36 Complaints 1992-1993 Name of - Complainant :11-/ Tel. � /c )-/o BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date / % G Time /776 Address -.310 �- - , ' /0/Z ature of Complaint ' 6 ,5 1- i e � - /1/45 CGn� f /nh/jIJ �evzz_�c/;x�r xj rw ck;l E� - i /-'-Dc r = Location of rerfgises //M - rhF-2< �i Cr/LW 1 Owner Address Occupant Taken by Al£ ''V Referred to Date of inspection Time INSPECTOR'S REPORT Action Taken —Printed on Recycled PaPer- D OF HEALTH OYCE.Chairman LURES, H.D. B.PARSONS McERLAIN.Hsnfh Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Co: DPW Director Sam Brindle ?rom: Health Agent Peter McErlain Date: October 16, 1992 Subject: Sewer Line Repair - South Park Terrace 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (416)566-6950 Ext.213 As you may be aware, on two occasions during the past week sewage has backed-up into the cellar of Jeanne Hoose' s home at 36 South Park Terrace. This was apparently the result of a partial collapse of the city sewer line in South Park Terrace. Similar backflows have reportedly been a regular occurance on that street for some time. Because the backflow of sewage into a dwelling poses an obvious health hazard, the Board of Health requests that the deteriorated portion of the sewer line in South Park Terrace be repaired as soon as possible. And in the interim it is suggested that, if possible, some sort of plug or cap be provided to prevent sewage backflow through the sump-pump drain connection in the cellar. The Board of Health appreciates your cooperation in this matter. Please contact me with any questions concerning this letter. Thank you. Peter J.Lt%`3rlain Health Agent PJMCE/cdh cc: Mrs. Jeanne Hoose City Councillor John Morrison BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Name of Complainant :�/�fjY7 Address J/ - � '✓-i Tel L-57(6'—/ n Nature of Complaint/-P/ /eft / ! t' JLt £ 1 a U Location/of Premises L'73 Date htM'I Time Owner Address Occupant '//� Taken by 1 n•a Referred to Date of inspection Time INSPECTOR'S REPORT , ttAJ-C-,9 f'T'✓"�- �J--f'�1� b✓ tt-c Action Taken InsA —Printed on Recycled Paper—