20 Notice of Rabies Exposure 2009 RELEASE FROM QUARANTINE
Animal described on the reverse side of this form does not in my opinion show any signs
of rabies.
Animal Inspector
After quarantine has been completed and released send to:
Department of Agricultural Resources, Division of Animal Health,
251 Causeway Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02114-2151.
1. Isolation
a) Restricting a domestic animal from any direct human or other animal contact.
b) Animal must be confined to a facility such as a dog pound, veterinary hospital,
commercial kennel or quarantine facility for livestock approved by the Animal
Inspector of the appropriate municipality; or isolation at home under conditions
approved by the Animal Inspector of the municipality and the Department.
2. Strict Confinement
a) Animal may be kept at home in an escape-proof, solid walled building with a
roof, approved by the Animal Inspector of the municipality.
b) Animal may be leash walked by an adult or under the direct supervision of an
c) Owner informed of potential rabies risk and given instructions in writing.
d) Owner required to notify veterinarian and Animal Inspector of unusual behavior
or change in health status of pet.
3. Exposed by Proximity - Seen near or in the vicinity of a confirmed rabid animal,
but which had no physical contact with nor received any wounds from the confirme
rabid animal.
4. Quarantine - Confinement of a domestic animal from humans and other animals
for the purpose of observing the animal for signs of rabies and minimizing chances
of the animal spreading rabies to humans or other animals. This includes
isolation and strict confinement.
5. Signs of Rabies - Unexplained aggression, impaired locomotion, varying degrees
of paralysis, extreme depression or viciousness. The signs of rabies vary in
animals. Some will display attack-like behavior while others appear sick or dazed.
6. For further information, contact the Animal Inspector in your city / town.
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
Bureau of Animal Health
This order is enforceable under Chapter 129; section 21, 330 CMR 10.00.
Ir pet may have been exposed to rabies as a result of recent exposure to wildlife or a high-risk domestic animal.
mal is being quarantined clue to (check appropriate exposure category):
1) Direct contact with a confirmed rabid animal (confirmed by the State Rabies Lab)
2) Direct contact with a suspect rabid animal (raccoon, skunk, woodchuck or any carnivorous animal)
3) A wound of unknown origin, suspected to be caused by another animal (e.g. cat abscesses)
4) A proximity exposure to a confirmed rabid animal (confirmed by the State Rabies Lab)
nimal is unvaccinated, you are urged to have it euthanized (unless animal was only exposed by proximity).
> not, you are hereby ordered to (check appropriate measure):
Isolate your pet for 3 months, followed by 3 months of strict confinement.
Vaccinate the animal 1 month prior to release.
Strictly confine your pet for 6 months. Vaccinate the animal 1 month prior to release.
(If animal was only exposed by proximity, vaccinate immediately).
.nimal is currently vaccinated, you are hereby ordered to:
Vaccinate your pet immediately followed by 45 days strict confinement.
re to inform your veterinarian immediately of any unusual behavior or change in the health status
animal. Any animal which dies while under quarantine shall be submitted for rabies testing.
Animal was euthanized Date of exposure:
s Phone number:
A owner: L" ' IL, f,.
s: i. , , . I Town:
animal: [Dog ] [Cat_:/ ] [Other .](specify)
rf animal: , Breed:
last rabies vaccination:
booster vaccination (given to current vaccinates only)
Af veterinarian:
Age: i I (,
Duration: [1yr l _ ] [3yr _] [unknown
Phone number: (' J - )
A Animal Inspector: ," _ _'_( Phone number: (
ire of Animal Inspector (required) Date
ack side of this form for explanation of terms and signs of rabies.
y certify that I have read both sides of this document and I agree to follow the provisions described in it.
Ire of owner or other person responsible 4, Refused to sign, but order was issued
Rv Animal Inspector please initial if not signed
ppy-Owner/ Pink Copy- Bureau of Animal Health immediately/Yellow Copy- Bureau of Animal Health after release
'Agricultural Resources, Bureau of Animal Health, 251 Causeway Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02114-2151