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32A-174 (24)
d ti o�eao,°ti City of Northampton REQUIRED INSPECTIONS � 141" .�'ADEPARTMENT 1. Footings and Walls ir, �'' . 2. Structural Components in Place 1412.0 3. Complete Building* No. 1129 Office of the Building Inspector Zoning Form No. 001799 Date 12/7/93 Fee $400 Check# 30705 Page, 32A parcel 174 ,Zone NB Section 127 0 Yes ❑ No BuILDiNG PERMIrII * Plumbing and Electrical Inspections required THIS CERTIFIES THAT Talbot's/ before Building Inspections A has permission to Interior alterations for retail space Inspectio on Site-Founo io s �.- 4'° 34 Bridge Street In situated on KKspection f Plumbing-47 Rough - 's+��9y �'�' provided that the person accepting this permit shall in every respect Inspection of Plumbing—Finish 5flb odd W;? conform to the terms of the application on file in this office,and to the Gas Inspection , provisions of the Statutes and the Ordinances relating to the Construction, Inspection of Wiring—Rouglt ` 'A/ ' p Maintenance and Inspection of Buildings in the City of Northampton. Any violation of any of the terms above noted is an immediate revocation Inspection of Wiring—Finish lagra. , of this permit.Expires six months from date of issuance,if not started. Building Inspection—Rough 0 4®r'i �% e Note:A certificate of occupancy will be issued by this office upon return Insulation Inspection of this card signed by the Plumbing,Wiring and Building Inspectors. � � � Building Inspection—Finish A r t, Smoke Detectors(Fire Department) -- /(o- i Other THIS CARD ST : . DISPLAYED IN A CONSPIC;A j P A CE ON THE PREMISES Certificate of Occupanc ,, _ � _. - — — uilding Inspector :Peil 51104 I 41► • anus ti City of Northampton REQUIRED INSPECTIONS tt•f v.- e 1. Footings and Walls '' BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2. Structural Components in Place* 3. Complete Building* No. 1129 Office of the Building Inspector Zoning Form No. 001799 Date12/7/93 Fee $400 check# 30705 Page, 32A Parcel 174 Zone NB Section 127 a Yes ❑ No BUILDING PERMIT u� * Plumbing and Electrical Inspections required THIS CERTIFIES THAT 'Talbot's/ ... /; r,e.. before Building Inspections has permission to Interior alterations for retail space Inspection on Site—Foundations situated on 34 Bridge Street Inspection of Plumbing—Rough provided that the person accepting this permit shall in every respect Inspection of Plumbing—Finish conform to the terms of the application on file in this office,and to the Gas Inspection provisions of the Statutes and theOrdinances relating to theConstruction, Inspection of Wiring—Rough Maintenance and Inspection of Buildings in the City of Northampton. Any violation of any of the terms above noted is an immediate revocation Inspection of Wiring—Finish of this permit Expires six monthsfrom dale of issuance,if not started. Building Inspection—Rough Note:A certificate of occupancy will be issued by this office upon return Insulation Inspection of this card signed by the Plumbing,Wiring and Building Inspectors. Building Inspection—Finish Smoke Detectors(Fire Department) Other THIS CARD MUST BE DISPLAYED IN A CONSPIC, S P • CE ON THE PREMISES Certificate of Occupancy �- udding Inspector BergmeyerAssociates, Inc. Letter of Transmittal 286 Congress Street Job Number: 93173 Boston, MA 02210 Date: November 19, 1993 (617)542-1025 (fax)338-6897 To: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON BUILD.DEPT. Attn: 212 Main Street Re: Talbots, Store No. 335 Northampton MA 01060 34 Bridge Street Northampton, MA WE ARE SENDING YOU ®Attached ❑ Under separate cover via FED EX the following items: L Shop drawings N Prints L Plans L Specifications L Diskette ❑Copy of letter L Change order L Samples ❑Other: COPIES DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2 11/19/93 1 SEC OF PRINTS 2 11/19/93 I PROJECT MANUALS THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval L No exception taken L Resubmit copies ❑ For your use ❑ Make