256 APT. E Complaints 2006-2007 Date: g I Time: Fi Name of omplainant: Address: Map: Parcel: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: Tel: Location: ,c9iir OWMThr 04Carf-7-r—Arta &4s'— Address: • Te1:5Stic Taken by: IDate of Inspection: I Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: Action Taken: Inspector Signature 1==lr,nnions 12/26/06 Ernie, The Northampton Housing Authority is having difficulties with the tenant living at 256 State St. Apt. E. We have inspected her apartment several times with no improvement. I have attached some pictures from one of the inspections. I am hoping you can help us out with this situation. Also Ernie, here is the address of Community Support Services Community Support Services 17 New South Street Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone number is (413) 582-0471. X IVTT I The contact person is Glenn Koshar,his extension is 101. Thank you, David Adamson, Maintenance Director Northampton Housing Authority tO OF HEALTH MEMBERS OFFICE OF THE IPARIS,R.N.,MPH,CHAIR BOARD OF HI SCRIMOEAUR FL STAFF M.D. HEARTH STAFF n or of R.S.,MS.,C.11.0. vor,,R.S.,Sanitary Health y I.R R.S.,SacHeath Nurser I.R.N.,Public Health Nurse wry 5, 2007 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1214 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON FAX(413)587-1221 MASSACHUSETTS 01060 vn Allen State Street . E thampton,MA 01060 nd) nmunity Support Services TN: Glenn Koshar(Tel.(413) 582-0471 X101) New South Street rthampton, MA, 01060 Complaint by Housing Authority-David Adamson- Unsanitary conditions in apartment ar Mr. Koshar and Ms. Allen: :ase be advised that I received a complaint regarding the conditions of your apartment by the Irthampton Housing Authority Staff. January 2,2007,representatives from this office and a Housing Authority Official conducted inspection at the premises located at 256 State Street, Apt. E, occupied by your client, for mpliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspection vealed violation(s)which are listed below, which are or could be serious enough as to endanger or aterially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. ',RTICLE H 410.000 VIOLATIONS 10.352, .410.451,&410.602 -The conditions of your apartment were unsanitary with excessive utter everywhere. The clutter was obstructing all passageways (floor area) and all means of gesses. The apartment also has a fowl odor. There is evidence of very poor housekeeping on your art. There was also a foul odor permeating for apartment and into the hallway causing a uisance to the tenants and effecting their quality of life.The kitchen counter had soil dishes and as cluttered. The entire apartment unclean, soiled, and needs a thorough cleaning and eodorizing. There are photos taken of the apartment below. R: Clean and deodorize entire apartment including kitchen counters and appliances ly. Remove all excessive clutter in all of the rooms of the apartment. Clean and deodorize as and rugs in an approved manner. Make free all means of egresses. are photos taken of the apartment showing the conditions described above: hider authority of ARTICLE II 105 CMR 410.000 MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR [UMAN HABITATION AND M.G.L. CHAPTER 111 SECTIONS 122 TO 125 BATEMENT OF NUISANCES you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to orrect the following violations BY FEBRUARY 9 2007 OR AS INDICATED IN THE )RDER AND NOTIFY THIS OFFICE AT 587-1214 WHEN ALL VIOLATIONS ARE :ORRECTED TO ARRANGE FOR A RE-INSPECTION. 0 COM ith this order will result in bein ordered to the a e a artment to be vacated in accordance with M.G.L. c. 111v 127A and 127B artment or w t 0.000: State Sanitar Code Ch a 'ter II: Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human .0.000: Sta Mn. E NOTIFY IS OFFICE AT 587-1214 WHEN ALL OF THE VIOLATIONS ,TANT NOTE. ORRECTED TO ARRANGE FOR A RE-INSPECTION. IF ALL OF THE ,LIONS ARE NOT FOUND TO BE CORRECTED AT THE TIME OF THE RE- CTION AND ANOTHER RE-INSPECTION IS RE'IRED THERE WILL BE A RE-INSPECTION FEE FOR EACH RE-INSPECTION RE IRED. nnore, anyone who fails to comply with any order of the Board may be subject to fines g from$IO- 5OO ursuant to 410.910. Each day's failure to comply with an order shall ute a separate violation. ant to 105 CMR 410.850 through 410.860,if you are aggrieved by this Order, you have the ou or any other affected party shall be given an .o request a hearing within seven(7) days of receipt of this notice by filling a written petition tearing before be the Board.p present At witness ss or do y 2unity to be heard, to present witness or documentary evidence as to why the dwelling,or thereof,epro ented by legal counsel att sa d h aring. Filing a peti t for vacate may be a hearing does not or excuse you from the obligation to comply with this Order. 