1994-2008_el mist HIGHWAY William F. Weld Argeo Gaul Cellucci James J. Kerasiotes Laurinda L Bedinglield Governor Lieutenant Governor Secretary Commissioner C-7609 January 25, 1994 SUBJECT: C - Northampton Locust, North Elm, and Prospect Streets Contract #94071 File #2NRTLNF (NHS) F.A. #NH-012 (014) Ludlow Construction Company, Inc. 45 Cardinal Circle Ludlow, MA 01056 ATTN: Mr. Joseph S. Pio President Dear Sir: Reference is made to your correspondence dated December 27, 1993, regarding extra compensation for soil contaminated with tetrachloroethylene found on the subject project. In the Contract General Special Provisions and the Special Provision for Item 149 . 41, Health and Safety Plan, the Contractor is advised of potential soil contamination at two particular sites within the project limits. While only hydrocarbons were reportedly found at one location, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are listed as possible contaminants. Also, your proposed Health and Safety Plan, submitted September 21, 1993 and approved November 3 , 1993 , identifies tetrachloroethylene as a material of concern. Therefore, since VOCs in general and tetrachloroethylene in particular were specified in the Contract Special Provisions and in your Health and Safety Plan, respectively, the actual presence of tetrachloroethylene does not constitute a changed condition. Massachusetts Highway Department•District 2•North King Street, Northampton, MA 01060 •(413) 584-1611 Regarding the disposal of the contaminated soil, you will deliver the material to the Northampton Sanitary Landfill on Glendale Road in Northampton where it will be rehandled and spread at no expense to the Department. Please coordinate material delivery to the landfill with the Resident Engineer, Judith Hoey, at (413) 582-7030. Materials may be transported in an open vehicle provided they are covered with a tarp. Very truly yours, c \ i/ DMF/bs C - PJS JAR Northampton Board of Health ✓ dmf-4003 SUPERNEAU Highway Director : 4NRL1N aNLV Franklin Environmental Services Inc. December 16, 1993 G.E.S. 7 Third st. bondsville, NJ. ATTENTION: Karen Hanson 357 West Moin Street P.O.Box S83 Meriden.Cl 06450 TEL: 203-630-2472 FAIL: 2w-630.2530 licensed and Permitted In the United Slates and Canada FEU. EPA IU'MAUD:Mal 413e QUOTATION ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE PING!ESSIONALS Quote #C1907 Transportation and disposal of solvent contaminated soil from - Northampton, MA to General chemical of Framingham, MA utilizing a box van with secondary containment. TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL: Option I 55 gallon drums Option II 1 cubic yard containers N:BCELLANEOOB: Loading, after 1 free hour 1 cubic yard containers (delivered) 5 395.00 each $1,150.00 each $ 75. 00/hr. $ 55.00 each COMMENTS: Pricing and acceptance Contingent upon sample evaluation and/or analysis supplied. Franklin Evironmental manifest(s)n and landfill ban Services,form(s)Inc. required for Supply lbels, No free liquids allowed in cubic yard containers. (7PNe t CA-s ` r_cJi ALPHA ANALYTICAL LASORATORISS Sight Ma1AUp Drive weetborough, pe'achusetta .01581-1019 ` MA 086 0415 198958.1 CT P1-0574 NY 11148 NC 320 SC 8800 CSATIPICATS OP ANALYSIS 165 Client: Orounda'ater L ffiviroDmentai Servite9 Laboratory ex: L9309413. Address: 7 O Street invoice Numb 360 P.O. Box 1379 8ondsville, 01009 Date Received 2 -NOV-93 Attn.' Stephanie Patton Date Eaperted. 0 -DEC-92 Project Numbers 0031-0001 Delivery Math d: Alpha Site: Ludlow Comstuction/Locust St. ALPHA SA9t7LD NVIGSR L9309413.01 =Ix= ZDSIITZPICATION S-1 LOCATION sort h�7at@ ton, MA AuthcriIO6 by: 12099302:41- Page t Scott )ScLeaa • Laboratory Director 2 86441 {4:20066021 I mnpuaprf CS paw; eeouoae;al a o. 41911 eaftdmoa + :saaawn9D i I dz7S 'zaATSS A0N-OE AeN•OE - 0109 T OT'0 T/� QS dR7S ' '.X IaS ne1•OE AON•OE 0109 T 050 t/ d'T7.L 'ttTU te$ e6C•20 Dec-£O tttt/0d1L t 500'0 'Om ag d'T7A 'Pisa AON•O£ AeN-OE 009 t 05'0 'Om OP nay '3OTmery7 Aopt-0E A0N-0E 0i09 T O£'0 1/5m au d'L7L '4AtTmpe7 Abl•0E ADN•OE 0 09 T 01'0 T/5w ON d77S mOTzeg AoN-0E AON-OE 0 09 T D6'0 S/b4' a' dR7S 'OTO:BSSS aw aON DE 401,0E OT09 . t 0 T i/� ., a -.cam. ••y ,S}?tzaOC?1S':5; ee0-90 DTD1 T OL A 00EG ;UTed tfctd 001-90 00C-00 T' Ti T '01 8X/81.7 '61 floe/ 'EuogawaospcN SISARYN7 212' SR SSI 51110 II537! 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L,1,1-Triehleroechene 27 eromodichloromethame trans-1,3-Dichloropropeae ND cis-1,3-Diehloropropene ND Bromo£orm ND 1,1,3,3-Tetrachloroethane ND ND aenzeae- D Toluene ND athylber+zene ND Chlcromethane ND Brcmcmethane ND Vinyl chloride ND C191oroethaae ND 1,1-Dichlorfetheme ND trans-1,2-Dieh10roetheae DID Trichloroethene ND 1,3-Dichlorobea2ene ND 1,3-Diehlerobensene 1,4-Dinhlorobenzeae ND ND Meehyl test butyl ether ND 0Lyleaee ND cis-1,3-Diohloroetheae ND Dibrwamethene ND 1,4-Dich1orobusane ND todometham4 ND 1,3,3-Trichloropropene ND Styrene ND Diohlerodifluaromethane ND Acetone ND Carbon disulfide ND 2-autanone ND Vinyl acetate ND 4-Methy1-3-pentanoae ND 2-Bexanone ND 8thyl methacrylate ND Aoroleia ug/kg 25. ug/kg 7.5 ug/kg 7.5 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg 18. ug/kg 5.0 ug%9 '.5 ug/kg 50. ug/kg 7.5 ug/kg 18. ug/kg 25. ug/kg 7.5 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg 7.5 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg ug/kg 7.5 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg 50. ug/kg 10. ug/kg 18. ug/kg 10. ug/kg 7.5 ug/kg 7.5 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg 50. ug/kg 30. ug/kg . 50. ug/kg 50. ug/kg 5,0 ug/kg 5 .0 ug/kg 50. ug/kg 50. ug/kg 50. ug/kg 50. ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg S0. ug/kg 50. ug/k5 50. ug/kg 23. ug/kg 50. ug/kg 50. ug/kg 50. ug/kg 50. ug/kg 130 11 .�A5'Dxz #r, x.s :. 06.41,6C Comments: • Complete list of References found in Addendum I 12099302:61 1+903 • > ned 1,7:2026602t Ipaeppr °T pan0i ;a • ■aeaase 9 20 UT( aaetdmoz s eaassavWOD 1 � I I i 1 I I TAUaVdTWSOLAUt00d = 0 Oe'TOT (e'a ouatAx-m-osotssses-9'S'i L aeoosx smart= �i I xx99Lt sotA0csr 05L 6K/ 292L SotyDOSr ,i I psi 6, UN sots(aosl( 6X/bn VEST xotg0el' OR bsl/bn B>LL sotVOO� OSC bx/bn CI 9rOt 6i6/Leif xottP OSZ 6x/6n 0S !tit sett �! 05L bX/6n ON SCZt zott(OOS1 OSC 6K/6n �h:�X._.`9'° : :eS:RFeS;�F6:�?3�!irT°SA�53Q oaQ-97.'.!70 ,£Z [ ; A9O$..:'•S ., . ..4 0'56 eaazvagoacm/; ugo 4 ' TOT 7p-a��'-:aaozo/1.pia'L, L 'tOt II 1 atSA0JS'x 2=00121.0 'OS 65✓bn ®t usn AR r::Ynilgii/zi.L. _:ss 44.09Pfl. ■L 1..15;r4 0101m1t-Ifi warm SISARrt(r d6xd CO&.ti iflx RQ9 SZS80• SitrQ � ' so-el:Mtn :seg9nix u'L0E9 .far,rpe , 62Qx4rRr el irs< 9siWs<"O • ... =,c, -,h?h‘AFS!^' R5Lt1H..--P411.„rnN£:69 L56t-"-Zt s • • • I j I: \ \ u I II H I I /afl 3 DE li ox as as lam' ._ . . ����3s 'N"� ti L;;; ; a ,r� .,�i iX,(?�.�?,Tdm°63oE:� rata. 'zenTTB as as /54 7x ag as aRaL en �yVi ox 5 azW& 14n7120=0 T/8 Ox as 5 _ aZ�. 't6n?�eO RI Ox as as I X. '+anue6 T/6 Ox as as at:..o To ass% OR as ,:J I t 0055 ODES sT-. art L "%WI t enSV. ranter I,I r [ y60E62 % w ns aor ueoeaoa gxsrltfl 8SrJiaana rxnnw st 7stIaB P T[Oxsx'M7S van( : \ . . . we£:60 £665-£S-el _. swan_tvotnm LsW eNdltl• ldJad ar ,ca ca. E2 J313 12-13-1991 05:ietim ALPE1 3ILAST9LCAL LLPORATORZE5 OCALLTT ASSVRANCS ASALISES 'oratory Zob =Moors L9309413 ramatst Ai*.aaasist.474044.47::±;4Zi.3aati,157(tailliiTira...fratirtli 100 1 ; ,,rtlortriaill**7414=t4L;g1 Nfflt- trtrin7P 44P.744 OW.44 ..7:47iTY igt .4, ;;4,:tt7::E,C i ii.: .4f;, .; raecici ^CLP 95 1 1:ium, 7c1.2 si admium, TCLP . 99 hrcmium, TC1.2 100 I mad; TC22 91 414nium, TCLP OS 5C4P:TTA.*441=tet!.:.;.---.4;-;;".4gig .14WW4a04:7: t,.$5.3* Inter, .;" ; -, i.-arit:,..:.:tgli.i+i 4.'‘,1 ,:•• t; • '''t4: ver, TCLP 15 C11 Canary, TCP 90 stacavery 1359930561 Foe 6 1 i a6W it:202660EL i I • i • . . . \ 1 . . I. 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JR RI OI g r EONDSWILLE,MAOIDBF STAMPUNQ R61A88 - c 1 be lA'IJ➢N11T89 ._ .._ NIINDa DIfl FAX - - .. - .. w w .� {�w� 617lOI-8262 ... yN-7786 FAX W J S J LOff1EA Oa a17M]-1161 F ❑ 0 ❑ _ 74C `6 SAMPLE a ri.'e AU. E�M® 1 SAMPLING LOCATION W w S KIMAYRS ■ SAMXLA p'IWfla7ADDRFSSI ID Ns DATE W JSI 5j V'= II II .I Mill 11. San MIMS SI lS111�1111115 • Sag SI MI IIMIISIIIIII111111111L.al1111 IIIIISSIIIIIIIIIIIIMIII- D DEDID USan / �sIILAf � Ql�."rLC�'v �9 .. � n L>` / if pVl pf <r n 1I� �/ . / u _ ]I DOA. SIN Ian b. • ALPEA ANALYTICAL LASORATCRITS CnATINICaTS OP ANALYSIS aboratory Sample Number: LS309412.01 RESULT qW0 gsYi{W:01'�:i W n f i'A4 ... mrylocitrile ND CARCGATB RECOVERY .,2•Dichloroethare•d4 101. •oluene-de 100. -Bromailucrob9c29ma 95.0 • trochlor 1221 DC irochlor 1232 MD \rochlor 1242/PCR 1016 Nn 1ro441or 1246 ND mrochlor 1254 ND .roehlor 1250 irechlor 1263 RD frochler 1268 ND SURROGATE RECOVERY 2,4,5,6•Tatrachloro-m-xylem `810 Decachlorebipheayl UEITS RDL DATES PREP ANALYSIS 4 ug/kg ug/kg u9/N6 ug/Rg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg TL' ::,29fN*44•LEC 250 250 250 250 250 250 150 250 Comments: • Template list et Retereeees found in Addendum I 72099502:41 Poe 4 DANIEL S. GREENBAUM Comm manor JOHN J. HIGGINS Rpbn.OIv.tlo, v"u«%ie Oda ensstanweereed dlas,. 2ya.r e c eruscsLevsaceetecze 9, lion 4421a4v4A.uel, �jt .mp h vgads. ,a/Ml //4 //c December 1 , 1993 Mr. Leonard M. Corliss, Sr. 21 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Northampton 15-21 Locust Street Release Tracking #1-10074 Transition Site #1-00923 RELEASE NOTIFICATION NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY MGL Ch. 21E 310 CMR 40.0000 Dear Mr. Corliss: On November 18, 1993 at 9:30 AM, the Department of Environmental Protection (the "Department") was notified of a Release/Threat of Release by Mr. Tim Maginnis of the Massachusetts Highway Department on behalf of yourself as required by the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR 40.0000) . In addition to oral notification, 310 CMR 40.0333 further requires that a completed Release Notification Form be submitted within 60 days of the oral report. Attached is the Release Notification Form the Department has developed to allow you to comply with the requirement for written notification. You have 60 calendar days from November 18, 1991 to return the completed form to this office. The Department has reason to believe that you (as used in this letter "you" refers to Mr. Leonard M. Corliss, Sr.) may be a responsible party with liability under Section SA of MGL Ch. 21E. This liability is "strict" meaning that it is not based on fault but solely on your status as owner, operator, generator, transporter, disposer or other person specified in said Section 5A. This liability is also "joint and several" , meaning that you are deemed to be liable for all response costs incurred at a disposal site even if there are other liable parties. On November 18, 1993, the Department determined that a condition existed at that time that posed an Imminent Hazard in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0321(1) (d) , specifically with regard to the potential exposure of construction workers in the trench in which suspect tetrachioroechene vapors were prerent. Properly trained and protected workers completed the sewer connection work, and the area of contamination was partially excavated and backfilled. The utility related excavation and soil disposal work is being handled by the Mass. Highway Department as a separate, discrete project. An Immediate Response Action (IRA) is required to be conducted for this release in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0411. An IRA consisting of "assessment only" activities is adequate for this release. Although Departmental approval is not '- �".`1L1N 12- 3-93 C required prior to the performance of an "assessment only" IRA, two specific issues of concern should be addressed as part of the IRA: 1) Additional work by the Massachusetts Highway Department (MHD) is scheduled to take place over the next year on Locust Street in front of your facility. The IRA should identify areas to be excavated during the MHD projects, and an assessment made as to whether these areas have contamination present as a result of oil or hazardous materials migrating from your site. The presence of contamination which would effect the performance of the upcoming MHD, City of Northampton DPW, or other private utilities' projects shall be made known to the Department and these effected parties . 2) Information gained during the performance of the IRA should be included in any consultant's or Licensed Site Professional's opinions regarding the status of the site as a "Transition Site" . As the leaking sewer connection joint may potentially have been the source of groundwater contamination previously documented at the site, it is recommended that this possibility be assessed further. Be advised that additional submittals to the Department and the use of a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) are necessary with regards to the IRA. The Department encourages Responsible Parties to take response actions at Disposal Sites. By taking the necessary response actions, you may avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department in taking such actions. If you do not take the necessary response actions, or fail to perform them in an appropriate and timely manner, the Department is authorized by MGL Ch. 21E to perform the necessary work and recover up to three times the cost. If you have any questions relative to this matter, you should contact Adam Wright of the Notification Branch at the letterhead address or call (413) 784-1100 x292 . All future communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number contained in the subject block of this letter. ry truly s avid A ick Section Chief Emergency Response AGW/agv/mr A:\1-10074.RNF cc: Northampton Fire Department Northampton Department of Public Works ✓Mr. Tim Maginnis, Massachusetts Highway Department William F. Weld Governor Trudy Coxe Secretary, EOEA Thomas 8. Powers Acting Commissioner Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office Smith College 30 Belmont Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 Attention: Arthur E. Neipp September 8, 1994 Re : Northampton 58 Paradise Road RTN #1-10458 RELEASE NOTIFICATION NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY MGL Ch. 21E- 310 CMR 40 . 0000 Dear Mr. Neipp: On August 3, 1994 at 3 : 00 P.M. , the Department received oral notification of a release/threat of release of oil/hazardous material . In addition to oral notification, 310 CMR 40 . 0333 the Department received a completed Release Notification Form on August 18, 1994 . On August 29, 1994 , the Department verbally approved an Immediate Response Action (IRA) in accordance with 310 CMR 40 . 0411 . The approved IRA consists of the excavation of oil contaminated soil from the outbreak area where the release occurred with proper disposal to a soil recycling facility. The excavation of oil contaminated soil will continue back towards the former leaking underground storage tank (UST which was removed) where excavation is feasible. Drain piping which leads from the leaking UST to the outbreak area is located under part of the building. Since excavation is not feasible, then the drain pipe will be flushed clean to remove any remaining oil contamination. It is unclear at the time of the IRA approval if the drain piping was structurally intact to contain any oil that may have drained through the piping over a long period of time . Be advised that additional submittals to the Department are necessary with regards to the approved IRA. The Department has reason to believe that the release/threat of release you have reported is or may be a disposal site as defined in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40 . 