corrections noted L Submit copies for distribution ❑As requested ❑ Revise& Resubmit L Return corrected prints ❑Submit specified item L Rejected El For review and comment ❑ Other: N FOR BIDS DUE December 8, 1993 L PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Remarks: Copy to: Mr. Bob Dixon,Talbots, BAI,MF r ` Signed: Mr.Raymond Mitran If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once COMMONWEALTH I DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY rt OF ` ONE ASHBORTON PLACE r MASSACHUSETTS ' BOSTONMA 02100 "r r , LICENSE CAUTION PIRATION DATE i CONSTR. SUPERVISOR 10/17/1995 7246 FOR PROTECTION AGAINST 5-FRICTIONS ` 'I - EFFECTIVE DATE UC-NO. THEFT,PUT RIGHT THUMB NONE 06/30/1993 032438 PRINT IN APPROPRIATE BOX ON LICENSE. haNPALNERNST BLASTING OPERATORS 55 /I 013-40-8862 THREE RIVE NA 01080 MUSTINCLUDE PHOTO. ' TWO LAST NG 0P wa» FSE _. Ft 00.00 NOT VALID UM SIGNED SY LICENSEE AND Csrcu&v. HEIGHT, SMPEOOR.src1NA1aOfW'4CO4. SS R J00 913 DOR: 10/17/1949 WES DOCUMENT MEETE BE ;i%;'f���fVT✓.Y^.'^ SGN NAME itu.datberua€YNE CA O OF NEE WE POLDER WHEN EN- NEES $1,¢H1 WEMB WWI WJEOWWESY mAE!M COMMISSIONER 1-.22 , 0 ''. ` /r 001 '799 Date Filed III I1 6/4, File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (510.2) 1 . Name of Applicant: 7/11b_s Address : /75 am/ 5,4 JFinyha.n , , Telephon4J7//- ¢/10 2 . Owner of. Property: f4/6 44u &/- Address : dl J7v1k' /1 0.11K# { - /,/,/apiei06/ Telephone: ,y1/3 - 534c5-/o3¢ 3 . Status of, Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser / Lessee Other (explain: ' /) 4 . Parcel Identification: Zoning Map Sheet# Z P- Parcel# /7 7 , Zoning District (s) (include over , ys)_ 1\.) r) Street Address „_ - Required 5. Existin• Pro.osed b onin. Use of Structure/Property (if projeot is only interior work, skip to #6) Building height &Bldg. Coverage (Footprint) Setbacks - front - side L: R: L: R: - rear Lot size Frontage Floor Area Ratio %Open Space (Lot area minus building and parking) Parking Spaces Loading Signs , Fill (volume & location)_ 6. Narrative Description of Proposed Work/Project: (Use additional sheets if necessary) 7//2..,,/ . L ,, , for R 4437g sf j€,7 G/C//i/n? 5/oi' ir7 /7 „E‘,1-45,-, ' ,pt/./i//,•5 floc Gr/ed/ 2G ' re-4,- /2ix,k-4- adgia5.5 . .. 7 . Attached Plans : sketch Plan Site Plan _ . 8 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. a ,,t, Date: /////x/73 Applicant's Signature: ,A , - / ,/ Ar-_. /// THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: p Approved as presentedjbased on information presented Denied as presented--Reason: special` Permit and/or Site Plan Required: -i •ing aired: Variance Required: .n/ .! — v,QC\ 1 73 gna u • - - Bu lding - •-ctor TV NOTE: ksuonce of a zoning permit does not relieve en applicants burden to comply with nil zoning requirements and obtain all required permits horn the Board of Health, Consumption Commission,Dopntimont of Public Works and other oppiicablo pormfi granting authorities. • -o L o S • 'D V < n off k �\�c to G C t ill 7 \\ `' O in E. .. O q 7 m " a � "e rg = f ^ 71 '. \0 ; " 2 D S cn O colm o _ ttr p O a ,.© C :4 a •• N.1� Zoning Miscellaneous Additions,Repairs,Alterations,etc. Tel.No. �) Alterations NORTHAMPTON, MASS. P/if 1g APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ALTER AdditionsRepair Garage I. Location 3'1 817;219z -Civet-f4- Lot No. 2. Owner's name e & .5//4e,r/ T.f T5 Address /j7 ;YIL/e,`al/) ,.y2 Ilk+oat M4 O/o¢O 3. Builders name Address Mass.Construction Supervisor's License No. Expiration Date 4. Addition Nfk. 5. Alteration "je-5 6. New Porch ,/Ma 7. Is existing building to be demolished? /(/O 8. Repair after the fire No 9. Garage No.of cars Size 10. Method of heating II. Distance to lot lines 12. Type of roof ,..— 13. Siding house y "� 14. Estimated cost- 1/00 000 The undersigned certifies that the above statements are tr the the best of his, her 0\ knowledge and belief. - -- /1 , S/,ag/n-o�m/.e of responsible OOimm Remarks vv '"'"" l�7G� 0 --