3e feel free to contact the Board of Health office, at 587-1213, if you have any questions concerning matter. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.This inspection report is signed and feed under the pains and penalties of perjury. e Sanita :eerrrely, est J. Mathieu ector of Public Health rthampton Housing Authority,David Adamson, Maintenance Director NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 49 OLD SOUTH STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 Jon Rite wo 8x9-50 FAX 582-1150 t. Executive Director NOR 800-545-183..' MA 188 Equal Housing Opportuniry mailahaznphousing.ocg February 13, 2007 ;ar Mr. Mathieu, On Thursday, February 1, 2007 a representative of the Northampton Housing ithority conducted the Annual Inspection at the apartment occupied by Dawn Allen at i6 State street Apt E. The inspect 2007 thaw he photos were taken which are apartment n in letter sent to her Fund on January n January 5, 2007. In my opinion this case should be filed in Housing Court to seek compliance with our Board of Health orders. [hank you, David Adamson Maintenance Director EST FOR A PROBABLE CAUSE HEARING RE: State Sanitary Code ice or Clerk Magistrate of the Western Division Housing Court of: ■IELD HOUSING COURT STREET FIELD,MA 01101 MATHIEU DIR. OF PUBLIC HEALTH NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH Name of Inspector Name of Health Department NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 12 MAIN STREET City/Town Street '���xx+�xx�,t��>txxxx�*************tY****ort Services,Glenn Koshar,whose OATH COMPLAINS THAT: Community Support is: munity Support Services N: Glenn Koshar (Tel.(413)582-0471 X101) ew South Street hampton,MA,01060 is the said Representative for the Tenant whose Office is located at: rmunity Support Services Sew South Street thampton,MA,01060 the following violations of the State Sanitary Code exist(Please also see attached report) Enforcement letter(s) attached dated JanuarY 5.2007•which a re-inspection was conducted on Februa and not all violations were found to be corrected. ********************************************************************* nuary 2 2007• a representative of the Northampton of Health ected the premises and determined that the above-noted code violation(s) exits. nuara 2.007•pursuant to the requirements of the State Sanitary Code the M.G.L, the above-noted representative/property owner was served with a written order to ly these violations. the re-inspection on Febrar 2.2007,the above-noted representative/property owner has willfully, clonally, recklessly,or repeatedly failed to comply with said order. eh,I respectfully request that a Probable Cause Hearing be scheduled at the Court's earliest znience relative to this matter. Kindly find a copy of the Inspection report attached to this request. Februa_ ry� 16•?007 iplain:'t's Signature 587-1213 ctor of Public Health (413) ichments EST FOR A PROBABLE CAUSE HEARING RE: State Sanitary Code ice or Clerk Magistrate of the Western Division Housing Court of: ?TELD HOUSING COURT STREET FIELD,MA 01101 NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH Name o U DIR. OF PUBLIC HEALTH Name of Health Department Name of Inspector NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 Street,12 MA STREET St City/Town exxxxxxxx*xxxxx*xxxx*xt xxxxxxx**xxxxxx*xxxxxx+xxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xx OATH COMPLAINS THAT:,Dawn Allen,whose official address is: a Allen ;tate Street,Apt.E hampton,MA 01060 ad is the said occupant of Street,Apt.residential premise located at: 256 State Northampton,MA 01060 .Sin the following violations of the State Sanitary Code exist(Please also see attached repo): cement letter(s) attached dated Januar 5 2007•which a re-inspection was acted on Fehr ua20067 and not all violations were found to be corrected. oarva representative the e premises a the Northampton determined exits. of Health inspected t premises and dermin that the above-noted code violation(s) n°ary pursuant to the requirements of the State Sanitary Code •the M.G.L, the above-noted representative/property owner was served with a written order to y these violations. the re-inspection on fit ra 2007,the above-noted representative/property owner has