229 Judy Flynn Complaints Date: OS/l�r�j BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Time: 2 /0 Name of omp ainant: Parcel: trIPIESPA NATURE OF COMPLAINT: Location. Owner: Taken by: Date of.Inspection: tt TIm4: 21 d INSPECTOR'S REPORT: pi, ill hhied Action Taken: Inspector Signature 0 • 11,424 11 ,- 2 I • �- � tin ell ca z 6EZ -6L6 •3a2t: P?aQ„tsof `p I ' G 4• �\ 1 ti ti �} i eI I f 1 n! ±Z� .. ?� � N yj`� P ..r.,,•:,....4 0 , r ,tc ' - A a L 4 ,i 1 t { i i.. ' 1�4 'r .J.- 1� r, * �Q �' t PHOTOS OF 279 STATE STREET Judy H. Radwanski Flynn. Owner MAY 25 2005 11:00 P.M. BY ERNIE MATHIEU PHOTOS OF 279 STATE STREET Jud H.Radwanski Fl nn Owner AUGUST 2:1 BY ERNIE MATHIEU AND RICHARD MECZWOR F HEALTH BERS IS.R.N.,MPH.CHAIR )RIMGEAUR !MAN.M.D. 'AFF it R.S..M.S..C.M.O. Public Health R.S.,Sanitary Inspector 4.,Public Health Nurse Neon,Clerk ;et ,MA01060 Street BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1214 FAX(415)587-1221 S CITY OFNORE HAMPTON ran: the Northampton f a complaint a representative from sted above, wned by you, forecompliance with >I MFy H ST T at the property AN HABITATION AND/OR CHAPTER MINIMUM 11 SECTION ECT ON 122-1127E5 NT OF NUISANCES OF THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS. 'ONS: YARD: automobile in the front yard that has numerous plastic bags inside of it that are full of (ARD: that could n accumulation down)with the doors l plastic There is a pile of materials covered with a There arps an could(face down) ratified. There is an old shed that is in disrepair and has a roof that is falling in.Behind the is a large pile of wood.These conditions create a possible vermin, insect and rodent area. Remove refri erator and clean and by June 10 2005. r , the hs General r Chapter II y of Lary Code,you are heeby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct Lions IN THE TIME INDICATED ABOVE IN THE ORDERS. Failure do is order could result in legal action taken by this office. it 587-1214 to notify me when the property is cleaned and if you have any questions suer. ieu blic Health EST FOR A PROBABLE CAUSE HEARING RE: State Sanitary Code ice or Clerk Magistrate of the Western Division Housing Court pRINGF[ELD HOUSING COURT S7 ELM STREET SPRINGFIELD,MA 01101 Y MATHIEU it OF PUBLIC HEALTH Name of Inspector NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH Name of Health Department NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 :12 MAIN STREET City/Town Street CH COMPLAINS THAT: Judy Flynn, whose official address is: Judy Flynn 279 State Street Northampton,MA 01060 the said owner of this residential j d premise located at: 279 State Street Northampton,MA 01060 n the following violations of the State Sanitary Code a xi it (Plea ie also was see attached report): rcement letter attached dated M2 ay d not all violations were found to be corrected. lucted on Mav ,an ° ay 205,a representative of the Northampton Board of Health inspected the premises and mined that the above-noted code violation(s) exits. Code Chapter 2, and/or 4ay 2 'pursuant to the requirements of the State Sanitary 4.G.L,the above-noted property owner was served with a written order to remedy these violations. June 20 2005,and from day to day thereafter,the above-noted property owner has willfully, eatedly failed to comply with said order. itionally,recklessly,or re P uch,I respectfully request that a Probable Cause Hearing be scheduled at the Court's earliest ,enience rela 've to this atter. Kindly find a copy of the Inspection report attached to this request. June 20,2005 (413) 587-1214 nplainant's Signature ector of Public Health Housing Court Western Division 37 Elm Street Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 (413) 748-7838 :t G. Fields c Magistrate Northampton Board of Healt Judy Flynn 05-PC-01294 William iH. Abrashkin Justice Date : June 22 , 2005 NOTICE OF SHOW CAUSE HEARING