0000 (the "MCP" ) . The Department also has reason to believe that you (as used in this letter "you" refers to Smith College) are a potentially responsible party ("PRP" ) with liability under Section 5A of MGL Ch. 21E. 436 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)784-1149 • Telephone(413)784-1100 This liability is "strict" meaning that it is not based on fault but solely on your status as owner, operator, generator, transporter, disposer or other person specified in said Section 5A. This liability is also "joint and several" , meaning that you are liable for all response costs incurred at a disposal site even if there are other liable parties . The Department encourages PRPs to take response actions at Disposal Sites . By taking the necessary response actions, you may avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department in taking such actions and any sanctions which may be imposed under M.G. L. c . 21E, M.G.L. c . 21A § 16 or other laws for non compliance with the MCP. If you do not take the necessary response actions, or fail to perform them in compliance with the MCP, the Department is authorized by MGL Ch. 21E to perform the necessary work and recover up to three times its cost . Responsible parties have up to one year from the initial date of notification of a release/threat of release to the Department pursuant to 310 CMR 40 . 0300 or from the date the Department issues a Notice of Responsibility, whichever occurs earlier, to submit either a completed Tier Classification Submittal or a Response Action Outcome Statement to the Department . You must employ or engage a Licensed Site Professional ("LSP" ) since submission of these documents and actual response activities at the site require specific actions by an LSP. In order to encourage timely response actions to address releases/threats of release, the MCP requires that a fee of $750 . 00 be submitted to the Department with any RAO filed greater than 120 days from the date of initial notification. If you have any questions relative to this matter, you should contact the Emergency Response/Notification Section at the letterhead address or call John Bourcier (413 ) 784-1100 at extension 312 . All future communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number contained in the subject block of this letter. erely JSB/jsb/kmi P: \10458 .RNF Certified Mail #Z 082 547 900 David A� s�wick Section Chief Emergency Response cc : Northampton Board of Health Fire Department Paul Hatch -Southampton Sanitary Engineering Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office William F. Weld Governor Trudy Coxe see,aan. EOEA Thomas B. Powers Acting Commissioner Smith College Rental Properties 30 Belmont Avenue Northampton, MA 01063 Attention: Arthur Neipp September 21, 1994 RE: Northampton 58 Paradise Road RTN #1-10458 IRA Plan Approval APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL Dear Mr. Neipp: The Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, Emergency Response Section ("the Department") received a proposal on September 16, 1994, for the implementation of an Immediate Response Action (IRA) located at 58 Paradise Road in Northampton, Massachusetts. An Immediate Response Action Plan (TRAP) was prepared and submitted in your behalf by P.B. Hatch of Monson, Massachusetts. The IRA consists of the excavation of soil outside the drain pipe outlet down to a concentration of 500 ppm. After the excavation of oil contaminated soil, the foundation pipe shall be flushed be residual with a low volume of water and the collected by adsorbent pads p aced at theoutfall. The D partment appro es oft the TRAP as proposed. Be advised that additional submittals to the Department are necessary with regards to the approved IRA. If you have any questions regarding this approval letter, please contact John Scummier of the Regional Emergency Response Section at th bove address or 413- 784-1100 extension 312. Y• truly. JSB/jsb /kml P:IRA.458 Certified Mail # P 887 905 910 Da A. Slowi Section Chief Emergency Response cc: Northampton Fire Department Health Department Mayor's Office Paul Hatch - SSE & Associates 436 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)784-1149 • Telephone(413)789-1100 SSE & Associates 16B Count yROZa snn namPt n Ma,o10 3,-a P. B. Hatch, LSP, PE - 57 Munn Road, Monson, MA 01057,413-267-3696 Mr. Robert Teranzi Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup MA Department of Environmental Protection 436 Dwight Street Springfield, MA 01103 April 10, 1996 re: Release Tracking#1-10845 464 Park Hill Road,Northampton Response Action Outcome Dear Mr. Teranzi: In accord with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), section 310 CMR 40.1056,this is a Response Action Outcome(12Q10)report on the response actions completed for the accidental discharge of#2 heating oil from an underground storage tank located in the basement of former house located at 464 Park Hill Road,Northampton. This RAO is submitted in accordance with 310 CMR 40.1036 (2). The following documentation is provided for this RAO: 1. Response Action Statement Transmittal Form (BWSC-104). 2. Locus Plan 3. Site Plan 4. Summary of response action activities 5. MaDEP Site Scoring Map 6. Relavent correspondence 7. EPH Data Reporting Format Report of Analysis 8. Laboratory sample data sheets We believe the enclosed documents support our opinion that a Class A-2, Response Action Outcome has been achieved at this site in accordance with 310 CMR 40.1036(5)(a). If you have any questions regarding this matter or require additional information,please do not hesitate to call us. Very truly yours, Paul B. Hatch,PE, LSP & Associates cc: (w/o end., copies available at office of SSE &Associates) Office of the Mayor, City of Northampton Health Department, City of Northampton Department of Public Works, City of Northampton Fire Department, City of Northampton 27124901 William F. Weld Governor Trudy Coxe Secretary. EOEA David 13.Struhs Commissioner Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office Florence J. Sniado & Patricia Wardzala do Jack Sniado P.O. Box 96 Closter, N.J. 07624 Attention: Mr. Jack Sniado Dear Mr. Sniado: May 5, Re: 1995 Northampton 464 Park Hill Road Release #1-10845 RELEASE NOTIFICATION AND NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 On April 30, 1995 at 11:50 AM the Northampton Fire Department, Dep. Chief Ed Pasa, provided oral notification to the Department, on your behalf, of a release/threat of release of oil/hazardous material. In addition to oral notification,310 CMR 40.0333 further requires that a completed Release Notification Form (attached) be submitted to the Department within 60 calendar days of the date of the oral notification. The Department has reason to believe that the release/ threat of release you have reported is or may be a disposal site as defined in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan,310 CMR 40 0000 (the"MCP").The Department also has reason to believe that you (as used in this letter "you" refers to Florence J. Sniado & Patricia Wardzala) are a potentially responsible party (PIP) with liability under Section 5A of M.G.L. c. 21E. This liability is "strict" meaning that it is not based on fault but solely on your status as owner, operator, generator, transporter,disposer or other person specified in said Section 5A. This liability is also "joint and several", meaning that you are liable for all response costs incur led at a disposal site even if there are other liable parties. The Department encourages PRPs to take prompt and appropriate actions in response to releases and threats of release of oil and/or hazardous materials. By taking the necessary response actions,you may significantly lower your assessment and cleanup costs and/or avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department in taking such actions. You may also avoid or reduce certain permit or annual compliance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00. Please refer to M.G.L. c.21E for a complete description of potential liability. For your convenience, a summary of liability under M.G.L. c. 21E is attached. 436 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FM(413)784-1149 • Telephone(413)784-1100 NOTICE OF RESPONSDIILITY Florence J. Sniado & Patricia Wadzala You are reminded that, at the time of oral notification to DEP, you were advised by the Department that the following response actions were approved as an Immediate Response Action (IRA): 1. determine the extent of the oil contamination; 2, excavate and stockpile any contaminated soil on-site; 3. perform confirmatory sampling to determine if further excavation/removal of contaminated soil is necessary; and 4. dispose of the contaminated soil at a Department-approved disposal/recycling facility. An LSP must be retained to oversee the proposed IRA. Specific approval is required from the the Department for the implementation of all IRAs with the exception of assessment regard activities, this this construction of a fence and/or posting of signs. Additional submittals are necessary notification including, but not limited to, the filing of an IRA Completion Statement and/or Response Action Outcome (RAO) statement. The MCP requires that a fee of $750.00 be submitted to the Department when an RAO statement is filed greater than 120 days from the date of initial notification. It is important to note that you must dispose of any Remediation Waste generated at the subject location in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0030 including,without limitation,contaminated soil and/or debris. Any Bill of Lading accompanying such waste must bear the seal and signature of a Licensed Site Professional (LSP). You may contact the LSP Board of Registration at 617/556-1145 to obtain the current LSP list. Oversight is being provided by Paul B. Hatch, LSP. If you have any questions relative to this notice, you should contact Robert Terenzi at the letterhead address or (413) 784-1100 ext. 245. All future communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number (RTN) contained in the subject block of tit' er. Page 2 Certified Mail # Z 082 548 631 RPT/rpt /kml RNF845.95 copy: Northampton Mayor Board of Health Fire Department LSP - Paul B. Hatch d Slowic Section Chief Emergency Response Attachments: Release Notification Form; BWSC-003 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L. c. 21E SSE & Associates County Roa(IS h A 010]3,-,4 P. B. Hatch, PE, LSP- 57 Munn Road, Monson, MA 01057,413-267-3696 Mr. Robert Teranzi Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup MA Department of Environmental Protection 436 Dwight Street Springfield, MA 01103 June 26, 1995 C� re: 464 Park Hill Road,Northampton, MA MA DEP RTN#1-10845 Immediate Response Action Plan Dear Mr. Teranzi: In accord with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), section 310 CMR 30.0424, this is an Immediate Response Action (IRA) Plan for the 464 Park Hill Road, Northampton location. The following documentation is provided for this IRA plan status report: 1. Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form(awsc-105) 2. Narrative description of immediate response action plan. 3. Locus Plan 4. Site Plan 5. Detail Plan If you have any questions regarding this matter or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call us. Sincerely, Paul B. Hatch,PE, LSP cc (w/o encl): Office of the Mayor, City of Northampton Health Department, City of Northampton Department of Public Works, City of Northampton 27124501 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western William F. Weld ew Trudy Coxe Secretary. WWES Thomas B. Powers Acting GOTTISSlene, Smith College Rental Properties 30 Belmont Avenue 1063 Northampton, MA Attention: Arthur Neipp September 21 , 1994 RE: Northampton 58 Paradise Road RTN $1-10458 IRA Plan Approval APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL Dear Mr. Neipp: Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup. received a proposal t September The Department of Environmental Protection, located 16,Emergency 99 , Response Section ("the Department")I d 16, 1994, for the implementation of Massachusetts. An Action (IRA) at 58 Paradise Road in Northampton, was prepared and submitted in your Massachusetts.(IRAN tw. The pa+ consists of the excavation in be Immediate Hatch of Action Plan chuse c tion behalf outside P.E. Hatch df in pin, pipe shall be flushed of soil outside the drain pipe outlet down to a concentration of 500 p will be with t excavation volume of water of oil contaminated soil, the foundation pip placed at the outfall. The Department approves of the collected by adsorbent pads pd the residual oil contamination resulting TRAP as proposed. with Be advised that additional submittals to the Department are necessary regards to the approved IRA. If you have any questions regarding this approval letter, please contact John Bourcier of the Regional Emergency Response Section at th bove address or 413- /84-1100 extension 312. Y truly, AI/Yl� A. Slows Section Chief Response Emergency P JSB/jsb /kml p:TRA.450 Certified Mail 4 P 887 905 910 cc: Northampton Fire Department Health Department Mayor's Office Paul Hatch SSE & Associates 436 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)784-1149 • Telephone(413)784-1100 Commonweattn of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office lliam F. Weld Governor Trudy Coxe K,ew, EoEA ,mas B. Pavers ¢ling Cammlzsi0ne, September 15, 1994 ity of Northampton Works apartment of Public 25 Locust Street 01060 orthampton, Mme Samuel Brindis, P ,t tention: . Re: (Director) Northampton-DSWM-Landfill Sludge Mgt . Study Glendale Road Landfill 94-214-002 Dear Mr . Brindis : Department of Environmental prepared the Massachusetts a copy of a proposal pnep 2g , 1994, of a Sludge Land On July the Department) received & Howard, Inc . (W&H) for performance Protection ( for the City of Northampton. by Whitman Study of processing Application evaluate the feasibility eat the sing to primarily plant (WWTP) sludge is W�H proposes treatment P site for processing ton' s wastewater of sludge off- techniques that Northampton' s transport Processing itself ; of the study. II _ lime stabilization,igh facility a minor part and I considered will include: digestion; and heat will be evaluated and aerobic estion, nitrogen digestion, thermophilic aerobic dig for anaerobic sampled and analyzed and off- Based be for sludge, both on-site alkaline Sludge drying Storage requirements compounds. evaluated. develop cost will be work, W&H will and site, the above technique, results of processing report Based en the the most feasible he l on-site P feasibility report the sludge composting which would estimates costs to report would be prepared u detail it compare dhpee A rep costs for land application (already completed) . and engineering estimated permitting sludge . De•artment Review of Pro•osal the proposal for evaluating the WWTP appears to be adequate. es outlined in feasibility of The scope the the tudge at require that the feasibility of Department o e will off-site, processing and on-site processing processing However, the sludge to compared both on-site P transporting and comp be evaluated, • FM((413)784-1149 • Telephone(413)784-1100 436 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 riposting. In this regard, the study should include ain valuation the feasibility of Northampton' s participation ternative sludge management programs . the results of nh and Lee date of th be lett er tcontaining Department within e s days o_ rport;commendations for future actions . please contact Larry you have any questions about this matter, p a.nson at this office. Sincere Mark A. S eeweis Section Chief , Division of Solid Waste Management 4AS/LGH/lgh/km1 Mayor Mary Ford Peter McErlain Northampton °CharleshSmith, P .R . Whhitman n && Howard Howward F.VVELD COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENT"AFFAIRS O DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE )AUL CELLUCCI for James Tripp 99 Pleasant Street Northampton, 01060 October 17, 1996 Re: Northampton Stree= 99 Pleasant RTN: 1-11557 RELEASE NOTIFICATION and NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.D000 TRUDY COXE Se etary DAVID B. 57.3U11S Com=y'oner Dear Mr. Tripp` Department notification to the hetDe artmeot you provided oral n mpton. In Release 16, 1996 at 2:30pm, Y Street in Northaa completed to October i fuel oil at 99 Pleasant that calendar of a release of qR 40.0333 further requires within 60 to oral notification, 310 be submitted to Notification Form (attached) b days of the date of the oral notification. release is or may be a the reported 310 Cr;4 40 . 