52 Complaints 1980-2004 C BOAR OF HEALTH 0234- -3? CITY HALL Name of Complainant I 7- P'77.52 Address Se., (./ ctL Nature of Complaint Location of Premises .±_r;- Ovmer . < --- Address Occupant __. A"--e Taken by_ _ Referred toiTj• Date of inspection - Time B INSPECTOR'S REPORT COMPLAINT RECORD Date Time ?, s41 Action Taken Inspector ; CITY Or TUN CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CH:.P1 OR HUati HAR1TA'T1ON" AT _. TRESSED T0: Gnus( ,12TH ,86-6950 F>:t . 214 II OF THE STALE CA0I1 ,RY CODE F %:UM STANDARDS OF _ 52 Maple Street-Apt 2B Nichael_Duseau-. -- _ 52 Maple Street Florence, Mass. 01060 F INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: DATE March 11, 1980 Richard Hill 52 Maple Street - Apt. 2B Florence, Mass. 01060 an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation form at tm documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os secs direitos. Podem adquirir 3uPao deste documento de: --- ante est un important document legal. I1 panrrait affec ter vos dr of ts. Vous pouvez une traduction ae cette forme a: ver un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere offetto sui suoi diritti. Ler ua e una traduzione di questo modulo a: —_ un documment° legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir duccion de esta forma en: s.azne legalny document. To mote mien wplyw na twoje uprawmieni a. Mozesz uzyskac :enie tego dokumentu w ofisie: Board of Health 210 Haim Street Northampton, Mass. Tel. No. (413) 586-6950 Est. 214 .4 . The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at Northampton (assessor's map z3 ,reel 99 _. ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed Blow, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, afety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Mass. General Laws, nd Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good (24) hours aith effort to correct the following violations within twenty-four rom the date of receipt of this order. VIOLATION REMEDY :EGULATION - Insufficient temperature for hot water, Temperature really should 410.190 and temperature taken in bathroom sink at be between 120° 140 10:15 A. M. March 11 1980, at 95°. If I may be of any further assistance don't hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, 0 Richard A. Gormely Code Enforcement Inspector CERTIFIED #864302 00.34- --Ty t� CHAPTER II STATE SANITARY CODE F>- ress 0- M-2--r. lti ,..-</ Occupant's Name >> of Occupants _{. Apt. lk # of Dwelling Units # of Stories ✓" e of Structure -B l?/ M # Habitable Rooms er \\ \4. i A _. -- / Bathroom 410.150 Address of Owner Rezu1at ion # Bedrooms Viola ons water between 1200 & 140° .19p 93 ° /Lfsr✓`y let and seat .150 A(1) -Z ..-/ s-rj h basin .150 A(2) wer or tub .150 A(3) ficient cold water .350 A or .500 is .500 ling .500 r .500 ht .252 A tilation .280 A or B tubing connection & drains .350 Kitchen 410.100 Regulation Violations chen sink sufficient size .lpp A(1) ve and oven .100 A(2) ce for refrigerator .100 A(3) utlets (electrical) .251 B electrical light fixture .251 A Is .500 ling .500 or .500 tilation (window) (mechanical) .251.6 d water (sufficient pressures) ,350 A water .190 dows .500 rs .500 eens (door & window) .551 & .552 mbing connection & drains .350 Living Room Regulation Violations lets (2 or one with light) .251 B hting .251 A is .500 ling .500 or .500 dows .500 eens .551 ks (windows) .480 E Pantry or Dining Room Regulation Violations lets (2 or one with light) .251 B hting .251 A is .500 ling .500 or .500 low .500 tens .551 is .480 E BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Data — Name of Complainant Address - i - Tel. Nature of Complaint RD Location of Premises p Owner � i �; �6 {L,J Address Occupant Taken by Referred to Date of inspection Time , INSPECTOR'S REPORT - _ -- Action Taken Inspector t OI IV OF I -ti BOARD OF 1i AI: ]i -5E-6950 Ext. 214 GLAIECT VI 01_2\12 0115 OF -A PEFR II OF THE STATE. S`-.N11A Y CODE 1A1:1l?1 ST DA-EDS OF i EA2ILLII .__ ON" AT 52 Maple Street-Apt. l :SEED '1'0: Michael Duseau . _ _- -- 52 Maple Street _ Florence, Mass. 01060 INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: D. -8- March 11, 1980 Melissa Wilson__ 52 Maple Street Florence, Mass. 01060 It affect your rights. You may obtain a translation vn important legal document. may 1orm at: n document° legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uSao deste docueento de: m —_—— — --- ourrait affecter vos droits. Vous pouvez e est un important document legal. 11 p une traduction de cette forne a. diritti. Lei pub to ucc.,,,:e nto legate r 'p or tame Potr ebbe avere effetto sui s ,or una traduzione di quest° modulo a: un document° legal inportante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir luccion de esta forma en: ——.—- - - —----- -- ---i _---- opraM°nienia, Tio ze sz uzy shac ti --- wplyw na Twol w'a zne legalny dot;umen[. To mote miec enie Lego dokumentu w ofisie:— _ _—_ -- ------ - Board of Fealth 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. Tel . No. (413) 586-6950 Ext. 214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 2 Maple Street- t. 1 ___. Northampton (assessor' s map 23 A cel _ 39 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations , listed ow, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, :ety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Mass. General Laws , d Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good ith effort to correct the following violations within twenty-four (24) hours om the date of receipt of this order. REMEDY REM VIOLATION R iGULATION Correct,temperature should be between 120°-140°. ao.190 tj Insufficient temperature for hot water, ti temperature taken in bathroom sink was 105 . The Northay.p'ton Board of '.lcalth has inspected the premises at 2 Mande Street-Apt 1 _ __ Northampton (assessor' s tap :reel 39 . ) ,, for compliance with Chapter 1I of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations , listed plow, which are serious enough as to endanger or naterially impair the health, afety, and well-being of the occupants . Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Hass. General Laws , nd Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to begin the da s of the re- ieccssary repairs or contract with a third party with in five (5) y i.eipt of this order and to Hake a good faith effort to substantially complete correction, within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of this order, the follow- ing violations: REMEDY REGULATION VIOLATION- '--- Repair. 410.150 A (2) } Faucet to tub won't stop dripping. p 1 Living room electric outlet faulty. Repair. x+10.251 B 1 Living room electric outlet won't work. Repair. If I may be of any further assistance don't hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, Richard A. Gormely Code Enforcement In pector CERTIFIED r'/ 864302 CHAPTER II STATE SANITARY CODE --� Occupant's Name � ik of Dwelling Units 4 of Stories cupants�_Apt. Ik j M # Habitable Rooms tructure � _B • P Address of Owner 410.150 r between 1200 & 140 seat nd in Regulation .19Q .150 A 1 .150 A 2 nt cold water .150 A 3 .350 A # Bedrooms Violations Lion .350 connection & drains — .280 A or B g Violations tchen 410.100 sink sufficient size nd oven or refrigerator its electrical ectrical 1 fixture ,1QQ A 1 .100 A 2 ation ate e FS window) (mechanical) sufficient .ressures .251.6 is (door & window) inn connection & drain Living Room s (2 or one with li:ht) ing Violations n ..500 s ns ( .480 E Violations Panty or Dinin: Room ets (2 or one with ligh n s ing low ens •251 B Cs ,480 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date do:.ct $SS of plainant ri: ...r of ComPlarnt,, )cation of Premises Iwner . s.ddress g! 1�• Time J Tel Occupant Referred to Time - Taken by a S' inspection Nor•fra- 1� aGo Date of ND ZND FGZ��•`+ INFECTOR'�Ri �R;v<s µ FoaxrtE cane�c e ocp lernr !. HEALTH Chairman R, M.D. )KNELL, R.N. LAIN, Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 910 MAIN STREET 01060 Tel- (413)1 X 586-6950 Ext. 214 tECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF 1UMAN HABITATION" AT Ant . ?, 51 Maple qt. , Florence, MA 3ED TO: Frederick J . Ostrowskl DATE January 7 , 1985 P. 0. Box 123 Leeds, vA 01053 SPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: Charles f, Doreen Burgess Apt. P, 52 Maple Street Florence, MA 01060 important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation m at: ocumento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir o deste documento de: eat un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez traduction de cette forme a. documento legate importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub Ia traduzione di questo modulo a: documento legal importance. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir :ion de este forma en: ine legalny dokument. To mote miec wplyw na twoje upratmienia. Moreaz uzyskac e tego dokumentu w ofisie: Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. Tel. No. (413) 586-6950 Ext. 214 tt The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 53 ".inl e c Florence , Northampton (assessor's map 23A F t . , cal 30 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed ow, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, ety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Mass. General Laws, I Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to begin the :essary repairs or contract with a third party within five (5) days of the re- ipt of this order and to make a good faith effort to substantially complete traction, within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of this order, the follow- g violations: GULATION 10 '1;7;100' ).153 1.351 0.480 .0.482 10.354 10.450 610J .oh yL5 �� a VIOLATION insulation deteriorated on basement pipes, creating a potential asbestos hazard in this area furnace leaking water around the water level control box causing water to periodically drain out of furnace locking mechanism for exit door to the porch busted and not operational no smoke detectors provided by owner, as renuired under City Or- dinance Article IV, #11-52 (M.C.L., Chapter 148, Sect. 26) exterior lighting, including flood ]iphts and porch lighting, if met- ered to the tenant's dwelling, is illegal if occupant nays for his own electricity no second means of egress from second floor residences* REMEDY repair or remove insula- tion in a manner approved by the Board of Health repair leak and have furnace checked for proper operation repair or replace faulty locking mechanism install approved smoke detectors in apartment check wiring of exterior lighting . . • if illegal , re-wire these lights to a separate meter from that of tenants (las order r.:t" ns at Artt T -_ --- rlcl_ .1 nstroms'si to correct 3 CSR second means of enress is not s ecif heal lv rernired under 7 Id 605.0 of the T assnchusetts t•I- e Puildlne Code tor 'structureseinnd , it is stronrle recommended that some frm of in � cf prior to 197-x , „ i(servine 5nch apartments) be installed as an added off the nnner nnrcl- fety measure. no and or Heal[h yave any ouestions recardfnt this order, please contact the very truly, F. Vochan Iry inspector c fled (P620675507 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD ola •i Vince 53tn-IJLe/29 Date: Time: Map: w '' ` tJq Name of Complainant: fir+ Oi:iimmta EVIWri of r NATTU OF COMPLAINT: f�/,� /�� Location: Owner: iil1J' �, �.a6ls � /� £tr// A iglAtialF411WAIIPHIMM Taken by: Y� Date of Ins action: / •f%.agr11 INSPECTOR'S VRT: /6�,� UREP ,,� � 1,/* I11�2 Ott - �� ��a e , v� 1 :`" �QG 3 / G °Inw /7/3frill =2,1 „ol�n ChOck Boa If YS rir Action Taken: n 1 62 / /"t4 se( Inspector Signature • 9 - W� 5- 4 � _ ,ice a d r f . ,,,/ Nov !s i o . .„ tWilt;”etike'S 7,!:*•#TA 4 Os - ; 42 i"W'f''' V444,,i, 't ' : Le', ^ %7@ +;:4:3i1.* ' ' • 4' .4 •4 *. ' • ' T ' ' ''i t` 1,„, ,_.i".. e. ...„lloa„ g*te, ,..-em1/4-:( /I. •4?„ ,,T sv•-...1,1..°±1 :*,.:., ''u,...4.-- -. ..•,...- .,: .v. ' , . . . - ..,.. .i., .....:i '4 Ir., " ''41'.‘V,,,A4.7'("Witkit 4..leiti;4444:41.■'1AlkittCgifiat Itir l' •.• . 4'`I'' ,..". . . - , . Y :4,i , ..:_ ,t,;, 4 : "e,,1/41 14414%1-::,clitra- '.....? 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Q. t — -----, / ....:(7"e . ' - ' It- " • "‘" "F)) ''' it.:ct . r N t . ' ..ilig * :1..cil a Sir ' Li.45.":4•4 Al ` -ti't i.. 2 -• - -,,t . cc _ .kt4, 'y1,-4, , . ......',,... 44', 1., gb,,L% r el ..?41'le•it 1/4 ' ; '..1' . V ) I F h ' 'i.• t' ‘ 'i - A [ , f/ i, I _,,,., ..,A , . •-- 'A",r , ict .... - ^i. . r."' - g ;)::24. •14:417,1 >: a:C I ),C 1 i am : k , —-"' c I 4 0" • ..;. i i ti j tli•60 a "' ' *Ai 4i" A t ,44",,S 1' ' i 1 • II ik , ), 1 !J1 Ar 440 P fOit . = II 1 A I 1 t ‘ .---_ . , I 11/4. ii :7111 -24-11.• , ^ istiVI' - '. 71 ft■I '6' : # Ic4; ,. ., ` "ill 1 / ' b, t ■ , 4 - ,r,-"/ i .,....7-- , I 1 i , 4 drie •,,iii.,, . , S ) PAGE 1 11/09 04 4:25:31 FM NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS EFFECTIVE DATE OF VALUE: JANUARY 1, 1998 ERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RECORD CARD PARCEL ID: 23A-040-001 52 MAPLE ST PLOT: Living Units: 2 Class: C 013 Card # 1 of 1 CURRENT OWNER/ADDRESS ZONING: GB Neighborhood 306.00 FINAL VALUE FLAG: INCOME $TROWSKI FREDERICK J LAND DATA -ASSESSMENT INFORMATION- 2 LTD TYPE SIZE INFLUENCE FACTORS LAND VALUE PRIOR COST INCOME CURRENT 2 BAYBERRY LN PRIME SITE 20586 ;##;pp#pq#g,y#g,yyg,#,CpCpOO/XSgqTq#'pp 90880 LAND NORTHAMPTON M4 01060 BLDG 201.300p#136N#A#A# 130,960 114,220 205,100 205,100 SALES INFORMATION DEED BOCK: 2882 TOTAL ACREAGE: 0.473 TOTAL LAND VALUE: 90,880 DATE TYPE PRICE VALIDITY DEED PAGE: 111 20040130 LAND + BLD 250,000 B DEED DATE: LAST UPDATE: % 20+01/ ATTACHED IMPROVEMENTS COST APPROACH DETAIL: X GD RCNLD TYPE M1 M2 M3 #UNITS LEVELS USE E WALL HEATING A/C AREA SF RATE RCN B1 TO 81 86 NONE NONE 1800 35.42 63,770 RP5 540 1 1 01 TO 01 82 FRAME UNIT HEATUNIT 800 89.10 71,280 02 TO 02 11 FRAME HOT AIR NONE 1800 67.95. 5 122,340 Al TO Al 86 FRAME NONE NONE TO NONE NONE NONE NONE TO NONE NONE BUILDING # 1 TOTAL UNADJ RCN 158.180 YEAR BUILT 1922 TOTAL UNADJ.RCNLD 120'960 UALITY GRADE 2 GRADE FACTOR # IDEgNT UNITS 1.00 EFFICIENCIES RCNC/ECON FACTOR 120,960 5 25 1-BEDROOMS 2-BEDROCKS 2 t0 3-BEDROCKS 4 OUTBUILDING/YARD ITEM DETAIL: DESCRIPTION WIDTH LENGTHE QUAN YEIRT PHYS. FUNC. % GD VALUE PA1 1 8000 1 1985 NORMAL NORMAL 10,000 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 64 50 OTHER IMPROV TOTAL OBY/YARD VALUE: 10,000 70 INCOME APPROACH SUMMARY: TOTAL RENTABLE SQUARE FEET: INCOME ADJUSTMENT 120 4 ..5..^4.r5 "Inc' BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS '_MARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH HI SCRIMGEOUR,MHEd,CHES JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF st J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Director of Public Health Meczrwor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Madeline Henn,Clerk November 9,2004 Frederick J. Ostrowski CIO Seawink, LTD Northampton, MA 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 RE: Complaint—52 Maple Street 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 Dear Mr. Ostrowski: Please call me at 413-587-1214, as soon as possible, regarding a complaint that I received about the conditions of the exterior of your property located at 52 Maple Street. After making an inspection of the site I opted to send you this letter instead of a formal letter from the Department with the assumption that you would respond to this important letter promptly and work with me to correct the violations on your property. When calling my office, if you receive the answering machine,please leave me your telephone number a good time to call you and I will call you back as soon as possible. However, if I do not hear from you by Monday,November 22,2004, before 2:00 p. m., I will have no other choice but to send you an official letter of"Notice of Violations and Correction Orders. ( trust in your cooperation. It is imperative that you call me soon. Sincerely, Ernest J. Mathieu,RS, MS, CHO Director of Public Health Giiil of Nlltffi.+ul}ltm; 5 u•A:I:ned:: COiiicr of the :1n5perlcr of i:ni;Ji:q::. 212....fart Street ..nei:cm pion.+Man. 0106,1, COMPLAINT SHEET RNC Florence,MA 01062-1209 Se`, -2 ?3 r I Li NOV - 3 2004 DEPT Or BI SWING INSFECTIO? NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 ECEFVE a Mass Sehfry STD 5a AMP). E 37 a3A- 1 : - p D I r, SaGOP,IF sT Gov �e7 jocks A, ke4parnP \A//D whur 4'17 2-Y y/# DOVE To « t 'T crAct_DanP BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS :MARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH HI SCRIMGEDUR,MHEd,CHES JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF st J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Director of Public Health Meczywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Madeline Neon,Clerk November 22,2004 Frederick J. Ostrowski C/O Seawink, LTD 25 Bayberry Lane Northampton, MA 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 RE: Complaint—52 Maple Street 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01080 (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 Dear Mr. Ostrowski: Please call me at 413-587-1214, as soon as possible, regarding a complaint that I received about the conditions of the exterior of your property located at 52 Maple Street. After making an inspection of the site I opted to send you this letter instead of a formal letter from the Department with the assumption that you would respond to this important letter promptly and work with me to correct the violations on your property. When calling my office, if you receive the answering machine,please leave me your telephone number a good time to call you and 1 will call you back as soon as possible. However, if I do not hear from you by Monday,November 29,2004, before 2:00 p. m., I will have no other choice but to send you an official letter of"Notice of Violations and Correction Orders. I trust in your cooperation. It is imperative that you call me soon. Sincerely, Ernest.. Mathieu, RS, MS, CHO Director of Public Health rage i Ui L 4essage Ernie Mathieu From: Clines Charles(DEP) [Charles.Clines @state.ma.usj Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 1:52 PM To: Ernie Mathieu Subject: RE: Landfill site in question I drove by the site yesterday. If the owner chooses to bury typical 100 waste old ain on site, that had the historical bje the waste solid waste regulations. I and low ws spots out back.this is a typ the solid waste regs to that condition would be disposal in the pit privy and low spots out back. To try to apply difficult to enforce in part due to timelines. The waste that has been excavated, unless it is asbestos hazardous or oils is probably best handled as household waste and disposed of at the City's landfill. Materials that have not yet been dug up can probably stay in place, unless some hazard exists. The Board of Health has many other laws and regulations that may be more suitable to this site Charles Clines (413) 755-2120 For Use in Intra-Agency Policy Deliberations" Original Message From: Haley, Mark(DEP) Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 7:39 AM To: Hall, Daniel (DEP); Clines, Charles (DEP) Subject: FW: Landfill site in question When Ernie called on Friday, I told him that the owner of the property was responsible for the solid waste buried on the site, even though he did not put it there. I used the real estate analogy