A request for criminal complaint naming you as the defendant and a copy of the proposed complaint been filed in this Court, enclosed. Before any criminal process issues, the Clerk of the Court 11 hold a show cause hearing to determinehifhther eeisesufficient e idence to require that you be charged A clerk' s hearing to determine whether criminal proceedings against you will be held at the Courtroom romp2oof of a 11 be commenced Ng ton, at 15 Gothic Street, .0 Housing Court Northampton, July 11, 2005 . .060 at 09:30 0 o'clockk,, Monday, brio you may present your side of the matter, b. g e Ltnesses, and d hearing be represented the n presented by an attorney, RoberRobertGY ields Clerk Magistrate ECMS: SCH-SCAUSE NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NG COURT WESTERN DIVISION :HAMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff A. PADECK Defendant No. 05-PC-00863 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 60 at 09 :30 o' clock,The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the sing Court Nococp Monday, August 29, 2 05 . =e: August 09, 2005 ELMS: SCH-REVIEW Robert Clerk Magistrate WEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NG COURT WESTERN DIVISION 'HAMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff FLYNN Defendant No. 05-PC-01294 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA The above case willn be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the 50na Court Northampton, August 15, 2005. 50 at 09 :30 o' clock, Monday, n ;e: August 09, 2005 ;CMS : SCH-REVIEW Robert elds Clerk Magistrate THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WESTERN DIVISION COURT DEPARTMENT ). 0 -fC -6/02.9 / vs. Plaintiff(s) Defe "ant(s) LOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT LOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: LNtB� /-4 G AT /LOTION TO DISMISS MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT OTHER: :half of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be In this case for the following reason(s): I ALLOWED S: 10-5-00 [ ] DENIED Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate HEALTH 3ERS B,R.N..MPH,CHAIR RIMGEAUR MAN,M.D. AFF R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Public Health ;.5.,Sanitary Inspector .,Public Health Nurse Heon,Clerk MA 01060 Street OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OFNOR HAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 m: rou failed to appear in housing court for not complying with the orders I sent to you in a lay 27, 2005.In that letter there was a sentence that asked you to call me if you had any arding the letter. Since you did not appear in court or have not called me to make an Irk this matter out,I am under the impression that you have no intentions to clean your hat is not the case. lrt date is Monday,July 25,2005 at 9:30 a.m.. If you are willing,I would like to speak to y letter and work out a reasonable schedule and plan with you regarding the cleaning of rd,rather than me perusing court orders, fines and penalties against you for not cleaning. I Led at 587-1213 if you are willing to work with me on this issue. ear from you efopethehex from you date, fortunately I will be forced to peruse compliance court system. lathieu f Public Health NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NG COURT WESTERN DIVISION HAMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff FLYNN Defendant No. 05-PC-01294 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review atCourtroom 2 of the ton at 15 Gothic Street, N sing Court Monday, July 18 , 2005. Robert lds Clerk Magistrate te : July 12, 2005 ELMS : SCH-REVIEW THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS I COURT DEPARTMENT teal Plaintiff(s) WESTERN DIVISION Defendant(s) )TION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT DTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: Si ZS 1) AT 9D OTION TO DISMISS OTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR OTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT THER: alf of the Plaintiff(s),the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be this cas for the following reason(s): �t ///Iii= 4LLOWED [ ] DENIED 0-5-00 Title or Capacity Clerk! Clerk-Magistrate NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NG COURT WESTERN DIVISION HAMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff FLYNN Defendant No. 05-PC-01294 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review atN Courtroom 2 of the ing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, oomn i0 at 09 :30 o'clock, Monday, August 22, 2005 . Robert Fields Clerk agistrate e : August 16, 2005 SCH-REVIEW 9WEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NG COURT WESTERN DIVISION HAMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff FLYNN Defendant No. 05-PC-01294 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA The above case wilbe called for review at Courtroom 2 of the 50na Court Northampton,' lc Monday, August 08, 2005 . 60 at 09 :30 o' clock, Robert G. ids Clerk Magistrate :e: July 18 , 2005 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS G COURT DEPARTMENT D. as—PC - 0/29V Plaintiff(s) OTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT LOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: LOTION TO DISMISS LOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR OTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT )THER• calf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be n this case for the following reason(s): WESTERN DIVISION Defendant(s) AT ALLOWED [ ] DENIED I0-5-00 Signature 1 � i Title or Capa ity Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS G COURT DEPARTMENT D. DST=Cli%y WESTERN DIVISION LOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT <• �' 79 5AT9• 3a 7OTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: AOTION TO DISMISS AOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR NOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT OTHER: half of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be in this case for the following reason(s): ANT I: Aatli ALLOWED [ ] DENIED n-5-00 Signat �/�, - / Title or Capacity Clerk/ -Magistrate WEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS G COURT WESTERN DIVISION AMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff ?LYNN Defendant No. 05-PC-01294 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE :ng Couort Northampton, at called 15 Gothic view Street, Northampton, the at 09 :30 o' clock, Monday, August 29, 2005 .^ Robert . Fields Clerk Magistrate August 23, 2005 ASE NOTE: There will nopfurther continuances. The :MS: SCH-REVIEW k_ BOARD OF' HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD +Aa- • Date: 8.33-0s Time:a...0 P.M . Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant: 9 udy H. Aurawon.:e.l+:- Firrn_ Address: Tel: a rl 5 - 5+Lni- NATURE OF DOMPLAINT: j.Y Ww., 4nave +I.i Bo H,Wallh.vnq anownd..crud ern-F n_ (Lto lien+LA ..ASV,J.II aft.tm s,. 5+1u del. no++LLD Lock_ uji on-w_. 5fut. .twm +old +a anu+ o..1- +6. 4oH u +h .. aitunoaw , Jto ow 5 I,. Lb. dya*. an'+ oId ho..ua_ thoi. Ca -Bw-0oRo- Vat oink dou no+�-o-prat.turn_ . 'Location: -nq 5+ati-. 5i.