17 (Florence Inn) Complaints 1989-2009 :.zrz 4C k 9t-v IRC • BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Name of Complainant 4/✓o/✓//✓ID/S YIRP /7C PRe&Ea 220 Date f /eiri,( Time /•SD P/n Address Tel — Nature of Complaint Ci17-2rR9OM FAQ(/r 5s D/S TT,1?/Gp9; LJ /7/t2 NC f eC-ING (c-E/AU) P?t ECL7) (f/> 9e Location of Premises Ikvec/Il6r=7]✓d Owner COrf, E ,C!/(Ji N tt'c STD_-TSPt/ 7U/T Address /7 /✓ /y 4°,2 e' S R�"E/ .f24eE/✓Ce Occupant Taken by Date of inspection Referred to Time 3.sc ,t SNawEe leer (..IIO-/ee,ONN l-221) INSPECTOR'S REPORT (S) 5H9'4" sr»LL OST zonn-)FL 4Mv /m r✓fED'1- C€m FNr p'cpe&LY cost HPt/V 90,40{/0,, mi.D/12(02V (N01(nrsi. Pn't 4*IV )W6 6:2 Stle;✓te 000M F(4,o/46 O R•Opn/O)yzeK69<,/ A/7”1/0 A'ow SA<L<TO,utr wfSrE W447 R Action Taken ala.-A,10/9.0 t- 00s02E (4/O 'Soo (SU,4- ll1.40R SNO C!"'° C EI/4 - 0/100.4 76204✓ ; t0esc/NC P.le 'ems GtooR An,Sni/� G1//4L. OAA C o -AV,N1 O ft 5tk CE " V�e4iN6 5w2rMf S vL,C' ym , `LS QOVM (Jot,. I- c c ° , 'XTncc A'ZtY — 40N Frost[LwtS - 1vo/32u GiE L,6—:AP,' f;LJOR Se")4E- -Ct,4N PDDf Ccd)mN& ('f8>nr% .00J-ftCCOM14rr+j 41O 3na fracQ C4,L(t0 344041$ 4//IY3`rt 04016E. 2+12-3nO,c264/17 6r/i,Rb SPLEO 0,0 7, SnVt£ P xf x eU:roM Name of Complainant BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date 1 1/1//'Fme Address Tel Nature of Complaint Vw'IA {,t.,L,y • ...._.� L. Location of Premises caild3e Lu�`-il.G_ firik .S4 Owner Address Occupant ^yI'AI.- Taken by I "~ Referred to Date of inspection /1/2-MX Time i• SOl PM INSPECTOR'S REPORT CSZ OTHER COt ,ptgNT HND 1984stMak r ofo6R. mi%gv ,a1i48 Action Taken 7'1 NOUF B 0 / /2-1Z/SS) te luenedcan ra Ja[,✓,T a.l is-Its/EP' • new r, 4t&o ruder ve nMP P7covvis (2 vnuti,iu exumem tiAtLy4b,STN5,£5C [cbgbc0 •RccP PE PAL( 'v nccQASS PAMns,ro �uoa r,y ks a . eERPouvE ✓rs.. t PI ne.r o*tu.c£t011e ft/ic/8S (lost AM) rnA4,R,7 ; 1'.{a ayAn S/AT/rtv IARD OF HEALTH T.JOYCE.Chairman 1 C.KENNY.M.D. AEL R.PARSONS I I.McERLAHL Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 14101 5966950 Ext.213 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MIMINUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: Florence inn , 17 North Maple Street, Florence, MA DATE: December 2 , 1988 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Cottaie Kitchen , Inc . Joseph Tuit IT North Maple Street _ .. Florence , MA 01060 COPIES OF REPORT TO This is an important legal document . It may affect your rights . You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto � um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos . Podem adquirir uma tradqao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal . I1 pourrait affecter vos droits . Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento legale importante . Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti . Lei puo ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante . Puede que afecte sus direchos . Ud. Puede adquirir una traduction de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument . To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie : Northampton Board of Health City Hall , 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel 4 : ( 413) 586-6950 x214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 17 No . Maple St . , Florence , Northampton ( assessor ' s map 17C parcel 220 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code . This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health , safety, and well-being of the occupants . Under authority of Chapter III , Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws , and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort Lo correct the following violations within TWENTY FOUR HOURS of the receipt of this order: IS ) . 500 & ) . 602 ( D ) 155 a L 3 . 150( D) 410 . 351 It 0 . 500 & VIOLATION 2nd floor bathrooms show the following violations : 1 . Tub, shower , and bathroom fixtures show excessive accumulation of mold , mil- dew, and soil . 2 . Walls show excessive soil and stain buildup. 2nd and 3rd floor hallways and stairwells show the following violations : 1 . 2nd and 3rd floor walls show accumulation of soil , dust , stains and cobwebs. 2 . Floors show accumulation of dust , soil , and stains . 