willfully, Tonally,recklessly, or repeatedly failed to comply with said order. ch,I respectfully request that a Probable Cause Hearing be scheduled at the Court's earliest enie rel: ive to this atter. Kindly find a copy of the Inspection report attached to this request. Febrarll6 2007 ainant's gnature ctor of Public Health (413)587-1213 Housing Court Western Division 37 Elm Street Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 (413) 748-7838 :t G. Fields c Magistrate Northampton Bd. of Health Dawn Allen 07-PC-00044 William H. Abrashkin First Justice Date : February 20, 2007 NOTICE OF SHOW CAUSE HEARING A request for criminal complaint naming tyoyou p asptheddefendant e been filed in this Court, and a copy enclosed. Before any criminal process issues, the Clerk of the Court .dencedto a show case harig requireuthateyounbet to determine r with the sufficient the alleged. A clerk' s hearing to determine bwwhether acriminaluproceedings .1 be commenced against you will Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA ril 02 , 2007 . )60 at 09 :00 o' clock, Monday, Ap bring the hearing you may present your side of the matter, b. g tnesses, and be represented by an attorney, f you Robert G. Fields Clerk Magistrate :CMS : SCH-SCAUSE Housing Court Western Division 37 Elm Street Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 (413) 748-7838 t G. Fields Magistrate Northampton Bd. of Health Glenn Kosher 07-PC-00045 William iH. Abrashkin Justice Date : February 20 , 2007 NOTICE OF SHOW CAUSE HEARING Taint naming you as the defendant been A request for criminal co and a copy of the proposed complaint filed in this Court,t, enclosed. Before any criminal process issues, the Clerk of the Court .1 hold a show cause hearing tohdeterminehifhthere eisesufficient e Ldence to require that you proceedings A clerk' s hearing to determine whether criminal p ainst you will be held at the Courtroom roomp2oof MA 11 ou commenced against ton, at 15 Gothic Street, 0 e 60 Housing Court 0 'o' clock, Monday, 2007 . 060 at 09 :00 o' clock, Monday, April 02 , you may present your side of the matter, bring represented by an attorney, f you so choose . At the hearing Y IIII .tresses, and be rep Robert Fields Clerk Magistrate ECMS: SCH-SCAUSE THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WESTERN DIVISION OURT DEPARTMENT Plaintiff(s) vs. D endant(s) T1ON FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT TION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: ITION TO DISMISS )TION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR )TION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT [HER: �If of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be ' this case for the following reason(s): /I,/ -G ��, I �� ✓r /it Ls r. f . al s.�t gel ail ALLOWED [ ] DENIED '0-5-00 Signature Title ors apacity Clerkl Clerk-Magistrate WEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS JG COURT WESTERN DIVISION AMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff KOSHER Defendant No. 07-PC-00045 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Sing Court Northampton, thic Street, Northampton, MA at 15 7 , 2007 >0 at 09 :00 o'' cllocck,, May 0 Monday, Robert G.G. Clerk Magistrate .e; April 02, 2007 ]CMS : SCH-REVIEW WEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 1G COURT WESTERN DIVISION 4144PTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff ALLEN Defendant No. 07-PC-00044 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will beacalledOforc review tatNCCourtroom 2 MA the of ing Court Northampton, Monday, May 07 , 2007 . .0 at 09 :00 o ' clock, Robert elds Clerk Magistrate e : April 02 , 2007 ',CMS : SCH-REVIEW NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NG COURT WESTERN DIVISION AMPTON BD ALLEN F HEALTH Plaintiff Defendant No. 07-PC-00044 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the sing Court Northampton, nday , May 07 , 2007 . 50 at 09 : 00 o'' cllockck,, Robert elds Clerk Magistrate ;e: April 02 , 2007 SGMS : SCH-REVIEW NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NC COURT WESTERN DIVISION AMPTON BD . OF HEALTH Plaintiff KOSHER Defendant No. 07-PC-00045 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of of, the ;in a Court 9 : 0 Northampton, Monday, May 07 , 2007 p >0 at 09 : 00 o' clock, Y, i Robert Fields Clerk Magistrate e : April 02, 2007 CMS: SCH-REVIEW NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHOR SOUTH 49 111/4 NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 Jon Hite TOO84-4030 FAX ext. IS50 Executive Director TDD 800-5431833 ext. 188 Equal Housing Opportunity mail@hamphousing.org April 4, 2007 ear Ms. Allen, This letter is to inform you that the Northampton Housing Authority will be hursd y an inspection 007, between the hhoourstof inspection will 4 30PM.aIf place on not 'hursday May Lome, this inspection will still take place. If you have any questions, please call 584-5987. thank you, David Adamson Maintenance Director aq3-icy 2 , e CC: Board of Health G. Koshar NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NG COURT WESTERN DIVISION AMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff ALLEN Defendant No . 