+r_i Owner: Rud H. Andwans-h:.. FI' /we- �lAddress: ��. ITake•by: Tel: Dale of Inspection: I Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: mo-i.me1mnd4nwa O PHOTOS OF 277 STATE STREET Leor Mu¢rabi, Owner AUGUST 23, 2005 2:15 P.M. BY ERNIE MATHIEU AND RICHARD MECZWOR ••• ,•0 u 5 MITT ROMNEY GOVERNOR KERRYHEALEY IEUTENANT GOVERNOR TIMOTHY R.MURPHY SECRETARY PAUL J.COTE,JR. COMMISSIONER Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services Department of Public Health Western Regional Health Office 23 Service Center, Northampton, MA 01060 (413)586-7525 (800)445-1255 fax(413)784-1037 TTY(800)769-9991 August 25, 2005 RE: 277&279 State St. Dear Director Mathieu, You requested this office to review the properties and give you guidance concerning possible violation of the State Sanitary Code 105 CMR 410.000. On this date the District Health Officer accompanied you to view these dwelling's yards. The observations made were that both dwellings had mixed un-classified refuses being stored around them. These materials of wood materials, concrete blocks and old fencing (wire) are considered a violation of code. Please referred to section 105 CMR 410.602: Maintenance of Area Free from Garbage and Rubbish (A) Land. The owner of any parcel of land,vacant or otherwise, shall be responsible for maintaining such parcel of land in a clean and sanitary condition and free from garbage, rubbish or other refuse. The owner of such parcel of land shall correct any condition caused by or cn such parcel or its appurtenance which affects the health or safety,and well-being of the occupants of any dwelling or of the general public. iigned and Certified under the pains 4nd penalties of perjury C C ( ( C :Charles S. Kaniecki, District Health Officer :c: udy Rodwanski Flynn !79 State Street 4orthampton, MA. 01060 -eon Mugrabi 77 State Street iorthampton, MA. 01060 BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS OFFICE OF THE RIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH,CHAIR XANTHI SCRIMGEAUR JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF st J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.M.O. Director of Public Health Meczywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector 'Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Madeline Heon,Clerk BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01080 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON FAX(413)587-1221 MASSACHUSETTS 01060 ER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE IIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION"AND/OR MGL,CHAPTER 111, IONS 122-127,ABATEMENT OF NUISANCES AT: st 29, 2005 Flynn ortor Lake Drive #320 ;field,MA 01106 79 State Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Ms. Flynn: result of a complaint two representatives from the Northampton Board of Health conducted an ction on August 24,2005,at the property listed above, owned or occupied by you, for liance with CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE,MINIMUM STANDARDS ITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION,AND/OR CHAPTER 111, SECTIONSECTIONS 127, ABATEMENT OF NUISANCES, OF THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS. CATIONS OF ARTICLE H, 410.000, MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR IAN HABITATION, AND/OR MGL, CHAPTER 111, SECTION 122-127, ABATEMENT VUISANCES: 1R YARD: The inspection revealed that the dwelling had mixed un-classified There is an accumulation of plastic bags full of yard waste. There is an old refrigerator (face down)with the door on the side of it.There is a pile of materials covered with a tarp that could not be identified. There is an old shed that is in disrepair and has a roof that is falling in. Behind the shed there is a large pile of wood. These conditions create a possible vermin, insect and rodent harborage area. ER: Remove refrigerator and clean yard by September 16, 2005. authority of the laws stated above,you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to -t the following violations NO LATTER THAN SEPTEMBER 16,2005 OR IN THE TIME 'ATED NEXT TO THE CORRECTION ORDER. 