0000 reason to believe that Contingency Plan, used in this The Department has Massachusetts to believe that you (as this site as defined in the reason _ disposal o air ment also has are a potentially responsible catty(the "MCP") . The Department James Tripp)ippl This liability refers to solely on your status as o"^oar' letter "you"that Section SA of M.Gt but 21E in said under S=_ fault, other perscr. specified with tor,liability is not based en or that you are meaning tat disposer several" , meaning t transporter, other operator, 9 enerator, is also "joint and site even if there are Section 5A. This liability liable for all response costs incurred at a disposal oonse liable parties. appropriate actions in reYc{ing es Prel to take prompt and app and of The Department encourages significantly lower your assessment e = in you may the De a_and or to releases ands ponseaactionsao of oil and/or co/is hazardous incurrred by`eTa rt the necessary and/or avoid liability or reduce certain permit c 2L for costs sopa You may also avoid to M.G.L. cleanup � 4 .00. Please refer convenience, a su�nary taking such actions. For your conve ._ compliance fees payable undotent�al�l lability. a complete description of potential liability under M.G.L. c. 21E is attached against third parties for damages, you may have claims ag which establish take reimbursement for the costs sts of cleanup. You should be aware exist contribution or but are governed by e= you tc including claims for Department encourages _hard Such claims do not exist prole y litigation. The Dep ou may have against action necessary to protect any such claims you time allowed for bringing any parties. 436 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)764-1149 • TDD(413)745-6620 • Telephone(413)764-1100 0 ranted on Recycled Paper(20%POn Consumer) lice of ResponubiGU nes Tripp pleasant Street, Northampton W 1-11557 the time of oral notification, the following response actions were approved ; an Immediate Response Action (IRA) : Excavation of up to 50 cubic yards of #2 fuel oil-contaminated soil; pecific approval is required from the Department for the implementation of all of the construction of a fence and/or posting of si ans. RAs with the ut not l submittals the filing necessary anwith IRA Completion this Statement notification and/or Response including, ut not limited RA The MCP requires that a fee of $750.00 be cbmitOutcome (Dep) statement. ubmitted to the Department when an RP.O statement is filed greater than 120 days •rom the date of initial notification. without :t is important to note that you must dispose of any 40.00 0 including,usin generated Bill of Lading accompanying It the subject location in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0030 Limitation, contaminated soil and/or debris. Any such waste ou the seal the LSP Boarrd signature of Registration at (617d) 556-1 45 to obtain (LSP) . the current LSP list. If you have any questions relative to this notice, you should contact the undersigned or Ben Fish at the letterhead address or (413) 784-1100 X246 . All future ommuications Number c(RTN)n contained ein he release mt of this f the Release Tracking this letter. ulK Y David A. 51 Section Chief Emergency Response BF/das/km1 \11557 .RNF certified Mail #Z 082 549 937; Return Receipt Requested cc: Northampton Board of Health Fire Department Gil Joly, Mason Environmental Attachments to Addressee only: BWSC-003 and Instructions Release Notification Form; Summary of Liability under M.G.L. c. 21E WEIR COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS AL AFFAIRS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE UL CELLUCCI Villiam and Dorothy Pharmer 4 Lamppost Lane dershey, PA 17033 December 11, 1996 Re: Florence 17 Plymouth Ave. Release #1-11628 RELEASE NOTIFICATION AND NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 TRUDY CORE Secretary DAVID B.STRUMS Commissioner Dear Mr. and Mrs. Pharmer: On December 10, 1996 at 10:20 AM Mr.Carmea Shaw of Mason Environmental Service,Inc.provided your behalf, of a release of #2 fuel oil from a leaking oral notification to the Department, referenced yo 310 CMR underground.033 furl storage tank,that a at the above referenced IN Notification Form (attached) be submitted bto the Department further requires 60es teat a days of Release Department within 60 calendar days of the date of the oral notification. The Department has reason to believe that the release/ threat of release you have reported is or may Massachusetts Contingency Plan,310 CMR 40.0000(the"MDCP").The be a Department site as defined in the Meveath you (as used in this letter you refers to Mr. Department x also has reason responsible poneve spat Yo under Section 5A of M.G.L. c. 21E. Th s Baer) y is a pict"mean ng tht t i party based on fault but soy that it is not based on fault but solely on your status as owner,operator, person specified in said Section 5A. This liability is also:joint This liability is"strict"meaning site even if there andsever, lraneaning disposer or liable Pe incurred at a disposal and several",meaning that you are liable for all response costs are other liable parties. to role and PRPs to take prompt and appropriate actions in response you may The Department of of a and/or taking the necessary response actions,Y significantly n ly release r oil masses mentdand materials.an p By and B for costs incurred by the Department lower your assessment actions. and may also costs or reduce avoid certain ilt or annual compliance fees payable inr taking such ac .00. You may akto avoid or reduce certain Ps fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00. Please refer�b��under M.G.L. cce21E is attached. s of potential liability. For your convenience, a summary 36 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)784-1149 • TDD(413)7465620 • Telephone(413)784-1100 `S Panted on Recycled Paper(20%Post Consumer) )TICE OF RESPONSIBILITY r. and Mrs. Pharmer m are reminded that, at the time of oral notification to DEP, you were advised by the Department at the following response actions were approved as an Immediate Response Action (IRA): 1 remove all fuel oil/eludge from the oil tank, then purge and inert the oil tank; 2. cut the tank into two pieces, in compliance with State Fire Marshal regulations, and remove it from under the porch; 3. excavate up to 30 cubic yards of contaminated soil and stockpile on-site; 4. perform confirmatory sampling to determine if further remedial action is necessary;and 5. dispose of the contaminated soil at a Department-approved disposavrecycling facility. TEL Specific approval is required from the with the exception of assessment activities, the An LSP must be retained to oversee the proposed regard to this cons Department for the implementation ad/or s of all IRAs with submittals are necessary with ro construction of a fence and/or posting of signs. Completion Statement and/or Response notification including, but not limited the filing of an IRA Action Outcome (RAO) statement. The requires MCP requires s that a fee of $760.00 be submitted to the Department when an RAO statement is filed greater than 120 days from the date of initial notification. It is important to note that you most dispose of any Remediation Waste generated at the subject location in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0030 including,without limitation,contaminated soil and/or debris. Any Bill of Lading accompanying such waste must bear the seal and signature of a licensed Site Professional (LSP). You may contact the LSP Board of Registration at 617/656-1145 to obtain the current LSP list. Oversight is being provided by Gilbert T. Joly, LSP/Mason Environmental Service, Inc.. If you have any questions relative to this notice, you should contact Robert Terenzi at the letterhead address or(413) 7841100 ext.245. MI future communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number (RTN) contained in the subject block of this letter. Page 2 Certified Mail # 237 892 754 RPT/rpt /1011 RNF11628.96B copy: Florence Mayor Board of Health Fire Department Mason Environmental Service, Inc. - Gilbert T. Joly Attachments: Release Notification Form; BWSC-063 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L. c. 21E Ve no David Slowick Section Chief Emergency Response igations stigations diation COLD SPRING ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. inuary 24th, 1997 . Bob Terenzi assachusetts DEP-BWSC 36 Dwight Street 01103 pringfield, MA. RE: Release lymouth#Avenue,OFloreen M Florence, MA. CSEC Project #97-734-0123 DEP Release Tracking #1-11628 • Percolation Tests and Septic Designs • Regulatory Compliance • Recycling and SolidWaste )ear Mr. Terenzi: ;old Spring Environmental and inspection Inc. abovementioned£or address on January uary g 1997 pending the observation of a release froreas ,0 o 23, from a 1,000 gallon underground fuel oil tank. PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR RESPONSE ACTIONS: Ms. Dorothy Pharmer, Owner 344 Lamp Post Road Hershey, Pennsylvania, 07033-1882 Phone: 717-533-3279 Fax: 717-533-4371 BACKGROUND: This IRA Plan follows the discovery of a release of #2 fuel oil on December 10th, 1996 by Mr. Steve Retchin of Mason Environmental. Mr. Retchin measured 189 and 290 PPM total volatiles from headspace samples taken from holes beneath the an underground tank system requires tank. For reference purposes, a PID reading in excess of 100 PPM within 10 feet of closure of DEP notification within 72 hours. n on the As a result of Mason Environmental ' s verblonotificationdon her a owner' s (Ms. Dorothy Pharmer) behalf, your 1996 . Notice of Responsibility on December 11th, porch allongathenwesiernr side ofe l the dwelling smaking er th the emoval logistically difficult. Cernak Tank determie ddethatrthe tank can be removed through excavation g conditions. 350 Old Enfield Road•Belchertooww ,MA 41100 7 • (413)323-5957 &323-4916 Fax: January 24th, 1997 ge 2: Mr. Bob Terenzi :SCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: 5. Dorothy Pharmer has hired CSEC, Inc. to conduct necessary IRA aasures. The goal of the IRA is to remove the UST, assess soil Dnditions, attempt soil e final hydrocarbon samples to specific tasks include: ctions are needed. The sp . Inspection of completion of UST removal. . Headspace soil characterization gandnreci mendationt for soil for nd removal to the extent possible support structures. protocols. S. Oversight of soil removal under Bill of Lading p }. Soil sampling for TPH and EPH will be conducted for soil disposal characterization afterdtank and limited soil removal. remaining hydrocarbons emoval. r REMEDIATION WASTE HANDLING: All soil removed will follow appropriate hydrocarbon waste storage/hauling measures including proper on-site cover and transportation to Ondrick's Construction in Chicopee under the Bill-of-Lading process. erformed by Cernak Tank of Manual soil removal as well as transportation of soil and the UST to an approved facility will be p Easthampton. IRA RED An IRA Status or Completion Report will be ailed within days of completion ofn�ank/soil removal days of this plan) . �."�., Please feel free to contact us with an y questions. �� " Sincerely, d Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. n Weiss, LSP #6442 President Principal Hydrogeologist cc: Northampton Mayor and Board of Health Dorothy Pharmer Rick Cernak, Cernak Tank FIGURE 1: SITE LOCUS N SCALE:1"=2,083 FT. 0 FEET 2000 USGS 7.5 MIN.QUAD. COLD SPRING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. ITE 'gallons estigalions :dlaliOtl Re 19th, 1997 COLD SPRING ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. . Dorothy Pharmer 4 Lamp Post Lane rshey, Pennsylvania 17033 RE: Release from 1,000 Gallon #2 Fuel Oil Tank 17 Plymouth Avenue, Florence, Ma. CSEC Reference File #97-734-0123 DEP RTN 1-11628 • Percolation Tests and Septic Designs • Regulatory Compliance • RecycIingandSolidwaste ear Ms. Pharmer: old Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. was contracted for onsultation and inspection 000thelabovementioned address dressronnd ecember tank 12th, 1997 . One 1,000 ta (UST) was scheduled for decommissioning on December Oth, 197 . Mason Envronmental was>eneath9 the tank prior i to decommissioningcontracted uring sampling, ng soils -elease of fuel oil to soils was discovered. The release had the :haracteristics of a 72 hour notification scenario (PID readings pf 189 PPM and 290 PPM in excess of 100 PPM Mason Environmental notified the DEP verbally on your behalf on December 10th, 1996 at 10:20 AM. No laboratory analysis of soils from beneath the tank was performed at this time.. The DEP issue d 19e a Notice of Responsibility on December 11th, 996. During it ing discussions with Cernak Tank nary remove the tank without determined that it would be possible damaging bu ng the building ing if f proper supports were used. Removal was recommended by Cold Spring Environmental to facilitate release ponse measures. ZBa6 sedoon weather conditions, removal was scheduled for June PERFORMANCE OF RESPONSE ACTIONS Alan Weiss of Cold Spring Environmental oversaw response actions taken on June tank revealed 1997 . Resampling of soils beneath the eastern end E) the PIDareadingsl were PID PPM than 1 samples obtai depths of six and seven feet below the feed end of obtained at dip Laboratory analysis of all the tank soil am FEED-6 and FEED-7 ) . U S. EPA Method 8100 for Petri euml ydrocar bons performed r leung Petroleum Hydrocarbons. No Petroleum Hydrocarbons were detected. Sample BOT-W) . Laboratory analysis of Soils beneath the western end of the tank had a PID reading of PPM and a slight odor Sample BOT-W revealed the following results in PPM and PP 350 old Enfield Road•Belchertown,MA 01007 •(413)323-5957& 323-4916 Fax:321-4916 June 19th, 1997 ge 2 : Ms. Dorothy Pharmer PARAMETER C9-C18 ALIPHATICS C19-C36 ALIPHATICS C10-C22 AROMATICS 760 PPM 2-METHYLNAPHTHALENF. omplete le locations are included on the Field Sketch Attachment I Sample Soils in the vicinity of the western Attachment I, Figure 2) • nd of the tank revealed levels of C9 to C18 Aliphatics and C1 o C22 Aromatics in excess of S-1 Standards. !ample BOT-Wy on Juneo 5th,of 1997 . wer Soilsxwerettr ea of 1. 