07-PC-00044 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review atourtroomn2 of, the ;ing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Sttrreet, NC ;0 at 09 : 00 o' clock, Monday, May 21 , e : May 07 , 2007 CMS: SCH-REVIEW Robert t. Fields Clerk Magistrate NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 49 OLD SOUTH STREET rings\ NORTHAMPTON,MA O10b0 Jon Hite 41&SSe-?030 FAX 58?-1350 Exzcutitie Director TOD 600o4o-1?a ext. 198 Eaaal Housing O77crmniy mail @hampnousing.oro May 9, 2007 Dear Ms. Alien, This letter is to inform you that an inspection of your apartment by the Northampton Housing Authority will take place on Thursday, May 17, 2007. This inspection will take place between the hours of 8:O0AM & 4:3OPM. If you are not home, the Northampton Housing Authority will still conduct the inspection. If you have any question, please call 584-5987. Thank you, David Adamson Maintenance Director CC: Board of Health G. Koshar EST FOR A PROBABLE CAUSE HEARING RE: State Sanitary Code ice or Clerk Magistrate of the Western Division Housing Court of: FIELD HOUSING COURT STREET ;FIELD,MA 01101 .MATHIEU DIR. OF PUBLIC HEALTH NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH Name of Inspector Name of Health Department NORTHAMPTON.MA 01060 32 MAIN STREET City/Town Street DATH COMPLAINS THAT:,Dawn Allen,whose official address is: Allen ttate Street,Apt. E hampton,MA 01060 td is the said occupant of this residential premise located at: 256 State Street,Apt. E Northampton,MA 01060 the following violations of the State Sanitary Code exist(Please also see attached report Enforcement letter(s) attached dated Januar 5.2007•which a re-inspection was conducted on February 1 2007 May 3 2007 and May 17 2007 and not all violations e found to be corrected. ********************************************************************* wary 2 2007.a representative of the Northampton tf Health inspected the premises and determined that the above-noted code violation(s) exits. 'nary pursuant to the requirements of the State Sanitary Code the M.G.L, the above-noted representative/property owner was served with a written order to these violations. be re-inspection on May 17. 2007,the above-noted representative/property owner has willfully, onally, recklessly, or repeatedly failed to comply with said order. h,I respectfully request that a Probable Cause Hearing be scheduled at the Court's earliest tierce relative to this matter. Kindly find a copy of the Inspection report attached to this request. May 22. 2007 (413)587-1213 lainant's Signature for of Public Health h meets Housing Court Western Division 37 Elm Street Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 (413) 748-7838 t G. Fields Magistrate Northampton Board of Healt Dawn Allen 07-PC-00106 William H. Abrashkin First Justice Date: May 24, 2007 NOTICE OF SHOW CAUSE HEARING A request for criminal complaint naming you as the defendant been filed in this Court, and a copy of the proposed complaint enclosed. Before any criminal process issues, the Clerk of the Court 1 hold a show cause hearing to determine if there is sufficient .dente to require that you be charged with the offense alleged. A clerk' s hearing to determine whether criminal proceedings against you will be held at the Courtroom urroomp2oof MA .1 be commenced Ng at 15 Gothic Street, Housing Court Northampton, June 04, 2007 . )60 at 09 :00 o' clock, Monday, At the hearing you may present your side of the matter, bring i tnesses, and be represented by an attorney! l if you so choose . Robert elds Clerk Magistrate ;CMS : SCH-SCAUSE Housing Court Western Division 37 Elm Street Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 (413) t G. Fields Magistrate Northampton Board of Healt Dawn Allen 07-PC-00106 William H. Abrashkin First Justice Date : June 06, 2007 NOTICE OF SHOW CAUSE HEARING A request for criminal complaint naming you as the defendant been