1RTANTANT NOTE: SE NOTIFY THIS OFFICE AT 587-1214 WHEN ALL OF THE VIOLATIONS ARE tECTED TO ARRANGE FOR A RE-INSPECTION. IF ALL OF THE VIOLATIONS VOT FOUND TO BE CORRECTED AT THE TIME OF THE RE-INSPECTION AND CHER RE-INSPECTION IS REQIRED,THERE WILL BE A$75.00 RE-INSPECTION ■OR EACH RE-INSPECTION REQIRED. I you be aggrieved by this order, you have the right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. A t must be received in writing to the office of the Board of Health within seven (7) days of receipt of this At said hearing, you will be given an opportunity to be heard and to present witnesses and documentary ice as to why this order should be modified or withdrawn. You have the right to be represented by an :y. You may contact this office to inspect and obtain copies of all relevant inspection or investigation reports, , notices and other documentary information relative to this property. If these premises are occupied as rental tg, the occupants are entitled to their statutory rights and remedies. As required in 410.812(B), I am enclosing of these rights and remedies on page 6 in the document entitled, "THE FOLLOWING IS A BRIEF DIARY OF SOME OF THE TENANTS LEGAL REMEDIES" feel free to contact the Board of Health office, at 587-1214, if you have any questions concerning this Also,please call me to notify me when the property is cleaned and if it is cleaned before the deadline Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. This inspection report is signed and certified under ins and penalties of perjury. • J. Mathieu or of Public Health IFIED MAIL# 7003 0500 0005 2476 3246 Sent certified mail and regular mail BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS RIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH,CHAIR XANTHI SCRIMGEAUR JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF st J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.M.O. Director of Public Health Meczywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector i Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Madeline Moon,Clerk OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 ?R TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE IMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION"AND/OR MGL,CHAPTER 111, 'IONS 122-127,ABATEMENT OF NUISANCES AT: t 29,2005 todwanski Flynn ate Street impton, MA 01060 79 State Street As. Flynn: :suit of a complaint two representatives from the Northampton Board of Health conducted an :lion on August 24, 2005, at the property listed above, owned or occupied by you, for iance with CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE,MINIMUM STANDARDS TNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION,AND/OR CHAPTER 111, SECTIONSECTIONS 27,ABATEMENT OF NUISANCES,OF THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS. ATIONS OF ARTICLE II, 410.000, MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR IAN HABITATION, AND/OR MGL, CHAPTER 111, SECTION 122-127, ABATEMENT TUISANCES: R YARD: The inspection revealed that the dwelling had mixed un-classified There is an accumulation of plastic bags full of yard waste. There is an old refrigerator(face down) with the door on the side of it. There is a pile of materials covered with a tarp that could not be identified. There is an old shed that is in disrepair and has a roof that is falling in. Behind the shed there is a large pile of wood. These conditions create a possible vermin, insect and rodent harborage area. Remove refrigerator and clean yard by September 16, 2005. 2 authority of the laws stated above,you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to t the following violations NO LATTER THAN SEPTEMBER 16, 2005 OR IN THE TIME 'ATED NEXT TO THE CORRECTION ORDER. RTANTANT NOTE: SE NOTIFY THIS OFFICE AT 587-1214 WHEN ALL OF THE VIOLATIONS ARE tECTED TO ARRANGE FOR A RE-INSPECTION. IF ALL OF THE VIOLATIONS 'OT FOUND TO BE CORRECTED AT THE TIME OF THE RE-INSPECTION AND HER RE-INSPECTION IS REOIRED,THERE WILL BE A $75.00 RE-INSPECTION 'OR EACH RE-INSPECTION REOIRED. I you be aggrieved by this order, you have the right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. A t must be