14 tns transported to nndrick' s Construction in Chicopee, MA. onhJunei5th, 19i7lunder n Sill of Lading protocols for recycling. )riginals soill sample s contaminantt levels awere r the below the acceptance criteria of the receiving facility. soil Sampling from the area beneath Sample BOT-W following removal revealed Non-Detectable levels of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Polynuclear Aromatic Method 8270/8100/82260. This is well the wellbe�E applicable U. S. EPA cable S-1 Soil Standards. After limited soil removal followed by headsPace photoionization detector screening and soil analysis, it is the opinion of CSEC, Inc. that the release is sufficiently significant risk ( 310 40. 00 ) .00h thBased on theacoaplletion of thesnecessary remedial CMR actions deci ith tankoin placeato°minimize tank, riskt to was thee residence. decommission the tank in place 1997 . The tank was filled with concrete on June 11th, It an our opinion removal) are complete. This determination is based bapd g visual ounds of the impacted area as shown on the site sketch and sampling aed attached. Given the dense silty nature of underlying soils and roundwater was not significantly impacted. the failure to encounter groundwater in the 9 .0 foot excavation, it is felt that g June 19th, 1997 ge 3: Ms. Dorothy Pharmer is the opinion of Cold Spring Environmental, Inc. that fficient remedial responses commensurate ate p with ithdthe che nitudehand pact of the spill have been properly sported release. . TPH and PAH levels that have been aceasured proach expected background concentrations (ND) and :ndition of "No Significant Risk" as defined by PAR levels 1 . 0975(6 ) (a) . No residual petroleum hydrocarbon detected. As such, the site complies with the with the aquirements of a Class A-1 Response Action Outcome (RAO) . The SPS standard for sufficient technical resolution Jhasebeenaluated aintained. In this characterization, it onditiond of t "No SignificantoRisk"g has nbeen s reached (310eC and a been MR 0 .0860) . lease feel free to contact us with any questions and be sure to losuretofsthisomatterhwithl thedMADEP at Action Form for Street in Springfield, MA. (01103) . Immediate submittal of all forms and -eports is recommended in order to avoid future DEP fees and sent lonthe1MassachusettssDepartmentuofoEnvironmentalO Protection, P.O. Sox 4062, Boston, Massachusetts, 02211. A copy of the check must accompany the RAO submittal to the DEP in Springfield. Please contact us if you require additional information. Sincerely, Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. Barbara B. Weiss, LSP #9179 Vice President Principal Hydrogeologist Attachments PC: Northampton Board of Health Northampton Chief Municipal Officer IL CELLUCCI r Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE tts Department of Mental Health tts State Hospital Hill Road in,MA 01060 When Mielke May 6, 1999 Re: Northampton 72 Pomeroy Terrace MA Department of Mental Health Montgomery House&Scott School RTN#1-12918 RELEASE NOTIFICATION and NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 BOB DURAND Secretary DAVID B. STRUHS Commissioner Mielke : 5,1999,at 3:38 P.M., Joseph Dunn of Tighe&Bond notified the Department of a reportable release of#2 fuel oil excavations after tthe Aremo aleofttwo 1,000 gallon underground sto ge tanks(USTs)coThetheadspa ers of the from were monitored with a portable ph tt detector. Both t excavation mples e abit exhibited of greater than 100 ppm e a repo table condition with arks 310 CMR h the usetts Contingency Plan.In addition to oral notification, 310 CMR 40.0333 further requires that a completed Notification Form(attached)be submitted to the Department within 60 calendar days of the date of the oral ion. ,artment has reason to believe that the release/threat of release you have reported is or may be a disposal site as in i h Massachusetts Contingency Plan, t Department believe (as us dn t letter"you"refers to Massachusetts Department of Mental Health)a ea potentially responsible R on liability under Section 5A of as owner,operator,gene ator,transporter,disposer or other person specified in said Section 5A't Ibility is also"joint and several",meaning that you are liable for all response costs incurred at a disposal site even if :e other liable parties. apartment encourages PRPs to take prompt and appropriate actions in response to rely lower d tour ats of relret set of oil hazardous materials. By taking the necessary response actions,you Y p costs and/or avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department in taking such actions. This inrurmation is available in alternate formal by calling our ADA Coordinator at(6 l7)574-6872. 436 Dwight Street•Springfield Massachusetts 01103•FAX(4 3)Recycled Paper DD(413)746.6620•Telephone(413)784-1100• reduce certain liability. l il ur o avoid or nplete des iption ofpoten ial For your convenience,payable summary of liability under MG.L..ct E M.G.L. ided that you were advised by the Department that the following response actions were approved as an sponse Action(IRA): sists of the excavation of up to 100 cubic yards of #2 fuel oil-contaminated soil. oval is required from the Department for the implementation of all IRAs with the exception of assessment construction of a fence and/or posting of signs.Additional submittals are necessary with regard to this ncluding,but not limited to the filing of an IRA Completion Statement and/or Response Action Outcome nent.The MCP requires that a fee of$750.00 be submitted to the Department when an RAO statement is filed 120 days from the date of initial notification. nt to note that you 1.0030 including,w thouttl limitation,contaminated soil and/or debris. a Any Bill of Lading accompanying such sear the seal and signature of a Licensed Site Professional(LSP).You may contact the LSP Board of Registration 1145 to obtain the current LSP list. any questions relative to this notice,you should contact John S.Bourcier at the letterhead address or(413)755- u[ure communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number(RTN) contained in block of this letter. Very truly yours, 1 4 a e /%Y i d A. Section Chief Emergency Response doc Mail#Z 462 493 204 Northampton Fire Department Health Department Mayor's Office Joseph Dunn-Tighe&Bond Consulting tents: Release Notification Form;BWSC-003 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L.c.21E Ar.Peter McErlain 4orthampton Board of Health �ity Hall 10 Main Street Northampton,MA 01440 Tighe&Bond Consulting Engineers Environmental Specialists M-284-3-04 June 18, 1999 RE: Notification of Response Action Outcome Northampton Center for Children and Families 72 Pomeroy Terrace,Northampton, MA. RTN. 1-2918 Dear Mr.McErlain: In accordance with the Public Notification Procedures of the oMassachusetts toi the Massachusetts Plan achMCP 310 CMR 40.1403(3)(1)), we are writing to notify y Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) of a Response Action Outcome Outcome (RAO) on e behalf of the Department of Mental Health, Northampton Center for foChildren and Families of for he referenced Release Tracking Number (RTN). The Fuel oil discovered during removal of two underground storage tanks at the site. The release was discovered and reported to the DEP on May 5, 1999. The RAO is being issued subsequent to the successful completion of an Immediate Response Action for contaminated soil. The release al of petroleum-contaminated a soil cwas'accomplished to `achievleoa condition of No Significant Risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare and the environment for the release. Consequently, a Class A-1 RAO has been prepared for RTN 1-2918. in at the Western Regional Office of the DEP at 436 Dwight Street, Springfield. A copy of the RAO submittal has been provided to the Department of Mental Health and is also aEPholds lfor public g callthe DEP 413-784-1100. If you have any questions or comments relative about o this lcorrespondence, please contact Joseph Dunn or the undersigned. cc. Mr.Robert Mielke,Massachusetts DMH Massachusetts DEP Western Region Very-tnily yours GHE&BO H I Evan T. Johnson,P.E.,LSP Vice President Onginolpnnted on recycled paper COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE CELLUCCI .overnor Lube,Inc. Pleasant Street rthampton.MA 01060 ention: John Richi SOB DURAND Secretary EDWARD P.RUNCE Acting Commissioner June 25, 1999 Re: Northampton Gasoline/Waste Oil Release Pro Lube,Inc. RTN: 1-12984 RELEASE NOTIFICATION and NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L. c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 lean Mr. Richi: an June 19, 1999 at 4:42 PM, the Northampton Fire Department provided notification to the )epartment of a release and/or threat of release of approximately 50 gallons of a gasoline/waste oil nixture. The mixture of oil and gasoline was released due to an overfill of an aboveground storage ank located in a basement room. Cleanup of the basement room was delayed due to the presence gasoline vapors as high as 35% of the Lower Explosive Limit, which triggered an imminent ra7ard condition as defined by the Massachusetts Contingency Plan — 310 CMR 40.0000 ("the V1CP"). Cyn Environmental (Cyn) finally continued cleanup of the basement under "confined space entry"Release N. In addition m to oral notification,) b submitted to the Department requires that a calendar completed Release Notification Form ( ) days of the date of the oral notification. The Department has reason to believe that the release/threat of release reported is or may be a in disposal site as defined in the MCP. The Department also has reason to believe that you a lusediin this letter "you" refers to Pro Lube, Inc.) are a potentially responsible party ( ) ( under Section 5A of M.G.L. c. 21E. This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at(617)514-6812. 436 Dwight Street'Spdngfield,Massachusetts 01103•FAX(413)784-1149•TOO(413)746-6620•Telephone(413)7B4.1100 L J Printed on Recycled Paper Lube, Inc. ice of Responsibility 1-12984 liability is "strict", meaning that it is not based on fault, but solely on your status as owner, :ator,generator,transporter, disposer or other person specified in said Section SA. This liability so "joint and several", meaning that you are liable for all response costs incurred at a disposal even if there are other liable parties. Department encourages PRPs to take prompt and appropriate actions in response to releases threats of release of oil and/or hazardous materials. By taking the necessary response actions, may significantly lower your assessment and cleanup costs and/or avoid liability for costs urred by the Department in taking such actions. You may also avoid or reduce certain permit or coal compliance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00. Please refer to .G.L under for a complete 21E icription of potential liability. For your convenience, a summary liability rttached. mu should be aware that you might have claims against third parties for damages, including claims r contribution or reimbursement for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefinitely It establish are governed by laws, which our ges you tto take any actionss nece ary to protect bringing t any su hclaims you amay ha ee against third dies. t the time of oral notification to the Department, the Department roduct approved following a response drum, tons as Immediate Response Actions (IRA): pump out free ,read speedi-dri on the basement floor, remove and dispose of all oil-impacted debris, and weep up and containerize the spent speedi-dri. ,pecifrc approval is required from the Department for the implementation of an IRA with the xception of assessment activities, the construction of a fence and/or posting of signs. Additional ubmittals are necessary with regard to this notification including,but not limited to,the filing of an RA Completion Statement and/or Response Action Outcome (RAO) statement. The MCP .equines that a fee of$750.00 be submitted to the Department when an RAO Statement is filed treater than 120 days from the date of initial notification. It is important to note that you must dispose of any Remediation Waste generated at the subject location in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0030 including, without limitation, contaminated soil and/or debris. Any Bill of Lading accompanying such waste must bear the seal and signature of a Licensed Site Professional (LSP). You may contact the LSP Board of Registration at 617/556- 1145 to obtain the current LSP list. If you have any questions relative to this notice, you should contact Ben Fish at the above letterhead address or by telephone at 413484-1100 ext. 2285. All future communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number (RTN) contained in the subject block of this letter. 2 Lube, Inc. ce of Responsibility 1-12984 bf tamp984.mf Y Northampton Health Department Fire Department Mayor's Office Cyn Env., Wes Hodge rtified Mail Z 456 365 151, Return Receipt Requested tachments: Release Notification Form,BWSC-003 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L. c.21E Ve truly yours, David A. Slowick Section Chief Emergency Response UL CELLUCCI FT [Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 4assachusetts Electric Company 48 Haydenville Road 1orthampton,MA 01089 Attn: Jim Neveu BOB DURAND Secretary LAUREN A.LISS Commissioner June 6, 2000 Re: Northampton RTN: 1-13471 Pole#7 pinebrook Curve, RELEASE NOTIFICATION and NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L. c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 Dear Mr.Neveu: 2000 at 8:01PM, you provided or notification to the Department on behalf of On June 2, of a release of approximately 22 gallons of non-PCB transformer Massachusetts Electric Company in Northampton,Massachusetts. In addition to oral noin the vi,310 CMR pole #7, 33 3bfur h r requires notification, 310 CMR 40.0333 further requires that a completed Release Notification Form (attached) be submitted to the Department within 60 calendar days of the date of the oral notification. The Department has reason to believe that the reported a disposal site as 310 ed elease i (the "MCP").y The disposal site as ed release is or may defined in Massachusetts reason olie t at Contingency u Plan, liability under Section SA of M.G.L. is also has reason to believe that you (as used in this letter "you" refers to Massachusetts Electric Company.) are a potentially responsible party (PRP) with 21E. This liability is "strict," meaning that it is not based on fault, but solely on your status as owner, operator, generator, transporter, disposer or other person specified in said Section 5A. This liability is also "joint and several', meaning that you are liable for all response costs incurred at a disposal site even if there are other liable parties. The Department encourages PRPS to take prompt and appropriate actions in response to releases and threats of release of oil and/or hazardous materials. By taking the necessary response actions, such actions. You may also avoid or reduce certain permit or annu you may significantly lower your assessment and cleanup costs and/or avoid liability for costs incurred by Department in taking al compliance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00. Please refer to M.G.L.c. 2W for a complete This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at(617)574-6812. 