filed in this Court, and a copy of the proposed complaint inclosed. Before any criminal process issues, the Clerk of the Court 1 hold a show cause to if sufficient alleged. dance to requite that y A clerk' s hearing to determine whether criminal proceedings at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, a 1 be commenced against you will be held at the Courtroom 2 of MA Housing Court Northampton,Monday, June 18 , 2007 . '60 at 09 : 00 00 o'' clockk,, At the hearing you may present your side of the matter, bring :nesses, and be represented by an attorney, Robert ads Clerk Magistrate CMS : SCH-SCAUSE thieu .rnie Mathieu Vednesday,June 13,2007 9:52 AM 3lenn Koshar' Dawn Allen, 256 State St.Apt E m—See you there in Koshar [mailto:GKoshar @csoinc.org] nesday, June 13, 2007 9:34 AM lathieu Dawn Allen, 256 State St. Apt E you at Dawn's apt. at 2 pm on Thursday(tomorrow). lie Mathieu [mailto:emathieu @northamptonma.gov] 6/12/2007 10:18 AM i Koshar Tian @hamphousing.org FW: Dawn Allen, 256 State St. Apt E 2007 Glen Koshar; (582-0471 x101) nson (from NHA)will not be avai lable iilable to set up )using Court date on June 18, y, June 14, 2007, anytime at your convenience DU, lathieu, Health Director 3 '.0-cell and attend a re-inspection at Ms.Allen's apartment prior please arrange with Ms. Allen for a re-inspection time on and notify me? I will meet you there. David [mailto:dadamson @hamphousing.org] :riday, June 08, 2007 8:55 AM de Mathieu t: Dawn Allen, 256 State St. Apt E • Ernie, This letter is to let you know I received y tmail to t •ned from vacation, regarding setting up r P acon at ant regard s n Allen's apartment for next week and that we have court on Monday, June ?007. However there is one problem, I will not be in to work from today, 07 until Tuesday, June 19, 2007. I think you are going to have to set up the inspection yourself and go to 1/2007 pologize for this inconvenience. u, once Director 3/2007 THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS i COURT DEPARTMENT ,9 , 6 7 vs Plaintiff(s) WESTERN DIVISION DTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT 02 gat AT 9c d OTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: OTION TO DISMISS LOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR LOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT )THER: calf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be In this case for the following reason(s): C2N dye—, Defendant(s) ALLOWED [ ] DENIED 10-5-00 Signature h /o/ Title or Capacity Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate 1WEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 8G COURT WESTERN DIVISION HAMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff ALLEN Defendant No. 07-PC-00106 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroomn2 oof the ing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, 0 at 09 : 00 o ' clock, Monday, July 02 , i June 18 , 2007 MS : SCH-REVIEW Robert G. Fields Clerk Magistrate thieu rnie Mathieu ilonday, June 25, 2007 12:21 PM 3lenn Koshar dadamson @hamphousing.org' 2E: Dawn Allen, 256 State St.Apt E ursday at 3:45 pm. ell in Koshar [mailto:GKoshar @csoinc.or9] day, June 25, 2007 11:59 AM Aathieu ison @hamph0using.org 2E: Dawn Allen, 256 State St. Apt E 45 pm. nie Mathieu [mailto:emathieu @northamptonma.gov] in 6/25/2007 11:52 AM r Koshar mson @hamphousing.org FW: Dawn Allen, 256 State St. Apt E 2007 Glen Koshar; (582-0471 x101) y at 11:00am.I am only available lable th re-insPection date for on Thursday between Ms.Men's apartment 30pm or we can for this next at 8:30 before court. Does any of these two times work for you? ou, Mathieu, Health Director Ernie Mathieu Tuesday,June 12, 2007 9:18 AM oshar @csoinc.org' damson @hamphousing.org' ct: FW: Dawn Allen, 256 State St. Apt E 2,2007 Ar. Glen Koshar; (582-0471 x101) 2007. Could you please arrange with Ms.Allen for a re-inspection time on a lamson (from NHA)will not be available to setup and attend a re-inspection at Ms. Allen's apartment prior Housing Court date on June 8, day, June 14,2007, anytime at your convenience and notify me? I will meet you there. you, .t Mathieu, Health Director 213 1680-cell 5/2007 [mailto:dadamson @hamphousing.org] June 08, 2007 8:55 AM thieu wn Allen, 256 State St. Apt E ie, your voice mail today, as I have just is letter is to let you know I receiveda inspection mail t appointment I regarding from vacation, regarding setting up P regarding len's apartment for next week and lthat not have tow on from today, '. However there is one problem, ntil