of buyer beware. I told Ernie that he could have the owner remove the waste, unless the City wanted to determine who put the waste in the ground. Ernie was looking for some DEP support, hence his email. There apparently is a dispute between the commercial property owner and residential abutters. Since its in Northampton, VII let Charlie do any follow up such as responding to Ernie's email. Thanks. Original Message From: Ernie Mathieu [mailto:emathieu @city.northampton.ma.us] Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 5:17 PM To: mark.haley @state.ma.us Subject: FW: Landfill site in question Resending From: Ernie Mathieu Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 3:14 PM To: 'mark.haley @state.ma.us' Subject: Landfill site in question November 19, 2004 Dear Mark, As per our conservation today, I have an illegal dumping situation on a property located at 45 Maple Street. The 11/29/2004 ragcL Ulm lessage operty commercial property with residences abutting it.The owner of the property cut down trees. He was then rdered by the city to replace the trees he cut by plating new trees and shrubs. While digging to planting the new ees and shrubs they encountered solid waste items that were already on the site which must have been buried ,ere in the past. Now there are several piles of earth(sand)on the property there with tree limbs, stumps, old n/aluminum cans and barrels and other solid materials. he question that has have is whether or not the Board of Health can cite the current owner ender iection 150A of Chapter 111 of the Massachusetts General Laws (Establishment and Opera ion rf Refuse Disposal Facilities)which states in part No place, in any city or town shall be .tstablished or maintained or operated by any person as a site for a facility, unless such place has tither been assigned by the Board of Health of such city or town as a site for a facility after a wblic hearing" 'A Facility shall not be constructed or operated unless the proposed use and Mans or design thereof have been approved by the Department" The Department's Regulations or the Disposal of Solid Waste by Sanitary Landfill (310 CMR 19.00)defines Rubbish as combustible or noncombustible solid waste material, including but not limited to such material, as wood, tree branches,yard trimmings, grass clippings, metals, construction wastes, street sweeping and any unwanted or discarded materials and order him to remove the piles of earth and solid waste even though he probably did not bury it there himself. Please advise me as to what action this office can take to make the owner to clean it up, if any. Sincerely Yours, Ernest J. Mathieu Director of Health 11/29/2004 nr/f2fiy(/), rt / E rAK 7 / N Y 2r i f- / - P514 Aa/TC/6 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD NATURE OF COMPLAINT 52 "filet! 14. c-- ,60 olad' . t' Owner: v �. ranalDate of Inspection: Z 12.D ✓'N Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ril L2 L;- r 3 21-1414-' <w 'J - k'1 -t. LAAA ty� I 67 At, dinLhIPRt1njzlld! E' How received: Telephone ( ) Personal ( ) Letter ( ) Complainant's Name- Complainant's Address: Complaint received by: (rite of Xerthatmaten •al.n.erlin.m. VEfirc of tits 3nspcctnr of ''1niibings 212 Main Street•Municipal Building Northampton, Mass. 01060 (RFD . Gv, COMPLAINT SHEET 4/Et t/cfAil CG 7 2 n S/ Complaint No Date: Time _A-M. P M. Telephone No VIOLATIONS OF: hapier 44 Zoning Ordinances, City of Northampton ❑ Chapter 802 As Ammended Mass. State Building Code p�anitary Code, Art.2 Complaint reported against: Name:v/$VI D %G�G� SA} (4.4/A/C Address: Si ' /5T LZ r F 9.8 Tel. Location of complaint: cp u /n° Gf 2/ Map # di Lot # Signature of Complanants /)–/V cy Nature of complaint: DflN SRR E LS /4/ gK/vo- dq,c, 114.z Ap - Cfinp cave aecwit/ f/--/{f Zh2 .civ in/ers2 - JD/s /Is -- - — Investigation: Yes ( ) No ( ) Investigated by: c de 5✓ o y/b F/em a