received in writing to the office of the Board of Health within seven(7) days of receipt of this At said hearing, you will be given an opportunity to be heard and to present witnesses and documentary ce as to why this order should be modified or withdrawn. You have the right to be represented by an ;y. You may contact this office to inspect and obtain copies of all relevant inspection or investigation reports, ,notices and other documentary information relative to this property. If these premises are occupied as rental g, the occupants are entitled to their statutory rights and remedies. As required in 410.812(B), I am enclosing of these rights and remedies on page 6 in the document entitled, "THE FOLLOWING IS A BRIEF IARY OF SOME OF THE TENANTS LEGAL REMEDIES". feel free to contact the Board of Health office, at 587-1214, if you have any questions concerning this . Also,please call me to notify me when the property is cleaned and if it is cleaned before the deadline lank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. This inspection report is signed and certified under ns and penalties of perjury. el J. Mathieu x of Public Health IFIED MAIL# 7003 0500 0005 2476 3222 Sent certified mail and regular mail THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT WESTERN DIVISION CASE NO. Ds-fC— o/a9f/ �° e'j�� �vs. �L9/� Plaintiff(s) Defef(dant(s) [I]MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [ ] MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: [ ] MOTION TO DISMISS [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT _ ] OTHER: AT )n behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be aken in this case for the following rreason�(s):_ , ,�L ,, t y � i 4l/ rr )ated: 42)/24/0 ] ALLOWED [ ] DENIED ;LS: 10-5-00 Signature Title or Capacity Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff JUDY FLYNN Defendant No. 05-CR-00090 TRACKING ORDER "CR" Please take notice pursuant to Standing Order 1-04 that the above entitled matter is assigned to the CRIMINAL "CR" TRACK and that the following deadlines apply: Arraignment completed Discovery Firm trial date set Case disposed The plaintiff is required to serve a copy of this tracking order on all defendants before the deadline for filing return of service . 30 days 09/30/2005 90 days 11/29/2005 120 days 12/29/2005 180 days 02/27/2006 Robert G ields Clerk Ma•istrate Date: August 31, 2005 ECMS: TRACK-CR COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff JUDY FLYNN Defendant No. 05-CR-00090 CRIMIN lth of You are hereby summoned CourtCWesternaDivision Massachusetts to app ear Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic which will hold a session for the transaction of criminal business at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Monday, Sep Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 09 :30 o'clock, 12, 2005 . all to answer to which accompanies this Summons. this Court, a copy your arrest if you fail to for appear a in Warrant will anduplace above mentioned. appear in Court at the time and place Abe , WITNESS, William H. Abrashkin, Judge of ousing Court Western Division, on August 31, 2005 . Rober G. Fields Clerk Magistrate NOTIFIACION PAR TTAENGASESTESDOCUMENTO LLE LEGAL TRADUCIDO CUANTTO ANTES. NOTICE TO OFFICER SERVING SUMMONS and to the Court Officers of this Court, Greeting: To any Officer who is authorized to serve criminal process in the Commonwealth, We command you in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,Complaint, in hand forthwith to serve this Summons and accompanying P to the person listed herein hereoft at address listed or usual an attested copy it person of suitable age and diucl tlone of abode with some P in any case at least twenty-four discretion then residing therein, mmons . to the Rules (c) (3 to the lease hour of service pursuant MRCrP Rule s (c) f3t reverse of this Summons. ECMS: SUMMONS-CR BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS )SEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH NTNIYTHI JAY 81 CXES STAFF Ernest J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Director of Pudic Health trd Meczywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector icla Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Madeline Neon,Clerk OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (419)597-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 RE: —Compliance with Orders Dear S On , an initial Housing Inspection was made at the prope located at ° ' ?- , owned or operated by you. Violations were observed and an enforcement letter with correction orders was mailed to you on A final re-inspection was All violations noted in the --- enforcement letter were found to b'corrected and therefore,please note that you have complied with all of the correction orders issued in the inspection report. This letter was signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. If you have any questions regarding this matter,please contact me at my office. Ernest J. Mathieu, R.S.,M.S. C.H.O. Director of Public Health et : - 4`', 27 s se fr° MAI- THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT CASE NO. 41-- NZ "IPO094 fhek Plaintiff(s) vs. WESTERN DIVISION Defendant(s) [ ] MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [ ] TION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: AT [ ,j/ MOTION TO DISMISS [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT [ ] OTHER: On behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be taken i. for the following reason(s): Dated: [ ] ALLOWED CLS: 10-5-00 24as- [ ] DENIED Signature Title or Capac Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALT Plaintiff JUDY FLYNN Defendant No. 05-CR-00090 NEITHER TTY Neither party appeared for trial on September 14, 2005 . Dismissal without prejudice is hereby entere! Robert G. Fields Clerk Magistrate Date: September 14, 2005 1/22/05 4:44:57 PM RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RECORD CARD CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS EFFECTIVE DATE OF VALUE: JANUARY 1, 199B PARCEL ID: 24D-109-001 279 STATE ST PLOT: LIVING UNITS: 1 CLASS: R - 101 CARD X: 1 OF FINAL VALUE FLAG: MARKET ZONING: URB NEIGHBORHOOD ID: 10.00 CURRENT OWNER/ADDRESS - ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - LAND DATA COST CURRENT FLYNN PORTER TYPE SIZE INFLUENCE FACTORS LAND VALUE PRIOR 415 PORTER LAKE DR #320 PRIME SITE 2300 97,000 BLDG 97,000 41,0200 62,000 ma 01106 138,200 159,000 SPRINGFIELD TOTAL 150,100 SALES INFORMATION DEED BOOK: 5732 97,000 DATE TYPE PRICE VALIDITY DEED PAGE: 196 TOTAL ACREAGE: 0.053 TOTAL LAND VALUE: DEED DATE: 199:0208 LAST UPDATE/COST: 20041130 LAST UPDATE/COST: 20041130 ADDITION DATA DATE: Lower Level First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Area X a48 DATA COLLECTION INFORMATION EP FP 48 ENTRANCE CODE: UNOCCUPIED INFORMATION SOURCE: FFr DATA COLLECTOR: 19991106 DATE: DWELLING INFORMATION STYLE: CONVENTIONAL YEAR BUILT: ,00 STORY HEIGHT: 1 1.50 ATTIC: FULL Basement: 6 TOTAL ROOMS: TOTAL BEDROOMS: 2 1 ADDITIONAL DWELLING INFORMATION FULL BATHS: ADDITIONAL FIXTURES: Half Baths: BRICK TRIM: X BASEMENT WALLS:(NCARS) FRAME 22 EXTERIOR WALLS: STONE TRIM: X UNFINISHED AREA: 506 REMODELS NG DPTP GROUND FLOOR AREA: 934 TOTAL EIVING AREA: YEAR REMODELED: BISEMENT BASEMENT LIVING AREA: % BASEMENT FIREPLAIEN AREA: KITCHEN REMIJD(V/N) MASONARY EILACLACE STACKS/OPENINGS: / BATH REMODEL (Y/N) METAL EITRALAA/C: BASIC HEAT/CENTRAL A/C: WARM AIR HEATING SYSTEM: FUEL TYPE: OIL PHYSICAL CONDITION AVERAGE i.sr�la QUALITY GRADE: 23 OUTBUDESIRABI LITY/UT ILITV FR INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PERMIT DATA OUTBUILDINGS & YARD ITEMS DATE PURPOSE PRICE TYPE QTY YR SIZE1 SIZE2 GRD CORD NOTES: 3/23/05 3:45:49 PM RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RECORD CARD CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS EFFECTIVE DATE OF VALUE: JANUARY 1, 1990 277 STATE ST PLOT: LIVING UNITS: I CLASS: R - 101 CARD #: 1 OF PARCEL ID: 24D-108-001 FINAL VALUE FLAG: MARKET ZONING: URB NEIGHBORHOOD ID: 10.00 CURRENT OWNER/ADDRESS LAND DATA - ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - MUGRABI LEOR INFLUENCE FACTORS LAND VALUE PRIOR COST CURRENT TYPE SIZE 98,86E 98,900 277 STATE ST PRIME SITE LAND 98,900 98,900 56,700 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 TOTAL 146,700 143,700 155,600 SALES INFORMATION DEED BOOK: 6662 98,900 DATE TYPE PRICE VALIDITY DEED PAGE: 64 TOTAL ACREAGE: 0.106 TOTAL LAND VALUE: DEED DATE: 20020531 20020531 LAND + BLD 130,000 0 LAST UPDATE/COST: 20040819 20000428 LAND + BLD 100,500 0 19980401 LAND + BLD 00,500 A LAST UPDATE/COST: 20040819 ADDITION DATA Second Floor Third Floor Area DATE: Lower Level First Floor 70 70 DATA COLLECTION INFORMATION lsEr ENTRANCE CODE: UNOCCUPIED WFP INFORMATION SOURCE: adk 48 DATA COLLECTOR: 19991106 DATE: DWELLING INFORMATION STYLE: CONVENTIONAL YEAR BUILT: 900 STORY HEIGHT: 1 1.50 ATTIC: PART Basement: 7 TOTAL ROOMS: TOTAL BEDROOMS: 3 ADDITIONAL DWELLING INFORMATI FULL BATHS: ON Half Baths: BASEMENT RIOR WALLS:(#CARS) gDDITIONAL FIXTURES:UNFINISR WALLS: ALUM/VINYL BRICK TRIM: X STONE TRIM: X GROINISFLD AREA: REMODELING DATA 5 GROUND FLOOR AREA: 448 TOTAL EDVIAG AREA: BISIMENT BASEMENT NIAIEA AREA: X YEAR REMODELED: BASEMENT FIREPLAIEN AREA: KITCHEN REMOD(V/N) METALAFV EILACESCE STACKS/OPENINGS: / BATH REMODEL V/N 4 METAL, EITRALAA/C: BASIC HEAT/CENTRAL A/C: WARM AIR FUELITG SYSTEM: GAS FUEL TYPE: C- PHYSICAL CONDITION AVERAGE QUALITY OND/DE GRADE: POND/DESIRABILITY/UTILITY FR INTERIOR/E%FOREDO SAME PERMIT DATA DATE PURPOSE PRICE TYPEUIOTINGY & YARD ITEMS 16 6 TYPE OTT YR SIZE1 SIZE2 GRD POND EFP 8 wv 8 NOTES: ie/23/05 3:44:11 PM RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RECORD CARD CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS EFFECTIVE DATE OF VALUE: JANUARY 1, 1998 277 STATE ST PLOT: LIVING UNITS: 1 CLASS: R - 101 CARD M: 1 OF 1 PARCEL ID: 240-108-001 FINAL VALUE FLAG: MARKET CURRENT OWNER/ADDRESS ZONING: URB NEIGHBORHOOD ID: 10.00 MUGRABI LEOR LAND DATA - ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - TYPE SIZE INFLUENCE FACTORS LAND9VALU0 PRIOR COST CURRENT 277 STATE ST PRIME SITE 4600 98,900 LAND 98,900 98,900 56,]00 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 BLDG 47,800 44,800 TOTAL 146,700 143,700 155,600 SALES INFORMATION DEED BOOK: 6662 98,900 DEED PAGE: 64 TOTAL ACREAGE: 0.106 TOTAL LAND VALUE: GATE TYPE PRICE VALIDITY DEED DATE: 20020531 LAST UPDATE/COST: 20040819 20020531 LAND + BLD 130,000 0 19980401/ LAND + BLD 146,000 A LAST UPDATE/COST: 20040819 ADDITION DATA X DATE: Lower Level First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Area 0 DATA COLLECTION INFORMATION IEFFFr 128 ENTRANCE CODE: UNOCCUPIED Wddk 48 DATARCOLIEN SOURCE: DATA COLLECTOR: 19991106 DATE: DWELLING INFORMATION STYLE: CONVENTIONAL YEAR BUILT: .00 STORY HEIGHT: 1 1.50 ATTIC: PART Basement: 7 TOTAL ROOMS: TOTAL BEDROOMS: 3 FULL BATHS: 1 ADDITIONAL DWELLING INFORMATION Half Baths: ADDITIONAL FIXTURES: BASEMENT GARAGE(NCARS) BRICK TRIM: X EXTERIOR WALLS: ALUM/VINYL STONE TRIM: X UNFINISHED AREA: GROUND FLOOR AREA: 448 REMODELING DATA 32 5 TOTAL LIVING AREA: 854 FINISHED BASEMENT LIVING AREA: X YEAR REMODELED: BASEMENT RECREATION AREA: MASONARY FIREPLACE STACKS/OPENINGS: / KITCHEN REMOD(Y/N) METAL FIREPLACES: BATH REMODEL (Y/N) HEAT/CENTRAL A/C: WARMS 19 .sure 14 QUALITY GRADE: � HEATING SYSTEM: WARM BASIC AIR FUEL TYPE: C- PHYSICAL CONDITION AVERAGE ”r COND/DESIRABI Li TY/UTILITY FR INTERIOR/EXTERIOR SAME OUTBUILDINGS & YARD ITEMS PERMIT DATA TYPE QTY YR SIZE1 SIZE2 GRD COND DATE PURPOSE PRICE I F6 6 1 D B 8 NOTES: