAL free to contact the Board of Health office, at 587-1215,if you have any questions concerning this ink you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. ;tion report is signed and certified under the pains and p enalties of perjury. Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. of Public Health Zenon,Tenant TIA EMAIL TO OWNER AND A HARD COPY SENT IN U.S.MAIL (ATTACHMENT) VING IS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF SOME OF THE TENANTS LEGAL holdin (General Laws Chapter 239 Section 8A) payments You can do tions Are Not Being Corrected you may be entitled to hold back your rent eing evicted if: can prove that y our landlord lmew about the violations before you were behind in your rent. our dwelling unit or common areas contain code violations which are serious enough to endanger or I impair your health or safety and that your is iid not cause the violations and they can be repaired while you continue to live in the bai0i l tng. are prepared to pay any portion of the rent into court if a judge orders you top y (For th it is best to put the rent side in a safe place.) Ind Deduct(General Laws Chapter 111 section 127L) your rent money to make the repairs yourself. If out local code enforcement agency er or materially impair your health, safety or well-beingand your netimes allows you to use y If the owner fails to begin you may be able to use this remedy. R there are code violations which endanger e received written notice ae ri of the violations, y within five days after notice or to complete repairs to four months' rent in any year to make the repairs. epairs (or to enter into a written contract to have them made) Section 18 and Chapter .ays after notice you can use up ato Rent Increases or Evictions Prohibited (General Laws Chapter 186, on 2A). a complaint to your local code enforcement you have made the your complaint. You your rent or tries to evict within six months after Y r may not increase your rent or evict you in retaliation for making tout code she violations.have If the owner raises y t he or she will have to show good reason for the increase or eviction which is unrelated to y ole to sue the landlord for damages if he or she tries this. • (General Laws Chapter 111,Sections 127C-H)• aid into court rather pants ( Superior Court to allow rent to be paid is art rater ett a "receiver"the District or Sups end as much of the rent money then appoint a "receiver" who may spend and/or the board of health may petition limitation of four months' rent. the owner. The court may the violation. The receiver is not subject to a spending of Habitabili your dwelling unit does not meet ;itch Waeren your rent returned if y toy y be e entitled to sue your landlord to have all or some of y um standards of habitability. [fair and Dere five Practices (General Laws chapter 93A). ing an apartment OU DECIDE TO artment with code violations is a violation of the consumer protection act and regulations for which nay sue an owner. ABOVE IS ONLY A SUMMARY OF THE L W. BE OH T YOU ELIDE TO AN INFORMATION OUENT OR TAJ E TO OTHER AN ATTORNEY,I . IT I HHOLD YOUR RENT OR TAKE ANY OTHER LEGAL ACTION. IT IS ORNEY. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD ry 10,2004 Duseau Lemon Mathieu cted page 2 of letter dated 02/05/04 page 2 with the correct address. A m9 apoligies. we page 2 on your letter I sent place it with theses. ton Board of Health conducted an Re-Inspection es i at premises located from the 292 south Street with nhapter Ia se she'sate pre arcel 30 .),owned o ope a ed by yo 1st for compliance tc w ton p pazce130 .), nitary Code. as I certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below,which are serious enough r materially impair the health,safety, and well-being of the occupants. CORRECTION ORDER TION 0.000 1 0 50 81 VIOLATION INTERIOR FRONT ENTRANCE Entrance door does not lock. Hallway light does not work. Holes in walls. Hallway obstructed by clutter (sheet rock,wood). Owners name,address, and telephone number not posted in entrance hallway. Provide lock on door. Restore hallway light. Repair holes. Remove clutter. (Remove by Feb. 17, 2004) Owners name, address,and telephone number must be posted and maintained on dwelling adjacent to the mailboxes for such dwelling or else location the 4sible to interior of such dwelling in the residents.It must be constructed on notice of durable material,not less than 20 square inches in size,bearing name, address and tele'hone number. INWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DIVISION :NG COURT WESTERN HAMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff ID DUSEAU Defendant No. 04-PC-00006 NOTICE OF MRCP RULE 41 (a) (2) HEARING for hearing to determine whether without prejudice under MRCP 41 (a) (2) The above case will be called the Housing Court )r case of p dismissed at at Courtroom 2 of ton MA 01060 at 10 : 00 )r lack of prosecution,a 15 G Northampton,�rthampton, at 15 Gothic Street ,00 clock, Monday, March 15 , Date: February 25, 2004 ECMS : SCH-R41A2 Robert G. Fie ds Clerk Magistrate DF HEALTH MBERS ARPARIS,R.N.,MPH =OMAN TAFF thieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. r of Public Health R.S.,Sanitary Inspector R.N.,Public Health Nurse one Heon,Clerk OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON OF MASSACHUSETTS 01060 NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)581-1214 FAX(413)5874221 March 12,2004 David Duseau 54 Bridge Street Hatfield,MA 01038 RE: 292 South Street - 1st Floor—Compliance with Orders Dear Mr.Duseau, On December 29,2003 an initial Housing Inspection nfwaemad latt292 South Street, 1st Floor.Violations were observed and an correction orders was mailed to you. ]fiance was found, On February 5,2004 a re-inspection was made.Non-comp noted and another enforcement letter with correction orders was mailed to o . On February 27,2004 and on March 11,2004,re-inspections of this property were conducted. Again,non-compliance was observed and tnnotedi. ou stated that you needed more time to correct several outstanding granted A final re-inspection was conducted on March 15,2004.All violations noted in the February 5,2004 enforcement letter were found to be corrected. Therefore, please note that youvou havnh�with the orders issued in the February 5, 2004 re-inspection report. If you have any This letter was signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. questions regarding this matter,please contact me at my Sincerely, Emest I.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.C.H.O. Director of Public Health cc: Stacy Zemon,Tenant THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WESTERN DIVISION COURT DEPARTMENT ). P aintiff(s) MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: MOTION TO DISMISS MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT vs Defendant(s) AT OTHER: the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be behalf of the Plaintiff(s), reason(s): �:36 cen in this case for the following reason / )ated: [ ) ALLOWED CLS: 10-5-00 64/ [ ) DENIED Signature Title or C. •acity ClerklAsst. Clerk-Magistrate IF HEALTH IBERS >N,M.D.,CHAIR SMITH,M.D. C.SALLOOM ,FOUR,MHEd,CHES, F PUBLIC HEALTH 587-1214 13)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 pection Report 1112612008 South Street hot water in apartment. Pilot not staying lit. Owners in India and unavailable for contact. Lions Taken: He agreed to be out • wiin 24 hous to address Got repair number from tenants and called service man directly. previously for r same issue and bthat owners rmay need a new system. been out • Ocomethe o tJanderefit pilot 11/29/08 but i didn't stay ft Tenants without hot water Repair again. did Owners came out to address issue on Monday 11/30/08. Did need to replace • system, but reported to me that they were not able a to that out of town,the week able to do that until end of the wee (needed to purchase and schedule workers). agreed to time frame. This report was signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 413.5843873. Sincerely, \;\.,\ Xa thi Scdmgeour, MH d, HES Director of Public Health