113-143 Housing Inspection 1981 BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T. JOYCE,Chairman PETER C. KENNY M D KATHLEEN O'CONNELL, R.N. PETER J. McERLAIN, Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH HEALTH INSPECTION REPORT _ SANITARY CODE CHAPTER II CERTIFICATION _ 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (131 5566950 Est 313 This is to certify that the SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING UNIT with THREE BEDROOMS name of facility located at 143 SPRING STREET, FLORENCE, NORTHAMPTON, MASS. 0106n address city 21p was inspected on JULY 23, 1991 by DAVID E. KOCHAN date inspector NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH, CITY HALL, 210 MAIN STREET, NORTHAMPTON, MASS. inspecting board, agency, or department Housing inspection requested by NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY The above facility complies with Article II regulations, including but not limited to the following• Water Supply Sewage System yes yes Disposal of Garbage and Refuse Lighting and Ventilation Laundry Kitchen Facilities and Food Storage yes yes yes yes Bathroom Facilities Heating Facilities Exits and Security yes yes no no no no no no no no Xes Insects and Other Vermin yes Space and Use Requirements yes Maintenance of Facilities yes no 110 no no Other Article II areas of concern: N/A Recommendations: NONE REQUIRED Approved: YES x NO CONDITIONALLY representa- tive of inspecting authority Signature of ins r or CHAPTER fI STATE SANITARY CODE Address /413 SP,e/N6 SM'&5r Occupant's Name UNCCCUP/ED No. of Occupants - Apt. Il -- # of Dwelling Units - 11 of Stories / 5/N6ZEfam t/ (9 Type of Structure 6 ( M # Habitable Rooms C' # Bedrooms 3 Owner NPA°7 //VM/Y NODS//YG A6//107) Address o f Owner qv ow &Tyter NO4% ')/YIV>ON,mIsr 0/660 Bathroom 410.150 Regulation Violations een rm- b 14U° Toilet .19Q i Y and seat flash .150 A 1 basin Shower or tub Qo7H- Sufficient cold water Floor .150 A 2 .150 A 3 .350 A .500 Jails .500 Jeilin: )oor .500 .500 i:ht _ , grag i.It ONE fentilat • .252 A ion 0/ _s 'lumbin• - .280 A or B connection & drains .350 Kitchen 410.100 Regulation Violations ;itchen sink sufficient size .1QQ A 1 L/ trove and oven .ace .100 A 2 for refri:erator .100 A 3 Outlets electrical 'YE0[7[£15 ine .251 B electrical li•ht fixture 0 'ails , .251 A 'eilin: .500 ✓ loon .500 .500 entilati.on window mechanical .251.6 old water sufficient .ressures .350 A of water indows .190 .500 oors .500 creens door & window lumbin• .551 & .552 connection & drains .350 living Room Regulation Violations utlets 2 or one with li_ht FOOR i:htin: 1 .251 B arr .251 A Is .500 =ailing loor .500 .500 indows .500 reens .551 )cks windows .480 E J/ or Dining Room Regulation Violations :tints 2 or one with li:b TWO '. .251 B L/ :htin: OUE „'E .251 A ills i lin• .500 / .500 oor .500 ndow .500 1/ reens .551 c ks .480 E Slee ng Room #1 i y3 SPt/MY S7M1' ET Regulation Vio a t ions Sufficient natural lighting .250 A V 2 outlets or 1 [(4[hf 0072 75) .251 B V Light with 1 outlet .251 A NiA Walls .500 V Ceiling .500 ✓ Floor .500 .500 / ✓ Windows Screens .551 - Door .500 V Is there adequate space for occupant? YES .400 (/ Sleeping Room #2 Sufficient natural li21ting .250 A .251 B If 7 2 outlets or 1 (Foal otrLf1S) Light with outlet .251 A p]�1 Walls .500 / _ Ceiling .500 V t/ Floor .500 Windows .500 �7 Screens .551 - Door .500 ✓ Is there adequate space for occupant? YES .400 ✓ Sleeping Room #3 Sufficient natural lighting .250 A ✓ 2 outlets or 1 [Foal O072E79 .251 B ✓ Light with outlet .251 A //A Walls .500 Ceiling .500 V Floor .500 // Windows .500 �/ Screens .551 Door - .500 1/ Is there adequate space for occupant? YES .400 ✓ Common Area & Exit nterior .253 A & B Interior area illuminat d properlj' Windows .500 Screens .551 Doors .500 Ceiling .500 Walls .500 Floors .500 Stairways .042 Common bat oom clean .151 A(ryspf�filyemr S Exit (Exterior) Chimney .500 ✓ Porches .500 ✓ Foundation .500 ✓ Stairs .500 ✓ Garbage & rubbish(640i4t Q5fL) .601 ✓ Private ways .600 ✓ Gutters and down spouts .500 l/ Roof .500 ✓ Lead pa a NO .502 ✓ Entry tights .253 8 t` 1'/. t L/'f//YG .STKtt/ General All services working and availab1= ES Are heating facilities in good re.air? I ', I AIER YE; Heat 68° and 64' Hot water 120° to 140° Facilities vented Space heater - proper Temporary wiring Electrical service adequate Insects and rodents IVd Dwelling sanitary (1fr9 Miscellaneous Re:ulation . Violations .200 1/ 700 A 190 ✓ 202 ✓ 11 : A 256 N A 755 550 607 & 457 ✓ t.sMOAE DE7.FCTOICSS J1 I' k o urPnNVPtXmyr71 o�ffJ�eAf Ti4e1- B201402 116 DEPT Oile 02y 7s/78/ 7:97S) & rr ,r y tE can.cad B/ %CT a r J L'/�/% Ins or TULy Z9,,%?/ Date he next scheduled reinspection is: 0; ,5917l%/0/2i'5p. ,,P Nor 1a,,ozeNT'G )AiPDaF//61iH Time Date Time a.m. p.m.