32 Intentional Bear Feeding 2011 n Wood rm; Jane! P.Jorda jjpjorda @web-tactics.com] nt: Saturday, May 21, 2011 1:33 PM 'Maureen Camel; Ben Wood bject: RE: Feeding bears bylaw all, vord of thanks to all of you.The situation here on Rockland Heights Road has gotten dangerous. e feeding of bears by the man behind our house, has brought a huge mother bear with 2 newborn cubs to my front or—daily. 3n into her 2 days ago and this was the result. rill be in attendance at this meeting for sure. iel el P.Jorda ib-tactics, inc. I South Street Center, 13 Old South Street wntown Northampton, MA 01060 one:413.341.3355 3x: 206.984.9907 ew.web-tactics.com am: Maureen Carney Finailto:mtcarnevOcomcast.netl nt: Saturday, May 21, 2011 10:25 AM Ben Wood : Janel P. Jorda abject: Fw: Feeding bears bylaw Ben-- tanks so much for getting these from Dave Fuller. I'm forwarding to Janel Jorda, of Rockland Heights, in hopes she ght drum up some support for attendance st Board of Health meeting. I believe a much steeper fine may be needed for 3rthampton, based on the flagrant disregard one resident has exhibited in this regard. Can you tell us when and where at meeting will take place? aureen -- Original Message am: Ben Wood ): Maureen Carney ant: Friday, May 20, 2011 2:50 PM Abject: FW: Feeding bears bylaw as was quick! I'll bring it up with the Board. If Mr. Fuller is available and the BOH is ok with it I'll invite him to the June eeting. Ben rom: Fuller, Dave(FWE ) (MISC)Jmailto:dave.fuller@state.ma.usl ent: Friday, May 20, 2011 2:45 PM o: Ben Wood c: Hajduk, Laura (FWE); Taylor, Ralph (FWE ) object: Feeding bears bylaw en, lease find attached two model bylaws, one that prohibits feeding of water fowl and one for bears. We have sent these to ther towns and cities that have had problems with people feeding bears, turkeys and waterfowl. These bylaws have not een updated in a number of years and could be improved, but they are the best of I have at this time. For example,the ne is only 50 dollars and I know some states that prohibit feeding of bears have fines starting at 1000 dollars. Also, ome states prohibit the feeding of all wildlife for obvious reasons. )ave Fuller :ay of Northampton email messages are public records except when they fall under one of the specific tatutory exemptions. a 3 3 Z ! • • t i • • • • '�d a it" V P. 1 n�+� �. hy .. • „kt O t s{ -�a)1 • Y � y BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS DONNA C.SALLOOM,CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. JOANNE LEVIN,M.D. Benjamin Wood,MPH,Director Patricia Abbott RN,Public Health Nurse Daniel Wasiuk,Hearth Inspector Edmund Smith,Health Inspector Heather McBride,Clark CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 Thomas Wooster 32 Stonewall Drive Northampton,MA 01060 Re:Intentional Feeding of Bears Mr. Wooster, It has been brought to our attention that you or someone on your property is intentionally feeding bears.This letter is to notify you that intentional feeding of bears creates a public health nuisance.If you have been and continue to intentionally feed bears the Northampton Board of Health will consider any and all remedies at its disposal including fines and court action.Acting under the authority of MGL Ch.111,5.122 and S 123 fines can be as much as$1,000 per day. Feeding bears is dangerous for you,for your neighbors and for the bear(s).This is a matter of public safety and public health.If you are feeding bears,please immediately discontinue this practice. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Ben Wood,MPH Director,Northampton Health Department cc: City Solicitor Chief of Police City Councilor Maureen Carney