Tuesday, June 19, 2007. hink you are going to have to set up the inspection yourself and go to apologize for this inconvenience. rou, Dance Director 5/2007 thieu rnie Mathieu 7onday, July 02, 2007 1:26 PM 3lenn Kosher' 1E: Dawn Allen, 256 State St. Apt E nfirm that the case was continued this morning to Monday, July 16, 2007 at 9 AM. Please make Ms. of the consequences she will face if her apartment is not satisfactorily cleaned, including washing her alto seek a cleaning order andl Thursday,poss ble f nes for not comp ling with previous ordersurt order to clean on next ieu nn Koshar[mailto:GKoshar @csoinc.org] rsday, June 28, 2007 10:34 AM Mathieu RE: Dawn Allen, 256 State St. Apt E o confirm that to the best of our knowledge, Dawn Allen has been diagnosed with pneumonia. is ill,you agreed to cancel today's(6128107)apartment inspection. ay July 2, 2007,you agreed to go into Housing Court and her 2d ask at o:15 two and her next appearance c gi her d a for a lwo week continuance, for Court is Monday, Jl16, 2 inspection 7 at scheduled AM. I for inform o 12, Court is Monday, July 16, 2007 at 9 AM. I will inform Ms. Allen of the upcoming apartment inspection. w for your assistance and consideration. oshar 2007 THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS i COURT DEPARTMENT vs. WESTERN DIVISION Plaint' "s DTMON FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT OTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: OTION TO DISMISS [OTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR IOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT ITHER: Defendant(s) AT 14 kalif of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be n this case for the following reaso`(s): p . .,1. y. ,t..�.L .., ��! .. Miennr I ALLOWED 10-5-00 [ ] DENIED Title or =pacity Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS .NG COURT WESTERN DIVISION [HAMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff ALLEN Defendant No. 07-CV-01070 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be acalledOforcreviewtatNCoourtroom 2 of the sing Court Northampton, 2007^ 60 at 09 : 00 o' clock, Monday, July 16 , , Robert G. Fields Clerk Magistrate te : July 05, 2007 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW IF HEALTH IBERS tIS,R.N.,MPH,CHAIR CRIMGEAUR ITMAN,M.D. TAFF io,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. R Public Health R.S.,Sanitary inspector N.,Public Health Nurse BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)667-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY COD CHAPTER 111,E 122 NDABATEMENT OF FI NES FOHU R HUMAN N FOR AND/OR MGL, 6,2007 Allen ;tate Street, Apt. E lampton,MA 01060 Complaint by Housing Authority-David Adamson- Unsanitary conditions in apartment This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: [sto e urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradcao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. 11 pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento legate importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento una legal im or do esta forma que e afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnieni teo dokumentu w ofisie: Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie 1,representatives from this office conducted an inspection at the premises located at 256 State occupied by y ou,in the p resence of a representative of the Community Support Services Agency, with CHAPTER TAT ON AND/OR CHAPTER 1110D ECTIONSEC IONSI12270 1OFNUI OF NUISANCES OF THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS. This letter will certify ions revealed violations listed below,which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair ty, and well-being of the occupants. 1 410.000 VIOLATIONS MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN ON AND/OR CHAPTER 111 SECTION 122-127 ABATEMENT OF ES OF THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS with excessive everywhere.410.451 erywhe�er was of ome pa sag ways (floor area) and all means of ;es.The apartment also has a slight fowl odor- All rooms contained excessive paper items, and an assortment of all types of items nent condition.The kitchen counter had soil dishes and piled as cluttered. The entire apartment an, soiled, and needs a thorough cleaning and deodorizing. Areas of the floor throughout the ment are excessively unclean. This inspection showed evidence of very p oor housekeeping ices on your part. iw are photos taken on July 12,2007: LIVING ROOM • 2 \ �/ • ~ } \ \ a HI7 BEDROOM Remove and dispose of all items described above with a a the exc ssv clutter well a o d H some passageways are n the photos) the of the ard of He ln and ll e t counters inc . W sash the en re floor surface in a of the rooms in the entirapartmenM ke free of egresses. STANARD uthority of i HABITATION IAND M.G.L CCHAPTER 1111 SECTIONS 122 T O 125FOR MENT OF NUISANCES you are hereby ordered tN�Y 19 go o7f AT 4 ff P.to od the following violations WITHIN 72 HOURS INDICATED IN THE ORDER AND NOTIFY THIS OFFICE ERAT RE-1214 ALL VIOLATIONS ARE CORRECTED TO ARRANGE F �TION. r t e to corn I 1 with this order will result in the office immediate an eme nc refore the Ham•shire District Court to seek a Court Oder b ur apartment Min the Ju der an clean e to co ith SE NNT OTIFY THIS OFFICE AT 587-1213 WHEN ALL OF THE VIOLATIONS RTA NOTE: CORRECTED TO ARRANGE FOR A RE-INSPECTION. IF ALL OF THE AT[ONS ARE NOT FOUND TO BE CORRECTED AT THE TIME OF THE - ECTION AND ANOTHER RE-INSPECTION IS RE IRED THERE WILL BE A o RE-INSPECTION FEE FOR EACH RE-INSPECTION RE before the Board of Health. A you have the right to request a hearing :s must be be received in by this order,to y da s of receipt of opportunity to be heard and to present witnesses and st must be received in writing to the office of the Board of Health within seven days At said hearing, evidence a st why y will be de should o ld be evidence as to why this order should be modified or withdrawn.You have the right to be :center or investigation v attorney.You may contact this office to inspect and obtain copies relatv relevant this action of es epeemises are occupied rental and other documentary occupants tarty.If these premises aze occupied as rental housing,the occupants aze entitled to their statutory rights remedies. you questions you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. This inspection report is tse feel free to contact me at the Board of Health Office at 587-1213,if ou have any P ,eed ceming certified madtun under the p Y enalties of perjury. tied and certiSed under the pains and penalties nest J. Mathieu irector of Public Health Turd,City Solicitor Director,Northampton Housing Authority lamson,Maintenance Director,Northampton Housing Authority Lity Support Services )1enn Koshar(Tel. (413) 582-0471 X101) South Street Lpton,MA, 01060 rvices, Northampton Office THIS LETTER R TO MS. ALLEN WAS THIS DATE AT APPROX AMATELY 3A0 P.M.AND GLEN NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NG COURT WESTERN DIVISION HAMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff ALLEN Defendant No. 07-CV-01070 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be acalledotorcreviewtatNCourtroom 2 of the MA 60ng Court 9 : 0 Northampton, Monday, July 23 , 2007 . 60 at 09 : 00 o' clock, % :e: July 16 , 2007 :CMS : SCH-REVIEW Robert . Fields Clerk Magistrate THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WESTERN DIVISION ;OURT DEPARTMENT TION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT ITION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: )TION TO DISMISS )TION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR OTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT Defendant(s) AT g e° THER: alf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be ? this case for the following reason(s): /Jai e Aare'!tu filc h.--'Ast- _At ! a.- L . - Signature ALLOWED [ ] DENIED 10-5-00 Title or r-!pacity Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate HEALTH IERS ,R.N.,MPH,CHAIR RIMGEAUR MAN,M.D. 4FF Public Health Sanitary Inspector Public Health Nurse OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON TION S: 4:00 p.m. Apt. E Inspection) th orders to clean in letter dated July 16,2007 LIVING ROOM 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)58T-1214 FAX(413)537-1221 • 1 ► K qq) L • xt r , , C....,?;\:':', , ,., INI -1-' ° z ©ctia4, _ A A. • . . • ii , .• 1 4a,� :iF BATHROOM ;dully Submitted; J. Mathieu for of Public Health THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WESTERN DIVISION COURT DEPARTMENT G Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) )TION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT )TION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: )TION TO DISMISS )TION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR DTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT fHER: AT )If of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be i this case for the following reason(s): _0_71E4,2_ kLLOWED [ ] DENIED 0-5-00 Signature ZgaZ Title or Capacity ClerklAsst. Clerk-Magistrate