3 . Stairs show accumulation of dust and soil . Shower stall deteriorated and in need of replacement . All enclosure surfaces are worn to the point where cleaning is difficult; shower door is misalined from extensive use and will not close properly, allowing water to splatter excessively on to the floor. Shower room flooring is deter- iorated from extensive , chronic moisture exposure. This is especially true around the shower and toilet areas . REMEDY Improved general housekeeping is required. All fixtures must be cleaned at least once every twenty fours hours or as often as is necessary to maintain them in a sanitary condition . Improved general housekeeping is required. Maintaining all common areas in a clean con- dition is the responsibility of the owner( s ) . These areas must be cleaned as often as is necessary to maintain them in a sanitary condition. Replace deteriorated shower stall immediately. Repair or replace shower room flooring . Flooring must be smooth, waterproof , easily cleanable and non-absorbent . OD FAITH EFFORT MUST BE MADE TO CORRECT THE FOLLOWING VIOLATIONS WITHIN TEEN DAYS : 500 & 1 . 602( D) (S 8 DIY 01°,er per 55' 2 . 2nd floor hallway ceiling and wall shows damage from chronic moisture seepage from above . Ceiling with drywall torn and peeling paint ; wall with peeling surfaces . 3rd floor hallway ceiling shows damage from chronic moisture seepage . Locate and repair source of water seepage . Then repair all damaged ceiling and wall surfaces . If additional time is required to correct the fourteen day violations =_d above , a letter to the Board of Health is required explaining the d for additional time . This letter must also include a reasonable me frame" for correction of violations . y truly yours , id E. Eoc itary Inspector thampton Board of Health :TIFIED ORDER th P 688 859 763 � TNSP5c-'m e,/,&458;a i O'ea BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD 449 /7C Q/ CFL Zoo Date/Z'-G/%/ Time 3'SO9/4 Name of COGS, &GmER/J' E�11Yes/0.9/1/ Complainant/' Address /74NO /n9P/=SriCEET Tel. Nature of Complaint >) LI//doOXJS Location of Premises Con:4 -c A/at// .131)11 Owner ✓'OSEPIF 2-612 7-- Address /7/Wer#/ /rit•5-r/Pa`T heave, 414C/oso Occupant Taken by Date of inspection INSPECTOR'S REPORT OkkRPrICO ✓/Otfr/cN • - 1/4P8AL aenn't °WNtQ TO /eVokyet caclry U'/'V0dW9 /L//7/%/f':/o%mf a'Me/HivANT CAME. TO da'9Ra of HEAti.J OFFICE ,t5"4S'TING NNnitate-L✓SFKri.eu -- 'CCNEni/L£D Atf' /t//9/4/ RT tree -9:1Sor'I • /t//`7/t/7:Safi J /9,0Pi WA'OL yn2t4t/.eWS Action Taken s'rz Rrrf/nf S1PE coon"gimp - • Referred /Z//7�9/ Time if //O anT 7 OM/9QH%Fme.r 6gPMM sF/✓r /z//9k9/ Inspect ih/e%JNo-C29 Pre 7z —Printed on Recycled Paper- eG.43"072 as(/J ^- ' onc>37(2/o.7 111<O11cna'A )/N . 3WILSYH1 _lb Jda14Vd51J61S si,2n71/d Waa/NwNS 1O a).bvN3LNI bW. - - arm iISNT SMaoN/1r7 M3N Iwo 00:l) zb/ce// -nalvawU - z VNO11a/✓nd .3-9 Jam a44,41 owrU 7/d3LS'4S f170 3K[ fa-.cl/Vd 9vU X3delQ .1NiUNLVrrf/ 3 l N1 QaU'N yea. al 40< <NU 7 vi✓a7s '1J dd "+zP s! /s If-LC JVU4 04.14-)10N1 "0.1N 4N11a '77ov17a1-7WNJ1W //7/n /.44-20 „49.wr.Lo?r Uia)v7V aa',d um/ 5'4.57wa24y da n1a1L7-dsrcr 0-21H8d N3g 34'H [wane N"AO L4r SJUd) S Nat L6-✓/b15lYr /pag4/07 j r✓a[447Xj Y/nL fiLM) 5/Van Vl0'A nd (wb as- al) t6/FR - N>ZL.7d'ISVVr..3y . _(-N3W4AObd cvi TWO Nd.IVLVVVS -: (swal/R-Oa)si/VV./ 3 9a 371bVrt21Ylbf.✓ Yaad C0 (f 4S-/ 422.s 1 o/✓?SL(W 3/✓b'allbr16W 141/9-45. 3'✓a - • - 11/9/17/3fabe 19 1CN OnV OWL?7-777 ry)9OM/rd 'W'a'd - . . 0iredX3 Srif/1V7 +Yacsvid (77VM NI 3.17{ a9Hb7 H.L/no Wood' 944 Yao1i OW?10 (c-cgvs,) 9N/rs/W S'Nd m>mv147 wwcs ava- - - _LW 91147/uVa,” JON /yv O/vV c iL/J--.13- mawv/r9 ie."Yf WOOLY as441a/fS Lavl1 on? of (1 a s F a0.s.� 414/44)# 'o ai3N NZ ONN / dd9ewva Y3LV/a 2tdV 3914'"7 z nun) 2017(37 Ammo At 31042-1 od£ (oa.r J YBJrd is a;7 •N.V' 411Fie09- 0.3r44X3 a'FLmId S3daf -7o('f3.En /(L'/'' s-PW/17 ,rnbnbei, 262”7-107£ dp ( IOs 1 .'es) 44491L2/301LCPN 1O4/ " 3Ny MdoNrn Y34°O7 snnS51 co f!c'.a Yaaa_La g Aam7*1V Ir00 •d ONZ Q (7941/ 7Vn4.+WTd4 -$'N 1mb1 bub'br< Y4.rr_t aN2 - - • 7VN41LWdd0 1040 _. a.,.i rnW fa+TLftb #ftlm 3/4:17-30 356Owt `at4713z Lb..vid Loon d/V3 VI 0)p41 -(2~871 f -nvn) woui a4/910/ Yon zeal?.,lows () (i as 4. 442) 71/7']) As,Sr/0f/ 71VaS 611# Waal (29 ' /11017Nln1 (AWL 14 oN— . 'NY/L19f(143M scA roan IM' -- 614'flea? WOCJI (..fa4.7^4J a(3nro?aNa s'tills) r. (O,V/^) 3iWLd 30'5 J137 (J/ SNISTIU/ SnNVd l/-LOU M�o--'^--1NI////d Isa.,45' ' a3'7igILbi(S -(1ac4aai/ s3Nf/d y317a7//lint n+W./'V 7144a6( 3oib LH1IV 0a WOOI 0 ('or 4 no) - 3?oW 39544.7 Gib& :141n/d QN1,kf14-1 aN/733d `'la 9b/N ci 2/iz11n7 'Witt) • - otiorf?d cbr6/a.7NI WS s&46,d,7947 • - . 