436 Dwight Street•Spn gfield,Massachusetts 01103•FM p03) 78441 Paper DD(413)74S-6620•Telephone(413)784-1100 -Pinebrook curve, Northampton 1-13471 ne of Responsibility of liability under M.G.L. c. 2 aiption of potential liability. For your convenience,a summary 1E Cached. u should be aware that you may have claims against third parties for damages, including claims contribution or reimbursement for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefinitely : are governed by laws which establish the time allowed for bringing litigation. The Department ;,ourages you to take any action necessary to protect any such claims you may have against third rties. approved the ou are reminded that, at the time of oral notification to DEP, the Departm ent pP 'lowing response action as an Immediate Response Action (IRA): surficial cleanup including ccavation and off-site disposal of up to 100 cubic yards of petroleum-contaminated soil; ,pecifrc approval is required from the Department for the implementation of all IRAs with the posting of signs. Additional submittals are but not limited to, the filing of an IRA xception w of the construction of a fence and/or O statement. The MCP requires that :ompary with regard to this Response including, afee of S7 Statement est and/or to the e A ant when an statement is filed greater than 120 a fee of$750.00 be submitted to the Departm days from the date of initial notification. generated at the subject It is important to note that you must dispose of any Remediation Waste g without limitation, contaminated soil in such waste must bear the eal and signature 556- location in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0030 including, Licensed debris. rof Bill al Lading accompanying has recorded Evan Johnson of Tighe &Bond Licensed Site Professional (LSP). You may contact the LSP Board of 1145 to obtain the current LSP list. The Department Consulting Engineers as LSP of record for this release. • If you have any questions relative to this notice,you should contact John Jts release Bo cier atttrefleenrh the address or at (413) 755-2112 All future communications regarding Release Tracking Number(RTN)contained in the subject block of this letter. 2 Very truly yours avid A. Sl.wick Section Chief Emergency Response -Pinebrook Curve, Northampton 1-13471 ce of Responsibility S/ds/kml 471mf :losure:Release Notification Form;BWSC-103 and Instructions Summary of Liability Under Chapter 21E :stiffed Mail#1' 153 713 626,Return Receipt Requested Northampton Health Department Board of Selectmen Fire Department Evan Johnson-Tighe&Bond Mary Claire Higgins,Mayor n of Northampton Main Street thampton,MA 01060 Tighe&Bond Environmental Specialists N-438-1-58 (1160) July 28, 2000 Re: Response as Outcome Massachusetts Electric Company Pole#7 Pine Brook Curve Northampton,MA RTN 1-13471 ar Mayor Higgins: we are writing to notify you of the submittal to the Massachusetts accordance with the Public Notification Procedures of the Massachusetts Contingency Pan JCP 310 CMR 40-1403(3)(f)), of a Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement rpth above-referenced of e evened rele e On (DEP) ) releasing 22 r the above-referenced release. On June 2, 2000, a severe "microburst" windstorm caused a tree (from Utility Pole # 7 located on Pine Brook Curve), 22 ry knock a 25 KVA transformer, ( non-PCB mineral oil dielectric fluid (M ;signed of non-polychlorinated icid incident Release Tracking (non-PCB) of 1-13471. A Class A-1 RAO has been signed the thei release,s Rndica Tracking Number of ft ublic welfare and the environment exists aat the site and no further response actions are required. tsafety,436 X copy of the RAO ing eld, can A bPublicfile review sessions are hedoe every Wednesday For more >wight Street in file review,MA have any please contact Paul G. Beaulieu or the nfortnation about file review, please call the DEP Service Center at 413-784-1100. you questions or comments relative to this correspondence, p undersigned. Very truly yours, &BOND INC. ( 11. Evan T. Johnson P.E., LSP Vice President Copy: PeWRAO_Plain,Northampton Copy Peter McErlain,Northampton Board of Health James Neveu, MEC Joanne Flescher,DEP Western Region Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road Westfield, A 01x085-5308 Tel. 413.562-1600 Fan 413-562.5317 Original UL CELLUCCI Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSI:1 N EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE ohenno Incorporated .O.Box 454 Itoughton,MA 02072 kttention:Bradford Cohenno January 30, 2001 Re: Norhampton In front of 256 Pleasant Street RpN#1-13777 RELEASE NOTIFICATION and NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 BOB DURAND Secretary LAUREN A.LISS Commissioner Dear Mr.Cohenno: of a On January 19,2001,at 7:45 A.M.,a representative of Northampton Fire Department notified the Department reportable tu d o191 No of diesel resulting sull ag the reovs-referenced siga o tro fdi smiler . In addit on t that release of up to 70 3 0 CMR 40.0333 fun errequirs thataa completed ReleasealNotificationeForm (a ached) be submitted to notification, Department within 60 calendar days of the date of the oral notification. 310 CMR f0 release you"MCP").The is or may also spo al site The Department has reason to believe that the release/threat of release you have reported is or may be a disposal site as defined in the you(as used in Contingency "Plan, to believe that you(as used in this letter`you"refers t6 Cohenno Incorporated)are a potentially responsible party (PRP with liability under Section 5A of M.G.L.co operator,generator,transporter,disposer or other person specified in said Section c.21E). This liability is"strict",meaning that it is not based on fault. buts This on your status as owner, P meaning that you are liable for all response costs incurred at a disposal SA. This liability is also"Joint and several", site even if there are other liable parties. The Department encourages PRPs to take prompt and appropriate actions in response to releases and threats of the necessary response actions,you may significantly lower your release a oil and/or and ahazardous and/or liability taking ant N taking such actions. assessment and cleanup costs and/or avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department M.G.L. c.21E for a complete description of potential liability. For your convenience, a summary of liability under You may also avoid or reduce certain permit or annual compliance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00.Please refer to M.G.L.c.21E is attached. This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at(617)574-6872. 436 0wlght Steel•Springfield Massachusetts 01103•F Printed 003) 641149 Paper TOD(413)746.6620•Telephone(413)784-1100• moo Incorporated 4113777 ce of Responsibility u are reminded that you were advised by the Department that the following response actions were approved as an ,mediate Response Action(IRA): n IRA consists of the use of absorbent media to clean up the release of diesel fuel. The IRA also includes e removal of diesel fuel-contaminated snow and ice and up to 10 cubic yards of diesel fuel-contaminated iecific approval is required from the Department for the implementation of all IRAs with the exception of sessment activities,the construction of a fence and/or posting of signs. Additional submittals are necessary with not limited to the filing of an IRA Completion Statement and/or Response :card to o notification including,tmet The AOnsOutcome ement is filed greater than 1120 days from atthe fee date Sof 0.00a e submitted on. Philip M ain of Cyn ;nvironmental is the LSP-of record for this release. f you have any questions relative to this notice, you should contact John S. Bourcier at the letterhead address or :41 ) x1 55-242. in the subject blo u is ti s regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number 2 P:l13777.doc Certified Mail#7000 0600 0026 8859 6281 copy: Northampton Fire Department Health Department Mayor's Office Philip McBain-Cyn Environmental Sincerely, id A.Slowic Section Chief Emergency Response Attachments: Release Notification Form;BWSC-003 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L.c.21E IflEfliflL S larch 2.2001 ir- Peter Mein lain. Agent its 0f Northampton City I Ia11 it)of Nonhumptun 13oaid of health 10 Main Street sorthmnpton Aassachuetts 0106(1 RE: Rcpouse Action Outcome LRAOZStntemeut ort R7:1_I_132_' NORTH IMP.]OA Ala sachtiscris -Pleasant Street Near 256 .Sadden ReleUNC at Mete(Fuel Dear Mr. McErlain: Municipal 01fiee and Board of I I I alth In the Massachusetts mmunit.0e 1 m tt l ich a di pal( ts\e is 1r0 located and an\ic'.40 1403(38 r her communities stBelt arc 01 ere Iikels to he affected by the disposal site hall be notified hed of the at',Mehl itt of m Response Action Outcom (RA O) Statements tiled pet 'nt to 31L. I._MR 40.100 t st. 1 t n 'nncntai Sci ices has : 'spire filed an RAO Statement l p<r pecLanc tt the AL"r chusec� filed in wit tor the aboscr J r ne location 11r r c in nun It ) 1 ar n n1 lint t l m �=n I ' u i of response to h- at 1 a tit and nhazarlcl nt t �� t, the r ain u 1c ideal a 121 I and a Pei m e Solution t 310 CNIR a hl 0 u A r Simi an R1 d to .lets hasalsol been tans. Addt shed is pursuant ssae. to ll Cn1t2 a(t the 611 s a let a has also been achieved at the disposal >i0.-. and will not m me IOrcsuablc unir 1st-a 2 threat of phi sisal harm or bodily miun to people ._ o.ter the u complete of the RAO n1 repent. se Protection`436 De iuhttStreet.Sprn lield.tMassachuults. 01103. You mat r reach this Ent Pee at(413)al 784-1100. Sincerely. (vn Envirmmientat Services Richard R. LaMothe ironmenml Scientist, Proicci Manager Massachusetts Departmeni of P.ns ironmental Protection AA'estern RH IlL l OInce P.O.BOX 119•100 TOSGA DRIVE 800-0242 58 S n MA•1800-622-6965 outside MA 1-341-VA•FAX 781-341-6246• a COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE lassachusetts Electric Company O.Box 507 4orthampton, Massachusetts 01061-0507 Attn:James Neveu BOB DURAND Secretary LAUREN A.LISS Commissioner September 12, 2002 Re: Northampton(Florence) Pine Street Extension Pole if 4-03 RTN 1-14568 RELEASE NOTIFICATION and NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 Dear Mr.Neveu: ant on behalf of On September 11, 2002 at 3:50PM, you provided oral notification to Dof of t on oil if o f the Massachusetts Electric Company regarding a release of up to 40 gallons a pole-mounted transformer located on Pine Street Extension in winds t that date. e addition of the Florence section of Northampton, Massachusetts. The release was caused by high ndsd n that Release te. In Notification Form to oral (attached) btio submitted mi CMR 40.0333 furthr requires that calendar days the otie of the oral (attached) be submitted to the Department notification. The Department has reason to believe that the reported release CMR elease i (the "MCP").y The o al site lease is or may be a disposal site as you as used in this letter "you" refers to the Massachusetts Electric defined in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, of M.G.L. c. also has reason to believe that y ( RP with liability under Section 5(a)your status as CompanY) are a ty is potentially ," meaning responsible party i ) 21E. This liability is "strict," meaning that it is not based on fault, but solely on y owner, operator, generator,transporter, disposer aor ou other liable for all response response osct on incurred This a liability is also "joint and several", meaning disposal site even if there are other liable parties. appropriate actions in response to releases The Department encourages PRPs to take prompt and app ro p and threats of release of oil and/or hazardous materials. By taking the necessary response actions, you may significantly lower your assessment actions. You cleanup costs may also avoid oor reduce certain permit or incurred o by pli Department in b eaki dg 4 00 Please refer to M.G.L. c.21E for a complete annual compliance fees payable under 310 CMR This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at(67)574-69II. 436 Dwlg6t Street•Springfield Massachusetts 01103•FAX(413) Paper (413)746-6620•Telephone(413)704-1100 70 Printed on Street Extension,Northampton 1-14568 e of Responsibility ;ription of potential liability. For your convenience,a summary of liability under M.G.L. c.21E lathed. including claims a should be aware that you may have claims against third parties for damages, which establish the time allowed for bringing litigation. The Department contribution or reimbursement for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefinitely efiitel third governed by laws, such claims you may :ourages you to take any action necessary to protect any Ries. ediate ou are reminded that the Department approved the following response actions as an Imm espouse Action(IRA): deployment of absorbent and containment materials, and excavation of up 150 cubic yards of contaminated soil. .pecific approval is required from the Department for the implementation of all IRAs with the of signs. Additional submittals are necessary xh regard d the his notification fca a fence i g, but t not limited to, the filing of an IRA Completion with regard d this sose c inclOutco, O statement. The MCP requires that a fee of artment when an RAO statement is filed greater than 120 days from Statement and/or Response Action Outcome (RA 5750.00 be submitted to the Department the date of initial notification. generated at the subject It is important to note that you must dispose of any Remediation Waste g 40.0030 including, without limitation, contaminated soil accompanying such waste must bear the seal and signature of a location in accordance with 310 CMR and/or debris. Any Bill of Lading contact the LSP Board of Registration at (617) 556- 1145 Licensed bite Professional r LSP list.You may ent has listed Evan Johnson of Tighe & 1145 to obtain the current LSP list. Presently, the Department Bond Consulting Engineers as LSP-of-record for this release. If you have any questions relative to this notice,you should contact the undersigned at the letterhead address or at (413) 755-2246. All contained e communications ns block regarding g is s release must reference the Release Tracking 1 •i 4/ 2 avidA.S .. k Section Chief Emergency Response DAS/ds/kml /:14568mf Enclosure:Release Notification Form;BW SC-103 Certified Mail#P 7001 2510 0002 9557 2514, Return Receipt Requested cc: Northampton: Health Department Mayor's Office Evan Johnson-Tighe&Bond .yor Mary Clare Higgins rthampton City Hall Main Street irthampton, MA 01060 Tiighe&Bond Consulting Engineers Environmental Specialists N-0495-1-58 November 12, 2002 Re: RAO Submittal pole# 4-03 Pine Street Extension, Northampton RTN 1-14568 tear Mayor Higgins: n MCP, 310 with 0.1 public(3) )), we are providing enotification oar the submittal of Contingency Response MCP, 310 Outcome (RAO) at3)(d)), number (WIN 1- Action Outcome (RAO) at the above-referenced site. The release tracking 14568) was issued for a release of non-PCB transformer oil. via excavation of impacted soil d off-site to disposal, the The release was successfully remedcan Risk of harm to health, safety, public such that a condition ofachieved for the release. Consequently, a Class A-2 RAO has been envirortment has been prepared for this spill. A copy of the RAO submittal can be obtained from the Western Regional he d ece of the edDEP Paat 436 Dwight Street in Springfield, MA. Public file review sessions are For more information about file review, please call the DEP Service Center at 413-784-1100. If you have any questions regarding thus, please contact the undersigned at(413) 562-1600. Very truly yours, IGHE &BOND, 11 4 an T. Johnson, P.B., LSP Vice President J:\N\NO495\REPOR DI30 of Health Copy: Norssa hu Western Region Massachusetts DEP, Charles Borowski, Northampton DPW Westfield, MA 01085 CT, 413-562-1 and Worcester,o . 