396<Wba d-71fiIV ?a'3n>s Ncun1 XVmn#H 1'YOa'J Yaa7d "V a) OF HEALTH TCE,Chairman I.PARSONS cERLAUN,Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 H10)5666950 EM.210 )RDER STANDARDS VIOLATIONS FITNESSPFOR HUMAN HABITATION SANITARY AT: ;ODE 17 North Ma le Streeter Florence, MA 01060 DATE: December 19 1391 ORDER ADDRESSED TO_ COPIES OF REPORT TO_ Cottage Kitche y. Inc, . .r/e Joseph Tuit 17 North Maple Street Florence MA 01060 Roger Ulmer & June Kriesman 7 North Maple Street,_Room_..lA + Florence, lA 01060 This is an important legal document . It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: — -- — Isto e um document° legal muito important° gue poder4 afectar os seas direitos . Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: be suieante est an important document legal . affecter nos droi ts. Vous pouaez obtenir une forme a: I1 pourrait traduction de Bette Questo a un documento legale importance . Po trebbe avere sui suoi diritti . Lei p l modulo a: Este es direchosL111 dd. legal adquirir una traducciddne de afecte forma ens effectto questo To jest wazne legator document . To maze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie Leo dokumentu w ofisie: Northampton board o r h °��Heal-t— City Hall , 210 Main Street Northampton , MA 01060 Tel 4: (413) 586-6950 x214 premises at Al l7C 'c Northampton (assessor 's map State Northampton Board of Health has inspected the p e The North a le roet el 220 ) , r.° for compliance with Chapter 1 itari Code. that the inspections revealed will certify serious enough as to endanger or is letter of the teed below, iri which are safety, and well-being teriall)' impair the health, cupants . der authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts neral Laws , and Chapter aII ood faith effort to corfett the receipt , loy ordered to make _ SEVEN DAYS>Ilowing violations within —- this order: REMEDY fION �_rolaTIO . Inadequate maintenance of the Facilities must be cleaned at commo9 least every 24 hours and as 1 often as is required to keep common bathroom facilities. sanitary condi t,on . 5)12:" Floors , toilets and shower them in a 9z show soil accumulation and 01" lack lack of cleaning on a basis . The following smoke detectors Fire Department has been 42 appear operational : notified and based on the Oast can to be non np Fire Marshal 's investigation, E.=, (1 ) 2nd floor front hallway compliance will be required Kir' 1,, - battery ceiling unit per his findings . era (2) 2nd floor back hallway J hand wired wall unit (3) Room hard om wire) ( 1 )unit (hanging ng ( 1 ) Repair all damaged areas al (1 ) 2nd floor front hallway in an approved manner. 500 & wall & ceiling with severe 501 from moisture infi - dratiO er stained qy 7�e� era tiee Wallpaper with Sr & peeling; stains, peeling surfaces & large hole . )12. (2) Repair door so as to be (2) 2nd floor front hallway completely weathertight. tor' exit door is not weathertight; 1�. one lower window pane missing. (3) Repair windows so as to 31glnCH O (3) 2nd floor shower room completely weathertight . �a3 9v prime window is ill -fitted iyy not weathertight; one storm ro ,yn window pane missing. (4) 2nd floor bathtub room z� with large hole in the inner wall and lathes and plaster exposed. (5) 2nd floor bathtub room prime window is ill-fitted m& not weathertight; onr window pane missing. (6) 3rd floor hallway walls with several holes where plaster is exposed. ( 7) 3rd floor hallway ceiling with two large areas badly stained from moisture infilare tration; these deteriorated and in need of repair. (8) Room lA ceiling with II small holes . q2 pi left prime ° (8) Room IA side ht ; 60 window is not. weathertig Lower window pane is cracked & there are no storm windows . ( 9) Room lA side right prime window is not weathertight : Both lower window panes are shattered & one storm window pane is missing. ,u have any questions regarding this aba a,Filth office. (4) Repair this wall in an approved manner. (5) Repair windows SO gh t to be completely (6) Repair these holes in an approved manner. Repair floor s hallw of ay of the ceiling. truly yours , d E. Kochan tary Inspector .hampton Board of Health Inspection report is signed and s al ti es of perjury. TIFIED ORDER P 894 X360497 (8) Repair these holes in an approved manner. (SI Replace cracked or window is eathertightt this (9) Replace shattered or window is windows is ethert ightt this ment order contact the Board certified under the pains and BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD y:/aPr7 Date � Time Nome of pDGE Complainant/I 9JA" Tel. Address fra9/% IH e /72W' •/TGi/TN 70g f�% Nature of Complaint • 'POO/t7 U/A7tg 72510/2 r Fes- </MPTS .p //Or- /3/p c y/o•(90. a77. Location f/t(/ r/✓N Location of Premises Owner ,TOS,EP//7U Address /7 /10/17/0•72/9/°2.E.-57j) /c-2 Occupant Taken by f D O/Oco Referred to ..� — 3:o� Pm / Time � / Z3(iN /( 9Nk /26F• Date of inspection BmH ��6,qK /3z F BArH L 5N<✓m tzyv Tle /3a'F re v ra tes N" INSPECTOR'S REPORT niwvFrtJ IitDM- "'Pere ron' M 3oBN F i/!E`YaihrW✓ ' _sATisF+t•mrty //t ,/gatz."se pJ M.f 7Y or /24-/26;"/�al�gLC y:3eimfM U,�w.skt S:NEO�Mea m£ rrAr PLrirbtT NAs LDO✓1.Nto BO/ctRremit(JN1✓'� ' Action Taken ) 847H 3/1/in /3:/%PM TEMPYIN T✓aer Sh7ISFnercey ST 7 Wk /z4- Nk' (3D� BAj/ rSJ/a u.FF /,r Inspe y/o69710N ABA HOCKING —Printed on Recycled Pacer— if 7-- .,32 09sc77 0 A -- - o7L23r11.10.2 sNa/tb1 '/4 -->7V • 314/11_501l -I b /,aiVdsllfls sa/LnAt • J.rrrulrn2 sMaorvl�v . V✓O*;+/N1V8 -l0 dfrv✓N3tNIVW(wd 00 IF! Zb(62// _ ha/v7J5 r.2' !/y/� - -7 NNO«a/✓n.j .70 =aN aa3,v aft fl W31-50 S 070 gf, 1zatoe gwv 1,3 O?IO 1/v714.10L1/FJfV gHL AO 0.010N SJO.J 3f 317 cIA0, -fM pt 0'a v?3�d/ -7.7p 7(0014N J7(N° /Nd30 3NL 1 SaW421d d0 NOlL73JSry;_ o3lwlo.vl �aVN a72//d unv 1s n(g W3Ls>Zr wAVH fig AlLt7S3Ud> TNOILtalV ryS �1.6'BN N338 3 H (x76LU' / aON/) jU Nad ' SNa/1(//Q/n d (we •O/ 1177 el t - Nalv3J -.✓'.Y i ( < �\ ' -1.IN3W3A0Ud L✓2 TOJIN Na1V1WVS (stu0.»'/ardi s3/L91J1/d SO .3J/Wn:ILYrbli 0008 ((ccd oos.) :w✓rr.'fal 3N1/41 MO G'✓"" 1-1/1/01r' • 7'32 • • - 1//9/1u3NLV*4 -Lead O//f/ J/GL(j-'!)(T1v ' NI I 0XI/ d4 N1' ' a d' iali Jas71L 717 0 (asig°5) 9Nrs/1.41 ated NraoYITJ wwis avo_ _ . 1//9[/XINtV�17 _ION _0110/sV IS-1-7,7 ma pule �urlxd w°'d' SUMS ?j /d OZ 0 (1°S F 3°T•1 4I ild3J'-10 p]3N AN Oil/ /1 cp 9VWVd y31V'to SNIV 39UV'l 2 N'I of 'ryti(37 /1/M77d/1 a1002.1 0J£. (aus 0J y/NJ-rd �-1 erg7NNI sosd/N. .- a,s0JX3 ys/mi✓ • -.S 9.41 lor 16{* 4YS fl L,n, 5771447 .E n+7Nf/ aoa'r:f aYE ( r0$ ' „as) 1/i 91.12131.0V3M 10111'• ONZ sV(f m°JNrn Yyn,°/ sN/rs I w HLInf JaoO tcY3 AWN Wit/ �v7"i 0 T V4<, NI rda yN 1i N•f JdWM Yo.uad °N2 - TIINt,14l.a d0 f.04/ (�Bh'J v8 ti tier? YoL»_ra 3va WS '.WNe3v Lvx9 toot-} d/v2 9 W< raws0 yr V✓U.� _(21j/,. ] 7?yin wo�i �rrvvVN Ye1°3L� =I�. asSJ '-4 IVI7 N snot) 71‘41.5 (i(w w-21 e ) In -SON n1ao.ao/' '- al-i°VOJ Q ras• ON - . . tint real'/,*) 3WILd 30/s1337 t/1* (,ya�Tj3• , /SS/M73N0 /! N/M LVUOIS" J32'3LL-WW 9N/Sfl(A/ r"°7 11 pnt Ferro 7cvlz'd goes /N)I)1 fl/�l yL.+ �rari Jas.) 53NVd ?13"'°] Htrm n r St . 9/ 37o// 3a.VP'7 JAW r1N/'Ud oNIXNd79^10 010 !cabin/gal U3-'Vn' Sr✓IN3.J • .)M1//41d GINE/03N1 •1S ]BO J°JN1 . - - 39bWb09 J11URJ =,J>A15 Ni'Ol Xdm77UN 1iYnJJ y 91 BOARD OF HEALTH City of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS Joseph Tuit Inc. Kitche IncFlorence, . 17 North Florencee Maple 01060, David E. Kochan Northampton Board of Health DOUSING CODE VIOLATIONS AT THE COTEAGE a 1T HEN Board of Health documentation asp to Mr. Roger timer' s fHea complaints to our In response to your lawyer' s request ce during Dec inspections and with regard please find enclosed the information ce during December 1990 and January ested. to the fact Jr the pains and penalties of perjury, I sign this memo attesting the enclosed documentation are true copies of all Board f Health records arding this matter. - E; March 5, 1992 r �.r ARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS M T.JOYCE.Chairman ANNE BURES,M.D. -AEL R.PARSONS,P.E. J.McERLAIN,Health Agent 13)556-6950 Ext.213 FAX(413)586-3726 NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCES April 15, 1994 ADDRESS Bank of Boston 79 King Street Northam r ton, MA 01060 notified to take action to remedy the conditions named below within As owner & mort a e holder of 17 North Ma'le Street Florence Massachusetts Du are hereby ENTY FDA of the service of this notice, according eral Laws, Cha,ter 111, Sections 122- 125: he kitchen and storage facilities of the former Cottage Kitchen food service taints with ice facility e inspected on April 15, 1994 after the Board of Health was in receipt of comp and to the conditions of said premises. All refrigeration units both basement walk-in ilers, and one kitchen freezer were not operational and perishable foodstuffs were found , ing in all units. In general state of the entiirre restaurant p e putrid stronbmises was insanitary.� in the g, putrid e do odor -meates the premises and can even be detected in the habitable areas someone t unauthorized :former dining container In the kitchenmelted n oven coffee maker in left on an y unsecure area h the former dining removal, and be using the kitchen. said conditions through proper cleanup, Take immediate action foodstuffs and stored perishables so as to render the premises safe id sanl of all In adds equipment is placed in a secure location id sanitary.to prevent addition, insure that all . finally, Limit in holders to I as to prevent any unauthorized usage. Finally, secure the building in a manner which will event unauthorized entry to the closed areas of the building. ;sential individuals only. applicable sections of 105 CMR 5ega d{o State Said S conditions are also a violation 10 6 app of the Housing Code,nod Service Code and 105 CMR 410.602(D) of the teintenance of common areas within a habitable dwelling. The present conditions are deeemed toth%e t ng he health, safety, and well-being recusares currently to action iing upstairs order requiring the bank to order all tenants to Failure to take living asli f the il legal action to rectify said conditions, including ,acate he premises mises premises I f at the expiration n of time matter can s sconditi o conditions h vnot resolved. such further action will be taken as the law If at the expiration of time allowed these conditions have not been remedied, or are not in the process of being remedied, re uires and a fine of 20.00 .er da ma be char!ed. B order of the Northam•ton Board of Health 1TIFIED MAIL#p 631 519 133 s abatement order is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury, 6'12 David/. . K•chan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health Joseph Tuit John Lenkowski Atty. Devon Bascomb Atty. Joseph Cotton BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD( � . -l /��kIfG1✓/L Name of Complainant Tie/in %tS '4/6 NYiN .n^nlnrAlNl t.D<<n'fini✓TV ihNifi ct INSPECTOR'S REPOR �� mo>y. F8ID6 Pv /l ' one(275•6 FU-of 6FS» ) aT ,94<2 GaluuN F✓u arc tvbiro t45 �ucFVnr /Jw,E✓T/d1A'e ry /M esex- 3ENF5 / O)'GREA58 qN) /,7Tit-F Ofd''/`- N � - fbTGli 57slitutus DE HEALTH ABERS )VCE,Chairman IURES,M.D. .PARSONS,P.E. 1LAIN,Health Agent -6950 Ext.213 19)586-3726 NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCE DATE: May 12, 1995 ADDRESS .ograms, Inc. cfo Susan Stubbs, Director Street ton, MA 01060 01060 As OWNER of 17 NORTH MAPLE STREET, FLORENCE, MA, -e hereby notified to take action to remedy the conditions named below within to Massachusetts Laws Cha,ter 111, Sections 122 - 125tice, according iced b n assorted debris exterior and r sgarbage (grease) at the rear of the above address and wooden debris; 55 died beneath the back exterior sirll and beneath the porch. Items include, not limited wto ith the isc riled items: cardboard, cu ul metal, and properly dispose of all arrel filled with discarded grease. This accumulation constitutes a nuisance and a of filth. Immediate action must be taken to clean up entioned in the above areas noted. expiration of lime allowed these conditions have not been remedied, or are not rocess of being remedied, such further action will be taken as the law requires ne of 20.00 •er da ma be char•ed. ton Board of Health B order of the Northam =1ED MAIL#Z 000 114 330 iatemept order is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury, , %�7 David. ' • l{L ochan Sanitary Inspector thampton Board of Health is Map: Thy s Ing Date: 12'30-98 Time' 2_ 5 pm ram and A red Castil o Name of Complainant: Address: tenants at: 17 North Maple Street NATURE OF COMPLAINT: on Wanted to report that another tenant ad had adefallsnvore ad a Mon., Dec. 28th around 11:30 p.m. and ueciiy of blood head wound that resulted in a large 4 staining the carpet in front of the kitchen area. The blood had been stepped in and spread in the surrounding odor area before Service Master came and carpets at approx. 2 p.m. Dec, 29th. A P ert remains and is of concern to the tenants because the individual who was injured was in a high risk category £pr HIV. Ms. Ingram is communicating with representatives from ServiceNet, who runs the program. (Contact person Rebecca Muller is on vacati5 2-95 or 582 1512 Her concern is that appropriate New Year Holiday. place due to the impending Owner: program is run by ServiceNet Te1:582-9505 Date of Inspection: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: Housing Inspector, and Public Health Nurse Agent, Planning Office Health Ag unavailable sprovide HIVecounseling.�r Family she vas because they provide rfiX C�/,clfF_ w� rQIF6 F<9 MULE<� . .�. SEXY'CE MHSTOR CC EA/OHO I�Ncle/),EO ' /hmo✓ING srcDo s of c4<ne r wM=Re srArNC c06/4,0 vvr e CU,vPi9Tr[%KfM✓✓10 s�'c9P nary 11, 1999 Integrated Human Service Systems 4r.David Cohen loard of Health -.City of Northampton viemorial Hall 01060 Northampton,MA Dear Mr. Cohen: 1995 a tenant at 17 writing to report that on December 29, e1 aM hit As you e Street,Florence, ten' Florence, fell against a stair railing and apparently e had a North s face Maple glasst,Florence iou, his fess on a glass bowl. anin Copious clear of bet within spilled hours. There was a 6-8" professional rat cleaning service olear the carpet It is due to be repaired on Wednesday,January square area that could not be�mPany.My maintenance men have scheduled replacement of that section with a carpet 13'". Sincerely, Rebecca Muller Director of Shelter and Housing Services 413.585.1300•Fax 413.582.4252•wwwaervicenetinc.org•Susan L. Stubbs, C.E.O. 9 King Street•Northampton, MA 01060' Recycled Papa Date: la ' 19-6D pYIY�� Y�i Name of Complainant: ,L km) ekHboui NATURE OF COMPLAINT' D ' iyte etudiga Pe-c./ .67/"Mak en OSt No P Pope. AeQ/ I Roon 1. spoke ti ,Pez 13/9Nks Id Raft - /2-45 Tel:537d- Ham, INSPECTOR'S REPORT: c) yv 1431)10 67 JF HEALTH ABERS NASHKIN,R.N.,Chair 3URES,M.D. KARPARIS,R.N. RIAIN,Health Agent 587-1214 13)587-1264 R E "MINIMUM NIIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR I HUMAN HABITATION AT: Y E Room#10, 17 North Maple Street, Florence DATE: December 20, 2000 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: 129 King street Northampton, MA 01060 Attn: Sue Banks COPIES OF REPORT to Lynn Grabowski 17 North Maple Street, Room #10 Florence, MA 01062 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at odes afectar os seus Isto a urn documento legal muito importante q ue P direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Is suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo di a i. Lei pubottenereluna raduzion di questo modulo a tto sui suoi diritti. Lei p Ede es un ocul a to legal gal Intpo detests ede q e afecte sus direchos. To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTTO 2B0 ARD Otre HEALTH all,City Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 587 -1214 ton Board of Health has inspected the premises at Room It Northampton MA (assessor's map 17C parcel 270 .), ,co pliah t> Florence, II of the State Sanitary Code. compliance with Chap hi h letter are serious certify that the inspections revealed violatios listed below, aalth,h are ser, and well-being of the occupants. erially impair aal safety, hider authority of Chap ter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General you are hereby ordered to .aws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, nake a good faith effort to correct the following violations within twent four (241 hours of the receipt of this order. TION VIOLATION Inadequate temperature in Room #10. At the time of the inspection*the temperature was 66.9°F &67.7°F on two inspection thermometers REMEDY Provide a minimum of 6&°F be between 7:00 a.m. &11:00 p.m. the 11:01 p.m. &6:59 a.m. p er 64°F between t State Sanitary Code (Excerpt of Tem•erature re•uirements is attached * Inspection of the premises was made on 12120100 at approximately 2:40 p.m. upon reasonable notice and at reasonable times,allow Note:The occupant must, u ectladjust the heating system. the ownerlmanager access to the room to insp If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent Northamp Board of Health penalties of This inspection report is signed and certified under the p ains and p perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# 7099 3400 0003 5607 4335 'OLLOWING IS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF SOME OF THE LEGAL REMEDIES GENERAL'LAWS,CHAPTER 239,SECTION SA) ¢nts. You can do MTHtfOLDr (GENERAL you may be entitled to hold back your rent paym Violations are e not being being evicted if: s can prove that your dwelling unit or common areas and contain that your landlord knew about the violations endanger or materially impair your health or safety fore you were behind in rent. v did not cause e vtions and they can be repaired while you continue to live In or this it is e building or apartment pay it. (F any portion of the rent into court if a judge orders you to p Y it es are prepared r rent o pay e P pest to put rent money aside in a safe place.) SECTION 127L) AIR AND DEDUCT(GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 111, aw sometimes allows you to use your rent money to make the repairs yourself. If your loco of may be able u use code (or to enter into a written coon,you u have be them made) our landlord has received written notice of the violations,y i¢nl agency certifies that there are code violations which seriously endanger or materially impair your :defy If the and Y repairs ye y taf owner n t [e or to complete ete repairs ve days after notice or to complete repairs within fourteen days after the notice you can use up to four rent in any one year to make the repairs. (GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER ALIATORY RENT INCREASES OR EVICTIONS PROHIBITED( a complaint to the AP SECTION 18 AND CHAPTER 239,SECTION 2A) owner may not about code viol rent or evict te you in r raises y C r entowre increase to or eviction which is for ,ment agency about code violations. If the owner raises your rent or tries to evict within six months after ve made the complaint he or she will have to show a g fed to your complaint. You may be able to sue the landlord for damages if he or she tried this. LAWS CHAPTER 111,SECTIONS C-H) RECEIVERSHIP Board of II NT RECEIVE petition the District or Superior Court end as much of the rent i appoint a"receiver"who may p e occupants and/or the Board of Health may p ourt rather than to the owner. The court may ecp y as is needed to correct the violation(s). The receiver is not subject to a spending limitation of four months' l REACH OF WARRANTY OR and/or to have ou may be entitled to sue your landlord to have all or some of your rent returned if your dwelling unit does 1 i neet minimum standards of human habitability. FAIR AND apartment DECEPTIVE PRACTICES i((GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 93A) ulations for which you tenting an apartment with code violations is a violation of the Consumer Protection Reg y sue an owner. Y OF THE LAW TION PRESENTED ABOVE IS JUST A SUMMARY THE INFORMATION NT OR TAKE ATTORNEY. IF YOU CANNOT BEFORE YOU VISABLEOTH T YOU CONSULT ST LEGAL CANNOT FFORD,IT A IS TD YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE NEARS FFORD AT ATTORNEY, OFFICE WHICH IS: 584 - 4034 WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS LEGAL SERVICES 20 HAMPTON AVENUE SUITE 100 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 HEARING accomplish a modification of an order. before the Board a lave the person must st seek a a petition for a hearing of �n a person must file in time atitions must be filed on time in accordance with the regulation pursuant to any persons upon whom any order has been served p i person of this p t for an order issued aftert the t requirements must be filed within hula do of this cvee (e n sp rovided, such p gulation 33.2 have been satisfied); rdered was served; personnel of the y r after the day inspector(s) or other p ,y person aggrieved liy the failure of any ,ard of Health: to inspect upon request any premises as required under this code; such petition must be filed within thirty days after such pro d, inspection was requested; or required by this code; provided, inspection as req ovi epo e > to issue a report insp days after the inspection;such petition muust st be a filed within thirty 3 upon are c ai inspection ed to i to find certify that a violation ticor violations well- being or materially impair the health or safety and tell are claimed to exist or to certify provided, such petition being of the may cu endanger remises; P ore; or being it the hccudays after e of the premises; of the inspection report; within thirty days after receip Regulation 33.1; provide q to issue an order as required by d, that such after the receipt of the inspection ection days petition must be filed within thirty Y report. person upon whom this order has been served, person aggrieved by the or-any p perform as enumerated above, has the right to be appear at said hearing. rotor p ire of the inspector d any adverse party has a right to app resented at a hearing investigation reports, orders, notices, and other BUG DOCUMENTS en fer relevant inspection n in or e possession information in the possession of the Board of Health are open and may be copied for a fee. of some legal remedies tenants EMEDIES of the AND PENALTIES Repo Failure legal remedies comply with this Inspection get H Report contains a brief summary 1 p.00) art of the Insp et Housing Code violations corrected. my use in order to g s failure to comply irder also subjects the person ordered to a criminal fine of not less than ten collars, nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars for each day' mith this order. 105 CMR 410.000: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH operating condition the facilities capable of 130.190: Hot Water maintain in good op temperature of not less than shall provide and rovide the hot water for use at a temp The owner {y the ordinary use of all plumbing ¢r shall also provide to satisfy tnless and all the extent heating water. The own ti d water pressure and function wo the extent 110°F (43°C)and m a quantity an p use the occupant which normally require to p hot water for then proper ration of the facilities under a shall required to pall not fuel for 130°F operation Inspection of the hot water system such ant is e4 1 erfo[ma°ce. If possible,the occup The hot water shall not exceed system its actual P has identified Ore agreement shall lion of the hot and sy as the include an examination at the times and tinder such conditions examination shall deem system to be insufficient 410200: Heating Facilities Required provide and maintain in good operating condition the facilities for heating and every room containing a toilet shower or bathtub to such (A) The owner shall P 410.201 habitable room every temperature as required under 105 CMR similar beaters parlor beaters, cabinet heaters, room heaters and my 42 inches from ace heaters, p and its fuel supply tank located less than kerosene, (B) Portable space appliance adapted for burning having a barometric fed fuel control an of heating PP the center of the burner on as el oil f as d a type portable wick type space heaters shall In and 2510.) and ouvernents of 105yCMR 410.200.(See M.G.L.c.148,§§ rang¢oil or numb shall not meet the[eq Temperature Requirements a toilet, 410.201: room containing every habitable room and ima�Y00 Y.M. and at least 64°F provide 8°at in the period and June 64 F The owner 11:01 P.M. d8:5 (20°C)A.M. between other A.M. to or bathtub to every day other than during ant is required shower, year except and to the extent the occupant exceed 78 to provide e the e 11:d P.M.and le letting agreement The temperature shall at no tiro to (25°Cb°r 1S" e e inclusive, letting temPerequirement shall be met written a may be read and the re4 �¢a#eriet pro aide ght fuel under a point more than five feet from the with for (25°C)d The the heating season' The temperature provided in accordance above floor uring whi h heat must be P accordance with the year at a height of five feet increased ou h a variance granted t clause of the first e prll. ion of number 05 of days pe or decreased the prohibitions of the firs CMR 410.000 may be 4 40 not withstanding sentence of 105 CMR 0.840(A). sentence of 105 CMR 410.202: Venting ones, shall be properly vented to a Space heaters and water heaters, except electrical chimney or vent leading to the outdoors. 410.250: Habitable Rooms Other than Kitchen-Natural Light and Electrical Outlets The owner shall provide for each habitable room other than a kitchen. which is equal m (A) transparent or translucent glass which admits light from the outdoors and area to no less than 8%of the entire floor area of that room. c-j NATURE OF COMPLAINT: eCi !) 6 1'tzUi ,. .57/u- t4NYt¢r_"> I/A S/Ir( eF_N oscfr.. °�i/°.=:c�P,,c yET >9s.� lv.y7N6;o Ft'7 ,q coil+.c City: ��CCrc V c/ CPhz 04.!.54 f..O . .�osn.�✓ Owner v1C!-:�✓L"/ Address: ii'c CC7r c,l f#cr e.' !Ui'— fl S2'LLRAN -S e— INSPECTOR'S .0,141: J/1 4' /tv lc z[ aJliO nm) 0c>.C: ,.,i�T� CIm SOS-c N/N RISC' 4'2_�G= ! i '()LL iinf,)C S D GclA,LroA/ PPic cry�F HcT vN 9h 1/�4EA/ P L.cio iYi,Li)Cr Sv'/Zf GdtiPOw' /S Fvay (S m;Id rL , Date: 4,2 9 r 0? 'Timer I Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant: n„ot v/Hwy , Address: 2, 11 /k"u.:. sr, N / tte Tel: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: , $ ,,,.r » r-,ertntita L,o-t- 694-14-7. fre 1:k Fir 1"-o tl-r c t ,• fin.,. Location: Owner: Address: Tel I Taken by: WAM 4 I Date of Inspection: //%9/09 I Time: /oroa-S INSPECTOR'S REPORT: l J A•vv-F MN+ 44-that I m G-4 4tt°-- j7C L AA1, 140, " y .,. La 5ont.vU-.."A A ' tiactk d 0444 w 6-47 4 . rle p p1„ n,.. -or rd Cr o to EAIDM %'^ s�eoedib:l Action Taken: vv Po Ins tor Signature O SX Date: I-1.6 .0 Time: I I I $ R.M. Parcel: Tel: L. _ 094 NATURE OF COMPLAI AR. wa lam. 01 0. rom'r+"^y. .Gm Jj bad anal Owner: Address: Date of Inspection: Time: C,, 1 INSPECTOR'S REPOR `fit/vlcA. \-"i col�`Ottt1l, 2/a ,r..cj - U1/4.� bI9 13+