413-562-5317 ffi 53 Southampton Road, Middletown, Offices: Bellows Falls, Original punted on reryded paper. — Northampton RTN I-14723 Notice of Responsibility Page 2 of contribution or You should be aware that you may have claims against third parties for damages, including claims kit governed by laws'wh which establish the time allowed for bringing litigation. The Department encourage you to take any actions necessary to protect any such cleanup. lams you may have not exist indefinitely third arti s. are Specific approval Y have against third parties. pproval is required from the Department for the implementation of an I assessment activities,the construction ofa fence and/or posting of signs. necessary A with the exceptio. ary with regard to this notification including, but not limited to,the filing of MA Completion are Statement and/or Response Action Outcome(RAO)statement. The MCP requires submitted to the De g IRA Completion initial notification. pent when an RAO Statement is file 9uires that a fee of$750.0! tiled-greater than 120 days from the date of IRA Oral Plan A roved The Department has approved the following response actions as an Immediate Response Action(IRA); Use of sorbent materials to remediate the released oil; Evacuation of tank contents and removal of the UST; Additional assessment as necessary. It is important to note that you must dispose of any Remediation Waste generated at the subject location in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0030 including, without limitation, contaminated soil and/or debris. Any Bill of Lading accompanying such waste must bear the seal and signature ofa Licensed Site Professional(LSP). You may contact the LSP Board of Registration at 617/556-1145 to obtain the current LSP list. Presently, the Department has listed Rick Lamothe of Cyn Environmental Services,Inc.as LSP-of-record for this release. If you have any questions relative to this notice, you should contact Scott Smith at the above letterhead address or by telephone at 413-755_2149 All future communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number(RTN)contained in the subject block of this letter. Certified Mail No. 7002 0860 0005 4379 0131 cc: Northampton Board of Health Fire Department Board of Selectmen Rick Lamothe, Cyn Environmental Services,Inc. Attachments to Addressee only: Release Notification Form; B WSC-003 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L. c.21E vid A. Slow Section Chief Emergency Response 4EY ALEY Governor COMMONWEALTH OF]MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103• (413)7844100 February 11, 2003 RGENT LEGAL MATTER:PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY ERTIFIED MAIL:RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Iodhampton Investments,LLC. tax 771 iolyoke,MA 01040 Attn:Eric Suher Re: ELLEN ROY HERZFELDE Secretary LAUREN A.LISS Commissioner Northampton 8 Pearl Street RTN 1-14723 RELEASE NOTIFICATION and NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 Dear Mr. Suher: ent of provided to the Massachusetts Demnt of On Environmental lQ 2003 iO (the Department)of a re ease/threat of release of greater than ten gallons Eppirenmentae Piotrotion(the abandoned $ at the above-referenced location.In apparent waste oil from an abandoned 40.0333 fur storage requires m"s th t the completed lethe el ase Notification addition to oral notification,310 CMR 40.0333 further requires that a completed Release Notification Form (RNF)be submitted to the Department within 60 calendar days refers to Northampton pgp with r,"you" refers Section N SA of M.G.L.c. The Department has are reason to Bally responsible ou p used in Pis letter, y Investments,LLC.)see a i t",m a ni hat is party(PRP) 2l E. This liability is"strict",meaning that it is not based on fault,but solely on your slams as owner, operator, generator,transporter,disposer or other are hiabpe for all reifies costs incurred A a disposal site even her person specified in said Section SA. This liability Is also"joint and several",meaning that you there are other liable parties. ro riate actions in response to releases and The Department encourages oil an and/or hn r take patmpt an y to res nse actions,y threats a tly ow r oil r assessment ent and leanuplc. is taking void liability iry�fpor annual red by he Department in taking such actions.You may also avoid or reduce certainy for costs incurred co by the of liability under M.G.L.c.21E is attached. fees payable er under ur convenience,1 00. Please lease refer to M.G.L. c.21E for a complete description of potential liability. your information u available in alternate forme.Call Aprel McCabe,ADA Coordinator at I-617456-1111.TDD Senice-1-800-2911-2201. DEP on the World Wide Web-. bdpJMww.mass.9oWLep 0 Printed on Recycled Paper NEY •ALEY ;Governor 1r. Eric Suher tox 771 Iolyoke,MA 01040 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103• (413)7844100 ELLEN ROY HERZFELDER 16, 2003 EDWARD P.KUNCE April Acting Commissioner Re:Northampton 8 Pearl Street RTN # 1-14723 Immediate Response Action Plan Aparoval Dear Mr. Suher, The Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Department), (the prepared on received an Immediate Response Action(IRA) on April 11,2003,for the property(hereafter RA)Plan Massachusetts. The P the c "site") located at 8 Pearl Street in Northampton, your behalf by Tithe and Bond,Inc. The p proposes Department approves the IRA plan as proposed with the ran ro oses the removal of the underground storage tank at the site and excavation oft the associated contaminated soils. The Departm PP following conditions: • In consideration of any excavatedasthe shall be stored in e area roll offs, within thefrbays pedestrian garage traffic, any owned or controlled by you. of the garage area, or off-site at another property one day, the excavation a hole.Tn the event that the excavating takes more than edestrians to the op • backfilled and/or secured to ensure no o access is available by p This information is available in alternate format.Call Aprel McCabe,ADA Coordinator at l-617-556-1111.TIM Service-1-800.29&4207 DEP on me World Wide Web: btlp'.IMVnv--mass govldep et Printed on RecFled Paper Lawton 1-14723 ,pproval rou have any questions relative to this notice,you should contact Scott Smith at the letterhead ]Tess or at 413-755-2149. Sincerely, David S o ck Section Chief Emergency Response cc:Northampton: Board of Health Fire Department Board of Selectmen Evan Johnson,LSP,Tighe and Bond 4ayor Clare Higgins ,ity of Northampton :10 Main Street 4orthampton, Massachusetts 01060 Tighe&Bond Environmental Specialists N-393-2-58 (1160) June 17, 2003 Re: Response Action Outcome 8 Pearl Street Northampton, Massachusetts DEP Release Tracking Number 1-14723 Dear Mayor Higgins. In accordance with the public notification requirements of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan MCP), 310 CMR 40.1403(3)(1), we are hereby notifying you of the O for the above-referenced site. Northampton of a Response Action Outcome (lta Immediate Response Action (IRA) Northampton tnvessments, LLC.,n conducted an consisting of the use of absorbents used for wastetoil spill torage. A reportable release t of underground storage tank did not occur occurr as a result of the spill and current site conditions are in compliance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). ]ete response actions at this site. A copy of the RAO A Class A-2 RAO has been filed with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental report (MDEP) roview report is available for review at the MDEP office in Springfield. File review ours are held on Wednesdays between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For additional information relative to file reviews, please contact MDEP at (413) 784-1100. Very truly yours, TIGHE & BOND, INC. , for Evan T. Johnson, P.E. LSP Vice President cc: Cynthia A. Dourmashkin, Northampton Health and Human Services Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Eric Suher, Northampton Investments, LLC. Matt Murphy, Cyn Environmental Services S5 TeL 13-Pocass0 IviF' and 53 Southampton Road,VT;Mid Westfield, MA OT;Norwalk,Tel. 913-562-1600 Fax. 413-562-5317 Offices: Bellows Fulls, JT, Middletown, CT; Original printsi an recycled paper. Northampton RTN I-14972 Notice of Responsibility The information provided as part of your notification also indicates that you are a potential liability for response action costs and damages under M.G.L. c. 21E, 5. party with summary is intended to provide you with information about liability The attaches you in deciding what actions to take in response to this notice. ty under Chapter 21 E to assis. You should be aware that you may have claims against third parties for damages, including for contribution or reimbursement for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefinitely I are governed by laws which e claim encourages establish the time allowed for bringing litigation. The Department you to take any action necessary to protect any such claims you may against t t parties. y have against thin ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN TO DATE AT THE A release was discovered on April 21,2003, at approximate) 2:00 PM during automotive lifts inside the on-site building located at 8 Pearl Street. Approximately 20 cubic yard were excavated and stockpiled inside the building using the removal of a Soil samples collected at the limits of the excavation indicated the presence of EPH and(PAH in n concentrations greater than the applicable Reportable Concentrations ) NECESSARY RESPONSE ACTIONS AND APPLICAB Within 60 days of the date of notification to the Department,you us DEADLINES written RAM plan, a RAM Completion Report or a Response Action sOutcomee((RAO Statement. Any such submission shall be accompanied by the RAM fee and the RAO statement fee, if applicable, specified in 310 CMR 4.00. (RAO) No disposal site will be deemed to have had all the necessary and required response actions taken for it unless and until all substantial hazards presented by the release and/or threat of release have been eliminated and a level of no significant risk exists or has been achieved in compliance with M.G.L. c. 2 I E and the MCP. The MCP requires persons undertaking response actions at a disposal site to submit to the Department a Response Action Outcome Statement prepared by a Licensed Site Professional upon determining that a level of no significant risk already exists or has been achieved at the disposal site. Unless otherwise provided by the Department,responsible parties have one year date notice of a release or threat of release is provided to the De 40.0300 or from Y from the initial the date the Department issues a Notice of Responsibility,pursuant to 31 whichever occurs� earlier,to file with the Department one of the following submittals. (1)a completed Tier Classification Submittal; or(2) a Response Action Outcome Statement; or 3 Property Status Submittal. If required by the MCP, a completed Tier 1 Permit Application also accompany (3)a Downgradient pany a Tier Classification Submittal. The deadline for these submittals tlris disposal also eia compa y tier 4EY ALEY Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103• (413)764.1100 August 25, 2003 RGENT LEGAL MATTER:PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY ERTIFIED MAIL 4orthampton Investments,LLC. 47 Jackson Street;Box 771 rlolyoke,MA 01041 Attention:Mr.Eric Suher ELLEN ROY Secretary ROBERT W.GOLLEDGE,Jr. Commissioner Re: Northampton 8 Pearl Street Release Tracking# 1-14972 NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY M.G.L. c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 Dear Mr. Suher: (RNF)was received by the and On August in 2003 at 2 P.M.,a Release Notification Form( hydrocarbons(E PH)Department indicating that concentrations of extractable s e subject property(the site)exceed your behalf by Tighe and Bond, aplynnear aromatic Concentrations.s.The you(as used in this letter . n light applicable Reportable iinformation,Concentrations.par RNF wishesbto ensure that y u and sad responsibilities i letter Inc. Inrefers e to this Investments, are aware of your rights"you" has Massachusetts Northampton Respo under the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release laseCpre 310 CMR 40.0000. Response Act, M.G.L. c.21E, and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan(MCP), The as Teen subject provided le as part of your notification indicates that the aboveernf ties crap excess of applicable to a release of oil y and/or r portable s ntrati in Based si this information, of site which of the applicable reportable quantity or reportable concentration.ortions thereof, on this ulformation,the Department has reason to believe that the property, P requires a response action. The cleanup of disposal sites is governed by M.G.L.c. 21E and the MCP. This information is available in alternate formal Cal r McCabe.ADA Coordinator a1 67- 56-1171 TOD Sere e80039&2101. DEr o p Widens/en Cwwa_ t -61 Printed on Reryded Paper tampion 1-14972 ;e of Responsibility once ddition,the MCP requires responsible parties and any other person undertaking response ons at a disposal site to perform Immediate Response Actions in response to sudden releases, se t nt continue valuate the Hazards eed for Immediate ResponAct ons and notify the Department immediately if :h a need exists. PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW TO UNDERTAKE RESPONSE ACTIONS ie Department encourages parties having liability under M.G.L.c.21E to take prompt action in .b e parties emayesignificanntly lower cleanup costs and avoid materials. By of,orgreduce thecnon, nount of, certain permit and/or annual compliance assurance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00 ;.g.,no annual compliance assurance fee is due for Response Action Outcome Statements 'banned to the Department within 120 days of the initial date of release notification). Jou must employ or engage a Licensed Site Professional to manage, supervise or actually perform L11 response actions which you intend to undertake at this disposal site. You may obtain a list of he names and addresses of Licensed Site Professionals by contacting the Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals by telephone at(617) 556-1145 or in person n o or listed by mail at One Winter Street,6th Floor,Boston,Massachusetts 02108. The Departm ent has Evan Johnson as LSP for this site. If you have any further questions,please contact Scott Smith at the e des es d a d should or at(413) 755-2149. All future correspondence communications regarding P the Release Tracking Number listed in the subject block of this letter. Sincerely, ( Alan Weinberg Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Certified Mail No. 7001 1140 0003 4427 9652 cc: Northampton Fire Department Health Department Mayor's Office Evan Johnson,Tighe and Bond,LSP-of-Record Attachment to addressee only: Summary of Liability under M.G.L. c. 21E Mayor Clare Higgins City of Northampton 210 Main Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 Tighe&Bond Environmental Specialists N-393-2-58 (1160) October 20, 2003 Re: Response Action Outcome 8 Pearl Street Northampton, Massachusetts DEP Release Tracking Number 1-14972 Dear Mayor Higgins: In accordance with the public notification are hereby requirements o notifying the Massachusetts of the filing Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR 40.0000, of a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan for the above-referenced site. Northampton Investments, LLC., identified a reportable historic release of hydraulic fluid to soils at the site. Current site conditions are in compliance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP).. A. RAM Plan has been filed with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) to complete response actions at this site. A copy of the Ram Plan report is available for review at the MDEP office in Springfield. File review hours are held on Wednesdays between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For additional information relative to file reviews, please (413) 784-1100. Very truly yours, TIGHE &BOND, INC. C_-- Vcirl ctriT) Evan T. Johnson, P.E. LSP Vice President cc: Cynthia A. Dourmashkin, Northampton Health and Human Services Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Eric Suher, Northampton Investments, 53 Southampton: Bs F Road,VT;Middletown, CT Norwalk, CT;Pocassei MAAaand1Worcester,, MA Offices: Bellows Falls, Original punted on recycled paper. irge Andrikidis, P.E. hector.City Engineer CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060-2066 413-587-1510 Fax 413-587-1576 March 6, 2006 Northampton Health Care 737 Bridge Road Northampton MA 01060 Re: Sewer Use Ordinance Violation Certified Letter # 7005 1160 0004 2372 7654 Dear Property Owner: On 14, g illegal discharges to Care sanitary sewer letter system and requesting you to of contact the DPW to discuss the matter. The illegal discharge consists of rags, heavy paper towels and other linens. (See attached Section 22.43 of the Sewer Use Ordinance). As yet, we have not received any reply from you and on March 3, 2006 a visual inspection of the manhole n Prospect accumulated c Avenue a indicated that the illegal discharge is continuing. Photos were nowcsubject to a subjl fine of Five sThousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, payable to the City of Northampton. In acorance This fine is due within one week of the receipt of this letter. one week tof receipt of this also this tissuee. Failure tt of submit his plan will constitute recurring violations and additional fines will be levied retroactive to the date of receipt of this letter. Sir}cerely, 4 /.� r�G YLr George Andrikidis, P.E. Director— DPW Enclosure cc Mayor Mary Clare Higgins Anthony Patillo, Building Commissioner C:\Pers\737BridgeRoadSewerViolation Board of Public Works Ernest Mathieu, Board of Health CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 413-587-1570 Fax 413-587-1576 George Andrikidis, P.E. Director February 13,2006 Northampton Health Care 737 Bridge Road Northampton,MA 01060 CERTIFIED MAIL#7004 1160 0005 0266 1016 Re: ILLEGAL DISCHARGE TO SANITARY SEWER Dear Property Owner: It has come to the Northampton Department of Public Work's (DPW) attention that your facility is discharging illegal material to the City's sanitary sewer system. The illegal discharge consists of rags,heavy paper towels and other linens. These materials have the capability of causing the system to clog, which in turn will cause sewer backups into residential homes. The discharge of these materials is illegal under the City's Sewer Use Ordinance, specifically Section 22.43(6) (attached). Your facility is required to take immediate action to ensure that these items do not continue to be discharged to the City sewer system. Appropriate action(s) acceptable to the City would include debris racks and daily cleaning. We request that you contact this Department no later than February 24. 2006 to discuss this matter. Sincerely, Ned Huntley, P.E. City Engineer enclosures c: BPW George Andrikidis, P.E. Charlene Shea,WWTF Anthony Patillo, Building Commissioner pp/.. U Bridge RcaC'Sewer rags 737 brdge road 020406 doe 'ROMNEY rnor RY NEALEY tenant Governer COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103• (413)7841 100 ROBERT W GOLLEDGE,Jr. Secretary ARLEEN 0"DONNELL Commissioner URGENT LEGAL MATTER Northampton Investments, LLC Mr. Eric Suher, Owner 47 Jackson Street P.O. Box 771 Holyoke,MA 01041 November 17, 2006 Re: Northampton RTN 1-14972 8 Pearl Street ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERIM DEADLINE Dear Mr. Eric Suher: On August 19, 2003, the Department was notified of a release of hydraulic fluid, which was ton Investments, LLC, on August 25, 2003, and on August 19, 2004, a discovered during the removal of five hydraulic lifts at the above site. A Notice of Responsibility was issued to Northamp Tier II Classi fication, submitted by Northampton Investments, LLC,became effective for the site. In accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR 40.0000, you ("you" refers to Northampton Investments, LLC)have two years from the Tier II effective date to submit a Phase II Report and a Phase III Remedial Action Plan. On November 6, 2006, the Department received Request an IntExtension of of November Time r the a completion of a Response Action Outcome (RAO), for 1, 2006, had been established. The Request for Extension was submitted on your behalf by Paul G.Beaulieu of Tighe and Bond. The Department believes that "Notification", by persons who are conducting response actions [310 CMR 40.0550(5) or 40.0560(5)], of delay in meeting a regulatory deadline, does not This information is available in alternate format.Call Donald N.Games,ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057.TOD Service-1-800-29S-2101. MassDEP on Me World htt doWeb-Recycled state ma usltlep Interim Deadline 1-14972 constitute an extension to the applicable deadline. While the Department appreciates this advanced notification of delay in compliance, please be advised that the Department cannot extend any of the Phase Report "regulatory" deadlines set forth within the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). The Department can, however, establish Compliance Deadlines and utilize its enforcement discretion not to proceed with enforcement actions against you while the set Compliance Deadline is in effect. For this case, the Department, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0167, is granting the extension of time and establishing December 31, 2006, as the Interim Deadline for you to submit an RAO Statement or the Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment Report and the Phase III Remedial Action Plan. If this Deadline is not met the Department may initiate enforcement actions for failure to comply with Regulatory Deadlines. Clearly of overriding importance in this matter is continued progress in the clean up at this site. The Department recognizes that sometimes delays in response actions can be unavoidable. The Department appreciates and thanks you for your continued efforts in the clean up at this site. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Scherer at 413 755-2278 or Baffour Kyei at 413 755-2158. Sincerely, This hel Oeemni cpysleap Preri&d nyee demwkilb by the Deprlmn et EUVkemWUM PMec W 6 A*nd cep of this damun nmIle M HeDEP UBZt U ed n the Mi rlla& Richard M. Green Section Chief Site ManagementlPermits Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 1-14772.id.BK cc: Site files,BWSC,WERO ecc: Northampton Mayor's Office Northampton Board of Health Paul G. Beaulieu,LSP Denise Andler,DEP-WERO L L PATRICK nor THY P.MURRAY nant Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street.Springfield,Masaachusete 01103. (413)784-1100 February 23,2007 CERTIFIED MAIL#7006 0100 0000 5168 2448 Northampton Investments,LLC Mr.Eric Suher,Owner 47 Jackson Street P.O.Box 771 Holyoke,MA 01041 IAN A.BOWLES Secret am .ARLEEN ODOS-NELL Commissioner RE: NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE Northampton RTN 1-14972 8 Pearl Street NON-WE-07-3011 Failure to Comply with Massachusetts Contingency Plan Deadlines Dear Mr.Eric Saber: The Department of Environmental Protection(the Department)has determined that Northampton Investments,LLC(hereafter referred to as"you")is not in compliance with one or more requirements enforced by the Department. The Department's records indicate that you are a Potentially Responsible Party(PRP)for one or more releases of oil and/or hazardous materials at the disposal site(the site)named above. As of the date of this Notice,you are not in compliance with regulatory deadlines for investigating and cleaning up the disposal site. Specifically: • You failed to submit a Phase 11 Comprehensive Site Assessment Report and a Phase 111 Remedial Action Plan,if applicable,or a Response Action Outcome,by 12/31/06,in accordance with an Interim Deadline established in a Department letter dated November 17,2006. This in 10111111 Is.anblt In alternate format.Call Donald M Gomm ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057 Tpo Sen is-140619[-2707. DEP M the WWald We Web'. hap./Nam mass 9w/dep " Pnald M Recycled Paper *ON-W E-07-3011,RTN:1-14972 Page 2 If the required actions are not completed by the deadlines specified below,an administrative penalty may be assessed for every day after the date of this Notice that the noncompliance occurs or continues. Such a penalty may be assessed in an amount of up to$l,000.00 per violation per day. Attached is a Notice of Noncompliance that describes(1)the requirement violated,(2)the date and place that the Department asserts the requirement was violated,(3)either the specific actions which must be taken in order to return to compliance or direction to submit a written proposal describing how and when you plan to return to compliance and(4)the deadline for taking such actions or submitting such a proposal. These requirements are governed by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 21E,and the regulations adopted thereunder(310 CMR 40.0000—the Massachusetts Contingency Plan or"MCP"). Please consult the MCP for the complete ht explanation gov/dep/bw requirements.regs.htm. Copies may be purchased through the State bBook at Store in the State House(617-727-2834). The Department reserves its rights to exercise the full extent of its legal authority in order to obtain full compliance with all applicable requirements,including,but not limited to,criminal prosecution,civil action including court-imposed civil penalties,or administrative action, including administrative penalties imposed by the Department.about this Notice I If you have any questions contact Michael Scherer at 413-755-2278 Baffour Kyei at 413-755-2158.med in i`please In responding to this Notice of Noncompliance,please reference the Release Tracking Number, RTN 1-14972,and the Enforcement Tracking Number,NON-WE-07a011,to ensure proper tracking of your response. Sincerely, This final document copy is being provided to you electronically by the Department of Environmental Pro action. A signed copy of this document is on file at DEP office listed on the letterhead. Anna Symington Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Certified Mail#: 7006 0100 0000 5168 2448,Return Receipt Requested Enc. Notice of Noncompliance ecc: Northampton Mayor's Office Northampton Health Department Marc 3,Richards,LSP Denise Andler,DEP-WERO(ec) 2 petered:TS NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE NON-WE-07-3011 RTN: 1-14972 THIS IS AN IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE. FAILURE TO RESPOND COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS LEGAL CONSEQUENCES. NAME OF ENTITY IN NONCOMPLIANCE: Northampton Investments,LLC,47 Jackson Street,P.O.Box 771,Holyoke,MA 01041 LOCATION WHERE NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED: 8 Pearl Street,Northampton,MA DATES WHEN NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED: 12/31/06-due date for submittal of a Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment Report and Phase III Remedial Action Plan,if applicable,or a Response Action Outcome,as established in an Interim Deadline letter dated November 17,2006. DESCRIPTION OF REQU(REMENT(S)NOT COMPLIED WITH: Violation of 310 CMR 40.0167—failure to comply with an Interim Deadline. On August 19, 2003, the Department was notified of a release of hydraulic fluid, which was discovered during the removal of five hydraulic t 25, lifts at the August ite.201A Notice Tier 11 Responsibility was issued to you, Classification, submitted by you, became effective for the site. In accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR 40.0000,you had two years from the Tier II effective date to submit a Phase II Report and a Phase 111 Remedial Action Plan. The epartment received a letter on subm August requesting extension ittal of he Phase 11 Report and thePhase 111 Remedial Action Plan or a Rt sponsd1Action Outcome (RAO) until November 1, 2006. In a letter dated August 31, 2006, the Department established November I, 2006, as an Interim Deadline for these submittals. On November 6, 2006, the Department received a letter requesting an additional extension of time for the completion of a RAO, until December 31, 2006. In response, the Department established an Interim Deadline of December 31, 2006, for the the Department documents in a third request for an dated November 17, 2006. On January 22, P extension of time for the submittal of the above documents,until March 9,2007. *ON-W E-07-3011,RTN:1-10972 Page 2 ACTION(S)TO BE TAKEN AND THE DEADLINE(S)FOR TAKING SUCH ACTION(S): Submit to the Department the following: A Phase 11 Report and, if applicable, a Phase III Remedial Action Plan prepared by a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) in accordance with the MCP (310 CMR 40.0800), or a Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement prepared by an LSP in accordance with 310 CMR 40.1000 by March 19,2007. If the required actions are not completed by the deadlines specified,an administrative penalty may be assessed for every day after the date of this Notice that the noncompliance occurs or continues. The Department reserves its rights to exercise the full extent of its legal authority in order to obtain full compliance with all applicable requirements,including,but not limited to,criminal prosecution,civil action including court-imposed civil penalties,or administrative action, including administrative penalties imposed by the Department. For the Department of Environmental Protection: Date: 223/07 2 This final document ropy is being provmcd to you electronically by the Department of Environmental Protection. A sinned copy of tins document is on file at the DEP office listed on the letterhead. Anna Symington Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Mayor Clare Higgins City of Northampton 210 Main Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 Tighe&Bond Consulting Engineers En vironmental Specialists N-393-4-64 March 16, 2007 Re: Notification of Response Action Outcome 8 Pearl Street Northampton, Massachusetts RTN 1-14972 Dear Mayor Higgins: In accordance with the Public Notification Procedures of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP 310 CMR 40.1403(3)(t) and (h) and 310 CMR 40.1406), we are writing to notify you of the submittal to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) of a Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement for the release that occurred at the site referenced above. As summarized in the RAO, the DEP assigned Release Tracking Number (RTN) 1-14972 to the site on August 25, 2003 for the 120-day reportable release identified in site soils from a historical release of oil from automotive hydraulic lifts in the site building. Under a Release Abatement Measure Plan, approximately 20 cubic yards of contaminated soils were removed from the former hydraulic lift areas and properly disposed off-site. Based on the findings from additional site assessment and risk characterization, a Class A-2 RAO has been prepared for the release, indicating that a condition of No Significant Risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare and the environment exists at the site. A copy of the referenced submittal is available for public review at the Western Regional office of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) at 436 Dwight Street in Springfield. Should you have any questions regarding this notification, please contact Todd Kirton of Tighe &Bond at (413) 572-3222 or the undersigned at 508-754-2201. Very truly yours, TIGHE & BOND, INC. Marc J. Richards, P.E., LSP Project Manager J:\N\N0393\Method 3-RAO-AUL\RAO Report\RAO Notification.doc Enclosures Copy: Ernest Mathieu, Director of Northampton Board of Health Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Eric Suher, Northampton Investments, LLC 53 Southampton Road• WesLfield. MA 03085•Tel. 413-562-1600•Fax wmtwdgheboncl.corn 13-562-5317 Smith College Notice of Responsibility RTN!-/6785 Page 2 The Department encourages PRPs to take prompt and appropriate actions in response to releases and threats of release of oil and/or hazardous materials. By taking the necessary response actions, you may significantly lower your assessment and cleanup costs and/or avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department in taking such actions. You may also avoid or reduce certain permit or annual compliance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00. Please refer to M.G.L. c. 21E for a complete description of potential liability. For your convenience, a summary of liability under M.G.L. c. 21E is attached. You should be aware that you may have claims against third parties for damages, including claims for contribution or reimbursement for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefinitely but are governed by laws which establish the time allowed for bringing litigation. The Department encourages you to take any actions necessary to protect any such claims you may have against third parties. At the time of notification, the Department approved the following response actions as immediate Response Actions(IRA), subject to your retainment of a Licensed Site Professional (LSP): 1. Excavation and proper disposal of up to 150 cubic yards of fuel oil contaminated soil; 2. Pumping and proper disposal of fuel oil contaminated groundwater, as necessary; 3. Performance of confirmatory sampling, as needed,to determine if further remedial action is necessary; 4. Completion of assessment activities. Specific approval is required from the Department for the implementation of an IRA with the exception of assessment activities, the construction of a fence and/or posting of signs. Additional submittals are necessary with regard to this notification including, but not limited to, the filing of an IRA Completion Statement and/or Response Action Outcome(RAO)statement. The MCP requires that a fee of$1,200.00 be submitted to the Department when an RAO Statement is filed greater than 120 days from the date of notification.. It is important to note that you must dispose of any Remediation Waste generated at the subject location in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0030 including, without limitation, contaminated soil and/or debris. Any Bill of Lading accompanying such waste must bear the seal and signature of a Licensed Site Profession (LSP). You may obtain a list of the names and addresses of LSP5 by contacting the Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals by telephone at(617)556-1091 or in person or by mail at One Winter Street, 3rd Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02108. Presently, the Department has listed Richard Geisler as the LSP-of-record for this release. Unless otherwise provided by the Department, responsible parties have one year from the initial date notice of a release or threat of release is provided to the Department pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0300 or from the date the Department issues a Notice of Responsibility, whichever occurs earlier, to file with the Department one of the following submittals: (I) a completed Tier Classification Submittal; or(2) a RAO Statement; or (3) a Downgradient Property Status Submittal. The one-year anniversary date for this release is September 1 9 2008. ,L.PATRICK :HY P.MURRAY nant Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY &ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103• (413)784-1100 URGENT LEGAL MATTER: PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY CERTIFIED MAIL Mr.Richard Korzeniowski Environmental Health&Safety Manager Smith College 126 West Street Northampton,MA 01060 IAN A BOWLES Secretary LAURIE BURT Commissioner September 19. 2007 Re: Northampton 36 Paradise Road Release Tracking# 1-16785 RELEASE NOTIFICATION and NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 Dear Mr.Korzeniowski: On September 19, 2007, at 3:30 P.M., Mr. Joe Orszulak of Environmental Compliance Services (ECS) provided notification on your behalf to the Department of Environmental Protection(the Department) of a.release of#2 fuel oil at the subject location(the site). As reported, during the removal of a 500-gallon 42 fuel oil underground storage tank(UST) at the site, signs of a release were observed. ECS personnel from a soil inspected the site and obtained headspace readings greater than 100 parts per million @pm) f sample collected from the UST excavation. This condition constitutes a reportable release/threat se/threeaat t o o release as listed in the Massachusetts Contingency Plam, 310 CMR 40.0000 (the "MCP"). I addition oral notification, 310 CMR 40.0333 further requires that a completed Release Notification Form (RNF) be submitted to the Department within 60within 60 c of the date of oral notification. The Department that the release that was alsite defined in te MCP. The D partmental o has reason obeevethat you (as used in this etter `you" refers to Smith College) are a potentially responsible party (PRP) with liability under Section 5(a) of M.G.L. c. 21E. This liability is "strict", meaning that it is not based on fault,but solely on your status as owner, operator, generator, transporter, disposer or other person specified in said Section 5(a). This liability is also "joint and several", meaning that you are liable for all response costs incurred at a disposal site even if there are other liable parties. This information is available in alternate format Call Donald M.Gomel,ADA Coordinator at 60-556-109.TDD Service-1-800.298-2207. DEP on the World Wide Web: hPplMw.w.mass govmep Ci Printed on Recycled Paper Smith College Notice Respo nsibility RTN 1-16785 Page 3 If you have any questions relative to this notice,you should contact Stacey Dakai at the above letterhead address or by telephone at 413-755-2149. All ed in the communications regarding of rhis letters release must reference the Release Tracking Number(RTN) o Sincerely, David A. Slowick Section Chief Emergency Response DAS:SAD:kml P:16785nor.doc Certified Mail No. 7005 3110 0001 3150 3464 cc: Northampton Mayor's Office Board of Health Fire Department Richard Geisler,LSP,ECS Attachments to addressee only: Release Notification Form:BWSC-003 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L. c.21E 588 Silver Street.Agawam. Mayor Higgins City of Northampton 210 Main Street Northampton,MA 01 103 Via Certified Mail RE'. 36 Paradise Road Northampton,MA 01060 RTN 1-16785 A 01001 tel 413 789 3530 flax 413 789 wwwecsconsultcom December 4,2007 Project No. 01-209404.00 Document No. 34655 Dear Mayor Biggins: On behalf of Smith College Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. (ECS)submitted a Initial Immediate 2007. Plan copy the f the resort can be obtained by contacting ont cting he Department of(MassDEP)on Protection,436 2007.Dwight copy P bmtaltpleascudo not hesitate toledont contact our office.ou should have any questions concerning this Sincerely, ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SERVICES,INC. William BoroWIec Project Manager WB'smj cc: Board of Health-Via Certified Mail Massachusetts DEP-Via Certified Mail 4 SDTYN£r?li=.PY a 81DR1»A 4 .iM?ASSAC. 5£R•5 4 NEW SIikMTSHIRE 'NORTH iARDlI14A .. ID ., NiiIMDNT 285 Prospect Street,Northampton RTN I-16873 Notice of Responsibility Page 2 of3 ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN TO DATE AT THE SITE On December 18, 2007, the Department received a Release Notification Form (RNF) indicating that soil at the site has been impacted by C°-C" aromatic hydrocarbons exceeding reportable concentrations. Please submit to the Department a re.ort summarizin• the recent sam.lin• and environmental assessment activities completed at the site relative to this condition within 30 da s of the date of this letter NECESSARY RESPONSE ACTIONS AND APPLICABLE DEADLINES No disposal site will be deemed to have had all the necessary and required response actions taken for it unless and until all substantial hazards presented by the release and/or threat of release have been eliminated and a level of no significant risk exists or has been achieved in compliance with M.G.L.c.21E and the MCP. The MCP requires persons undertaking response actions at a disposal site to submit to the Department a RAO Statement prepared by a LSP upon determining that a level of no significant risk already exists or has been achieved at the disposal site. Unless otherwise provided by the Department, responsible parties have one year from the initial date notice of a release or threat of release is provided to the Department pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0300 or from the date the Department issues a Notice of Responsibility,whichever occurs earlier,to file with the Department one of the following submittals: (1) a completed Tier Classification Submittal; or (2) a RAO Statement; or (3) a Downgradient Property Status Submittal. The one-year anniversary date for this release is December 18 2008. In addition, the MCP requires responsible parties and any other person undertaking response actions at a disposal site to perform Immediate Response Actions in response to sudden releases, Imminent Hazards and Conditions of Substantial Release Migration. Such persons must continue to evaluate the need for Immediate Response Actions and notify the Department immediately if such a need exists. PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW TO UNDERTAKE RESPONSE ACTIONS The Department encourages parties having liability under M.G.L. c.21E to take prompt action in response to significantly lower threats release of oil and avoid t�ampos materials. By duce the amount of, certain liable parties may annual compliance assurance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00(e.g.,no annual compliance assurance afee is due for RAO Statements submitted to the Department within 120 days of the initial date of release notification). You must employ or engage a LSP to manage, supervise or actually perform all response actions which you intend to undertake at this disposal site. You may obtain a list of the names and addresses of LSPs by contacting the Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals by telephone at(617) 556-1091 or in person or by mail at One Winter Street,Boston,Massachusetts 02108. PATRICK P.HURRAY Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103• (413)784-1100 he Earl F.Rolland Family Trust 44A North Main Street, Ste. 315 ast Longmeadow,MA 01028-0000 lttn:Todd Rolland,Trustee January 3, 2008 Re: Northampton 285 Prospect Street RTN 1-16873 Oil Release M.G.L.c. 21E NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY M.G.L.c.21E 310 CMR 40.0000 IAN A BOWLES Secretary LAURIE BURT Commissioner Dear Mr.Rolland, Thank you for submitting the Release Notification Form received by the Department on December 18,20 The Release Notification Form indicates that soil at the subject location(the site) is impacted by petroleum. In light of . responsibilities sunder the assachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material that Prevention and Response se Act, M.G.L.c.21E,and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan(MCP),310 CMR 40.0000. The information contained in your submittal indicates that the above-referenced property has been subject to a release of hydrocarbons in excess of the applicable reportable quantity or reportable ble concentration. Based or thereof, is a disposal on this information,the Department has reason to believe that the property; P site which requires a response action. The cleanup of disposal sites is governed by M.G.L. c. 21E and the MCP. The information F. Rolland Family Trust)ins your submittal a party also indicates otential liability used in this letter"you" response action costs refers to The Earl F. Rolland 1E, § 5T The aareeparty P under M.G.L. c. 21E, § 5. The attached summary is intended to provide you with information about liability under Chapter 21E to assist you in deciding what actions to take in response to this notice. You should be aware that you may have claims against third parties for damages, including claims for contribution or reimbursement for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefinitely finely but are indefinitely u[ are governed by laws which establish the time allowed for bringing litigation. The Department to take any action necessary to protect any such claims you may have against third parties. This information is available in alternate formal Call Donald M.Comes,ADA Coordinator at 617-S56-1051 TDD Sen'ice-1-900398420'1. DEP on the World Wide Web, httpllwww.mass.govldep 0 Printed on Recycled Paper °rasped Street,Northampton '1-16873 ce of Responsibility t 3 of 3 ou have any further questions,please contact Derrick Bruce at the letterhead address or at(413)755-2125. future correspondence communications regarding the disposal site should reference the Release Tracking tuber listed in the subject block of this letter. ,GS/dab 6873 NOR.doc :ncl: 21E Liability Summary :ertified Mail No. 7007 0710 0003 2181 9031 cc: Northampton: Board of Health Board of Selectmen Sincerely, Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup